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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 6, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and hundreds on car insurance and hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual lets fly chief doug.nd me. chief doug.nd me. oh i thought you were right behind me. >> only pay for what you need every day, every day. every family. a lot of storms are forecast in the atlantic. nobody is bigger. nobody is better. we are busy weather experts. this could be a storm of epic proportions. fox weather is hurricane hq. >> wow. thank you, tyler. be sur e. di kicks in. kat timpf tires. studio audience. ence ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone, i am laura ingrahamths
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and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as israel awaits a counte counterstrike, kamala is in the situation room. say now, team, the time is in her hands. >> laura: that may be partially bothering the investors. >> a broad sellout withthe investors around the world. >> laura: meanwhile, late today the search term google produced one word "monopoly." google is violating our antitrust laws and guess who brought the case? >> nobody did anything about it, but we did. >> laura: but first, the. kamala continues and that is the focus of tonight's "angle." they told us things were moving the right direction.irst >> we will have a soft landing, folks, you will see us grow faster and faster.ster speak with the u.s. economy today is strong.econ >> it is truth by many
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indicators, our economy is the strongest in the world. >> laura: but i'm of course today the downturn began inwn earnest, it was down, down, down. >> some would call history in the making. don't say that. >> it's never been down aev thousander points and not ever10 come even on the nasdaq. >> is that true? >> 6% from the get-go. >> laura: did you hear anything from joe biden? actually forget that, he's outd? of that. a we hear anything from harris?is oh, we are supposed to believe she is busy pouring over war plans, looking at employments in the situation room tonight. of course, giving biden condition, we wouldn't want to tobelieve we have a totallyed engaged, experienced brilliant number two to someone to step in an twod offer advice, offer cou, but as time national security peril, instead we have g
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kamala harris. >> what else wil tl you do to fx this problem? thank you. >> let's start with this... prices have gone up. and families and individuals are dealing with the realities that bread cost more and gas cost more. >> laura: no wonder they don'tco let her take questions from the press!ke q she is like a high school student who hasn't prepared for an exam so the answer ends up restating the question, adding no substance it is obvious at this point. what else can we conclude? that she is an empty pantsuit.. from day one regardless how bad it got at the border andd especially with inflation, the biden-harris administration trea atedt it as a comms challenge, communication issue. today of all days, we sellsa be
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president is an actual job. the harristual campaign once yoo think it's about creating vibes, eating ice cream, and making tiktok videos. >> what are we going to say to donald trump in november? >> bye bye-bye. >> laura: the white house on an almost salarybuy,, almost minute-by-minute basis is faced with serious issues that fac requires decision sometimes i have to be made within very short periods of time. those decisions are supposed to be made by people whom the voters elect. n we didn't vote for janet yellene we didn't votell for jay powello rent the economy. we did not elect secretaries austin lloyd and antony blinken to run the war. we elected a president and vice president and they are m.i.a. today, people lost enormous amounts of money. could this be a short-term lip, may be. but what if it isn't.
