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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 5, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> brian: it's 8:00 on the east coast, it is monday, august 5. israel bracing for imminent attack from iran and progressive. president biden will meet in the situation room. trey yingst is on the ground, we'll check in. >> steve: trey is coming up, veepstakes watch. kamala harris could announce her v.p. any moment. >> i don't care. >> the problem is kamala harris record and policies. >> ainsley: we were able to sit down with j.d. vance wife usha vance and discussed how their life has changed and who jd is as a family man. >> there is nothing he cares about more than being there for his kids. he wakes up after a late night
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of travel, at 6:00 a.m. to make sure they have an elaborate br breakfast. >> ainsley: i need to do that. i'm a terrible mom, i don't do that. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. >> brian: we begin with v.p. stakes we expect kamala harris to announce her running mate soon. >> ainsley: handful of c contenders met with her yesterday. >> steve: it was like an audition. mark meredeth is outside the white house. who is it going to be? >> marc: speculation is mounting as we wait for and word when vice president harris will announce who her running mate will be.
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it will be tomorrow but could leak before then. mark kelly, governors of kentucky, minnesota, and mayor of minnesota. people trying to read the tealeaves. mark kelly said, my background is different, i served in the navy and nasa. my mission is first. some think he is focused on his state instead of office. josh shapiro, "new york times" insisting he has a close relationship with obama. comments he made in the '90s could jeopardize support from pro-palestinian voters. he wrote, there are too many battle minded to establish a
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peaceful homeland of their own. whoever the pick is, they will go to raleigh, detroit, vegas stronger, san francisco, different battleground states. democrats are eager, trump campaign insists the pick will not impact this race. >> i don't care. they still want open borders, if she picks josh shapiro, she'll lose the palestine vote. >> it is kamala's record and policies. american people are suffering because kamala harris makes bad decisions. i don't care who she chooses. >> mark: they may be trying to match up with where she and her running mate will be going. today vice the president vice
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president will be at the white house. >> steve: who is it going to be? ma >> money on the table. it could be somebody we don't know about. it will likely be one of those people. we have teams looking where the governors are, give indication if things are changing. >> emily: your audition went well. >> brian: if you want somebody with a good personalities, tim walz, but he will help left wing. mark kelly does not seem to think he's going to get it. beshear, was he brought in for a chemistry test? i don't think so.
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looks like josh shapiro thinks he got it. >> ainsley: first rally is in pennsylvania. maybe she will announce and bring the winner up. >> steve: like apprentice. here are finalists and the winner is behind door number two. tomorrow night, you will see it on fox. and the j.d. vance family is in the spotlight. >> brian: j.d. vance was chosen les than a month ago. >> ainsley: we sat down with his wife usha, at their home. thank you for sitting down with us. >> thank you, happy to have you here. >> ainsley: your life has changed dramatically, how are you dealing with that? how is your family? scombl i think everyone is doing well. it's been an adventure, this is
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like nothing we've done before. everyone has been kind, volunteering to help us and understand how to do everything. i can't thank people enough for that. >> ainsley: what has been the biggest adjustment? >> the secret service has been a change, they have been amazing and taught us how to deal with security detail. that is a change. we have code names now. our kids had fun with that. >> ainsley: were they able to pick their own? >> they were. >> ainsley: when you started dating j.d. vance in law school, did you think this is where the path would take you two? did you ever discuss politics? >> we talked about what we're interested in and issues of the day, planning a lifelike this was not on the horizon. i was planning to become a lawyer, he was planning the same
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thing. we talked about having a family and where we'd like to live and spend our time. from before he announced senate candidacy, through, we had serious conversations because we have three children and giving them a stable, normal, happy life and upbringing is something most important to us. >> ainsley: weekend before convention, we saw donald trump on stage and he was shot and few days later hew announced j.d. vance as his running mate, that had to be hard, how did you get through that? >> it was terrible and i'm grateful president trump was all right and he had secret service detail looking out for him and able to get off the screen. it was shocking for everyone. from a personal perspective, i
