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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  August 4, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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friends throughout all of life were there it was as much as family reunion as it was a wedding it was beautiful, as for me, i had the best seat in the house, right beside my beautiful wife terry, i heard from senatorred into this morning they are doing great, they are doing happy, they are grateful to everyone else for yesterday, if you have a question me emade us. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. asgood night from southus carolinat .
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>> hello i am lisa boothe along with alicia acuna, charlie hurt in david webb, welcome to "the big weekend show", the big story tonight. kamala harris veep stakes, meeting with her favorite contenders this weekend before announcing her running mate which could happen as soon as tomorrow. whatever rumored favorites who is jewish is forced to apologize. as a hero in college when he wrote about his pro israel views, all of this is unfolding behind the scenes nonpublic kamala harris hasn't held any press conference since she was named the nominee for the democrats, fox news correspondent madeleine rivera is in washington, d.c. tonight. >> there are a couple of things that vice president kamala harris will be looking for when she meets with finalist in d.c. how well she gets along with them and how each one can boost her chances of winning 270 electoral votes. per the washington post kamala
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harris is speaking face-to-face with minnesota governor, tim walz, joshua. in arizona senator mark kelly, it's unclear if the other possible candidates kentucky governor andy beshear, illinois jd pritzker and transfer terry secretary pete buttigieg has met were set to meet with harris, schapiro and kelly have been favorites with independent and moderate voters in battleground states. as a profile rise, so that the criticism, united auto worker shawn fain is concerned that kelly did not initially support a bill to boost union organizing. >> people show where they were when they voted on and that's what we look at and that was a concern of ours. >> schapiro is playing defense is an opinion article that he wrote for his college newspaper collegwere the decades ago. saying israel cannot peacefully coexist. he says his views have since changed. >> i have said for years, long
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before october 7 that i favor a two state solution, israelis and palestinians living peacefully side-by-side being able to determine their own futures and their own destinies, being able to work as they want and worship as they walked. >> shapiro husband could call of benjamin netanyahu. lisa: thank you. what did josh shapiro say in the college newspaper op-ed that has into israel activists so mad? this is from 1993, he said this. palestinians will not peacefully coexist they do not have the capability to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of the israel and united states. two battle minded to examples of peaceful homeland on their own. what does that say about the democrat party that governor shapiro feels compelled to walk the statement back? >> is the most glaring chapter
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in this long saga about the parties hand wringing over the possibility that kamala harris would pick josh shapiro. again because he is jewish. one thing that is interesting, if you look at his record on israel is not all that different than a lot of the other democrats that are under consideration, the only problem with josh shapiro is that he is jewish. the idea that this is where we are today with the democrat party on the one hand it is disgusting as it is, it is also really not surprising when you consider the entire party has been built around the identity politics where race and gender and religion are all democrats care about in politics, it's very dangerous and very disgusting.
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lisa: there is a campaign against them say no genocide. i want to get this statement that is team game to fox digital. since he wrote this piece is a 20-year-old student, governor shapiro has built close meaningful and formative relationships with many muslim american, arab-american, palestinian christian and jewish community leaders across pennsylvania the governor greatly values their perspectives in the experiences he has learned from over the years and as a result with many issues his views in the middle east have evolved into the position he holds today. we've seen the biden administration to the tight walk between jewish voters and muslim voters. wood picking shapiro.hunter divide the democrat party without fracture the democrat base. david: the already divided in one say sense from the old democrats. they are unified in the anti-israel hatred, as part of their platform. it is no longer to be debated whether there are some that may
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disagree with it, is why did the major influencers, the leaders of the party all fall into this along with her allies like shawn fain ahead of the uaw with randi weingarten, with the teachers unions. look at all the people who are the power players that lead us. they are all aligned with this. the democrats no longer have a defense, the problem with shapiro beyond him being jewish is the fact that jews in pennsylvania that are living in philadelphia for example under heavy attack, they are being insulted, some have been assaulted on the streets in his very home state and whether they will come around and vote in one of the most liberal cities in america, they have a problem but they created the problem, the american people should not live with it. lisa: former president trump has some thoughts on this. let's take a listen and i will come to you on the other side. >> if she pick shapiro she will elude a job loses palestinian
