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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  August 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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rachel: it's the 8 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekends starting with this. trump rallies thousands in georgia slamming harris' economic reported to battle ground pennsylvania voters. >> if harris wins this election, you will quickly have a kamala economic crash. you're going to have a crash. [laughter] >> that was atlanta. >> exactly plus harris veep stakes picks interviewed in d.c.. but it's been two week since she rose to the top of the ticket and still has not held a press conference. will: small boy with a massive catch burn eight-year-old a local legend reeling in a fish
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bigger than himself even with a busted pole. the young captain and his dad join us live in the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend which starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right there we go we've got some there on florida it is a beautiful place, we call that the red neck riveriy i lived in destin and can't get there enough which is lately once a year. hello good morning, and welcome back to "fox & friends" it's been a good couple of days so far. thank you for letting me sit in on the couch. rachel: thank you for being with us joey. will: in the big bend of florida anticipating storm we've been talking about throughout the
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morning keeping an eye on that i was asking what's in the big bin not a lot of towns on the bin on the gulf side but was it debbie headed right up that way? so -- pretty right now in the panhandle. joey: crazy how beautiful that sky was and quickly can turn to dark and we understand those hurricanes man those are scary. rachel: i'll tell you what is a big town that's atlanta and donald trump was in atlanta not pennsylvania -- where he was firing up a massive crowd. on one of his signature rallies there, here's donald trump the man himself president trump -- talking about kamala harris and how electing her will destroy the economy. listen. >> tell you what we can end new a depression in world war iii and a depression, how about that? [booing] could happen too. under harris biden policies, we now have the highest
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unemployment rate in three years. just came out yesterday you know i was surprised -- those normings were terrible. if harris win this is election, you will quickly have a kamala economic crash. you're going to have a crash. you can also have a crash like in 1929 more specifically. because that's where we're headed. when we win, you will rapidly see a brand new trump economic boom it is going is to be booming. like it was four years ago. [applause] with your vote inflation will stop the illegal aliens will be turned back, they're not coming in, we have to stop them. >> might have that crash before the election might have that crash before new president -- takes office. i mean, overlook don't overlook the job report that happened came outs on fritdz. friday. so fears of recession for the policies we've already lived under for three and a half years are -- are at the doorstep. and so we have some decisions to make. we have skegs to make when it
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comes to the fed in september and as a country as a nation come november. rachel: it's making it more difficult to make these decisions when the person who wants to take the job won't sit down for an interview. that's a big problem. well we have jackie heinrich senior white house correspondent we want to talk about that. jackie, donald trump bringing up president trump bringing up kamala harris not wanting to debate he said she was a radical freak from the left and that he would fight, fight, fight where do you think this is all going? >> we'll see about this debate, obviously, trump had agreed to a debate that was set with biden. the democrats changed top of the ticket and harris so far has maintained that she's willing to take the president's place in that planned debate. but maybe over the next couple of weeks two sides are able to work something out.
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we will see. i also think that -- harris has notably since becoming presumptive nominee not had much engagement with the press or a press conference she hasn't sat for an interview. and we're seeing news of changes in her positions from some of her more liberal positions during the 2020 campaign, for instance. seeing officials affiliated with her put out word through the media that perhaps she doesn't hold those positions anymore something we would expect to hear directly from her. we'll see where that goes in the next couple of weeks but i expect after she chooses her running mate we have to have some more access. will: to the point of getting to know kamala harris and hasn't had too many interviews i want to talk about the vice president her pib pick in a moment but you're plugged in washington, d.c. so i want to ask you this there's another story about kamala harris that i don't think
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is received a lot of attention and that is, her -- churn in staff. there's been some difficulty in her retaining staff burned through various people working in her office. what's that about? is that -- why is -- it seems to be a story that the deserve some attention. >> you know, frankly i think that a lot of that was -- an issue early in the administration. her staff seems to have been pretty solid for the last couple of years. i think the bigger challenge for her at this point now she has a circle of people around her who she works well with is she needs to scale up her staff considerably, and she's going to have to fill out ranks within her campaign, who is she going to fill those ranks with? is she going to be leaning on -- people from the obama years who maybe don't have a lot of connection with her? we saw how that created some tensions even with president
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biden where people from the obama era were they were rumbling in the press that they were distrustful of the president or tried to steer him more and sort of took the joe biden out of joe biden. and that may or may not work for harris who doesn't have the same amount of connections to the -- these obama era veterans as biden did. does she poll from people who she was working with when she was in california as attorney general or a senator we'll see. but you're going to have to fill out so many more positions and so i think we could see a part two of this. joey: perhaps first position to fill and first real choice as a leader not a vp is how she's going fill her own job as vice president for the campaign and we have mark kelly minnesota governor tim waltz and shapiro traveling to d.c. to meet with harris.
