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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 5, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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so many of their friends throughout all of life were there. it was as much a family reunion as it was a wedding. but it was beautiful. as for me, i have the best seatb in the house which is right beside my beautiful wife, thierry. and ard from senator scott this morning and they are doing great, happy, typical tim scott, grateful to everyone else for yesterday. if you have a question, email us at gaudi america oring social media at gaudi america. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us and you i h. you have a great week ahead but until next . >> carley: a fox news alert. hurricane debby expected to make
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l landfall in the big bend region this morning. we are live on the ground in florida tracking the storm and historic flooding set to hit the north east. >> israel is bracing today. reporting live in middle east, as president biden will meet with national security team. >> carley: plus vice president kamala harris expected to pick her running mate by tomorrow. who do democrats want her to pick? you are watching "fox and friends first" on monday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> joey: i'm joey jones in for todd piro. janice dean is tracking the storm, but first we go to robert ray in florida. robert. >> good morning, everybody
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watching from perry, florida from big bend here in florida. hurricane debby is a hurricane now as of last night, going to almost make it's way to shore west of where we're at. we could get the center of that coming right over us. you are seeing out er bands and ebbs and flow. over a foot will fall here and wind gusts up to hurricane force. in gulf of mexico, wind gusts are 80 to 85 miles per hour and potentially stronger. r rapid intensification process. from perry in the past couple hours, rain whipping through. this system moved up the gulf of mexico over past few days and
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made it to a depression just two days ago and a hurricane last night. l landfall is just the beginning. it probably won't be talked about as much as what is coming in the days ahead. that is the system that will cross florida up here in this part into georgia. heavy band coming through with big-time wind. i will put my glasses on. i have my helmet and you can hear the debris falling. we are expect ing outages this morning. the system will move into georgia and then carolinas. cities like savannah and ch charleston could take the brunt of this with two feet or more of rain as the system will stall
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and dump rain for days. this will go on entire week and we hope it is not as catastrophic as harvey in houston a couple years ago. the winds died down now. we'll be monitoring this, sun comes up 7:00 a.m. eastern, in two hours and we'll get a full view of this. we could have landfall at that point. we were expecting mid-morning to early afternoon, yesterday we were thinking but it sped up. it will come ashore, slow down and disorganize and pop out into the atlantic and stall and that will be worse case scenario. on the coast, 40 miles away, could see a foot of rain and could see that in perry a tad inland on the big bend.
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>> carley: wow, robert ray, thank you, stay safe. from robert to janice dean in our fox weather studio with the weather forecast. wow, it's a wet one. >> janice: we have storm surge and winds 80 miles per hour, moving faster than it was and we are expecting landfall within the next hour or so. worst moving toward the big bend. pressure dropped, meaning a stronger storm. it is intensifying as it makes landfall ump l. it will stall across southeast, that will be a bigger story. we have flash flood warnings for big bend of florida. potential for heavy rain up to a foot of rain along the nature
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coast here. hurricane warningsesa the storm moves inland and hurricane watches for west coast of florida and tropical storm watches for georgia and carol caro carolinas. that is a mess. it will slow down and essentially stop and bring in a ton of moisture across areas stretching from south carolina and georgia up to north carolina. wind gusts right now along the coast 45 miles per hour. inland, 20 to 30 miles per hour. could see upward of 10 feet. we don't have a lot of population around big bend but we will see a lot of population as the storm stalls out. potential for historic flooding.
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potential for storm surge upward of four feet around sarasota and fort myers and storm surge for coastal georgia and south carolina and i cannot stress this enough. the storm will slow down for days, for days and continue to push moisture from the atlantic and rain along the coast for vulnerable areas, that is the bigger story today. make mention, could see potential for tornados that could cause structural damage. mentioning harvey, okay, for texas, that was a complete disaster, days of rain. this is potentially the same kind of setup, there is nothing to steer the storm and will sit in parts of georgia and south carolina.
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sgls going to be a long one. >> janice: have a plan, know what you are going to do and evacuate if they tell you to do so. >> carley: thank you. >> joey: to another fox news alert. israeli officials bracing for potential attack from iran in reitalcasion near recent aassassinations of top hezbollah and mama leaders. the attack could come as early as today. >> carley: trey yingst joins us from haifa, israel. good morning. >> trey: good morning. israel is bracing and worries afternoon attack from iran could be just around the corner. "wall street journal" reports iran told u.s. and ashes rab diplomats it did not care if it started a war. jordan foreign minister was at a mee meeting yesterday. there has been little public iranian action with those trying to avert a crisis.
