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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 1, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." former president trump is returning to pennsylvania for the first time since being shot there more than two weeks ago.eo he's expected to come to the stage at any moment. and when he does, we will bringl it to you live. but first, trump never backsr ba down from a challenge and unlike his opponent will gladly talk to the press even if it is a hostile interview periods appearance today at the national association of black journalists could have been f bla moment foe media to put aside theiranti anti-trump bias focus on addressing the issues that america is truly care about. is instead, this is how it allb started. >> i want to start by addressing the elephant in the room, sir.kt a lot of people didn't think it was appropriate for you to be here today. yoyou have used words like animl and rabbit to describe what district attorneys and you calla kablack journalist losers saying the questions they ask are
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stupid and v why should black voters trust you after you have used linkt? would like that? >> first of all, i don't think i've ever been asked a question so -- in such a horrible manner, the first question. [laughter] wou don't even say hello, ho are you? are you with a bc because i think they are a fake network, r terrible network. i think it is disgraceful that i came here in good spirit. >> judge jeanine: they want so many gotcha questions of trump to paint him as an awful racist, bigoted and brian kemp swattinsg them down. >> my messages to stop people i from invading our country thatnv are taking frankly, coming fromt the border arehe millions and millions of people happen to be taking black jobs, you have the best... >> wha at exactly is a black jo, sir?
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>> a plucked up as anybody that has a job. >> all right. ly t>> judge jeanine: thankfull, there wa thes one journalist who kept the focus on the real issues, fox's own harris who was tough but fair to the president. >> what is your plan for the black community when it comes to money? >> judge jeanine: inflation is a disaster and it is destroying our country come in and it is destroying the black community probablythe as much... >> so what is your plan? >> judge jeanine: we have to the cost of energy that will bring down the cost of inflation. >> judge jeanine: these are is tthe issues they harassed tal campaign doesn't want trump talking about and they will use medi to a circus to shift away a and towards heavy identity politics. all thistics proves is trump wip easpeak to any audience an interview with any journalist. at the harris will keep it under wraps in case the media frenzy bubble until the election.
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trump doesn't have that privilege. he has two earned the votes of the american. people. 96 days to go and he shows no sign of slowing down. joining me congressman byron donalds, good evening, congressman. how do you think trump handled the interview today? >> oh, look, i think he was direct about his plans for the future of our country talking about immigration, talking about inflation and all the key issues affecting the american and the hostile issues are never fun but you havewo to stay firm and work your way through that.c that is what he did in chicago. you said it right, judge, p kamala harriuts has been put in bubble wrap by her campaign and mainstream media prg has not done since democrat nominee andp wmeanwhile donald trump will ti to the press anytime anywhere. he did it when he was president and he will do it again when he's the 47th president. >> judge jeanine: you know, the fact he went into the
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south bronx and harlem in harlei and done this interview, when, by the way, kamala was supposed to show uput and apparently didt shows he is at least interestedr in going into areas historically republican presidential avcandidates have not. >> he has really broken ground for republican presidential politics and for the republican party overall because there's been a lot of times wher republican candidates have never been comfortable going into these venues. bi was with president trump in the south bronx, no problem at all and wasn't able to makewh chicago today but listen, he's prepared to do what he can for the american people. when the media's done with the lead the sound bite off of chicago, the fact still remainsr that inflation is crippled families in our country. in the border has broughtur fentanyl killing americans in our country. >> judge jeanine: congressman my hate to interrupt and i don't mean to interrupt, but
