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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 3, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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so he has lost all legitimacy. >> is going be a battle to see who can take power. >> are giving a mist of the supreme court of michigan which result the legislative dispute in the past week by ordering the implementation of 12 daughter minimum-wage restaurateurs are predicting closures and layoffs. indeed the court end of the traditional tipping of waiters and bartenders who say they expect their incomes to plummet. where it is how this happened in california where they jacked up the minimum wage, fast food franchises closed down. laid people off it looks like michigan is going to be that latest place or people discover the liberalism to reality. >> thank you gretchen whitmer for that is it for this week show. thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching. i hope to see it right here next week. ♪. arthel: the fight for the
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battleground states that taking center stage today. the race for the white house former president trump set to rally with his running mate jd vance and atlanta separating seed that live shot there up the large audience waiting for them. that the same if they knew venue democratic nominee kamala harris held a rally within this asset crowd as well on tuesday. welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am arthel neville. eric: hello everyone thank you for joining us apart is all but official now. the democratic national democral committee announcing vice president harris has enough delegate votes to secure her party's nomination. due to rollcall open until monday evening the campaign off and running they say the cashers spigot flowing. she has raised an eye-popping $310 million in one month just this past july. more than double former president trump's campaign it when her to 38 million the harrison forces say it is all do
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to a groundswell of grassroots support for her. two thirds of the july tally came from first-time donors they say. arthel: trump and vance will try to take back the momentum with the first joint rally in a swing state georgia today. that is where we will find mark meredith. >> good afternoon from atlanta separate any moment now expect ohio et cetera jd bass take the stage behind me but right now the crowd hearing from congressman marjorie taylor greene who represents georgia not to far away from here. what is interesting is the president may have to say when he takes the stage because this is a battleground states it. also a state where we sell vice president kamala harris campaign in just four days ago right here in the same arena. trumps a visit to atlanta comes amid questions about how his campaign is trying to pivot to a new attack against vice president harris for they were gearing up for a fight with president biden. they're also trying an effort to reach out to black voters in the
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states. earlier in the polls showed trump gaining support on the black community that of course may have changed now that it is kamala harris at the top of the ticket is still unclear if trump and harris are going to be on the same debate stage. on abc originally planned for one is when you face off against president biden trump opposing untruth social site i spent hundreds of mines a dollar's time and effort fighting joe. when it won the debate they threw a deep candidate in the ring. not fair but it is what it is but nevertheless bad policies are the same. should be revealed december 4 debate. biden had set up w what's goingo happen, nobody knows. i've got an idea in terms of the fundraising data for the month of july those numbers have just come out it shows a trump campaign broadwater $38 million last month alone.
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that is a lot of money. vice president harris went out race for the month of july. that could be some new energy democrats are experiencing with the changeup in their ticket. arthel: mark meredith, thank you very much. by the late jon scott will have complete coverage of former president trump's remarks to our edition of the fox report that is going to start right after our newscast at 5:00 p.m. eastern. >> and the deputies entered the home there was a lot of gunfire. one of the deputies was struck. he backed up a deputy that was there with him the first deputy was trapped inside of the home. >> photo shows deputy has been killed police he was ambushed inside that home. a town just outside of orlando, florida last night for two other
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officers were wounded described of a hail of gunfire. they were trying get the stricken deputy and help out to safety. madison scarpino on the latest on the shooting progressive heartbreak of new details in this case lake county sheriff is now identifying the deputy killed and last night the tragic shooting. 28-year-old master deputy sheriff bradley michael link the sheriff's office said he served in the army reserve before joining another florida sheriff's office he became a deputy sheriff and lake county in 2019 the sheriff further said touch the lives of all who are blessed enough to work with him the impact will never be forgotten. two other deputies were shot last night while trying to save him as he was trapped after getting shot. once in stable condition the other fighting for their life. deputies responded to a 911 call in the rural neighborhood they
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heard a lot of commotion a few doors down link went in the home of a shot almost immediately the sheriff describing the scene as chaotic and of violence as a suspect in deputies were shooting at sugar last night. the national sheriffs association violence a its law enforcement officers happened all too often. pay fields for the lake county sheriff's office. >> this is their brother this is their best friend perhaps. this could have been them this could have been their grandmother not going home to there's a lot of emotion running today. there is emotion and my voice because we have been through these things. how do you maintain and continue on and ask your officers to do this again today and tonight and tomorrow and next week while you're planning a funeral works to people inside the homer also did this no threat to the
