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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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will: 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with fox news alert and secret service claiming full responsibility for security lapses causing trump assays nags attempt and knew about the suspicion person a half hour before the shot. joey: plus the rally heating up and can governor shapiro with harris' vp pick? show you the video that makes us question. rachel: a summer concert series into a love story. the happy couple joining us this hour, second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. will: good morning u welcome to
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"fox & friends" on this saturday morning. will cain and rachel cam pcam poseduffy and joey jones ie hegseth. rachel: that's right. the song was summer, will, i'm holding onto summer and got back from hawaii and got back from northern wisconsin and the how much the news cycle changed from the time we left and come back. will: it's solessed over the last few weeked and literally coalesced with come la harris getting a -- kamala harris getting a amount of the
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delegates and trump and harris. craig:t there's a lot of people on the network that have respectfully not taken a victory lap but could because they said all along president biden would not be the nominee. tomi lahren said it vehemently last time on the show that president biden will not be the nominee. i felt like it would only happen if it was a medical near emergency and i felt like he'd hold on as long as he could and maybe he did. now it's kamala harris and she was the obvious choice to be the successor. if they voted for president biden in the primary, they voted for her to be his inrunning mate and in that way she got votes. rachel: medical emergency was obamaitis. he decided it's time to go. joey: i'm tell you. will: president trump and jd vance heading to georgia to rally voters.
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rachel: meanwhile the harris campaign is making major changes to her staff ahead of her battleground state blitz next week. joey: madeleine rivera is live in washington. reporter: hi, guys. good morning. former president trump is holding rally in atlanta today in the same venue that vice president kamala harris packed earlier this week and trump and his running mate jd vance hoping to win back the battleground state and democrats all but written off till harris moved to the top of the democratic ticket. she's officially the party's nominee after the democratic national committee said she secured a majority of delegates in a virtual role call. >> i would not be on this call right now and with you all were it not for your support and your trust. which i'm deeply grateful. i am honored to be the presumptive democratic nominee for president of the united states. reporter: harris is beefing up campaign staff among the recent hires, former obama campanmanger and white house seen yore
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adviser david pluth joining as senior adviser and yet to ammonis most important pick: her running mate. for the associated press the vice president is interviewing half a dozen potential running mate this is weekend and possible contenders is minnesota governor tim walz heading to kentucky and andy beshear canceled weekend travel plans and philadelphia's mayor clearly has her preference releasing this video on her campaign's instagram account. >> kamala harris for president. >> and josh shapiro, josh shapiro, josh shapiro for vice president. now, we need you. reporter: the vied owe is not a leaked announcement and the mayor was supporting the pennsylvania governor josh shapiro potential vice presidential candidacy and the campaign saying "we don't expect to have updates till the vice president announces who will be serving as her running mate and next vice president of the united states. harris is plan ago battleground
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state blitz with her vp next week with campaign events scheduled in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, north carolina, georgia, arizona, and nevada. guys, back to you. rachel: thank you. meanwhile donald trump weighing in on the choice potentially it looks like. we don't know for sure of pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. he said there's some pluses and minuses for her. listen. >> i don't care. let them do whatever. they still want to have open boarders. if she picks shapiro, you'll lose the palestinian vote, and that's fine. everybody has their liables. i think if she picks shapiro, and loses middle palestinian base because they like me because they think i'll bring peace to the middle east, but i'm very strong for israel. israel loves me but, you know, a lot of arab states like me too because they want to see peace.
