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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 5, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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gillian. >> gillian: lots to unpack in this story. we'll have to leave it there. eric, thanks for breaking that down for us. >> bill: the category of weird. meet the world's fastest man. check it out. don't miss it. >> this is close. >> bill: a great race. all 9.7 odd seconds of it. right at the photo finish wire. the cameras on the feed cut to the jai make an runner and our american, lyles, is watching the screen. he wins the gold. photo finish by 100th of a second. he started slowly, he was dead last out of eight runners. halfway through stormed back. first american to win the event since 2004. you are golden, my man.
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>> gillian: it took the judges a minute to figure out who had one. >> bill: they took a freeze frame of the still shot crossing the line and gillian, it was inches between the first, second and third place. the guy who got no medals at all were right there together. well done. keep going, america. now we move to this. check it out. we're going lower. [bell ringing] >> bill: we're bracing for another day of economic pain. u.s. markets falling sharply as we speak. stocks already continue a downward plunge after a deep dive on friday. you have to wonder about the inflation fears and the amount of pain that has caused for many americans for some time. that mixed in with the r word as we start a new hour right now. dana has the day off today. i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. welcome back, gillian. >> gillian: good to be with you. gillian turner. recession fears here in the u.s. are rattling investors across
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the globe from wall street, london, tokyo, stocks in japan suffered their worst loss in a one day drop if history since 1987. the u.s. election is three months away now, a mideast war lingering out on the horizon. sluggish jobs market is sending wall street into a spiral. >> bill: hillary vaughn at the white house. >> the harris campaign is doing damage control after this brutal jobs report shocked economists showing that employment -- unemployment is much worse than they thought. the unemployment rate today is the highest it has been since 2021. the first year of it president biden and harris took office. there is campaign spokesperson trying to distract from the report talking about former president trump's record in office saying donald trump failed americans as president costing our economy millions of jobs and bringing us to the brink of recession.
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but we might be on the brink of recession right now under harris's leadership. economists at goldman sachs think a recession is more likely than before. raising the likelihood from 15 to 25%. democrats are not doubting their policies pledging to keep doing what they are doing. >> is there anything the administration will do differently now to work on this? >> you know, we -- it's not a change in course but it is a continued commitment to the course we've been on. >> are we in a recession? >> we're definitely not in a recession. >> republicans will make sure harris owns the economy today. j.d. vance saying it is harris's policies that have destroyed the economy. >> a lot of their economic policies were predicted by economists on the left to leave where they are now. as kamala harris said she is a radical who didn't listen to common sense. she has no real compassion or understanding for the worst
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inflation is in the price of groceries, americans cannot afford to put the same kind of food on the table they could when donald trump was president. >> there is increasing pressure from democrats to try to push the federal reserve to lower interest rates. something that could happen in september and if it does, that would give voters a little economic relief and democrats think it would give them a boost headed into november. >> bill: hillary vaughn leads us this hour. >> gillian: let's bring in charles payne from fox business. >> there is so much. i want to say that statement from the harris white house is intriguing about president trump in a recession. it was because of covid. the actions that were taken led us to the shortest recession in history. this is a different type of re-- this is not a once in a century
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and had to lock down a global economy. this is because of policies that triggered 40-year high inflation that has taken in a massive toll on the economy. this job report, this is a referendum, really, the market reaction on jay powell. 60% of what we're looking at now is jay poe el. >> bill: head of the federal reserve. >> there job was to quell inflation and unwind what they've done. they are taking a deliberate steps to kind of back off on that. i think another 20% would be growth. growth is slowing a lot faster than anyone expected. some did, i did. experts did not. >> bill: it seems like the economy has just catapulted itself to the top of the list. it had been there before but really seems like it is prominent. here is the difference. changes in wages in inflation since the biden-harris
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administration. inflation is up more than 21% and real wages are down about 2%. >> that's why they print and talk about in terms the gdp was this and that. it doesn't matter. the main focus was all the money that not only did biden and harris pump into the economy that continue to gush in. ironically they brag about things like the inflation reduction act. that is stoking inflation. they brag all the money they give to the richest corporations to build factories here. we gave 8.5 billion to intel. what we got in return? they get rid of 15,000 workers. is that brilliant and done with taxpayer money? stoking inflation and losing jobs? it's nuts. what you are seeing the stock market is what americans are feeling for the last three years, just a manifestation of it right now. >> gillian: how does every american out there brace for a pending recession? rather than things getting
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better maybe they get worse. >> you have to brace for it, right? here is what i'm concerned about. unfortunately the savings rate has come down dramatically. well under 4% now. more recently people have started to skimp. listen to what corporations are saying. last week we had way fair talk about the great financial crisis, five below saying disproportionately they have never seen anything like this. the rate of inflation has crushed their low income customers and seeing more upper income households shop there. a deep discount store. all you can do is brace for something like this. >> bill: two things here, kamala harris hasn't held a press conference yet. we will maybe get a vp pick within 24 hours. in atlanta last week on this economy. >> building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. and yes, it is true that by many indicators, our economy is the
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strongest in the world. but while inflation is down and wages are up, prices are still too high. you know it and i know it. >> bill: who will give voice to this the best. "wall street journal" here we go. ultimately the core of this election is economic issues. every time you are not talking about that you are missing an opportunity to engage independent voters. they always decide who wins election. when our poll came out in michigan last week trump led over harris by eight points on -- >> the job report tells you it will stay that way. real life where people are enduring no matter what this administration says, it's tough. really tough. two other things i have to point out. geopolitical issues are really becoming very frightening. you saw all those planes out of russia and tehran over the weekend. the type of planes that carry military hardware.
