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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 1, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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day, that the work does not s stop. to the american citizens who continue to be wrongfully detained or held hostage around the world, let me be very clear that this government, this administration is not going to stop working. we will continue to work tirelessly around the clock to do everything we can to make sure they, like paul, like evan, like alsu, like vladimir will have a day they can be reunited with their loved ones as well. of course, in the case of mark vogel we have spoken on this before we have called for marc's humanitarian release and we will continue to engage and work through our team in moscow and continue to have conversations. of course, look, they are continued to be american citizens detained in legal systems around the world. not of course just in russia. this is a responsibility we take
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seriously. we are monitoring those cases and assessing additional ways we can engage. and look, regardless whether an american is designated as wrongfully detained or not, which of course as you all know is often the vast minority of cases, the united states works hard to ensure american citizens have appropriate consular access, that they have appropriate representations in the various foreign legal systems and more. end of that work will continue. that work did not stop given the good news today. >> thank you. and can you also give you said that blinken had spoken to those who had been released. he spoke to reporters not long ago as well. we got the audio of that. he understandably sounded very tired. can you give any more color from the call with the released americans?
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>> i don't have much more information. he had the opportunity to speak with paul, alsu, and evan. i understand we are hoping for the secretary to have an opportunity to connect with vladimir at some point soon. obviously of course the secretary is coming off of a long trip in asia, but from the conversation, evan, paul, and blinken sounded in good spirits and they of course had the opportunity to speak to the president as well and i am sure they are very eager to see their families, which we know will hopefully happen very, very s soon. >> thank you. >> did the united states ask turkey to take this sort of mediator role that they did? >> i just will not speak to that level of specificity in the operational movements of how this deal all came together and
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how these americans were returned home beyond saying we are thankful for the role that turkey played. not only thankful to turkey but we are thankful to the other countries that were critical in getting this deal to come together. who mentioned a number of them before germany, poland, sylvania, and norway. >> we got to see some of the first footage of evan and paul being transferred this morning while they were still in russian custody. i know you are very happy as you should be with the overall way this deal has worked out. i'm curious as to the details leading up to the moment they were granted to the united states. it was curious to see the video just because you saw when the officers dressed like thugs manhandling them, it is not some then we are used to seeing. i'm wondering if you're happy with the way or have any
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thoughts on the way that was handled? >> look, we are thankful this deal came together and was able to be executed successfully. we are even happier these americans are safely in american and they are on their way home to be reunited with their loved ones. look, when it comes to the treatment of american citizens wrongfully detained or held hostage in russia, certainly this is not a government and he should be taking any lessons from four again lack of a better phrase the fact that people like paul, like evan, like alsu were even detained in the first place is pretty indicative of what fair treatment and humane treatment means to them. but i am not going to speculate on anything beyond that. >> one more. >> sure.
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>> do you have any concerns or plans in place to prevent today's victory from encouraging the russians or any other countries to continue to take american hostages? >> look, these negotiations, he saw the national security advisor talk a little bit about this, these negotiations are tough. they are tough precisely because of the other side that is holding these americans wrongfully detained, they hold the key to the prison cell. they get a vote, they have a say in this process. as maddening and as frustrating as that is. so, we, the president made a tough decision. he made a decision like many others have before him. the ultimate question here is do we let our people, our american citizens, rot and potentially die unjustly in foreign detention? or do we make efforts to bring them home?
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and we chose time and time again in this case a case of brittney griner and of the case of the six american citizens that were released from iran, and in numerous other instances we have chosen time and time again to bring them home. and we are incredibly proud of that decision. outside of that, we will continue to engage with allies and partners. this is something the secretary is incredibly personally focused on. it is something that has been discussed a number of times not just through the united nations with the g7 and others of ways in which allies and partners conclusively work together to better protect its citizens from this kind of detention and hostagetaking. i don't have any news to share beyond on that front. >> with unjustly detained the secretary spoke with others.