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congressman, trump starteda lo talking so let's take a look. >> and i mean harrisburg from a special hello to pennsylvania, thrilled to be back in this beautiful commonwealth with hardworking americans, thank you very much. as you know, this is my firstceo return to pennsylvania since our rally in butler. we are goingba back to butler, w aytoo, by the way. [cheers and applause] people said toar me, "are you serious?" and i said, "yes we are goingag back to,o a great place." d we had a very terrible day, rough day by all accounts. i should not be with you today. i shouldn't be with you.ant but i am. i want t thao thank all of their people of pennsylvania for their extraordinary love andnd suppor. it is incredible.oi we areng going to win this thing so big, when it big including hs
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butler memorial hospital, they were fantastic, wow! wow! they saw... they saw some pretty bad things. [chanting: we want trump! thank you very much. no, they did an amazing job and we have, by the way, one of the doctors, one of the great doctors that was there that worked on cory, actually because cory had a hard time. cory, cory a special. [applause] thank you, doctor, appreciate it very much. great doctors, a great doctors. the job they did and david the s and james copenhaver was just incredible. as you know they brought back from very, very seriously wounded and they were going tood
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be maybe not with us. there was a group of us, but they are doing really well now.h they areey making it, and they e going to be fine.. they are going to be perfect, may be, but who is, who is? as we get older, who is perfect? the doctors were so great. they had two great doctors and most of all, we lift our memory to the firefighter who was so cruelly taken from us, or a cory loved by his family and friends. in his last act on this earth, cory through himself over his wife and daughters. d a very disturbed guy. cory is a hero to all of us, to all of us your [cheers and
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applause] [chanting: cory! >> i want to thank a friend of mine and i wil menl not mention because he is well known but he came up to me and said, would it aibe okay if i presented corey's wife and family with a check? yeah, it would be okay with me,a it would be okay. he handed me a check for tha $1 million, $1 million. thank you, dan. thank you, dan! so, he was very generous. in addition, we have a gofundme and it's been really great. we are at $6 billion mark forth the three of them pluser some othee.r people. [applause] and so, you know what, corey's wife said to come i would rather
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have my husband. isn't that good? i know a lot of wives that would not say that, i'm sorry. they would not say that my but it is a great family and he was at fa brave man and he saw whats happening and jumped on top. we will carry corey's spirit of love and patriotism fovotir alle we will never forget cory or his beautiful family. [applause] may be let's have a brief moment of silence in memory of cory, great pennsylvanian. thank you very much, thank you,
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everyone. [applause]et i beautiful, that is the most quiet i have ever heard in an arena. i have never heard, you can hear a pin drop, no, it is amazing, t beautiful thing. in the wake of his heinous attack, we gather tonight more determined as ever and resulted some wil broken and will undete. nothing will stop us on our mission togrea make america gret again. nothing is going to stop us. [applause] front row joe is over here. front row joe. they've been to 212 events. you know, i'm pretty sure -- yo cacan never be sure of anything. front row joes they love us and
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we love them. ver thank you very much, thanks, everybody. but as we are fighting to bring back the american dreaeam to you and your family, the rattle left democrat party have installed a puppet to only fight for themselves, kamala harris got zero votes.ri s [boos]tall she is totally scripted, owned, and controlled by the donors and the power brokers who her campaign and who rip off our government to make and billions of dollars. they wanlliot to call them up, d they want to deal with her. i didn't feel like that.ever i didn't ever feel like that.d i told a lot of guys that i like and some guys that i don't like, very rich people come i just can't do that. they want to do the telephone systems and lots of little things like that. we would like to take over the
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telephone system of the united states. i'm sorry, i can't do but unlike her, i cannot be bought and i cannot be controlled. i have no interest in that. [cheers and applause] my only loyalty is t to you, the people. and you know that. i could have had such a nice come easy life. i could be at a nice place right now relaxing watching the waves break in but i would rather be here in harrisburg with you. [cheers and applause] people who built our country.ur the people that built their country and some people don't like saying that, but you are, indeed, the people that builtwe the country. no matte gr where we go, we have the most incredible people. after lying to the country forto years about joe biden's mental and physical condition, kamala is now being given uppe personality makeover. don't forget, four weeks ago, she was considered the worst,.
