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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 1, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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russia as far as with their friends china getting help and also moving further into ukraine. so i think we're at a stalemate position and whether he is in a better negotiating spot or not, we'll have to wait and see. >> bill: it is a serious world in a big way. bret, thanks, stand by and we'll get back to you in moments. coming to the end of our first hour as we begin anew. >> dana: awaiting details of a major prisoner swap between the united states and russia. the exchange is in motion as i speak. americans gershkovitch and whelan are said to be part of it. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. we've had some big days in the last month. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning everybody. we're trying to track this story as best we can from washington, d.c. to moscow and possibly to turkey as well.
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berlin popped up on our radar and a possible russia citizen jailed in berlin wanted for a murder that might be involved also. steve harrigan lived in moscow and has studied vladimir putin. michael allen, an expert on all things international and mark meredith with news from the white house. let's kick it off with you again as we begin a new hour. i don't know if you've heard from the administration. is joe biden at the white house today? let's start there, mark, good morning. >> good morning. yes, president biden is here at the white house. we anticipate that he will have something public to say about this prisoner swap given it is one of the biggest priorities this administration has had since president biden took office. administration officials have been telling us this has been ongoing but want to make sure they get everything taken care of first before coming out publicly with the details and common practice. we saw the same thing happened with britteny griner in 2022.
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they wanted to make sure they had everything secured and the information come out that way. for president biden, they've been vocal about their efforts to free both evan gershkovitch as well as paul whelan. he was arrested back in 2018. the administration was facing pressure every time there was a development with russia what about paul whelan and his situation and the administration said it was working every day to secure his release. then we saw what happened with the "wall street journal" reporter after his arrest and then what has transpired. the "wall street journal" has been public in trying to keep evan's name out there. we in the media have been doing our part. the correspondents dinner a spotlight to bring him home and other americans detained. the focus on evan from the media's perspective has been tremendous. president biden had put out a statement two weeks ago after
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evan had been convicted and sentenced to 16 years if prison and said it was a sham and felt something had to be done to bring him home. they also had mentioned they were working with the u.n. and trying to bring up the international pressure to secure this release. what do we expect to happen next? at some point today the white house will put out an updated schedule how they want to communicate what has been happening. there was a press briefing on the schedule for 1:30. i would imagine, they haven't said this but i would imagine we'd see the president deliver remarks from somewhere within the west wing and talk about the situation, the deal that has rolled out. i was reaching out to contacts on capitol hill to get a sense of what may have been transferred to leadership. were they told in advance what was going to happen and bill and dana we'll let you know as we learn more from the white house. >> bill: this is not your beat today. kamala harris is in texas, right, at a funeral? >> she is in texas.
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just in atlanta. i know she is going out west this weekend and checking former president trump social media. he has not posted about this. had a rally last night in pennsylvania. it will be a campaign issue. trump himself said he was going to work to secure evan's release if he was sent back to the white house. it happened under president biden's watch. president biden is here, the vice president is out in texas and former president trump no events on his schedule. j.d. vance is also on the border today. >> bill: we'll follow that next hour. >> dana: want to go to steve harrigan. you were in moscow for quite a while and understand the country well and have good insight as to what putin might be thinking and maybe even the reason he keeps taking our people is he has an upside for him at the end of the day. >> you are right. he certainly does have an upside. who is taking and attacking is really changed over the last few years. i was in russia for ten years working as a journalist coming in and out with an accreditation
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and passport and never thought something like this could happen to me as an american citizen back then. it is happening now and i think the big change people have to understand, the same guy is in power for 24 years, vladimir putin. but this is a very different russia. this is a putin who acts very differently. he basically took an american journalist and threw him in a notorious russian prison and held him over a year to get the best deal possible. what does this mean for journalists going to russia trying to cover russia? they have long sur pressed and killed their own journalist. the field has widened to the international press as well. so you have to ask yourself, is russia a place where you can go as a journalist and cover things? or do you risk the threat of being grabbed on a sham charge and thrown in jail? these russian jails are no joke. this is not a u.s. jail.
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this place on the edge of moscow, they never turn the lights off. you never see anyone. you never hear anything. the psychological pressure, besides the conditions, are extremely difficult. so i think it will be rejoicing for evan, for his family, great that he is out. but what does this say about russia as a place where you can go whether you are a professional basketball player, a journalist or businessman? if you have an american passport, that protects you no longer. you cross that border, and that could be it. >> bill: an amazing thought. that's quite remarkable. steve, when you think about what putin wants out of this. he has an ongoing war in ukraine. american government is giving ukraine military more and more weapons by the month. f-16s that they can fly into their jurisdiction once they take ownership of them.
