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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> lawrence: no news on the v.p. pick, we're waiting to here. it is 8:00 a.m. >> steve: any second. >> lawrence: exactly. this is "fox and friends," the gang is back together. a rocket attack injuries u.s.
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soldiers in iraq as iran issues chilling warning to israel. trey yingst will have a live report coming up. >> steve: any moment now, kamala harris could announce her v.p. pick. new report suggest harris did not know who it was when she went to bed last night. will she wake up and say, the winner is. >> lawrence: is it ine mini, mi miny mo. >> ainsley: part two of our sitdown with usha vance, she talks about the political spotlight. >> i know why he's doing this, the people he care s about, his motivations are serious. i think it is worth while. >> brian: final hour of "fox and
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friends" starts now. remember, mornings are better with friends. >> we expect kamala harris to announce her pick for vice president any time now. >> steve: joins us live from philly. she will be standing next to the person she is about to announce, right? >> brian: that is right, it will be the first rally with her running mate. vice president kamala harris went to bed without deciding, she wanted to sleep on it and the campaign is ready today with multiple assigns be printed depending which way she plans to go.
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s from what we understand, it is down to two finalists, tim walz and pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. walz is more progressive supported by bernie sanders, has midwest appeal. and josh shapiro is more m moderate appeal and could deliver a must-win in pennsylvania. >> she is democratic nominee, it is her decision to choose who she wants to run with, governor with and serve the american people with. >> there is joy all over the place, it feels like a spell is broken, i'm excited. >> last night governor walz was in minneapolis and mere sighting made news. walz was a dark horse and said kamala harris brought energy and
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laughter back into politics, claiming former president trump stole our joy. and important psa, no t sound in walz. governor josh shapiro shot hoops in his driveway yesterday and enjoys teasing the press. he will be attending tonight's rally, will he be appearing as governor or as kamala harris' new vice president. the philly rally launches a blith blitz through seven b battleground states. j.d. vance will stop in philadelphia following harris all the way through north carolina this week on thursday. s this just coming through, j.d.
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vance says if harris does not choose josh shapiro, it is because of antisemitism in their own caucus, that is how that is playing out. >> ainsley: how sad is that. >> steve: quick question, sounds like the announcement will be done online, which is curious. and they are trying to raise money and say, if you would like to be among the first to know who it is, donate $20. you think whoever is arranging the live stream, the two could be together. >> it is fascinating. we got a text last night that said that, assign up and be first to know and once you assign up, there is a button to
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choose how you donate. it will be a last-minute decision. she has a team ready to go with video a and video b depending who it is going to be. i would be surprised if we didn't hear a leak beforehand. >> steve: it is working. >> ainsley: last night i was flipping around studying for the show and i would click on previous interview with someone or find ing out more informatio, kamala harris' face would pop up, send money to my cam pab. all over social media, too. >> brian: two finalists, josh shapiro, governor of pennsylvania, was ag and became
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governor. never lost an election. sued president trump number of times, happy about that. highest vote getter in gubernatorial history. vocal israel supporter, but a critic of benjamin netanyahu. >> ainsley: fracking is a huge deal in his state, he's well liked with a 61% approve agrating. >> brian: all -- are on pause. >> lawrence: then you got tim walz, governor, doing protest and civil unrest of murder of george floyd, he helps surrogates in midwests, six-term u.s. house representative, loves
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nancy pelosi. he is endorsed by bernie sanders and united auto worker union. if you believe in summer of love and watched cities burn, main city that burned and took over police precinct was minneapolis. if you want a repeat of that, he is your guy. >> steve: maybe one reason kamala harris did not announce earlier is because people have been calling her on her phone, her friends and small circle of people and everybody is giving her advice. the progressives think that for the most part governor josh shapiro is too moderate and conservative to be her running mate and others are saying tim walz is too far to the left. when you rubn a general electio,