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not smart, terrible, the worst vice president isiden history. he is the worst president we have ever had, but they werel of considered terrible. all of a sudden, she is the new margaret thatcher.on't the great margaret thatcher. no come i don't think so, but you will learn little things like defund the police, that doesn't work, does it. you are going to learn. [boos] because everything about kamala harris rollout is phony and fake. do you see when president obamai anchd michelle called? did you see? hello, hello, yes, who is this? oh, this is michelle and barack. oh, edso surprised, they have four cameras in front, oh, i'm so surprised. it is on speakerphone. [laughter] listen, we just want towa congratulate yount on destroyine
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joe biden, i mean come on winning the...e ca hey, joe biden, was that the pony is funko you ever seen? what do you think, dan, what do you think, dan, the great congressman, was that a phonyst phone call? >> you wouldn'rit do it and you just said you wouldn't get away with it, but she is defund thee police radical trying to pass herself off as a tough on crime prosecutor. she wasn't tough on crime onlyu tough on guys like me because i want to go after their political opponents. we won the big case in florida, we won it.he h and he... hee had a similar case but it s much worse. he didn't have the presidential records act. he had a similar c you know the special counsel, which is special prosecutor, a judge deemed him to be mentally competent withnt poor memory bua nice, old guy. he's not old. 81 is not old.
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i have friends that are 95 that are still -- bernie markers ands tiare of home depot 95 years old still sharp, still sharp. i spoke to him the other day anr i said i think you are smarterth than you were 30 years ago. what is going on, 81 is not old. but he is different from a bad 81, a bad 81.s and he is destroying our country, and i tell you, she is worse than he is. she is actually worse than he il because he's a real radical left and he's a phony radical left. he didn't believe in open borders an d she does. wants to open your borders and have all electric or spiritual is the all electric car mandate she destroyed san francisco. but she has the architect of border and patient trying toe' pretend she is strong on border security. she is now pretending she was never called the border czar. she was called the borders are
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the first day. she is the border czar. she never went. she actually went and they fact-check me anything i say is like that she actually went to a beautiful part of the border. i woulloved love to take my firt lady wife to have dinner. it is beautiful, very safe. she didn't go to the real order front row joe. she went to a nice place for a short period of time and left. so she's never really been to i the border. is she is the border czar and our country is being invaded with f people from prisons and people from mental institutions and terrorists. she is a failed vice president leaving a failed administrationd while trying to convince you that she represents hope and change. well, she does represent change. she wants to turn us into a communist country, that is her change. [boos] she was voted the most unpopulau vice president in history! that is hard for ace p vice president to be that
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unpopular, right? justr, r like biden who will gon as the single worst president in the history of our nation. the happiest man is man iss ji jimmy carter, he is an old guy. he's an old guy, but he's happy because his administration is considered brilliant, brilliant, by comparison to this disaster that we have right now. in her speech in atlanta lastam night, kamala harris evealn trid new southernth accent. did you hear her new accent? if i ever did that, all of thoso people back there, look at them, look at all those cameras. [boos] oh come up when i go through, i would have a week of if i ever tried to do that. the contrast could not be more stark and on one hand articlet left puppet candidate who is fake, fake, fake and on the other hand, you have a president
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who will fight, fight, fight for america. [cheers and applause] [chanting: fight, fight, fight]a this is a hell of a big arena but how many seats? this looks lik te madison square garden. this is a big, beautiful place, wow! i didn't care. [cheers and applause] i didn't care! i although they would prefer weul would be id n an arena, i don't know why. n arena,but we are not giving ue rallies. all of those people we hadople o turn away today. rally, we had 107,000
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people show up in new jersey. 107,000. but you know in the south bronx, we had 25,000 people. south bronx i'm a tough place, but there was a lot of love. was no matter how much kamala harris tries to change her image, she cannot change this fact: she is the most extreme liberal candidate inisto the history coy by far. she is an extreme radical left lunatic. and you know, i have been saying for the last six months i've been saying about politicians because i know politicians and i've dealt with them on both sides and i said do this. thank you. but when a politician comes out early on with an idea like she wants to defund the police and all these other things she wants to do, really bad things comeins that is where they are at pie they have to be there eventually, mike kelly, standke
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up.stan this guy, he needs to stand up. he is my friend on day one, right? they won. he endorsed me before i was running periods head, that guy has got to run and i have to endorse him. i didn't even run. how many endorsements do you have come a kelly from pennsylvania. i wasn't running. thank you, micah my appreciated. he would stand at the outdoor release when illiet was degreesw below zeroit and 70 degrees out without a shirt on. it's not that pretty affiliate site, not that pretty, but he has no fear. and a tough guy and they love you and the state. kamala harris cosponsors bernie sanders, $32 trillion socialist takes over the entire $ he health care system. health care, it would meanr we would have to raise your taxes from a bankrupt our country and she supported elbowe
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al al the private health care insurance. a lot of people in this room hav have great -- some people likeee private health. some of it is incredible. you go to these companies they b are doing incredible job. she wants that band and you can't buy that anymore. you pay for it, but it great stuff and some the golden plans and all of that, and she wants it to be ended. she play pledge to keep taxns paye, r find a help all illegal aliens. think of that and she will do that which will totally destroy our social security system.sp she sponsored a bill to give the legal aliens taxpayer-funded lawyers so they could sue us. [boos] and she called for abolishing i.c.e. these are unbelievable patriots, by the way. they are almost as tough as our congressman sitting in the front h as the next toug man that will be your governor, by the way you.
