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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 31, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> kat: thank you to our guests and our studio audience. "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher is next. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher. 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is
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america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, if you are questioning the difference in the two presidential candidates, you need look no further than the music played at their rallies. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: but what is not clear is the agenda of kamala harris. ten days into her campaign and still zero interviews, zero press conferences. nearly a half dozen policy reversals. where in the world are the journalists? >> you have pushed false claims about some of your rivals, you have used words like animal and rapid. you attack black journalists. why should black voters trust you? >> first of all i don't think i've ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner, the first question. you don't even say hello, how are you.
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>> trace: so that's where they are. donald trump attempting the black journalists convention in chicago today, the first republican nominee to do so in 20 years and kamala harris was a no-show. if 80% of success is showing up, kamala did not quite get a passing grade. senior national correspondent kevin corke live in dc with more on the combative afternoon. >> reporter: good evening trace. seasoned observers called it political malpractice. sending a president known for his pugilistic instincts right into the lion's den at the national association of black journalist conference, but there he was taking shots left, right and center and not exactly distinguishing himself with some of those answers. at least to here the press tell it. because the headlines afterwards were brutal. a train wreck, screamed one, disastrous set another. while yet another still described mister trump as being hostile. yeah, that's not good at all. but have been credit where
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credit is due, at least he was there. he took the slings and arrows and fought back every step of the way even though many of those punches did not exactly land. >> you attack black journalists got calling them losers, saying the questions they ask her "stupid and racist." why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that? >> for you to stop -- start off a question-and-answer period, 35 minutes late because you could knock your equipment to work, in such a hostile manner, i think it's a disgrace. >> trace: and it went downhill from there. >> reporter: the former president suggested that the vice president kamala harris, his presumptive opponent coming up in november, and -- had switched her race from identifying as indian-american to identifying as black in an effort to win more votes. by the way the white house call those comments repulsive. meantime mister trump and his running mate vote hit the campaign trail tonight. senator vance in arizona and the former president back in the
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commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> trace: kevin, thank you. meantime new reporting from the new york times says kamala harris is making a dramatic course correction from her previous progressive stance on several big election issues. ashley strohmier is live with those details. good evening. >> reporter: the kamala harris of today appears to look at long different policy wise than just four years ago when she said this... >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. i have a history on the issue. >> reporter: her campaign now reportedly says if she becomes president, she won't ban fracking and change her republican opponent picked up on -- a change -- she wants no fracking. the beautiful thing about modern technology is when you say something, you are screwed if it's bad. >> reporter: and the apparent shift in her position is significant. fracking is on major issue in the battleground state of pennsylvania where recent fox news -- news poll shows harris
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and trump neck and neck. a number of other changing policy positions including wanting to increase funding for the border when she previously advocated against requests for more funding for immigration, attention pets and border patrol agents. she also no longer wants to require people to sell their ar style weapons to the government when she previously supported a mandatory buyback program. she no longer supports a single-payer health insurance program when in just 2019 she backed medicare for all proposal that puts healthcare under the purview of the federal government. quite a change there. >> trace: big change in deep, ashley strohmier live in new york, thank you. [♪♪] [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department understands kamala harris is finally choosing a position. we are now told her presidential campaign is a referendum on the future, not the past. except of course when the past is promotable. in other words, her resume is
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valid, or record is off-limits. kamala harris wants to tout her experience as a prosecutor, a san francisco district attorney and california attorney general, but there's no need to look under the hood and dredge up all of those liberal legal policies. who among us has not freed a few killers? the harris campaign now says kamala wants to increase funding for border enforcement but the history of the vp sitting back watching 10 million illegals walk across the border bringing chaos and crime, that part is irrelevant. she's evolving, they say. she no longer wants to get rid of ice or police or private health insurance and down those who say differently. her campaign admits out loud that they will "rid but most of republicans attacks by arguing they are exaggerating or lying about her record." a.k.a. business as usual. the left now says kamala is clinging or changing her policies not her principles.