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boat and that is fine. everyone has their liabilities. if she picks shapiro who happens to be jewish she loses her little palestinian base because they like me because i think i'm going to brin bring peace to the middle east even though i'm strong for israel. lisa: this comes as a complicated time as things heat up in the middle east. alicia: i have to say that jd vance is thinking to josh shapiro welcome to the things that i said one time coming back to haunt me club in sitting back saying you enjoy your time in the sun right now, getting back to that point, why don't we flip this a little bit. let's imagine that these are the republicans and their having conversations like you think our electorate can handle a jewish vice president, do you think our electorate can handle a block vice president, do you think they can handle that but democrats are having these conversations in their having them out loud, that is a larger
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electorate might want to think about. >> absolutely, obama's former top advisor is not too sure of the hoopla over kamala harris, watch. it is a lot of a rational zoo brands, it absolutely is trump's race to lose and he is ahead most of the battleground states. they are close, they can be won by either candidate. >> in case you missed it, trump is making sure that they know about the veep's radical policy. >> four more years of kamala harris, the california socialist destroyed san francisco, then she destroyed the whole state. kamala harris led in the savage monster that murdered lake in raleigh. an illegal alien who was in border patrol custody under harris' policies instead of being deported immediately and
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fast he was set free into america, please enjoy your stay, laken riley's blood is on kamala harris hands and she was in charge of the border. the choice of the selection could not be more stark on the one hand you have a radical left freak, you have a candidate who is fake, fake, fake. on the other hand you have a president who will fight, fight, fight for america. lisa: we just heard that, but here is his previously name the most liberal senator. as the case being prosecuted against her effectively? >> not yet i'm just going to start their, the focus on policy needs to be more than what donald trump says, jd vance is doing it, the rest of the republican party needs to get on board because americans are aligned with the issues whether
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it's on israel, the economy, the border, all of these issues americans are more aligned and take away the head-to-head pulling on these issues, trumpeted the republican party in the republican platform win by a lot, my challenge to the republican party or voters out there, if the person, the party, the policy platform and the desired outcome, which one gets you closer to your desired goal, we've said it before constitutional republican capitalism over a socialistic economy. >> there's been so much chaos for the assassination attempt in joe biden stepping down. lisa: we watched this yesterday together would show it for the audience, conservative activists to kayla montgomery at the rally in atlanta, georgia. let's watch together. >> president trump, you saved my college and i said how the hell do you know that and this what
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is so smart, so sharp, she grabbed me and gave me a kiss and i said i think i'm never going back home to the first lady. >> you were supposed to keep that quiet. >> you're an incredible person and i think about tremendous future. >> i want to add onto the remarks made by others, we need to do our best to get the message out there, the fight is nothing if all we do is talk about amongst ourselves. nobody needs this message more than my folks. are you with us for real? >> they should go on the road together, they were really great thing. lisa: you really right. she could be helpful to him and help him focus on the issues which to david's point that's what folks want to hear about because of weaknesses for the economy and immigration. charlie: that is a perfect
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demonstration of how real the trump enthusiasm is and you compare that to the fakeness of kamala harris enthusiasm. the only real enthusiasm about kamala harris is is not joe biden that's not enough to carry you into an election. lisa: we have a jammed pack hour of "the big weekend show" coming up including this. >> donald trump it is we'd already made in the republican apparatus behind them. >> jd vance is pretty weird. lisa: this is weird the last trump derangement is mutating to his running mate, jd vance responds next. a slap in the face of female athletes everywhere, two fighters who failed gender test will take a metals at the olympics, also this the power of pelosi, was a former house speaker behind-the-scenes orchestrator of the biden coup? her answer to that is still
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david: tell me what you really want, welcome back to "the big weekend show", you heard the new rally cry for the left, jd vance according to them is weird. >> these guys are just weird. >> i don't think kamala harris will pick anybody as weird and creepy as jd vance. >> dumb vance is weird. >> super weird. >> his weird running mate. >> weird. >> something weird about these guys. david: anybody weirded out. the new vance derangement syndrome getting trump's rain running mate, vance fire back on "sunday morning futures". >> i think it's a lot of projection, i'm a husband, father, happily married, i love my life because i would be a good public servant who fixes the problems of the democrats, they can call me what they want to, the middle school taunts don't bother me what it bothers
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me and offends me as well kamala harris into the country over three and half years she opened up the emerging southern border and cast the deciding vote on things that cause skyrocketing inflation in affordability crisis. >> charlie, let me go to you first. weird? is it made up, what do you think or is it effective. charlie: i think it's made up but i think it's bizarre, if democrats want to get into a weird fight with anybody, they will lose which is why i think they're not actually trying to win the fight it is a giant distraction, they would have to hold a conversation about weird because they know if were talking about weird instead of the issues that we mentioned in the first block then the media can keep the honeymoon going and i think what they want to do is keep the honeymoon going until early voting starts and then they can bank some boats. when you get to talking about
