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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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would face ultimate justice and receive the death penalty if found guilty and evidence is overwhelming. >> bill: that will not happen now, this comes as a total shock. >> absolutely. for a lot of people, this is in the rearview mirror. new york city firefighters die at rate of three a month. terrorists will continue to kills and sit in united states paid for cell and fed by the u u.s. government and body counts will continue to rise. >> bill: the story is not over. appreciate you coming on today. go ahead. >> on wednesday, there was a
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hearing, justice against response of terrorism act, my member families want to know, will terrorists be testifying at the trial to link the saudi arabia government to this? >> bill: upstate new york, enjoy your time there while you got it. 10:00 in new york. >> in red, from algeria,s k khelif. >> dana: and victory tainted by controversy and growing out rage for letting two boxers compete in the women's division after questions about gender. i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: good morning, i'm bill hemmer. here we go. this is a brutal moment, we've watched many times.
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boxer who failed a gender test a year ago lands huge punch in paris forcing her opponent to fall to her knees and quit. >> dana: the fight has been called below the belt. >> i sparred against a man but fightingsing for the olympics is bigger than that, so much on the line. to go in with the opposite gender, women fight women and men fight men. >> bill: she was on the program yesterday, terrific. i ioc could have more on their hands. former boxer duke tanner standing by and whether or not there is fairness for women aths
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athletes at the olympics. first here is greg. >> controversy swirls and all eyes on a match that just wrapped up. taiwanese boxer opposing kazakhstan's fighter. and algerian khelif was disqualified by international b boxing association after failing a gender equality test. today's bout, we've been watching, pretty much dominated by lin. no knock-out or dramatic punching, lin won by unanimous decision of judges. it was a different story yesterday with algerian aman khelif facing angela carini. khelif had been disqualified for being at an unfair advantage against female opponents.
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like colleague lin allowed to participate in the olympics. yesterday khelif wins after carini gave up saying it was unjust and complaining about the strength of the punches. critics have knocked the decision by olympics to include the two, the olympics say the athletes are women on their passports and criticize russian run ibashing a for lack of transparency. tomorrow khelif will go at it again, the opponents she is not scared. >> bill: greg palkot watching from london. i was thinking the two could face each other, but they are in different weight classes. >> dana: i couldn't take on
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tyrus, in the ring, different weight class. bring in tanner duke. the woman fighting tomorrow says she is not scared and i get that and these are tough women. she said i put an end to the match because after a life of fighting, i felt a strong pain in my nose, i did not lose tonight, i surrendered with maturity. duke, the idea women have to surrender because they are not being stood up for. your thoughts? >> listen, first and foremost, give lord and savior jesuschristian abata all the praise and glory. this is killing boxing. no woman should have to fight a man. a man's heart is bigger, muscles
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are bigger, his lung span is longer. even distance of the fight, they will recover faster. if they were diskwaul 2350id in a year, no way they should make the olympic team. the olympics should be responsible and angela carini deserves a gold medal. i'm not saying a woman can't compete in a man's sport, a man should not perform in women's sports. >> bill: we spoke to a female who said i fight men all the time, i don't fight men who can whoop me. she said this was a mismatch. i don't get why the ioshg c sees it one way and iba sees it another way, which happened in new delhi, indiana. >> correct, if testosterone was
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so high in one year why didn't they get suspended? one of my favorite fighters, he was fighting in another country, everybody saying nigel was using steroids and he lost his sight, had brain surgery and that was man against man. not only could these women be hurt, they could be killed. >> dana: duke, three of us work in different industries, media and you have your industry and people you have fought against. can you give us a sense what people in your world are saying about this story? >> it is disrespecting boxing, hurting boxing and for a kid. i was in junior olympics myself. to make it that far, you are
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fighting for your country, you aren't just fighting for boxing. for them to do this on this level in boxing in the olympics, it is disgrace to the gang and those officials need to be dealt with accordingly and immediately. >> bill: here is what one official said defending decision on behalf of olympic organization. the testosterone is not perfect test, women can have tes testosterone and still compete as women. this was on camera, spokesfan ioc. >> test osterone is not a perfect test, many women have it male levels and still be women. this idea that suddenly you do one test for testoster one and
