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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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abc or should he hold out for something more in his terms or not at all? >> he should hold out for two debates. one he should compromise. one on fox, one on abc because the more he can get her out and have her explain and not interrupt her, let her talk. the more he is going to be favorably received because she cannot go out in the public without teleprompter. any time she does even her 30 or 40 seconds, her handlers have a seizure, they are so upset. >> brian: the case for trump. new edition comes out tomorrow. victor david hanson, one of the smartest guys we'll talk to. thanks. part two of ainsley's interviews with usha vance is tomorrow. how j.d.'s childhood shaped his ideas today. you don't want to miss it. now it's time for dana and bill.
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>> jordan's foreign minister was in iran yesterday and president biden is scheduled to speak with jordanian king abdullah ii but very little public iranian interaction with those trying to avert a crisis. israel is taking steps to prepare for a prolonged conflict as reports indicate the initial iranian response could include extensive missile and drone attacks. the top general saying this today. >> when it receives a firm response, it will realize it has been wrong. they keep making miscalculations. they repeated this mistake this time, too. they will once again get a taste of our punishment and find out when, where and how we will retaliate. it is ambiguous and indeterminate. >> a document sent to mayors of northern cities told officials to prepare for water outages, power cuts and evacuations and in jerusalem an underground come
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bunker was opened. preparations comes as fighting rages on inside gaza strip. israeli negotiators traveled to egypt this weekend for talks about a possible cease-fire but no progress. israel ramped up strikes against gaza going after hamas but killing dozens of civilians in the process. today israel's defense minister met with the head of u.s. central command. this gives you a sense of the coordination taking place right now between israel and the united states. gillian. >> gillian: trey yengst in israel. thank you. >> bill: how did we get here? eight days ago on a sunday when israel accused hezbollah of firing the rocket into the golan heights that killed a dozen teenagers as a soccer game. then the israeli military hit inside beirut killing a hezbollah commander in a nighttime raid there. less than 12 hours later in tehran now hamas political leader was killed on what appeared to be quite possibly an
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inside job with iranians helping is rail in tehran. you have the next leader supreme leader vowinging revent. rich goldberg was a national security council member. thank you for being here today. are we looking at the strong possibility of a multi-front war here in the middle east? >> absolutely, bill. we've been seeing it for over ten months. iran is waging a war not just within iran by yemen, west bank, gaza and outside the middle east for ten months now when iran says it will have a direct attack i think we should believe them. we saw them test that that they could escalate in april. very large ballistic missile attack on israel then. paid no price. really for that attack. so i would expect that we should overestimate what we'll see from iran in the coming hours. >> gillian: so after israel
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assassinated hamas's political leader last week inside iran there was concern that number one, iran would seek to directly retaliate with a strike against israel. attack of some kind. also this concern that his death might impact hostage negotiations ongoing in a negative way. he was sort of chief negotiator for lack of a better word. the answer to both questions is slowly appearing to become yes unfortunately it seems. >> i think israel was up against a wall where they are being told they have to surrender to all the iranian fronts on conditions unfavorable to their long-term security. and they need to go back on offense against this ring of fire that iran has created on its borders. so if hamas is never going to say yes to any cease-fire deal but israel will take increasing missile and rocket fire from lebanon, from syria, from iraq,
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from yemen while iran races forward with its nuclear weapons program israel has to fight back. i think that's what you are seeing them do now. >> bill: rich, you said prepare for the maximum response on behalf of iran. you saw what they did in april. a lot of drones shot from the sky with the help of the americans, jordanians and others. times of israel. israel could strike iran if intelligence shows attack is imminent. would you expect that? >> i would support it. i would advise it. i think that the israeli response the muted response last time we saw this in april contributes now to the supreme leaders feeling that america is con strange israel and they will not respond if it attacks in an escalated way like we saw in april. either a present emotion active strike or retaliatory strike is in order to restore deterrents. we talk about how to defend israel. not talking about how to deter
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the threat long term. that requires consequences. what is the consequence the white house is willing to impose on iran today and the sanctions relief? crack down on oil sales? endorse retaliatory strike by israel? do anything of that nature? or is it just defending the threat and pressuring israel to back down and get a cease-fire? if it's the latter we'll endorse continued escalation and conflict in the middle east. >> gillian: israel is fighting against hezbollah and iran and broader regional war and taking direct hits from iran sement. any chance the united states does not become more involved on the ground? >> my assumption if a suss us base is targeted, the u.s. military will respond forcefully. that's a contingency that centcom is prepared for.