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what did he say to get that form of that she deserves and can you tell us about the involvement in her case? >> look, a wrongfully detention designation is a deliberative process an ongoing process and i will not speak to that process publicly or in detail. what i can say is that the department of state secretary blinken, he has been closely engaged in the cases. he has been particularly vocal in calling for vla vladimir kara-muza and alsu's release. and the spec in part i think in the involvement, look the office and investor carstens and his team are a key component of an interagency effort when it comes to our around-the-clock work to
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do everything we can to make sure that our american citizens are able to be reunited with their loved ones. representatives from the office were involved in not just the exchange but are involved in making sure that evan, paul, alsu are able to make it back to the united states safely as well. >> also wondering how much throughout this process will allow or help you secure -- >> we will break away from the state department briefing because there is a lot more to talk about, free at last, three americans and one legal resident will soon arrive back home in the united states after the biggest prisoner swap between the u.s. and russia in decades. speak all right, president biden posting this photo just moments ago showing the families speaking with their loved ones from the oval office. >> sandra: national security advisor jake sullivan describing that moment. >> so he conducted two calls from the oval office one with the three american citizens on
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the phone and he welcomed their freedom and said on behalf of the american people he was so proud to have them out and each family got the opportunity to engage by phone with their loved one. >> john: a big news day and have vacation for my four families hello i'm john roberts and washington. >> sandra: what a day, john, and sandra smith in new york this is "america reports" we are still learning more details about this historic s.w.a.t. this is a new u.s. government photo that was posted by "the wall street journal"'s assistant of editor showing gershkovich, alsu and the former marine paul whalen and i imagine when they touched down on american soil tonight they are and route as we speak. >> john: they will touch down at andrews air force base later on this evening video shows thinkable moment "the wall street journal"'s newsroom learned of the swamp
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the publisher reacting in our last hour. >> putting the spotlight on press freedom making sure that we are or we were talking to policymakers, decision-makers to advance evan 'has cause and press freedom around the world particularly in places that is very difficult. so this is a joyous historic d day. >> john: robert o'brien forming semi-formal national security advisor joins us on with don mike this historic day. >> sandra: but let's get to jennifer griffin life of the pentagon of what else we are learning about this right now. jennifer? >> sandra, jake sullivan the national security advisor got emotional at the podium moments ago. and "the wall street journal" newsroom as she showed here in washington, d.c., burst into applause after receiving the news that it's a reporter evan gershkovich had landed in turkey and exited a russian military plane. he was 1 of 4 americans
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including paul whalen who had been passed over in previous prisoner exchanges, alsu, and vladimir kara-muza who serve as a pallbearer at john mccain's funeral where they will be met by high-level officials who have been working on these cases for years. 82 russians in exchange for my four americans and 12 other dissidents the deal involves the seven nations but really came down to the chancellor of germany who had to take the difficult decision to release the killer that killed an officer in berlin, that and they had been holding these innocent american ponds to secure. alexie was part of the deal and suddenly died in a russian prison. secretary of state
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antony blinken and vice president harris made appeals during the munich security conference and the president made a final cultist lavinia just prior to announcing he would not seek reelection. along those released from u.s. prisons, a russian cyber criminal sentenced to 14 years in prison for his role in a cybercrime ring will be responsible for millions of dollars in identity theft and bank fraud conspiracy. and a 93 million dollar have to trade insider trading cons conspiracy. vadim kanashinuk extradited from estonia to face charges to american made it electronics and ammunition to the russian military. >> deals like this one come with tough calls. there are never any guarantees.