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it strikes me that what putin wants is that he wants significant russians to come home. he respected vikter bout and what he did on behalf of russia. if the russian prisoner in berlin who killed a chechyan terrorist that is someone who putin would come home as well. seems to me he is grabbing innocent americans, using them as chips to play down the road in order to bring russians home who he respects. is that fair? >> it is fair. you are exactly right, bill. this is someone who, a murderer, respect him. merchant of death, respect him. we are dealing with someone different than us. who thinks differently. also someone as a leader who is in a very strong position. he controls the media, he controls the country, he has been in power of russia for 24 years. whatever he says goes. if he wears his watch on his
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left hand all of a sudden everyone wears their watch on the left hand. a cult of personality. we're dealing with someone different than a u.s. politician who has to answer to the media, who gets questioned, who has an opposition. if he has an opposition, an opponent who starts to get powerful, he can have him killed and have him poisoned and throw him in jail. so time is on vladimir putin's side. it always has been. he is aging now, but he is in control. he can wait in ukraine and wait for the best deal possible with these prisoners. >> dana: steve harrigan, thank you so much. i'm glad we had you on the show today. want to bring in michael allen. foreign policy expert and worked in the bush white house. what can you tell us about the nato action here and how it all fits into the big picture that hemmer brought up in the previous hour which is so interesting to think about especially if you have these countries. if germany will be part of this
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with this particular guy, who is the murderer that putin respects, as i understand it even a couple of months ago germany was saying absolutely not. we'll never do that. but today it looks like it is happening. >> you know, i think a lot of this has to do with the withdrawal of president biden not running again next time. i think he is able to go to some nato allies, maybe with a heavy heart and say listen, i understand that this russian committed murder in a park in front of children inside of munich but we're trying to do a historic deal here. let's win one for the gipper, if you will. let us have a little bit of room in order to trade this particular russian. so i think biden is leaning hard on friends and especially nato allies so that he can try and get a grand deal. i have to say it is almost without historical precedent. if this turns out as it is described, the only precedent i
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can think of in modern political history is, of course, ronald reagan winning the iranian hostages back from tehran moments after he was sworn in as president. so this is very potentially a positive development and i think it's something that biden is probably strengthened in his ability to get because he is exiting from the scene. >> bill: that may be true. why would putin do the deal now when he knows that american fighter jets have been delivered to kiev in ukraine that will be used against his army? >> so i wondered that myself. the only thing i can think of is that the time now is good for both russia and the united states. the f-16s have come on order almost two years ago. it is true they are finally being delivered this week. it is almost just an after thought. the f-16s will take some time before they are able to have any
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effectiveness in killing off the russian dive-bombers which as i understand it will be the primary use of the f-16s. i think without the ukrainian's supplemental funding and without anything incredibly large happening in the war right now, honestly it seems a little quiet and sleepy from a geopolitical standpoint just this week as all the news is in the middle east and elsewhere. so to me i almost see this as a good opportunity for both sides to do it. i think putin is getting more than he otherwise would have because biden is looking at things and saying this is my last bite at the apple. let's go large. let's go big or go home. >> dana: michael, there is reporting that turkey, which is one of our strangest nato members, right, if you circle which one that maybe is a question mark there, but they're there. every once in a while they come through.
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do you know anything about their role here? >> so i've seen the press reports like you have. but you know what? erdogan, the leader of turkey, is probably the easiest to get on side on this type of deal because he still maintains a relationship with putin. he feels like he needs to have a relationship with the russian republic, so i think it would have been much easier for the u.s. state department and our negotiators to get erdogan where they needed him if it were to condition the russians to do more or if the russians inside of turkish jails for him to be more open to getting them out. i think he is just more transactional like an authoritarian, like putin is, and so that was probably why they went in that direction with turkey and said let's get it all done at once. >> bill: three dimensional chess in real life. thank you for your perspective.
