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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 31, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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thinking, the president -- former president -- is itching to get back to outdoor rallies. he will be in pennsylvania and harrisburg, and indoor arena, since the shooting, for kamala harris, as well. do you feel comfortable, knowing what you know, senator, either of them looking at outdoor rallies as things stand now? >> well, i think we have to defer back to the secret service and agencies. i'm a little bit skeptical based on what happened in pennsylvania, but we also don't want bad people to actually prevent movement of candidates, so we've got to strike a balance be a guy think an outdoor venue is fine, but we have to have every base that was not covered in pennsylvania covered for any of those events to go forward. >> neil: got it. senator tillis, thank you, very good seeing you, and keep us posted. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, antivirus. [laughs] it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ donald trump clashing with reporters at the national association of black journalists conference. trump invitation didn't come without backlash from some attendees, with the cochair of the event resigning over the organization's decision to host him. and it was tense onstage from the moment trump sat down. >> why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that? >> well, first of all, i don't think i've ever been asked a question so, in such a horrible manner, first question. [audience reacts] you don't even say hello, how are you? i was invited here and i was
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told my opponent, whether biden or kamala, i was told my opponent was going to be here go it turned out my opponent isn't here. you invited me under false pretenses. and then you said you can't do it with zoom. and then you were half an hour late. just so we understand. i have too much respect for you to be late. i have been the best president for the black population since abraham lincoln. >> do you believe vice president kamala harris is only on the ticket because she has a black woman? >> she was indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person p or >> just to be clear, sir, do you believe -- >> somebody should look into that, you ask and continue in a very hostile, nasty tone. >> is a direct question. do you believe vice president kamala harris is a dei hire? >> i don't know, could be. >> we have you for a limited time, sir. >> excuse me, you are the one who held me up for 35 minutes. >> judge jeanine: kamala harris was supposed to sit with the same panel, but had
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scheduling issues. the organization is hoping to have her join in september, but that didn't stop trump from keeping her in the conversation. >> would you consider taking the cognitive test? >> mr. president -- >> and make it public beards >> about her taking two of them but i will do it again. >> how do you -- >> i suggested harris, joe and i will take a cognitive test. i do it with her, too. i would do it with her, also appeared you know what, she failed her law exam, didn't pasw exam, so maybe she won't pass the cognitive test. >> judge jeanine: and defending trump invitation before the event. >> we got a "yes" from one of them. we would love to get a "yes" from kamala, as well, but journalists, people who go in and have uncomfortable conversation for the sake of our members, this is an important topic. understand people are
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disappointed and upset. it is our job also to offer those candidates to be here. >> judge jeanine: all right, tyrus, i'll start with you. 35 minutes late, he has to wait, he has told his opponent is going to be there, she's not there. somebody, there is a lot of objection to his even being there, the cochair of the event apparently resigned or step down. not a modicum of respect, he says, but how do you think he did? >> tyrus: you know what, it's amazing you can bring this up periods and like to group black voters and white voters, black this, black bat, white ths and white that, but when i had an event, he showed up. the democrats didn't. that should mean something. he would have been within his reason -- listen, i'm running for president of the united states. my time is valuable. he could have left. he didn't. he showed up, he was insulted. but here is the thing. i don't judge, she was there for what that reporter -- i'm not
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calling her a journalist -- was there for one reason. to get talking sound bites for the democrats, trying to get him to be mean and nasty and within a minute, that is all they came out talking about. here is the thing. he called her out on it. but the crowd. they were expecting when she said that there would be huge cheers and boos and all of this stuff, and they were listening to what he had to say and there were a few times people yelled out, yeah, so their narrative does not match the american people no matter what color the crowd is. that's what they should really be concerned with. he went there. he knew how it was going to be. he answered question. he was there, he was present, he showed up. it was great. he didn't allow them to change the narrative. he was exactly who he was supposed to be, and this was a big day for them. >> judge jeanine: dana, what about the fact trump has gone to places where republican candidates have avoided, south bronx, harlem, he went here and waited. >> dana: yeah, so i admire that, right?
