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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 2, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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the collection now let's do tex gary from prior, oklahoma. the only democrat you should invite to chicago is harold ford j gary fra thr. be oh, he'll be there. i think he's on the show thursday. on e jamie from lexington. >> you should invite aoc on to discuss the secret service. >> she's on our side. why not? aoc you're officially invited i on prime time. we expec ot to see you. >> stephanie from charleston, south carolina. was the leakrlesto an accident r is shapiro forcing carmela's hand? >> oh, intriguing. dorothy from queen, i noticedids you didn't send johnny to that prison in el salvador. >>e pr not. oh, so many people want to send johnny to prison. >> johnn sendy might like priso. that's all for tonight. dvr the show. always remember, i'm waters, and this is my world.
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>> and welcome to hannity and happy friday. we begin tonight with somethingr a little different, a brutal new sport taking the worldutal o by storm. that's dana white's power slap competition. it is going viral like nothingen you've ever seen. now enterings th its third seas' and it is now the focus of a brand new fox nationy. documentary. >> here's a previe w. this is power slap. and coming up tonight, power slap founder and ufc head dana white will join us with a preview of season three. but now we are only 95 days until election day, 46 daysvotig until early voting begins. a shocking new development. from kamala harris now for the veryci first time since her coronation. the democratic hopeful spoke ths off script. it was just one sentencet about the hostage release. but even that didn't
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go particularly well. it was anothero partl. one of te words, salves that didn't quite make any sense. and joe in j bidene biden was l, as per usual, totally dazed and confused. in a wh and for the first time in a while, i really can't blame him. take a look. >> this is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands power of diplomacy and understand s the strengthin that rests in understandinging the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. >> this is an incredible day. a >> least joe has an what in the world was she trying to say? this is not rocket science. she was there to congratulate cle americanshe ulate on a safen home. clearly, this is whyearly this . rarely ever speaks off script or takes questions without a teleprompter. but it's not the only reasononly as kamala likes to say. she just didn't fall out of at o coconullt. c tr he has a long and public trackac
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record of very radical and,ous po frankly, dangerous positions on just about everythingsit from immigration law and order, the economy, energy independence fro, policy.e brea now, thesed- are bread and buttr issues that impact every one of you. but now, kamala, with the help of the state the media mob, is trying to obscure this record who's nowg to hiding behd her own staffers. and just like joe is hidingmenti in his basement in 2020 and them media is helping her insteaded him. now, the campaign spoke to numerous outlets to inforthii that kamala harris has experienced in the last weekeecy a miraculous election year conversion. and doesn't actually supportr many of her. one strongly ver1 strongy strong beliefs. the conversation on major issues only occurred after she became the presumptive nominee, now nominethe prese. unfortunately for kamala, while her positions d in her ownumente words and they're afraid of her own words every day we unearth
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new videos of your vicef president, your democratic presidential candidate, spewing extremyo e, dangerous and pretty radical record. and i'll tell right now, your rhetoric is insane. is insa videos,arious the media, frankly, they don't want you to see. they're nevey yousee.r going ty them. they'll not ask her. they're okay with not interviewingk okayt. they're okay with no press conferences. but we're going to play them every single night. we have the kamala files, as we calle th them on "hannity" .com. you can download them yourself, give them to your friends and family o your and coworkers and strangers. anyway, for example, here's kamala harris berating americans for saying merry christma sayins. why? because illegal immigrants, they're not having a merry christmagrants as. >> don't you dare say merry christmas. and only when they clear that fat did we give them a status. e taking and now we're talking about taking it away. it is morally wrong.
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and when we all sing happy tunes and sing merry christmas and wish each other merry christmas, these children are not going to have a merry christmas. >> how dare we speak merry christmas? how dare we? il they will not have a merrychrist christmamas. they they don't know if they will be here in a matter of dayy'llss weeks and months. reme des radical, extreme, bizarre. weird, even. don't you dare say merry. w woul a short time later, kamala appoi would be appointed as border czarnt. e th and can you believe it? our border, along with the entire immigration systerder al is now nothing but an unmitigated disaster and a huge national security threat. a clear and present dangercl to everyear o american. campaig but that didn't stop her campaign from releasing some laughable ad touting her record on the border. except they don't tell the trute h. harri here's my message to the harris
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campaign. pay attention, politicianss. numbers don't lie. and here are the numbers. since becoming the border czar and she's the border czar, kamala allowed more unvetted illegal immigrants into our country than ever before in the history of the united states. in fact, underehistory ates hars there has been more illegal immigration than anywhere in the history of the world. you know, almost 11 million unvetted illegals from 180 countries with many with terror ties. many countries that are enemies of our country. and she wants a promotion. she' she has blood on her hands. many americans , murdered by joe and kamala is unvetted. illegal immigrants under their watch. tens of thousands dead from fentanyl pouring across our border. mexican emboldened like never i before. make no mistake. what in likes at the border is n some big random coincidencote.