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israelis have never asked us to fight its wars . they aren't asking us to do it now. they do ask us to support them in fighting back against terrorist enemies here. so there may need to be some severe consequences in lebanon against hezbollah a force of 200,000 missiles, rockets and drones? we used to believe hezbollah was the deterrent for israel going after iran's nuclear weapons ram now iran is hezbollah's deterrent trying to save its own ring of fire and threatening an attack from in iran but not just outside. >> bill: what does president biden do. the meeting is 2:15 eastern time today. rich, thank you for your time. out of chicago rich goldberg today. >> gillian: here at home hurricane debby is making landfall lashing coastal areas with damaging winds, torrential rainfall and life threatening storm surge. 220,000 customers in its path
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now have no power. fox weather correspondent robert wray is live in perry, florida. looking drier where you are. talk to us about what you are seeing this morning. >> good morning to you. we just experienced the wrath of hurricane debby as it made landfall just over an hour ago and those bands when they came into perry, which is where we're at in the big bend, we were going through about 60 plus mile-per-hour wind gusts and heavy rain. we see some of the video from before the sun came up this morning and those tough conditions as debby was making its way into this part of florida, not a heavily populated area but yet thousands of people do live on the nature coast here and so many people, thousands are out of power right now as debby made landfall as a category 180 to 85 mile-per-hour
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sustained winds and now unfortunately what we are going to see is the continuation of power outages and flash flooding scenarios, up to a foot of rain in some of these areas in florida and it is only going to get worse as the system is making its way across the northern part of the peninsula. jacksonville on the atlantic side will feel all these elements and then all the way up in the coast to savannah and charleston and into the carolinas will feel potentially two feet or more of rain causing maybe historic situations in flash flooding. we'll have to wait and see how it develops. debby has had many twists and turns over the course of the past week and the past several days. the west side gulf side of florida from fort myers beach into tampa have all felt these impacts. we'll make our way out of perry and follow this storm to
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jacksonville and report later today on that and make our way up the coast. many, many hard days ahead for millions of people in the path of what debby will continue to do. guys, back to you. >> gillian: robert wray in perry, florida, this morning. thank you. >> i'm excited about the choice as she will make later today. i have a couple of favors but as somebody who spent time in 2000 at the table and 2020 encouraging then vice president joe biden to select kamala harris. >> bill: it is crunch time. kamala harris entering the homestretch. who will get the rose? her choice for a running mate on the democratic ticket could come at any moment. so stay tuned. >> gillian: there is still a little other news, bill. quiet afternoon you are looking at on the golf course links and high drama a small plane made a crash landing on that golf course and tell you how it ended. >> bill: job well done.
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>> bill: we're 12 minutes away from watching a lot of red numbers on wall street. the nasdaq is already trading lower by 10% as an index on the whole opening up 5% lower today, which means it will be off 15% from its all-time high. a lot of about the job number on friday and the possibilities of a recession whether the fed can hit the soft landing or if it's a pipe dream. we're watching it for you 12 minutes away on the clock. gillian. >> gillian: vice president
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kamala harris is closing in on choosing a running mate today interviewing potential contenders and did so all weekend long with a tour of battleground states tomorrow in philly. we have michael duncan, co-host of the ruthless podcast and a democratic political consultant and ceo of blueprint strategies. antoine, let's start with you. is harris a candidate who the democrats need a fanfare introduction to american voters or the vice president that has had a heavy hand and deserves credit and responsibility along with president joe biden for where we are today? a lot of mixed messaging on this. >> she certainly has to reintroduce herself to the voters as the leader of our party and hopefully the next leader of the free world. she can remind the american people how she has been a part of historic bi partisan success
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under the biden-harris administration, record job growth, 15 million jobs, lowest unemployment on record for african-americans, investment in our nation's crumbling infrastructure, lowering the cost of prescription drugs including capping the price of insulin. oversight of ushering in historic judges to the nation's highest court including an african-american woman on the nation's highest court. lowering violent crimes in this country and efforts that we've seen paid off dividends in what we see at the border with the lowest on record for the past five months. certainly she should reintroduce herself but remind the american people what the past 3 1/2 years have been like with her being a key part of that success. >> gillian: on the flip side, michael. she is surely responsible for stubbornly high record prices for americans across the board at grocery stores, at the gas station when it comes to finding a mortgage, paying rent on a home and also responsible for