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you can say a lot of things about the trump-vance ticket, but they are working for it. they are working hard. maybe the numbers are going to even out but before biden pulled out, one thing we talked about regularly was the numbers collapsing for biden on the black vote, for example he wanted 91% of the black vote in 2020. trump had him getting about, i think biden was down 73%. the republican party doesn't need to win all of the black vote in order to win. they need to win more than they have before, so addition is better than subtraction when it comes to politics. again, they are working for it. thing is, yes, probably good to get some hostile questions, got to be ready for them. i work for a boss who people were running late, he did not like it, at all. and i don't blame him for pushing back on that. i do wonder how much video,
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right, not a lot of people watch things on television necessarily, this will be sliced and diced 100 different ways but the fact he went there is important. she could have gone. she decided not to. she was at sheila jackson lee's funeral today, i understand, going to do another sorority event, but where are the journalists clamoring for her to do a press conference? there is no demand that kamala harris start answering a bunch of questions. i think if she had gone, she would have gotten some pretough questions. and she probably wouldn't have been able to answer them well. >> judge jeanine: one of the things, harold, that donald trump has is more support among black voters than any other presidential candidate has. has had. >> harold: republican. >> judge jeanine: republican president shall candidate has had. do you expect that is going to continue or do you think, harris takes that from some of them? >> harold: good to see you and good to be back around the table. i agree largely with what tyrus and dana have said. i think number one, i don't know how come as a journalist, you
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can be surprised that someone either accepts your invitation or declines or invitation. just because one of the people accepts the invitation, it might be a person you may personally have issues with or disagree with, but if you are part of an organization, a journalist organization, this is not a cooking organization. this is not an organization of electricians -- who are wonderful, valuable people, but these are journalists. we have an uncomfortable job of asking tough questions. if you invite someone and you are a journalist, presumably, to interview them, you should resign from the organization because the person he were at least inclined to agree with accepts and the person you were inclined to agree with declines. two, you can't control when you are being interviewed. i've never run for president. iran for the senate and went before groups of interviewers and journalists who i knew did not hold my positions and might be a little hostile to me, and i never opened up by saying i wish you had said hello to me, i wish you would have been nice to me.
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i thought he missed an opportunity i disagree slightly with tyrus in this regard. i would have just laid out all the things he or i watched a lot of it but i would have laid out all of the things the president believes he has done to help black voters and help black americans pay her car certainly would not have questioned whether or not, harris is black or if she is indian. and, look, i agree with you wholeheartedly about him going there, but dana made the point also, and i agree, when you go to these things, the point of april little exercise is to gain more voters per i would be curious to know, dancer your question, judge, if they actually believe, if his team, they pulled him after about 35 minutes, supposed to be there for an hour, if they gained voters in this process are just excited the voters he may have already had. now he, in his last election, got 8% or 9% of the african american vote. he obviously is making an intentional effort, has made an intentional decision to go after black voters in a more aggressive way, meaning he wants more of them.