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it's out of carmela's control. they bragged about undoing the trump policiesmala's cgged . for years she has vilified for ynd border securit officials. she promised mass amnesty to all illegal borde immigrants she called for illegal immigration to be and then proposed giving free health care to illegal immigrants,he free education to illegal immigrantsalth. she helped california become a sanctuary state. she bragged all about it on tape. so, matter of fact, now a message from the democratichar nominee for president, kamala harris on borderison bors, immi. >>e thing about the border. we've been to the bordert th. ee we've been to the border. you haven't been to the border. bordand i haven't been to europh and i don't know. i don't understandavn to the pot that you're making. >> you support giving universal health care a medicare forn all to people who are in this country illegally. let me just be verntry y clear about this. t thispposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to
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public safety, public educationb ,public health. >> period. would you call the border secure period.his. bor? i think that there is no think question that we have to doe hae what the president and i asked congressdo do. the first request we make pass a bill to a pathwayers secu to citizenship. the border is secure. we have towe hav have a secure border. but i am in favor of saying that we're not going to treai at people who are undocumented across the border as criminals. that's correct. undothe bordt. video these are all videos that the state run media mob ought to be playinea mog and asking questios about. but again, they're not going to do it becauseabout buil theyw camila will get crushed if she e is forced to confront her own words, her own statements, her own agenda. now, her keep in mind, it is not just the border. now, a message frojustm kamalai' harris about america's green new socialist economney. . >> take a look.
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so, again, back to the united states congress. here'sgain bacited my point. if they fail to acthe as president of the united,d stt i am prepared to get rides of te filibuster to pass a green new deal. >> she'll even get rid of the filibusterbuster to pass, the gl that she co-sponsored in the senate. and now a message e from kamala about all the new taxes she wants to oppose on impose. on you and your family. >> take a look. so these are some of the ways. but we've got to increase the corporate tax rate . we also have to increase taxes for the top 1%. and that part of that is goingil to be about repealing that taxin bill that they just passed. and also looking at estate taxes are going to have to gor h up for the richest americans. richn that well, if they go up to 70 or 80%, she applauded aoc's commitment towards that said it was fantastic over the last four years. >> these over t words have been backed up by her actions, taxes and spending have sharply increased under the biden-harris regime.
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and now your economy is a nightmare. inflation is through- the roof and going higher. many are worried about a looming recession. and today, stocks plummeted yet again after a terriblecession t on top of bad economic news yesterday. n tothe unemployment rately aga is officially again on the rise. kamala owensinthe rise, that re. yes. like she owns the high cos higtl the cost of democracy, as she calls it, the high cost of energy. after calling for a ban on fracking and offshore drilling for, oil exploration on public lands, another message from lands kamala harris, this time on energy policy. well, commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking. your first day in office, adding the united states to the list of countrie? s who have banned this devastating practice. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning frackinbanneds >> so, yes, she owns skywns sk rocketing energy costs, just like she owns the afghanistan debaclyr shee that she admittedlyg
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played a big role in planning and the increaseroled threat right here at home. and now another message from kamalaothe harris on radical rac islamic terrorism. take a listeamicn. >> i have the courage to adapt when we use that term, radicalle islamic terrorism. and the greatest of terror. o he and we've got to have the courage to reject the term illegal alien. courageect thshe also owns then of law and order across the country. after supporting the violent aftes in the summer of 2020, promoting that bail fund after burned down the minneapolis polt four dayss earl earlier, calling for police departments to lose fundin g. and once again, a message from kamala on law order. >> watch. this is a movement, i'm telling you, they're not going to stop. and everyone beware, because
