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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 3, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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rachel: it's the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this. lloyd austin revokes the plea deal for accused 9/11 terrorist including master mind that would have taken the death penalty off the table. will: he's been out of the white house for four years and harris is trying to pin their economy numbers on donald trump. joey: lloyd austin is revoking a plea deal that would have taken the death penalty off the table for the accused master mind of 9/11 attacks and two other alleged terrorists.
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they'd have pleaded guilty to all charges, including the murder of nearly 3,000 people who died that day. will: austin relieving the defense official and saying in light of the significance of the decision to inter-pretrial agreements with the accused in the above and referenced case ability for the decision should rest with me issue the superior venoing authority and i withdraw from the three pretrial agreements that you signed. house foreign affairs committee member and montana member ryan zinki joined us early. >> i applaud austin on this decision because it was a very, very bad decision and leads the question of what's going on in the department of defense? what is the first time the second time defense heard about a plea deal of this scale? rachel: such a great question. did he know about it? did he change his mind? of pushback from the public or including from this organization, the new york
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police benevolent association now saying we're relieved and grateful that the job is not done yet and these terrific rihannas that claim sod many innocent lives should receive the ultimate punishment. we'll speak to the brother of a 9/11 victim later this hour. will: wonder how the plea agreements that would have gotten through and some lower level defense apartment official was capable of signing off on the plea agreements without the approval of secretary of defense or much less the president of the united states. rachel: hard to know. this is what happen when is you have potentially three different people running the country: kamala, joe biden and barack obama. whatever that is over at colorado mansion in washington dc.
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remember he said he's going to fire this general that took over and remember when awed tin was sick and we didn't know where he was. joey: we've had four or five presidents since this started and we've had four and now about to pick a fifth before we know what happens with the fate of these people that kill sod many americans. on that topic, former president trump has agreed to debate vice president harris on folk news on september 4 in pennsylvania as harris officially secures her nomination. i guess they had some sort of virtual roll call giving her the assurance she'd have and delegates and so the question is will she accept this invitation it seeps like for president trump to have a debate and if so, what were the terms be and things like that? rachel: she was just on video
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talking about receiving this nomination. we'll have a tonight to celebrate together and this campaign is about all of us coming together, people coming together from every walk of life, every lived experience and being fueled by love of country knowing we're prepared to fight for the best of who we are we believe in the opportunity for some and not just for all. rachel: i'd love your reaction, will, if you can without re-interacting. she said this is truly a people-powered campaign. will: this is what early intervention programmed to say. i don't think it can be -- should not be swept under the rug. should be the major headline leading you into the general election and party proclaiming
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their democracy and setting aside democratic elected nominee. replacing joe biden because of not obvious mental frailty and replacing them because they were increasingly convinced to beat donald trump and this is what they're willing to do. going to "save democracy". joey: one is bringing in joe biden is kamala harris and same people orchestrating the same plan and less of a problem with kamala harris becoming the nominee this way than i do with how biden was basically made to not run. that's worth to me the real malfeasance is this idea that
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they held a primary and they voted for biden overwhelmingly and because he wasn't winning in the polls, which is their best excuse is they forced him autobecause he wasn't doing well in the polls. that's what the robbed voters say. kamala harris was on the ticket voting for joe biden is kamala harris to be the vp and on the ticket donating money to joe biden is from that perspective, i take less of an issue for her being chosen as backup z i do with them deciding to get rid of him. rachel: donald trump asked about kamala becoming the democratic nominee on mornings withplegia ask what he had to say. with maria and what he said. >> she was failed and first one out last time and never made it 20 touchdown catch iowa and now the media is taking over and trying to make her into margaret thatcher and that's not going to
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work. she was the border czar and trying to deny that and wants all electric cars and men playing in woman sports and no fracking. she'll destroy pennsylvania. you'll destroy pennsylvania and many other places by the way. your energy bills will double, trip and will quadruple and she's terrible and not respected on the -- in the foreign countries and i mean, she's laughed at. everybody can't believe this is happening. will: job growth slowed to 114,000 in july and renewed fears of recession after the dow plunged and nasdaq plunged and dow plunged more than 600 points