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it seems obvious neither biden or harris can participate meaningful in explaining the f uneconomy. we know trump understands how bad inflation is an bad for her country, bad for people, and it has an actual -- he has an actual economic plan to deal with it. withr plan for the black community when it comes to -- >> inflation is a disaster and it's destroying our country, and it is destroying the black community. probably as much -- you know what we have to do?il bring down the cost of energybrn and that will bring down inflation. >> laura: after today, americans are really worrieded except to say, she trusts joe biden's leadership. does kamala harris have any answers for those worries?a i'm not sure harris this point knows the difference between the dow and the nasdaq. >> i don't know what's wrong with these young people. you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [laughter] >> laura: for over three years, the angle has told you t
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this iols not a comms job in the 65% of americans who now think we are goinge in the wrong direction, they are not feeling that way because they don't like biden or harris personally or because they sound like confuse d eighth- eighth-graders. americans are pessimistic because the policies are but instead of changing their horrible policies, the democrat apologist decided to change the nominee. with harris you get the samee lousy was seized but presided over by somebody that knows lesb than foreign policy than bidenid does and whose instincts are even worse. so people are going to losese jobs. people are going to lose their homes. wea trillions in global wealth may be going down the drain. may be another war in the middle east. and all you journalists out there, you are not even going to demand that kamala harris, theto presumptive democrat nomineeumpt submits to real questions?ubmi
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how a real press conference. this is absolutely disgraceful! there wa s a sense a part of the press that they were on at some point to harris mike kamala until recently. remember this the kamala harris problem in mid-atlantic last october. within months of taking office, president joe biden was forced to confront the public perception that b3 didn't quite measure up. harris' reputation is never quite recovered. but once joe biden was pusheden wout, suddenly kamala harris became fdr with a natural political talent of obama. and within this embarrassing headline in today's atlantic. the power of unbold charm. kamala harris hasn't chose tosn reset th'te presidential electi, her specific charisma that shows the moment. i almost fell out of the chair when i read this. she has a smiling swagger and
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the writer marvels at ease and yet silliness which b3 carries herself is earning a precious mother to become attention. the writer use the word "silliness." that is what we neededst at a te like this. i'm sure silliness is what thefo ayatollah is watching for tonight.toni she's been treated in the same terms as so many social media phenoms asso early m or motherlr the writer's head her campaign is thing into a short attention span which includes sharing sha teensy sharing teensy audiovisual treats, a fun mannerism and a new tick is like a delicacy. now, those losses we saw today, those are noare t delicacies. and even if inflation in this downturn doesn'tin i hurt kamals megadonors commit is hurting the poorest americans the hardest. more americans can't say for a
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rainy day. more americans say they can't theya starter home. more americans are wondering if they are ever going to be ablety to retire. so whether today's single a longer period of u.s. decline -- look only time will tell that but regardless, kamala harris is a copartner and the claimant the cruelly forced on america where wefois blow hundreds of billions of dollars on ukraine, hundreds of billions of dollars u on illegalse.iv e make up on energy supplies moe expensive and in the end make us more poor and the process. ththe only shot we have, the ony shot at really returning prosperity to the middle class for a more propers, safer country is by choosing the guy who did itchoo once before and . is "the angle." kevin o'leary, great to see you tonight. so tell us about the issue with this white house not coming out
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today, not saying a word, the volatility of the market and and everyone hoping jay powell comes in to save the t >> well, we are in unusual times. i guess i'm a fortunate guy because i don't make money on politics and i've said it countless times, but i make money basically on policy so i'm able to talk to a lot of democrats that i work with as we do business in private equity and other transactions. some of them advise her.ise some of our fund-raisers for her. they are very pragmatic people and i've known him for years. never right to call out the idea of getting more policy, but you will not get it for a while. the strategy seemsto to be stayn this tremendous momentum we havn right now. i call it sunday times because it is. there was no question she's raising a lot of money. shshe doesn't need to do anythig right now because the numbers keep going up. and also she has the euphoria
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coming part 2 of sunny times when she chooses her vice president . she gets a ride right through august 7th. i've talked to some advisors that actually sat in the white house the last seven days. they are not changing anything.y they are just doing it right now by the metrics are that matter i would say. >> laura: that is nice, kevin, nice and oh then rich people cah kill it and put in their shorts and change portfolios on the time, but the fact of the matter is, middle-class america isme getting poorer. that is happening as the rich are happy and they keep riding the wave. we are riding the way. a they are fine.ey they are not interested and which is going up for the average person here at y for kamala harris? it is a fair criticism but ifyo you are kamala harris right now, you are kae killing it and whati matters in a campaign is money, particularly right now and she's killing it right now? >> laura: why are billionairesiv killing it?