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israel is preparing for prolonged conflict as reports indicate the response could come in waves and include missile and drone attacks. document sent fo mayors of northern cities said to prepare for water outage and electricity outage. preparation for war in north and with iran coming with fighting inside the gaza strip, you have israeli negotiators traveling to c c caro cairo, egypt. israel ramped up strikes going after hamas and killing dozens of civilians in the process. what comes next for the region? there are conversations taking place. ko current instance is not if, but
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when. >> carley: in april iran launched 350 drones and missiles into israel. what is this potential attack expected to look like? it could come in waves. >> trey: israeli defense officials think they will get less warning time before the attack is launched. in april, drones were launched ahead of time giving israelis indication the attack was underway. if they lead with ballistic missiles, it could catch israelis off guard and over whelm air defense system. port in haifa could be on the target list. this counter attack could unravel and lead to a broader war. >> carley: and president biden expected to convene national
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security team today to discuss the developments. trey yingst live in haifa, israel. thank you so much. >> joey: okay, usha advance /* va vance. >> sometimes i see it and think, this is not the jd i know. >> joey: more from the exclusive interview and vice president harris is anvisiting states. we are asking what harris voters think of the v.p. stakes next. r, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. -yes! -that's how you waffle! mr. “this script got a plot twist” at a radisson hotel. a business big leaguer. go for key. even the ultimate pool float inflator.
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>> joey: vice president harris is expected to announce her running mate by tomorrow. she will be in major battleground states. >> carley: madeleine rivera has details. >> madeleine: it is crunch time for the vice president who spent the weekend speaking with finalists. per wash"washington post," thret on sunday, josh walz, josh
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shapiro and mark kelly. josh shapiro and kelly are seen as heavy favorites because of their chance of carrying their home states to victory in november. josh shapiro deannounce ing som. kelly sparks speculation he might be out of contention when he released a post saying his mission was -- kelly saying whether it was from my time in the navy and nasa, serving in united states senate or visiting overseas, when your country asks you to serve, you answer the call. former president trump's running mate j.d. vance toll maria bartiromo they are ready.
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>> i don't care who she chooses it will not be good for the country and president trump and i are ready. donald trump delivered peace and prosperity. kamala harris delivered open border and skyrocketing inflation. there will be a briefing today on the situation in the middle east. her blitz kicks off tomorrow. >> carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. joining us is our swing state voter panel. norrine, from pennsylvania, m monet republican from arizona and strategic director of lib rais lydia from nevada, who is running for board of trustee in clark county skchool district. harrises they will make the official v.p. announcement
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tomorrow and the two will appear at the rally for the first time. norine, you live there, josh shapiro is a heavy favorite in this thing. how do you feel about him? >> the problem is, he is not really cared for in the state of pennsylvania. i have my opinion, i will keep some to myself. he's done nothing in way of united our state. he has an agenda and i would like to see him do a couple things with unemployment and economy statewide initiatives, he's promised. >> carley: monet, kamala and whoever she chooses are going to phoenix, arizona, courting hispanic voters.
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this is an area joe biden was bl bleeding support. how do you and voters you know feel about kamala harris? >> harris coming to arizona is insult to injury, harris team can spin it how they want, arizona and latinos are not con convinced vice president harris -- 72% of hispanic voters believe this country is on the wrong track and hasn't done anything to show a harris presidency would do anything different other than double down on failed policy that led to extreme economic hurt and pain for arizona. >> carley: there is focus on the run runningmate today and tomorrow, speculation over who she chooses. there are questions if it
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matters, will people say, show chose josh shapiro, i wish she chose mark kelly and because she didn't, i will vote for trump. what do you think about that? >> if does not matter, none of the candidates will add to her campaign. all the momentum she's having is fake momentum and i am so excited to see trump come back to v vagsz vags vegas and stir p the rallies. >> carley: we'll have complete ticket and one can assume a final ticket by tomorrow. we'll be looking for that announcement, early voting starts next month. thank you for joining us, have a great day. we know republican vise presidential nominee j.d. vance
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and now we are getting to know his wife usha, who sat down with ainsley earhardt and check it out. >> what about the negative press, how does that affect you? >> that can be hard and sometimes i don't see it all and sometimes i do see it and think, well, this is not the jd i know, this is not accurate and other times it might spawn discussion about how we should live. i think we've been doing this now for a little while and i've grown thick skin to it, i try to not let it affect the way i live and interact with friends and family >> >> carley: this is usha's first interview, don't miss first half of this interview coming up on "fox and friends." ainsley did a fantastic job.