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so people are increasingly concerned and we're headed for a recession. one that's been lushing out there and people have -- lurking out there and people felt on the margins of we've been suffering through inflation and high interest rates and at some point, there's been this fear of what are we corying up and could happen soon because you maintain interest rates for a long time, people will go bust. that will happen and businesses go up and jobs are lost. this chicken seems to be possibly very close home to roost. rachel: yeah, talking alaska that but in addition to sort of the every day things that the inpolice station that's affecting family and small businesses and the $34 trillion we are in debt and we're continuing to print money and all those issues. meanwhile, harris' president -- harris for president spokesperson james singer said this economy that we're dealing with is not really harris and
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biden's fault. this is really donald trump's fault, even though we know donald trump had the best economy in 50 years. here's what he has to say, he said donald trump failed americans as president costing our economy millions of jobs and bringing us to the brink of recession. now he's promising even more damage with a project 2025 agenda that will decimate the middle class and increase taxes on working families while ripping away healthcare, raising prescription drug costs and cutting social security and medicare and making his billionaire donors richers. we've made significant progress but vice president harris knows there's more work to do to rewind the clock. will: rewind the clock three and a half years to blame the economy on someone from 2020. rachel: think measures will buy it? will: good measure, through no project 2025. joey: i don't think they'll buy it at all and there's a healthy amount of americans that will vote for a sock of potato withs
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a d by their name and a healthy amount of americans that vote for a sack of potato withs an r and a section of them more keyed in on politics and are persuadeable one way or another and maybe on whether they'll show up to vote or not. that's the most likely as far as how this election turns out and poll americans on who they think will handle the economy and top line issue, the results are astonishing. president trump 52% to vice president harris 40%. 13 poi% 12point-blank layupses n away landslide. will: economy is far and away the number one issues for voters. rachel: we had steven moore issue friend of the show and cofounder of the committee to unleash prosperity and editor of unleash prosperity hot line, and this is what he had to say about trump versus harris economy.
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listen. >> we looked at 18-20 major measures on how the economy did when donald trump was president and versus how it's done under biden is harris. on almost every one of these statistics, whether it's the stock market, whether it's gas prices, whether it's the inflation level, whether it's people's incomes, whether it's small business confidence. every single one of these with a few exceptions shows that the economy far outperformed when trump was president than biden. rachel: they did an interview with african american men ask we had more money in our pocket when donald trump was in office. these are numbers and this is data that they can't deny. but also people know it they know if they manage money they
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are now paying $350 or $400 for the same basket of goods that cost $250 almost four years ago. how can kamala harris think she can run away from that history? from current -- what's currently happening in the economy. joey: it's interesting and we had americans return home from russia and joe biden had to share that moment with harris because she's -- if she's going to have any legacy, has to be her winning in election. that's his only chance at legacy. seconds to play hoe shares in the victories with her from here on out and retroactively, she has to share in the failure withs him. she can't sever herself a. lot of people wade when we said biden harris economy. that's politics; right. you're including harris to hold it against her. can't be one way and not the other. has to be both. if you share in the little -- i don't want to say it's little because bringing people home is big, if you share in the momentums of signature reigns leading, you have to own the failures and interesting to see
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how they navigate that and narrative is she running the country and not hearing or seeing from joe biden is that means these numbers are directly attached to her if that's the case. i want her to accept the debate because i want to hear how she'll change the direction of the economy because where we are isn't working. rachel: maybe have barack obama debate and two representatives for presidency debating. will: so many happened in the news in the past month and even at the time when we get the sense that there's more to come. like there's three months till election and there's not a whatever october surprise. there's just more to come. that's going to affect the outcome and i promise you the economy will be one of those elements. joey: because of this, things will change as those things come and faster and quicker than we've ever seen. rachel: absolutely. move to another fox news alert.