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there is never anything there matters more to me then protecting americans at home and abroad so we will continue to work for the release of all wrongfully detained americans around the world. speedily biden administration has secured the release of 70 americans in the past 3.5 years. today was one of the most elaborate exchanges since the cold war. >> sandra: jennifer griffin with us. >> john: let's bring in robin o'brien the former u.s. national security advisor ambassador o'brien, you've got extensive experience in this. having several hostages out of very hostile places this was an amazing operation. 24 people involved in total, 16 held in russia, eight held in the u.s. and germany slovenia and poland and the linchpin in all of this we are told is a russian hit man who was charged
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like we did with brittney griner the united states is exchanging a wanted criminal a really bad guy for innocent civilians but this was quite an operation. >> it was a public in a deal and i congratulate evan gershkovich for coming home. "the wall street journal" did a great job. they kept his case front and center they hired great lawyers and push hard for his release. so for him and alsu and paul whalen was been in jail for too long and vladimir it is great to have them home and their families are happy and we are happy as americans they are home. but the big winner today is there is no question about it is vladimir putin. internally he showed his security services that he can send assassins out to the west, he can murder people in broad daylight, and if they are captured if his operatives are
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captured, he will take an innocent american hostage like brittney griner or evan for this guy krasikov and bring him home. is so he has bolstered his position with the security services that are key to his survival as the leader of russia and he is the big winner today. >> sandra: looking at brand-new photos coming into us as they make their way home and the elation on their faces. welcome, robert thank you very much for joining us. i want your reaction to this because former president donald trump has now responding he posted a response to troop social and you can tell me your reaction he is questioning the s.w.a.t. he says so when are they going to release the details of the swamp with russia? how may people do we get versus them? are we paying them cash? are they giving us cash? please withdraw that question because i'm sure the answer is no. are we releasing murderers, killers, or thugs? i'm just wondering because we don't make good deals at
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anything but especially hostage swaps. our negotiators are always an embarrassment to us. i got back many hostages and give the opposing country nothing and never any cash. to do so is bad president for the future. that the way it should be. the situation will get worse and worse. they are the united states of america and calling the trade "complex" and no one can figure out how bad it is. what is your reaction reaction that? >> president trump got over 55 american hostages from places like north korea, iran, russia, yemen, we as military operations where we could and rescued people with our military. we never paid a ransom. we never traded a terrorist, an arms dealer, and assassin. a spy, we never traded those people to get innocent americans back because once you go down that road of trading assassins and drug lords like warlords are arms dealers like victor putin
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it's a slippery slope and it's hard to stop. our adversaries whether it's russia, or iran, or china from taking innocent americans and trading them for really dangerous actors. i think the president trump's frustrated. and i think president biden's frustrated i'm sure because he has been working on this deal sometimes and had he gotten this through two or three weeks ago it may have been enough to get him not pushed off democratic ticket and we it would have joe biden instead of kamala harris so the timing has to be bittersweet for president biden and jake sullivan and tony blinken to work this deal because if it had been earlier may beat president biden would still be on the ticket. had been earlier may beat president biden would still be on the ticket. >> sandra: i also thought it would be heartbreaking they try to get alexi navalni in the deal but he died before a swab could be made. i want to play something else that the president said today