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this sorts everything out, not the case. >> bill: we need a doctor to answer that. last comment where you think it goes? >> i think that she should angela carini should be awarded a medal, a gold medal. i think khelif should be disqualified and kicked out of the tournament and they need to stop letting men or people with higher testosterone compete in women's sports. they have fought to fight against women, not against men. any fighter will stand firm. even biblical, this should not happen, it is not fair. somebody got to make a stand, i will keep pushing to the yean, i was a fighter and i hate to see a woman be murdered by a man
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because they want to change their sex. >> dana: thank you for coming on and standing up for them. we appreciate you and hope to be in touch. >> thank you. >> bill: thank you. nine past now at moment the migrant accused of killing laken riley is in court. ri riley was killed while out for a run. judge is expected to set trial date for jose ibarra. he that incident shattered northeastern georgia. >> dana: they will not forget about it. j.d. vance talked about kamala harris and her role on the border, let's watch him here. >> kamala harris came into office making promises and kept
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those promises to open the southern border. they stopped deportation on day one. if people can come in and know they are never going to be deported, you have an open border. that is what kamala harris promised and did. >> dana: after the sugar high, you eat vegetables and that means talking about issues. >> bill: my feeling is strongest argument, go back and see what joe biden and kamala harris did day one. they did a lot more, 70 executive orders were signed that day and changed efrg for how immigration has been happening for three years plus. >> assault weapons that are in circulation, what do you do about those? >> approximately 5 million, craig, we have to have a buyback program and i support buyback program. >> dana: making another policy
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flip flop. harris previously backed mandatory program to change over assault weapons for exchange for money. she is changing course on that. madison is live in franklin, new jersey. hi, madison. >> hello. mandatory buybacks on ar-15 is one thing she is walking back on. vice president would no longer require this, despite her comments in 2019. in new jersey and other nearby cities, it is traditionally republican. voters think harris is switching her view on guns to get more support. some believe kamala harris white house would try to take their guns. sgll we're in a counter country we can't get our rights taken
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away. that is not a good view. >> she is trying to get votes. >> usually somebody's first thought is what they believe in. >> despite harris's change of heart on the buyback, her campaign says she still wants to ban them and supports red flag law and universal background check. the chief instructor in northern jersey says v.p. harris is trying to be more palatable to moderates. >> she's always been wishy washer, a zebra does not change their stripes, she is against guns. >> leadership at the rifle club are adasm it is not the guns, it is the criminals. g gifford believes banning could save lives.
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>> bill: dismal monthly job report put be pressure on the economy. what does that mean for your pocketbook and for markets that are getting hammered? larry kudlow will join us. >> and reading tea leaves, some think governor josh shapiro stock might be rising. >> if she picks josh shapiro, who happens to be jewish, she loses her palestinian base, they like me, they think we are going to bring peace to the middle east. and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> dana: are we getting a clue on kamala harris' running mate? josh shapiro has cancelled some events. harris is expected to announce
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her running mate tuesday in philadelphia. last night tim walz cancelled weekend plans, pete buttigieg cance cancelled weekend plans. i'm not cancelling weekend plans. you in >> bill: no. you sent me a tweet about the rose. >> dana: kamala harris is going to hold a rose ceremony, we need to bring back chris harrison for that. >> bill: little political humor. >> dana: getting to hemmer celebrity news. >> bill: economy hitting speed bump. labor department says we had well under expected number of jobs. unemployment popped up and stocks getting hammered.
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is the party over? here is larry kudlow. larry, calling elizabeth warren tweet i will read to you. she said fed chair made serious cut not cutting interest rates. jobs data flashing red powell need to cut rates now, not wait six weeks. is she right? >> i think powell played his cards well. the year on year inflation rate is down to three from nine two years ago. and therein lies the story, these are lousy number and have recession feel, economic storm clouds are growing darker.
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i don't think we're in a recession yet. look at rise in unemployment to 4.3% and change from a year ago is very high. some people think that is recession signal. it could be or could not be. other numbers, stocks got clocked yesterday. manufacturing index continued to fall. falling for two years. consumer sentiment, kitchen table crisis, consumer sentiment f falling, housing is in a recession. you put this together and have major economic problem. mr. powell can cut rates in september, that will not affect the economy for about a year. no magic elixir here.