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and i'm not convinced that if i were him, i would have handled it like this be a buy thought there was probably a more effective way to handle it but i give him credit for going. and i give him credit for sitting there. but i don't quite know if he achieved, if i was his advisor, i would sit back and say, i don't know if we handled that well. >> judge jeanine: what do you think, jesse? >> jesse: he stole the news cycle. kamala has gotten great press the last week and have come and he ripped it back. this was a brave move. everybody sees this. black, white, hispanic. looking at a guy who talks straight, courageous, goes right in the lion's den and treats everybody the same. doesn't matter if it is a black woman asking the question, doesn't matter who it is, if you disrespect him, he is going to give it right back to you. it was a megyn kelly moment, and we love megyn. you have a tough question like that right out of the gate, he took it. upper deck. that is what everybody liked to see. if you like donald trump and he watched that, you are ready now. this is a big moment for the
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campaign, this was a big confrontation in the summer, and he handled it classy. it couldn't have been much more nasty. it was fine the way he handled it. if you are going to go in there and say, oh, you know, maybe i'm sorry -- no, where has gotten us, judge? we have been so politically correct the last couple years. we are so afraid to offend illegal aliens we don't even call them illegal aliens. we are afraid of offending germany come afraid of offending china. what has that gotten us? we want a man stands up for what he believes in. we are tired of these wishy-washy politicians. a lot of black men in the audience, a lot of white men, a lot of women look at that and they may not feel totally comfortable, but they respect his position. now as far as who is kamala? most of us wouldn't have gone in there and gone, hmm, who is kamala harris? is she indian? she's jamaican, too. not something i would have done, but he went in there and he
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peeled back the curtain. and a lot of times i think early in her career she identified as south asian. that might have been effective in california. now she is considered an african american woman. you don't hear about that. she has not african american, technically, because she has a jamaican dad. i don't really distinguish about that stuff. maybe other people do distinguish about that stuff barack obama was mixed race. he identified as black. okay? a lot of people i know were of mixed race, sometimes they identified it differently depending on the situation, and that's great. that's fine. what is this due to donald trump with the black community? i have no idea how this is going to play with the black community but i know they are going to be talking about donald trump in this moment for days and days and days. >> judge jeanine: so he's got the moment. >> jesse: got the moment. >> judge jeanine: coming up, kamala harris red-handed flip-flopping on her radical
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♪ ♪ >> dana: kamala harris flipping her stance on some top issues. the vice president claiming any rally that she is actually tougher on the border than trump. >> donald trump. donald trump, on the other hand, has been talking a big game about securing our border, but he does not walk the walk. or, as my friend fuego would
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say, he does not walk it like he talks it. when i am president, i will likely work to solve the problem beards before this, as anonymous campaign officials telling "the new york times" hairs all of a sudden supports fracking, wants to increase border funding, does not want to require selling assault weapons back to the government, no longer supports a single-payer health insurance program. harris might have a hard time rebranding herself as a moderate because of these statements. >> there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. there is no question we have to critically re-examine i.c.e. and think about sorting from scratch. >> what would you do about the millions of specifically assault weapons that are already in circulation? >> we have to have a buyback program and by supporting mandatory buyback program >> do you support mandatory -- so people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it? >> it's a limited all of that and move on.
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>> the media and democrats have tried to superglue project 2025o donald trump. even though he says he didn't have anything to do it, but the media is basically erasing her past statements and saying she doesn't have to deal with any of them. >> jesse: i'm use to it. this could last forever appear cry sometimes go from thinking could be a landslide in the next day i wake up saying oh, my god commitment to be a nail-biter. because she hasn't on a single interview since she has been the nominee. she hasn't done a real interview since may. and why would she do an interview next week? wait until the convention, it is september, and you haven't answered anything. haven't even been asked about your flip-flops, ask about your coverups. you haven't been asked who you are. and she could get away with it. it's the same hiding biden.