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what's the scuttle there on that? >> you you know they've been tit lipped about who the finalists are. but we've been hearing from other channels -- that for instance, chuck schumer expressed some concern if she were to go for mark kelly make it tough for democrats to have a majority in the senate we heard she's interested potentially in a governor who brings the executive experience from running a state balancing the budget and that kind of thing. that being said absolutely no confirmation from within her campaign. i think the conventional wisdom has been that her pick is going to be someone who delivers the best chance of getting to 270, and it had been understanding that that was through pennsylvania and the so-called blue wall states. and that josh shapiro might do the best with that. because if you lose pennsylvania, make it is very difficult to win the blue wall. that being said, we haven't seen a lot of reliable new polling or
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any comment from them on their internals that would say whether they might feel better about a different path maybe through the sun belt states and if they descroant to rely so much on pennsylvania, maybe some other options get more strongly considered. we'll see how it shapes out. rachel: jackie she has a lot to thank the obama team. she wouldn't have been installed without that kind of support from them and she's put in a big obama supporter, ally ran his campaign in charge of hers now. so it seems like she's bringing in some obama people. but maybe she needs to staff up even more. >> could be her or could be jan o'mally dylan uncleerl at this point who's making calls on those hires. rachel: okay. let's see what's going on fox news sunday today. >> we have such a great lineup coming up you guys we're talking
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to john kirby, obviously, as tensions in the middle east heat up. we're also reflecting on the prisoner swap from this week and continuing efforts to get mark home and senate judiciary committee there's been news this week about the supreme court reforms that president biden proposed shannon has an exclusive with justice neil gorsuch get a deep dive into his thoughts that will be fascinating to hear from a sitting supreme court justice. on these proposals that, obviously, made a lot of waves in washington. rachel: we're looking forward to it. thanks jackie. >> jackie sitting in for shannon bream on fox news sunday. you know one more thing on kamala harris before we move on there's been some discussion i know brought up by president trump. you know, kamala harris, you know, has been black sleetion been indian whatever is convenient at given times i don't think her race is -- i don't think her race
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personally is a -- is a topic that i don't think that resonates in the way that people might hope. i mean, obviously, we know there are mixed race people. the issue with kamala harris is what is real. what, you know -- what is real what's phony. what's playing to the audience what's authentic. there's an ap headline something about kamala harris understanding code switching well code switches when you change the way you talk to people based on people and your audience is. are you authentic are you a real person at all times regardless of your audience? that used to be something that we would applaud okay. you're no matter who you're talking to you're always you, and it is not just about your prnt personality and accents but about your policies if you're opposed to fracking and now protracking what is real? i think what is real and what is phony when it comes to kamala
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harris is a very real conversation. rachel: it is one we ought to have and i think, you know, that we always reward authenticity i don't know. i think donald trump is probably the most authentic person love him or hate him. will: same regardless of the audience. rachel: i noticed in the bronx the same speech could have given that in 2016 in front of a wisconsin rural -- rally in voters -- as he gave to the bronx in a totally multiracial audience. will: same outfit no matter -- rachel: same message about the border she dupght change say i'm not for securing the border because he's in front of black and browns audience so i do think that was effective and saying it throughout donald trump new line is, shoos she's fake, fake, fake, and i will fight, fight, fight this is a beg contrast you're right you hit it on the nail will. her authenticity is going to be a topic and as long as they keep her out, she may think she's
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going to get away with that but maybe not. can you run a social media campaign all the way up until october? with celebrities and, you know, teleprompters? i hope not. i hope that's not the country we've turned into. joey: hot sauce moment on the radio -- will: but with hillary clinton. joey: that didn't lose ore win the election but the deplorable moment that hurt her bad so that's the difference here is they want to keep this in the identity world because you can energize some people on this idea of who you are. without any specifics, it is harder to overcome when you go out and tell them who you are when you have to answer a question. if hilary never said the basket of the deplorables comment whole election might have been different i don't think so. but that started chip away and i think that -- the idea that they're going let her be defined by her identity is -- they're the ones making her race