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>> bill: dow 700 as we're talking, maybe we should end this conversation now. people talking about half a cut rate point maybe in september. backdrop of this political campaign, it is donald trump or kamala harris. here is what harris has said about energy and fracking. roll this first. >> i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal. i'm in favor of banning offshore fracking. i'm committed to passing a clean new deal and putting an end to frac fracking. >> bill: eraser campaign is underway. we'll see how that plays out. i don't know what a president harris, economic policy, would
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bring. i wonder how she's able to tread waters over the next 90 days when you have stock market on down side and waiting on fed and everybody says wow, not as great as i thought, how does she manage that and address it? >> well, she's got economic schizophrenia popping up. it is rare economic disease. by the way, her spthe way,pokes have been saying she did not mean to ban fracking and didn't wasn't guaranteed income. she has not said that, has not faced media criticism. she is running a basement campaign. trump went to alc chicago for t
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bl black -- intend to raise taxes for four or five trillion dollars and continue to overregulate business, they don't like business. they may not technically want a fracking ban, if you look at their war against fossil fuel over last 3-1/2 years, they want a war on fracking. that is what they are doing, want to ban fracking. spending will continue, government spending held up the economy for the past year and that is beginning to sputter out. if you're worried that the economy is in recession, or moving into recession, as i think it is now, moving into recession, you're worried about that. would you raise taxes, really? i would want to cut taxes. would you stomp out million blue
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collar jobs because you don't want oil and gas facility, you don't want drilling or producing or any lngs. would you tighten screws on business regulation? i wouldn't. common sense tells you to keep taxes down and regulation down. free up the economy, unshackel the economy. unleash the economy, let people keep more of what they earn after tax. simple, common sense things trump is looking at. >> bill: it is message on prosperity, maybe trump should push for more than one debate. great to have you on, see you at 4:00, more to discuss. >> i have not changed my weekend plans one bit. >> bill: thank you, larry. enjoy the weekend. >> dana: two jordan ian migrant
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charged with trying to breach quantico are walking free. why an immigration judge let them go and iran calls for revenge following assassination of the leader in thiran jayasundra inner ta, how far will support stretch? >> hezbollah has a lot of missiles at their disposal, i worry about hezbollah seeking retaliation and then producing a wider war between israel and hezbollah and lebanon. g allison! allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> john: those include anything from iran and we will make necessary force posture to be able to do that. >> bill: middle east has bombing of iran's top political boss. go to tel aviv and alex hogan.
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hello. >> hi, bill. region is bracing for a potential war. israeli prime minister netanyahu here in israel saying the country is preparing for re readiness after these words from leader of hezbollah. >> enemies and friends know we are on all fronts, we have entered a different phase, different from past time or past phase says. >> this is aftermath in beirut and military said it intercepted rockets launched from lebanon. today in qatar, the funeral took place for ismail haniyeh. last night benjamin netanyahu
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and president biden spoke. in tehran this service took place for hamas political leader who was mediator in the ceasefire negotiation. the israeli military announcing it killed head of hamas military wing several weeks ago in aircraft in gaza. so today because of this, more and more airlines are cancelling flights to israel and avoiding flying over iranian air space. massive attack could overwhelm israel iron dome. the defense minister in israel g gallant stressing coalition to defend from iranian attacks because of developments we've seen on the ground in recent
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days. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: bring in alaska senator dan sullivan, a lot to get to here. what do you think is likely scenario in next week or two given conflict we have? >> israel is trying to reestablish deterrence and we need to support them in their focus on doing that. that is one thing in washington wash, there is divide between democrats and republicans. democrats have become party of iran appeasement and sport of israel. 48 republican colleagues wrote president biden and said stipulate slow rolling to israel. think about what president trump did, what we have done in senate and full support for israel and
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that is critical in coming weeks. we need to support israel. >> dana: what about the two leaders being killed and no longer able to operate? >> like i mention, israel is doing hard work of reestablishing deterrence. one of the best operations we did in the united states on that issue, president trump ordered the killing of soleimani. never forget hearing we had, top secret hearing and top democrats were berating secretary of state mike pompeo for taking that action. that action helped restoeb d deterrence against iran. there is huge divide with regard to support for israel and appeasement of iran and biden has been appeasing iran.