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hurricane debby approaching landfall as storm is slamming southeast. we are live in florida with the latest. >> joey: and israel braces for retaliation from iran. we are asking former chair of house intel committee how dangerous iran is right now. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene.
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>> carley: fox weather alert. >> joey: mike sidel is tracking the storm. mike. >> mike: good morning, joey. a lot different than yesterday morning on fox. we are eye wall of hurricane debby, winds of 80 miles per hour. ho horseshoe had a gust to 90. wind is blowing off shore down river into the gulf of mexico. when the eye goes by, it will try to push the water up to river and a surge up to 10 feet is expected. i am on big bend hole, that is
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the eye, winds will drop to five or 10 miles per hour. if you're not on coast, incredible amounts of rainfall. sarasota 11 inches of rain, could have been wet west day on record since 1911. many areas will get a foot of rain. the storm will stop and loiter on the georgia coast and expectation of catastrophic flood event for that area including savannah and cha charleston, up to 30 inches of rain into wednesday and thursday. we have wind and surge, areas up the coast will get the woft
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rainfall and flooding many are seen there lifetime. >> carley: mike, thank you so much. >> joey: fox news alert. u.s. is expected iran to retaliate against israel today. idf took out several leaders last week. >> the state of israel is in multi-front war. we hit each arm hard. we are prepared for defense and attack. >> joey: here to react is con congressman mike rogers. this is scary news for americans sitting at home, we had this rhetoric of no new wars. now it seems inevitable, that is whether our your assessment?
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>> it is going to happen. when i talk to senior israeli officials in the last few weeks, they think it is eftabl. iran has to make a calculation, are they going to broad en the e front and attack in israel or try to do something they can argue is a retaliation without trying to expand the war? they are being calculated what other taets they will try to shoot down. israel has capability of taking out senior leadership in iran and so does the u and u.s. has a presence in that area now. >> joey: you served on intelligence committee.
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i hear you say, i don't think iran wants to get into a larger war, that seems to be our defense strategy is belief they don't want a bigger war. that is scary toy moo. do you have any information that -- how sure are you on that? is that the strategy of this administration? >> i mean, this administration got this wrong from the very beginning. if you think about what just happened, they told the sayou'dis, you can't go after the houthis and took the houthis off the terrorist list and houthi were getting fitnessing and training from iran and houthis are now attacking u.s. commercial ships and military ships and fired a drone into israel and iran funds hezbollah,
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they fund hamas, we paid them 6 billion for hostages and they let them sell 250 million in oil for cash. this could have been p preventable, this is a disaster brought to you by bad decisions by the biden-harris administration. i think iran like the fitness with proxies forces attacking even u.s. interest in the middle east. i don't believe they want a bigger, broader war. i don't think they would fare well with israel and united states, i don't think they want that. >> joey: voters in michigan head to polls tomorrow for a tight race for senate seat, you are favorite to win the primary tomorrow, what is your pitch to voters of
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michigan to elect you to the senate as gop and elect president trump? >> we'll get back to normal. we will make groceries affordable, close the border, make your community safe again. we have huge problems in michigan, people are having a hard time making their paychecks stretch to the end of the month. we want an economy that gets prosperity to individual families working across michigan. we are fired up about this fight and people know the economy is not good and not likely to get better with biden-harris economy. >> joey: mike rogers, thank you for joining us and providing good insight on a scary situation and good luck tomorrow and if you win in november. >> thanks, appreciate it. >> carley: to another fox news alert. dow futures plummeted after
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japan stock inebbs did saw worst day in 40 years. cheryl casone will break down what is going on on wall street and what it means for you.
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>> carley: fox business alert.
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dow jones futures taking a big dip overnight. >> joey: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: the dow did lose 600 points on friday because of horrible jobs report we got on friday. that got the conversation going about a recession in this country. if that is the case, that will have an impact on the election. we are watching what is happening with regard to the middle east. if there is a counter strike or a strike on israel, from iran, what does that mean? not judge just for global equity market. japan had a bad overnight, worst trading day for japan market since 1987, black monday.