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we'll try to follow the volleys as they move back and forth between different capital cities. benjamin hall, our colleague joins us from london and benjamin you have watched these developments from the middle east and russia and back again. what are you seeing right now that's on this chess board and how it's moving and why? >> it is a chess board, it really is three dimensional chess now. looking at the different pieces. what might have led putin to make this exchange now? what might have led biden to make the exchange now? we have to realize it is an amazing day for paul and evan, those two and the others we've been talking about for a long, long time. hostage diplomacy. these were innocent americans taken off the streets of russia to be held by putin so he could get something back in return from the u.s. the big question today is what has putin got back? what will the exchange look like?
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you will remember when britteny griner was exchanged as well a lot of anger paul whelan was not part of the deal. it is a wonderful day. i feel very personally in a sense for evan as well. another journalist who was targeted by russia. on that one day where you are going home is a remarkable day. so we've got to appreciate that today. but now we have to start looking at what it means on the big picture as well. when i was state department correspondent and you would go from office to office and try to meet people. the one office i found hardest to speak to was the hostage negotiators. these people who said what we do happens so tightly behind closed doors because of how sensitive it is. that's why first of all this news has broken out of nowhere today. we knew negotiations were going on for a long time. constantly going on. for a deal of this size involving so many countries to happen like this, you know, last
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minute is quite amazing. so look, if we look at the biden running for re-election it is possible to say that biden having pulled back, no longer running, no longer a big political win for president biden the way it could have been otherwise. if he was heading to an election and these hostages released with a big political win. from putin's perspective that is taken away and in terms of who he is clearing back is putin will not leave behind russians abroad if they're being held. his own people. the state of the war and the economy in russia is a message that putin also wants to sends. they really are working on so many different levels at the moment. i think we'll find out more certainly in the next few hours, i think, but many people holding their breaths waiting until both paul and evan and the others are handed across and then i think we'll start to learn far more about it. >> dana: what about for people
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thinking that either they would have business in some of these countries, they maybe want to travel and see the world and the dangers in some of these people, americans traveling overseas where they could be taken at any moment. >> the state department has made it very, very clear that no american should really be traveling to russia at the moment. the threat of being taken off the streets is very high. >> dana: does the u.k. government say the same? >> they do, absolutely. it has been that way for a few years. i can't remember the level of which is state department says it but the threat to americans current fly russia is very, very high. we have seen totally innocent people. we have seen by evan and paul taken off the streets of russia. we know that vladimir putin uses innocent americans as hostages. and he uses them to get political gain and pick them up however he can. certainly the danger continues in russia and it will not change going forward. >> bill: great to see you. belated happy birthday to you
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from a week earlier. benjamin hall. thank you. senator josh hawley out of missouri. welcome to our coverage. your initial reaction which appears to be good news for a couple of american families. on the back side of that who knows? good morning. >> well, it's certainly good to get these journalists back home never taken in the first place. evan's story is unbelievable. i think it is a testament to the weakness of this administration that it has taken this long. what we do know in the past is joe biden has been willing to roll over for the russians. think about the deal he struck involving britteny griner and the trade for the merchant of death. that was an incredibly bad deal that benefited putin. here they are illegally holding our own citizens. sham trials, and we give them basically everything they want when we should be holding them accountable for treating these
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american citizens in this way. my overall reaction is this. we aren't feared abroad. citizens everywhere are not safe, no fear of the united states or no fear of retaliation or what might happen. this has to change and i think it speaks to the weakness of this administration and what they have done to our reputation overseas. >> dana: while we have you here other big breaking news overnight. apparently the administration, our government, has reached plea deals with the 9/11 master minds. i know that you have a lot of familiarity with that and love to get your take on that this morning as we deal with the other breaking news. >> well, i don't understand why it is that we would reach a deal with the guy who is responsible for thousands of americans being dead and i don't understand why we would take the death penalty off the table, which as i understand the deal here. my gosh, if anybody deserves the death penalty it is this guy. again, this administration,
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let's put it this way, they won't arrest anybody who are out there defacing statues, tearing down american flags, burning them right there in public in front of the capitol and raising the hamas flag and make a deal with 9/11 terrorists. what is going on in this country? this administration is not keeping us safe, not serious about protecting americans overseas, again whether it's russia or haiti or anywhere else. and now they are making deals with terrorists. i look forward to getting all the details of this plea deal. it doesn't sound like a good one to me. >> bill: one of the details we're trying to figure out here. legally speaking can joe biden close gitmo before he leaves office in january? >> well, i certainly would be opposed to that number one. i don't know he can legally. it may require congressional authorization. congress is the one by statute to organize and oversight capability there. what does he propose to do with all of these terrorists who want
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to destroy the united states, who want to destroy the nation of israel and our allies? listen, this should not be another one -- that would be like a mass pardon, bill, on its way out of the door. here we go. we'll release these terrorists. that is a very dangerous possibility. >> bill: i also remember president obama really made that one of his priorities and did not do it. >> dana: he said he would do it on day one. >> bill: why we bring it up in light of the next few months. thank you for your time. josh hawley, thanks. >> dana: big morning . breaking news. we'll get all the details that we can for you. we'll be right back after this. in t he nineties anymore. and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return and they don't lose money. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide
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>> bill: get back to the breaking news in a moment. there will be significant news from the border today.