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florida deputy is dead and two others hurt and other officials say they were ambushed while responding to a disturbance at a home outside of orlando. joey: officers found two "assailants debt and a third murder -- dead and a third hurt inside the house". >> a violent chaotic scene and all happened last night after deputies responded to a disturbance call at one home to be alerted to a commotion at another nearby home and at that second home, the officers could see the backdoor was kicked in and when they entered, they were met with a barrage of gunfire. the deputy that entered the home first was trapped inside during the ordeal and later pronounced dead. >> they were ambushed and we lost one and that deputy sheriff knew us for awhile and was a young explorer and military veteran and horrifically having one of your own inside a home and can't get to him. reporter: two other officers shot trying to rescue the trapped deputy. one in critical condition and
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another in stable condition. inside the home, two found dead and a third taken to the hospital. no word on their condition. authorities recovered a number of weapons inside long guns and handguns and neighbors reported hearing those gunshots. >> we went and got dinner and come home and seen a couple of ambulances, fire trucks and didn't think nothing of it. by the time we got done eating dinner and got in the house and started hear ago couple of gunshots and trying to keep everybody safe. i've got three kids. reporter: wasn't immediately clear if the two found dead fakes the handoff the home were killed by -- inside that home were killed by gunfire or domestic murder suicide situation or whether the two homes involved in the call were connected in any way and fdle is investigating. guys. will: thank you. rachel: thank you. we'll turn now to headlines starting with this, venezuela socialist government claiming the u.s. is behind a coup attempt after the state department rejected nicolas
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maduro's claim he's the winner of last week's election and they're recognizing the opposite leader as president. the new associated press review of election tally sheets show edmundo gonzalez defeating maduro. no question about that . the wild fire alert and park fire is the fourth largest in california history scorching nearly 400,000 acres, and it's 'til only 25% contained after burning for over a week. the flames destroying more than 560 homes and buildings so far. a suspect accused of smashing the fire by pushing a burning car down an elmore bankment faces arson charges. fox nation is exclusively taking you inside the hollow summit in ohio. the three-day event features catholic scholars and speakers like the chosen star jonathan rumi who plays jesus in the show
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and spoke at event last night. >> as an actor, we are -- and as catholics, this should also be true. we are aspiring constant think to the truth to portray the truth, recreate the truth and understanding the truth. rachel: tune in today at 9:00 a.m. on fox nation for a day full of faith. what a great addition to fox nation. joey: absolutely. rachel: those are your headlines. joey: thanks, rachel. back to stop story, defense secretary lloyd austin revokes the plea deal for accused 9/11 terrorists including alleged master mind. will: talking to someone that lost his brother in the attack and is demanding answers.
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lyles will need a good leg here. can he deliver?
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here comes the pass! look at this kid! coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run! it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star of these world championships. will: back with a fox news alert and lloyd austin revokes a plea deal for three people accused of plotting the september 11 attacks and the widely criticized deal would have given master mind of 9/11 khalid sheik mohammad a death penalty.
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we're joined by a guest who lost his brother in those attacks. start with us when you heard about the plea deal that would have taken the death penalty off the table. >> let me start, will, with saying this very show, "fox & friends," in 2016 when donald trump was running for president, he call intoed the show and he said if you want to know who knocked down the towers, it wasn't the saudis, it was the iraqis, open the books. go to youtube and watch that video. you know what, he was 100% correct because my family and i sat for eight hours in lower manhattan on wednesday in the courthouse with thousands of other 9/11 family members and after decades were able to hear and see this devastating evidence against the saudi government that we have not been able to see, and that same day after all these years when we were finally able to see that and hear that devastating
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evidence within an hour after that hearing, thousands of 9/11 family members cell phones are blowing up getting e-mail alerts from the military try butler joineddal down -- tribunal down in guantanamo bay saying the terrorists have accepted a plea deal and no trial, no discovery and no evidence to ever see the light of day. i got to be honest with you, personal story, yesterday morning i was cutting my lawn. i had to stop, i felt like i was having a nervous breakdown and i broke down crying because it's like our department of defense, our government is literally allowing these 9/11 terrific rihannas to inflict -- terrorists to inflict further trauma, pain, and agonizing grief on the 9/11 families and the families of the first responders who by the way, three will pass away this month. they're averaging three first 9/11 responders dying each month
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due to 9/11-related illnesses. so we are relieved that secretary austin has revoked this, thank god. but that's not enough. we still want a trial, and we want to see their evidence. will: when i hear you giving me this very passionate answer this morning, yes, in part the outrage was taking the death penalty off the table and you wouldn't get the light of day coming to the case and evidence made puck lick for the public to see what happened on 9/11. >> we have been kicked in the gut year after year after year, 9/11 families and just a few weeks ago president biden gave his speech and said we are the united states of america, we bow to no one. we have been bowing to the government of saudi arabia for the last 23 years and we've let them get away with murdering 3,000 innocent americans, murdering our navy servicemen in
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pensacola, florida. murdering and dismembering a washington post reporter -- i don't know if you remember what president trump said after that about mbs, said i saved his ass and jared kushner getting $20 billion for his hedge fund? come on, man. we've let them get away with destroying or ruining our institution of professional golf. former president trump is helping in sports wash by having tournaments at his courses. we've let them manipulate our economy and elections. i mean, what -- we're the united states of america. what is going on around here? i'm sorry, it's been a very emotional 48 hours. i mean, this is like -- this is low hanging fruit. this is the only bipartisan issue that everyone can get behind. both sides of the aisle. we've champions on both sides of the aisle on this. this should be uniting america.