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local community. it is unclear if that is to make murder/suicide or police return fire another person from the home was also taken to the hospital. back to you per. >> sadly hi another example of the sacrifice of the law enforcement officers across the country and our thoughts are with officer link link, his famy and their colleagues. and cute. >> no woman should have to fight a man, a man's heart is and figure. his muscles are bigger, has a long span is longer for even going the distance in the fight he is going to recover faster and everything. they was disqualified within the year there's no way they shoushouldmade the olympic team. arthel: growing controversy in the paris olympics two boxers failed previous gendered tests are being allowed to fight in the women's competition. one of them algeria defeated her opponent today to guarantee a
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medal. christina coleman's life and at west coast bureau bureau with y latest on this. >> matt is right defeated her opponent and her quarterfinal il match up today. was back in the ring took on a boxer from hu hungry men protest over her participation at the olympic games. the international boxing association disqualified taiwan's during 2023 world championship. rva said those two women failed gender eligibility test iba did not publicly release release den exactly how the two boxers failed the test. >> we need further information. so that he succumbed to light because we keep going back and forth. >> international olympic committee said the disqualification of the two boxes in 2023 current questions
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over the right to compete are unfair. >> these are two athletes were the victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the iba towards the end of the iba world championships in 2023 for they are suddenly disqualified without any due process. the current aggression against these two athletes was based entirely on this arbitrary decision that was taken with that in the proper procedure considering these athletes have been competing top level competition for many years. >> the participation and the olympic games suspect there participation of swift swift ecm after khelif won her tac because italian boxer. broke out in tears after she pulled out of the fight i'm just 45 seconds. she said she had never been hit so hard before again khelif won her passion for taiwan two-time olympian could win her first medal at the games tomorrow if she defeats her up opponent from
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bulgaria. arthel: absolute zero controversy surrounding the go to 107th gold medal today. whom i talking about? >> you know, simone biles. >> of course of course, sorry. sorry. i am so focus on the store and like what are we talking about here? [laughter] like they understand. i am sorry. i love you. all right thanks. [laughter] super absolute amazing isn't she? while but meanwhile caitlin dennis calling at the international committee for not doing enough to protect women boxers. >> we have to have rules and regulations. it is got to get them to dna. xx you are on the women's team. ex-wife, you've got to go to the men's team. it has to come down to that simple.
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they will have to go the international committee has to go back to testing all women. cooks doctor marty makar is with us fox's medical contributor. good to see a parade that is interesting that testing, the chromosomes how to sports to draw the line? what do they do to determine the qualifications for someone to compete? >> eric this is a little bit of unchartered territory of course this recent phenomenon of the men deciding to compete in women's sports by claiming a different gender is a relatively new thing. the professional societies are at a real decision point. do they require some form of genetic testing question which they require for women's sports and require you to have the ex ex chromosome as a pond to ask why. if do determine do they have a public duty to share your personal genetic information with the entire world? the international boxing association simply said these two individuals disqualified did
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not meet eligibility rules and people have more questions at this point. >> is that because the chromosome imbalance, was born as a woman raised as a woman the passport says she is a woman but what happens if you have too much of one and not enough of the other? >> it could be the chromosomal difference. or it could be a medical condition or a female produces a lot of testosterone but we see that to a small accent with the policy stick ovarian disease and some other condition sure they have an outlier amount of internal intrinsic testosterone that may be giving women an advantage in these competitions? i think a lot of people cast judgment knowing what is been a trend in women's sports with the men switching genders to compete. a lot of people reach a quick judgment with the boxer. but, the more information has come up and khelif was assigned
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a woman, a girl at birth raised eight woman had e-mail password compete as a woman for a long time has been beat by nine different women and professional boxing competitions. and so a lot of people are saying there is a lot we don't know. let's reserve some judgment since we don't have the full story. eric: women can be high and testosterone saying there's something dsd difference in sexual development does that play a part in this? and how do you think this will be sorted out? >> that is a very real situation. it is unclear if that is what is going on here but the old term for what you just described was intersex it is not a term we use any more but it is individuals born with some mail and some female genitalia and sometimes it is unknown. there are well-known genetic conditions where it individual whaven't x chromosome and no x r y or xx those have been known
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for a long time. that's difficult to talk about these topics in the public domain. people have very strong opinions. there is clear abuses of men declaring their women just to win and female sports. in california we have seen prisoners in mail prisons suddenly declare themselves as female with no support for that declaration. and transferred to women's at present there is been sexual harassment claims. sue for while a lot of uncharted territory here it is not settled and it will continue dr. marty makary, thank you for explaining some of it thank you. >> thank you. arthel: americans freed from russia are now on u.s. soil and on the path to eventually return to regular life. meantime the deal to secure their freedom is raising concerns that other americans could be detained and used as leverage against the u.s.
