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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: in moments president biden will be holding a closed-door meeting we are told with his national security team inside the situation room israel facing an imminent threat from iran facing fears of all-out war that will drag the u.s. into a bigger conflict paired hello and welcome ever appeared i'm sandra smith in washington. spewing good to have you here. a good interview you did with justus gorsuch. we will have more from that. i'm john roberts and this is "america reports."
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here's where things stand in terms of the middle east. michael carella arrived in israel today to discuss a joint defense plan against iran and its proxies. >> sandra: and the president is about to meet with his national security team but the pentagon is already deploying more american warships and fighter ships to defend israel and just moments ago the state department did address rising tensions. >> we are concerned about the conflict escalating and spreading. it's something that we have been concerned about since october 7th. we don't think that conflict is inevitable or should be inevitable or that increase conflict is inevitable. we will continue to try to work to prevent it from happening but of course we are preparing for all possibilities. spewing the state department saying that escalation is not in iran's interest. mark meredith live from the white house ahead of biden's meeting. this administration is working overtime to try to talk iran out of attacking and where to things stand now? >> j afternoon.
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we are hoping to get a better idea of where things stand as president biden will be touching down in the next few minutes. no helicopter yet so is running a few mitts behind schedule but that meeting expected to get started in the 2:00 hour and while there won't be any cameras in there, we do expect to get an update afterwards on where things stand. we have seen a number of military assets move throughout the middle east because the u.s. is trying to do all it can to prepare for whatever inevitability iran may try to take, whatever steps they might take. we show you on a map here where those military assets have been deployed and you can see them all across the middle east. we have seen a fighter jet squadron as well as additional missile defense cruisers and it's possible they could send more into the middle east. >> when the supreme leader said he is going to avenge, we need to take that seriously. i don't know what they will do or when they will do it but we need to make darn sure that we are ready and we have the capabilities in the region to be able to help israel defend itself and quite frankly defend our own people and our own
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facilities and her own national security interests. >> before leaving delaware the president spoke with the king of jordan. the white house put out a readout of the call afterwards saying that the leaders discussed their efforts to de-escalate regional tensions including through an immediate cease-fire and hostage release deal. the president thinks his majesty for his friendship and unwavering support for jordan in a support or an ally in promoting regional peace and security paired the white house leading on the jordanians as the u.s. continues to call for a cease-fire and the u.s. command is in israel. this was posted by israeli defense forces telling how close military operations are and how they are working together. we will see if the president weighs in on these development when he touches down on the south lawn. as of right now, no briefing scheduled but we will see if he talks when he arrives. john. >> john: thank you paired a live look at that down now. it is down. it is down 980 points per going south. as a recession fears sore, let's
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bring in senior economic advisor for the trump administration. the trump campaign rather. >> sandra: hey steve. >> john: i'm not sure what i said. steve left the house so quickly he is looking like jim jordan. >> a very crazy day. look what happened. you saw what happened in japan. that got crushed. i think that this dates back to that lousy jobs report that we had on friday that show the economy really slowing down and i think there is also a political thing to say but in the last two weeks, you have seen kamala rising in the polls and it's a tied race. i think a lot of people in wall street and you covered this a lot. people are worried about the agenda that she would bring in. >> john: they said the same thing. >> sandra: do you think this is about what is to come with the election?
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>> i do. if you look at what kamala harris is saying, she wants to double the capital gain stack and tax unrealized capital game and reregulate virtually anything that moves in the economy. she is basically totally embracing the bind and agenda. >> sandra: the only thing i would say about that is historically watching the stock market it hates uncertainty. it's not always a direct reflection of what we don't like those policy pitches or what she might deploy if in the white house, it is not knowing what policy is emplaced and that uncertainty will crush markets although this is still in correction territory could we are not in bear market yet. >> we are getting close to. >> sandra: are we? that would be 20% down from recent highs. >> there's a lot of uncertainty about what the fed will do. there are some talk that the fed might immediately cut rates and not wait until september given what's going on. look at commodity prices. they are crashing right now. it means a lot of businesses.