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we're oturu the only ones attacked and we were all attacked on that day. will: in the end and i've got to go in just a moment here, dennis, but i want to use this opportunity i have with you to fully understand your perspective. it seeps to be this, that you have seen the evidence and 9/11 families sat through that day and the time line of your phones blowing up on the plea deal and heels of seeing the evidence and role of the saudis in 9/11 and feel thwarted at every turn and in washington and multiple levels including the plea deal on getting any sense of accountability for what happened on 9/11? >> we've been fighting depadepartment of justice and fi and frankly department of justice for the last 20 years. every time you get, you know, i mentioned before president trump and again pholades closure, i vote -- full disclosure i voted for him but invited people to the white house and looked
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breath in the -- brett in the eye and shook his hand and i'm behind you and will help you and keep fighting the fight. 24 hours later they declared state secrets on the documents. again, it's like why are we punished? 9/11 families and why are we treated unfairly. what crime did we commit? trying to find the truth of who mured our loved ones. it's a national nightmare and needs to end. we've been through enough. will: i have to go. do you have hope? hope for this accountability? >> like i said, we've been kicked in the gut so many times before and heard so many promises. we're not going away. after hearing in evidence and seeing it the other day, we're more energized and not going away and we're helpful. will: dennis, thank you. his brother was on the 89th floor and olderrest of five brothers and five kids under the age of 10 on 9/11. there he is on our screen and i
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don't want to forget that part. thank you,, more "fox & friends" coming up. . (♪) (♪) beaches rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-beaches.
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will: fox weather alert and hurricane watch being issued for the florida gulf coast and tropical depression 4 expected to turn into tropical storm debby later tonight. rachel: florida governor ron desantis declared a state of emergency in 54 counties and activating the national guard. joey: adam klotz has a fox weather forecast for us. reporter: hey, guys. steamy on fox square means it's summertime and hurricane season and next big tropical system moving across portions of cuba but it's going to enter the gulf of mexico and winds at 30 miles an hour and this is a system that still really needs to come together but we've got all of
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the different winds sitting off the coast of south florida marching to the north on sunday and ultimately with a land fall prone sometime monday morning and seeing the winds at 70 miles an hour. before it then drags across the southeast and the care lie nassau county are going to get impacted by this, parts of georgia will be impacted by this. i want to show you the size of the storm because even though i didn't show you a real landfall till you get going into maybe monday morning, you do see rain throughout the day on sunday. this is going to be a soggy one flooding a going to be one of the major concerns. for now back inside to you. will: battleground georgia and both campaigns refocus on the pivotal southern state. will: kamala harris held own rally bragging about track record on illegal immigration.