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we moved into a battleship and moving in another fighter squadron. >> gillian: can you imagine how u.s. defending israel will cost? trillions. >> implications in terms of anxiety and fear and these things bubble up and get bigger and become larger. you go from a small regional thing. totally mismanaged. no foreign policy. the only thing we've heard in the last three or four weeks from the white house is finger wagging at israel. that's not foreign policy. i think it's encouraging iran and other bad actors. the stock market was reflecting a trump victory, they are domestic companies and have come down dramatically since harris went up in the poll they have crashed. >> bill: we'll see you at 2:00 in fox business. we'll lean on you all week long. this from last hour. >> this is just maddening how bad this white house has managed this situation and neither are fit to be commander-in-chief. >> bill: that was michael waltz,
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republican out of florida. now another big test looming. the biden administration not taking any chances ahead of an im front iranian attack on israel getting ready for every possibility. warnings tehran and its proxies will soon target the jewish state. mark meredith from the white house, north lawn. big meeting, situation room. 2:15 meeting. >> the president will be back at the white house to convene a meeting with his national security team. the vice president is expected to attend but the administration is already taking steps to try to do more to protect americans and u.s. allies in the region. since these fears have bubble up about this escalation, we know the pentagon is deploying more resources including ballistic missile defense cruisers and fighter jet squadron. officials admit it is possible more resources may have to go out there as fears grow it could become a much bigger problem. >> when a leader says he will
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avenge we have to take it seriously and make sure we're ready and have the capabilities in the region to be able to help israel defend itself and defend our own facilities and national security interests. >> president biden spoke with israel's prime minister on thursday. we don't know when another call may occur. within the hour the president is expected to speak with the king of jordan. yesterday jordan's foreign minister was in iran for a rare visit. any action from iran could have a sweeping impact on the presidential race. now one high profile democratic congressman out of california is posting that he wants these candidates to do more to insure there is not a war. he posted the u.s. must not be dragged into a war with iran. the iraq war with a blunder. every candidate running this cycle must be clear where they stand on this. we don't expect to see an on camera briefing from the white house. something could be added or
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officials could gaggle. at this point we're waiting to see how they may respond given they are waiting to see what iran will do. >> bill: mark meredith from the north lawn. thank you, mark. >> gillian: florida taking a direct hit from hurricane debby leaving hundreds of thousands without power. >> bill: wicked day on wall street. look at the numbers. they're telling. what does it tell us about the u.s. economy? how does main street feel about his own financial standing today? big story. we're back on that coming up. t—mobile's 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business.