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i've talked to manufacturers and construction company people. they say business and the last 4-8 weeks has really started to drop off. i think the economy is in trouble. it needs help. what i would like to also see is i would like to see congress say we cannot continue to go on borrowing $2 trillion a year. they should convene immediately and come up with a package of substantial reductions in government spending to give investors a sense of hope. we can't have $2 trillion of spending every year that we are not paying for. >> john: the only problem is no one across the street is listening paired some people might be thinking about they are not about to do it. what this has done is it has given donald trump a brand-new talking point to try to blend kamala harris is momentum. let's listen to what he said in atlanta over the weekend. >> we have the highest unemployment rate in three years. if harris wins this election, you will quickly have a common-law economic crash.
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you could also have a crash like in 1999 specifically because that's where we are headed. >> john: for the last three and a half years biden and harris have been toted the reds the economic outlook and everyone is doing well but in the meantime families across america are not feeling it and now not only are they feeling the pinch from inflation and high gas prices, but they are looking on the barrel of a recession. >> come has been touting the economy and biden has because the first half of the year it's done well but now we are just starting to see it drift away. i think elections are pocketbook elections. they are people sitting around the kitchen table saying and i feeling better today than i was four years ago. now with the labor market that is really softening, i think it puts kamala harris in a very tough position. by the way trump just teed it out or asked out. >> john: he truth out. >> truth out.
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this is the kamala crash. did you see that? >> sandra: let's not forget that there are fundamentals in this market that would render some selling. you look at what's been happening. the loss is leading the stock market today. when i look at the sectors, it is information technology. for anybody who has glanced at the stock market in the last couple of years, this has been leading the way. is it fair to say or question whether or not this is a stock market just taking a break from a record high after record high question works because that is fair to say. people keep asking me should i buy stocks or sell. is this a buying opportunity. maybe. i don't think anybody knows what's going to happen tomorrow with this market but i do think it is a correction. there was a lot of irrational exuberance and you are right there is a multitude of factors that affect the why the market goes up. you guys may be a little too young but i remember 1987. the 1987 stock market crash
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which was horrendous and two months later the stock market was right back to where it was. >> john: jackie over here beside camera to said the market is on sale. it's like going to the shopping mall. >> sandra: what's funny about where we are now with a high price of the stock market the flash crack of 2010 was like -- i was on my honeymoon. it was down 1,000 points for that was unprecedented. now a thousand point drop is a couple percent. >> the problem is is what's the old saying when the american market sneezes the rest of the world catches pneumonia. these foreign markets are just getting killed right now. but i wouldn't panic. my one piece of advice is don't sell in a down market. you lose money. >> john: by on a down market. maybe you will make money. >> at least sit down. >> john: steve, great to see you. next time if you forget your jacket, let us know. >> next time give me more advance notice you want me on the show. >> sandra: we are just teasing. thank you so much steve. we are watching tropical storm
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debby and it has made landfall in florida's big bend area. it was a category one hurricane paired forecasters are saying the storm is moving north into georgia and south carolina bringing life threatening storm surge. at least four people have reportedly died in the storm and more than 270,000 have lost power. fox weather is robert ray's is in jacksonville beach. always in the middle of it robert. you have been experiencing debbie on both sides of the florida peninsula today. what is happening there. >> indeed. we have experienced debby when it was just a depression and then a group to a storm and then made landfall as a hurricane this morning at 7:00 a.m. and we witnessed that anna went through outer bends. now we drove to the other side where the effects are being felt and jacksonville beach. we are getting sandblasted as the swells are out in the atlantic. not only the gulf of mexico but
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the atlantic. this huge system that is, was hurricane debby and now downgraded to tropical storm debby peer pardon my hat about to fly off. these wins have really kicked up. these are tropical force winds coming in off of jack's beach here. a beautiful wide beach and the sand moving in. very few people are out here because of these conditions. no rain right now but we have outer bands making their way in across the northern end of the peninsula and as i said, it made landfall on the big bend this morning. our drive this morning after we left those outer bands, we were in the northwestern eye wall but our drive here on insular erodes on interstate 10 to jacksonville beach was very rough. down to trades and debris. whiteout conditions from the rain and the wind and unfortunately there are four totality's and a hundreds of