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the border crisis and subsequent illegal immigration spike that we have seen numbers a little bit low comparatively speaking over the last couple of months but historically high when put in context. >> the global markets are on freefall across the globe. look at the niki having its worst day in history. kamala harris has had no press conference. donald trump leads in some places by double digits who you trust managing the economy. so i have no doubt that kamala harris wants to announce the vp pick to keep hiding from the media and changing the conversation. >> gillian: a lot of criticism coming from the right that harris has been the right for 14 days and american people have not heard from her directly in a sit-down interview or in public remarks to the nation about her
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candidacy. at a certain point, two weeks is not a lot of time but she doesn't have a lot of time overall. she is racing against the clock. why not get a head start on this and start talking to people? >> respectfully kamala harris, if you can't say kamala it's vice president harris. she has introduced herself and has spoken directly to the american people. she spoke directly to former president trump by saying meet me on the debate stage and in fact i will sign the bipartisan border security legislation that you killed, you and j.d. vance. but you see her speaking directly to the american people by the organic organizing happening around the country. we see over 177,000 volunteers fired up ready to go. record amount of money, $310 million including 60% women, $20 million via zoom, 2/three of them are first-time voters. you see thousands of people,
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even bipartisan support for her including republicans for harris who just announced themselves announced their efforts just a day or so ago. so you see her speaking directly to the american people about issues that matter to the american people and that's democrats, republicans and independents. >> gillian: best case scenario vp pick from kamala harris from the other side from republican's perspective who is it? >> josh shapiro is the strongest pick if you are a democrat. he is a jewish american, volunteered in the idf. i don't know how she swears that with the pro-hamas constituency but flip-flopped on any other position so i wouldn't be surprised. mark kelly is also an attractive pick coming from a swing state arizona. i think democrats want to defend the blue wall. so pennsylvania the most electoral votes in the blue wall of pennsylvania, michigan and
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wisconsin i say he probably has the edge. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. thank you for taking time with us. >> thank you. >> bill: 23 past. chalk up another big problem on the border crisis. the homeland security department suspending its so-called parole program which flies in migrants from four specific countries. there are concerns about rampant fraud and william la jeunesse has the lowdown on that from los angeles today. >> a huge embarrassment to the biden-harris administration that used it as a back door to bring in more than half a million migrants from four countries, cuba, haiti, venezuela and nicaragua. the program, never authorized by congress, the administration increased the number of plane loads up to 30,000 mai grants a month given the right to live and work in the u.s. indefinitely. here is the president last year. >> president biden: today i'm announcing that my
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administration will expand the parole program for people not only from venezuela, but from cuba, nicaragua, and haiti. let me reiterate. you need a lawful sponsor in the united states of america. >> that's the problem. the u.s. sponsor is supposed to vouch for the migrant and support them financially. that didn't happen. audit has found that thousands of sponsors didn't exist using fake social security numbers, zip codes, names, addresses and auditors found the same address at 19,000 applications, another one tijuana address sponsored 1300 migrants. 24 of the most used addresses belong to dead people. one phone number on 2 thousand applications, 3 thousand forms had no zip code. 10000 applicants used the exact same answer. >> policing of the sponsor side of this was non-exist tent. >> what we've seen the 3,000
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people are sponsoring over 100,000 people. >> dhs says it will restart the application process as quickly as possible with safeguards. >> bill: on pause for now. thank you. william la jeunesse in los angeles. we're watching wall street. you got recession fears already setting up a global sell-off already and we're about to get run over at the opening bell. hang on 4 1/2 minutes from now. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be.