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>> gillian: we're monitoring hurricane debby that made landfall in northern florida earlier this morning. hundreds of thousands of residents, almost 300,000 waking
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up without power due to the category 1 storm. system is suspected to linger around northern florida and southern georgia through tomorrow and it weakens into a tropical storm. >> bill: in the meantime you want to watch this. who is kamala harris going to pick as her v.p.? time is getting pretty close on this now. want to bring in trey gowdy to help me through this. good morning to you. trey, you can make a selection or go off the board. i will go ahead and make a case for three different individuals who she might take, okay? it is based on history. it goes to the question as whether or not you believe that a vice presidential pick helps you win a particular state. in this case battleground states, right? let's go back to 2020, all right? this is biden and trump. this is arizona. you see in the black right here out of 3.2 million votes cast joe biden was the winner by 10,400 votes. percentage wise that's.3% in
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arizona, all right? do we think mark kelly helps her in arizona? he might. but what about josh shapiro in pennsylvania. a popular governor. approval rating in excess of 60%. here is where we were, biden beats trump by 81,000 votes in pennsylvania. i don't know as a democrat in this day how you win the white house unless you win pennsylvania. so that's the argument for shapiro. up here in minnesota tim waltz is getting a lot of attention. an easy win for biden by seven points. but tim waltz, some suggest he is too liberal. do you want to pick one, trey? or do you want to go off the board? it is yours. >> i won't go off the board. the real question is do you pick a mirror or do you pick a supplement, someone who augments the ticket? trump opted for a mirror and
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heir apparent. shapiro helps more than kelly and you don't have the chinese spy balloon issue. people who served in the senate tell me kelly is a likable guy with a compelling narrative. she has a weakness on the border but also has a weakness as it relates to israel despite the fact that she is married to a jewish man. shapiro helps there. pennsylvania there is no path without pennsylvania. i don't think for her. he is more popular than both trump and harris in pennsylvania. so i think it is shapiro which guarantees it won't be. >> bill: fetterman is throwing shots at shapiro over the weekend. mark kelly sent this. whether my time in the navy or nasa or visiting our troops overseas i have learned when your country asks you to serve you always answer the call. read that tea leaf. >> yeah, i think that tea leaf -- >> bill: got it.
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hang with us. that was a freeze from south carolina. maybe that is the effect of that storm moving through right now. debby. if we get trey back i'll bring him back. j.d. vance shot out a tweet. this moment talking about the economy right now with this reeling stock market. this moment could set off a real economic calamity around the globe. it requires stead' leadership. the kind president trump delivered for four years. kamala harris is too afraid to answer media questions and cannot lead us in these troubled times. very interesting commentary about what has been issue number one, the economy, right? it is always there right up with inflation. how people are feeling about their pocket books and it is true, kamala harris has not done an interview in 15 days. we'll see when that changes. >> gillian: three months left. >> bill: or maybe three hours. we'll see. >> gillian: she will have to say
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something there. hurricane debby made landfall earlier today in florida slamming the state flooding rain, damaging winds. we'll go live to the storm zone coming up next. plus also this, a new chapter in the legal saga of hunter biden, the president's son. the latest on his tax troubles and the infamous laptop. that's coming up next. think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. time to press rewind with... neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena
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>> bill: 10:27 now. an hour into trading. this is all down arrows now. fears of recession out there and fears of inflation catching up with the consumer and we're watching to see how it plays out in a political sense. you have an election right now that's 90 days away and starting to really cook on both sides. you will get significant news from kamala harris sometime real soon, we believe, on the vp pick. we'll see how both campaigns go at the economy and how their policies can hopefully make things better for a lot of folks
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who need it now. off 2 1/2%, 1,000 points on the dow. gillian, back to you. >> gillian: we're watching this closely. iran is topping the agenda at the white house. president biden will convene his national security council in the situation room today at 2:15 in the afternoon. this as growing fears now arise that iran and its proxies will soon attack israel or that iran will attack israel directly. that's the big ticket news. reports now that the u.s. thinks the strike could come within hours. let's bring in a guest now. a quote from the weekend. axios report biden lost his cool with benjamin netanyahu last thursday on a secure call. he said this. the reporting says this. biden raised his voice and says he wants a deal reached within a week to two weeks. israel said joe biden told netanyahu to quote stop
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bullshiting me. no secret there has been tension between the two world leaders but we haven't seen anything like this. >> hum. well, i don't think that kind of pressure will work on israel. they have had lots of its citizens killed and even americans held and killed by hamas. it is a case of misdirection. israel is an independent country and do what's in its own self-interest. this kind of pressure at this time gives the truth to the domestic political pressures that are leading president biden in this. >> gillian: it's no secret behind closed doors at the white house officials have been concerned at the state department as well that by going after and assassinating hamas's political leader in iran last week the israelis may have set back the time frame and timeline of a cease-fire and hostage deal. do you share that concern or do you think it is trumped up? >> i don't share that view at
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all. in fact, hamas under haniyeh set aside every proposal that israel and president biden has put forward to it. it takes two in this case to seal a deal and it is hamas that's actually not come to the table in good faith and still hold hostages and dead bodies they're ransoming. these attacks to severe iran from its proxies to take out leadership in the field and going after the leadership of hamas and hezbollah and perhaps even the houthis as their attacks continue is probably the best way to get to a deal. it is also probably the best way to get to a lasting peace at the same time. >> gillian: this ongoing tension that may erupt into a full scale broader regional war or war between israel and iran is one of the most pressing foreign policy national security challenges president biden will face during his administration. take a listen to this.