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thousands of people without power. this is only the beginning and i don't like to be the bearer of bad news but it is my bad done my job to warn people what is coming on the georgia coast and the carolina coast. charleston, savannah, wilmington, all of those areas in the low country are going to have this stalled out system of debby. potentially dumping up to two feet of rain and areas that fled easily. the national hurricane center are calling this a potential historic and catastrophic situation moving forward. we have teams up and down these coastlines. fox weather does and we will cover every city and every angle. my team will finish our reporting here in jacksonville and make our way to savannah tomorrow and cover this potential historic down slot of rain as the winds are fierce right now here in jacksonville and the outer bands of rain will
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begin soon. if you are watching this, please understand water will kill you and that is exactly what we are expecting in the coming days is a lot of water to fall on this coastline. do not bring your car out. find high ground and figure out a plan for your family and friends. believe me, this is a serious as it gets. >> sandra: an incredible view there. not a soul around you all the way off in the distance i did see some people as you always do report some people just out of strange curiosity come out during the storms. >> as always. as always there are always people out. surfers on clearwater beach. we will always see people out and about but they need to be careful otherwise they will get hurt. >> john: remember folks robert ray is a professional and he does this all the time. he knows how to stay safe.
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robert we will look for you tomorrow. >> sandra: be safe. >> john: any moment now president biden will meet with his national security team as rising tensions in the middle east to threaten all-out war. >> sandra: more from my exclusive sit down with supreme court justice neil gorsuch at the supreme court earlier today. we talked the state of the republic, his new book overruled the human toll of too much law and his response to recent calls for sweeping reforms to the supreme court. here is more of what he told me earlier today. >> sandra: another common theme in this book was you writing about the separation of powers and how important that was to you that we maintain that which made me wonder about you as i was reading this book. when i saw the current president of the united states point of the supreme court and say that's not normal. that's not normal. as he was calling for reforms to the court. >> you won't be surprised that a presidential election year i'm not going to get into politics.
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>> sandra: as far as the separation of powers are concerned are we maintaining that? >> i think that is a question all americans have to ask. too little law is a danger to our freedoms and our aspirations for equal treatment of all persons. too much law may be that is a danger too. >> sandra: really a remarkable look inside of the supreme court and the thinking of the supreme court justice neil gorsuch there. we are going to have more from him after the break including his thoughts on restoring trust in the supreme court. gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> sandra: coming up president biden set doubled situation room meetings on tensions in the middle east. joining us now is a retired
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lieutenant colonel cerise a hobby. she is founder and president of the research and education center. inc. you for joining us. please do give us your thoughts as we do anticipate what may or may not come from the situation room meeting the present room will be having. >> we don't know what will come. from where i'm speaking to you . and i can tell you i literally see for my balcony every day the iranian missiles and drones launched toward israel by hezbollah. all of the talk that they are not interested in escalation, we are in an escalation. 5 minutes ago we heard intercepting rockets manufactured and iran's and drones manufactured in iran. these are attacks since the beginning of the war and they are launched by hezbollah with
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intentions. we should not be deceived by the iranian tactic to mislead us and to continue to escalate. they are interested in escalation and we have to make sure that we are imposing a very strong stance against them. >> john: so the last time that iran reached out and struck israel directly back in april, the united states working together with israel and other partners managed to neutralize most of the rockets that were fired. rockets and missiles. a couple of them hit but did not do much damage at all. but if iran were to work in coordination with hezbollah, does that change the equation? >> definitely because iran is 2,000 kilometers away from israel. hezbollah is 9 kilometers from me. if both systems, both iran and hezbollah work together, that
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would mean overwhelming of our defense systems. the defense capabilities and assistance that we see from -- by the way not only the united states but also regional players is crucial to our security. this is very important and it is definitely a risk for more damages if iran and hezbollah worked together at the same time. >> sandra: i will ask you a similar question we asked general kellogg at the top of the hour. are you we increasingly optimistic or growing more concerned based on what you are saying right now? >> everybody is concerned in israel right now. we are in a situation of waiting to see where this is going but i must tell you that even if it ends up with what you call it tit for tat or a response and another response, it's not going to solve the strategic situation that all of us are facing.