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j.d. vance will make a visit there and expect a statement and press conference coming up in 35 minutes. alicia acuna is in the border in arizona and has more from there now. good morning. >> good morning, bill and dana. this morning senator j.d. vance is touring the border patrol's tucson sector. encounters in fiscal year 2024 close to a third of the more than 1.4 million along this section of the u.s./mexico border. vance arriving in the phoenix area last night for a rally using the stop in this critical battleground state to focus attention on what the trump/vance campaign calls the biden-harris administration failures and putting the blame at the perspective nominee. >> her record of disaster is clear. 500,000 kids trafficked by mexican drug cartels because of her policies. hundreds of thousands of our
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citizens are dead from fentanyl because of her policies. >> due son is also home to vance's rival mark kelly and accused of gop allies to kill border legislation. this week he called vance's border visit a photo op. >> they don't actually want to solve this problem. they just want to talk about it and that's why his running mate, j.d. vance is at the border to take a picture. >> a kelly pick for v.p. would signal harris's need to shore up support on one of the most important issues to voters, the "wall street journal" reporting it is kelly's experience running successfully to the center in a border state and in particular his willingness to buck his party on immigration issues that allies of vice president harris said has helped him stand out among possible picks.
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a recent "wall street journal" poll shows voters trust former president trump over harris to handle immigration by 13 points. so as things get underway with senator vance at the border we'll bring those to you as well. >> bill: good to have you down there in tucson, arizona. want to bring in nora rothman and jessica tarlov. quite a morning. how does kamala harris get around the fact that as vice president you had 7 million plus cross that border, or can she? >> she is doing something interesting. going on offense on immigration. now, there is no substance to the offense. so far it is merely putting the onus on the trump campaign to explain how they would aleve yacht conditions at the border. she is leaning into it. this is a pretty significant vulnerability. how does she get around that? so far the approach has been through staff to renounce all
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the positions she ran on in 2019 and a lot of the activity that she did in the early years of her vice presidency. i don't think that is sufficient. i don't think they have time to square the circle. >> bill: one of the problems a lot of stuff is on camera, right? >> dana: right. that's one of the most effective things. when the media is on somebody else's side. the best thing you can do is say don't take it from me. this is what they said. that's one of the things that hurt biden so much, jessica right after the debate performance is he had people in his own white house telling axios he is only dependably engaged between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. republicans can say i'm not saying it. they are saying it. you have harris in a situation trying to defend a lot of things. look at this something you've seen before but to remind everyone when she talked to lester holt about visiting the border. watch. >> do you have any plans to visit the border?