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this is a gentleman yesterday saying the president biden has not gotten the credit he deserves for his successes, most successfully the prisoner swap. >> this all explains the importance of incredible diplomacy that has been a hallmark of the biden administration. the withdrawal from afghanistan that i haven't been afraid to criticize. the coalition to stand up for ukraine has been on display in bringing home innocent americans and other russian dissidents saving them from the fate of navalny dying in a russian prison colony. >> gillian: what is your assessment. ? >> the president needs to get credit for the things he has gotten wrong. they outnumber by a wide margin any successes and skeptical about the most recent prisoner deal. good we got americans homes. six of them are still in russian
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prisons. that's political leverage that putin has over on top of biden and both candidates going forward. putin has inserted himself into our elections and the choice of this timing is certainly doesn't escape calculation. but you know, this notion that the biden administration is the only one that could have gotten is deal is also i think patently false. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. thank you for taking time with us and we'll check back with you soon. >> bill: 32 past the hour now from the category of disgusting. the second time in the last month a sat ute that commemorates anne frank in amsterdam has been defaced with pro-palestinian graffiti. vandals used spray paint to write free gaza on the base of the statue and her hands. frank died at age 16 in a nazi concentration camp in 1945. that statute commemorates the amsterdam home where anne frank
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and her family took refuge for two years during the second world war. something else to see if you are in town. definitely spend time there. 10:33. >> gillian: we're monitoring this story. one of the top stories this hour. hurricane debby cut off shores shoe beach from the rest of florida and brought with us storm surge and major flooding a across the region. our reporters joins us live from northern florida. >> i live a lot of places these days. here we are gillian and bill hemmer. this is what we've got for you. you are talking about flash flooding. this is what you don't do, drive through a road underwater even if you think it is six inches deep. driver is okay. this road is shut down along with areas of i-75. live oak is off i-ten not far
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south and west of the intersections of ten and 75. prolific rainfall totals already. six to 12 inches already. sarasota had their wettest day on record yesterday picking up over 11 inches of rain. wind is gusting over 50 miles-per-hour. downgraded to a tropical storm. you slow down a tropical system and it rains and rains and rains. we're looking at what will likely be a horrific setup for parts of south carolina, north carolina and georgia, including the charleston savannah area. model forecast some of them showing up to 30 inches of rain. 20 to 25 is not out of the question. the system will lose its steering currents and sit there and fester just off the coast. it's not so much the surge but
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the heavy rainfall that will continue to add up from hurricane debby. bill and gillian, back to you in new york. >> bill: mike, a big welcome on fox weather, okay? been watching you forever on the weather channel. great to have you. >> i've been watching you since i was in junior high. >> bill: we were that big then. thank you, mike. >> not really, not really. >> bill: do well down there and we'll follow the storm with you. thank you, mike, nice to see you. >> bill: checking in on wall street now. here we go. not much better news. markets taking a dive. jobs report last week, gillian, fears of a recession that already creep into the conversation over the weekend, and a lot of folks right now are taking stock of what they have and the challenges they face. watch as this plays out now. troubling signs for the u.s. economy. how will they fold themselves into an election season? we await for that coming up here.
