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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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national stage to chastise her own liberal base and use them to pass herself off as a moderate law and order candidate. this is going to be all very well orchestrated, and you can't help but see the hand behind the theatrics here. >> laura: my favorite image of the entire day was kamala in the car, wrestling with the binder, and then coming out reading from the binder, and then taking no questions. i mean, she has learned from the best, though, from biden. raymond, great to see you, as always. well, that's it for us tonight. make sure to follow me on social media. we have some updates in the ingraham household, so you want to check those out. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime peer tonight. >> you have a radical left puppet candidate who is fake
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fake fake and on the other hand you have a president who will fight fight fight for america. >> jesse: trump, a and the phony race factor p. or. men punching women, a new olympic sport. >> it's a man now. >> we need you to be the mom of the country. >> we need to use our privilege and get involved with election season. >> jesse: ladies ladies ladies , what are we doing? >> use your brain. >> jesse: plus. >> i find it weird that she thinks she's going to win. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: for nine days and nights the media gave her wings
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and turned her into the pantsuit messiah that sugar high was the media's excuse to bury the biggest story of the election, a trump dodging an assassin's bullet pair yesterday everything changed. talk of the town again was donald trump. who knows better than anybody that if you want to change a narrative, you create a little controversy. forty-five rsvped it to the black journalist convention and played the race card. >> do you believe that vice president kamala harris is only a ticket because she is a black woman. >> i think it's maybe a little bit different p. or she was always of indian heritage and she was only promoting indian -- indian heritage. i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black. is she indian or is she black? [ simultaneous talking ] a. >> i respect other one but she
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obviously doesn't she was indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made the turn and she became a black person. >> i think somebody should look into that to when you ask in a very hostile and nasty tone. >> do you believe that vice president kamala harris is a de i hire. >> i don't know could be paired. >> jesse: last night we said we had no idea how this was going to play. but the dust is starting to settle and we are picking up a few clues. the media barely covered trump's comments today. if these comments were supposed to be devastating to the trump campaign, the media would playing at every hour. if this was so explosive why didn't she capitalize on it? she put out a bland paper statement last night but never brought it up again. they haven't cut an ad for surrogates -- the surrogates aren't going wall-to-wall. the democrat doesn't want to talk about race? and play the victim and called trump racist? that strange. i wonder why she is avoiding this? does it have something to do with white dudes for harris?
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and why isn't she talking about this egregious attack on dei. maybe the black community sees her different than we think i don't know. maybe this issue of her race isn't as potent as we think and that's a good thing. this shouldn't be about race. that's exactly how trump weather he knew what he was doing or not, shifted the debate. everybody's now talking about what trump needs to do to win. and what he touched on in his reference to her mixed-race, she uses this side sometimes, the other side the other time for political opportunity, gets to the heart of kamala harris. she's fake. and there's nothing wrong with people with mixed backgrounds identifying in different ways at different times it's natural. politicians are phony and she is a career politician. she goes where the wind blows and changes positions day-to-day
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, changes accent spare she does what easy in the moment. so she can't get pin down. everybody knows people like kamala harris pair she's the kind of girl who is nice to your face, talks behind your back. she is someone who called you a racist and enjoins your ticket. whenever trump says -- whatever trump says he will say to your face. >> a lot of people fail to realize the reason why they support trump is because we like the fact that he's not presidential. we like the fact that he's real and that's what we appreciate. we need authenticity in this white house. >> jesse: this is why hillary lost. voters did not like her because she was phony. wikileaks revealed that hillary had two positions on an issue. a public position and a private position. [ singing ] with calm a. she doesn't even have a position
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she literally just said she wants to get rid of your guns, your healthcare, oil drilling and ice and three months before the election, her campaign puts out a statement that says she doesn't believe in any of that. watch? the first female president is going to be a woman with no principles and no policies? i don't know guys. her california sponsor willie brown is advising kamala harris that she ought to embrace her hazy ideological categorization because if she keeps people continually guessing then she can adjust the interpretation of your guests every time she sees you. how fake is calm a? behind closed doors she makes her entrance cried pure she won't let them look or any -- in the eye. crime exploded in california. she bailed out blm writers peer she got a plea deal with the 911 mastermind. kamala says she's one of the