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the actual issues that affect people's lives and people care about there will be a lot of people voted on stupid stuff that you cannot take your vote back. >> you cannot take it back. david: before i go to the ladies let's play the ladies and as jd vance's wife who sat down with ainsley earhart that talked about the attacks on her husband that will air tomorrow morning on "fox & friends". >> what about the negative press, how does that affect you. >> that can be hard, sometimes i don't see it all and sometimes i do see it and think this is not the jd i know this is not accurate and other times it might have discussions and thoughts of next or how we should live but we've been doing this for a little while and i've gotten accustomed to it and grown a thick skin so i try not
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to let it affect the way i live in the way you interact with my friends and family. david: she is a thick skin and she's grown one fast, not only her appeal to women, what do you think about that potentially with this interview from the one soundbite. alicia: she's a tremendously strong person obviously and probably didn't realize she was going to sign up for this and it's hard because she is the spouse in politics is a nasty dirty business and your ultimate defender will be your family especially your spouse so you take it personally but she's also a fantastic communicator and she's not political in the way that she speaks were typical of what we see or how she presents herself us and communicates and a lot of folks found that refreshing when they saw her at the republican convention. i think she's definitely going to be a strength for him. lisa: i would like to hear
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better work accomplishments she is a very accomplished lawyer, she was a law clerk for the supreme court justice john roberts and i think right now the republican party is being painted as backwards and they don't need to be and should not be only 26% of mom stay home the rest work a lot of them work because it brings in fulfillment and they enjoy it as well so i think were missing an opportunity to connect with female voters. i would like to hear about her work accomplishments and her overall message should be building the economy the families can make whatever decision, you can live off a single income and a mom can stay home and she wants work the mom wants to work, more power to you i think that is a message but were being painted as backwards and i think we need to fix it. david: wild, she wants to move it forward and so doe jd, tomorw on "fox & friends" ainsley earhart stocks on 6:00 a.m. "fox & friends", coming up media manipulation on full display and
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they are twisting joe rogan's words, what you expect, the comedian is roasting his covid critics and that is next this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help
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♪ ♪. alicia: welcome back to "the big weekend show" joe rogan is bringing the box and firing back at his critics during covid. >> before covid i would've told you that vaccines are the most important invention in human history. after covid, i don't think we went to the moon. the funniest way to die is if i die from covid. don't think i didn't think it, when i got covid the first time i was like oh my god you better not die, i talk so much. i talk so much.
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if i die from covid the memes will never end. it will be me from two axes of eyes and holding horse paste, this is a true story, one time i woke up i met my underwear and i plopped in front of the tv and i turned it on the moment i turned it on prince harry is talking ship. >> about me, i just woke up. i met my underwear and imprints on tv, do you know how weird it is when a prince knows your na name. joe rogan giving out dangerous vaccine misinformation. in my first thought was like [bleep] did i? if you're getting up vaccine advice for me, it's not really my fault, that's not my job i'm a professional [bleep] talker some make sense a lot of them don't, it's up to you to figure
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out what's what, take this advice, don't take my advice. [laughter] alicia: you guys have some things in common, does the prince know your name? >> i don't think so but i have the same thought when i got covid, i cannot die, i can't let the bad guys when. he gave better advice about the vaccine that the so-called experts because we learn societal pressure trumped common sense, the experts are the experts anymore we just follow common sense from the beginning you could have young and healthy people back to work and let the elderly people who are sick stay at home, we did not to do lockdowns kids could've gone to school, even with the vaccine we could ablated out, told americans he was at risk and allowed americans to make their own decision that was best for them and their families but we did not. instead america decided to collectively lose their minds but i have not watched this sadly i'm going to watch it on the flight home. lisa: he's getting blowback because he had jokes about transgender community and covid
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vaccine. i really want to watch it. alicia: is healthy that were laughing about this or at least those of us with a sense of humor. david: is comedy, what comedians do they take things that are normal in life, stretch it to the absurd, make you laugh about it and hopefully make you think about it. i'm going to draw a comparison that i have not drawn with anyone in a long time, joe rogan reminds me a little bit of george carlin, he was one of the greatest social commentators and everyone should watch what he says about politicians and all the entire crew, you would see it playing out today, joe rogan is calling it, comedians get your attention, he's right by the way it's up to you to find out what is real and what's not, what is absurd and what's not. by the way for the record i still believe the prince probably knows who you are.