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you and your country and we in our country with radical policy of iran. >> john: iran's april attack against israel was to look like a toothless tiger because they threw everything that they had and more at israel and as we pointed out there's very little damage. but if hezbollah and iran coordinates and some of those missiles actually start hitting population centers, they start hitting tel aviv, beersheba, places like that, how do you think israel responds because they can't sit back and say we don't need to respond because nothing hit. if there is damage, if there were injuries, if there are deaths, how does israel respond? >> i think israel had to respond long ago. i think israel must be very strong against its enemies and make sure that they are incapable of doing this to us but i also think that it is
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impossible to do it by ourselves. iran is a global threat. it's drones are attacking in ukraine and in venezuela within the range of miami. we should take that in consideration and we should work together to beat these threats. there will be a lot of casualties and israel. israel will have to take action and we are prepared. >> sandra: we thank you very much for joining us. very good information there and we will certainly check back in soon. great information and great update there on where this is going. >> john: you wonder where we'll go because back in april it was just iran. there was a long transit. of those missiles and drones. the u.s., jordan, israel were very effective and taking all of those out but if they start firing precision weapons from lebanon, the transit time is much less and you have to shoot them down very quickly and that
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might prove difficult if the system is overwhelmed. >> sandra: you made the comment when you are on the ground there anchoring a show from there. how long ago was that? >> john: eight, almost nine months ago. >> sandra: she says here i am for my bomb shelter here. we are always concerned and always worried. it's a reminder how long all of these people have lived in fear. >> john: i was there in 2006 when israel was an all-out war as we see president biden returning on the south line of the white house there. i was there in 2006 when israel was an all-out war with hezbollah and people say it is worse they are now along the northern frontier than it was back in 2006. >> sandra: i believe we will see the president in this new video although he doesn't say much. is that what we have heard so far? >> sandra: apparently he did not comment. questions were shouted at him as we will see in moments. >> sandra: give me first-hand information here. go back to previous administrator who they say turn
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it off i want to talk to reporters paired this is a big moment. >> john: the noise from the helicopters as we see the president ascending the steps as the auxiliary power and they leave it on because it takes a while to warm it up and get the chopper going again but during the bush administration if george bush wanted to take questions or had something to say in the helicopter pilots would be instructed to turn it off. >> sandra: you are the president. you can tell them to do that. >> john: donald trump used to use it as foil against the press. he would sometimes that he couldn't hear the question and sometimes he would hear the question. but dana perino hates chopper talk as it is now because you barely can hear anything that biden says. >> sandra: it's interesting. he almost doesn't even turn to acknowledge. not even an acknowledgment. >> john: has a very serious meeting ahead as he walks toward the oval office. he will join his top commanders and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and national
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security advisor and vice president harris will be there as well and it will be interesting to see the body language when they release the photo from the situation room of how engaged kamala harris seems to be in everything that is going on. >> sandra: that seems so far away from a john but here i am in washington. just down the street. in the capital behind us. that was that and we will probably get some sense as to what happens in that situation room. we will see what comes from there. >> john: vice president harris is off the trail today attending that security meeting but her vice presidential search is now getting down to the final hours. reports say that she has narrowed her down to governor's josh shapiro of pennsylvania and tim waltz of minnesota. we are in philadelphia and when can we expect an announcement of who the running mate will be? >> john, if there are not any leaks which is a big caveat that campaign we believe according to a report from politico anyway