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>> dana: i want to ask about this, thinking about in next days what could happen between iran responding to attacks. we are in a situation where we have president biden whoed said he will be president until january. some are saying she's like a c co-president at moment, not sure she is campaigning. time of transition from one president to next, we are most vulnerable, as well. leaders around the world, how much are they paying attention to what we're dealing with here and wanting to take advantage of that? >> it is a great question. it is a threat right now. we need as american elected officials need to be unified and tell the regimes of world, terrorists in iran, xhooin co communist party, xi jinping or
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pu putin. we need to be unified and send the same message, especially with regard to iran. what i worry about, dana, the language coming from biden administration on continued appeasement of iran is sending the wrong message. >> dana: if you -- reporter were to get a chance to ask a question, what is key question we need to understand how she views this world and this conflict? >> i'm concerned about that. if you think biden has been t tepid on israel and appeaser of iran, which i do. kamala harris is way worse. her national security advisor has ties to groups that arei sympathetic to iranians and my
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advice is to show sfoert sfoert for israel. she has never done that, never said israel has rhythm to destroy hamas. what she focuses on is pressuring israel into a ceasefire. she is the weakest link in the biden administration. >> dana: she said say israel has right to defend itself but adds the but. >> i hope media get a chance to sit down and ask her tough questions on the issues. it is precarious time in terms of national security, especially in middle east. >> dana: thank you, we appreciate your time. >> thanks. >> bill: 22 minutes before the hour, hollywood star diving into olympics, sky diving.
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celebrity news, tom cruz will close out the parsz games. why tom cruz? plan for cruz to repel down the main french stadium, land on field carrying the flag, then show him sky diving to the hollywood assign. we will see if he needs a double to pull this you hava. l.a. games 2028 is reason for that, we'll see tom cruz. >> dana: i have not seen enough of the olympics, i need to catch up. >> bill: they were playing golf earlier today, golf is underway. >> dana: golf is an olympic sport? >> bill: of course it is, schauffele won the gold four years ago. >> bill: they have skills and strong -- >> dana: get going.
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>> two jabs and she said no more, she got hit so hard, that fight, there will be no men playing in emwa's sports when we're elected. >> dana: hearing from donald trump about gender and fairness in women's sports. what about kamala harris? crickets so far. no vision of sugar plums in kamala harris' head, she wons found fault with saying merry christmas. we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. our biggest challenge?
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>> bill: from the white house, the president left from wilmington. on his way out he was ask about v.p. pick. here how that went? >> have you spoken to vice president kamala harris about her running mate? >> yes. [indiscernible] --
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>> i'll let her work that out. >> why did you drop out? why did you drop out? [indiscernible] -- >> we're not giving up on that. >> what more can you do? >> president biden: we want me to tell you ahead of time so he didn't get out? >> bill: there we go, not a lot of answers. >> dana: why did we even show that. he looks a little unburdened. he sort of took questions, yelling over the helicopter. >> bill: off to wilmington, to rohoboth beach. we'll see what he does. think about this now, sitting u.s. president, a lame duck, five and a half more months in
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office, what is his priority, has power of presidency, what decisions will he make? >> dana: or what problems will come to his desk. dylan and talk about the co-presidency, it is a real thing, been how many years? >> dana: here is something white house has not commented on. >> boxer today, the boxer, two shots, shes, i can't fight this. that fight, there will be no men playing in emwa's sports when we're elected. >> bill: pretty black and white. algerian boxer who failed gender test pummelling a female opponent. white house and kamala harris yet to weigh in. we weigh in with charlie hurt
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and suesy weiss. welcome to the practical. >> thank you. >> bill: what is do you think of all of this? >> in terms of this algerian boxer, the boxer is not trans. this is not lia thomas switching from men's team to women. we have algerian boxer who grew up trans. this is closer to a situation where she has sex disorder that affects hormones and reproductive organs, it is really unclear. fault is at the feet of the ioc. in an effort not to wade into the waters, put a female athlete at risk. >> dana: one thing i noticed on the kamala harris thing, they are not taking questions on