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>> at some point. we are going to the border. we've been to the border. this whole -- this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border? >> and i haven't been to europe. >> dana: one of the things i'm watching for is whether she tries to distance herself a little bit from biden. if she lets it out there somehow that she wanted him to do something sooner and he didn't. >> it will be interesting to see. it is such a new campaign. strange to say. we're only 99 days out until the election. she is finding her footing. this team she is building out a bit more taking the biden infrastructure but bringing in other people. so definitely we'll be watching that. her v.p. pick if it is mark kelly a nod to this being a more salient issue that democrats perhaps predicted. i'm of the mind where she goes on offense about this. she doesn't go back into the
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past, though. she just looks at the bipartisan border bill. it has been successful tore democrats. a number of voters in swing states in wisconsin and pennsylvania where they knew that donald trump was the one who pulled the plug on the bipartisan bill and very serious conservatives who spent up to a year negotiating this with chris murphy he said it would get the job done and trump said i want to run on that. hold on. >> bill: here is a campaign ad for kamala harris talking about border success. >> kamala harris supports increasing the number of border patrol agents. donald trump blocked a bill to increase the number of border patrol agents. >> bill: that will be the line. the debate will settle this. encourage you to look at the "new york times" today. they have a three-page piece out as republicans hit harris on immigration here is what her record shows. they talk about her getting a japanese company to invest $10 million in western guatemala and
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a swiss company important curing $1 hundred million in coffee beans and raising more than 5 million in funds. white dudes for kamala went 2x on all three of those items. >> i believe there is a legislative component to addressing border security insofar as we should amend the asylum law and so it doesn't shift. joe biden invalidated the argument when he adopted the powers that he already is vested in in trying to control the border traffic, which we see is bearing fruit and working. why did that not occur over the course of the administration? the argument dismiss is itself. turn about is fair play. harris's staff early on in the administration when saddled with the border really objected to having been bridled with this political liability without any
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power to negotiate to anything create deals with private sector companies in order to aleve yacht the push factors. it wasn't going to succeed and they knew it wasn't. the harris team said we'll be saddled with that and a political liability for the future. she could say i didn't have a lot of power and the administration has created conditions to address. >> dana: a final word to jessica. >> i agree with that and start to see a bit of fissure. the biden administration has kept her in the dark on big moments. most better on the stump than people expected. stronger than people thought. >> dana: tensions reach a fever pitch in the middle east. u.s. calls for de-escalation as retaliation from iran looms.
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>> bill: 10:38 in new york. here is where we think we stand. a senior administration official telling fox news that we can report the u.s. and russia have agreed to a prisoner transfer and that the prisoners are expected to soon be in u.s. custody. we can also report that paul whelan and evan gershkovitch are included in the prisoner swap. said to be others, perhaps dozens more. as we wait to confirm more, we'll walk with some caution until we get to that point. this can get sideways and hope it's not the case for our americans and hopefully home with their families very, very soon. that's where we stand at 10:38 east coast time. >> dana: former president trump said to give a victim impact statement to the f.b.i. today. that's a standard part of the agency probe into the assassination attempt. the f.b.i. still has not determined the shooter's motive.
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david spunt live at the justice department with the latest. hi, david. >> that's right. victim impact statements are typical in f.b.i. criminal investigations. no different in this case. the former president said that his would happen today announced it in an interview earlier this week. we don't know any other details. law enforcement sources specifically are shutting us out on this information because they say that former president trump is a victim in this case. he went through a traumatic experience. they don't want to create any sort of media circumstance. any news from this victim impact statement would have to come from the former president himself. meanwhile, the f.b.i. continues to go through thomas crooks' phone and laptop. two phones discover. the problem are encrypted apps and encrypted accounts. the f.b.i. hired an israeli firm to help them with software to break through the encryption. looking at two social media profiles may belong to him. they are not 100% certain.
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one of the accounts is anti-semitic and anti-immigration rants. the other one has a completely different viewpoint expressing support for covid era lockdowns and praising immigration in the united states. the bureau is still trying to build a profile of thomas crooks. it is difficult. they call him a loner and say his social circle is limited to his immediate family. >> dana: the f.b.i. has asked the israelis if they can help with the encryption of the phone. >> yeah, that's exactly right. they hired this firm. they have been used before and they charge a lot of money and the f.b.i. uses their software and used them in the past successfully and hopeful they can get the information from some of this encryption. >> dana: thank you, david spunt. >> bill: no-go zone in the middle east now increasing by
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the day. u.s. state department urging americans not to travel to lebanon ramping up its warning to level four, the highest on that warning ladder. all this happening after a series of strikes killing top leaders of hezbollah and hamas in the region. already today hezbollah has had a lot to say about what it will do next. gillian turner live with the details now. u.s. department of state for us today. gillian, good morning again. >> good morning to you, bill. the state department yesterday raised the travel advisory warning level 4 to level 5 instructing americans not to travel to the country for any reason whatsoever. yesterday the state department had no effects to plan to rescue americans stranded on the ground inside the country now. early this morning secretary of state antony blinken speaking from mongolia said the region is on a bad track and his top priority now is getting a cease-fire deal done as the prerequisite for anything else that is going to happen.