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girls. when she ran for senate, she treated her campaign fund like a personal checking account to fund a life of luxury. she just campaigned on democracy. now it's freedom is the slogan. she fired you for not getting back, she censored your speech, trying to put her opponent in prison. what kind of brave girl boss hides from the mainstream media? she hasn't done an interview in a month. a lot has happened in a month. trump is doing interviews with cnn, black journalists, libertarians. they are hiding harris who suddenly went from the most unpopular vp in history to a cultural phenomenon who doesn't talk to the media. i'm not buying it. you don't hide from journalists who want you to win. she's afraid. they are protecting her. she's not a leader. all this hype online for harris, we found democrats paying people
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$150 cash to post to make harris look cool. how does harris paying for clout make you better off? people see through it. >> tell me what appeals to you about trump. >> his business acumen and donald trump was president. we were doing a lot better financially peer. >> i think she hasn't done anything worth mentioning. >> what would you have wanted to see vice president harris accomplice -- accomplish that she has not? >> i would like her to bring calm to the border. the crisis has gotten out of hand. >> jesse: in a weird roundabout way trump's kamala ain't black comments are forcing him to bring the campaign back around two issues, to substance, to records. it's what the country wants. maybe he planted a few seats with the fake race remark but people are now curious. who is kamala? not so much about who her mom
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and dad are. she grew up in canada as... she's never fought for you she's only fought for herself. and that's fake. >> the contrast could not be more stark on the one hand you have a radical left puppet candidate who is fake fake fake and on the other hand you have a president who will fight fight fight. >> jesse: former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy is here. when you saw that at yesterday's black journalist convention, did you think he was going to lose both because of that or did you think one of these things is going to blow over in a few days and it's back to the races. >> at first i don't know where you are going. when you say to look at it, kamala was invited and she didn't show. he will go anywhere. the great thing about president trump is he's the same person in
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the front that he is behind. he will tell it exactly how it -- exactly how he sees it and feels it. i think you raised a very good point and last time i was here you were saying biden is going to flip and make calm a the nominee. they were hiding how they were going to do it. now you are really seeing how she has flip-flopped all the way through peer cheese been consistent on one thing. she has had a toxic work environment entire time she's been a leader. at every office. these are the most liberal people working for her that said they cannot work for her. >> jesse: the most loyal and liberal people. >> that is one consistency she has. >> when you were in meetings with her, how did she strike you? >> it was interesting peer she came late to a few in the president would start without her. it told me he didn't really worry about her peer she interjected at a few times that you could tell she wasn't keeping up with the meeting but she was trying to play bad cop.
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i remember... the thing that concerned me the most was why didn't she bring people together when she was put in charge of the border? why didn't she reach out or go to the border agents, she only went one time. >> jesse: i know people that know her and no joe and they think about her and they rolled her eyes. now everyone is kamala kamala kamala. what is the inside scoop on her with democrats in the house? what do they really think of her? >> when i would sit with democrat members from california , they didn't like her and they said she didn't work with them because she was the senator. i said you work with your senator, she doesn't work with me. feinstein would back in the day. she didn't work with him either. it didn't seem that the white house would ever be interested in what she had to say or what
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position she had to take. even when it came down to the 4th of july, she only got invited up to the balcony this year when he was about to back out. >> jesse: that's a big honour when you get invited to the truman balcony. [ simultaneous talking ] >> he's rubbing his nose. >> he is always there with that backpack. she didn't get the invite until the very last moment. >> the only reason she has popped in now is because biden was so unpopular. they are so thankful he's gone pure wait until they get a few moments with her. this is a lot like 1988. dukakis was sitting 17 points up then we found out he was weak on crime, he was letting willie horton out, wait till you see her. she is a soros prosecutor, she's worse. we saw dukakis and that helmet, think about the decisions that she's going to make in the process. >> jesse: don't put on the
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helmet. johnny are down the street actually had a very pressing into observation i probably shouldn't even tell him that he will get a big ego. he said when he saw the crowd in atlanta, he said maybe these people are already going to be voting for biden. they wouldn't have gone to a rally but they are going to a kamala rally because they had a rockstar there. is she bringing out new voters or is she bringing out the kind of board biden people who are already going to vote democrat anyway. >> this is really what she always does. when she opens up in a campaign she opens up really strong. when she ran for president she had 40,000 people in oakland. people said she's raising so much money. she was the one her she didn't even make it to iowa so she starts strong and then collapses. will only have 96 more days so it's a shorter campaign but the more people get to know her they realize that's not what they want. remember where the polls were when people knew her at the vice president.