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anything. there are times in political season when a story captures attention and if you ignore it, it will get bigger. this story feels like that moment. eyes of the world are on the olympics. >> charlie: if you have a clear position like with maria this morning, it is easier to navigate than if you have kamala harris' position, we don't know what it is. >> dana: yeah. >> i'm more confused than you are about it. it is a very simple thing in terms of the ioc, they have a rule, they have women and men's sports, where a dude could kill a woman with a punch. enforce the rule, they are playing games, where they don't want to wade into it so much so they can't give a clear answer so somebody who doesn't
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understand this knows this is a man or woman and they are enforcing the rules. >> bill: wrestling would be different, 100-yard dash different, but boxing, all of all sports, boxing. >> i spent so much time trying to understand this yesterday, man's punch is 162% stronger than a woman's punch given equal body comparison. that is devastating. one punch to the noggin of a woman by a man and you are talking about a crushed skull, dead, broken spine. >> dana: and broken dreams is the other thing, and opportunities. you get to a certain level, you would get sponsorship money, that has been taken away. this video popped up, plenty of it. here is something she's talking about not saying merry christmas
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and here is why. >> and when we all sing happy tunes and sing merry christmas and wish each other merry christmas, these children are not going to have a merry christmas. how dare we speak merry kr christmas, how dare we. they will not have a merry christmas. >> dana: this gained attention, i understand what she is saying, what do you think? >> it is not okay to cancel christmas. >> dana: not okay to cancel christmas? july or now august. >> if you -- >> bill: do you think, charlie, pardon, do you think she will do an interview or hold a press conference before the dnc gets underway? >> it will be absolute disgrace if she doesn't.
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battleground it is possible? >> are you kidding me? what i've seen, i believe anything. >> dana: great to have you on, follow you around. law enforcement on high alert, ice warning about threats from venezuelan gang. look at the leaked documents n next. and again. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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i.c.e. detention by doj immigration judge generally jim posting bonds of $15,000 after being arrested your recall back in may attempting to enter quantico and a box truck reproducing orders to stop with amazon contractors which the company denied here they were turned over to i.c.e. detention then charged with misdemeanor trespassing on a military base. i.c.e. says during a joint task force investigation no interior motives but bill, we don't know how they knew each other and it is concerning experts. >> it has a feel of a probe and you have to say to yourself, i hope taking down the columns, the phones and backtracking on these guys. let's remember something they are jordanian internationals and have of jordan palestinian. >> i.c.e. said regardless of nationality, i.c.e. makes a case-by-case basis in accordance with u.s. law and the u.s.
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homeland security policy. they were back in court in september to face the trespassing charges. i.c.e. remains in removal proceedings. >> bill: what they show up? we will find out. thanks, griff, nice to see you. >> dana: i.c.e. with new warnings train date nor log off and venezuelan gang is giving their members the green light to attack and kill police. live with west palm beach, florida, hi. >> hi, good morning, dana. they are unto meditate again, ruthless, brazen towards authority bragging about not backing down to law enforcement who are now on high alert. let's get to the leaked documents obtained by fox peter doocy and a i.c.e. for internal memo come officials believe that they have given members of the green lights to kill police officers in denver. this information shared across
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all agencies as the gang grows more powerful in texas, chicago, new york and now throughout florida. former nypd inspector and fox news contributor told us there was a stark, cultural difference with the members view and interact with law enforcement here in the u.s. >> in venezuela, the police very casually shoot it down. so, they feel like you know what, we are on par with the police in terms of power and stature. and we shoot at us so we will shoot at them. >> members have been tied to hundreds of crimes from assaulting nypd officers and a murder in miami. to shooting to different nypd cops who were trying to arrest one of the members in june. they engaged in money laundering, gun smuggling, theft and human trafficking. they are violent and powerful inside migrant camps according to the reports. last month, the biden
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administration designated this as transnational criminal organization, which means money and resources will go to capture all of these gang members. it is also important to note venezuela has been refusing deportation plates, dana. >> dana: we will deal with this for years if not decades. >> bill: a quick shout out and kellyanne conway has a new show called "here's the deal." she will do this every week until the election and you can get a download from kellyanne conway. >> dana: did you go number, number, number, number? that's fun. >> bill: >> bill: i showed you the back of my clipboard appeared and i said, well done. >> dana: i thought i got it. >> bill: you did too, did you? >> dana: hello, the "the faulkner focus" up next.


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