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commonsense thanks the next campaign at will say something like vote for kamala, a lifelong proud progressive, now middle-of-the-road moderate. at least for the next 97 days. let's bring in the spectators washington editor amber duke and trump 2024 surrogate former white house spokesperson harrison fields, thank you for coming on. it sounds like, amber, to me that she kind of goes right, kind of becomes a moderate for 97 days and then goes right back to the left. >> i'm sure that's exactly what will happen. we saw how this would play out as soon as the media started rewriting history in terms of kamala's role as the border czar. she's going to continue to feed them these lines about how she's evolved on these issues but she's going to have to answer to the voters at some point. she can't continue to just read off a teleprompter and have her campaign officials feed these lies to the press. she's going to have to do an
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unscripted interview and she's probably going to have to to pay the former president, were all of these issues will come out, and she will have to explain either she was lying then or she's lying now or she had a genuine policy evolution and she has to explain how exactly and why she has changed her views on these major issues. >> trace: i mean covid was 2020, harrison, and the basement strategy will probably not work this time around. here's a pennsylvania latino female voter her voted for joe biden in 2020, now voting for trump. watch. >> in 2020, who did you vote for and why? >> biden. >> biden's endorsement of harris pushing her farther away. shanelle kaul and tears at the recently opened trump campaign office. >> i don't trust her because her background. >> trace: background. there's no benefit to the background. that's "are the problem in the race. >> not at all and that's why i've been calling her kamala the
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chameleon because every room she goes into she turns a different color at her policies change. the american people can't trust her and his bear neck americans across the country know that kamala harris of the senate, vp harris who was in charge of the border in which you see 10 million plus illegal immigrants charging into this nation, going into the inner city and taking over these people's schools and their recreation centers and their communities and they are bringing extraordinary levels of crime. hispanic americans, black americans don't want this and they know who's to blame. joe biden and kamala harris are like white on rice, there's no separating the two. joe biden's failures are kamala's failures and she will have to answer to them. >> trace: i wanted to play a bit more sound of this, this is the former president today at the black journalist convention. a little bit more back and forth and i will get your takes. >> do you believe vice president kamala harris is only on the
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ticket because she's a black woman? >> i can say she was always of indian heritage and she was only promoting indian heritage. i did not know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black. so i don't know. is she indian or black? >> she has always identified as a black woman. >> i respect either one but she obviously doesn't. >> trace: the bottom line was that from the beginning here, these questions were meant to foment this, you know, conversation. >> exactly. they are the ones who brought up this idea that trump is calling her a dei candidate in the first place. he gave an answer, they did not like it, although the crowd, you can hear them laughing in the background at his delivery there. but the reality is, it's the kamala campaign that's been having these zoom calls with various racial groups including white dudes for kamala and white women for kamala. can you imagine if the trump campaign dared to have a call that was white people for trump?