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the most unpopular vice president even in her own office. that's hard to do. >> jesse: the people that know her the best quit. kevin mccarthy thank you. >> jesse: fox news alert, kamala harris his front-runner for bp, pennsylvania governor john shapiro is getting blown up. he is accused of covering up sexual harassment in his office and now the national women's depends league is urging harris not to pick him. one of shapiro's closest advisers was hit with a sexual harassment allegation. then the governor's office paid a woman $300,000 to make it go away. did shapiro pay hush money to win an election? we were told that's a big no-no. could this derail her bp process? we have no idea she was planning on holding her first rally with her vp in fairly shapiro stated on tuesday.
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the new olympic sport. men beating up women. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> jesse: this weekly psalm one of the biggest scandals in olympic history. nobody's talking about it. italian boxer... in the blue squared off against an algerian boxer. they are genetically male. >> they look to come for the straight punches to the body. nice lead up.
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>> asking to get her head guarded tightened in. solid straight right hand. >> jesse: the italian woman crew -- with fight after taking those shots and then fell to her knees and cried. she said khelif through harder punches than she's ever felt before. one hundred... how did a boxer with male dna compete against a woman in the olympics? it's complicated. khelif has identified as a woman his whole life. they say there's no indication they are trends but last year they were disqualified from competing in a different boxing championship after testing positive for high testosterone and the male chromosome ask why.
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the olympics says that's okay. >> these athletes, boxers are entirely eligible. they are women on their passport they've competed for many years and i think it's not helpful to start stigmatizing people who take part in sport like this. >> jesse: the olympics thank it's fair for a genetic male to punch a woman so hard in the face she quits and cries as long as it says female on her passport. and they are going to let this guy keep beating up women in paris and they're going to hand him a gold medal for it? next summer the olympics in la, in california. kamala's home state. are they going to allow that? the... allowing men to change and girls locker rooms. and take scholarships meant for girls. and if you call somebody by the wrong pronoun, could be a hate
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crime. women's sports are being wrecked, girls are in physical danger and kamala need to answer for this because those are her policies. reporters won't ask her and the media won't report it. donald trump says when he's president he's gutting the trans rules. >> i can tell you one thing, men will not be playing in women's sports. when you look at this young lady from a different country, what difference doesn't make it? just look and say all men what hit me. i just got hit by a horse. i've never seen that. two jobs and she said i've had enough speed to ambassador for the independent women's forum, and author of swimming against the current. riley, i can woman's going to diet some point. that's what's going to happen. someone is going to die. >> unfortunately jesse that's what it's going to take for these week need, spineless,
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morally bankrupt cowards at the ioc, elected leaders of the democratic party, the same leaders of the ncaa. that -- that's what is going to take for them to see the harm and the severity and the trajectory of where we are going and change policy. even then, this isn't a line we draw in the sand... i don't know if being fatally injured as the line drawn in the sand. south park predicted this. i predicted this. i've seen all of her social media people saying how to be got here again, you shouldn't be surprised by this. this is what we should be expecting. >> they're going to hang a gold medal around this guy's neck for punching women in the face in the middle of paris with all the music playing. how is this world going to stand for that? people are going to rush the stage and rip this metal off this guy's neck. >> you would think so but we
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have a lot of people who have become comfortable and complacent. they are terrified and understandably so. the threats that we face. you just said it kamala and biden, the biden and harris administration are willing to charge you with sexual-harassment, a hate crime, if even dare to question someone's identity or if you a 17-year-old high school senior, you up to college away from your family for the first time, if you are housed with a male, another implication of this harmful title ix rewrite and if you go to your administrator and request a new roommate you would be guilty and charged with sexual harassment. that's why people are terrified. that's what we haven't seen an uproar really does far. >> you have a female nominee for president of the united states, of the free world and this is one of the biggest gender controversy of the year in the olympics. kamala harris hasn't said anything and she hasn't even been asked about it and that's a
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cover-up and that's a real shame. >> crickets from come a and -- kamala... a vote for kamala is a vote against her daughter's future. people say she will be voting for kamala because she is a woman. i will be voting for trump because i am a woman. >> jesse: women for trump, imagine that p. or think you so much riley. fox news alert, wall street journal reporter... was freed from a russian prison and the largest prisoner swap since the cold war. he spent more than a year behind bars on false charges of espionage. >> good evening to you. this was a multinational deal that took over a year to work on via back channels and it resulted in the release of 24 people in total on both sides here.
