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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> bill: in new york it's 9:00 a.m. in minnesota. the ticket is set. according to the "wall street journal" kamala harris names minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate. the democratic ticket now among the most far-left ever. that is the initial reaction from the trump team and a lot of republicans over the past hour. a big hour of breaking news. we get to another right now. i'm bill hemmer, dana has the day off today. welcome back to our colleague. you picked a good day. >> gillian: i did. i picked a quick day, a fast breaking news day. i'm gillian turner. a bleak day for a lot of moderates in the democratic party. >> bill: a quick bio an tim walz. 60 years old. elected as governor in minnesota to 18, reelected four years later and served six terms as a congressman from a district in southern minnesota. he is an army national guard veteran. before that a former high school
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teacher and football coach, too. he likes to talk about quite a bit. they'll be on the stage later today in philadelphia, 5:30 is when the rally goes down. if you follow these elections, democrats win the white house and the current electoral setup when they win the state of pennsylvania. that's why democrats consistently and constantly go back to the city of philadelphia to drive up the numbers and try to win the keystone state. 19 electoral votes up for grabs there. aishah hosni is standing by with the old keystone blitz. aishah, let's begin with you and a new hour right now. good morning. >> good morning to you, bill, gillian. good to see you both. j.d. vance has just departed from cincinnati and heading here to philadelphia as we speak. some reporters on the tarmac tried to shut questions to get a reaction about this new vice
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presidential pick. he did not respond. sounds like he is not going to until he gets here and makes his remarks about noon this afternoon. i've been talking to his supporters outside this venue about this new pick and they were telling me they were actually quite shocked that the harris team did not go with josh shapiro but they said despite tim walz's progressive background, his record, they do feel like this will be a tough one for the team trump and vance. here is how trump-vance campaign is responding this morning. they write it is no surprise that san francisco liberal kamala harris wants west coast wanna be tim walz as her running mate. he is an extremist and the harris california dream is every american's nightmare. tim walz is the guy who started the weird campaign against j.d. vance.
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we'll see what he says about that when he takes the stage today. he will shadow the harris campaign all week long as they crisscross these battleground states attacking them on inflation, border security, crime and senator vance is trying to carve out a name for himself on the campaign trail. while he and trump continue calling out harris for not yet sitting down for an interview. >> she hasn't done one interview. she is not doing any interviews because if she did one interview with hard questions she is incapable of answering them. >> so trump is still facing backlash within the gop for attacking brian kemp over the weekend. here in pennsylvania, guys, specifically lancaster county where trump beat biden by 16 points in 2020, a group of anti-trump republicans have come out and announced that they will be targeting those nikki haley voters, independent and middle of the road conservatives to turn out for kamala harris
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instead. a similar group in arizona came out with that same angle so we'll see how vance will try to basically oppose that point of view and what he will have to say about tim walz now being his primary challenger. >> bill: a preview of mike pompeo. kamala harris and tim walz want to make the rest of america look like san francisco and minneapolis. high crime, anti-police, high illegal immigration and support for the pro-hamas, anti-israel core of the democratic party. the most radical extreme leftist ticket our nation has ever seen. no republican has won the state of minnesota going back to richard nixon in 1972. not even ronald reagan in 1984. >> gillian: let's bring in byron
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donalds. thank you for joining us during this busy news hour. a lot of reaction from republican colleagues this morning getting some democratic reaction now. nancy pelosi former house speaker was on another channel just now want to get your reaction to her take on the walz pick. >> tim walz i know very well. he served in the house. to characterize him as left is so unreal. it is just not -- he is right down the middle. he is a heartland of america democrat and he was the chair of our veterans affairs committee. i don't want anybody to forget that. >> gillian: what's your response to that? >> that is the weakest answer from nancy pelosi. the reason why she had to pause is because she knows that tim walz is a radical progressive. tim walz agrees with nancy pelosi and agrees obviously with kamala harris. we need massively open borders .
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tim walz signed into law drivers licenses for illegal immigrants in minnesota. he wanted healthcare for illegal immigrants in minnesota. this guy is incredibly left wing. let's be very clear, the reason why josh shapiro is not the pick -- don't believe me, all you have to do is look at the tweet of a democrat member of florida. the democrat party has a massive anti-semitism problem. that's why they did not pick josh shapiro. it would have cost them michigan and minnesota. jewish voters in our country need to look at this clearly. they picked another radical left wing democrat who will cater to hamas and will not actually be supportive of israel especially when israel is facing a very real threat right now in the middle east. >> bill: on that point, sir, there is recent articles about josh shapiro supporting private vouchers for schools which the teachers union does not like.