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the media would absolutely lose their minds. there's a clear double standard here and how these campaigns are allowed to talk about race. >> trace: harrison, 30 seconds >> the democrats have made this whole thing about race. this is what they do. they race bait and continue to harp on a motion when it comes to the issue of race. joe biden said there was one qualification for vp and that was a black woman. he did the same thing for the supreme court. one qualification, that was a black woman. for the left now, to get up in arms about trump when it comes to race, they are the ones that race bait. it's not president trump. president trump came into hostile territory to talk to black voters and we saw the reporters, they don't want to know the agenda, they want to continue to do what they do best which is falsely report about the president. >> trace: thank you both. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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[♪♪] [♪♪] ♪ our flag still stands for freedom and they can take that await ♪ >> trace: quite the contrast between the current vice president and former president. let's bring in new york poised -- post reporter lydia moynihan and beverly hallberg. thank you for coming on. to you first, here's a spokesperson, former spokesperson for hakeem jeffries who said trump was trying to insult black people when he met with the black journalist at the convention today. watch. >> his entire goal is to go in front of this audience of black people and insult them to play to his maga base on the right. it's horrifically insane. this was a horrific situation that was completely preventable and it's a very sad thing for this country. >> trace: many others have
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argued he was not trying to play to maga, he was highlighting his record, trying to highlight harris' record. >> i give him a lot of credit for showing up to what was clearly a hostile environment. i liked that he called out the fact that his first question wasn't really a question but was really commentary. at the same time i will say that i think the trump campaign needs to have some caution. what kamala harris wants to make this about is about her being a female and also her minority status, being half black, have indian. i think the trump campaign should be careful. i think they should focus on the fact that she's extremely progressive, even the fact that she had what i now know is a term modest working at her campaign event by the rapper who showed up. i think there's a lot that they can point to to show what kind of america do you want. i think they need to be cautious with some of the race baiting and focus on the policies. >> trace: the stuff i learned during the show, it's like an education.
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hakeem jeffries', speaking out, said this today, singing kamala harris' praises. >> vice president harris is a very thoughtful individual. very values-based individual. powerful intellect, studies the issue and knows how to get things done. she's a commonsense leader. who has delivered real results in the past. >> trace: though he did not go on to actually list of those results. >> look, it's undeniable there is a lot of excitement about kamala, you see everyone from jeffries to the obama's to the clintons rallying around her and doing everything they can to get people excited. at this point it's working but i think the big question is how long can at last. we are clearly in a honeymoon phase, but that isn't necessarily going to sustain itself for the next three months. it's been a little over a week since she was appointed and it seems like she's going so fast, she so hot and that might fizzle
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out. it's interesting, the democratic strategist james carville has had in the coming weeks and months she should be prepared for on onslaught of attacks. at this point it seems like everyone is trying to talk about how excited they are, she's trying to align herself with beyoncé's freedom song, megan thee stallion. i'm not sure that's necessarily going to translate. >> trace: we've said again and again this is nothing but a sugar high. rolling stone says, conservatives are melting down over megan thee stallion's hotties for harris performance. sure she had her backing dancers and a set list featured her hit song savage girls in the hood but the rapper censored her lyrics, swapped out her shimmering leotard for a sleek blue pantsuit and reeled in the twerking. she reeled in the x rated stuff. i guess it's good for her, right? >> i think when we look at what happened with megan thee
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stallion we only have to look as far back that kamala harris has appeared on rupaul's drag race. she claims that she's moderate but everything she's doing is catering first of all to 2slgbtqi+ community, also trying to get the minority community over but i will be honest, i think what minority voters really care about is the fact that right now they can't afford food, they can't afford their groceries. i think she's trying to play this whole cool thing. i don't think it's going to last and i agree it's going to come down to what has been your record and what do you plan to do as president. >> trace: which is what everybody's looking at. fifteen seconds, lydia. wrap us up. >> beverly makes a great point because at some point she is going to have to address or record entries in a tricky situation. she was in charge of the border, 10 million illegal immigrants, she will have to answer for the issues and i don't think getting somebody twerking for you will win you the election. >> trace: it's the trickiest of situations, that's for sure. thank you both.