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now it is hiding harris. now it is just a sprint until november. can she do this for 96 days? probably. the media is not clamoring to get an interview. they want to keep her in. this could go on forever and i'm not concerned, harold, but -- >> harold: you look it. >> jesse: i'm paying attention. >> dana: [laughs] harold, should he be concerned? >> harold: should jesse be concerned? i think so. for this reason. it's a good thing, it's a positive thing to be concerned because when candidates on either side or both sides who are running have to think seriously and thoughtfully about are they credible, are the authentic come are they consistent, and if they are not going be consistent, voters have every right, and what i agree with jesse wholeheartedly, voters have every right to see the vice president, now the candidate, presented nominee for democrats, come before the country and explain the change in position on fracking, how did that come about? i think it is constructive when politicians have different
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opinions on issues, new facts and circumstances present themselves. i would be curious, the war in ukraine showed us energy security, she thinks about it in a different way than she thought about it five or six years ago. if j.d. and bertram and marco rubio, all said negative things about president trump several years cn change, and i believe they did, how come she can't change? but i think the way you address that, to jesse's point, she should accept the debates and the president should accept the debates because the country deserves to see -- >> dana: trump kind of needs the debate because the media is not going to question her. >> harold: okay, i'm sorry. >> dana: i want to play number three because i think this is interesting. this is what she said she would do on day one if she wins, ju judge. >> kamala harris supports increasing the number of border patrol agents. donald trump blocked a bill to increase the number of border patrol agents. >> dana: the one that i wanted said come on day one, i will work to take on price gouging
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and bring down costs, okay, as if she is not part of the biden-harris administration that caused the inflation in the first place. >> judge jeanine: that's exactly the problem. she seems to forget that she is currently in office, and i find it so incredibly insulting that she says "when i am president, i will work to solve the problem of immigration," or the sound that we just heard. are you kidding me? you are the border czar, and the fact big tech and the mainstream media is playing games with the democrat party again, don't you ever think they are going to change, and they are pulling out all indications of her being the border czar. you can't just change on a dime. harold -- let me finish. it's one thing to say i am for this and i am for that in a debate, and they should debate, but she's got to sit down with someone and explain. harold, you want to attribute to her some brilliant understanding as to why she evolved on the
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issues, like you mentioned ukraine. the only thing i can think of is when she was in ukraine was when they said to her, will you be taking any of the refugees from ukraine? and then the president of poland started to respond, and she says, a friend in need is a friend indeed. if you have a substantive reason you can give me for changing our position, i'll hear you, but otherwise you are lying like joe biden came into office as a moderate when he put his a progressive. the trojan horse was full of progressives purely backed into the oval office and they change this country. >> harold: that's why they should have debates -- >> judge jeanine: thank you, i agree on the debate beards >> harold: do you accept governor burgum -- >> dana: i don't care about governor burgum, he's not running for president. >> dana: all of a sudden she has her solo career -- >> tyrus: just walking by. she's got to do one of two
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things. she has to completely disavow the last three and a half years, say it was a complete blank show, and she was handcuffed by progressives, and so when she gets into office the first think she is going to do is fire everyone from the old administration. that would be a flip-flop that everyone would be like, hm, maybe there's some truth to that. the problem is, you go any speech and say hey, if i'm elected and i was sitting there way back in the cheap seats, are you currently working there now? couldn't you just call the old guy? it's not like you can't talk him into stuff. just putting that out there. couldn't you have all this stuff done between now and elections? we are just seeing what it looks like it he only works the office from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. with a nap and a lunch in there, so premature i'm clocking at 4:01, ladies and gentlemen, working the night shift until elected and getting things done, that would be great. i don't think that is going to
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happen to jesse's point, i will be paying attention to. >> dana: ahead, the secret service playing the blame game yet again as we get new video of the shooter. ♪ ♪ at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters,
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who was responsible for manning the roof where the shooter was. >> as a sniper, they are looking into the crowd, and that is what our guys were doing that day. counter snipers are looking from the crowd out. so that wasn't their mission, to look for snipers. if they would have told us to go on the roof, our guys were more than prepared to go on the roof. secret service has not talked to us at all about the incident. >> you have not talked directly to the secret service? then-director cheatle, acting director ronald rowe, neither of them have reached out? >> none of them. >> wow. >> jesse: the acting director appears to point the finger at local police, telling lawmakers he has no answers as to why it was not covered by law enforcement. >> i will not and i cannot understand why there was not better coverage, or at least somebody looking at that roofline when that is where they
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were posted. >> jesse: so tyrus, they are supposed to be doing an investigation -- of secret service right now -- and they haven't even called the locals? >> tyrus: again, we talked about this yesterday and i almost had to do the thing where i had dana hold my hand because i was about to cuss so i will keep it here. if it wasn't for local law enforcement we would be having a very different conversation right now. we would all be wearing some form of black still. again honoring the murder of the man who was running for president. what should bother everyone is the lack of communication when it is supposed to be all about asking questions right now, i feel like this conspiracy thing is starting to build. they are not asking questions. my experience has nobody is asking questions because they already know the answer. they don't ask questions so no one else can get close to the answer. what answer do they know? i'll put it that way, that they don't want the rest of us to know. as this goes on, they are going
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to find some poor local law enforcement local officer to blame and ruin his career. we all should be asking. there is not a bush, a tree, a bird, come on the sun is not overly bright. regular 2020 or even judges eyes, who needs laser surgery for her cataract -- >> judge jeanine: i don't -- >> dana: has cataract -- >> tyrus: and my friend is tall. >> judge jeanine: i'm going to kill him. >> tyrus: anyone who sees this just continue to get the evidence of the american people who were there. we don't need the investigation at this point because it is just b.s. they are not asking the right questions. >> jesse: i was going to go to dana, but judge, your cataracts were referenced. >> judge jeanine: i don't have cataracts. my friend who was supposed to have surgery wasn't ready, we will do it anyway for $10,000. let's get to the facts.