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you adopt more moderate policies. she's done a 180 on a bunch of policies. walz is on the left. >> ainsley: radical squad like walz, he supports nancy pelosi, six-term congressman. you think if you are far left, you would pick a moderate and appeal to both. >> lawrence: i find it interesting, the party that is party of diversity is having a real conversation, if you should pick a governor of the state who happens to be jewish because he's jewish. i think that is so disgusting, no condemnation of it. it is part of the conversation, a wing of the party hate the
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jewish people and they believe if you pick josh shapiro it will hurt them in michigan. >> brian: campus riots are about to be cued up again. those people arrests last time were out with a warning, so there is no hell to pay for this illegal action. true decision-makers are jen o'malley, tony west, cedrick wilson and eric holder's firm is doing the screening, they are weighing in. no matter what they said, she has not made a decision. >> lawrence: and coming from the obama days, skilled tactician and they keep bringing big names in to manage the campaign, when do we see kamala harris? >> brian: nothing on her
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platform. >> ainsley: 16 days so far. >> lawrence: nothing on where she stands on issues, there have not been interviews or a press conference for people to see. what position is she going to take today? >> ainsley: i don't think they trust her to do an interview, when she goes off on word salads, he'll be there. >> steve: she does the salad, he does the entree. she is riding high on the honeymoon. when she starts to dip in numbers shg r, we should do something else. today is day of the veepstakes. >> lawrence: there is honeymoon with no merit, nothing on the table. >> brian: no courtship. >> lawrence: give us something, give us this speech she made
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that rallied. everybody is happy. >> brian: from speed date to honeymoon. >> lawrence: forced way in and now we have to celebrate. we're so caught up in first of what, we are forgetting americans are living paycheck to paycheck. >> steve: there is honeymoon because there is no joe biden. >> brian: we are on 30-day fiance. >> ainsley: once honeymoon is over, you have september and october. >> brian: foreign affairs. >> steve: we'll share the announcement when it comes out. big news bit, fox news alert, american troops hurt after rocket attack on al asad a
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airbase. trey yingst is live, good morning. >> trey: good morning. in iran-backed militia targeted base housing american forces in iraq. several u.s. troops are injured, we're awaiting an update on their condition. 219th time american forces have come under fire happenings since october 7. this could not have come at a more ten time. president biden was updated on the attack planned against israel. he says efforts are underway to defend our forces and respond to any attack in manner and place of our choosing. the question is how the united states will respond and what role americans will play in defending israel.
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foreign ministers plan to strike is israel. this comes as war in gaza grinds on and new development about know united nations, who announced they fired five unra staffers. there are no plans to deescalate with hezbollah. >> steve: trey, are they still expecting a strike today at some point? 48 hours ago they said it could be yesterday or today or is that moving? >> trey: they are bracing for an attack by iran any moment, likely come overnight. proxies in the region have been active. iran-backed hezbollah fired drones toward scivilian area.
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>> steve: that is rough. >> brian: crazy times. brings up a bigger story. with middle east on fire, it seems ticking time bomb and you see what is going on in the economy, you wonder where the gu guidance is and thought pattern. ability to soothe and calm nerves and give idea of objective when it comes to the middle east. leaking calls on how angry joe biden is with our ally benjamin netanyahu, stop bs'ing me and listen for leaks to axios. >> steve: and there is a tweet, salena zito, mark it down, middle east on brink of war, iran bombed military base in
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iraq, how is it okay we have not heard from the white house and public is not calling for this. >> lawrence: doing same thing before the big debate exploded in the white house. is there anybody in the oval office running the nation on a normal basis? kamala harris doesn't talk, joe biden not speaking. media supports kamala harris. the cabinet said they had no idea biden was in decline. iran is literally going after our military bases and we have service members getting concussions and no response from the white house? doesn't seem like a position of strength to me. >> ainsley: inflation is sky
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high, go to the grocery store, you know. you can't buy a house, especially for young people. and trump on truth social, stock market, don't look at your 401(k). i spoke with someone that said you would die if you knew what i lost yesterday. >> brian: jim cramer said if you care about your pocketbook, you will vote trump, everybody's jaw dropped on cnbc. >> lawrence: yesterday we heard how usha vance's life changed since her husband was announced as running mate of president trump. >> ainsley: here is part two of the "fox and friends" exclusive interview with usha vance.