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as democrats continue their love affair with kamala harris, it's worth doing some digging into her far left record. is california's attorney general and san francisco's district attorney before that. bill melugin is live with a closer look. >> reporter: good evening. long before kamala harris was on the national stage she had a record right here in california and some of the most controversial parts are now following her right into the election. back when harris was san francisco's da, she refused to consider the death penalty for a gang member who murdered a police officer with an ak-47. is california senator, she penned a letter to senate colleagues urging them to vote against the trump administration's request for funding for additional border patrol agents. she also supported decriminalizing illegal immigration, abolishing ice and even compared ice to the kkk. in 2020 she supported the defense of the police movement, she also endorsed la soft on crime da, a guy we are familiar with, he was also one of the
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architects of california's controversial prop 47 which decriminalized drug possession and raise to the threshold for shoplifting to be charged as a felony. at his rally in pennsylvania tonight, trump targeted harris on all of us. >> she destroyed san francisco, but she's the architect of the border invasion, trying to pretend she's strong on border security. >> reporter: and when kamala harris ran for president back in the 2020 cycle she had such little support she had to drop out before the iowa caucuses. >> trace: i remember that, thank you. let's bring in california gop associate delegate elizabeth barcohana and los angeles county republican party vise chair siaka massaquoi. thank you for coming on. i want to play some more sound from a different time. this is donald trump talking about kamala harris and her california record. watch. >> everything kamala touches turns into a total disaster. she's destroyed san francisco with her policies, check out san
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francisco. twenty years ago it was the greatest city in our country, today it's not a livable city. she will destroy our country if she's elected so we won't let her be elected, we can't let that happen. >> reporter: >> trace: he makes a great point. you look at prop 47, or fingerprint solo -- are all over that. it literally legalized nonviolent crimes of all sorts including, you know, shoplifting. >> on the other side we are missing is the cultural degradation brought. so many young kids who don't know any better running around into these places expecting to steal and get away with it. those kids will be adults that you and i have to live around when we are older. so it's not just we've let them get away with one crime, you are setting up cultural degradation in california and we are seeing it in san francisco with the homeless people, kids getting off busses having to be around people who are passing out on all types of illicit drugs that the city is providing. i think we have to all moving
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away from the democratic party. >> trace: the california globe said about prop 47, prop 47 passed by tragically misinformed voters and flagrantly titled the safe neighborhoods and schools act by then attorney general kamala harris, reduced felonies to misdemeanors including drug crimes, date rape and all thefts under 950. even for repeat offenders who steal every single day, and we see people steal every single day. no consequences. >> that's correct. this rebranding that they are doing of kamala harris his image as a top cop and that she's tough on crime could not be further from the truth. this is all smoke and mirrors and it's very rare that we get an opportunity. we say the policy that the democrats are pushing, it's where we get an opportunity to identify an actual politician like kamala harris who is responsible for something very specific like what we are talking about. prop 47, she is responsible for
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titling the ballot and giving the summary of what that proposition would do. i remember, i had my 9-month-old baby on my hip as i was reading that in the voting booth and i remember thinking, is this going to be okay? i remember feeling like i don't know how to vote on this. she was responsible for misleading everyone. >> trace: a lot of people did the same. the new york post headline reads about the da times in san francisco, kamala harris champions century city policies and these migrant crimes could come back to haunt her. about 15 seconds for both of you. >> kamala with the century city laws and lying to the people has said a lot of these poor communities, a lot of these minority communities off the plank. that's what we've done and they've voted for their own demise. she is responsible for that. >> she wants to abolish ice and she's been for sanctuary city and state policies since the beginning.
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>> trace: thank you both for that. meantime breaking news to cover right now, the wall street journal is reporting that it's reporter is slated to come back to the united states tomorrow as part of a prisoner exchange. questioning now whether this is true. this is the national security correspondent giving us this information now about evan gershkovich. they've been working on this deal, he's been held, in fact he was just sentenced to the better part of 20 years which many people believed would open the door to some type of exchange. now there are reports that that exchange may have been completed. we are working on getting more information on this but the early reporting we have is there is a very good chance that that man right there, the wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich could be coming back to the united states as early as tomorrow. we will continue covering this as we get more information. meantime new video of the moments before the shooting in pennsylvania taken by one of the
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other shooting victims. and later in the nightcap, trump dominating today's news cycle after his appearance at the black journalist convention. he gave as good as he got but was it affective? why? why not? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher and we will read your responses coming up in the nightcap. [♪♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash.