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>> she is killing >> laura: silicon valley and>> wall street is shoveling money at kamala why is it?t you know they are. >> because she it is working. >> laura: for them? >> i'm just telling you the facts.s. you don't want to hear them? i won't tell you. >> laura: i'm not talking about her campaign. we know rich people want to keep wages down for the middle classe that is happening and has happenedth over decades. we want to know why the billionaires in silicon valley, the ones who gotiona hammered wn google was declared antitrust violation today and i don't like that really, i can tell you that your code why are they shoveling money to kamala harris?t because she is a champion of the middle class? >> no, i'm answering a different question. you are asking the right question. when do we get policy? i'i amm telling you it won't be until after august 7th. s when the race begins.
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and here is the risk, okay? a week ago when i talk to these very same advisors but they said 20% are unhappy they didn't rune a process missed out on sucking even more media through a convention strategy of august 7th. if she was going to emerge as the winner, she would have but they would have sucked more media. now is the new risk .i call it sunny times because we've recently seen this.d back in canada we had a candidate who never did an interview and never had policy and kept saying, don't worry, i'm bringing sunny times. ist is exactly what she doing. i don't know if she has executional skills, nobody does. what she has to do is move these policies into the middle. she's not going to get pennsylvania on gun-control. she is not going to win telling everybody new energy and stop fracking and close the border. >> laura: kevin, if we had kamala harris here tonight and asked her, like basic questions
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about interest rates, inflation, oil prices, the japanese question. do you think we would get -- and i know trump would be able to answer any of these questions. do you think kamala harris would give a cogent argument why things will be okay? >> let's say i have to interview her for a job position, ceo of the largest business on earth and that is america, the largest business on earth. there are two aspects, i needic thy.e policy, give me the policy because you have to do that to get the swing states and secondly, this is where the risk is, the sunday times risk. show me you can execute on the policies. show me what you can do is set a goal. >> laura: kevin, i've seen the policy. we've seen the policy of the past three and a half years, spend, spend, spend and ride that sugar high all the way to the election. >> i guarantee you she is not staying there. they went jim cramer made an r announcement today and i wanto
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.play this to kevin. let's watch. >> the stock market, your paycheck, you go with trump. that is what you do. >> you do? he wants to cut your taxes. >> he wants to cut taxes. >> laura: kevin, are you surprised jim cramer went in for trump?n >> i know jim, he's right. but i'm telling you, she is not stating that she will rebrando herself towards the middle. i guarantee that is coming after august 7th. spillage is a radical. >> she can't win without it. i guarantee the policy will goth to theou middle. i believe who i'm talking to. >> laura: you are probably right. it would have been nice to have two and a half years ago when larry summerauras or three and f years ago larry summers said, "hey, guys, watch inflation,blew bidenomics is great. they treated it like a comms problem. it is not a comms problem.
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we don't know what will happen.e >> im. want you to get ready for august 8th went to the rebranding starts but you should be asking the other question, can you execute because that's what really matters.can can you execute? >> laura: they have to cut a huge amount of data. why it kamala harris won't face the press, plus pelosi denies being behind any of the biden crew stop. no fingerprints next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> laura: from basement biden to a hiding kamala and the strategy of keep away with their nominees. and you spent 50n days since kamala harris became the presumptive nominee and she has still not held a press conference, not in their view in heck she hasn't answered a single question from a reporter. well, maybe there is a reason for that year and speak with the significant of the passage of time. so, when you think about it, they were ray's significance for the passage of time and such great significance for thee of passage of time. >> laura: when they are makingng her disappear, they are making world radical views disappear,
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too. oh, sorry, does not disappear,e. it is a natural evolution to, no, don't call it a flip-flop. >> i think voters should know she is a human being that wants new things every single day and has the ability to tak n bee the time and effort to hear the concerns of all people. no concern about flip-flopping? >> no, no concern about flip-flopping. our country changes every single day. the conditions change every single day. >> laura: joining us victor davis hanson sr. fellow of hoover. and these precarious times to say the least. will the voters just be fine or content to settle for a tiktok president? >> i don't think so because they know what is coming here because she's going to flip from hard to hard left to moderate and see if