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important not folks on the right. and like you said will how much does it help to even get baited into that? probably not at all. rachel: what she represents is what they want to talk about versus what she believes in the very fundamental positions that her -- you know, surrogating are saying she's changed not asked to actually defend her changed positions very fascinating conversation. all right fox weather alerts. trump on debbie ramping up in gulf of mexico as residents are bracing for impact. >> national hurricane center is worrying could be a hurricane before making land fall on monday. will: mike is live from florida's gulf coast this morning. good morning, mike. reporter: hey good morning will we're here in steen hatchy up to the most susceptible area to the storm surge flooding this is the big bend concave shape area, shallow, water in the gulf. and all things are in order for pretty --
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terrific storm surge not expecting thing conditions we had last year dalia brought eight feet of water ended up with a surge of 14 feet if current stats now east side loads you can see convection one tornado warning around naples rain now heading towards tampa bay. storm is going to start turning north and then northeast to make land fall in this area some time late monday morning early monday afternoon. winds increased at 8 a.m. eastern by the hurricane center to 60 miles per hour. so there's the track coming north hooking into the big bend and then it slows down. monday and tuesday, and right now very concern about what could be a historic flood event for parts of the carolinas and georgia watching savannah and charleston closely. governor ron desantis here in florida spoke to the media just a few minutes ago and his concerns about debby on the way tomorrow. >> there will be power outages if this hits here particularly
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even as a category one hurricane, it could get up to 85, 90, 95 miles per hour sustain winds. that is possible a residents should be finalizing all of their preparations now we are already seeing some of the imablghts from the far flung parts of the storm. reporter: and, and again, rainfall a big issue inland and up the coast here in the area. expecting 12 to 18 inches of rain more like 4 to 6, 8 inches totals around tampa and numbers up around charleston savannah coming up monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday as debby stalling out and could be a real problem here they've made preps. put tops on the pontoon boats a calm morning but it is going to go down hill quickly and this time tomorrow we'll be nowhere
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near on the docks on the seen hatchy back in the studio it is will rachel and joey, good morning. rachel: good morning and that's mike. he's standing in the calm before the storm. mike it is great having you on. turning to headlines 11 firefighters among 14 hurt after a massive fire in queens. according to fire officials the five alarm blaze scorched seven buildings and burned at least three cars. it took more than 200 firefighters to bring the flames under control. all 14 people hurt are expected to be okay. after suffering minor injuries, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. the vatican is finally addressing the controversial last supper scene during last week opening ceremonies in paris. the picialgs saying, quote, pope francis was saddened but certain scenes during opening ceremony
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and can only join the voices that have been raised in recent days to deplore defense caused to so many christians and believers of other religions. a little too little and a little too late. surfs up in california for annual world dog surfing competition pups of all sizes ages competed -- riding on battle boarding to catch the best wave off the bragging rites because dogs are judge based on their confidence on the board. the length of their ride in any tricks while surfing one of the dog owners says surfing with your best friend is the best gift. >> so who -- talented dogs. which dog won? i want to know. check in on that. bring a dog on because that's a talented dog. yeah. i think so. rachel: we're going to move to this fox news alert israel on high alert growing threats of wider war in the middle east as
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officials warn iran could attack israel. trey yingst is on the ground, he has a live report next. y didn'to this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine, but zero-migraine days are possible. don't take if allergic to qulipta®. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and sleepiness. qulipta®. the forget-you-get migraine medicine™.