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they're not going to stop. it is going to end. they're not going to stop before electioitnt in day in november. and they're not going to stop after election day. elecd be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this s th theis they're not going top and they should not. >> and she praised defunding the police and reimagining the police kamala's radical aren't the only concern. according to her own staff. 's apparently, she's a terrible leader and a mean one,n accordintend ag one report, quo, dully kamala harris berate staff, left them in tears aftert berating them with f-bombs. tol one intern told was tolder to never make eye contac mty with her. these claims are backed up by the numbers as vice president, staff turnaround and turnover rate was over 9s oe but none of this matters to kamala harris. like mat t joe biden. the presidency is a personaly vanity project for harris.ere sa he's going to sandy and doed whatever she needs to say or dos to get elected and get power. i for her, this isn't about making the country
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th. tter this is about her own political, personal ambition. this kind of toxic thinking is clearly carried ove r. so some of her biggest backers, including those activists who megt with vice president harris dozens of times. take a look. >> we have to get out. they got their people. they got all o hltrailef traile, all of it, all of the people coming up in the in west virginia, in the hills they covered. they got all the way downwall to wall street. stred that and we shouldn't have excuse me. forget the white women. they're going to dtho what what they white men tell them to do. >> so does karma supportus that kind of rhetoric? will anyone in the statecall mea mob ask her about these comments? will she ever sit for an intervier about these?w? ever do a press conference? will they ask her if she i supports the anti-semitic b rhetoric coming from the base of her own partyase ofty? come s at this point, the democratic party has become so extremo eorg
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that it's risky. according to all these reports int all weeko rt, to pick a jewh running mate. in fact, if she does pick pensilvat and your governor, josh shapiro, it appears that he's the leading candidate, the inter-party rparty pushback, you know, would be an internal civil war. ut. democratic civil war might break out. even now, the left is planting hip pieces all over the place ove in the press, including an alleged harassment cover up insideed sea his own office, that they use taxpayer money to pathy. y , even michigan's democratic darling michael demoe is warning that if she picks shapiro, it may sink sthe democrat party ticket. they may even lose the state of michigan. make n stateo mistake, you knowl all is not well in the landd of of the democratic. in spite of the glowing treatment from the state rune of media mob, there will be an ebbl and flow to this election. i promis be ane you. there's already been a shakeup of the harris campaign. several new advisers campaigsevg obama veteran david plouffe.
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as we love to call him. t anyway, joining us now to help break it all down, the autho brr of progressively worse why today's democrats ain't pr cop i have my personal copy of sean hannity ecom, amazon.comon on bookstores around the country. fox news contributor joe conchat along with the host of outkick, tomi lahren, is fearless. tomi lahrelahrenn and fox news contributor jason chaffetz. good to see you all. tomicontri, start with you. >> the media is not goingng to run this. i don't. if americans hear her in, her own words, if, you know, we have to have the courage not say to say radical islamic anrrorism, illegaladical alien. and by the way, don't say merryh christmas. how dareristmas. you? if they hear her on these o positions, i don't think shek can win. am i correct? the questionsh is will? well, the trump people will conserve. blicans it is will republicans be ables to bypass what is a cover up for fo hr her?s on
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>> well, a couple of things on that point, sean. she is a radical liberalrnia and that will be the most effectiv e the trump campaign and republicans can take against a kamalaeump camp. sign harris but all of this was done by design. kamala harris would have never i made it through a primary process. she didn't. leading up to her ruh primary p, that failed miserably. so she would have never made it through a primary. desig this was done by by designed to run out the clock, to swap ou thet joe at the last possiblm minute and hope that the honeymoon period for kamala could last all the way until early voting. uncwellcrats are very strategiy and they played this one very well. but the biggest thing that the trump campaign can do is stopp ta talking about what her races stop talkinglkabout about.s if she's indian or black. nobody cares if she's indian, black, or is space black.res. m. talk about her radical agenda. paulet get off cours that messaging because that messaging will work and that trump campaigmessaginan bend the ears of the american people and reinforce it. he juscas oft has to stay on tht