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she can get elected. as soon as she is elected, the voters know she will flip right back where she was in the i beginning. that is something they've seenna for years with joe biden. they are confident because they feel they have swapped the cognitively challenged canada or joe biden and now they have linguistically challenged hav canada.ical it is the same problem, but they have a solution, they think a 2020 solution and saturate gnomic saturate the airwaves and keep her away fromp any real journalist or ad hoc envir environment. cou they will count on 70% of the electorate who won't show up on election day but will vote earlier mail and in the swingin states. and finally this iatess the keyi we said to come up flip her and turn her into joe biden frominto scranton. that will be hard because she's never been before a moderate audience. she has always doubled down.nce. she just wasn't against fracking or for open borders because she was always speaking to the left
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in california and the 2020 primary, she is on record for saying yes we have to do this. it is emphatic. so today, i did days until the election.whet it hinges on whether donald trump can stay on message and convince the american people she will flip this way and that way and she's a hard left bay area politician. if you can do that, you will win. if he doesn't, it will be problematic. >> laura: and you watch that whole national association of black journalists, he did a phenomenal job at that. there was that one moment where he kind of got all the attention so that got people completely distracted. in georgia, actually a greatcrow crowd and everyone is happy. some of it became aboute brian kemp, the republican governor. i've said this before and i will say it again, shooting inside the tent right rig now if the republican party, that is a loser strategy pier that will
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not work. they tried that in 2020 we lost two senate seats. 2022, it doesn't work. you have to focus what they are doing to destroy this country. >> absolutely! brian kemp, whatever the disagreement, he's already endorsed trump. it doesn'trian go back to say joe biden was the worst candidate in history because he's noted t running anymore. >> laura: who cares aboutstar biden. >> sympathetic, they are feeliny sympathetic for him because i don't have to have him around in january. so don't waste time onme brian kemp. i wouldn't get into the past history, personal history of kamala harris. i would just say she's flipping in a very opportunistic fashiono just to get elected. when she gets elected government is obama for term and you know what that's if he sticks to that in the swing states in j.d. vance is nk more particulate person and they can make thaift case. if he gets off on these
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standards, i'm worried parents but when j.d. vance has been fantastic and if you vote for her you will get poorer in the streets will get more dangerous. vote for trump, iq win the election. victor great to see you. we know nancy, the gavel pelosi was a key force in shutting down thy foe biden campaign. but she still wants no fingerprints on the political weapon. >> i've said he is furious ate you. is he? >> he knows i love him very much. >> i understand that you don't want to owch.n n'but it is so well reported tho you wereu the leader, the pressure campaign. >> noca my was not a leader ofl the pressure campaign. the things that i didn't do, i didn't call one person, did nots call one person. i could always say to him come i never called anybody. >> laura: joining me now,
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vivek ramaswamy, former presidential 2024 canada. we can partial those words and who cares about pelosi? you say and use it so many times, this is a sideshow and. that is over. is but she may be a biden slayer, but trump may be a google slayer, vivek. huge news at a d.c. court can make case that started in the trump administration the ag agat monopolistic and hows an significance is this and what should the state gnomic say tote voters about who cares about the little g g guy? >> look, i think you see major evolution in the republican party, laura, the republican party standing forio the working men and women of the country. the reality is i worry much more in big tech is the nexus to itself. the government has used thesee o companies to do their dirty woro through the back door in evenba more than these antitrust cases, i think the trump administration's focus on that
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backdoor deep state nexus to big tech is the place where we need to focus. even as that ties to the pelosi comment from earlier, there wasm a common thread,mo we are not running against individual uncandidates here.niwe a we are running against a machine. this will be president trump inb j.d.e vance's powerful argument against kamala harris is that she is the latest puppet to com. along. we are actually running againset managerial class propping up the puppets one by one. with that focus, we are going into this mantled machine. that is what trump in 2016 drain the swamp meant. saying on that will be the winning message in 2024 as well. and not just as a message but governing agenda. that is what i would say to try both of those things >> laura: i asked this question of kevin o'leary at the top of the show. he knows all of these investors and you know a lot of them too. willow street, silicon valley, not all of them but a lot of money to prop up kamala harris. why is she the answer for them,