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kim cheatle resigning has not solved anything because the guy who is coming in right after her is worse than she has come all right? and if you couldn't figure that out from his attitude yesterday and his fight, they can come all they want and we did a terrible job, are you going to fire anybody, suspend anybody, anybody being interrogated? we are not going to rush to judgment. me tell you something. you don't need to rush to judgment to find out what the facts are. didn't show up on the day of the rally, didn't have communication with locals or premade asinine excuses as to why you didn't have someone on the roof. i was told the locals were told not to communicate through text with the feds. what they did, it was the only way they could communicate the photograph, all right. a federal counter sniper, one of the guys who actually took out crooks, actually says, we should all expect another attempt to happen before november.
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we exposed our inability to protect our leaders due to our leadership. the technicians who worked on 713 in butler did their job witg about the locals. secret service supervisors knew better than the foot soldiers working made the best of a bad situation. that resulted in a civilian death and a near miss on the president. this agency is inept at the top, and this reminds me of the fbi, under james comey, peter strzok, mccabe, the whole lot of them. the upper echelon does not care, deep state, whatever you want to call them, the guys below them, they work their tails off and were ready to give their lives. this top layer has to go. >> jesse: remember when cheatle said they didn't put a counter sniper on the roof because it was too sloped? now you see the assassin just gallivanting around the roof like it was a track meet. >> harold: this was, i agree with you, jesse, this was a catastrophic and fatal failure. you have a man killed.
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you had a father killed. and he almost had the former president of the united states killed. i don't over the life of me, you said it well, tyrus, what should bother everyone is, for me, after a couple of weeks of this, i would have imagined that the acting secret service -- and i'm not, you have a strong theory of that, judge, you may be right -- i was most disappointed in him, him not coming before that committee and saying, look, here's what i've done over the last few days. here is how we are going to protect president trump, vice president harris, senator vance, and whomever vice president harris chooses as her vp, because that is our job here over the next few months. as it relates to things, failures, and what happened there in butler, i would like to go in private because we certainly don't want to instigate, inspire, give a copyion on what we did wrong there that is not already known in the press. but the fact that they have not articulated, enumerated new standards, protocols, to
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ensure -- to assure americans and reassure -- more importantly, the principles, president trump, senator vance, vice president harris and whoever she chooses over the next few days, to me, that is the real front. i don't understand pure i think some of the senators were out of line, i get the point scoring and point fingers all you want but at the end of the day, what have you guys plant differently and how can you reassure us as a public that it's going to be implemented in a way that keeps not only the principles safe, but those who come to these rallies safe, as they exercise their first amended rights and politics? >> jesse: dana perino? >> dana: well, it's not comforting to realize the secret service is actually the keystone cops. terrible for retention and recruitment, already staffing problems. who wants to work for this organization right now? the brand as besmirched. working for the u.s. secret service was one of the pentacles of the security officers career, and law enforcement officers careers career. that is where you wanted to be,
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it was the top in the world. and i think you are hitting on something i was taking about, harold, but i'm also going to go back to biden. he said he was going to be on top of everything, including curing cancer in the next six months. where are you, sir? this guy, rowe, patriot, fine, whatever, people want to say he is a great guy, okay, he was also the number two under cheatle. biden has never fired anybody. cheatle resigned so biden does not do anything and everybody walks away as if this was no big deal and the only way you get information as their fox news or senator grassley's office because there's all the videos already exist. they are blaming local law enforcement, which is in much less encumbered when it comes to talking to the press. we are just here doing our jobs, guys, just waiting for somebody -- and all of these guys in the secret service, you can imagine, oh, my gosh, protecting themselves -- what about protecting the former president? protecting the current candidates and all the other people? what about protecting all of us? i think that biden and harris