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path. >> i completely agree with you. i think this election should be about kamala, her radicalism. i think she's radical, extreme, and frankly, her policies, especially foreign policy, is dangerous. her border policy is dangerous. jason, do you agree with that messaging? they should basically run her in her own words and thenan lay out a different vision and let the americand e in t people decide. >> and the biggest choice election in our lifetimehe lection . >> yeah, exactly. >> dan, look at what david mccormack, the moment she was put out there, that ad that he had and he was running with in pennsylvania was was great. they needennsylvania wasd to the the country. just use her own words couns radicalthis r san francisco progressive left view that she has nadano in this country can recognize it. nobody wants to be likrecognizee that and who cares? you know who their vicece presidential selection is. run their words. and that's all you have to do. and donalds an got to just run a positive campaign. vision forhis
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the country. are s truly a choice election because there's no greater contrast between donald trump and his vision contras wi. vance and kamala harris and whoever she picktween jds. you know, and i will tell you,ll the stakes really couldn't be higher. there's such a dramatic difference. there's never been anybody. drae radical or this extreme whose policies are that dangerous? joe concha, the way i see i the media and the kid gloves as it relates to covering kamala, allowing her not to do interviews, allowing her not to do press conferences, i'm not challenging her on any of her own statements to me of is the equivalent of how they allow joe biden to hide alw in a basement in the 2020 election. do you see similaritien 2020 el? an exact parallel there, shawn. this is a candidatl.e who wants to plead the fifth all the way to november 5th and the oval office. this is the state of affairs. when comes to our utterlyt corrupt legacy media. kamala harris,cos to the least
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popular vice president in polling history, even more unpopular, dick cheney, who literally shot a guy in the face. kamala harri shos is abouts is to become the presidential nominee of one of our two major political partie t presides. and she'll do it without 1 earning one vote from the american publi c. or to your point, take one question from the press. she hasn't 13 days sinces sinc basically becoming the democratic nominee and our medi democraa take zero issue with that, despite the fact that kamala harris on policythad has assumed more positions than jenna jamieson on fracking, n, as you pointed outfr on the border, free health care for illegals, crime, you name cri it. and she has literally, by the way, promised to bring marxism to the oval office. and .she's g marxi never use tht but here's what she said. we want a society that quoteerte everyone ends up in the same place. and since we didn't start in the same place thee plac, some s might need more equitable distribution, unquote. that'soms migh marxism, plainte and simple. and this candidate, i'm tellings you, she's going to have to debate donald trump. >> and donald trump must demanvd at least two debates with her because that's the only way she gets
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it wosed. it's going to happen before 75, 80 million people. and as you pointede o out, whenever you take kamala harris out of a teleprompter, take away the scripted remarks. souns it's a thousand island word salad. and she sounds just as i jen comprehensible and incoherent as joe biden. so that's going to be the big turning pointhat wl be turt in i market down. first debate trump. harris if itrsdebate of course,e to see it right here with martin fox exit question will the trump campaigit questne to bypass this media that isia in the in the tank for kamala tommy? >> they can, but they have to stay on message. i've told you this for so longyi ,sean, but donald trump in some ways can be his own worst enemy. so trump on track, hit her withr her policies first and make that your sole message and they matheyt around it with thes an trump campaign. they're smart enough. they just have to maybe have a little bit of discipline for these next few months. >> i would agree. no more talk about religion. i wouldn't be talking about i wouldn't be talking about nationality background.