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>> trace: we have significant and amazing images to show you tonight at the moments before president trump play shot at a campaign rally in pennsylvania. ironically the video was taken by one of the people who was also wounded before snipers took out the gunmen. matt finn is live in butler, pennsylvania with the latest. >> reporter: fox news crews have seen the fbi on the roof of
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that now infamous building. we saw more people up there yet again today and let's get to that haunting new video taken on the day of the shooting here in butler, pennsylvania. the video obtained by fox digital was shot by a man named james copenhaver who's one of the victims critically wounded on july 13th. it shows a person at 6:08 pm moving across the roof of the american research building, officials believe the shooter fired at former president trump minutes after this video was taken. the man who shot the video, james copenhaver, was injured in his arm and abdomen. he was released from hospital but is recovering in a rehabilitation center tonight. as we have been reporting, there is a lot of finger-pointing between local and federal law enforcement. the secret service is the building was outside their perimeter. so far local law enforcement says they were not instructed to man that roof. here in pennsylvania at the shooting site today, an interesting situation. fresh new video to show, set up
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happening for a big farm show starting next monday. carnival rides are arriving at the site where former president trump was almost assassinated. so there's a mix of festival equipment coming and also the fbi roaming around. former president trump says he will come back to the site. we will keep you updated on that. >> trace: matt finn live in butler, thank you. iran's supreme leader ordering a direct attack on israel in response to the assassination in tehran of a top hamas commander which comes after a top hezbollah commander was killed in lebanon in retaliation for an attack that killed 12 children. let's bring in the start of netflix skin decision before and after board-certified plastic surgeon doctor sheila nazarian along with former member of israel special operations counterterrorist unit, aaron cohen. thank you for coming on. john kirby talked about the likelihood of an iranian response today. he said this... >> we don't want to see an escalation and everything we've
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been doing since the 7th of october, we've been trying to manage the risk. those risks go up and down every day. they are certainly up right now. they don't make the task of de-escalation, deterrence and assuage in, which is the goal, any less difficult. >> trace: everyone, top to bottom, it's always israel needs to de-escalate, it's always we have to warn israel to de-escalate. what about the rest, the hostages, the other subjects? >> it's clear they don't speak the language of the middle east. there's a tone -- tone deaf communication out of the white house. i've been talking about it for months. the factories israel pulled off a triple, a big one. they just completed every operational goal since the beginning of gaza. they weekend hamas considerably, they flushed out the majority of the tunnels. we just took out two major terrorists. israel is doing it right, they know how to get the job done and the fact is, back into thousand eight israel made one of the
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architects, the engineers of the marine base bombing that killed almost 240 plus marines and 83, magically disappeared. some more muscle audit magic. israel knows what it's doing. the white house, enough. >> trace: fox six milwaukee says, unhinged anti-israel group at the university of wisconsin, madison, threatens jewish students, calling them genocidal extremists. i mean, what? >> i feel like we are back in the world war ii era where they are trying to push jewish students outside of the universities. can you imagine if they would have done this and said this and put it in writing about any other minority? >> trace: palestinian students, muslim students. >> it would never have been
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acceptable. i also want to say on this topic , look at what israel did in one day. they took out two terrorists. the terrorist and hezbollah had a five million-dollar bounty on his head. look what they were able to do in one day. can you imagine if the united states and administration had given them the things they needed early on, quickly, how many lives would have been saved and how quickly the war would have ended. >> trace: you have to think that if you are iran and if you are in lebanon, you have to be taking a step back thinking they did what in how many days. what in the world is going on. the iranian ambassador to lebanon said the following, watch. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: iran has never been after spreading the war in the region but they must know that iran will not allow the region to be governed by america and israel. [ end of interpretation ] >> trace: iran, they don't provoke this stuff, never had, never will. >> no, we just allow hezbollah to nurture in our country, we