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>> i went after transnational gangs, drug cartels and human traffickers that came into our country illegally. i prosecuted them. in case after case and i won. donald trump ordinary, reasonable, and prudent has been talk -- on the other hand has been talk ago big game about securing our border, but he does not walk the walk. rachel: joining us now is georgia republican congressman mike colins. congressman, i'm kind of in shock hearing her talk about the border. you're in georgia where of course we know laken riley was murdered, where we know every state has become a border state and the impact of an open border under this administration. donald trump was shot in the ear, almost the head, showing a graph of where illegal immigration is under the leadership of joe biden and
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kamala harris. what do you say about this? >> there's two things, kamala, it's a disgrace she came to georgia and wouldn't even mention laken riley's name. it's standing in georgia and i happen to represent athens, georgia, it's in my district and it's very near and dear to my heart and one of the reasons i sponsored laken riley act. but the other thing about it is when kamala harris stands up there and says that he doesn't talk the talk or -- he doesn't have to. president trump showed exactly how to secure that border. and he did it with the executive order. they had -- they've had 3.5 years to do that and secure that boarder and they haven't. it's just because they're on an agenda and she can't really speak on politics and they're going to use smears, lies and political innuendos to try and push the american people away from understanding what the real thing that is going on out
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there. that's the fact that they're allowing millions and millions of people to pour across that border including thugs, criminals and sex traffickers and even murders like the one that murdered laken riley. joey: representative, i live a few hours from you on the west side of the state. i'm from dalton originally. i understand the immigration issue more than most people realize in georgia. they don't think of dalton, georgia, as being a border town and you know well that's the case and if we hit the rewind button and last two election cycles and georgia has been walking at best and brian kemp through the most recent election and two democratic senators. is there a road map for donald trump either using the kemp model or jurisdiction the issues make the most sense now? what makes donald trump so much more popular in georgia than kamala harris as opposed to last election cycle? >> well, a couple things and, joey, i appreciate your service
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to our country and we'll never be able to repay you and i enjoyed serving in texas and georgia made changes to how we operate our elections and cleaned up our election and voter roles and those drop boxes we've decreased them and we should do more than that, get rid of all of them. we've got to as republicans understand what the rules of the game are and the rules are we have an election season now and we've got to get out there and vote early, period. encourage other people to understand that you've got to go vote and if you can't, make sure you get out there and get your absentee vote and ballot in and get it in early. we do that and we'll clean house on this election in georgia. take a look at georgia. there's the governor, lieutenant governor, senate, house, all the constitutional officers are republican. only thing we don't have is those two u.s. senators and by gosh, it's about time for those two getting off their rear ends and help us with this laken
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riley act. we're not purple. georgia is a red state and we're going to show the country come november 5 that we're going to help put president trump back in the white house again. will: we appreciate you being on our program this morning. >> we've got a great rally this afternoon going on and it's going to be exciting. appreciate it. will: thank you. >> go dogs. rachel: thank you, congressman. we're honoring our heros. tonight is veterans and first responders day at progressive field in ohio. will: we talk to the foundation behind the event in a former cleveland pitcher involved. joey: but first, here's brian kell imme kilmeade -- brian kile with a look at one nation tonight. >> hi, brian kilmeade. join me at 8:00 and we have -- 9:00 and we have tomi lahren and tell me if female boxers should
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will: honoring the heros and they'll held second annual vfr day article land's progressive field to watch the orioles take on the guardians here at fox. joey: last year 300 fox first responders families went and expected more tonight. vfr founder david not and pitcher and vice president jason stanford. thank you both for joining us. this is exciting at marine corp. veteran i appreciate what you're doing and putting veterans and first responders up front.
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>> may great, great grandfather was afire responder and my son is a police officers in cleveland heights, ohio. and this day is really created for all the responders that they get their credit and need to be pretty suretive of all of them, every day they get -- pretty pry suretive of all this and they get up and -- pretty appreciatf all them and they get up and put their uniform on and serve us. joey: jason, you pitched for the guardians, indians at the time and you know what it's like to be a sports hero but on a day like today, you get to move that attention to veterans and first responders. how does that make you feel or look for everyone? >> we have the border and local firearm department and to be a former professional baseball player and also to turn back and give back to our responders is
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huge. i had two grandfathers that were also in the military and they serve and protect us every day.. joey: david, what does this organization do? >> i'm sorry, i couldn't hear you. joey: tell us about vfr veterans and first responders and what the organization does. >> well, we're going in a direction that's more of an organic direction and not medicating and masking and more about self-hemet so creating programs here that will help them have the ability to maintain things better than cells and handle the every day stress and how do they come home and handle that and be able to deal with life in whole different manner and we also have another program we're excited about called highway heros and a pramila with a
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responder and we're actually supplying a canine dog to a city here shortly than just lost the police officer named jacob durbin at city of euclid and first canine dog we're going to supply to and we'll go about this. joey: jason, you pitched in cleveland and you're in cleveland today. what supports the great veterans and support throughout the whole city and in our community there's not a better city. i know a lot of people will say their city is the best and i grew up in arizona and i stayed in cleveland for the sole purpose to help and give back to the row responders. joey: that's awesome. thank you for what you're doing and for your family and service and thank you for joining us this morning. i'm excited. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much for your time. joey: yes, sir. visit vf for more information and we'll all tune in to watch that game.