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that is coming up as fox news lives continues on this saturday. hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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>> of a task force set out. beginning of all of this is only 13 members seven republicans and six democrats we all identify as americans that are really interested we are going to be
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focused on getting the answers and the american people. cook's head of a bipartisan congressional task force vowing to get answers on how the secret service failed to stop at last month's assassination attempt for president trump. the agency's acting director describes last month shooting as a quote mission failure. matt finn is live from the scene and butler, pennsylvania with the very latest. >> hi arthel. number one at the secret service right now the acting director now says the shooting here in butler pennsylvania was the responsibility of the secret service they are at fault that's quite an important because for weeks now we have been reporting on the finger pointed between secret service and local law enforcement the secret service isays law enforcement should not be held accountable the radio transmissions that write roasted secret service snipers did not
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have communication with local teams put local law enforcement did communicate there's possibly a man on the roof with a gun. that message never made it to secret service. rowe was asked about the reports editor josh hawley shared claiming a row himself previously cut funding for trump's team. rowe did not give a clear answer about that and said they will respond to that claim in the future also very important piece of this tragedy agr building from which thomas crooks fired from he came here to the shooting site and butler, pennsylvania the day after he was appointed director. he's said it became quite clear the secret service should have been protecting is that building there's also been intense criticism and outcry w has anyoe been fired or suspended i asked if they will learn a real time with any secret service personnel are fired or suspended. >> i'm committed to pursuing accountability for the secret service failure in butler, pennsylvania. let me be clear, policy
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violations by secret service personnel are identified by the agency assurance review those issues will be held accountable. >> of help the council's affair and thorough disciplinary process. investigate the shooting here in butler, pennsylvania. he promises moving forward there will be robust conversations between the united states secret service and local police moving forward with this does not happen again. >> it cannot happen again. matt finn, thank you very much. because the dust settles on thursday's historic prisoner exchange the three wrongly detained americans back on u.s. soil. they do face the challenge of reintegrating back into regular life. right now they are currently undergoing medical and psychological evaluation at the brooke army medical center in san antonio, texas. that is her senior correspondent
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mike tobin is keeping tabs on how it is going. >> hey eric, three repatriated americans spent their first full night back on you uso the medical center to see behind me the head of the second full night brooke army medical center is where they stayed inside on the outskirts of san antonio the first touchdown in the u.s. the plane carrying them from turkey landed at joint base andrews just before midnight east coast time. there for lunch at kelly air force base in texas transferred to the medical center here after 3:00 a.m. they were liberated and that largest prisoner swap since the cold war former secretary mike pompeo on trumped up charges i am troubled by what will be the impact on the next family that is impacted by innocent american or innocent european that's taken hostage in the weeks or
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months ahead because we have now told the bad guys this is what it takes to get your murderers and terrorists back home. >> former president donald trump has been very critical of the prisoner swap he told maria on friday that deal will encourage more state-sponsored hostagetaking. >> these deals are so bad. these are going to lead to tremendous kidnappings once she agreed to do it, which he has agreed all the time it's only going to get worse if it is a terrible precedent. >> through the end of the vietnam war that medical center became a hub for reintegration of americans have been taken prisoner overseas. their attorneys need to go through three step process are three stage process involving medical and psychological evaluations. ultimately a reunion with their families. some of the high-profile prisoners or liberated prisoners have gone to the reintegration include was taken prisoner by the taliban after he wandered off base and brittney griner the
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basketball player who was picked up for having a small amount of cannabis oil with her vape system. back to you. seric: so glad they're back and being taken care of mike good to see you. arthel: former president trump is not the only critic of president biden's and deal with russia. some experts argue the prisoner swap encourages hostile governments to detain americans. the white house is pushing back. >> it isn't dit is difficult tok a convicted criminal to secure the release of an innocent american. and yet sometimes the choices between doing that and consigning that person to basically live out their days in prison and a hostile foreign country or in the hands of higher power and john before we start the interview i'll give you an opportunity to say some