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what answers wilwel she put forward that they like? >> well, the reality is they are buying a callout to use financial language. they don't know what policies she actually stands for and i'm not sure she knows what policy she stands or. cheating is not taken policy positions and the few she has, she has shifted recent days. what they are buying callout tob influencuye her when she is in office, which goes back to the same thing, laura. biden's cognizant deficit are the future for the people who controlled him pure they are betting on the sand with kamala harris as well that sheth will be another vehicle for advg their own agenda periods right now if that is more of a down payment, think about early payment you make on an option you have. that is what they are making a down payment on a puppet they can control. they knopuw president trump is p that and the relative they would rather have a puppet wrinkly either party and that is whats you see right now. >> laura: theywhat were not>> interested right now and these
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people are giving money from silicon valley and wall street c and not giving money for desperate for desperate for wages to go up for the middleth class work and no way! they like the fact the illegals are coming in the year. they like wages being kept at aa manageable level, which is bar barely getting by for most people. mo>> yeah, look, there is a deer ideological current year but asr it relates to kamala harris inel particular, i think the reality, laura, most people don't know what she stands for. look at rita hoffman's comment one of the largest owners, he'sd made it clear the policy prescriptions he would like to see her adopt. the fact he's putting this outct there while also giving money suggest it's not her policiesput they are backing. it is the policies they hope tot heactually shake. that's been hopea major problemn american politics frankly pre2016 republican party as well and certainly major problem of the democratic party today. we shoulfor d not want to county either major political partywere with its presidential nominee is a pond for the donor class.
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that is what the democratic party has actually become. >> laura: we did not elect reid hoffman or whoever these donors are. one would expect that someone like harris would be able tot so come out and speak for 3 minutes about the economic conditions that ledecon to this market self today. just a few comments, anything, anything from her? nothing? >> knowing kamala harris and what i know about her and what she said in the past, i think it is better, laura, that she didn't say anything.ic markets are undergoing panic mode and the idea of the markete will soon see the president of the united states was and is on the table of economic policy in the country. the best thing she can do ishat what she has done as vice president. she didn't do much as vice people have likable gnomic level that as a critique but i'm glad she didn't do much when it comee to economic policy in the country, the markets are better off. as long as she doesn't get to
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the presidency. >> laura: back to the point, the empty vessel will get filled up with other ideas. vivek, thank you so much. up next come the secret service had a bombshell report on friday, but now stunning new detail show a lot more worse than we thought. don't go away. ♪ ♪ into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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>> it is plain and obvious to me that we were not -- we didn't have access to certain information, not by anybody's fault. it just so happens that there is a sense of urgency and there might ben. radio traffic that we missed here >> laura: might have missed? well, its wo is so much worse tn secret service originally let on. "the washington post"'s reporting to get important urgent messages about mr. crooks to the agency, local commander
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had to pick up his cell phone and call a state trooper whod to would then tell thewh secret service like a game oft telephone tag. this happened three times that c afternoon, including a local counter sniper radioed about a white male lurking near the agr building at 5:42 and lost sight of him.happ it happened even 30 seconds before trump was shocked. a local officer radioed theoote command center that the shooter was on the roof and armed. will come of that message never got to the secret service to command post. joining me now frank, it secret service special agent in charge, frank, now apparently in butler, pennsylvania, so surface can be quite spotty.ervi and some instances, it did not work at all. wso how does the secret service usually set up a command post that is so far from the localth police, especially in those more