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i did the abraham accords and nobody realizes we would have had peace all over the middle east and maybe got iran into the abraham accords and they were dieing to make a deal. iran was broke and then now they're very wealthy country. they're $300 billion in cash but iran was broke and would have made a deal, but biden blew it as usual. they're the worst. hie the worst president in the history of our country, and she's a big part of it. rachel: what do you think of shapiro as a choice for kamala harris? will: well, he's described as a moderate and beating out people if he gets the nomination like senator mark kelly from arizona, or tim waltz of minnesota. i don't think it matters a whole lot. i think that only way it matters is the old school style of politics, that does still matter and can you deliver a particularly important state. what shoppier rojas going for him is pennsylvania. so can he help in a state where trump was leading biden
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significantly and has been leading harris in the all important state of pennsylvania. joey: i think it shows what their prio priorities are and wo they think they can pull off a state from before things were announced and midwest and maybe mark kelly and where they think they are out in the west and i'm not sure. i don't get to see their interim polling and thought process. i think fundraising and money goes a long way too and bringing in a set of money not there with the background and tech industry. but with that being said, i think the vp matters and trump, i believe it was in that -- in the forum he did that harris was on earlier this week and said something like basically if i'm going to win, it's because they like me and if i lose it's because they don't and vp doesn't matter. that's true but the vp probably can't win you the race but can lose you the race. look back at sarah palin and say
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mccain lost it for him. i don't know if that was true. she was the most controversial of that cycle. this were people voting beans her. you don't want to pick somebody that people will vote against. rachel: sarah palin was the first case of the influence of the media on -- no, i'm not saying that but you see what they did to sarah palin and damaging the influence of donald trump and trying that with jd vance and their whole, he's so weird montra that they all -- mantra they're all singing off the same page and i agree. what really matters is donald trump and kamala harris. will: exactly. rachel: and the media will play a role in that and some of the polls and look at this, this is a fox news poll showing trump-appointed 4 and harris 49 -- trump 49 and harris 49 and i find that poll surprising.
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will: that would be the argument for picking josh shapiro as running mate and all of the polling coming to kamala harris in the window of a honeymoon period sports grill the spotlight has to turn to kamala harris and listen to the reality of how people feel. rachel: agree. joey: on any poll, president trump has always out performed any poll. that's the truth of it. rachel: pollses weren't right in many elections and they didn't reflect reality. rachel: fax news alert and acting -- fox news alert and ronald rowe holding press conference of attempted assassination of president trump last month and made this admission. watch. >> i take full responsibility for the tragic events of july 13th and the sole responsibility of our agency is
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to make sure our protecties are never put in danger. we fell short of that in butler. counter snipers supporting trump after his presidency and made the revelation about communications with local police at the time of the shooting. >> there could have been other agencies that were putting out radio transmissions, but those transmissions mights have just been back to the unified command and maybe not have made it over the pennsylvania state police here. that's shotgun that we're going to look into. will: secret service having drones at events going farred after declining an after at done surveillance at trump rally in butler. joey: i have a lot of opinions on watching this acting director take questions in press conference and experience in this time of security. and where you guys hear him speak for me i go back and forth
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and there's a part of me that was a marine and on a team and understands you have your guys and gals backs no matter what and ailment of him coming from the ranks to be the leader and there's an ailment you see there and on the other side as someone that's an american citizen and sits and covers the news for a living and i getting a varietied and i get you want to have your people's back and got to put something out there and you did fail and when you fail, there's consequences being acknowledge you have their back and teams will fail. rachel: so many things that went wrong and listening to your interview much who was that you were talking to earlier? will: former secret service agent. rachel: former secret service agent. again, sometimes i like interviewing former secret service agents because they have that experience. but they can be very defensive in a way that i think can cloud their ability to look outside of the box. so many things went wrong and i think you asked that question and right there so.