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words about your colleague, our colleague evan. >> and want to thank fox news and a lot of other media outlets that worked very hard with us to keep the case of evan front and center. i think that really mattered. and so our appreciation is quite deep we are very happy to have him home and safe and back with his family. this debates over how you handle these things. to get it citizens back home. who do you trade? the fact that to send back to russia a convicted assassin someone very close to putin in exchange for the sort of unlawfully convicted unlawfully
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detained hostages including evan being finally released. two of our very good reporters have excellent stories about this very issue. it is deep and concerning people are concerned nations will take advantage of this in the future and detain more americans. arthel: president biden stressed this would not have happened without diplomatic foreign relationships and we just heard natnational security advisor jae sullivan say it was difficult to send back a convicted criminal to secure the release of innocent americans. wondering if base under reporting and research has anyone in congress offered a different or better way to handle the situations? >> there really isn't one, is there? what exactly do you do other than warn americans about going to certain countries? in the state department does at their eight countries that include russia, china, north
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korea, nicaragua, iran, they say you run the risk of being detained in these countries unlawfully. on the other hand what to state department doing a dual citizen russia, u.s. needs to go back to russia to take care of grandma? do you say no, you cannot go? it is a very difficult position for countries that are run by the rule of law to deal with because countries that are robust states like russia now is or iran and china has done this too. it's detained some canadian people in exchange for the release of wally executive. it's very difficult for law-abiding countries to deal with this issue. i think what you are seeing is countries and now in that western alliance or in the alliance of democracies around the world talk to each other and
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say we have to find a way to apply pain to these nations in a different way than just a prisoner exchange or exchange of individuals. mind you we have had the sort of exchange it goes back decades of used to exchange spies all the time. checkpoint charlie in berlin but this is different. this is detaining people who did nothing unlawfully they were in your country and you pick them up because you knew you could use them apple as leverage to getting someone who is lawfully imprisoned overseas back home. arthel: it is a conundrum, john thank you. >> my pleasure. none on subway is offering 20% off any sub, any size
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♪ ♪ >> i broke down crying because it is like our department of defense, our government is a literally allowing these 911 terrorists to inflict further trauma, further pain, further agonizing grief on the 911 families we are relieved that secretary austin has revoked this, thank god, right? that is not enough we still want a trial and we went to see their evidence. arthel: that was the brother of a victim tragically died on 911 con for the government to take the accused plotters off the worst terror attack in u.s. history to trial. comes as defense secretary lloyd
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sent revoked his shocking plea deals that would have sparred or spared the terrorist from death row but let's go to lucas tomlinson is alive with the very latest from the white house. >> it is notable 23 years after the 911 attacks and no member is not the master mine or anyone has gone to trial for carrying out the horrific attacks on 911. earlier former secretary of state mike pompeo weighed in on biden's defense chief ripping up the plea deal. >> i cannot imagine the president of the united states that was not making very clear to his entire team we are not going to reward him and the 911 terrorists we are not going to reward them by not having them stand trial and not given them the penalty though so richly deserve. >> after the news the pentagon had agreed to the plea deal 911 mastermind and two of his fellow terrorist sparing than the death penalty last night defense secretary lloyd often tore up the agreement and said the three
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men would face the death penalty austin now avoided more blowback from 911 families the firefighters union who are outraged about the plea deal. shifting to economic news the stock market tanked friday the doubt losing over 600 points after disappointing jobs report july unemployment crept up 4.3% nearly a point higher than a year ago having some speculating a recession could becoming vice president kamala harris blames trump in a news statement saying quote donald trump failed americans as president costing our economy and bring us to the brink of recession now he is promising even more damage with 2025. decimate ripping white healthcare and medicare. making his billionaire donors richer.