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>> gillian: president biden and vice president harris prepping to meet with their national security team on israel this afternoon. the jewish state braces for a direct strike from iran potentially. u.s. reportedly telling allies
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it could happen as soon as today. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is prepared to fight a war against multiple fronts against tehran and all its terrorist groups. we will keep a close eye on this developing story all morning long. >> people know what worked for their wallet and family's safety and worked for world peace. that was president trump's leadership and his policies. that is all we should be talking about from now until november. contrasted with literally watching the bottom fall out of world peace and watching now the bottom fall out of people's income, their retirement savings and the stock market. >> bill: mike waltz republican out of florida last hour with us. reaction to the market beatdown suggesting it could be bad news for democrats according to wallace. want to bring in will cain and talk about this. good morning to you. you think about this in a political sense and think about
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the consumer, the inflation that has rattled people now for three years and how they grapple with that. then you think about whether it is trump or harris, who makes the best argument about who will do better on the economy? that could be right now in question. >> you know, bill, the latest fox news poll that overwhelming voters consider the economy the number one issue over immigration and abortion. overwhelmingly their number one issue. it should be. it is what most directly affects their families. i got back from vacation and hosted "fox & friends" this weekend but a look a week and a half. how much news can happen in such a short amount of time. you know that very well. it is shocking to me that, for example, a presidential assassination attempt has sort of disappeared with no small help from google. but it has disappeared from the
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forefront of public consciousness. the reason i bring that up between losing joe biden, replacing him with kamala harris and assassination attempt on donald trump. whatever will happen between now and november is yet to come. i think a great suspicion will be what happens with the economy? what is happening today is of note. this is fascinating, every recession since i believe the 90s, almost every recession, 90, 91, 08, 09 followed a fed rate cut. we have seen the unemployment numbers and seen the market reacting today. when the fed comes back in september they will probably react with a rate cut. that suggests we might get a little bounce but the recessions almost inevitably follow the rate cuts. meaning that october surprise is coming most likely with the most important issue to americans the economy. >> bill: they are pushing for a soft landing. we ain't there yet.
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go ahead. >> gillian: other big story not getting perhaps as much coverage as it should media-wide is the fact that the 9/11 terrorists struck a plea deal last week and then general austin overturned it. take a listen to john kirby on "fox news sunday." >> is the president willing to let these terrorists escape the harshest penalty in the system of justice and that be part of his legacy? >> it was a decision made by a convening authority in the convening authority in the military command. it was a decision by the secretary of defense. >> i didn't hear an answer. >> gillian: what did you make of that? >> i make two things of that. first of all let's talk about the source of the outrage. "fox & friends" weekend i interviewed a 9/11 family member lost his brother on the 89th floor of the world trade center tower. he was upset not just about the death penalty being taken off the table in this proposed plea deal but it would put and end to
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the investigation and facts and evidence collection. they want a conversation, the family members, about the role of the saudis when it comes to 9/11. as to now how this outrage, this plea deal originated we have one of two options. either president biden and at the very least secretary of defense lloyd austin knew about the plea deal in which case they gave a head nod and then later rescinded it when they saw the out rage or they don't know what's happening in their own administration, equally as plus with joe biden's mental capacity. who is calling is shots. an embarrassment either way. you are either not in charge or approved the outrageous plea deal. >> bill: you mentioned the family you spoke to over the weekend. there are thousands of families still waiting for justice. you know what i would do if i were joe biden? i know the white house distanced itself from decision.
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i would claim it. i would say i did it. i reversed the decision. i want justice just like you do. that would go a long way for joe biden. >> right. it would also be -- that knife would have two blades, though. cut the other way as well, bill. you rescinded it. doesn't that mean you had the power to approve it in the beginning? >> gillian: as you were mentioning a moment ago, if general austin was not informed about the pending plea deal and the steps along the way, whose responsibility is that? where does the blame lie for a major lack of communication between dod, white house and subordinates at dod? >> that's right. i don't like the word narrative. it seems like you are focused on a story instead of the facts. sometimes the narrative is a collection of facts and that would feed into this idea of who
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is actually running the united states government right now? we don't feel confident that it is the president of the united states when his own party doesn't feel confident he can win an election. how can he run the government? if he is not, who is? this fact, this story feeds into that larger narrative. >> bill: it has been a long time since we've had a lame duck president for 5 1/2 months that has presidential powers. it could get really interesting. thank you for coming on today and we'll speak again. thanks, will. >> gillian: hunter biden's criminal tax trial is moving forward in l.a. the judge set a start date putting a fresh spotlight on the first son's laptop emails and some of his business affairs. david spunt joins us live from d.c. with all the details. >> hunter may no longer be in the headlines every day but still facing serious legal challenges ahead. another federal trial scheduled to begin a month from today in los angeles. the first son facing three
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felonies and six misdemeanors relating to his taxes. he paid them back but he spent money on everything but his taxes. according to the indictment. he spent his money on women, clothing, health and beauty products, atm withdrawals. weiss inducted him last year. she testified in his gun trial in. hallie and him were -- hunter recently added celebrity attorney mark geragos to his team to fight the tax case. they recently asked the judge to dismiss the case in full arguing that special counsel david weiss is not legally authorized to prosecute. weiss was appointed by attorney general merrick garland. a judge in donald trump's document case, the case in
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florida, through threw out the case. hunter's team is hoping that works for him as it worked for trump. he will be sentenced november 13th for the gun case. his father said no to a pardon but before he decided not to run for re-election. it doesn't appear there is a plea deal in sight. looks like all things are going forward. >> bill: watch this now. hurricane debby making landfall. how close the storm could come to you in your town. we'll tell you about that after the break. when the sawdust s and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time.