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will: we're keeping our eye on
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israel as u.s. officials worry about a retaliatory attack from iran. it could come as early as tonight or tomorrow our trey yingst is live on the ground with the latest. trey. reporter: yeah hey joey good morning tension is rising across middle east as israel braces for expected iranian attack. now the u.s. navy has deployed around 12 warships including the uss theodore roosevelt to region and americans along with other countries are expected to help israel shoot down incoming iranian missiles and drones. new reports believe iran will attack as soon as tonight and into tomorrow. the attack may also include incoming missiles and rockets from hezbollah in lebanon. here in the city of haifa there's more direct attacks against strategic targets further north overnight hezbollah fired 30 rockets into communities along the israel lebanon border. most of the fire was intercepted by israel missile defense system, the iron dome but the move joined with fresh air
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strikes inside lebanon with northern front active israel southern front is unpotedding. israelis ramping up air streaks against hamas in recent days targeting locations in gaza where displaced people were sheltering in a school killed 15 palestinians others work to make shift tent city. war in gaza has been ongoing for around 300 days and this weekend a team of israeli negotiators traveled to cairo for possible cease-fire talks so far, though, they've been unsuccessful. joey. joey: thanks trey. all right democrats trying to send illegal immigrants out of their sanctuary cities and in a red state could face steep consequences under a proposed bill that would cut off their federal funding our next against came up with new legislation republican congressman burgess owens joins us thanks for joining us. explain to us the problem and how you're trying to fix it. >> thank you joey first of all, yeah we found out over time that we were getting illegals dropped
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off on city streets steps of the -- of these streets and our bus airports had no idea where they were coming from and government sent from denver. so it is an interesting process because what it does denver is a sanctuary city, of course, so people come there, they use these immigrants they end up using resources for their constituents and when they cannot afford they seasoned them to us it is not only cruel but cowardly because it is in the middle of the night and they're got going to stand for that we put together a score bill that's actually going to demand that they give us notification that there's a document of those support given to us.
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a nonprofit or a family or a sponsor and that there will be from a -- coordination will see report from fema to know the destination of the traveler also report to congress and how much it is going to cost that they get from the grants. so we're going to hold them accountable what we will do is indefinitely unable to get et grants that is what it comes down to when it comes to the hard left take away their power and funding and you have a whole different conversation. >> i have to ask would this bill equally affect say florida governor ron desantis or greg abbott who have or talked about sending migrants from their state to states that are sanctuary cities does the bill work in both directions? >> very good question. no it is only from states who say they're sanctuary states to -- and in other words sanctuary cities and states have to report those of us who are not
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sanctuary we're not asking for people to come here. so this will be strictly for sanctuary cities and states that they have to reports and sitting at two other -- sitting to nonsanctuary stition and states so there's a different that something you have to keep in mind what this is about. nothing to do with compassion joey but power. there's a census that would go to ten years and with the way the census works out is they count illegals for -- for this redistricting which means they get more -- most house representatives also counts towards the electoral college. so we have a -- issue with really upturn our culture from within, and it is very evil and a vote on hands. we have a 12-year-old girl that was raped by illegal i'm going to put it on the hands of this mayor in denver i have no idea if it came from here. but one of the cities come to our state and we have issues here and people will get hurt and be on the hands of these
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marxist -- joey: one more angle where an open border is important to our country i don't know this bill will get passed with the makeup of congress right now but it certainly sends a message i appreciate you using your position to stand up and send that message. congressman burgess owens thanks for joining us. >> thank you. joey: california leaving chevron becomes the latest old giant driven out of the golden state over anti-oil policies. kevin o'leary on the max exodus but a fox weather alert florida gulf coast bracing for tropical storm debby adam is tracking the heavy rainfall threatening millions across the southeast. next. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans.