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lisa: i don't want them to. charlie: what's the difference between joe rogan and george carlin, the internet. rightly we spent a lot of time talking about censorship and we witness censorship like we've ever seen before in human history but there are more work around censorship than we've ever seen in human history and that presents problems and solutions but it allows a guy like joe rogan to be george carlin times a million with far greater reach. david: maybe it's really important that he does have the reach. charlie: absolutely. i think that's why it is the only way common sense ends up trumping the people that want to control all the information and he gets to be a professional smack talker and have millions of people listen to him every month. david: imprints talking to them it is underwear. charlie: even prince knows his name. alicia: his words were also getting twisted by the media this is from his podcast last
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week. >> she is going to win, i feel like we're in a very bizarre time where people are giving in to the [bleep] in a way that i never suspected people would before. they just want note from no matter what and they're willing to gaslight themselves. alicia: listen to this msnbc edited another portion of his podcast to make it sound like he said harris would win. here's what the clip said. >> she's going to win, she can win, cut to she is a strong woman, she is a person who served overseas twice in the medical unit, she was a congresswoman for eight years she is a person of color, she is everything that you want, she's going to win, she can win, cut two, they just want note from no matter what. rogan was talking about tulsi gabbard, gabbard is calling out the liberal media for taking joe
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rogan way out of context. >> this is another example of how msnbc is working hand in glove with the democrat elite and kamala harris campaign and the fact that they are doing this should require the federal election commission to require them to report this as an in-kind campaign contribution or to be punished for abusing their position in trying to use their platform in order to try to help kamala harris get elected. alicia: can you explain? she is so upset. charlie: i don't, i am actually glad that they literally took that much effort to create a lie, now we can expose the lie, we need to see the left on full display whether they are calling somebody weird were neanderthals, irredeemable or deplorable, this is not new, they did this during the tea party days it is certainly no
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comparison, this was done by late night talk with me, they would edited to make it seemed like the tea party was racist but it was a black guy that helped found it, this is not new but i want to see it on full display. alicia: i want to get your thoughts on this, they took it down but so many people sought. >> is not taken out of context is completely lying and making the whole story up, thank god because we have the work around so you have somebody like joe rogan and anybody who has access to instagram live for example can correct the record and report the truth. lisa: we laugh because we didn't instagram live before the show and it was terrific. trump was right when he said the media is the enemy of the people, look at the way that they're trying to rewrite history on kamala harris be in the border czar, joe biden said she is the border czar and then
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you had axios thrown itself under the bus to try to cover for this woman, it was supposed to be a nonpartisan organization removing the page saying she's the most liberal senator, the media is the enemy of the people in donald trump is absolutely right. charlie: every day we should give thanks that elon elon musk owns x and is not owned by the left wing liberal backup under macro people that want to censor everything. alicia: coming up the power up lucy was the former house speaker behind-the-scenes orchestrator of the coup against biden? the answer to the question still ahead. ♪ have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control
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newlthat we can show the release transcripts feel the communication of the would-be assassin access to the former president, fox news correspondent matt finn has the update and butler pa. >> as you know radio communication can often time reveal so much about shooting incidents like the one that happened here on july 13 and on friday the acting director of the secret service ronald ro said the sniper team with the secret service did not have communication with local law enforcement here on the ground on the day of the shooting and now a new report from the washington post reveals devastating detail how poor the communication between local and federal agencies might've been. according to encrypted radio communication on july 13 at 5:4r said in fyi we had a younger white male, long hair, lurking around the agr building he was
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viewed with the rangefinder citing the stage, we lost sight of him, that message was apparently referencing the shooter thomas crooks who ultimately was able to outsmart the secret service and local police and pull off the near assassination of former president trump killing one man and injuring others there is public outcry over why no secret service workers have been fired or suspended just yet. i spoke with republican congressman mike kelly on the ground part of the special dhs task force that is investigated the july 13 shooting. >> the american people have the right to doing a tremendous responsibility to find out i don't want to talk about innuendo or 70 said something or have a secret note from somebody, were get into the deep dive that is necessary on the ground, what they went through and how did you prepare for this. >> congressman kelly says he expects to learn more about the task force coming here to this site in the coming week it is urging people to take a breath