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he's a great military hero. [applause] and he will come up -- i'm allowed to have him up just a little while, just a couple of minutes, right? he is great, he is great. and i hear you are doing very well. you get ready. you get ready. you are going to knock themts t dead. she compared i.c.e. members to the kkk and like an patrol agents to practitioners of human slavery. hav we have a lot of those greate people here tonight like brandon judd, the head of the union poll. we have so many different people. and they didn't like that analogy too much. she voted in favor of sanctuaryh cities many times. she supported open borders and that's all you have to hear. i think two words, sir, go down the list of 25 things. all you have to say is two things: open borders, defund the police and the rest is all -- but you know, although she will
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fill social security because by putting all of these illegal aliens into social security, ii. is dead. but instead. she opposes even saying the words illegal alien and radical islamic terrorists. she backs mass mst and citizenship for all illegal. she supports mandatory gun confiscation. would anybody mind? mr. congressman, would they mind having their guns ripped out of their armsir g as they enter thr house or their apartment?rtme i don't think so! she said that 70 to 80% tax rate is "a very bold idea and dis something we have to discuss very seriously." she likes it and all my life i have watched politicians they'vi alwaysll said "we will reduce yu taxes, we will reduce your taxes. " they want to give you a taxt
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increase of five times whayot yu pay now. how the hell do you get electedc this countryou is so screwed up. everything is we want open border.o we want taxes. how would you like to be a w politician? we want open borders, we wantecr tax increases and electric cars to go 15 minutes before you charge it up. and for all the congressmen that are here, in the midwest, they built eight charging stations. you know what that is, that is like a gas pump with electricity coming out of it, just achar charging terminal. $9 it cost $9 billion. did you hear that, mike, did you hear that? scott, he is another tough -- we have tough congressman here.ania these are tough cookies, these pennsylvania guys, wow, look atp that. we will introduchem e them in a second. but scott... so they spent $9 billion! on eight charging stations, two of
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which never worked. i don't think any of them were. she wants governmentumpt intervention list consumption of red meat. n't they don't want your kells,t rid of your cows. we like -- would anybody like tl keep red meat? raiso kee your hand. [cheers and applause] think of it, borders, electric mandate and all of the e red me. how the hell do you get elected? you know how they got elected? by cheating. they got elected by cheating. because nobody -- they want to raise your taxes by five times. tingveplease vote for vei will raise your taxes five times higher. but the red meat is to fight climate change, okay, climate change. she supports ending cash bail to immediately release criminals upon arrest after they kill somebody. no bail, no worry, you just killed three people. let's let them out inem o
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harrisburg. it is a wonderful place. in 2020, she personally urged her followers to donate money t get out of jail murderers, you know what that was all about and minnesota, which i think we have a good chance of winning. it has not been one since 1972 with a republican. [applause] and we are leading.l they are going to bring that one home, they tell n they are going to bring it home. the american people are going tx reject kamala harris dangerous liberal extremism fight away inside appeared too big to rig, too big to rig. too big to rig.t we are not going to let her turn of theed s united states into a communist san francisco colony. going to let it happenthat. guess what they want to do, they want to destroy our country. she is the worst.on she was a bad d.a. long before you had your dna, long before
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you have some of these d.a.'s you have. you know philadelphia and pennsylvania moabite in los angeles, all over the place, all over the place, you have bad das and radical left, horrible das funded by george soros and others. and they are just weak on crimeo they don't mind if somebody or somebody. they don't want them to go to jail.omeb you can kill somebody now. our countruntry is sick. the mind-set of our country is sick. we are not going to let her do to pennsylvania what she did to california. she destroyed san francisco for one of the best cities in the world an d it is in tatters. [applause] so she's a liberal from california. she ruberaom cn the state. she run one of the greatestth cities in the world. 15 years ago, great friend of mine, bob tisch, a good friend of mine for the owner of the new york giants, very smart guy and wonderful guy also.