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so many things went wrong and can it all be just incompetence? are we making a mistake of not thinking alaska what else and it just seems incomprehensible and this guy was on the roof and he did everything except hold up a sign saying i'm about to shoot the president. he had time to do that. it makes 2340ceps and had video of him running across the road and the fact that trump supporters on the ground saw it and so much earlier than the people who are being paid $3 billion a year to take care of the president in a situation like this is just -- it just, i find it unbelievable. will: when i ask that question, the former secret service agent wanted to ask that and addressed the words series and i think this is a way that you -- and i'm not saying he did this and many are guilty of turning a
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conversation too black and white, too bipolar and too easy to diagnose. what i'm getting at is you don't go from incompetence to series. series is the implication of intentionality. you g okay, that's a lot of failure. that's a lot of failure by drone admission. is that more failure than simply explaining away by incompetence? your next step could be intelligence contraindication ; right?not just incompetence aw much failure and that's negligent and you ignored your job duties in a negligent matter that makes you culpable and there's the next step and negligence willful and if it all
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can't be explained and to your point of pulling back the curtain, you get to astressing the things that people will leap to from a to b and from incompetence to intentionality and walk through the steps and answer the questions and how can all this failure amount because it is an incredible amount of failure. rachel: if they wanted to eliminate the idea of conspiracy that are floating people's minds, by the way, rightfully so and so many things that were conspiracies over the last 40 year -- four, five years and turned to that. will: doesn't make it true, but just don't dismiss that potentiality. rachel: if you wanted to dismiss it and release the transcripts of the communications that go on and remember when the secret service and kimberly cheatle was asked, did you preserve all the -- they could have done that and didn't preserve that. there's the shooting of the president and you almost had his brains blown out and thing you'd
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do is preserve all the communications and let's be 100% transparent and everyone knows that there was no intention in this that handout happened. hearing, joey, was all about, you know, confiscating and not being district and noting transparent. joey: with a person on the coach trained with the secret service and behind the gone supposed to be the counter sniper and not for a vip but in military operations. lindsay graham came on earlier this week and said something like the secret service are make note it was in the secret service member on steroids and the stupidest problem i've heard. in the military, this is not the decdisparage the secret service, it's not if you were negligent or if you acted wrongly with intent. the fact is tevin you think you did everything correctly and there was a failure of this level, you're relieved of your command and there's
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accountability that should happen immediately. any unit i've been in, if a marine gets out of a truck and leaves his rifle and gets back in the truck and convoy takes off, that marine left his rifle in trouble is and the lieutenant in charge of that convoy is in trouble with no idea. to date the only person held accountable was cheatle shamed into resigning. i don't know that the current director shouldn't be shamed into resigned and at the end of the day, the buck stops with someone and you have to show accountability for the culture of the organization to understand that your mistakes could cost someone else their career as well. will: i hear you and you're addressing accountability. i bring up those terms because i'm answering the question atemporal integrationing to get to why it happened. why and how it important and accountability is also important. rachel: all right. turning to headlines starting with a knocks news alert. fox news alert. lloyd austin revoking a plea deal taking the death penalty off the table for the accused
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master mind for 9/11 attacks and two other alleged terrorists and house foreign affairs committee members joining us. >> that's a very, very bad decision but also begs the question, what's going on in the department of defense? the first time or second time they heard about this plea deal of this scale. rachel: good question. austin also relieved the defense official that signed off on the plea deal. justin timberlake's license is suspended after being arrested for dwi on long island back in june. timberlake appeared virtually for court appearance pleading not guilty to the charge. the judge ruling to suspend his license after timberlake refused to take a breathalyzer test when he was pulled over by police. the next hearing for the case on august 9. timberlake is not required to
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attend. what taxpayers food chain has the best breakfast sandwich? wow, that's a great question for this couch. according to usa today poll, a small north carolina chain called biscuitville voted number one. voters love the different variety of sides that come with the breakfast meal including grits and hash browns. delta koenen and jack in the boe box came in second and third. i love a biscuit in the morning. never tried this. is this one -- here in new york city will: across the street. it's on 49th street. i'm sure of it. ily you'll have to recorder that one from georgia. rachel: maybe they should come here to new york and would do well. will: maybe you should open the franchise and we have to have it delivered from georgia. he's been out of the white house for nearly four years but vp harris trying to pin poor economic numbers on president