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>> it all starts with a cease-fire. to get there it also first requires all parties to stop taking any escalating actions and find reasons to come to an agreement, not to look for reasons to delay or say no to the agreement. and it's urgent that all parties make the right choices in the days ahead. >> state department officials elevated that warning for americans yesterday to the highest level in response to israel's latest retaliatory strike that killed hamas's political leader in iran at the time of his death. you can see here the official instruction tells americans now not to travel to lebanon for any reason whatsoever. take a listen. >> the safety of all our personnel not just state department personnel but any personnel, american personnel incredibly seriously and the safety of our embassies and
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facilities and installations seriously and constantly around the clock always assessing the circumstances on the ground. >> we know from our colleagues in the middle east bureau that the israeli government is on a state of high alert looking for retaliatory action coming out of iran. we have a briefing coming up in a little while at the state department and get more answers for this on you as well as the story of the hour, which is the ongoing prisoner swap. >> bill: nice to see you at the state department. a lot to come from there today. we'll wait. >> dana: this hour trump's running mate, j.d. vance, will be in cochise county, arizona. i love the people there. vice president harris is tapped to lead the border, of course. she was and then she tried to wash her hands of that responsibility all together. that will be an issue in the campaign. plus a controversy erupts over a boxer's gender test after a female boxer loses in stunning and horrible fashion. was this even fair?
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we have a live report as we also hear from two-time olympic gold medalist next. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the
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>> bill: this is a moment mystery happened earlier today in france. a major controversy erupted out of paris.
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an algerian boxer who failed a gender eligibility test last year has now won an opening fight after only 46 seconds. her opponent, breaking down in tears calling it, quote, unjust. greg palkot picks it up from london with more on what happened in the ring. greg. >> yeah, big controversy indeed at the olympics. a boxer deemed a biological male beating an italian female opponent with the italian crying out i couldn't take it anymore. despite failing that gender test by the international boxing association and being banned from an international tournament last year algerian 25-year-old was okayed by olympic authorities to compete. apparently today was a very one-sided fight with italian angela, also 25. after 46 seconds, and several sharp punches to the head including the nose by her.
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the italian stormed off the boxing ring and went on to say she had never felt such strong blows in a contact before. khalif has competed in the olympics but banned last year with elevated levels of testosterone. others have raised concerns about the health of opposing athletes when according to one a man fights a woman. khalif is not the only one getting attention. taiwan boxer is competing in the olympics including a fight tomorrow and also deemed a biological male according to the international boxing association. in a statement the ida said in part this test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet nestle guy built criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors. the defeated italian boxing is a
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sport that teaches you to have respect for the opponent. it cannot and must not become an abuse. >> bill: what a story. i think it is quite a moment in this whole campaign whether it's here or overseas. thank you for that in london. more on this now. >> dana: want to bring in a professional boxer and two-time olympic gold medalist. good to have you. her necklace says greatest woman of all time. you competed in two olympics. it wasn't an issue when you were in. what do you think of all of this? >> well, my first olympics i was 17 years old so i hadn't even fully developed as a woman. i couldn't imagine getting inside the ring with a biological man. even though i sparred with a man but fighting for the olympics is more than that and have to go on the line. to have to go with a opposite
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gender. women fight against women and men fight against men. i don't see how the olympics did something like this. >> bill: i watched the video earlier today. have you seen it of the italian boxer saying i'm out? have you seen the video yet? >> i've seen it. >> bill: she looked scared to me. what did you think? >> you know, i grew up in a gym sparring against a lot of guys and stuff but every fighter -- woman fighter doesn't do that. so it was much bigger and stronger and it is scary. i don't know how old she is but still when you are born with bigger muscles and neck and you've grown up to be a man and he didn't change genders when he was a kid. to me it is just unfair and i just can't believe that it is being done and i couldn't imagine it happening to me.
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>> dana: there is not that many women who are willing to stand up and say this is wrong. and i admire you for doing so. do you think the olympics will have a change of heart here? that young woman from italy worked hard and her dream was dashed in 46 seconds because of him. >> it is very hard to qualify for the olympics. you have to go through so many different international tournaments, country tournaments to even make it to the olympics. for me i can understand her devastation but it shouldn't be ruined due to a man. and i think that the olympics definitely dropped the ball, you know. i don't have anything against transgender women or transgender men. all i'm saying is men should fight against men and women against women and transgender against transgender . i'm not
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homophobic or anything like that or against the gay community, but that's not right. >> bill: thank you for coming on an shared your story. >> dana: you are a champ. >> bill: there she is. >> dana: what a two hours we have had. lots more news coming throughout the day indeed. >> bill: keep your fingers crossed that everything goes through. the families, you are praying every day and night and hopefully your prayers come true today. >> dana: lots of moving parts. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour after this quick break. >> bill: see you tomorrow.
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