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good morning. >> all red, bill, right now. this is all about uncertainty. the jobs report spurred the fed has waited too long to cut rates and could be entering a recession territory. to get you a read on where we are. the dow is down 1120 points. nasdaq down 1050. s&p 500 are down 500 dropping from when we opened. the global markets are reeling as well. japan closed down 12%. worst day since 1987. crypto currency are shedding 250 billion. a couple of things we're watching that could point to a recession here. goldman sachs update i had the risk of recession from 15 to 25%. they see the risk is limited but the concern is escalating. the second key indicator is the unemployment rate. that ticked up to 4.3% last month.
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that's if the recession is likely underway. unemployment rises versus the low it saw over the past year. 4.3% checks the box and it has been accurate in defining every recession since the early 70s. a lot of investors i'm talking to are pushing back saying look, this sell-off is more of a correction. you still have sky high valuations for big tech driven by all the a.i. hype. disappointing earnings causing investors to think twice to take some profits. yes, there is real concern over the economic data but it is still too early to determine if the sell-off we're seeing today is permanent. >> bill: hurts for the moment, that's for sure. kelly, nice to see you here in new york. thank you. >> gillian: let's go ahead and bring in our guest to react to all of this, cheryl casone for fox business. other countries are watching this anticipating this moment at 9:30 with the asian markets rattled and european rattled before the u.s. opened just now.
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>> it's back next friday morning and the weak jobs report for july. another sign that maybe the fed should have acted last week. they didn't cut interest rates last week. some are saying in the rearview mirror considering the sell-off we should have had a quarter point cut. now the talk is next month you get a half point cut. talk about an emergency rate cut by the fed because of what you are seeing in global markets. that's one thing. the other issue if you look at the magnificent seven, apple is down this morning, war en buffet sold half his stake in apple. we found that out over the weekend. he has a lot of cash right now and people do listen to warren buffett. also nvidia, if you look at overall what we're seeing in the markets it's the volatility that i'm worried about right now.
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we see the volatility next to a severe gauge on fox business at a level right now that we haven't seen since the pandemic began in 2020. that's an unsettling number to look at. this other thing if you look at the magnificent seven based on the stocks and pre-market we look at a trillion dollars of market cap that will get pulled out of the stocks. >> bill: friday morning i was watching fox business and the first person to say a half rate cut in september is now on the table. a lot of other people picked up on that. if you are watching at home right now and looking at your 401k what do you think? do i sit tight or make a move? >> i don't like people to make any moves on days like today. how you open and close can be completely different. what goes up comes down that's the market. these are natural movements for the market. it is disconcerting to see a 1,000 plus point drop but i wouldn't make financial decisions today based on these
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numbers unless you are day trader. this is where you have to take a step back, look at your investments and how do you feel where your money the sitting now? i wouldn't make any moves today. it may have a rough month in august. traders are off for vacation, a lot are at the beach and in september we can see a change. i would rather look at the trend versus what you are seeing on your screen right now. i don't like those quick moves. >> gillian: what do you make of recession fears? >> i'm not there yet. i don't think -- i'm not ready to say we're hitting a recession yet. a lot of things can happen. the fed has the power if they want to utilize it to change this narrative. we are in an election year. look, that is something that you have to think about when you watch washington. you tell me. politics does play into what is happening behind the scenes here. so look, again criticism jerome
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powell probably should have made a move last week he didn't. they could cut half a point this week. the financial crisis in 2007, 2008 there were emergency rate cuts that happened. there are tools at their disposal. we also have circuit breakers in the market. so when the circuit breakers kick in you'll see the trading slow down. three levels of circuit breakers for the market. there are lots of protections in place. >> bill: apple has had quite a runoff. a lot of these big tech companies have. it's down 15, $16. there might be bargains in the end. how do we look at this right now in the frame of donald trump, kamala harris, what's trump's record on the economy? what could be kamala harris's record? >> we're waiting to see what kamala harris stance will be. she changed her position on fracking and medicare for all. this week ro khanna is talking
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about crypto currency and trying to get them to support harris. that's a lots of fundraising and money and major market. look, one in five americans has a crypto position now. mainstream. biden-harris administration has been attacking crypto for 3 1/2 years so if you are donald trump, who went to a crypto currency conference and spoke over a week ago, j.d. vance who has a history in crypto currency. if there is policy and personality. that's where investors are looking at. they'll look at the policy. what is the regulation going to be under harris or under trump? what are my taxes going to be under harris or trump? those are the questions that investors are asking themselves. >> bill: we need her to talk questions. 15 days since she has done that or had a press conference herself. maybe it changes in the next 48 hours. >> see who the vp is. >> bill: thanks.