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try not to worry too much about that. we've been really lucky, people who are here are amazing and i don't know how they do what they do, the secret service detail. i trust in the fact vast majority of people would never think of doing anything like that. and there are a lot of people who have our back. >> ainsley: some political families decide to keep their children off stage or an events. have y'all talked about that? >> they were not seen in milwaukee. we will continue to keep them -- let them have their lives as children, which they deserve. let them spend lots of time with their father, if that is seen by other people, great, if other t times private, great. we don't expect to make them a
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feature. >> ainsley: you helped j.d. vance with his convention speech and he helped with yours. >> i wrote mine without his help, i wanted him to hear when i said it to him. we do stuff like that together. in his case, he worked on it himself, i listened to him deliver and gave him my thoughts about where i thought he might tweak this or that or thought it was missing something or a family story he might want to convey or a family story that he could add in, it was lucky opportunity. >> ainsley: your speech was beautiful, how did you prepare for that? were you nervous? what was it like thrown into the spotlight in front offen its of thousands of people. >> i was nervous, i was mostly nervous when we found out. ners nervousness and can i get
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out of this. that morning i sat down and started writing what i might like to say. once i had this opportunity to put on paper the way i felt about jd and say something other people couldn't say, it evaporated. it was fun at that point to think, i'm going to go say things and let people know why he is special. >> ainsley: what about ups and downs of politics? are you prepared for that? you had a taste when he was a senator, have you talked to me melania or anyone. >>ip have talked to friends, faced crisis or other situations that changed their mplans. we have wonderful friends, many i have known since i was little.
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we know what matters in our personal and family lives, focusing on that helps. >> ainsley: what is advice they have given you? >> one good piece of advice is not to read the news too much. it is not buried your head, jd is out there and thinking all sorts of things and he deserves to have someone who hears it straight from him. that helps. >> ainsley: what about negative press, how does that affect you? >> that can be hard. sometimes i don't see it all and sometimes i do see it and think, this is not the jd i know. this is not accurate. other times it might spawn what we should do next or how we should live. i think we've been doing this for a little while and i've grown a thick skin to it.
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i just try to not let it affect how i live. >> ainsley: there are comments out there. in 2021, jd said we are run by a bunch of childless cat ladies taking aim at people who don't have children. what was wryour reaction? >> i took a moment and looked at the context. reality is he made a point he wanted to make that was substantive and it had actual meaning. i wish sometimes people would talk about those things and that we would spend less time going through the three -word phrase. he was saying, it can be hard to be a parent and our policies make it harder. be asking why is that? what about our leadership and the way they think about the
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world that makes it hard for parents. that is conversation we need to have and i understand why he was saying that. >> ainsley: what would you say to the women offended by that? >> jd at the time and today would never say something to hurt someone have a family who was struggling with that and he made that clear at the time and today. and we have lots of friends in that position, it is challenging and never anything anyone would want to mock or make fun of. i understand there are a lot of other reasons people choose not to have families. many are good. look atz the real conversation he's trying to have and engage with it and understand for those of us who do have families and those who want to have families and if is hard, what can we do
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to make it easier to live in 2024? >> ainsley: usha, how hard is it when you read in the newspaper your former friends or current friends say, they don't like your politics now. you have a friend, sofia nelson, who attended your wedding and she's a trans gender public defender in detroit and she said, jd hates the police and he felt like minorities were treated unfairly. explain that to us, did he say he hate police? >> i have not looked cleesly, i don't know exactly what was said. jd does not hate the police, he may have had a negative in interaction and made a remark, i don't know. since then he's had a great deal
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of respect and everything they do to keep us safe. it is hard to know sometimes politics come in the way of friendships and jd made this clear. it is hurtful and sad. only thing i will say is that, we've both been in position of having people speculate about us and draw conclusions based on information that is not true and i don't want to do the same to other people. these are people i care about, i can't speak as to why they say what they do, i care about them and wish them well. >> ainsley: left are attacking both of you. jd said i'm a never trump guy, idiot if you voted for him and america's hitler. he later said he was wrong.