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rural areas where the cell surface isn't great? >> will, laura, thank you for having me on tonight. the first thing i want to telloc you the proper protocols is to have one command post from a security room in which all assets are in that room withhich radios ready to transfer any information that might be critical. so we get situational awareness and real-time. that didn't happen. so critical information to never be passed on a cell phone. because of one thing, you're not paying attentiontent when typina message, scenting it and someone has to pull it up and read it. that is too much delay time you have critical information that has to be passed. and make sure everyone is they are command post can pass that information on. >> laura: so secret service with their earpieces is what we see. we feel better when we see people with earpieces because we feel like they are getting
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but it can't come in at once and it has to be funneled through one channel. >> it does. >> laura: if not then, what happens?s? >> our network is encrypted network and its internal. information is not getting past of the locals so that's why we depend them to pass the information to us once reported. we knew this guy was a special s interest. 5:42 p.m., basically it became more important to see becausese he's using a range finder now to cite towards the stage. so secret service should have had information and even our c snipers the counter snipers and local counter snipers were not. communicating so that is a huge problem and breakdown in that. and then we lost the individual for 20 minutes. >> laura: frank have to sharee o this issue with this text message i only saw. they were trying to text out a photo of crooks. and it wouldn't go through about
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5:47:00 p.m. the advise intranets sell services down.nd canother officer on that channl set a minute later, your picture probably will not go throughing because i don't have any service bureau that was the sheriff's deputy at 5:49.ha that is why we don't rely on cell phone coverage because youa can't trust it. you need to get another radio to give it to people in need. >> laura: well, frank, there were so many more questions, and it is curious we haven't gotten answers weeks later when still waiting for them. frank, great to see you. thank you. coming up, joe biden, is this a warning?do does this qualify as a warning to iran? we will play it for you. we are on the brink of war world war iii. that is next.
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charge? >> i at is greatnd to be with y, laura.>> it is a perilous time. it is a perilous time, not only people living in israel and the boundaries butisra all of us. we have an administration where athe president was an efficient of performing his duties and decided not to run again. the vice president were allowed to rest across the border and chinese communist party have run over the administration. as we see these tensionssion continue to increase and the middle east and israelis attempting to defend our own sovereignty in america that refuses to defend its own, we al are a heightened perilous moment in history and frankly for europe and the world. >> laura: i mean today and a day like today mr. secretary wer had a market meltdowken and weii have this imminent attack and we don't know what will happen in the middle east.once people still very concerned about the border and millions of here illegally.wo it would be niceul, would it no, have a president and vice president capable and interested in addressing the
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country? you don' t have all the answers but a little reassurance and a little strength that signals to the rest of the world, don't mess with those. but we got nothing. i guess they are in the situation room and i don't know what they are doing, playing hangman, i don't know what'sorse going on. >> laura, i think it is worsee than that. not only havlo dete we lost ret, but frankly what we are seeing happened today is fueling the fire. be provided billions of dollars to arraign the ends and allowed to run free. we have told the ukrainians we can't do the basics of using weapon systems to protect yourself. this tells allies don't hang around the americansan, dangerously gnomic place to be and the backdrop in afghanistan and the debacle there and you have it exactly right. we not do touring the adversaries but fueling their incentive to him america and allies around the world as well, laura. >> laura: mr. secretary as we
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saw kamala give a stiff arm to benjamin netanyahu at that sorority event and couldn't show up for the speech and then meets with them, what kind of message to batson to to the middle east? >> yeah, multiple audiences. first of all, the direct message for hamas, keep fighting even if getting killed by his release. americans will do nothing. the iranians who are commending control whether hezbollah, hamas, i can guarantee you the. states watch that as well and say, my goodness if we are counting on the united states tu be our support, backup, if we need help, there will be no place. they are incapable of deterring iran employee ftse in ways that are detrimental to the united states and everyone here at home. >> lauraehra: clearly don't make any mistakes so don't speak, k at all.a mr. secretary, you're the person i wanted to talk to most tonight so thank you so much here ats' t