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will make an announcement. we know obviously tomorrow but it will likely be a video released on social media. the new democratic ticket will then have a rally here tomorrow night in philadelphia launching a five day tour of seven battleground states this week. as you mentioned, sources told reuters that the two top finalists for this job are pennsylvania's governor josh shapiro and minnesota's governor tim walz. it is unclear though if a final decision has been made. harris interviewed six potential running mates over the weekend including shapiro, walz, arizona senator merkley, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, andy beshear, and amy pritzker,r preference yesterday. >> i believe that the ticket would be unbelievable. i believe they would be such a dynamic candidate but we really like tim speech what if you're from minnesota also. think he's an awesome guy for
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labor. 100% behind labor. those would be our top two if we had to pick any. >> governor walz who is credited for coming up with that weird attack line against former president trump has also been endorsed by senator bernie sanders. walz has a more progressive record than schapiro peered under him minnesota legalized recreational men recreational marijuana and secured legal protections for transgender use as well as abortion rights. pennsylvania's governor shapiro is seen as more moderate and being able to win the commonwealth. he has won three statewide elections here as attorney general. we all know that pennsylvania is virtually a must-win for democrats. if you look at the map in 2022 shapiro outperformed president biden's 2020 results in every single one of pennsylvania's 67 counties albeit against a lesser and underfunded opponent but bottom line is we are hearing a lot of
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attacks again shapiro from progressives who are concerned about his pro-israel stance but a lot of people are saying shapiro who is jewish, his stance is not much different than those other candidates. they note -- they call them anti-semitic attacks. >> john: he has an approval rating in the 60s there in pennsylvania but i don't know what is approval rating and the state of michigan would be. bryan llenas for us in philadelphia. thank you. >> sandra: coming up more for my exclusive interview with supreme court justice neil gorsuch could he speaks passionately about the separation of powers. i asked him about recent comments from the executive branch about the judicial branch. fascinating answer to that. and i ask him about public trust in the supreme court to. >> john: as it is being eroded by folks on the left. we are moments away from president biden situation room meeting as tensions with iran continue to escalate. more with that as soon as we return. return. stay with us think about this:
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blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> sandra: earlier today and a wide ranging rare sit down at the supreme court i spoke with justice neil gorsuch about the president's push to change the highest court and pulling that show most americans actually support some of those changes. term limits. take a listen. >> sandra: as i was reading this book, when i saw the current president of the united states pointed to the supreme court and say that's not normal. that's not normal as he was calling for reforms to the court. what did you think? >> you won't be surprised that in a presidential election year i am not going to get into politics. >> sandra: as far as the separation of powers are concerned are we maintaining that? >> i think that is a question all americans have to ask. too little law, that is a danger to our freedoms. our aspirations for equal treatments of all persons. too much law, may be that a danger to.
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james mattis and the father of our constitution and by the way it got a little short drift in hamilton. love hamilton but madison deserved a better show. he said the thing to fear most is too much law and a democracy and what happens when bobby comes too voluminous to be understood by under ordinary americans. he said the money in the connected can find their way. they can figure it out better than anyone else. that's the question we have to ask yourselves today. the separation powers when it comes to federalism and horizontally in terms of how much we do through our legislative branch versus how much we leave to unelected officials. >> sandra: those questions about the american public trust about what is happening at the supreme court. there are polls that show the
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majority of americans do want to see some sort of reforms. whether that is term limits or some of the other reforms that the president is pushing for it. do you think the debate is open on that? >> all i can do his work as a judge. i'm going to stay out of politics. it's a presidential election year. all i can do is fulfill my oath as best i can. my job is to decide cases and controversies as fairly as i can to the people who come before me. there are two lives on either side of it in every case. a wise old judge once told me your job is to make half the people unhappy 100% of the time. somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. and that is the nature of the job. if there are criticisms, that comes with the territory. >> sandra: do you think anything can do to shore up trust in the supreme court system? >> i think we have an amazing institution. can i share a few figures with you that might speak to this a little bit?