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where he suggested the hostage situation was inherited from the administration that you were a part of, listen to what he said here. >> our work did not start on day one. it started before day one. during the transition i instructed our national security team to dig into all of the cases of hostages being wrongfully detained. which were inherently, well, we inherited them from the prior administration. >> john: he said they inherited them from the prior mr. risch and obvious to people being held hostage can cross over administrations. paul whalen was taken during 2018 but the rest of them including mark vogel were abducted during the biden administration. >> it a huge surge in objections during biden and that is because they saw biden would pay $6 billion for four or five hostages from iran. they saw they could get back from venezuela and victor back for brittney griner and now they
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can see they can get a kgb criminal assassin who killed someone in broad daylight in a park in germany they can get him back for evan. that this is unfortunately the track record of the biden administration. having said that, i never criticize deals to get americans home because it is so great for them and their family. if one of my daughters or my wife was held hostage i would do every thing i could to get them home. but we have to understand all we are doing is transferring the misery that the families now to the future family of someone else and that is why trump did not engage in these deals. we inherited massive numbers of wrongful detainees and hostages during the obama administration that got almost no one home. that number was very low. we had a deal, john, for paul whalen to get back on a handshake deal that i made in geneva but when we lost the election the russians pulled that back. i feel terrible that was another three and a half years but we had a deal to get them home and unfortunately the russians saw
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the election and thought they could get more from president biden then they could from president trump which was nothing for paul other than restarting a diplomatic dia dialogue. so they held on and paid off for the russians. >> sandra: to that point jake sullivan was asked about this in the white house press briefing room a few moments ago. he was asked how the swap does not incentivize more arrests. he said "sometimes the choice is between doing that and consigning that person basically to live out their days in prison and a hostile foreige you jumping on the breaking news with us, thank you for being here. >> thank you, sandra and john. >> john: good to see him again, thank you. >> sandra: okay j.d. vance and arizona making his first trip to the southern border as the republican nominee for vice president, vance, having some choice words for vice president kamala harris. >> john: plus outrage over the plea deal for the alleged mastermind between the man behind 9/11 enter go other terrorists from the death penalty. brian kilmeade is with us and he weighs in on that coming up n
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>> earlier today they were flown to turkey and soon they will be wheels up on their way home to see their families. this is an incredible relief for all of the family members gathered here. it's released to the friends and colleagues all across the country who have been praying for this day for a long time. >> wanted to say when they answer the phone on the other side? >> i said welcome almost home. >> john: biden on the prisoner swap jackie heinrich joins us live peered before we get to your report i find this very intriguing that evan gershkovich needed to fill out the paperwork asking for a presidential pardon for the swap to go through and
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as part of that paperwork he submitted a request for a sitdown interview with vladimir putin. that guy has chutzpah no question about it. >> chutzpah is one word, they can think of and a few others, john. we did get some details in the briefing about how this came together. we were able to confirm that no money was exchanged, no sanctions were loosened in order to facilitate this prisoner s swap. obviously prior swaps under this administration did have money exchanged, that is a notable difference here. earlier today when the president spoke he was asked what is his message to abduct the mic abductors to take americans captive to extract from the american government whatever that hostile nation wants and his response was telling americans not to go to those places. we should say it is not unusual, we often hear from the state department warnings not to travel to hostile states because it is so difficult to get americans back.