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he insists that everyone who needs to be held accountable will be. charlie: thank you matt finn. to this how powerful is nancy pelosi, a lot of people say she is the de facto leader of the democrat party, remember biden reportedly furious at top democrats were in cahoots to take them out, now nancy pelosi says she never made a call. >> i said that he is furious at you, is he? >> he knows that i love him very much. >> understand you do not want to own this. but it's so well reported that you are the leader of a pressure campaign. >> i was not a leader of a party you let me say things that i did not do, i did not call one person, i did not call one person, i could always say to him i never called anybody.
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>> she sounds like she's explaining how the garbage did not get taken out into the dump. >> what did she say? >> she said she never called anybody, nancy pelosi has a reputation for being a master negotiator, master dealmaker and listen to what she said, she did not get to where she is because she said things by accident i never called anybody, she never said she didn't communicate, she didn't say any text or have them call me, she is very specific for a reason and she also did earn her reputation by telling reporters how she did it. if nancy pelosi decided that joe biden should still be the candidate, i put money that he still would be. >> she also didn't rot out any of her lieutenants. one of the things that gets glossed over that i don't think we spent enough time talking about is the fact that the way that they did this, the way that they did this, the biggest money bag men who control the democrat party and withheld funds, that was a pressure point what
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everything about donald trump he has broken the system of money always wins in politics. and proven that you can be somebody with less money. the democrat party is so completely controlled by money, that's how they did this and that's a nancy pelosi did this. >> that's exactly how they did this, nancy pelosi is the master of the money. she is a defense attorney dream, she will never say anything on the stand that will get her convicted, you will win the case. the other thing kamala harris has a lot of connection to wall street, they like to attack the billionaires but look at the list of connections that kamala harris has built over the years to wall street, you have a pressure campaign from the big donors starting with maybe the whole clooney thing and going forward and then you have the wall street connection that also held their money, that is not
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being reported. when you look at it, this is a play that was perfectly executed and by the same liars that told us joe biden was engaged and in the room and he was all in indy's going to win in within 24 hours. charlie: that was not the only whopper that nancy pelosi told her the interview. watch this. >> top of his game, such a consequential president of the united states, mount rushmore kind of president of the united states. we want to know what comes next. >> do you really think he belongs up there on mount rushmore, lincoln and joe biden? >> you have teddy roosevelt up there and is wonderful i don't say take him down but you can add biden. lisa: i think i threw up in my mouth, trying to keep the screen open, there is an article from nbc and the headline reads nancy pelosi pressure joe biden to in
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the 2024 campaign, one lawmaker asked how responsible pelosi was for biden stepping down the lawmaker replied 50%, you see her holding onto the speaker's gavel in the picture and she held onto that for dear life for a very long time and it's hilarious to hear them speak so positively after they took the guy out, no chance. they are a bunch of liars. >> i take it you don't believe he belongs on mount rushmore. >> i think you belong somewhere else and i will not say it. hopefully in the commercial break. coming up a slap in the face to female athletes everywhere, two boxers who failed gender test will take home metals from the olympics. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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♪ ♪. lisa: i went to the university of tennessee so that song is blasphemous for me, welcome back to "the big weekend show" a epic outrage is growing, not one but two boxers who failed gender
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test will leave paris with metals, one a taiwanese national will move on into the semi finals, after the match the fighter who lost appeared to make and ask with her fingers. a algerian boxer who failed the gender test is guaranteed an olympic medal, the president of the ioc weighing in. >> how can 70 being born raised being passed as a woman cannot be conceded as a woman, we will not take part in a politically mode i've into motivated, sometimes politically motivated to a cultural war. lisa: i guess a passport dictates gender, the political issue, trump is vowing to protect female athletes. >> they would have been playing to win them into women sports, you saw the italian female box boxer, to shot she pulled away and said i cannot fight this.