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russia released three u.s. citizens including a wall street journal reporter, paul whalen, in another journalist and also green card holder and prudent critic... president biden posted a photo showing some of them on an airplane as they made their way back to the united states. this is after a six nation deal including the u.s., germany, poland, norway, slovenia and russia. video shows the hostages being released in turkey which played the part of a middle country where prisoners on both sides were flown into be swapped between russia and the west. other releases including more russian dissidents. the russian side got back... he was convicted in germany and sentenced to life in prison for killing a former rebel in a berlin park two years prior. reportedly on the orders of moscow security services. today national security advisor jake sullivan got emotional win talking about this swap.
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>> i spent a lot of time with the families of evan and paul. most of the time as you can imagine those are tough conversations. not today. today was a very good day. >> left behind in this prisoner swap was american schoolteacher mark bogle. he's been in persian for the last three years. this is after he was arrested for entering russia with a small amount of medical marijuana he was using for his back pain. send it back to you. >> jesse: thank you so much. great to have that. migrants crash the border with jet skis.
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speed to illegal aliens are crashing the border with jet skis watch this.
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>> they just crossed into the united states. welcome to the united states of america. come here. come here, welcome to the usa. welcome to the usa. >> jesse: probably a lot easier than hiking. earlier this week the acting director of the secret service told congress under oath that
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his agency didn't cut resources from trump's detail. >> if you are talking about butler pennsylvania, all assets requested were approved. if you're talking about the media reporting of assets requested there are times when assets were unavailable and not able to be filled and those gaps were staffed with local law enforcement and tactical assets. >> that's a lie. lying to congress as a felony. secret service whistleblower is telling senator holly that that guy personally directed the secret service agents who do threat assessments at events be cut. the whistleblowers has those agents should have been at trump's butler rally doing threat assessments. they were cut by that secret service director ronald rowe. some of the secret service threat assessment agents had been warning about security problems for months. they were ignored.
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why? if those agents were at the butler ballet crooks would have been in cups the second he was spotted with the rangefinder. not only did secret service cut these special agents for the butler ballet, the secret service hasn't even called the locals who were providing backup that day. >> secret service has never talked to any of our people either before the rally that day or two this moment. has ever talk to us in regards to what our actions were that day. >> secret service has not talk to us at all about the incident. >> you have not talked directly to the secret service and directing... neither one of them? >> none of them. >> jesse: they are doing an investigation into an attempted assassination. the secret service hasn't even called the locals.