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i'd be talking about karma in her own words. will they be abl e bypass the media? jason, thank goodness that elon musk purchased x that that wasen a huge thing. i think social mediag. she can do d it but i worry the democrats theymuch betteemare mur at gettt the vote. they use the government, they use the unionnions and are much better at getting out the vote and get it done earlyve . and you know what? republicans are getting more union support than ever. joe, last quick answer. quick answer is donaldback o trump needs to get back on x-pac, back on twitter. he had a much bigger followingnd there. it's a much bigger audience through social is fine. go back to x. mr. president.n wi that's where you can win the information wainr. n warm all right, guys. that's what it is and information. we appreciate all of you. thank you. have greatia weekend.te y. coming up, another shocking report about kamala harris greatnd a as it relates to illegal immigrants. we'll check in with judge jeanine next. later, you don't want to missss this. ufc dana white is here u
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to discussfchite her his fox nan show about power slap. become the biggest, most viral video sensation of all time. >> straight ahead. when i grow up, i want to be an actor. so why don't you act like a good sister and get me some more buffalo wings? on second thought, i want to be a director. let's try a scene where you go get your and we get some more lemon pepper wings in the scene and honey teriyaki to have your people call my people men. >> how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try beta advanced the number one selling formula in its made with prost defend a triple action blend to help reduce urges to find it at wal-mart or these retailers. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. >> and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure,
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>> visit omaha steaks icon slash tv today defense secretary lloyd austin revoking the controversial plea deal for the accused nine over 11 mastermind khalid sheikh mohammed and his alleged accomplices, secretary austin has assured direct oversight or assumed excuse me, direct oversight of the entire case, which effectively put the death penalty back on the table. earlier this week, some family members expressed disappointment over the plea deal. jim smith, who lost his wife that day, said he waited 23 years for his day in court. but that was taken away from him. mohammed is accused of orchestrating the september
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11th attacks that killed nearly 3000 people in new york city. the pentagon and in a pennsylvania field. vice president kamala harris making history now that she is officially the democrats nominee for president. she is the first black woman and asian american to win a major party nomination. after securing enough delegates friday in the dnc virtual roll call. her nomination will become official in chicago at the democratic national convention later this month, and the vice president is also interviewing a half dozen potential running mates this weekend. her deadline for picking a vp is tuesday. she will then launch a tour in seven critical battleground states, starting in pennsylvania. possible contenders include transportation secretary pete buttigieg and j.b. pritzker of illinois, senator mark kelly of arizona and governor andy beshear of kentucky. and the victims of last year's maui
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wildfires reach a $4 billion settlement. the deal comes nearly one year after the deadliest wildfire in the u.s. in more than a century. the blaze killed more than 100 people and destroyed a historic downtown of lahaina. i'm chanley painter. now back to hannity. go ahead.
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yeah, well. i'm not. i don't mean to interrupt your thought pattern here. why haven't they ever called lake and riley family or rachel morin's family or jocelyn gary's family or any of the families that i'm scrolling here? i've talked to lake and riley's family. what? what i don't understand, she says it shouldn't be criminal if you enter illegally. and she will. she wants free health care. free education, free housing, free illegal immigrants, which we can't afford on top of everything else. but they're all not vetted and judge 100,000 more last month. well, not only are they not vetted when you say that that kamala harris says for years wanted to give them free health care. think about it. this medicare that's being provided and medicaid is literally reducing the social security benefits for americans who have worked hard. and i don't know that americans really understand the impact on the future that we as law
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abiding citizens who pay our taxes expect some reward in our retirement years. it's not going to happen. and kamala harris is part of that group that doesn't really worry about that. all she cares about as the most liberal, progressive member of the united states senate is making sure that every illegal gets into this country and shares in the cornucopia of benefits. we're no longer a nation state. we're simply a, you know, a country that's a landing spot for any illegal who wants to come here. and just this week, two illegals trying to get on a base and marine corps base in quantico. they're from, i believe it was jordan and another arab country. and the ice says though they don't really have terrorist ties, we have no derogatory information. you have no derogatory information because you don't even know who they are. and then when they finally arrest him, when the guys continue to drive on the base, they they arrest them. they set bail at 15, $25,000. and guess what? these illegals, these poor
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people who come here for a better life, they make that cash bail. sean, you want to tell me how they make it? do you want to tell me what they're doing here? wouldn't listen to someone on a marine base at quantico. why? they wanted to drive in, saying they're a subcontractor for amazon. i never heard of that one. i mean, amazon's at my house 20 times a day. i'd never heard of a subcontractor for amazon. so in the end, this we're all suffering, sean. it is not if it's when and i pray to the good lord above that i'm wrong. i really don't think i am. they have created the greatest national security threat in our lifetime. and you know what? but you can't say radical islamic terrorism. you can't say illegal alien. i'll say it and don't say merry christmas. don't you dare say merry christmas, judge. whatever you do, you know what? i'll write it across my forehead. okay? and then i'll say it i love you. i'll we'll get tattoos. merry and christmas. all right. thank you, judge, but it's serious. coming up, the white house says