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he said san francisco is the best city in the country and today, it is a disaster of aaste just a disaster, he passed away quite a while ago and he would a look down and say, "what the hell happened?" >> judge jeanine: we will monitor the rally and bring you news as it comes, but joining us now is lee zeldin, formeria lnew york congressman and gubernatorial candidate, chris bedford of the beltway newsletter. that was was his first rally in pennsylvania since getting shot.what what is the biggest takeaway? >> clearly, the president is defining his opponent. you have this far left record of kamala harris right now, kamala harris is trying to run away from her campaign is, the media. you have a circling of the wagons have many allies inside of the media and big tech and social media. but president trump as theee, republican nominee, as thee standard-bearer, he has this soapbox to be able to define
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kamala harris on the record. kamala harris tries toop flip-flop. we are in pennsylvania right now and kamala harris wants to ban fracking and it's on video.y nowiw she's trying to get away o save her position is the opposite. she doesn't see it through her words but spokespeople. for president trump to getokes there and define his opponent with the facts, the truth, it is important for voters to make an informed decision in november. >> judge jeanine: you know, chris, right now kamala harris is in the so-called honeymoon period. the democrats arexcie excited a her, but the truth is she has a very specific record as president trump has described of everything from open borders to ever the police to single-payer tax, single taxpayer health care, single-payer health care. have how did she change that? does she actually come out and say it or can she have an adversary say it? >> you are right, she's in the honeymoon.demo
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period. and someone other than to support enthusiasm for her. but right now, we haven't got a clue what she's going to do other than try to lie about it.o we have seen both her and her friends inr th the media have a kickback against the frackingbak and her plans for banning fracking. her plans of energy just deny, deny, deny and act to the american people and life straight to their face and the idea she ran for president four years ago no longer matter. another thing she is doing is dodging questiondgins from the press, anything that is really off script. she wasn'tsc today at the convention taking questions for the black journalists like donald trump when into, taking hostile questions which has noth done the kind of interviews you would expect. she is goingt ar to events thate planned and coordinated. joe biden before he stepped down, with the press wat the money he take questions, off script remarks. but now they have a person they want in there, you no longer se that pressure. >> judge jeanine: it is true, lee, we will not see the
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pressure on kamala harris where she has to defend if she is going to changshe'e her positio, specifically on fracking with pennsylvania an important state. she's got to say, i've evolvedd, or do you think the electric just says, okay, she's in favor of wrecking now so it's okay, all good. >> i think there are people that will help in circling the wagons of the democratic base and wer people part of that effort to push out the person, the leader of their party, the president oe the united states and got 14 million votes during democratic but then there areen independen, minded people and voters out there who have not made their mind up. they want to hear that level of accountability. president trumtabip is willing o anywhere, anytime, anyplace andh enwill answer any question. when you get an unfiltered answer it as a raw answer. he will stand at a pressth conference with three rows of questions from anyone. we saw on the white house, he didn't have to do it but hee insisted on it. you can't go to this particular
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debate posted in gym because tho channel might not be friendly ot the host, the moderator might not be friendly. we actually talked him into it.h kamala harris will not sit down for the interview and will not a stand up for that tough press conference and will not go to ai debate if the setting is notdict dictated on the terms of thele left. she should get called out on it. >> judge jeanine: chris, finally, does president trumpum p debate kamala harris? when should thatwhen happen in ? you think it should? >> yes, i think he does debatelh kamala harris. he loves the ring and the debates. all of the different outlines and thdiffe rules that were set previously were set when he was dexpecting to debate joe biden. eb he was willing to give so much roomm for that because he was o eager to get on the stage. so now a new candidate and theye have u to come up with the rule, an d i look forward to watching that debate in the next couplebe of weeks. >> judge jeanine: lee and chris, thank you for being with us tonight. >> there is no question i'm in