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there would be no whe men playig when we are elected and women sports. lisa: many female athletes kamala harris silence is deafening predict lease and she's a woman's supporter of women sports. i applaud everyone who understands the phenomenal talent and excellence of these women and girls who are not afraid to compete in embraced for having ambition in embraced for wanting to win yet continuously their dreams are stolen by men. david: i'm going to use angers me, somebody who played sports into who coached girls sports. i would never want any of those young girls playing against men, on top of that the president of the ioc or whatever his title is doesn't know what he's talking about, he is assuming or taking
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what's on paper and not dealing with their own rules, think how outraged when they doped women, go back to the 80s the doping of women by the russians to make them compete at mail levels so their women, the ioc went nuts over that now they are allowing a different way, the same achieved level of male performance capability, you basically have two males when it comes to the biology heating up women. >> is frustrating i know it's a nuanced to some degree and we have testosterone with the various reasons and it's written on your damn passport isn't what makes you women. lisa: the italian boxer angela carini and now apologizes, all of this controversy makes me s sad, i'm sorry for my opponent, the ioc said she can fight, i
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respect that, my olympics have gone up, 46 seconds that she lasted that she's never been punched like this before, someone is going to die. charlie: the ioc president like they did nothing to test the gender of these people and therefore they cannot enforce the most basic of their rules, this is not a culture war thing that this guy is talking about, pronouns or bathrooms or which stupid science that you want to lie to children about, this is about preventing a man from beating a woman to death at the olympics on an international stage. that is what this is about in the ioc should be condemned and that guy should be fired from the ioc and somebody's going to get hurt. lisa: so many people who watch this are little girls and they grow up and some become olympic athletes because the beacon
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watching this when their children and others in the controversy unfold. david: have to throw this in, downtown new york on sixth avenue in the village is a big billboard about three stories high of a young girl with boxing gloves getting ready for 2036, are they going to put up a billboard of a man that will beat her up in 2036? i'm being sarcastic but this is real. lisa: 69% of americans agree with donald trump. stick around, the big four is next. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase.
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is time for the big for our picks for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. supreme court justice given a stern warning to biden's radical plan to reform the supreme court. >> it is that the independent judiciary means, what is it mean she was an american? that means that when you are unpopular you can get a fair hearing. under the law and under the constitution. if you are in the majority you do not he judges and juries to hear you and protect your rights. you are popular. it is there for the moments when these spotlights on you. when the government is coming
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after you. i don't you want a ferociously independent judge and a jury of your peers to make those decisions? isn't that your right as an american? until i just cd careful. >> is a great warning a great interview with our own shannon bream. it's extraordinary to think on joe biden has been in washington for 50 years. his leaving politics and millionaire i'm going to give a lecture to the supreme court on term limits and ethics okay. >> her into this leave now that's with the u.s. uk are telling americans and 11 on fears of an all out war between israel and hezbollah grow. pray for israel for enemies who seek us to structure for being jewish this would never have happened under donald trump as a direct reflection of the weakness we have in the white house. >> to add to this danger in the u.s. a little too close for
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comfort. blood thirsty venezuelan gang has moved its headquarters right across the street from the border town of el paso. a few thought the gang lords in the 80s with the jamaicans, the colombians, was bad these guys are making deals with ms 13. got the triads to major partner. >> a message in a bottle up out of the sand on the new jersey shore could be the oldest ever message in a bottle. they think it was thrown into the water in 1876 is hand written note my favorite part they uncorked it and opened it the folks said it smelled so bad they were not prepared it was the bay times a million. let that settle you tonight. that doesn't for us we will see you next weekend "live, liberty & levin" starts right now.


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