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biden and harris, they knew nothing. absolutely nothing about the plea deal with the nine over 11 mastermind. but republicans, they're about to find out if they're telling the truth. jim jordan is next. and then later. you don't want to miss this. dana white will join us. never see his new slap club straight ahead. we planned a welfare retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a gold mine. i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy. well, not everyone knows coventry has helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash, even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy for cash or a combination of cash and coverage with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them they're sitting on a gold
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out if that's actually true. anyway, house oversight committee has now officially and formally launched an investigation to determine what joe and kamala knew when they knew it. because if they approved of this deal in any way, the american people need to know. and speaking of getting to the bottom of things, the house judiciary committee, they also launched an investigation to determine whether the judge in president trump's, quote, falsifying business records case. you know, the misdemeanor that had its statute of limitations run out that was upcharge to 34 felonies, eight years later, you know, a nondisclosure agreement that's legal, performed by a lawyer, that's legal, that was labeled a legal expense. anyway now, questions about conflict of interest regarding the daughter of the judge making huge sums of money off the trial. now, a daughter who, by the way, who used to work for kamala harris's presidential campaign back in 2019. now, we did reach out for comment, have yet to hear back
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here with more chairman of the house judiciary committee jim jordan. jim, i've read the letter or congressman, i read the letter. i shouldn't be so informal. and no, you're fine. did the daughter, do you believe that the daughter of judge mershon was making money off the trial where this was happening? number one and number two, based on the supreme court ruling? correct me if i'm wrong, but my understanding is they introduced evidence that this trial from donald trump's time as president that would seem to indicate that the judge needs to vacate this this verdict. and i guess, you know, the da would have to start over again. well, i think first of all, this judge was definitely conflicted. there's a problem. we had people testify in front of our committee, a few weeks ago, said there was a total conflict, but he got some liberal democrats in new york to say no. it was okay that we want to get the communications and the contracts that his daughter had with the harris campaign, by the way, she was paid like $7 million from the
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harris campaign. then she got like 2 million. her company authentic campaigns name if her company got 2 million from the biden-harris campaign as well. and she did tons of work for democrats many, many times, she was using the fact that president trump was under indictment to help raise money for these democrats. and help their campaign effort. so we want the communications. we want the contract we're going to see. we think it was wrong for the judge not to recuse himself. lots of experts think it was wrong for him not to do so. we want to see what the evidence shows. that's why we've asked for these communications. let me go to me. this should be a slam dunk. it's going to be very interesting when the sentencing phase of that trial comes into play, which had been delayed because of the supreme court decision. but this judge really has not shown fidelity to the law process. constitution should have recused himself, in my view, based on the fact that that he himself was a biden donor. the judge knew the statute of limitations in new york had run out. a novel legal theory eight years later.
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upgrading. you know what is a misdemeanor in new york to federal felony counts? i mean, the whole thing has been absur. yeah. he never should have presided over this trial first. it never should have happened. the case was ridiculous, but he should have never presided. but then when he did remember what he allowed to happen, first he put a gag order on president trump. then he wouldn't let brad smith, the expert on campaign finance. he wouldn't even let him testify to the campaign finance issue that that wasn't that the that the federal district of new york chose not to bring an indictment on that the department of justice chose not to indict on that. the federal elections commission chose not to move forward on. he wouldn't even let brad smith talk about that. now we did we let brad smith come into our committee and share what he would have shared to the court. he shared with congress in the country. but this is how bad this judge is. and then you add to this conflict issue in what his daughter's company was doing. again, that's why we want the information. all right, jim jordan, we'll follow this story. and both stories. we appreciate your time. all
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right. straight ahead. this friday night ufc's dana white. he'll join us to talk about his brand new fox nation show behind the slap. if you've not seen this oh you're going to love it. straight ahead. it if i'm gonna do this it won't be a bad show. you saying pretty good for a gringo. i hope you're not a mind reader. because if you are, i'm about to get my face slap. why don't you give up? i never give up. hey. one child dies from choking every school week. that's why it's so important to get your very own life back. the life saving device that's