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end of beniffer. the real reason why. plus, give me more, universal pictures acquired the rights to turn brittney spears best selling memoir and new harry and meghan interview tomorrow claiming meghan wears clothing from smaller i did sign houses. that's all in rachel's pop culture roundup with jimmy failla. ♪ ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine
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rachel: here with the fox news saturday night and fox across americas and fax news nation. what else do you do? you're like jimmy kimmel. >> yeah, except funny. rachel: yeah, all right, to dish out the latest drama, you're going to suck it in here in the pile? you've got to do more and starting with prince harry and megan markle. we're claiming that they are -- we're going to do -- face
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anti-bullying. >> is that what's going on? rachel: yeah. are they a base for anti-bullying campaign? >> glad they're getting that privacy they've been so desperately creating and i agree that social media is a social media. if you agree or disagree, follow me on social mediate@jimmyfailla and i'm obsessed with that and they're not real royals they're like kansas city royals and trap them out there and pay attention to what they do and hope this ends better than their last one. rachel: meghan got clothes from fancy brands and now from smaller brands and that's why people are saying their pants are so long. in the big brands could keep the brands and smaller brands has to return them and can't alter them. that's the thing. >> that's a thing and has a lot to deal with and i don't want to criticize because i dress like a figger skater that let himself go. i'll give her a free pass.
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rachel: needs alterations. talk about ben affleck and jennifer. seeps like the whole divorce is actually imminent, it's going to happen. some say she was a diva and spent too much money but now seems they're saying the reason or one of ben's friends is that she's selling alcohol and she's trying to get over his alcoholism. what do you make of this? >> that's a bit of a kick in the nuts, excuse me. there's two problems here. one she's obsessed with relevance and can't get out of the spotlight. only reason they're not divorced yet is she hasn't sold the streaming rights to the trial. if she can get someone to take it on and he's out the door but it's been one thing after another for them. i kind of feel, it takes a lot to make ben affleck look like a victim. he's a red sox fan, nobody likes red sox fans deep down. rachel: i was rooting for this couple. >> were you though? which time, the first, third or fourth time?
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rachel: both times. >> 0-2. rachel: i am. brittney spears going to have a biopic movie based on her book woman in me. it's the memoir and the question is who's going to play brittany? this is a really tragic story. >> for real. people that follow her on instagram, this is a chance to see britney as never before with clothes on and they're going to need a stunt man to play justin timberlake for the driving scenes and i'm not getting into the cast and it'll be fun. rachel: only one guess. >> to who plays her? >> margo robbie. she's the coolest. throwing it out there. rachel: good answer, jimmy. moving to this, there's a woman she's called the ballerina farm, she's a huge influencer like 9 million followers, believe it or not. she's known as the queen of the
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trend rise who have lots of kids and doing a lot of work from home. are really popular these days and interviewed by london times and they gave a not so great story. i want to play this for you. actually it's just a quote. let's read this quote. hannah neilman known to 9 million followers as ballerina farm and article written about her and milks cows and gives birth without pain relief and breastfeeds at beauty pad gents and empowering gutfelled -- pageants and empowering new model of womanhood or hammering new blow >> i say woman that have more than four kids are insane. we have to stop with one size fits all life. she's happy, let her be happy. my wife would fit this, grew up on a dairy farm and cows and ppigs and which i recollectens and wen -- chickens and we only have one kid because we decided to stop breeding after the first report card because we're not
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good at this. rachel: good answer. >> see everybody tonight at ten. more "fox & friends" just ahead. can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort,
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