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does it appear that josh shapiro was too conservative for kamala harris? >> i think so because look, kamala harris has always believed in the most radical positions possible. when she was in the senate she co-sponsored the green new deal. co-sponsored universal healthcare using medicaid, the bernie sanders plan, which would have been disastrous for private health insurance and taken away private health insurance from 150 million americans. you know what she did with the southern border, completely radical and out of control. kamala -- there is a reason why she won't answer questions, day 16 and there has been not one question and answer session with kamala harris and the press? because they're trying to hide her radicalism the same way nancy pelosi is trying to hide the radicalism of tim walz. because he was the chair of veterans affairs?
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so what. that doesn't mean anything. what matters is what did you do when you were a governor? what matters what did kamala harris do when she was vice president and united states senator. this is dangerous liberal ticket, a very progressive ticket. this ticket will leave the american people last at a time where the american people have already been left behind by joe biden and kamala harris. >> gillian: governor walz doesn't have a terrifically wide public presence. nine out of ten don't know about him to have an opinion. he gained some sort of internet notoriety this week after coining the term weird to describe the trump-vance ticket and congress. is this the harris campaign going for the shiny object in the room? >> i don't think that's the shiniest object at all. i had no idea who he was either.
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i do politics for a living. i think it didn't matter if it was him or tim kaine. that was hillary's vice presidential nominee. he was dull and boring too. it doesn't matter when you are a shiny object or not. what matters is what are your policy positions. i want to tell the american people very clearly harris-walz won't fix inflation or our economy or the southern border. let's be very clear. with what's going on internationally right now, do you really expect kamala harris and tim walz the bring peace to the middle east and the world? i don't think so. there is only one person who can do that, that's donald j. trump. >> bill: thank you for your time. byron donalds. thank you for jumping on with us. want to get back to bret baier here who joins us in studio. good morning to you. senator butler from california, this is the first reaction we're getting on the left. i want to read.
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she was asked a number of questions and rejects the idea. she says he is actually been quite balanced. i reject that premise, that's governor walz is too progressive. >> this is the new weird that has been sent out to democrats. you heard that same thing from nancy pelosi that it is ridiculous to call him far left or progressive. all you have to do is look at the list of policies that he has pushed through as governor with a trifecta as far as state leather. it is self-explanatory. he touts himself as progressive and listen, he has interesting things that will come up in the race. the defund the police during the blm riots of 2020 is a big issue for trump-vance. gender changing or affirming care and supporting that. that's already an issue let alone what we just saw the olympic boxing controversy.
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it is an issue in the race. expect these issues to matter. he is going to try to play to the midwest, the white voter who the same voter that j.d. vance is going after. >> gillian: some americans became known of walz with statewide mask mandates and keeping them in place longer than some other states. took emergency powers and held onto those for quite a while making some news there. we haven't had a chance to dig into his covid policies this morning. i think it is worth raising. >> bret: definitely. very strict from everything we saw as governor. he has a record here. so we are going to be looking into that record. but the thing is it's not the insurance policy that everybody thought kamala harris was going to choose, which is pick a moderate from a swing state.
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moderate your positions. we've seen statements and evolutions on fracking and other things. we assumed that was what was going to happen. go to project to the middle. this is not what this is. you could say that from 30,000 feet on both of these voices, the vance and walz choice. it is more about affirming the message of the future of the party than it is about going after any other state or going after an adjustment of what their message is. >> bill: here it is officially from her apparently in a text message she sent moments ago she has chosen tim walz as her running mate. >> bret: if it wasn't we'd be in real trouble. >> bill: you bring up whether it's his comments on camera or hers on camera, there is a lot there. david mccormick is a republican trying to win a senate seat in pennsylvania. his team was quick with this
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pot. kamala harris on camera talking about a lot of things that are really on this side of the political ledger and that well runs deep. i don't know if it's that shallow for walz, either. >> someone having a good morning mccormick in pennsylvania. if it was josh shapiro the senate race against bob casey would be different having the governor of pennsylvania on the ticket. that's one of the races we're watching for the senate. it is very tight. he used that early on in an ad to your point and that's going to be in ads all over the place. the question is will there be debates? we hope there are. we are -- hope springs eternal. conversations are happening. and so we have a lot on the table that we've offered and we hope september 4th works. >> gillian: interesting dynamic. bill and i were talking about
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this a moment ago. walz versus vance debate. someone barely 40 pitted against somebody who is 60. the battle for the rust belt undertone motivating their whole -- pitting a little bit against the national guard, marine corps. interesting dynamics that could make for a good debate. >> bret: very much so. don't undercount the israel/gaza issue and how much this may say about that where the democrats are with this choice. expect the trump-vance ticket to go down that road and really tap into jewish american voters who have a real concern about what is happening. >> bill: we'll get days of reaction on this and days of analysis. point out one thing. seemed like kamala harris had a good 15 days, really good. we talked about the sugar high. the media accepted this transition or coronation openly.