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he said he ended up being a great president. how do you feel about trump now? sgls i had several years to understand what he and jd is out to do. we have good conversations about that. if i did not feel the trump-vance ticket was able to do good, i would not be here supporting this and j.d. vance would not be here. >> ainsley: what about politics? do you agree on everything politically? no, we're two different people with different backgrounds and interests and things like that. we come to different conclusions all the time, that is part of the fun of being married. what i never doubt about jd, his intention, what he wants to do and i trust nain him. he might say, i think this and
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that. i think that probably makes everything better for him and me. >> ainsley: does he ever change his opinion because of your advice? >> i think he treats everything i say with seriousness and respect and he thinks about things. really shape the way i think about things. nice give and take, it is pretty happy one. >> ainsley: talk about j.d. vance's life, you met in law school. he was in marines and went to undergrad and law school. and that is where you met. >> we met in normal circumstances, we had classes together. time passed and we eventually started dating. >> ainsley: who liked who first? >> i think jd to me first,s, i wasn't far behind.
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we did stuff together and were always hanging out. >> ainsley: he was in the marines, how did that shape his life? >> that was trans formational for him. he other than welled how to carry himself as an adult hooshg he had not before. becoming a family with people with radically different backgrounds was important and those are some of his best friends today. >> ainsley: important important of society, why is that important to him? >> it comes from this background, it comes from the fact he knows he would not be where he is today if he had not had family members looking out for him every step of the way. it comes from seeing my family and knowing stability and calm that i provide in our family life comes from all of the support that i had.
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just the faith things would be okay because i have people behind me. jd needs family to thrive. maybe most important thing is to know he has people who everyday when he comes back love and care about him and know who he is and that is the most important thing and that is true for me, too. that is how i get through my day and how i have the life i have. >> ainsley: you know him better than anyone and everybody is just learning about j.d. vance, what do you want them to know about your husband? >> i want them to know he's a real person. he's a wonderful father. he is an excellent husband, my best friend. he is funny, he has all sorts of doorky interests. you look at new the news and see this human, he's a really good
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person and i wish people would pause and actually listen to the words he says and try to understand their meaning and purpose. he really cares about having a good conversation about actually changing things for people who have had a hard time in this country. letting them have the life he's been lucky to have himself, that is what i wish people knew about him. >> steve: now they do. that family has been in a hurricane last couple weeks. good to hear from the person standing next to him. she did great. a lot i did not know. she was honest, there are times he and i don't agree on politics. >> brian: do you think she will do more? >> ainsley: more interviews? >> steve: she should. >> ainsley: hats off to her for doing interview so soon so we
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get to know him and his family. you can learn a lot about a candidate when you interview their spouse. >> steve: i want him to explain the dorky habits he has, did she sf explain? >> ainsley: magic the gathering, a card game. similar to like pokemon, and his boys are into pokemon. >> brian: calling him weird -- >> ainsley: they are calling every republican and donald trump weird. >> brian: sorry we can't be as normal as you like to be. people are not cut out of cookie cutters. >> ainsley: she was lovely and answers were great. part two will be tomorrow, we'll focus on background, growing up,
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her parents are from india, she grew up in california. how she envisions life as part of second lady. and real quick, i loved she said after hillbilly elogy, she said so many people wrote me. i thought it was nice to help other people going through the same thing. >> brian: most downloaded movie over the weekend. 22 after the hour, hiding biden, you cannot know find, kamala has not done interview in 15 days, harris has yet to hold a press conference, will that stand? >> steve: kayleigh mcenany has a feeling or two about press. press secretary will be on "fox
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>> ainsley: we're back with a fox news alert. israeli officials are bracing for a potential attack from iran that could come today.
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>> steve: president biden returning to the white house getting ready to meat with his team in the situation room today. >> brian: trey yingst live from israel, trey. >> trey: good morning. israel is on edge as the country braces for a possible attack from iran and its proxies. iran told u.s. and arab diplomats, it did not care if it caused a war. president biden is scheduled to speak with the jordanian king. with this in mind, israel is preparing for a prolonged conflict as reports indicate iranian response could come in waves and include missile and drone attacks. a draft told officials to prepare for wourt water outages
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and for power to be cut. israeli negotiators traveled to egypt for talks about a possible ceasefire, bullet made no progress. going after hamas and killing doz knows of civilians in the process. michael carrillo is meeting to discuss the situation and possibility the united states will help israel defend itself from iranian attack. >> steve: standing by in haifa. thank you. >> ainsley: been 15 days since kamala harris rose to top of the ticket and still yet to hold a press conference. >> brian: how long can this last? joining us on kayleigh mcenany. i have not seen outrage about her not doing sitdowns?