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should be demanding more answers on behalf of the former president, regardless of the fact that he is the candidate, but because it would be the right thing to do. >> jesse: up next, kamala harris is talking trash about debating trump, but can she back it up? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: go judge, it's your birthday. it's debate over a debate. kamala harris trying to talk some trash when it comes to facing former president donald trump on the big stage. >> he won't debate. but he and his running mate sure seem to have a lot to say about me. well, donald. [laughter]
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i do hope you'll reconsider to meet me on the debate stage. [cheers and applause] because as the saying goes, if you got something to say, say it to my face. >> tyrus: well. but when will they actually go head-to-head? the original pans into a tailspin. of trump says probably end up debating harris. >> i'll probably end up debating. i think the debate should take place before the vote started being cast. if you are going to have a debate, i think before the votes are cast. i think it is very important that you do that periods of the is yes. but i can also make a case for not doing it pure i would rather run against her than him. i think she's easier than he is. >> tyrus: all right, jesse, i
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know you want this debate, but i personally feel the president is playing chess to their checkers. they need him more than he needs them right now. i like the fact he is being kind of, i don't know, because they are expecting him to attack when she did that little "i get to my face," he is showing restraint, calculate peer >> jesse: the worst thing trump did all campaign was agreeing to debate joe biden. he knocked him out too early. if he had just said, let's do it in the fall, knocked him out in september, too late. he would have already been the nominee. they could have switched a ruse. kayleigh mcenany said last night on prime time that trump should challenge her to a debate and soon. do it in august. because if you don't do it now, you are basically giving her a month to just not get touched on no one is going to touch her. the media is not going to touch her. just giving her a free pass. for sartre debate in august. that means she is going to have to prep because boy does she
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have to prep, tyrus. she doesn't know anything. going to have to defend her record, the biden-harris record, and have to put some sort of vision for the future and you are going to be scratching your head, why haven't you done that already? that is a tough little walk she has to play peer at >> tyrus: dana, does trump agree before her vp selection or after? >> dana: i think after is fi fine. the idea that the kamala people are putting forward that trump is afraid to debate is kind of hilarious because he debated biden and ended a 51 year political career in one blow, so that doesn't make sense. i disagree with something you said. is that allowed? >> tyrus: yeah, free country. >> dana: okay. i think he needs the debate. trump needs the debate. because the media is giving harris a complete pass on all of her past positions. and so he needs an event where 30 million people are going to watch all at once so that he can
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reset the stage because the media is not going to do it and they are certainly not going to do it before september. >> tyrus: we really didn't disagree. i was saying to rush into the debate, they need him more than he needs her peer i think he should wait -- >> dana: so we keep our track record of always agreeing. >> tyrus: not going to get into it, jesse. harold, because i know where she is going -- >> harold: for the record, i never disagree with dana. the judge and i, my wife likes -- >> tyrus: sent you that text, just agree. >> dana: yes. >> harold: i think kayleigh is right. i'm not advising, but if i were advising the president, i would accept the debate for the reason that kayleigh laid out. the other reason, if everything that has been said about kamala harris that a lot of us have said, many of us around the table the last year or two years, that she is largely uninformed, largely not good in public, she's vulnerable
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on issues, if i were running against her, that would be the prime candidate that he would want to debate because you would want to point out all of those things. i think dana's point about if you don't do it sooner, i think you allow just the politics of it, dana is assessing the actual politics of it, you give your opponent the opportunity -- think about what is about to happen. vice president harris is about to choose her vp candidate. just by historically, you get a lot of good press around it, whether a democrat or a republican. then you go, right into the convention. i have been to 15 political conventions in my 54 year life. i've never seen a convention as well put on and well organized as the republican convention. i thought there were some things president trump shouldn't have said in his speech but it was a great convention. you have to assume the democrats are going to do the same thing in late august. so i'm president trump come i want that debate earlier just so you don't give her a head of steam. if you don't debate her, you give an opportunity to save think she has been saying it look more credible. >> tyrus: judge, take us home.