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trump. joey: who policies do the people really prefer and we ask steven moore right here next. ♪ with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah >> university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values the successes you've already achieved.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. rachel: the stock market down
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and unemployment at its highest since october 20201. 2021. harris knows who's she's blaming after disappointing jobs report. joey: dropping this press release saying reminder trump failed the american economy and second trump term would be worse. will: we have trump economic adviser steven moore. good morning. >> hi, good mornings guys. rachel: reading this and it's so comical. we had the 50-year and best economy -- best economy in 50 years under the trump administration before covid. what do you make of this? >> we put out this report and something i gave to donald trump a couple weeks ago comparing the trump record on the economy versus the biden economy. we looked at -- i should say the biden harris economy and looked at 18-20 major measurements ovhow the economy did when
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donald trump was president versus how it's done under biden and harris. on almost every one of these statistics, whether it's the stock market, whether it's gas prices and the inflation level, whether it's people's incomes, whether it's small business confidence, every single one of these with a few exceptions shows that the economy far outperform when had trump was president than what biden was president. yesterday, we unfortunately got this losey jobs report and make -- lousy jobs report and making me nervous and the stock market nervous and had a huge crash yesterday on the market and i want to make sure your viewers understand that this didn't happen by accident. it's a direct result of biden coming in and reregulating the economy and regulating everything that moves and then remember, we had this $4 trillion spending spree all paid for with debt and printing money and looks like which i
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thinks are coming home to roost. will: you will lead to a recession and we might be arriving at. this is the biggest issue far and away among voters and economy number one, immigration number two and abortion third. it's a big gap, even between immigration and the economy. and voters think trump over kamala harris is clear as well is better able to handle the economy. >> yeah. americans understand exactly what i was just talking about that they remember how good the economy was. remember, before covid hit, trump was on his way to win ago 40-state reelection landslide and don't forget also that when trump left office, there was no inflation. i mean, i saw kamala harris the other day blaming inflation on trump. there was no inflation under trump and average inflation rate
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when trump was president was less than 2% and well over 6% since biden and harris came into office. and now by the way, you look at what kamala harris is talking about like abolishing oil and gas drilling, like having a forced government takeover in the healthcare system. these are pretty radical ideas that i think as an economist would crash our economy. joey: looking at race right now, as far as what each candidate is putting as their message, president trump said we don't need to tax tips and seniors shouldn't pay tax on social security. is this the populism coming out? is this going to resinate with voters and how does this affect the election? >> i'm a senior economic adviser to trump and talking to him about the economy and tell him, you don't need my advice and there's a good handle of it yourself. these two ideas i have to say, he came up with himself and they're brilliant, i think.
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actually not taxing tips and a lot of my democratic friends are saying gosh, why didn't we think of that because it's such a good idea to put money into the hands of the people that work hard and provide great services for us. mow he's come up with the idea of knocks taxing social security and it's a good idea and paid the tax and you and i we're all paying the tax right now and then they give us this measly benefit and social security is actually a lousy deal for people and small benefit and they want to tax that. incidentally, we need and want people who are in their 60s and 70s to keep working and good for the economy and good for them and longer you work and healthy you are and >> it there a
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economics major. rachel: i majored in economics. you knew that . >> you're right. the people hurt the most by inflation are older people who spent their whole life saving and now all the sudden they're their savings depreciated by 20% thanks to biden is harris. will: hurricane watch being issued for the florida gulf coast and adam klotz is tracking the storm, next. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene. yup. most health insurance companies see us all the same: smiley seniors golfing, hiking... don't forget antiquing. that's why i chose humana. they see me, not a stereotypical senior.
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will: back a a fox weather alert and hurricane watch being issued for the florida gulf coast and tropical depression 4 expected to turn into tropical storm debby later tonight and florida governor ron desantis declared a state of emergency in 54 conditions and activating the national guard and check in with meteorologist adam klotz with the fox weather forecast. adam. >> good morning, joey. this is impacting the state of florida and next several days and weak out there and spinning to the south of cuba and winds at 30 miles an hour and running up the west coast of florida and seeing all the watches and warnings.