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allow them to train the houthis, train hamas, to enable october 7th, to enable hezbollah which is much more dangerous than hamas in a micro picture. i believe the reason why this guy is getting on television and talking is because israel managed to assassinate at the inauguration of the new iranian president in a ran and that sent a very scary signal to the iranian's and that's why they are out there yapping. >> trace: the olympics, you mentioned 1938, here's some of that chanting during the israel paraguay soccer game. watch. [♪♪] [ chanting ] >> trace: no question, you look at the video and are like where are we? >> this is so disappointing, it's so disgusting this is tolerated. it just shows the mind virus and soul brought that has taken over this world, that this sort of
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behavior is back and is almost normalized. >> trace: it really is. it's kind of crazy to here that and just to have the game go on and the fans alike can i get a beer. unbelievable. thank you both. coming up, "fox news @ night" exclusive as we sit down with doctor dennis quaid at the reagan library to talk about his new movie and what it was like to play ronald reagan. it was very fun, we've got to tell you it is well worth the watch and it is next. [♪♪] he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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[ distorted ] i just think everyone should know there's an insurance company out there exposing other companies' rates so you can compare them and save. sounds like trouble. nope! it's autoquote explorer from progressive. helps drivers save. you guys are gonna do that shadow thing on me, right? -sure. -ohh, that's gonna be awesome.
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somebody would ask her something
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and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call miracle-ear at 1-800-234-7090 and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. [♪♪] >> trace: dennis quaid is perhaps taking on the biggest role of his career, playing ronald reagan in the movie reagan, the upcoming trauma based on the life and times of hour 40th president. i had the chance to sit down with dennis quaid at the reagan library to talk about his new project. great to have you on the show. >> thank you for having me. >> trace: it's fascinating when you look at the movie and
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the timing how this worked out. i mean it's kind of amazing because we know that it got stopped a couple of times because of covid. you started shooting in 2020. here we are in 2024 and it's being released at this unbelievable time in politics. maybe the most historic time in politics. >> i had one maxim in my mind, please don't let this movie come out during an election year. because i did not wanted to be perceived politically or used that way. you know, the world has really changed. gets turned upside down and then it right side up again since we started making it. it turns out it's coming out in an election year and it's a great time for it to come out. and so what do i know? >> trace: kind of interesting
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you said you did not intend or you and the team did not intend for this to be a political movie and now it's an election year. i'm wondering what your take away, what you intended to take away from the movie. >> well, you know, reagan was a uniter. he really was. he was like everybody's dad, for better or worse. there were people who called him warmonger and all that stuff but he won the cold war and, you know, brought peace. but it's the story of a man. and one of the great men of the 20th century. you know, who he was at the core and what he meant to all of us. people forget reagan was a democrat first, you know,. there was that term reagan democrats back in the day. it was also at a time, i'm sure you remember this, we had conservative democrats, we had
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liberal republicans. it was a different world where it wasn't so polarized as it is today. if anything, i sure would like to see us get back a little closer to that. >> trace: what do you think ronald reagan would make of donald trump? >> that's really tough. that's a tough one. i don't know if i can answer that one. but you know me, i will say this, donald trump is -- his principles are pretty close to reagan in the sense of those things that he was for. but the principles. because i'm one of those that thinks that donald trump is actually a very principled man and reagan covered by principles.
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i thinks that -- think that would be beyond politics. >> trace: when you do research on ronald reagan, are you reading biographies, are you reading other people's perception or all of it? >> i've been doing all of that. i read about five biographies on him. i lived through it, those times. that was another thing. when it came to the physical aspects of him, youtube is a really great resource. all of those moments that are in the movie, that are public, are right there available to you on youtube. i used that for studying his walk and the way he talks at different times in his life. his voice, you know, when he was 35 was much different than it was when he was -- well, we all know. >> trace: right.