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we see the price it costs in order to do that but we ask the national security advisor jake sullivan why the president directed his answer at american citizens instead of at russia, take a listen. >> what he did not convey was a price that countries will pay if they abduct americans for political purposes. >> we have made it clear through every conceivable channel and the president has made clear publicly on repeated occasions over the last two years about the cost and consequences of aggression standing against united states interests and taking actions we believe are unlawful and unjust. this was a moment to take our allies and thank them and to celebrate the families. >> jake sullivan really played up the president's leadership and his long-standing relationships with our foreign allies and partners that helped facilitate this trade. at one point he seemed to almost take a swipe of the
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vice president. he said he didn't think this would have happened if joe biden was not in office. i asked karine jean-pierre about that. >> this is a president that has had a long history and government. more than 50 years as a senator, as a vice president, and now it's president. it is because of his understanding of the world and the relationships with these leaders he has had he has been able to build back up our partnership with allies and also partners but let's be very clear, the vice president has been a partner in this. speak of the vice president we are told will be at joined based andrews when they come home. she will participate in the meet and greet and if she is elected it, and if the administration does not secure the release of mark vogel before that, that would fall on her. so in terms of being a partner
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and of the wisdom that is being shared, i would imagine there is high interest in securing mark vogel's release should she have to take that over and the administration told us they learned a lot from dealing with russia on this one. hopefully to apply it to the release, john. >> jacqui heinrich for us, thank you. center? >> thanks. lawmakers and families who lost loved ones on 9/11 are outraged after learning about the plea deals where the alleged mastermind behind the attacks and two other terrorists include taking the death penalty off the table. south carolina senator lindsey graham says the deal will just encourage more terrorist attacks in this country. >> it's the wrong signal at the wrong time the world is on fire, terrorism is rampant and we give a plea deal to the mastermind of 9/11? that encourages more attacks. i think it's the most ill-conceived idea. he is not going anywhere. i mean, he is held as an enemy combatant. i think it sends a horribly bad
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signal at a very dangerous time. >> brian kilmeade at "fox & friends" cohost, one nation host and host of the brian kilmeade radio show. thank you for stopping in here, brian. as you can imagine the cover of "the new york post" today you can put it up a atrocity of justice, 9/11 mastermind spared death penalty and shocking plea deal, he deserves hell and a picture. >> families deserve better communication than this and two where will he go if it costs 12 million a year each prisoner that is too much for us to be paying but i don't want to see him in new york city i will see him in a dude super max in denver? are we okay bringing these men to our country? we don't know that a number three their demeanor was jovial, having a great time in court for seven hours. the families have to see that 23 or 24 years later. on top of that remember, they said guilty, i want to die and do you know what we did coke? we bring in lawyers, they get
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lawyers, next thing you know they are thinking about the quality of life, they are fighting to stay out of the chair, and now they get what they wanted i guess, life in prison but i worry too about the store being related that someday they will use some of them as pawns. they will get an american and say i want k sm out of gitmo and what will we say, no? it seems we do swaps of people for people. >> john: i am wondering, brian, this administration says there was nothing else they could do that this case was hopelessly mired in the legal system. so they cut a deal with them. i am wondering if this was the bush administration or the top administration if the president of the united states would have let the deal go through? or would of said look, for national security reasons, we cannot move them out of want, no. >> it that we lost the bush mind-set and i think it is bad. islamic extremists they are not rehabitable but then came
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barack obama pledging to get rid of gitmo and find another place to go with these guys and he could not do it. and he didn't try to do it for seven years and stop talking about it. i don't think in a million years donald trump would've cut it. donald trump was downtown as a businessman the day of the attacks. he was talking to the pressing himself what is going on so i think he has the reality of 9/11 fresh in his mind 24 years later and we are seeing at the end of biden's only term his deal gets cut. has a lot of mystery around it but they are worried about it from the legal perspective what it means of the waterboarding and how that goes which may come up in military court. could they be in a situation where they get years instead of life because of the way we use enhanced interrogation? i am pro-enhanced interrogation and i think i got us a lot of information and they have ultimately bin laden but that may not be great in court. >> sandra: as you imagine a gut punch to these families of the victims. i am very disappointed reads one
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of "the new york post" today, we pick waited patiently along time they wanted the death penalty the government has failed us. this man, daniel, his twin brother, john, one of the 23 nypd cops killed. >> 2,977. by the way the numbers are still tallying up words as people deal with these exotic cancers we don't seem to be able to cure. 's view and the firefighters union weighing and saying they are outraged. great to see was always. >> see you saturday on one nation. be on a historic prisoner swap between the u.s. and russia involving eric herskovitz and former maureen paul whalen. how is this high-profile deal brokered? >> breaking down what we know so far as we work our way to their arrival this evening on u.s. soillet'.ed general jack keane i ss just ahead. no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information
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at all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> john: the state department has a level four warning against
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traveling to lebanon, that level for advisory issued following back-to-back strikes that killed hezbollah and hamas terror leaders. army general jack keane is here in downtown tehran's new information came out that i find fascinating that he was killed by a bomb planted in the guesthouse in which he was staying months ago run by the guard kohler. does the smell of an inside job? >> john, you are going at something pretty sensitive. that is the fact there has been two dozen plus attacks going back 12-15 years. conducting espionage operations are inside of iran.
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every single one of operations with some exceptions stomach exceptions an end getting those operations. it is absolutely stunning what they've been able to do with all the nuclear secrets and the truckloads of information right out of tehran itself. in 2020 when they took the nuclear facility down and all of the centrifuges they blew up. they have conducted cyberattacks and an '22 later that year they sent six quadruple drones and it took down hundreds of drones at a manufacturing base in western iran. this has been going on to include killing nuclear
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scientists, engineers, and military officials, they do this in cooperation with iranian dissidents who help with information and also with execution. so inside job, absolutely. likely the case here. >> sandra: interesting, general, welcome to you. we know through antony blinken we continue to hear the goals of cease-fire they believe they are working towards a deal. where do you see this going next, general? >> it's hard to believe they are getting close to a deal given what is taking place and i applaud upfront here, the israeli government taking down a hezbollah military commander and a hamas military commander. hamas' military chieftain involved in those negotiations. we have told these leaders accountable. israel is doing exactly the right thing here. i think it will have some impact on negotiations for sure.