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>> judge jeanine: she's in a honey wood period. we came out of the assassination with donald trump having iconic status in this country. and then, all of a sudden, she's the candidate, and things start changing. we are in the honeymoon. back. she is going to pick her vp. going to have a convention. i think he has to debate her sooner rather than later. what i am hearing and seeing now something very different from what we have heard the last three and half years. there are no word salad anymore. she will play the prosecutor. she will make herself out to be one of the toughest prosecutors america has ever seen, which is not her record, by the way, but who is going to get up and object to it? i think it is going to be a fascinating debate, and i think he's got to do it sooner rather than later. >> tyrus: awesome. say goodbye to pronoun confusion under donald trump.
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>> donald trump is taking on a new 2024 stance, his pronouns are no and thanks. >> what are your pronouns was mexico i don't want pronouns. >> so your fluid? >> nobody knows what that means, they are going crazy -- we had to bring our country back to sanity. >> harold: he struck me as someone who might have a perspective on this picture when you introduce yourself how do you do introduce yourself? >> tyrus: tyrus. i don't get a last name. pronouns are nicknames for people without friends. you spend too much time on the computer looking at yourself taking pictures of your food and you want to give yourself a cool nickname, great but don't spin it on us. i had a horrible experience -- i went to a starbucks and i drove to the drive through i saw the teller and i said excuse me i would like to order a iced coffee black -- it fired back on me, it's they ordered them. i said i don't care which one of you makes the drink i just want
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iced coffee black. i'm saying i'm a grown man. >> harold: your honor, how do you feel about this? >> two words to describe me, 45 and 47. >> i think back to 2015 or 2016, he did an event where he got a standing ovation reset for the first time this country is being killed by political correctness there's a lot of people who agree with that. >> jesse: i like when he said fluid, no one knows what that means. >> harold: one more thing is up next. ain, and again. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga.
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: it's time now for one more thing, dana goes first. >> dana: i have a baby brigade in my life, so many babies being born. i want to talk about two.
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this is ford crone, 8 pounds, 1o go days ago to charlie and chuck go there they are, homecoming. congratulations to them it's been wonderful to see them grow as a family. how about this one? william theodore fritz born june morning and there is with their brother hudson and sister layton. i'm waiting on one more, supposed to be here but did not make the cut to. >> jesse: push, push! stonehenge, built by giants -- fox nation's new series, this is a doozy. mike o'hara goes on an unexpected yet hilarious quest to discover once and for all who built stonehenge. here's a clip. >> for generations the origin of the perfectly aligned stones has been one of the world's most gigantic secrets. i have reason to believe that stonehenge was constructed by
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giants. >> jesse: jesse watters prime time tonight. we have sage steel and chris hansen, 8:00. >> harold: a brave officer say a rottweiler and her puppy were in a wildfire, they were flinging their home when their truck got stuck. they told first responders were they could find it, trevor skaggs is a member of affluent helicopter for one half miles. god bless you. >> jeanine: i'm hosting the ingraham angle tonight. will next be on at 7:00 eastern time. check out these three men who weren't at the white dudes for kamala, greek olympians in the water polo team who showed their prowess. they moved a car so a+ could get through. these guys lifted a car. that's it for us, have a good night. ♪ ♪
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