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you just said, you lived through those times so you know what it's about. during those times were you a fan? >> he was my favorite president. i voted for him. i voted for carter four years before. this was after watergate. the things that really brought reagan to the presidency for me go back to when kennedy was assassinated. it really kind of crippled the country's spirit i think for a couple of decades really. then we had watergate on top of that. carter came into office. basically he was an outsider. the country went through a malaise by carter's own words. but along came reagan and he brought the spirit back. that's what he did i think for this country and probably, you
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know, as much as winning the cold war and all that, that spirit that he brought back was just as important. >> trace: and the attempted assassination on reagan also felt like a gut punch to the country. >> yeah. it felt like kennedy all over again. we went through hours and ours of not knowing if he was going to make it or not. of course not trusting anything we were told after we went through the sixties. the way he came through it, the way it changed him, i think it humbled him. he himself said after that that he really realized that his life was not his own anymore. >> trace: a similar sentiment to what donald trump was saying in the days after the attempted assassination. ronald reagan had them roll down the window and said i need to make sure that everybody knows that i'm still here. he had them roll down the window
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>> you mean at the hospital when he waved? >> trace: the wave at the hospital. the whole thing is it was the same belief, like he's a fighter, he wants the world to know. >> one of the most amazing, iconic moments in american history, that he had the wherewithal to want to let everyone know he was okay. >> trace: great actor, great guy, dennis quaid. the movie is reagan and we will have part two of our interview right here "fox news @ night" tomorrow night. >> i was invited here and i was told my opponent, whether biden or kamala, i was told my opponent was going to be here. it turned out my opponent is not here. you invited me under false pretense. >> trace: former president trump not holding back during his appearance at the black journalist convention today. was this version of him
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affective, did he gain any support today or did he merely excite his base? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher. we will read your responses coming up in the nightcap.
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[♪♪] >> trace: we are back with the
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nightcap crew, kevin corke, ashley stromhier, siaka massaquoi,... tonight's topic, effective objected. trump dominated today's news cycle after his appearance of the black journalist convention, giving as good as he got, even adding that he did not know kamala harris was black. what did you think of trump's appearance at the convention, effective? why or why not? >> i did not like the strategy but i give him credit for, as you said, standing his ground and holding his own. but if i were advising him i would say very little to gain, i probably would not have advised him to do that. >> trace: bill. >> credit for going in there. he knew he would get aggressive questions. i don't think it served him well playing the identity politics game. there's so much to go after harris for as far as her record on the border, inflation. when you start going down the road of black versus indian, identity politics, that's the game democrats want to play. >> affective, i don't think
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that's the word. he was thrown to the wolves out the gait. but like everybody says, i mean the way the questions were asked, they were hostile and i don't think it benefited anyone to be honest. >> trace: yeah. >> i thought it was super effective. i ran for office in 22. one of the biggest things i learned is the fact that people need to show up and they need to see us. you heard the response when he said something and you saw everyone, oh now she's black, everyone started laughing. there's a reason why, because people know something is wrong and the ones with the answers never show up, usually conservatives, republicans don't go to those areas so when he does that and stays on dei, it's a policy, not race. we can stay on top of that and still be effective. >> i agree with everyone. i think he reinforced his no holds barred way about him but i don't think that he should step into anyone's frame. set the trap and let them come to you. >> you know, i agree that the questions were hostile.
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the thing i don't like about it is when he answers it and he hold his ground and it becomes a soundbite for the other side to manipulate as they have done so many times before. >> trace: they were clearly trying to get a reaction. sometimes you just don't play their game. was trump's convention appearance affective? yes 87%. katie says trump was affective because he showed up like the bold leader he is. donovan, i don't think it was effective enough to withstand the negative mainstream media spin cycle. president trump did an amazing job, the abc interview was terrible and where was bb harris? brenda says it was a mess, to fall into the rabbit hole of debating harris was a trap to rappel black voters and i'm a strong trump voter who is horrified that he fell for it and thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night". i'm trace gallagher in los angeles, we will see you right back here tomorrow night. [♪♪] mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪stand back i'm going to show ya,♪
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