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>> sandra: please. speak of the american people filed 50 million lawsuits every year. out of 340 million of us. that's like 1 out of 7 and i'm not counting parking tickets or speeding tickets. you are a rather litigious bunch you well. almost all of those are resolved at trial court level without appeal. somebody wins and somebody loses. the loser, and i represented plenty of them when i was in private practice, except the loss. they may not like it but they were heard. and they feel like they were heard and they understand it. that's how determinate our lot is in this country. i think when you step back and look at the forest, you realize rule of law in this country is amazing and our independent judiciary is a blessing. >> sandra: civic engagement is something you write about a lot in this book and it sucked me and because i'm fascinated by that. the change we've seen in american culture and american life. people aren't showing up at their own local elections anymore because they feel like it doesn't matter.
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>> that's a question we ask in the book. how did this happen. i don't have a complete answer. i am not a psychologist or social scientist but i can't help but think that some of it has to do with trust. do i trust myself to make good judgments. do i trust my family. my local community. how connected am i with them, how involved am i with them? i do worry when i read today that may be a third of millennials think it is not important to live in a demo democracy. when increasingly polls do show that the american people think that the people on the other side of the political divide are not just wrong, which is fine, but evil. when we forget that the people with whom we disagree love this country every bit as much as we do and that may be at the heart of it. we lose our old connections, where do we look for new ones except for maybe at the state,
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from the government. >> sandra: all really great points. fascinating to sit down with a supreme court justice and a little bit more coming at the end of the hour. i asked him -- i asked him about his relationships with the other justices on the court. i sat down with him in 2019 and i asked him them. it was at the beginning and i asked him how those relationships have evolved. interesting answer. >> john: most justices say we get along well even though our judicial outlook is different. when you set term limits on the court, most americans support that. what do you think? i was waiting for the answer but he wouldn't give. >> sandra: there are some things he has a hard know on discussing as a sitting supreme court justice but it never hurts to ask. to be when i was anticipating the answer. harris and president biden hunkering down in the situation room as they discuss how to tamp down tensions in the middl middle east. "the washington post" mark t6 joins us after the break.
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>> john: vice president harris ascending that situation room meeting along with president biden and the national security team. let's bring in march decent also a fox news contributor. we are on the edge of what could be a war that would engulf the middle east. war between israel and gaza occurred on biden's watch added afghanistan. we are likely to see a picture of kamala harris a very close to the president in this situation room talking about this situation but does she have the chops to handle a hot zone like this question work >> i don't think she does but it's a very tough situation because of course most vice president to run for president do so after they have left office and they are not sitting vice presidents. we have only had one sitting vice president who has won the
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presidency in 188 years who was george hw bush. the previous last person to do it before him was martin van buren in 1836. it's a very unusual situation for a sitting vice president to win the vice presidency and several have tried. spew and i'll never get that 18 months of my life. the speaker that was a time of peace. it was before 9/11. and then you had bush which was the cold war about to end. it's lyndon johnson where you had a war raging just like we have two wars raging. you had vietnam raging. hubert humphrey has vice president ran after lyndon johnson decided not to to run and johnson stopped the bombing and suspended the bombing in vietnam to help them because of the antiwar protesters. it's fascinating the political pressures on biden whether he does something in the middle east with regard to israel to help her with the
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pro-hamas protesters who are rolling the democratic party because both those conventions were in chicago. a lot of analogies between now and 1968. >> sandra: we are coming to the end of his presidency. to your point there still a lot that can happen. to have her involved with these high-level meetings is a bit unprecedented but interesting. how involved do you believe or are you hearing that she is? >> constitutionally the vice president's only role in foreign policy is to advise the president. she has no line authority, she isn't in the military chain of command but she has to toe the administration line because you can only have one commander-in-chief at the same time. you can't have a situation where the vice president's going off and making her own foreign policy when she is sitting vice president of administration because that's a divided message into the world. if she wants to be tougher on israel for the purpose of winning over voters, she needs to stay true to whatever biden ends up doing in the middle east. the real danger is that biden makes decisions about what is