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jowski a storm moving across the carolinas and skiing how this plays out and dig storm off the coast and dealing with impacts over the weekend and rain coming down throughout the entire course of sunday into monday. check it out. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank you, adam. claiming the u.s. is behind a coup attempt after the state after the state department rejected maduro as winner of they're lek. another opposition leader proving that maduro lost in a landslide and she said she's writing from hiding and she's fearing for her life. joining us with reaction is
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executive director at the center for a free and secure society, joseph hughmier. she fears her her life and is in hiding and we couldn't get her on but you got you on, joseph, because we couldn't get her. it's a remarkable situation and those that don't know, she tried to run and with a trumped in latin america and prevented from being on the ballot and banned from running for 15 years and supported the next candidate, and they won. what's going to happen? venezuela? what do you expect? >> she chose another candidate before we got this one in gone
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sal and he has not a free and fair election in any measure but we got to the election. the election result was pretty much what everybody in latin america knows about and the biggest electoral fraud in the history of latin america, at least in modern times and usually we think about 10,000 ballots here and 100,000 there and fake ballots and manipulation of electoral machines and they've done that in the past in venezuela. this time it was just flat out arbitrary fraud. there's no math that gets you to that number. he can't legitimize that and 67, 68-30, a landslide victory for gonzalez and she did a very creative technique of using a civil society moment to verify the boats, scan the ballot ises and get them on a server outside
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and shone this to the public. rachel: list of countries acknowledging the opposition when he's growing and the list of countries that'll be interesting to see what he does and he's said he's called for the arrest of hur and the other candidate and so -- her and the other candidate and we'll see what happens but this cannot stand. by the way, this weekend, a secret deal reveal that had the u.s. had a secret deal with the maduro dictatorship and they d i guess, in qatar, what can you tell us about that? >> yeah, this is very important because a lot of people that are
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venezuela watcherring point to barbados agreement that was agreed to in 2022 and agreement between the venezuela opposition and maduro saying we're going to try to have these conditions cos that will take us to an election. everyone said maduro violated the barbados agreement and he has and this election wasn't going to be free more fair. the real deal was cut in secret between the biden harris administration and nicolas maduro regime and done in secret in qatar. we know they love to mediate one sided deals administer autocrats as they've done for iran and hamas and we don't know what the biden harris administration agreed to with maduro. we don't know if they said steal the election and legitimize it and sanction it and we'll release these prisoners in the swaps and get us to an election and we don't know what's going on and problem for her and the
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state department has always tried to remove maria karina from the opposition and she was able to push through and win her primary by 93% and what i argue is that maria karina doesn't need to release them and outlasting them and needs to outlast the biden harris and president trump coming back to the white house and more. rachel: she's probably the bravest woman in politics today. so many parallels to what is happening in our country as well. so thanks for joining us, joe testify. we'll continue to follow this and bring you on as this whole saga unfolds as the venezuela people fight for their freedom. thank you, joseph. >> absolutely. thank you, rachel. rachel: you got it. kamala harris narrowing down vp pick and signs point to governor josh shapiro. is it him? progressives are hoping no.
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system of articulation will: vice president kamala harris earned enough delegates to secure the presidential nomination and never having won the primary.