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not even out of curiosity like what the hell happened. that's evidence of a cover-up. former presidential candidate for back ramaswamy joins me now. another lie. >> lie after lie, why? >> this has become muscle memory for the federal government. this is a pattern that needs to end at some point in our history that now be at. the government has gotten so in the habit of lying to the american people, they don't trust the people with the truth. their attitude is whatever it is we can't handle it. at this moment jesse on the eve of everyone of the elections for the last couple of cycles, you have lies. joe biden's health, now even something as great as this assassination attempt, whatever
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the truth is just tell us the truth and the people can handle it and that's how we are going to rebuild trust. >> if you don't tell us the truth and keep getting caught lying and then lying about the light you just told it makes us think there's something else going on. if you just say we screwed up, we had a guy that fell asleep, we did not show up to the briefing, we turned it down because we didn't have enough money, we can say you are an idiot and you should be fired. if you don't say anything and just lie than it makes us think something else is happening. don't they see that? >> that's exactly right. this erodes public trust and it's consistent. however, bad they are worried the public will see them as being at going to be far worse in terms of what the public actually expects. the public is now sick and tired of government leaders and the media industrial complex that covers up for it just tell us the truth. is like the equivalent of colonel jessup in a few good men. he said you can't handle the truth. that's the way the government looks at its people today. i the last best chance of a
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president who actually is going to tell us that truth is going to be donald trump. and outsider who isn't afraid to tell it like it is and if donald trump wins decisively this november as i hope and still expect we'll be the case, it will be the case because he's a truth teller, not because it always lands well in your ears but that's who... if you care about yourself you tell someone what they want to hear. if you care about the people you tell them the truth. that's what we need at the top. >> jesse: thank you so much as always for joining jesse watters primetime. johnny hits the streets. >> what was the weirdest thing you've ever seen? >> a [ bleep ] on the subway. i didn't think anyone would see.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected
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media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. >> jesse: they say kamala harris momentum and she added... she's got the wind at her back. women are a big reason for her so-called surge. kamala has picked up nine points since biden has left.
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the vibes feel different than hillary's. hillary's track record was long and many women found her unlikable, on relatable. but what about kamala? she's brand-new and all the video anyone has ever seen of her she is laughing, having fun. showing up on daytime talk shows, chatting on podcasts. >> hit it. i'm a libra, my husband is a libra. >> if i'm not wearing my heels i'm wearing chuck's. jeans, checks, jacket. i grew up with funk. i have been in touch with bootsy >> bootsy collins? >> bootsy collins of course. >> jesse: is the at -- is there any other bootsy? as a going to be her against trump? the selection used to be old white guys against each other.
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now this. how much of the kamala phenomenon israel? it's obvious they don't want to talk about the facts. >> i'm voting for her because he's going to strip all of our rights away as a woman. what rights baby? what rights? she was already president and how many rights did you lose? zero. he's trying to protect women's rights. what you think it is when we have men and women's sports, men in our personal spaces, what you think it is when dangerous men come over the border. that's were protecting women and children is. >> jesse: emily wilson hosts of emily saves america is here. we are go to make you our female interpreter and if you could just share with us why women are somehow just attracted to kamala harris, is she is a girls girl or something? >> i hate to say it but we are here to have real conversations
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she's a woman. she's a woman of colour, a yellow -- a lot younger, she's a democrat. that will support her for just that alone. she's on social media aggressively and on top of that she seems very relatable granted i don't want the president of the united states to be relatable and some girl that i'm go to have cocktails with and, alike how you known night but she has relatable the fact that she's funny and loose about it. republicans don't like it but the young voters and women do like it. >> jesse: that was depressing emily. that made a lot of sense and now i'm scared. so it doesn't even really matter her policy besides abortion, trumps it -- trump is a dictator and let's go have chardonnay and watch tv, is that what we're doing hear? >> i've seen tens of thousands of these videos and all they talk about is what i just stated.