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leading trump 52. >> okay, lucas tomlinson thank you. if we cannot blame americans having whiplash republicans praising the decision to reverse the 911 plea deal to act now to bring justice a family to the families of all the victims. near congresswoman joining those calling on social media saying good, anything less than pursuit of the death penalty is unacceptable. thanks kevin who spoke out about the demand real justice set a trial date our next guest first hhand experience with impact and aftermath with former pennsylvania governor joins us now in the studio. dealing with the flight 93 families and others now and when
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you're governor. when you make of this flip-flop cooks most americans are frustrated by the idea that on wednesday it was given the deal with blood all over it. they pull it back last night i think most amer americans whethu greet the death penalty or not whether your own, old, what transpired on the faithful date the second bloodiest day on american soil in history. field fired up feel provoked and let's get it right mr. president. what went wrong? how did this happen there's a military commission the head of that makes the decision. how did you get so screwed up? looks i take a look at lloyd austin's commentary and he's making it clear it's going to be my decision and only my decision. sounds like heads are going to roll down there. and probably time for that to happen. it is hard to believe such an
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important matter, over 3000 people die on one day as a new york city firefighter's unions have expressed they've lost brothers and sisters that date this it cannot go unaddressed it should be a public review of full judicial process. i think we all see it as a side from the up and down light switch nature on and off of what has transpired, let's get on with the judicial process at the jury concludes the death penalty is warranted car. output. >> tremendous experience in homeland security. when you are sitting behind that desk and you bring us inside the room? the head of a military commission down there. so you see the public reaction. >> it is baffling. after all the president of these united states the top executive
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of a large federal government said weeks ago no deal. suddenly this past week the sweetheart talk. suddenly k ks m the murderous terrorists he is the 39 other tears who commandeered the four planes is now perhaps again laughing at this country think i'm going to end up in super max and live. that is unacceptable. i think most a famil family meme it that way. and the difficulty, what is hard to understand that is in what tom amo bay it appears they're off on their own. relative to prosecutorial prosecuting. this is why you got a president. they have to hold them accountable and expect lloyd austin to also hold the team down there and perhaps are going to change accountable for what we believe is inappropriate form
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of review and decision and judgment, death penalty. if it what you think or expect a new administration potentially could do? what would you like to have seen done? >> react to the timeline. it's been 21 years since he was apprehended and pakistan. and here it is the summer of 2024 we are now in our fourth presidency and this has not been addressed the judicial effort has not been activated. and so i would hope both of these major candidates as some point talk about not so much a rush to justice and get going with this yes. that 3000 families that lost loved ones that day. >> it really isn't baffling and inexplicable that it has taken this long what are your thoughts
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for the family if you've dealt with and certainly having been governor what is your sense? >> my sense is there's there is tremendous emotional loss. some survivors guilt. i've been there many times it is now a beautiful federal installation the united flight 93 memorial where i handled the deployment and response of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. at this point, i am not sure what the word closure it means to those who'v who lost loved on such a violent way. but i do know to the person they want to hold these terrorist accountable. they want to hear their rendition what was their motivation? why do they continue to talk about death to america and thus this intense reaction in the last few days it has a b blood n their hands. so in that regard let's get out
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the judicial process make it fair, no one is asking -- let's make sure the scales of justice are balanced. but ultimately wants americans and i think the entire world sees what they perpetrated i mean ks m and associate a family member was responsible for rims it was responsible for the first attack box in 1993. and i know you know what happened there. and let me add they have acknowledge their guilt ks m has said i am the chief designer. remember bin laden was the chief financial year. the chief strategist for getting the terrorist training and penetrating the airports and then common commandeering the fr airplanes. let's remember to american airliners. what was not lost on him as the brand were going against united states of america. we can only hope can count on
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they eventually will face american justice. thank you for the service to the nation's and thank you for helping the families. >> thanks eric. >> of course. arthel: it is happening and out trump running mate jd vance onstage in atlanta the former president will join him later. this is at the same venue, right there where vice president kamala harris energized a rally there this week. battleground georgia is now a high priority for both candidates. mr. vance makes news will sure that as well. and tomorrow on "sunday morning futures" maria's will speak with vice president schulte nominate jd vance that is at 10:00 a.m. eastern. be sure to watch. meantime tension is so high in the middle east as israel
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continues to hunt down terrorist leaders for details on today's strike that killed a commander. that is coming up next. with u. ♪
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and support america. find your fit at (♪) at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution
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against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them.