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we're back with a fox weather alert. tropical storm debby is ramping up in the gulf of mexico as residents are bracing for impact. florida governor ron desantis says people should be ready. >> should be finalizing all of their preparations now. we are seeing already some of the impacts from far flung storm. >> national hurricane center is warning debby could become a hurricane before making landfall on monday let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for the fox weather forecast. adam. >> good morning land fall on monday but seeing impacts across the state throughout the day today all the way leading up to that eventually landfall. winds currently at 60 miles an hour at 75 miles an hour that would being a category one hurricane we are expecting that to ultimately happen. those outer bands right now
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hitting western portions of central florida including fort myers not up to tampa yet but don't worry tampa will get in on this as it passes up the northern coast of florida and then that pink area that is a hurricane warning that is because this is expected to be a hurricane when it makes landfall in the florida big bend. now what are the concerns with this storm system? first it is everything that florida is dealing with but after that land fall that category 1 hurricane this is the southeast around south georgia, carolina, coast and there's nothing steering this at this pongt but sit there for a while and spin and flooding could be a major concern and leave you with rainfall totals you see big in florida. they get really big in the south so this is a storm we're waving for probably next four to five days at least. those are your weather headlines for now will toss it over to you. will: thank you adam. not so golden afterall chevron becomes latest corporation to
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flee california. just one year after the state tried suing it and other oil giants over climate change. chevron now heads to texas joining companies like tesla x, spacex, but not just elon musk companies, there's like oracle and hewlett-packard good morning to you. california is not just a people it is the corporations that are leaving the golden state. >> it's the policy that's the problem. you know i always say policy matters. i don't make money on politics but policy. what you're observing here should be concerning if you're a resident of california these are multisectoral moves it is not just tech and consumer but fast food every single sector is one of the biggest economies on earth that companies are leaving because the policy no longer make it is possible for them to
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make money so thousands, hundreds of thousands of jobs being lost. imagine energy, you can't have an economy without energy. and this energy company this legendary energy company there for over a hundred years and it's leaving that's got to wake people up as an investor and you know i'm just pointing out the obvious when you have weak management that makes bad policy in a business, i fire those people and hire new managers i've been doing that my whole life gavin newsom identify said i like him a nice guy. horrible manager horrible manager looking just look at the numbers just look as what's happening. he's mandate should be tell nateeds and should be replaced, and think about san francisco my son lives there it is a war zone every weekend he calls me my house is broken into what happened to california isn't everybody going to say we have to make some changes here? i would. and i would never invest in that
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state. never -- i would never put a dime in there. >> governor greg abbott is saying welcome home drill baby drill. chevron in a snub to california, is to move its headquarters to houston 2,000 jobs. it is interesting how you talk about it being multisectoral also multilevel when you talk about retail, like cvs calling walgreens closing their stores in san francisco or fast food numerous fast food restaurants because of minimum wage loss and resident fleeing but you're talking about all kinds of policies from tax law to crime. to midge minimum wage laws you said i hope this will wake people up i don't know what will wake up californians to the poor management of not just gavin newsom this is all throughout
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the state. >> it's true but i want to pingt out with capital just one investor there's many like me. why are we rewarding bad policy and why dongt we take our dollars i'm telling all that work with, let's stop working on california. let's stop working on new york. let's stop working on massachusetts. they don't want our money or jobs they treat us poorly with bad policy. let's go visit states where governors and senators want to create jobs. why are we rewarding these ?aits states that is decimating their economies so let's open up to places i never went to north dakota i never went to west virginia i never went to oklahoma that's where i'm working today that's where i spend my hours i had a huge deal in west virginia for new land to build a data center never would have thought about that a year ago. this is who we should be rewarding so that's jim justice and kevin and doug burgum they
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get the joke and i want to reward them with capital i like competition between states. >> i can tell you who is winning and losing that competition right now and california is losing. kevin o'leary thanks for being with us this morning on fox and friends. >> take care. >> veep stakes is heating up and top contenders in d.c. today. charlie hurt joins us with a prediction on who she may choose, next. ♪ ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> kamala harris is search for a running mate now in its final days as at least three leading contenders governor tim and charlie hurt joins us now. so the veep stakes just heating up. i'm also hearing about but buttigieg. >> this is that weird time trying to send out all signals an trying to get interest in it because kamala harris want to keep this honeymoon going
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because you know -- rachel: had bad news about her husband and a nanny wanting to talk about the veeps because of that. >> that's awkward and some other sufficient to take out with the garbage overall a pretty good two weeks in the press and if they can -- they're trying to get that honeymoon to extend until -- voting start yeah. but it won't. the best they can hope for is to xepgd extend it to early voting and people start asking real questions and she has to answer questions if she ever does or hide oort either way i think that honeymoon wears off. rachel: i've changed my opinion on a lot of things since bush days to now. but you have to explain it you have to, you know, she had positions just four years ago now sending surrogates to say i now believe in fracking i
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believe now on tough on crime you know policies -- forget what i said about mandatory gun confiscation it is a social media campaign versus two real people talking. >> it is more social media than more political. it was five minutes ago she held the positions she was in the administration that was going after all of these -- and you know she play this is funny game and she's so scared. and there's all of this hub about who is afraid to debate who. she's afraid to debate anybody. just like her campaign is afraid to even let her walk out and give an interview with the press. if they so have so little faith in her that they don't even let her, of course, they also surgically removed her funny bone so she never laughs. rachel: her personality seems to have been removed as well.