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(800) 815-1458. ufc president dana white is now the founder of a brand new contact sport. it is taking the world by storm. it's called power slap. our very own abby hornacek. well joined dana white behind the scenes to get answers to all your questions about the premiere slap fighting organization. i mean, this is wild. just check it out. you get a sneak peek. it's a brand new fox nation special. it's called behind the slap and was a pig farmer 100%. if you ask me or you asked. i draw me a siberian farmer. i think that's what they come up with. he looks like one, doesn't he? he does. but look at that wind up. get ready. oh dealing damage from the jaw. one and done. he's out for the count. i mean,
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this is the ultimate warrior sport behind the slap. available only on fox you got to watch it anyway. here. now with more. our friend, ufc president dana white, i haven't talked to you since you introduced trump at the rnc. you know, you said something about him. you're in the tough guy business, and that's true. and this man is the toughest, most resilient human being i've ever met in my life. you know, the higher the stakes, the harder the fights. the guy that never gives up, how was that for you being at the rnc? yeah. no. so it's absolutely true. i mean, listen, i say it all the time. first of all, everybody should be disgusted if somebody takes a shot at a former or current president, no matter who it is, and as men, we every man thinks there's some level of tough guy, right? you don't find out who the real tough guys are until tough guy stuff happens when they shot at him, his reaction to being shot at was, was the most amazing thing i've
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ever seen. he's one of the most resilient, toughest human beings on the planet. and contrary to what the narrative is and what everybody would like you to believe, he's one of the best guys you will ever meet. him and his entire family are nothing but classy, great people. i've known him for 30 years, dana, that that guy that got up after getting shot, fight, fight, fight. and he's going up against the candidate, you know, changing her positions daily. it's like fake, fake, fake, you said everybody thinks they're a tough guy. i sent you a demonstration of me and my sensei. i got, like, zero response from you. like, you could have said, oh, not bad for, you know, an amateur, but i didn't. i got no feedback from you. which i was, like, disappointed. i wanted to hear from the great dana white. let me let me go to this whole. i can tell you power slap. let me let me tell you this real quick in my life, i've known guys in boston and other places where there's been attempts on guys
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lives, right? that that have been in bad situations. everybody that i've known, once that happens to you, you change, you know, you're never the same after something like that happens. not him. not only not him. when i landed in italy, i talked to him after he had just got back from the hospital. and this guy is one of the unfazed. i mean, he's one of the toughest guys i've ever known. and when you talk about real leadership for the country, and i said this in a speech to, you know what i mean? america needs a strong leader. and the world needs a strong america. and he's the guy. he is the guy. all right? i'm a complete amateur. i'm a student of mixed martial arts. i do it for fitness more than anything else. but, you know, i've got a sensei that can stop 15 people, you know, in in at once. you know, he's that tough. he's that strong. he has that many black belts. he's the real deal. and i've learned a lot. i watched power slap. i find it entertaining. now. you
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could find it use more of a entertaining. you can use more o palm strikefm and you probably can't stri see my face. butke and you probably ce my face but if you hit just below your ear back down the jar you should be a knock the jaw of its hinge and to somebody's brain. this is serious warrior stuff that's going on here in these guys if you can take 1 of the slaps the fact you're willing to take it is pretty impressive to me. >> it's not a palm strike. that's actually a legal. it's called clubbing you have to wind up and you hit flat with fingers in the hand. not the palm. the palm is a follow. you can do for example airbox but the fact you wind up and we just saw the knockout." running again. this is like ultimate warrior sport. she had all the success with ufc
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i actually see this as may be getting that big. what you see the potential as? >> told you this the other day this will be bigger than the ufc. we've only been doing this for 18 months sign going to a some numbers. i'm going to do it off the paper because i did a podcast recently where i was wrong in a couple of things. so an 18 months we have 17 million followers. we have 8 billion views on social and 18 months. we are more followers than every major-league baseball team, every nhl team and 30 of 32 nfl teams. the list goes on and on. we have 9 video with over 100 million views on social. i think it going on. this thing is an absolute juggernaut and it reminds me of the early days of the ufc. all the negativity in people talking about but this is an absolute most successful thing
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of been a part of in such a short amount of time. >> 1 of the things i guess i have liked about you is you don't care. you don't care what people think or say. you don't care about the attacks. you stand your ground. the sensor a lot like donald trump. what i like about ufc and power slab and football is, they are our gladiators sports. these are people who know they are putting themselves in harm's way and do it anyway. i admire courage. last word. >> sean: thank you. there's 8 billion people in the world. i don't like golf. doesn't mean it's not popular and others don't like it. you saw the same thing with ufc. everybody was negative and now it's 1 of the biggest ports in the world and this will be. >> sean: that means you will only be richard. but i freedom.
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visit [ ♪ ] >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. as always thank you for being with us in making that show possible. please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity". in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. "gutfeld!" is next to put a smile on your face [ ♪ ]