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happening in the middle east in order to help her win the presidency which could be really troubling. >> john: she's side-by-side with the president right now on the brink of what could be an escalation to lead to a wider war in the middle east. she was side-by-side with the president when he made the decision to withdraw from with dennis m. we know how badly that went. let's get in the way back of the machine and go back to august 18th 2021 when kamala harris talked about being right there with the president making the decision about afghanistan. >> president biden always said he wants you to be the last person in that room particularly for a big decision as he was for president obama. he made a really big decision. afghanistan. were you the last one in the room? >> yes. >> do you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> john: the covid distancing was wild. does she own afghanistan as well and can trump try to leverage that against her? >> the problem is she owns everything that is the
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biden-harris administration. >> john: she is running away from it as fast as she can. >> she owns afghanistan pier and she was a last person in the room and she owns that debacle and she owns the border. she's trying to run against border national security. she's trying to run and say she was not the border czar. if the border was a huge success she would be claiming to be the border czar. she would wear as a badge of honor. whatever the straitjackets you are and especially when you are serving the worst president of my lifetime which has unleashed a series of disasters unparalleled since jimmy carter is you own those disasters and you are constrained in your ability to distance yourself from them because you are the sitting vice president. >> sandra: i'm noticing the dow falling. >> don't blame me for that. i do not take ownership. >> sandra: it's down more than a thousand now. >> i have no power to do anything. i have just come to talk. >> sandra: good to see you. >> john: we will see you at the convention. >> can't wait. >> sandra: final thoughts for
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my interview with supreme court justice neil gorsuch. you won't want to miss his hopes for the future of our nation's highest court. that is up next. with the ones you love. ask your doctor about farxiga today. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪limu emu♪ ♪& doug.♪ and if we win, we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪stand back i'm going to show ya,♪ ♪how doug and limu roll, yeah!♪ ♪ ♪you know you got to live it,♪ ♪ ♪if you want to win...♪ [bump]
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>> sandra: more for my interview with supreme court justice neil gorsuch earlier today. he spoke to me about his love for this nation and the
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importance of maintaining the integrity of the highest court. listen. >> we are nine people who trust each other. we accept that we disagree but that's okay. that's the engine of democracy. we have to disagree and debate in order to decide and then move on. that's how the system is designed. it's how the system of the court is designed. we debate, we disagree, we decide. >> sandra: tell jokes. >> and move on. there's a lot of jokes along the way. justice breyer's knock-knock jokes are the worst but other than that there are pretty good ones. >> sandra: you write so passionately in this book and your last book about the american people and how our lives have changed. the way we raise our children has changed. the way we are sending our kids to school, the way we are learning, the way we engage with each other. can you give me your broad thoughts on the direction of the country as we go election to election we see people are more and more pessimistic about the future of america.
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>> i just say look back in history. look across the world. where else would you rather live in what other time? i'm not saying we are perfect. we have many flaws. our report card in the declaration of independence is still incomplete. but i do think we have been gifted something very special. >> john: amen to that. >> sandra: amen to that. and a very big thank you to justice gorsuch to having us at the supreme court today. we appreciate the sit down and his book overruled is out tomorrow. >> john: you didn't get him to sign it. >> sandra: i didn't. i forgot. i will have to go back. >> john: if he says to sandra it's not like you will go out and sell it online. >> sandra: we are watching the happenings of the white house. we will have an update. we will be right back. that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again.
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we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding.
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12:00 pm
>> if we can arrange too have weather to move in and you can have your plane cancelled but you have awards tonight. >> always good to sit down with you and all right. >> things have called down a bit here. might be the heat. earlier in the year, big crime problems but when the tourist season arrived things call down. >> a lot of activity at the white house. we will see what comes up in the situation room and briefing as we anticipate what is next. >> john: same thing across the street, nothing gets done. >> it's been a pleasant trip. it is an honour to sit down with neil gorsuch. >> with the except -- exception of the question about the term. >> might not wants to be there election year. set your d.v.r., never mismiss us. the story starts now with bill hamper. good afternoon


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