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who would be -- if you were advising her for a second who would be the best vf for her? >> if i was advising her i would give her the advice that i would hope would cause her to lose. so -- >> give her the best advice. best advice -- i dub probably bashir of kentucky would be smartest. you've got, you know, everybody -- and by the way, i still don't think that she wins i think ultimately she loses i think she's a terrible candidate. and the only thing worse than her candidacy or, you know, her abilities political abilities is -- is a record her record is atrocious it is so far she's the far furthest most dangerously liberal lefting politician to ever run on a major party platform. rachel: only more liberal than her would be shapiro people don't understand how liberal that guy is. >> i think she's set this thing up where if she picks him she's going to have to defend all of
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that stuff. if she doesn't pick him the reason is because he's jewish and that is so amazing. and not only does that cause problems for her. as it should, but it will also just sort of reveal kind of who she is. but then again remember she said that joe biden was accused him of being a racist then, of course, tun around and became vice president no about pro. this is what people will do to advance in politics. rachel: her ambition is limitless but see if the american people is limitless in having zero interviews with somebody who wants to be the ceo of the country. crazy well charlie hurt we love having you and more of you tonight on "the big weekend show" that's at 7 p.m. who are your guests? or co-host i should say? >> alicia acuna and david webb man that was a quiz. that was a pop quiz. rachel: you passed with flying colors. love you. see you more of you tonight all
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right a small boy with a massive catch. one eight-year-old already becoming a local legend reeled in a fish bigger than himself. young captain and his dad join us live. that might just -- he was a price for cuteness too. that's cute. ed form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness.
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rachel: eight-year-old fisherman elliot webster a local legend in chicago taking belmont harbor reeling in salmon, bass, trout, that are nearly as big as he is even on a busted rod. >> elliot and his dad todd joins nows. good morning to you both elliot i'm told that was a late trout that big one we're seeing pictures of right now. and you caught it on a busted rod you're going tell me about that. >> the lake trout we went ten miles out to catch that fish. >> oh, wow. listen, i live down in georgia we don't have a -- leak that you can go ten miles on that's a ocean you're fishing on. tell us what makes you so and fishing that has your interest.
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>> i just started when i was five. and then i just never gave up yet. and i'm still doing it. >> elliot how much about fishing do you love because you get to do it with your dad? >> a lot. >> i bet -- >> todd, tell us about this fish that we're seeing right now the one that everyone is excited about. i'm going to follow-up what happened with the rod did it break in the process of catching this guy and how big was he officially? >> that was about a 25 pound lake trout that he had there. he just showed a picture coming up with his broken rod that he caught a sheep head in the harbor on. and he was really worried that his rod -- his line was going snap pulling that thing in but was able to get it all the way into shore. will: all right. one more tile elliot salmon, bass, trout what's the most fun to much ka?
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which one fights the best and which one do you like? >> i feel like salmon or trout. >> nice. rachel: what's your best ten for people who are fishermen or want to become fisherman what's the best tip you got? >> you should be -- you should be patient and be safe and wear a life just about. jacket. rachel: this kid is amazing. joey: did you use a fly rod for that or completely different thing with a trout? >> that's a different thing. rachel: do you eat the fish you catch or throw them back or have you ever had to clean the fish what's the deal there? >> sometimes we eat them. and sometimes we throw them back. >> we like to put the big lake trout and some of the co-host sal mop on the smoker. and eat them as filets or make a good dip out of them. will: elliot you're off and
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running taking parts of lake michigan but storm but introduced yourself to the nation. rachel: i heard he wants to be a fisherman when he grows up. is that right? >> he wants to be a fishing captain or sell fish he catches. >> all right. well todd thank you both you and elliot for joining us that's an awesome catch elliot keep it up. rachel: we're proud of you. >> thank you for having us. >> that's a great day can't think of anything better to do. that's awesome. will: in the summer ron johnson maria bartiromo abby hornacek all live in the next hour. rachel: celebrating american family day all of the summer fun just ahead. ♪ ♪ a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level
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