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they matter. they save lives. you should support them. before iran's ayatollah green lights to attack israel this as they are calling for retaliation after some key hamas leaders were assassinated allegedly by the jewish state. alex hogan live in answer with the very latest but we did there. >> u.s. embassy is urging all americans to leave the country they need to be prepared to shelter in place high within the region all of this after the
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killing of hamas a political chief who was killed on wednesday in tehran the hamas leader who lived was a part of cease-fire talks despite international concern his killing would hinder some of those negotiations today is really delegates traveled to egypt to get back to the negotiation table to further those cease-fire talks. at the same time israel says it carried out new strikes just today alone in an airstrike today in the southern part of lebanon reportedly killing one member according to the idf in northern gaza the struck a school which was being used to make weapons. but hamas is refuting that claim saying this was a shelter was housing people who have been displaced because of the war at least 50 people are now dead amid the fueling fears are growing tensions could turn into a wider war the pentagon announced last night it is sending in fighter projects, navy cruises destroyers to the
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middle east it will obtain an aircraft carrier here in the region the pentagon stating highlighted further escalation is not inevitable. all would de-escalation eric we are not feeling that on the ground just yet more and more countries are taking action jordan is the latest to fight pt u.s./france as well as the uk and sweden to tilt their citizens if they are in the lebanon if they should leave the country soon as possible. >> all right live waiting for potential attacked by ron thank you. we'll have the latest forecast coming up next. managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee,
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. arthel: parts of florida to hurricane watch as a tropical storm gain strength of the gulf of mexico. it just became tropical storm debbie. this happened moments ago it's moving inland towards the northeast. that system is carrying gusty winds and torrential rain that may reach up to 10 inches as well as a dangerous storm surge along the coast. "fox weather" has you covered
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24/7 you could download the app scan the qr code on your screen fox weather is always screaming and it is always free. okay, so the race for the white house all eyes on the pp spot presumptive nominee harris the guessing game continues this weekend as she meets with contenders before making what of the most crucial decisions of her world when candidacy. madeline on the stakes. vice president kamala harris' the final stages of the vetting process it. don't expect to see her in public naval observatory in d.c. where she is set to speak with potential running mates her ideal partner would be someone with some sort of executive experience or with a good relationship. those who made those include kentucky governor andy beshear, pennsylvania governor josh appear, minnesota governor tim wells arizona senator mark kelly. the campaign said no decision
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has been made waiting up a video philadelphia's mayor released on social media friday. backing shapiro for vice president red foxes told the video is not a premature announcement of shapiro's election just a show of support for the governor. still, that is not stop at one pennsylvania congresswoman from getting your hopes up. >> is real excitement in pennsylvania over the possibility that it will be josh. i have known governor schapiro for more than 20 years i am excited if she picks him but the choice is entirely kamala harris. >> that will be made by tuesday that is when harris and her running mate will begin a swing through seven battleground states. in the meantime the campaign is shaking up our staff hiring more senior advisers among those joining the ranks former obama campaign manager and obama white house senior advisor david. the campaign said the moves reflect all hands on deck approach as the election heads into its final stretch. arthel: all right thank you very much. and by the way coming up with
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former president trump will rally supporters in downtown atlanta. it is his first joint rally in georgia with running mate jd vance. jd vance up there now. the former president to join soon. vice president kamala harris was there at the same location on tuesday. jon scott with complete coverage coming up with the special two hour fox report cap next for a hour fox report cap next for a eric and i will be up tomorrow at noon eastern. thanks for joining. no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at
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jon: new twists and turns in what could be the most unpredictable an


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