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kamala harris' team looking for laughs while second gentleman ag admission. "seen and unseen" with raymond arroyo next. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you
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the country turns to fox news channel. america is watching. >> laura: time for seen an >> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" with the store is than lines. fox news contributor, raymond arroyo. okay, we have seen white events for white men anthd women but nt a new event? >> the last time i saw this many zoom events it was 2020 and myth kids were in their rooms andnt class, okay. the latest harris event is an odd one because of thea organizer. if i told you that there is ac comedian's events, you would think a comic arranged it, right?k? the taglines, no respect, can we talk? the ma n who coined that famous phrase i know bang-bang fang fang, that comedic genius, eric swalwell. >> the team to as the most fun
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in sports and politics is the team that always wins. that is why i have launched comics for kamala a live zoom and you will see the comments talking about the upcoming >> i guess eric swalwell has given us big laughs over the years, the russian collusion bit about breaking went on the chrir matthews show, the nice lepers never end. and rosie o'donnell, kathy griffith, tom arnold are expected at th le big laugh last tonight, god help us. >> laura: it is hilarious most americans struggle to save for a rainy day and 40% are not sure if the be y will ever be able to retire. and people have given up on getting a starter home, that is hilarious. >> forget comics for kamala.led the gross government spendingeef has led us to this economicll free-for-all. amp is a comic is falling fastea
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than this usa contest over the weekend. did you seallye this, they were falling literally off of the stage. the culture is everything,s ar laura. multiple usa contestants are tumbling, look out come america appear they were all okay, by t the way. >> laura: what was going on?he that was horrible.w. why were they falling? i don't know, a hole in the stage, i don't know. >> laura: there was a hole in the stage but speaking of comics for kamala, i noticed a veep actress, she is promising to be extra involved. in the harris campaign.olve >> is that she already involvedn her veep character selina meyer was the leading cultural indicator for kamala harris' entire run. she prepared the way years ago. >> whatever we have in store cannot be known, but given time,
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it can be understood at. >> it is a reflection in our moment and our time, right?w amp present cultures the way we are expressing about how we feel abou 'mt the moment. >> i am asking you to meet me at the station, and join me as weti boarded a train bound for a place called the future. >> laura commit is like the veei writer scripted -- it's likes they scripted every address kamala harris has ever cited. but is like prophecy! watchinglly it again is scary bi would stay as far away from this actress and veep as possibly i y could if i had anything to doy with the campaign.raym i guess they missed the irony.ze >> laura: raymond, remember the "atlantic" magazine, they said today it is her oddball term. so, it is like elaine from seinfeld. it doesn't matteown r that it is serious world war iii and a
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meltdown of the economy and millions of people here and the inner city crumbling, justeric eyeball crumbling. tiktok, thank you very much. >> speaking of oddball, the second gentleman facing scrutiny for less than gentlemanlyan comment here that msnbc hailed as the antidote to toxic masculinity admitted he had an affair with his children's nanny whom he impregnated up here this led from a divorce from his new light and throws light on doug emhoff's interview. >> too mucith toxicity.reng masculine toxicity and frankly how you show your love forthin people. >> and you think about the role, in men and pushing for abortion access. is there anything more you woulo say to them? >> it is affecting men's ability to plan their lives.lo >> laura, you know, i mean,at look, this is embarrassing, people do terrible things.
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but this is a distraction fromr. all of this, the bear story, the couch and this spirit what matters is what you highlightedi at the top of the show. this economy ioen a free fall ad we should be focused on that anh policy and not the sideshows. >> laura: we need leaders butnt tiktok, raymond, thank you so bl much.y before we go come i want to wish you a belated happy 100 birthdae the colonel iosif volftsun whohe was born in ukraine 1924, a goo friend of mine and thess highest-ranking russiaianvi world war ii vet them oralli remember allies living in the united states. beforere becom becoming colonele served as a mechanic working on king cobra and a russian allowed to immigrate 1991 in a grain swap. a rapid sports >> carley: fox news alert. multiple u.s


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