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>> gillian: hurricane debby making landfall in florida. the biden administration backtracking with a deal for the defendants in the 9/11 terror attacks. is the damage already done? we'll talk to will cain about that. stick with us.
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subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day
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waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude.
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and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] but it's under siege
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from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia.
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>> gillian: hurricane debby unleashing on florida's big bends after making landfall earlier today pummeling the region with wind gusts over 80 miles-an-hour. dangerous storm surge across the southeast, 312 customers remain without any electricity. man. >> bill: president biden will have a big meeting this afternoon 2:15 situation room at the white house with the national security team.
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the topic the deteriorating situation in the middle east. that region bracing for a potential for all-out war. israel's benjamin netanyahu saying they face a multi-war front at the moment. florida republican michael waltz on this. good morning to you. let's listen to mike pompeo here on the biden-harris conflict here in the middle east. >> whenever i hear president biden or vice president harris talk about a cease-fire what they are really saying is they will allow the horrors of october 7th to happen again. they want the israelis to stand down while hamas is still powerful and armed and while hezbollah still has thousands of missiles in lebanon keeping 100,000 israelis from returning to their homes. that's the danger. when we demand there be a sees fire. >> bill: sir, what do we await to come next in the middle east, which is now a tinderbox? >> bill, the biden-harris weak
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leadership, mismanagement and frankly bad decision after bad decision has practically invited this war. it is making a hostage deal more and more unlikely. more and more distant as secretary pompeo was just saying. here is why, bill. you have harris lecturing netanyahu on his visit to the united states on the international stage. then you have biden leaking what was supposed to be a private call so that he can look tough to his base where he is telling bibi -- he the blaming the israelis for escalating and saying if you do it again you are on your own. every time iran, russia, china sees daylight between us and israel, they are going to escalate further. and then on the hostage deal, you have the mainstream media and biden's people saying that taking out haniyeh, responding for hezbollah killing 12 children is making it less
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likely, that's just completely ignorant of how the middle east works. terrorist organizations care about two things, bill. they care about power and staying alive to do their attack again. under biden's deal they would have gotten both. they would have stayed alive and conduct future october 7th. if their leadership is taken out all over the world even in tehran, they are much more likely to come to a deal to survive to live another day. i mean, this is just maddening how bad this white house has managed this situation and neither are fit to be commander-in-chief. >> bill: humiliating moment for the iranian leadership with a president just sworn in hours prior. that's happening overseas. here at home there is a lot of concerns about our economy, where we are and where we might be headed. watching the markets go lower and that's one indicator. the other indicator is that the
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inflation reality is real for americans. has been for some time. you wonder now if this is catching up. lack of spending and the high probability that we could be looking at a recession in the united states. your thoughts on that as we go into the final 90 day sprint? >> what president trump knows and executed brilliantly under his administration is that america's true strength is our economic strength and that is undergirded by american energy independence. if we would simply open the spigots, flood the world with clean american gas. drive prices down. dry up iran's war machine, putin's war machine. solve our inflation problem, and you put america back in the driver's seat. that is -- bill, this is the climate agenda that harris is so whetted to that is con strange
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american energy and forcing the world to buy from our adversaries and making them bolder. this is so ass backwards that it is just maddening to watch. we're seeing the results of it right now. >> bill: on policy you will have quite a contrast. if we go into september and we have concerns like this that continue, you've got one record against another, sir, do you not? >> that's right, people know what worked for their wallet and their family's safety and worked for world peace. that was president trump's leadership and his policies. that is all we should be talking about from now until november. contrasted with literally watching the bottom fall out of world peace and watching now the bottom fall out of people's income, their retirement savings and the stock market. >> bill: we'll watch it together. florida republican michael waltz. thank you for coming back today. appreciate it. gillian, what's next? >> gillian: time is dwindling
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for kamala harris to choose a running mate. how could her vp pick alter the electoral map? we have trey gowdy with live reaction coming up next. satell! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. [water flowing] [phone dings] oh my god. what? the host is coming back. (♪) [birds chirping] [phone dings] meanwhile, at a vrbo... oh my god. what? i got onekeycash on this house. hmm... (♪) you know, you only get one body. it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space. or have to speak with its hands. but no matter what body you're born with,
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you only get one. let's fight like hell for it. (♪) she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do.