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i have not heard one person and especially a woman talk about her policies. the thing is i don't think they know her policies. if they did i don't think it would agree so much but you realize we are going against a party that is completely brainwashed and it's up to us to try to help on brainwash these women because policy wise what she does actually puts women in a lot of danger and trump want to protect women. that's what we're going against currently right now. >> jesse: can you on brainwashed women because i don't think i should be the one to do the on brainwashing of the women of america. >> that's the thing, i hate to say it but a lot of women have been watching two old white men argue on tv and other suing element that they can see themselves in and relate to so they are really excited but the thing we need to do is fight the propaganda with information. we need to be like actually a lot of these things put you in danger and on top of that trump already said he's not doing an
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abortion ban so the one thing that they fight for and care about they really have to worry about. >> jesse: does information work? information might not even be worth it because it looks like it's an identity play. what if they were somehow turned off by her? what if they found out that she's a fraud? that she's a phony, she's a backstab or, that she is selfish, that she's all about herself and not you. does that play into it at all? >> honestly i hate to say it but her party, she's got a party behind her that will support her i think no matter what she does. i think the only thing we can do moving forward as republicans need to get on social media, get on tiktok and they need to start exposing her for who she is and showing that actually trump wants to protect women and children that's the most important thing here. >> jesse: we need women going after kamala harris and telling the truth about her. it's going to be a close
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election i just found out, thanks emily. democrats newest attack on republicans weird. isn't being weird cool? they told us it was cool peerclo that johnny, he's the weirdest one we have here. watch. >> what is it mean to be weird? >> everyone's weird, unique. >> i'm sitting at the park on tv right now and i'm dripping sweat because i ran 6 miles so i'd say that's weird. >> what are your dance moves? >> being weird is that a good thing, bad things. >> it's good. >> i think it's fun to. >> weird is cool. >> you want -- you don't want to be boring so i it's a good thing. >> democrats are pretty weird. >> there is that. >> was the weirdest thing you've ever seen? >> my ex-boyfriend crazy and almost run me over.
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>> white he do that? >> it was over a popsicle. >> it was the c. train at night i didn't think anyone would see. >> a homeless person asked me for $20, he said can i get 20? >> i saw men run onto the highway booty naked. >> are you weird? >> my boyfriend is weird sew, yeah,. >> i would say so. >> what you do that's weird? >> i have a bunch of dead bugs in my room. >> my favourite type of food is haitian. >> i pour my milk before the serial. >> by my toenails. >> is that a hangnail? >> who was the weirdest person you know? >> lady gaga is kind of weird. >> my mother. she has stripped before on a
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table. >> i think it got felt is pretty weird. what's >> democrats say being weird is a bad thing. >> democrats are dominant. all the democrats do is weaken the black people. handout handout handout. >> i completely disagree. >> democrats are never's -- never very smart anyway. >> kamala says trump is weird, is he? >> i feel like he's a good person. >> trump is smart. >> how he dances, he goes like this. he shakes his booty to. >> everybody wanted their screaming dance. >> is kamala weird? >> she's not weird because she's boring. i find it weird because she thinks she is going to win. >> she is a freak picture she's got a different personality every day. >> that laugh, every ten seconds you have someone cackling, it's a little freaky spewing with the
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thing about her and these coconut trees? >> i don't understand the context. >> trump says kamala is weird, kamala says trump is weird, which weirdo are you voting for? >> trump because he's the biggest weirdo. >> trump. >> trump. >> we love trump. >> trump because he's weird. >> kamala for -- at the end of the day. >> kamala because she's black and a woman. >> she's black and a woman as the only reason you are going for her. >> yes. >> i'm cropping you don't have to. >> do you watch fox news? >> what >> you are a little weird but it's okay. >> jesse: i am weird more prime time ahead.
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>> jesse: jesse watters primetime is going to be in chicago for the dnc. we are asking you which democrats should we invite on the show? tell us who you think. you can text us and let us know. should we even invite democrats? we will have a couple of them on but only the good ones or the bad ones. let us know. let's text. a chris from vegas, democrats might be in the honeymoon phase but soon they will hit the hangover. they're going to wake up with regrets. when? the election is pretty soon. alana from west minister colorado. mccarthy brought all the tee tonight, he gossips like a schoolgirl. imagine what he says about jesse watters when he goes and talks to other people. can we trust mccarthy? adrian from california, hillary is not going to like you calling
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kamala the pantsuit messiah. and if kamala wins she might do something to kamala. not something like that but you know what i mean. item it -- genetic male punching a real woman's lights out is what kamala calls progress. >> throw that boxer in the ring with tyrus. that would be a fair fight. michael from eagle mountain utah if you live in a country where you can afford a jet ski, why do you need to come to the u.s.? if i'm good to break into someone's country, i'm going on the jet ski, class it up. frank for him massachusetts. maybe emily can on brainwash my wife. i hope your wife is not watching. >> sean: welcome to hannity. we begin with a fox news alert at this hour


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