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>> ainsley: you and jd are the american dream, you were a child of immigrants, i want to hear about your family. >> i was lucky and grew up with incredibly loving parents who came from a different country, who came legally and made a life for themselves in a place with other imknow grants, all of whom had different paths getting there. they shared view this is country they wanted to be in and this is a place they wanted their children to grow up in and build a future in and become a part of the fabric of american society. that is great and a wonderful thing. i understand that the experience i had was because everyone came with this intention of belonging and, woed really hard to do it, that is critical part of ohow or country was built and how
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everyone becomes an american. >> ainsley: you were raised very intelligent parents, any advice for parents watching? >> my parents are very relaxed in a lot of ways. they had this thought that they would never say no if i wanted to get a book, that was one main thing they showed me. you can go out and find information, library and book stores, they would read to me and talk to me about my interests. they were not pushy. they felt that as long as i was working hard, that mattered. >> ainsley: your childhoods were different, i imagine when you fell in love and spent more time together he told you stories. >> it felt like an honor he was doing this, i don't think jd had talked about his childhood with
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anyone. there is through line from conversations we had when he started talking about things to putting pen to paper and started writing a book, which was a form of self-reflection, trying to come to terms with things he had not wanted to share to everything that followed since. >> ainsley: were you shocked the book was so successful? and the movie, amy adams and glen close. you were played by fredapinto. were you like, how did this happen? >> absolutely, i liked the book. i read it and thought the stories were funny and he had something interesting to i sa, i did not know about the publishing industry. i thought maybe it would sell well, i never thought as it was.
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fascinating experience and fun. we got to meet interesting people. the filming was an education in itself. we both get communications from people who really shared a lot in commons with jd's upbringing and that has been nice. it's special when you know that what he did making himself vulnerable helped a lot of people. >> ainsley: how has he taken his chimed hood experiences and made fatherhood a wonderful experience for his family. >> he wakes up after late night of travel at 6:00 a.m. to make sure they have an elaborate br breakfast the next day. he had role models, not always immediate family, grandmother,
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aunt and his uncle is an amazing father and lives here with us now. there are people he aspired to be like and he tries everyday. >> ainsley: what do they say about his life now. >> they are enthusiastic and great cheerleaders and do a wonderful job of keeping our lives normal. our family life is normal. they bring us down to earth and keep us there. >> ainsley: you have kamala harris running for president, her father was jamaican, her mother's family from india, and you could be second lady if the republican ticket win. your family is from india, what does that say? what does it mean? >> it means a lot, this is a great country, i grew up in sesan
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diegos and feel a core identity as an american. vice president harris, i imagine similar for her. it is wonderful we live in's place where you can be who you are, but be a part of a community that is welcoming and supportive, it's a great place. >> ainsley: why is trump/vance ticket best for our country? >> that is a question that has a lot of possible answers, a lot of good we can do now. i would point to again, i love my husband very much and i point to what he really cares about, which is the people he grew up around. a lot of people haven't had opportunity to wake up and know their kids will have a better life than they had themselves. i just think that jd is nots ashes afraid to shake things up
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so people can wake up and say that and know they are giving their kids a better life. >> ainsley: grew up in different households, if you watch the movie, you know his story and she grew up, her mother is in academia, biologist, provost at a college and she grew up in the lab with her mom. we would play with dry ice or bacteria. >> brian: michael jackson video, that is where you get smoke from. >> ainsley: you are right. >> steve: great you did that interview, we see a side of him we had not seen before through his eyes. i'm curious about this breakfast he makes for the kids. >> ainsley: his aunt and uncle live with them and they came out and she said, i watch fox all the time and gave me a hug.
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jd's mom, then her sister, who i met, they have a brother and his daughter came into the dining room to say hi. >> lawrence: they have a nice garden. >> ainsley: you have been there, you did a great interview. thank you for welcoming us into your home. happy news to epiradio, wish congratulations to senator tim scott and mindy, they tied the knot over the weekend in south carolina. the 58-year-old long-time bachelor met the interior designer through a mutual friend at church before starting bible study together. senator scott sharing this post, mindy, you made me the happiest man alive, i love you. they are on their honeymoon right now. >> lawrence: honeyhoon.