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favor of banning kamala harris.n we will not treat people andment document across the border asrd criminals. >> do you supporert medicare for health care? >> let's eliminate all that move on. >> weapons in circulation, whata do you do about those? we have to have a buyback program and i support a mandatory buyback program. >> judge jeanine: that was five years ago, kamala agenda was clear as day, radical and progressive, but suddenly sh ie doesn't believe in any ofv that anymore, even "the new york times" can't ignore it. in addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign official says she packs the biden administration's budget request for increased funding for border enforcement and no longer support of the health single-payer health insurancenc program, and echoed mr. biden's call for banning assaultent weapons. but not a required to sell them to the federalthe government. will the real kamala harris please stand up?tand joining us now is
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kevin mccarthy kevin mccarthy, formercartker speaker of the house. good evening, mr. speaker. with 96 days to go until election, how ca n the trump campaign and sure about or see the real kamala harris? >> i think showing one video of that. think about that, kamala harris has never had s nea vote to runr president. even when she ran, she pulledsh out beforehand.d. i watched her in california for quite some time. she has not changed her position. she just changed her answer on the work sheshe d said to you. this woman is an electorate from california but she is elected from san francisco. she want the ability for the most liberal member of the senate, meaning she is beatingds bernie sanders. she is beating peoplge who we thought were very liberal. you watched her job as vice president and she was put. in charge of the border. what did she do? kept it wide open and only visited once thought to make
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sure it eliminated i.c.e. and a senator a few years ago, she fought to make sure you didn't hire any more border agents. moordethis is who she truly is. this is who she has been her entire life. it doesn't matter she changes her words. we know what corrections are. this race looks a loa lot like . remember to caucus mitchellby 1light up 17 points and picks moderate democrat to get in? a all we did ills lay out and shey was attorney general and what has she done? she didn't cross a few people but let people go free,in destroying california and let people still up to $900. that was her responsibility of changing that initiative to gete it passed. when people see the real kamala harris come i think you will see a very big victory for president trump president trump. >> judge jeanine: but you know, congressman, the truth is, mr. speaker, she will promoteea herself as this great prosecutor who has gone after everyone from, you know, transnational drug gangs to abusers make
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yourself out to beangs the persn that americans see prosecutors to be when in truth she was behind minnesota bail fund to release people without bail, some of the murders. she was one that didn't reallyp putting people in jail. she will promote that, and it will be very hard to tak be e tt away. does that hurt her on the left with the progressives? >> welcomes? i think the progressives will say whatever you can,s wi just win. they remove biden simply for this point, we just want to winy from any perspective. k i think it is in, every amerin to see the true record. you know what, there was a grea contrast between president trump securing the board being tough on crime and an accord enemy that is strong instead of inflation and open border. to say you are a prosecutor from san francisco is not aat's prosecutor. that i peos letting people free, judge, you know this better than anybody. >> judge jeanine: am laughing abouam lt that. but the fact is, the numbers
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have changed, mr. speaker. we see them tightening up.t ab what is said about? >> well, it was all about joe biden. so people didn't want joe biden whether democrat or republican.n he's off the ticket now, so there is a relief work about when they see, this is not a bounce so what you will find is it probably will not sustain themselves. people will look at her record. i think a debate will be hopefully a little later to get through the convention, but you have to start think this out.t r presidential history 1988 when caucus was running, up 17 points mid-july. and you will find with her a lot of willie horton's were lit three and she wasn't tough onukk crime then you saw dukakis in that helmet. does she look like she has the ability to those tough decisions and when it came to crime to support the death penalty even if his wife was raped and you saw george bush win big.