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to be clear, how we open is not how we close, a lot can change between now and 4:00 p.m. eastern time. watch neil cavuto. >> carley: we appreciate that plug coming from you. cr cryptocurrency is making big news. >> cheryl: a couple of i think thises here. kamala harris and biden administration have been an anti-transcripto. they sent the sec after crypto. that crypto-industry, they have money to put down on a candidate for president. this there will be a zoom call this week led by ro khanna.
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50 million americans are invested in crypto right now, if you want to ignore those 50 million people, do that at your own risk. donald trump actually ashes appeared atz the crypto conference in nashville. >> carley: he is taking campaign donations in crypto and made a couple million off that. it was a fringe issue at one time. no longer. you are hosting mornings with maria this morning. >> cheryl: we'll monitor the middle east and talk politics. >> joey: defense secretary lloyd
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austin revoked plea agreement for three people accused of plotting september 11 terror attack. the white house will not say if president biden was involved in the decision. >> secretary of defense can change -- authority to do that, he did this on his own. >> did the president weigh in? >> this was a decision made by him -- >> i did not hear an answer. >> carley: this plea deal was two years in the making and we don't know why lloyd austin intervened after it was announced. how do you feel about the reversal? >> i have never seen a secretary of defense thrown under a bus so quickly by an administration. welcome to biden-harris culture
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of failure. all they have done is gas dligh and dodge questions and denied involvement in issues like this. you can't tell me that the white house did not have a hand in plea deal, did not know about it or weigh in on the mastermind behind 9/11 and the white house had no involvement in any of this? just one giant lie after another with this administration. >> joey: when you look at reaction to the plea deal, mixed signals. a lot of families wanted the death penalty. do you think we'll learn more about the evidence we have with other country involve moonif and when there is a trial? >> no, what i have learned especially after secret service hearing this administration does not provide information to american people who deserve it,
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these families deserve more information about 9/11 and they deserve justice in this case. we don't know, time will tell if they get it. this is biden-harris administration gaslighting american people. now we are seeing markets tank when they open today. this shows inaptitude of this administration. >> carley: everybody in israel must be on pins and needles. blinken said this strike could happen within the next 24 to 48-hour period. we saw what happened in april when iran launched 350 drones and missiles. what are expectations if another strike were to happen today? >> i support israel 100%.
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israel has a right to defend herself and go after proxies and anybody in middle east to protect her country and her people, i'm cheering them on, i hope they can eradicate terrorism in the middle east. this is just the start of jihad and jihadism versus democracy and prosperity. there is a lot at stake, we should be supporting her. talk about ceasefire, that is very difficult to do and that is something that israel should be leading and biden administration wants to weigh in on this thing and their involvement is limited to it and led by benjamin netanyahu, we heard a strong speech on capitol hill couple weeks ago and i support them in retaliation against jihadist who want to destroy the western world. >> joey: you represent south
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carolina and there is a state of emergency, is south carolina prepared for this kind of storm? >> we are. unfortunately, we are seasoned at this, i want to praise governor henry mcmaster and caution residents not to panic. we are looking at upward of 10 to 20 inches per rain over next three days. it is important to make sure everyone has food and water and may lose electricity. >> carley: we'll be thinking about everybody in the storm's path. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> carley: you're vehicle welcome. nancy pelosi did an interview yesterday and denied pushing president biden out of the race and said this. >> such a consequential
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president of the united states, mount rushmore. >> you are saying he belongs up there? >> add biden. >> carley: joe concha has comments about that. >> joey: steve doocy with what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> steve: can't make it up. coming up on "fox and friends" in 11 know minutes and 30 seconds, "fox and friends" exclusive, ainsley will sit down with usha vance to respond to negative press coverage, including backlash over his childless cat lady comment and how her husband's background had shaped who he is today. >> positive and negative example. he knows what it feels like not to have a father there all the time, though he and his father
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did reconcile and his father was a very good man. that is the driving motivation in life. nothing he cares about more than being there for his kids. >> steve: victor -- rachel campos-duffy on busy monday morning. joey and carley back in a couple, you are watching "fox and friends first" on the fox news channel.