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>> harris: can vice president kamala harris deal with the latest crisis? on her watch as she tries to win the white house. fears of a recession as financial markets continue to
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plunge. the middle east on the brink of war. secretary of state blinken reportedly is warning iran could attack israel today. vp harris had better brush up on her foreign policy and she could announce her running mate today as she is under fire for running from her liberal record. ari fleischer, robert greenway, clay travis, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: see you in a few minutes. the national hurricane center will give us an update on hurricane debby in a matter of minutes now. the last advisory had it 80 miles-an-hour. right now 75 miles-per-hour. a category 1 storm moving to the north, northeast. a rain maker for a lot of people. we're tracking it as it strengthened overnight and slammed into northwest florida. around the world they are taking a hit. japan sold out from one of its
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worst days since 1987. why is this happening? there are new recession fears on the heels of a weak u.s. jobs report on friday. unemployment rate went up to its highest level since september of 2021. what does it mean for you? how do you feel about all this? gerri willis from fox business as her finger on the pulse. >> good morning. good to see you. it is a global market sell-off underway as recession fears hit, as you said, bill. stocks opening 3% lower but getting better now. the dow down 3.7%. it was friday's poor job report stoking the fears of recession as the jobless rate rose to 4.3%. it surprised investors. we have seen this coming if you were watching earnings reports, big consumer brand companies have been warning of a weak consumer spending developing. mcdonalds, proctor and gamble, the makers of tide and char min
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and consumers are buying fewer bags of company potato chips. in today's -- microsoft are sold off today. the silver lining to all of this may be that the federal reserve meets earlier than expected to cut interest rates. the market is betting on a 50% right cuts. maybe 75 bases points. traders i'm talking to are saying the move was a much-needed refresh and they point out that you've heard of the fear gauge, right? it is down this morning from where it started, which was sky high. so we're seeing little glimmers out there if you are looking for them. >> bill: shot up in a big way on friday.
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>> gillian: it is straight forward and simple. fears of recession now permeating the markets at home and abroad. it is really inflation that's at the heart of the problem. >> look, inflation i know the rate of inflation is not as high as it has been in the past but this is cumulative. it is not like the government telling us inflation is going down, it is not going down. so you are experiencing at the grocery store, wherever you shop, gas station higher prices and they are sticking. this is causing consumers all over the country to slow their spending. >> bill: a few years ago the administration put a lot of money into the pockets of a lot of americans. do they still have that cash? >> no. that money is gone and that's part of the issue. people don't have all that free money. that is long gone. you are starting to see people build up more credit card debt. where are they using them? at the grocery store, which is never a good idea. you don't want to pay for
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current consumption with a credit card especially when the rate is at 20% or more as they are right now. we're seeing consumers really clamping down trying to close off those purse strings. >> gillian: three months out from the election can you use the current state of the affairs of the economy to predict where the candidates are headed? >> we know from polling that people trust donald trump more with the economy, right? if that continues to be a huge headline for americans, if they continue to be frustrated with the prices of everything from cars to houses, that will be an issue for them and think about that as they go to the polls. i think it continues to be a very big issue. >> bill: you remember which candidate and which team talks better to the issues that are facing everyday americans? and who talks about the economy, which is where independents vote, gerri, every election cycle. >> you can't say anything about the economy, you have to say inflation is my number one
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target and i know how to fix it. >> gillian: the president said he wants to be remembered for that with gen z millennials. >> you mean the current president? >> gillian: yes. he won't be on the ticket. >> bill: give it a voice and see how it goes. before we go, quick little shout-out to some special people here. here we go. mom and dad celebrating 63 years together. who does that? who does that? bill and georgian, two of my favorite people. it's been a really tough year but you both look great. and they are still loving that house. >> gillian: you have the genes, good for you. >> bill: i thank them. happy anniversary. we'll see you later, here is harris. >> harris: we begin with breaking news.


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