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in the same thing will happenbe >> judge jeanine: mr. speaker,l maybe you will be proven correct in november. j thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you, >> judge jeanine: video of one shot at the trump release shows mysterious person on the rope. we will show it to you next
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: we just got our hands on trucking new video of the figure moving across theo roof just before president trump was shot more than two weeks a ago. fox's matt finn in pennsylvania with all the details, matt. >> hi, judge, that building is behind me and over the pasten f couple of weeks fox have seen fbi on the roof. we so more people get up theref yet again and speaking of the roof, let's get to the new video is rather haunting of the shooting in butler, deo pennsylvania. at video obtad by fox digital was shot by james copenhaver, one of the victimsod critically wounded on july 13tht it shows a figure six oh 8:00 p.m. moving across the roof of american glass research building and officials believe the shooter thomasbeli crooksore hired former president trump's minutes after the video was taken.s af the man who took the videotape
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jamee mas copenhaver injured ans arm and a domino area andas release from the hospital but recovering in rehabilitation center. as we have beee han reporting oe ground for weeks and a lot of reporting between local law enforcement, the commander the beaver county emergency service unit claims he uni would have had his guys up on the roof on your screen right now if the secret service told him to.. >> we serve at the will of secret service. they are by far the subject matter experts out there. we do whatever we can to help work with our federal partners. and in this case, again, we had assumed that the placements that we received word that of the secret service. if they would have told us t.o o on the roof, our guys were more than prepared to go on the roofh >> now here at the p.a. shooting site can we have fresh new foxr
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video set up for a big farm shoh this weekend here at at the sit where the former president was almost assassinated just a fewsn weeks ago, carnival rides andca food trucks are now arriving. along with a fbi roaming around this property, president trump tells fox, he's going to come to butler, pennsylvania. we will keep you updated on that, judge.: th >> judge jeanine: matt, thank you so much. now joining me as louisiana senator, john kennedy, if the judiciary committee. we are thrilled to have viewed this evening, senator. fox has confirmed the the persoo and the video is crooks but 5 minutes before the president is shot. why wasn't he taken off the stage? why was he allowed to go on the stage? >> good question. let me accentuate the positive first, judge. when the president was hit andst went down, about a dozen men ano women stormed that stage.tage
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several established perimeter of the rest of them piled on top of the president. they were willing to take a c bullet for the countryou.e shthe shooter was already dead, but they didn't know that. >> judge jeanine: . >> i'm so proud of those men and women and so proud of thoseforc secret service agents and other law enforcement agents. having said that, the fact remains that 20-year-old punk outsmarted the secret service.r let me say that again. i'm not going to bubble wrap it. a 20-year-old punk outsmarted the secret service. and the american people are entitled to know what. w we had a hearing yesterday. we learned some new things, but it is still under investigation. the american people deserve answers. .3, we have a new head of secret service.