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♪ >> carley: with vice president kamala harris officially set to become the democrat nominee today she still hasn't held a formal news conference or wide ranging interview over two weeks after joe biden dropped out of the race. >> she has only had one single unscripted moment thursday night at andrews air force base welcoming those hostages back and she sender up the incomprehensible word salad for which she has become famous. when she has to encountered the media and america sees her radical positions i think you will see they don't want her to continue the biden-harris legacy. >> joey: what does she do? does she come out, carley, and have more question/answer opportunity. >> carley: good question. >> joey: or keep this campaign loght others define her biden did that. >> carley: i don't think you can
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run a presidential campaign without the unscripted moments, without the news conference or the interview. even if it's from a favorable media source and i bet you that's the answer. i'm sure that's what they're going to say. >> joey: joe biden had nearly 50 years of a political background in history to be parceled through in 2020. and he held some drive-in rallies. he campaigned from the basement. he didn't have any question and answers. >> carley: yeah. joe concha fox news contributor and author of the new book "progressively worse why today's democrats aren't your daddy's donkey." he joins us now. weigh in on this conversation joey and i were already having. i'm sure the harris campaign is saying all i want for christmas is for kamala harris to get to november without the interview. will they get their wishing? >> joe: well, it's been 14 days, carley, joey, since kamala harris essentially became the democratic nominee. and that's after the party bullied a sitting president in joe biden out of running for a second term because they knew he wouldn't win. she has taken as many questions
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from the press as many watching this fine show right now zero point zero. if her handlers have their way you will see adam kinzinger ler golfing with donald trump at mar-a-lago before you see kamala harris take any questions from anyone resembling a journalist. the plan is to plead the fifth all the way to election day november 5th. so the only way to hear her answer any questions about her record and the things she said the last time she ran for president four years ago and is to debate trump no not on a network like abc where if you watch the likes of george stephanopoulos it might as well be called msabc. it should be on fox. donald trump has agree dod that. in september. bret baier and martha mccallum asking relevant, germane and fair questions. in harris' case i suspect she would actually have to answer questions about her declarations to ban fracking and the fossil fuel industry and offshore
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drilling. raise taxes, abolish ice. fund sanctuary cities. provide healthcare to illegals. defund the police. support late term abortion and fund sex change for minors. all of that would be on the table. you take a teleprompter and scripter away from kamala harris and things go sideways in a hurry. >> joey: she is the nominee without getting ate have. that's because president biden stepped down and a lot of us see him as being bullied out of it. former house speaker nancy pelosi didn't have much to say. as a matter of fact, she deflected questions on that pretty heavily. she did have this to say. take a listen. >> such a consequential president of the united states. a mount rushmore kind of president of the united states. >> do you really think he belongs up there on mount rushmore lincoln and joe biden? >> but you got teddy roosevelt up there and is he wonderful. i don't say take him down but you can add biden. >> joey: what do you think about
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that? >> joe: joey, as we saw during covid, nancy pelosi has a refrigerator and freezer the sides of my apartment in hoboken. an old elitist profited greatly from their position in power. pelosi doesn't get that americans are hurting from inflation from the last three and a half years. they are abouting to see their 401(k)s plummet again due to this recession that is definitely coming. she doesn't care that the border has allowed more than 10 million unvetted individuals, including hundreds of terrorists on the fbi terror watch list into this country. by the way, the presidents that are on mount rushmore at last check didn't decide to quit before running for a second term. they weren't the most unpopular presidents of anyone's life times like joe biden is now and for good reason. maybe once in a while they showed up for work. as we speak right now, carley, joey, joe biden is currently in delaware, again, for another long weekend again. he's not coming back until later this afternoon while everything
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we're seeing going on in the middle east. while everybody is seeing what is happening to the stock market right now. that long weekend is not going to be interrupted in any way, shape, or form. and yet nancy pelosi thinks he should be on mount rushmore? he should be like somewhere maybe a statue on rehoboth beach, delaware. give him that because that's where he is most of the time or wilmington, not mount rushmore such insult. lesley stahl ha ha laughing along. >> carley: great point. i don't think there is enough room room on the mountain. i don't think it's going to happen. >> joey: get rid of. bold move. >> carley: joe concha, thanks for joining us have. great day. >> thanks, guys. >> carley: mount rushmore topic who would have known only a day like today can we expect something like that to happen. a have a great monday, "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: it is 6:00


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