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sesinwar the decision-maker on e hamas site has been holding back and the reason he is holding back is he thinks for traction and time is on his side, condemnation of israel on the rise, isolation of israel on the rise, resident of the united states and others in the administration wire brushing israel in public old and back weapons and munitions, why would you not think that is in your favor? that is where we have been. i am not certain there is anything close to happening. we have said that before and it just hasn't happened. >> john: in response to takeouts of shuker and haniyah they said it will launch retaliatory strikes. graham says if they do that the united states needs to hit iran themselves. listen to this. >> not only should israel hold iran accountable for any
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escalation by hezbollah, the united states should do the same. which of the target lists inc. should include those facilities most vital to the funding of terrorism. it should include refineries. >> john: you and he appeared to be on the same page, general. >> listen, the commander of central command, eric corolla, has submitted requests time and time again to the administration to get permission to push back on the houthis not just offense literally which is defending against missile and rocket attacks and take down their larger systems in yemen but go after the source. the spy ship in the red sea providing the targeting for the houthis. the navy ships transporting the rocket ships and munitions. go after these targets. over 100 targets have been submitted. inside iran, they are just military targets. not even a commercial target like senator graham is talking
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about, or oil refineries come all of them rejected. i don't think anything like that will be approved by this administration. it is strategic failure on a part of the administration that we don't hold the architect of what has taken place in the middle east, the chaos and destability is organized and supervised by iran. the fact we don't hold them accountable leads to more aggression. that's where we are. >> sandra: general it is always great to have you on thank you. >> john: thanks, general. >> great talking to you. >> sandra: j.d. vance made his first trip to the border as the g.o.p. candidate for vice president. he visited tucson, arizona, and slammed vp harris over the migrant crisis. we are going to be speaking to jacob carson or a fifth-generation rancher and former sheriff's deputy on what is happening right now at the border next or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that.
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subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing]
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>> sandra: j.d. vance making his first trip to the southern border as a public anomaly for vice president. that was earlier today and joining us now as jacob kartchner a former arizona sheriff's deputy and fifth-generation rancher. here to discuss that trip but first to you on the status of the border. there has been a lot of news out there and sometimes we turn our focus away. what is the situation right now? >> center, john, on behalf of many of us here in the county thank you for having me on and i would like to thank senator vance for coming down here and seeing firsthand what is going on. here in arizona let me paint you a picture. our county is roughly 6200 square miles the size of delaware and rhode island combined. everyone is trying to get from the southern border, which is
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mexico, to i10 on the northern side. they come down here. everything crossing here in arizona that the news won't tell you about his military age males between the ages of 15-35. they are all dressed and head-toe camouflage trying to avoid detention at any cost and they are controlled by the cartel. we have multiple deaths in the desert every year. i think at one time we had accountable over 200 migrant deaths through the southern arizona but, you know, here in arizona, what is unique is we are having to foot the bill because our local law enforcement is having to do federal government's job. >> john: question for you. joe biden when he announced he was no longer going to run for president said that border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. we do not have the numbers for
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july and yet officially, from customs and border protection, certainly in june they were higher than december of 2020 when donald trump had his final full month in office. what is your sense of where you are in cochise county? i don't want to say it is ground zero because we are seeing most of that in the san diego sector but have the numbers will be dropped since the president announced the new plan? >> i retired in february so i can't give you the exact numbers right now but i will say one of the big things is election cycles are definitely a key factor in what is coming across the border. the narrative has changed a little bit, so we are seeing a bit of a decrease right now but we are nowhere near we were four years ago when we call it a manageable chaos on the border. we were able to somewhat manage
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what was going on. >> sandra: i wonder what will -- how kamala harris will be approaching the subject as many are digging deeply on her performance at the border although i am told i have to get out of the segment right now. we appreciate you coming on in j.d. vance on what we are seeing every single day. thank you for coming on. >> john: thank you, jacob. >> thank you for having me. >> we will take a quick break and be right back. get ancestrydna and see which traits were inherited, where they came from, and who you share them with. discover what makes you legendary with ancestrydna. the world has changed. clearly, it's not the eighties in the nineties anymore. and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return
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>> we will never need other people to advocate for him are interpret the importance he will get to speak for himself and that is really the true victory today. >> that is earlier on america reports almar latour talking about the joy of the wall street journal where he is publisher of the returns of evan gursky of a
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chapter 16 months in captivity in russia. what a day it is for those folks and for his family. the family of the other hostages who have been released and we'll be coming home soon. >> sandra: yes, they erupted in applause and here's a picture of those coming home. tonight we'll be very joyous to have them step back onto american soil. are never talking with almar latour and he was worried he was being coerced to smile and we thought how was he holding it together but no need to even ask anymore there he is making his way back and it will be a big evening for sure john. >> john: and what i knew love is the news that's come out is when he was writing the paper work for his release he put and request with the russian government to do a sitdown interview with russia president vladimir putin. >> sandra: there you go. thank for joining us and sent to smith. >> john: and john roberts see you again tomorrow. we'll take a quick break -- you got it... but she's delayed. get offers on select f sport models at the golden opportunity sales event.
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