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>> steve: congratulations. kamala harris could announce her v.p. pick. >> brian: kellyanne conway will not be chosen, she is on our show next. ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss,
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. >> janice: good morning, we are
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tracking debby, tropical storm bringing rainfall to georgia and florida. historic flooding. flood warnings from savannah to charleston and south of wilmington and tornado watch. we could see weak tornados, that tornado watch until 5:00 p.m. local time. sit and spins for next couple days and moves toward mid-a mid-atlantic. two feet of rain, isolated amounts devastating for this area. potential for heavy rain and thunderstorms from moisture working to the northeast later this afternoon. over to you. >> steve: thank you, janice dean. we are all waiting for kamala harris to announce her running mate choosing between couple of governors, josh shapiro and tim
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w walz. >> lawrence: kellyanne conway joins us now. you have had to sit with a candidate before to make this decision, what is calculation for kamala harris right now? >> kellyanne: who can get her electoral votes? they believe if they put josh shapiro, that will take pennsylvania off it is map or same thing with walz and arizona. they are trying to crowd out j.d. vance's appeal. you saw with his wife talking to ainsley, he is the american dream story, he will help the president do well in spaces and places, pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin, michigan, where his life story and their combined message on upward economic mobility, school choice, so other people can go from
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appalachia to yale law school, energy independence and all of it, he will continue to shine. odd list in the end, she could not pick another woman, she does not play nice with wa women. she will try to find somebody who can't upstage you. >> steve: what is upstaging her is -- >> kellyanne: her. >> steve: biden record. kelli yes, thank you. >> steve: here is a new ad adsnippet about kamala harris. >> we all gas up the car and check out. >> kellyanne: cost of housing and repairs, insurance, everywhere you look, life is
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increasingly unaffordable, president obama carried -- lost white working class immigrants. she is down 34 points. we had factor of donald trump first term. he did protect my job and stopped us from sending wealth and jobs overseas. energy independence helped us. this nested together shows kamala harris should be answering for policy prescription. you beat her on plsz, she is co-pilot of joe biden, san francisco radical you don't want to charge crime, police, all for next four years. the messaging is fairly
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straight-forward. will you be better off under kamala harris or donald trump as president? people saying, i want donald trump policies without that personality? good luck with that. you need strength, opposite of strength and weakness. >> steve: if you want personality, check out "here is the deal" this week and you are ana analyzing race with karl rove. >> kellyanne: we taped that m milwaukee before kamala harris became the nominee, that is karl rove on the right. this is important episode, we talked about failure of red wave to materialize and wipe out democrats in 2022 and what we need to do this time. a lot of senate candidates are underperforming in key swing states. >> lawrence: kellyanne conway, fox nation. >> steve: you're traveling
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tomorrow. >> lawrence: i'm heading to catch a flight and i'll be at buffalo chip camp ground in st stu sturge, south dakota. we will have pan cakes. >> steve: that beats the chips. >> lawrence: true. >> steve: travel safely. shocking report revealing 100 terror respects released in this administration. >> lawrence: could the surge get worse? we'll discuss it next. i undersd the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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>> ap reporting, kamala harris has decided on her running mate and will make the announcement in a couple hours.
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keep it on fox news for the updale. venezuela election could fuel massive exodus. it was found four million plan to leave if madureo was re-elected. he wasn't but he's staying. a quarter of the population could be heading our direction, should we be worried? >> yes, it is because this administration has set up conditions where those people will be let in even though they have to cross seven other countries to get here, colombia next door should be worried, only reason venezuelas started coming here, this administration is letting them go. they get something out of it, they pass through all those countries in central america and
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mexico, they know they will be let go if they get kapt ured employs >> brian: what a calamity, 99 plus terrorists entered on the watch list and are still here. if they appear on the list, how hard is it to hold on to them? >> not hard, border patrol is like in the clip from the lucy show in the chocolate factory, the conveyor belt is going faster and faster and biden administration has been speeding up that conveyor belt, so handful of people who are bad guys are much more likely to get through than if there were smaller number of people and they could do better job of checking people out.