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here veep stakes heating and you happen meeting in person ahead of upcoming philadelphia rally and some signs are pointing to pennsylvania governor josh shapiro as her top pick and we have more on this. soft and average sensorineural lina -- selena, great to have you this morning. we should focus in on josh shapiro. he's the governor of pennsylvania. it seems intuitive and that would help kamala harris. >> he was successful in winning large amount of >> he's a good
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political athlete in terms of running as a moderate and as someone that will govern moderately. he is also very liberal. so i -- and i think what really helped chicago row and he'd not argue with this is he ran against a very broad candidate in doug mastiano and the stakes changed dramatically when you come to a presidential election. it's not as though shapiro if he's picked will be at the top of the ticket. will: right. >> and as the second running against trump, it's not an even match and running as vice president and making that argument of detaching shapiro and trump voters will be a challenge because of her left
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views on immigration on frabbing and the economy. he doesn't pull her to the middle. she pulls him to the left. will: deciding that swing state and then like governor shapiro, you say x and your running mate says y. that's the debate on some of the far left policies that he can't really say well, it's mine to matter. it's hers that matter.
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that's not something that pennsylvania voters has seen him co. and take ago look at my story that i wrote, he -- a lot of voters, you know, i talk to were just sort of stunned to see him in that way because they see him as that nice happy guy. >> will: well, it's an important state and week and you're the perfect person to cover this and maybe josh shapiro here and kamala harris, i think, was the furthest left senator in the senate when she was serving in the senate and that's going to be a hard thing to reconcile and pivot back to moderate and you'll be a person i'll be speaking to this week on the will cain show and check out your column in the washington examiner and you'll been o the will cain show in what could be
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a big announcement breaking out a brand new studio tomorrow by the way. first time back in a week or two. salina zito with us in a week or two. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. will: all right, we call you our "fox & friends" family for a reason. the couple that got engaged outside on fox square joining us with their ♪n your tracks... ...vapofreeze your pain away. penetrating pain relief... ...with vicks vapors. (granddaughter laughing) vapofreeze your pain away. now at walmart.
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will: gospel group maverick city music rock to the element in several concert series yesterday and just off stage, huge moment for a couple right on fox square. will: the newly engaged couple are here today. tracy, let's see that ring. i was wondering what was blinding me. that was georgeous. you guys met at church; correct? did you have any idea as you
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came out and friends with the mclemores and out there helping with them. we love the mclemores and all the sudden you he gets on one knee and no idea? zero? >> we talked about it but i didn't know when he was going to do it. will: certainly didn't think it was going to be there. that moment on national television. how long were you planning it, griff? >> about two minutes. thinking we're here and i should do this. rachel: you had the ring on you. >> make it big. >> yes. joey: how long f the ring on you over the past few weeks or months and had the ring and now you were going to do it but looking for the right moment. >> just within the last week. will: okay, long in the making and was it long planned? so what came over you? why then? >> just such a special time to be up here and worship with magic city and elevation worship and spending time with our
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friends the mclemores and poured into our point university in west point, georgia, and poured into our students and we want to come back and return that favor and support them in what they do. we love them so much. i just was like we're here, you know, and in the middle of all this and i thought, let's just make it big. see what happens. rachel: your love story is amazing and, your story is amazing coming from vietnam as a little girl escaping communism, which is fascinating. how did you guys meet? tell us about your love story. >> we met at church, actually i was serving. we both graduated from church of the homeless college and i was serving there and what's how we met. joey: griff, what's your side of the story? >> you know, we were doing serve projects together and got to know each other just a little bit and she came up to me one day to talk to me and i was just asking me about some things that we could do together in ministry and it all started in ministry
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through church of the highlands and shout-out to pastor chris and pat back home. we absolutely love it and can't believe we get to do ministry with them. rachel: is the lesson go to church if you want to find love? >> that's right. serve jesus. that's right. will: that's beautiful. you guys live in alabama, work in georgia. so give us a little hint, what's this life going to be like now together? >> loving and serving others with the love of jesus. will: beautiful. beautiful. >> just like when jesus was on this earth, he said the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and that's what we're called to do. will: that's beautiful. joey: beautiful. congratulations. will: yeah, beautiful moment. thank you for sharing with us here on "fox & friends". rachel: say high to mclemores for us. >> we sure we.esta rachel: we love them too. will: more "fox & friends" coming up. [announcer] introducing allison's
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