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why? >> kayleigh: because the press is in cover-up mode, if this were trump there would be co countdown or up of how many hours hooz gone without a prets conference. it is outrageous. it is cover up mode for kamala. >> ainsley: do you think it is because of the word salad and things that don't make sense and talking in circles? >> kayleigh: yes, she cannot handle a free wheel ing. the challenge of this cycle is smoking biden out of the metaphor cal basement. now challenge for trump is get her off. do not wait until after the daen.
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a third of this will be over. debate this week, next week. >> steve: that would be great, we love to see it, we're in the tv business. >> brian: he said i'm not doing a abc, i want fox. >> kayleigh: don't let her get a tail wind, get a v.p. selection, get dnc and august is done. early voting in september, don't let it happen. >> steve: we wound up with harris because joe biden was pressured to go. joe, you are too old, not making sense on the stage. pe nancy pelosi, it was suggested she said you got to go now and she denies that. >> it is well reported that you
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are leading of a pressure campaign. >> i was not, things i did not do, i did not call one person. >> steve: she did not call one person. she could have walked over to an office. >> kayleigh: she said i was not asking for him to step down, i was asking for a campaign that could win. i have timeline, early july, she said does he have condition or episode, and on morning joe gave permission to question him and did not endorse him. she released adam schiff. she is denying it, you are the reason this happens. >> brian: she goes, he is a great man and belongs on mount
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rushmore. >> kayleigh: what for? war in middle east and ukraine, too. you have been there, brian, >> brian: we don't have carvers and chisels, no room left, sure he would not be next. >> steve: you belong on the channel in three hours with "outnumbered," see you later today. big story impacting friends down south. hurricane debby blasting big bend after making landfall as a cat one storm, details coming up. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre.
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>> janice: we had a landfall 7:00 a.m. of debby, steinhatchee, florida, thanks to residents tweeting at me, it is steinhatchee. this suspect latest on the storm 75 mile per hour sustained wind. this is power outages, over 256,000 without power. that will continue as the storm mo moves. the worst of rain and wind on right-hand side of the storm as it moves northward at 10 miles per hour and stalls. that is probably the most catastrophic part, it will be monday through thursday for parts of georgia and florida into south carolina. storm totals now will be catastrophic and historic for this area. 24 to 30 inches of rainfall
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toward south carolina in a short period is dangerous. i need folks here in florida and southeast to listen to the forecast and local officials. take care of yourself, you know what you have to do, put your plans in motion now. over to you. >> brian: we got a weird story making headlines, r.f.k. jr. admitting he dumped a dead bear in new york city central park 10 years ago. r.f.k. jr. telling roseanne barr, he enyou countered a dead bear in upstate new york. >> i i said let's go put the dead bear in central park and make it look like it got hit by a bike. we did that and thought it would
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be amusing. >> brian: kennedy sharing this decade old story, because he says he's trying to get ahead of story that new yorker magazine is working on. he was going upstate to falcon and they discovered the bear on side of the road and thought they would skin it. they said, why don't we leave it in central park and make it look like it got hit by a bike and died. they were drinking. >> ainsley: they wanted, it was prank, there is bear in central park. there was bike found on top of the dead bear. >> steve: hardly wait to see this article. >> brian: positive spin on the story. there you go. he's lived quite a life. >> steve: two weeks ago he revealed he did not eat a dog, it was a goat.
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>> ainsley: very strange. glad mama bear did not come out. mamas protect their babies. >> brian: fun stuff. now the bad stuff. >> steve: don't look at your 401(k) today, stock fears, dow futures are down 1100. live report on the global sell-off coming up on "fox and friends." jim caviezel here. you know, saint john paul this second profoundly impacted my life. and i just finished recording some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the saint john paul the second challenge? it'll change your life. download hallow and join me today. god bless you.