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and he tried to be forthcoming yesterday. didn't answer all the questions because he couldn't, but i can promise you as i have promised him. i am going to chase him like het stole my dog until he answers the questions for the american people about what happened.'r we are not going to let this goa >> judge jeanine: senator kennedy, we are with you to make sure you don't let this go. the amazing thing is we finally innow have details about by the shooter was able to get a drone in the air, but the s secret service wasn't. take a listen. >> who had a drone system, but you had bandwidth problems. the bandwidth was adequate forno the shooters drone but not for tht e secret service. can you explain that? >> i have no explanation for it, sir, because of the connectivity challenge, there wasbe a delay. he flew his drone 3:51
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approximately. >> judge jeanine: senator, connectivity problems, seriously? seriously? i'm stilanl not convinced the secret service was even in communication with the secret service on the stage. >> look, judge, this was a goat rodeo. senator cornyn question, very insightful. in every case i'm aware of, when a president or former presidenti is speaking to a group of people like this, you have drones, youu have helicopters in the air so they can survey rooftops. that wasn't the case here. number two, we did have government snipers. sni why didn't they see this punk, this 20-year-old punk assassin on the roof a couple hundred yards away? and if they did see him, why the didn't they do something? i mean, there were so many ser questions. but the secret service, they are going to o
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look now, some of my colleagues say, well, they need more moneyi isn't that special. isn't that just like government. in the real world, when you screw up, yo getu get fired. in government, you get more money because you must need it. no, no, no, somebody needs to be held accountable here. >> judge jeanine: senator, cheatle resigned and this new guy who is the acting director, ronald rowe comes out initially with the right statements but when he got to the nitty-grittyt he got very combative and very defensive. i am not convinced we will get he athe answers we need. so, i want to believe that you are going to did this and that we will get to the end of this.a my concern is this, senator, this i s my question, the president is going back to pennsylvania. i'm not convinced that secret service is capable based on some of the things that have been said. th>> well, i can just give you n
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commitment, judge.t, you can write this down.sten your listeners can write this down and take it home to mama. g eti'm going to get some answers i am going to get some answers, and i won't be alone. there are a lot of senators on both sides o on f t the i will. we are going to chase thean secret service like they stole thanksgiving until they answer these questions abouksert what happened. the american people deserve to know. i mean, there are all kinds ofd' conspiracy theories out i don't know what is true andowb what is not your why no based om experience, we have to get old ones because the newman's turned out to be untrue in many cases and we need to find out what happen here. >> judge jeanine: senator we will call you back on this one thank you for being with us, take care. the choreography of missteps of the harris campaign, raymond arroyo has them all in
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>> judge jeanine: it is time for "seen and unseen" where we rebuild the stories behind the headlines. for that we turn to fox news contributor, raymond arroyo. raymond, tell us aboutt. kamala harris' strategy at this point? >> what we are seeing is the biden script with harris during the lead. she does know interviews like bs biden and public appearance are teleprompter recitals with heavy choreography. i. i see a few missteps here and there. >> judge jeanine: like havinghe making of the stallion open inhr atlanta? >> i've hear diad for dialing fr votes and campaigning for votes but working for votes is a newti one on me. a ctand kamala cleaned up her lyrs with references but the choreography look like the vip hustler room at the club. e stage andleft th
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mullah began speaking it was like exodus. ing.which begs the question, who were they there to see, let or shake-ala. >> i will represent the next president of the united states of america, vice president nexesidkamala harris! [cheers and applause] just a second, just a second. >> how do you miss a biger t entrance like that after the showgirls have been out for20 20 minutes? judge, when harris did speak shu turnedth on this weird southern accent like hillary clinton after a couple of juleps.heer [cheers and applause] you all helped us win back in 2020, and we will do it again in
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2024! [cheers and applause] >> she really is a chameleon, judge. she turns heher r personas on ad off depending on the audience. say what you want about donald trump, but is alwaysle consistent. he's comfortable in his skin but this is the president from today at the national associationl io black journalists,n watch. >> he has a lot of opinions like childless guy childless women like myselikf were divorced womn like yourself. well, my point is... >> i want to say in a friendly manner. [laughter] >> he is always there with the line, trump p is always trump. we heard the president tonight at this rally in oco and igh thought, he should keep this on the policy because his policies were so beloved and on the bord, on the economy come across thehb board, foreign policy. but when for he wanders into rai
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and personality, he is playing into kamala harris' hands. that is something he has to be aware of going forward. >> judge jeanine: i agree with that. >> look, when kamala and these other candidates campaigned in iowa, we were pulling up imagese they wore jeans and like iowa but not trump he wore his suit and his maga had peered so long he does aptly with that great sense of humor, he will prevail here. if he wanders down the other path, trouble lies ahead. a hjudge jeanine: he is naturae'l entertainer, donald >>na he is, he absolutely is. great to see you, judge your crispy when that is it for us tonight. i'm judge jeanine pirro and fori laura ingraham and make sure to catch me monday through friday on "the five." jesse watters takes it next. ♪ ♪ >> former president trump set to meet with the fbi to


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