6:52 am
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>> bill: keeping a close eye on this. a hurricane earlier today and coming on shore the cedar key, florida. this is southeast of tallahassee coming off the gulf of mexico. it will cut across the northern part of florida, eventually hit georgia and the carolinas on the other side. we're watching it. first big storm of the season, i think we can contend as we move into hurricane alley maybe, right? august into september maybe? >> gillian: 300,000 folks without electricity. >> bill: we'll watch debby and give you updates throughout the morning. >> gillian: the scary scene on the golf course in california, wow, yesterday. a small plane made a crash
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landing at a golf complex. the pilot had a complete mechanical failure 400 feet in the air and sent the plane plummeting as he described it from the sky. it skidded over a practice putting green and narrowly missed a golfer before bumping into the pro shop. miraculously that pilot only suffered minor injuries. >> bill: he got lucky and good at it. with that skill to hit the golf course. you are looking for an open space, right? he found one. on land. the wife of republican vice presidential nominee d.j. vance defending a controversial comment that resurfaced from 2021. usha vance telling fox news that her husband made a quip when he said the u.s. is a country run by a bunch of childless cat ladies. those words triggered a lot of backlash and here is how it was
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explained. >> we spend a lot less time going through this three-word phrase or that. what he was really saying is it can be really hard to be a parent in this country and sometimes our policies are designed in a way that make it even harder and ask ourselves why is that true? what is it about our leadership and the way they think about the world that makes it so hard sometimes for parents? that's the conversation i think we should have. i understand why he was saying that. >> bill: it was part one with ainsley earlier today. part two is earlier on "fox & friends." she is urging voters to take a pause and get to know her husband before they cast their ballot. >> gillian: or read his book, too. a bizarre confession from the presidential candidate saying he dumped the remains of a bear cub in central park in manhattan ten years ago. hit and killed by a car in front of him in upstate new york. that discovery had been an unsolved mystery until now.
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eric shawn following this bizarre development right here in the new york city newsroom. >> it really is. you know, teddy bears were named for president teddy roosevelt who went on a hunting trip and refused to shoot a baby black bear. another presidential candidate has come clean with his own bear tale. robert f. kennedy, jr. said he was the culprit who dumped the dead young bear in central park in 2014 because he had to get rid of it. kennedy says he was driving in upstate new york when a woman driving a van ahead of him hit that bear cub and killed it. he scooped it up from the road and took the carcass home to skin it for its meat. he drove to brooklyn that afternoon for a steak dinner and that night realized the dead bear was still in his car so he took it to central park. stashed it under the bushes with a bicycle to make it look like the bear was hit by the bike. in the coverage back then a dead
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bear in the middle of manhattan made front page headlines. >> it was on eve television station. it was the front page of every paper. i turned on the tv and miles of yellow tape and 20 cop cars and there were helicopters flying over it. and i was like so my god, what did i do? >> kennedy says he confessed to roseanne barr. new yorker magazine was about to publish the story and he wanted to get ahead of it. in 2014 authorities concluded that cub had injuries consistent with being hit by a car. but they never determined what exactly happened or who dumped the bear there in central park. that new yorker article covering the bear story was published this morning. kennedy said he thought it would be amusing to the person who found the bear and also added his fingerprints were all over the bicycle. at the time he was worried he could have gotten caught but was lucky the story back then died
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down at the time. gillian. >> gillian: lots to unpack in this story. we'll have to leave it there. eric, thanks for breaking that down for us. >> bill: the category of weird. meet the world's fastest man. check it out. don't miss it. >> this is close. >> bill: a great race. all 9.7 odd seconds of it. right at the photo finish wire. the cameras on the feed cut to the jai make an runner and our american, lyles, is watching the screen. he wins the gold. photo finish by 100th of a second. he started slowly, he was dead last out of eight runners. halfway through stormed back. first american to win the event since 2004. you are golden, my man


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