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>> ainsley: stock futures way down after japan stock index suf suffered worst day in foufrt 40 years, gerrijoins us. >> major changes in the way professional investors are looking at a potential sell-off that would be 1000 points on the dow. nasdaq off six points. falling 12.6%, worst since black
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monday in 1987. behind all this, fear of recession. jobless rate falling to 4.3%. large consumer product companies re reporting slowing down spending, mcdonald's p&g and pepsi. consumers are buying fewer potato chip bags. you know, pace of inflation is slowing, but what you feel in your pocketbook is still high. back to you. >> ainsley: playing into the election, a lot to think about. victor davis hanson joins us next, first check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: great interview in my hometown of cincinnati.
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i think it is america's best secret, don't tell anybody. big morning of news, we are watching the hurricane hit florida and georgia, watching middle east on potential of war and watching the white house. president biden with a meeting in the situation room and watching kamala harris, first big decision could come any moment. it is august, not slow, see you shortly, 11 minutes away, top of the hour. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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>> brian: kamala harris could reveal her vp pick within hours. some say it's the pose decision she could make her opponents say the failed record is the only thing that matters. >> let them do whatever. they still want open borders. if she picks shapiro she will lose the palestinian vote. >> whoever they chooses the problem will be kamala harris's record and policies. she keeps on making bad decision. i don't care who she chooses as
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a v.p. pick. what does it mean for the election and what are you looking for? >> donald trump and j.d. vance have only 90 days, a very irregular election. it's abbreviated and they have to inform, expose, tell the people what kamala harris has done in california for eight or ten years, what she did as vice president, what she said, because she is really the most left wing candidate that's ever run in the modern era for president. they don't have one second, one moment, one day to get into her dna or her past or any of that stuff. then they have to be very careful about what they say. they say one thing on off topic and the media gets onto that and they lose a half of day of what's important. just keep running ads showing kamala harris explaining inflation, or diplomacy, it is pretty embarrassing because the left is really swapped out a debilitated president for a
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challenged president. if she just let her speak and can get her out in public i think the public is going to say there is no way this person can be president. what have they done? this is crazy. but they have to stay on message, issue, issue, issue and get her out and debate her and let the public see her and let her talk to the public. that's equivalent to i hate to say it not wanting her to be president. >> brian: i look at the battleground states and asked people according to the abc poll what is most important to you? every single one by a 2-one margin it's the economy. if you say to the voter whose economy was better? overwhelmingly every poll they believe trump economy is better than the biden economy. even if you wipe out her past and just focus on 3 1/2 years in the administration, that also works to the trump team's advantage. >> absolutely. they can talk about what inflation did. there was a supply chain
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shortage, we were coming out with enormous consumer demand. already a lot of money hyped up in the economy. liberal economists said don't borrow anymore money. they borrowed, $7 trillion, got hyper inflation and now we're starting to have a recession worries. all they have to do is play that tape how she explains inflation and people will say these people caused it. they have no clue what's going on. i remember how good it was under trump. that's the winning formula. it has to be drilled in 24/seven. brine new edition of your book the case for trump. what did you include? >> i took it where trump was at his low point right after january 6th and i went all the way up until this spring and tried to explain how he came back and why they tried to use lawfare to destroy him, bankrupt
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him and nullify him and everything used against him in detail and how he with stood it all and made the most amazing political comeback since richard nixon. we aren't done yet. the story isn't ended until november. >> brian: if it does end with a victory, it will be a greatest political comeback in all of our lifetimes. times ten. according to piers morgan. >> yes, we had this conversation on january 7th of 2020 and you said to me i think donald trump will be the leading republican contender in the next election and ahead in the polls. i would have thought brian, are you okay? everybody thought that. but not trump. he was the only one that had confidence in his ability and resilience and everybody should hand him that. amazing how he came back. he only has 90 days but has to have complete control of his menu and campaign. it is really important. stay on topic.
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>> brian: should trump debate on abc or should he hold out for something more in his terms or not at all? >> he should hold out for two debates. one he should compromise. one on fox, one on abc because the more he can get her out and have her explain and not interrupt her, let her talk. the more he is going to be favorably received because she cannot go out in the public without teleprompter. any time she does even her 30 or 40 seconds, her handlers have a seizure, they are so upset. >> brian: the case for trump. new edition comes out tomorrow. victor david hanson, one of the smartest guys we'll talk to. thanks. part two of ainsley's interviews with usha vance is tomorrow. how j.d.'s childhood shaped his ideas today. you don't want to miss it. now it's time for dana and bill.


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