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>> brian: we have 80,000 unaccompanied minors we can't find and 99 people on terrorist watch list. mark, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: over regulating, squeezing everyday americans everyday. law through eyes of supreme court justice gorsuch next. nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. for more than a decade farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> ainsley: in seven years on supreme court bench justice neil gorsuch has witnessed the role that over regulation plays. his new book called "overruled," the story of real-life americans squeezed by their own government. thank you, justice, for being here. tell us why you wrote this book? >> i've been a judge now for 18 years. i noticed something kept happening in cases coming before me and colleagues. ordinary americans trying to do the rhythm thing getting whacked
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by laws and sometimes it ruins their lives and lives of their families and i thought it was important to spend a moment and reflect on that. some law is essential to our freedoms. i'm a lawyer, i believe in law. too much law can pose dangers, too, it is stories i wanted to tell. it is not a law book, it is a book about ordinary americans for ordinary americans and experiences. >> ainsley: you write about a fisherman, his story broke my heart. complex law was used, federal government arrested him, he lost his home and income for un undersized fish. you right about the 10-year-old little girl who had a lemonade stand and they had to shut it down because she did not have a
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business license. a six-year-old picked a tu lip next to a bus stop and in trouble with the law. this is costing american families a lot of headache. >> i had a case where a middle schooler erupted in a series of burps in class to entertain classmates. i might be guilty. rather than going to principal's office, he was arrested. those are things, you have to ask yourself, could we handle this diverly. you mentioned the yates, their story was moving, they were caught up in a problem. rather than sit back, they fought to the united states supreme court and there are people like that out there who are courageous and trying to do the right thing and stand up for
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others caught up in problems and they are people i admire and whose stories i wanted to tell. >> ainsley: what has changed in when our grandparents were growing up, you could pick a tu lip if you were six years old. it is because our society is scared? >> not just our grandparents, this is happening in my lifetime, used to be whole code was single volume and now it fills a wall in my office. we have doubled the number of crimes on the books in my lifetime, so many crimes in federal regulatory provision, nobody knows how many there are. it would take years to read them aloud. there are hundreds of thousands. it is something happening not in our grandparent's lifetime,
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mine. >> ainsley: no child left behind, it is overwhelming, some professors say so many laws, everyone over age of 18 everyone xhilts one follow felony per day and we just don't know it. you said the worst the societies, more law there will be, in hell there will be nothing but law. feels like we're living in hell right now. justice, thank you, it is called "ove "overruled." pray for all nine justices. thank you for being here. >> ainsley: check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up top of the hour? >> bill: popping news, waiting on reaction out of iran, what happens next. so many countries involved. u.s. forces under attack again. how will the u.s. respond?
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>> steve: quick headlines now. in just moments the ntsb kicks off a two-day hearing on its investigation into the boeing 737 max door plug blow-out. a probable cause won't be determined until after the hearing and could take another year or longer. fox news alert. this just in. kamala harris has chosen her running mate. we're expecting an official announcement of the name. we have a pretty good idea. we should have it shortly. >> lawrence: who does she decide and does she have the courage to stick it to the pro-hamas side of the democratic party and pick someone polished and someone that is aligned, more moderate? >> ainsley: she has to pick someone who will not upstage
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her. it is between shapiro and tim waltz, both governors. >> brian: fetterman said he is too into himself. shapiro is too into himself. i warn you not to take him. that's interesting. >> la >> lawrence: waltz came up with the word weird. >> steve: no doubt waltz would be a safer choice. more aligned politically. announcing it officially in we were hoping during our show. it didn't happen. >> ainsley: she picked her political soul mate if it is waltz. they will make this country so left. >> brian: we don't know where she is now on so many issues. >> lawrence: hopefully they'll start asking questions. >> ainsley: look at her record. >> bill: thank you, guys, good morning. big morning of news, 9:00 here in new york.


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