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there was very little rub against it. it was like out with biden and in with harris and here we go. >> bret: heading into chicago. >> bill: you will have -- she will have tail winds, not head winds, tail winds going into labor day weekend to set up a beautiful debate on the 4th of september if that were to happen. here is the question, can she maintain this? it appears right now this is a bit of a speed bump based on the reaction we have. >> bret: i think she has to have a controversial or at least fair and balanced tough interview before -- in this time where someone really goes after some of these different positions. if she doesn't deal with that, then it will be like the thing that is just hanging over this campaign. she has to deal with it. >> bill: we can't be the only media company that talks about it. 16 days without a significant interview. is it possible that she runs the clock until chicago?
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that would be extraordinary. then you would have to ask yourself what are you hiding and what is your team hiding from? >> bret: it will be tough if she doesn't doing it. it will be building and building. >> gillian: axelrod made the case what democrats are seeing with harris right now is this euphoria but like a trauma response to the fact that they were so down in the dumps about the biden re-election campaign for months and months and months and he said he anticipates it will wear off really quickly, david axelrod. >> bret: it will be fascinating to watch the excitement or level of excitement about walz as a pick. the left is fired up. labor is fired up. but are moderate democrats who really envisioned going after independents strong in the swing states, will they be fired up about governor walz? we'll see. >> bill: st. paul, minnesota, the home of tim walz waiting for the first sighting of him.
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last night a number of black s.u.v.s outside of his home and we were told he was off to a fundraiser. we didn't know if it was a head fake or not. it was and he was indeed off to a fundraiser in the rain. beautiful day in st. paul today. the guessing game is over. kamala harris picks tim walz as a running mate. does he help or hurt and where does he help our hurt on the democratic ticket? analysis forthcoming as we continue on this breaking news in 2024, a campaign like we have never seen before.
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at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide
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housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart.
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>> bill: the news of the hour, maybe the news of the moment. last for a few days and attention will go back to harris. she has chosen minnesota governor tim walz to be her
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running mate to try to win the white house. mark meredith joins us live from the white house, north lawn there. i don't know what kind of reaction you are getting. mark, let's begin with you. hello. >> good morning to you. you are right. we have seen now the harris-walz campaign start to roll out the biography on the minnesota governor explaining his background to voters and why harris believes that he could be an asset to the ticket. in the text that went out including fundraising emails that are now going out they talk about his effort to invest in infrastructure, his ability to reach across the aisle on some things. he also is mentioned for his support of re instating abortion protection after the overturning of roe v. wade. that's an issue that has been number one on the harris agenda. we see that she is putting that forefront with the v.p. pick. interesting to see what kind of reaction president biden will offer at some point today. he has updated his twitter
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biography area and shows a photo of who he is supporting. we have heard from the normer democratic nominee hillary clinton saying an incredible partner to our first woman president. let's win this. the democratic establishment getting behind walz. we'll see whether or not the honeymoon sticks as we go further into the week. now here at the white house we are not seeing president biden on camera today. he has largely stayed out of the spotlight. there is a lot of focus about how the u.s. government is preparing to assist israel and other mideast allies in the event iran were to launch an attack. critics say the u.s. should be doing more to help israel in their time of need. the president got back to the white house yesterday and spent the weekend up in wilmington. while he did not talk to reporters, he did go right away into an effort to meet with his national security team. he sat down with national security team in the situation room to de-escalate and beef up military posture in the middle east. late monday we learned about the
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attack on u.s. and coalition forces in western iraq. we're waiting for the latest damage assessment the white house is facing questions about where things stand. we hear from house speaker mike johnson. any attack by iran against israel or american interests would be met with divisive force. america and allies and partners in the region should work together to strongly counter iran and its terror proxies to send a clear message against these malign activities. a number of republicans in 24 hours urging the white house to do more to show support for israel as the israelis, of course, are worried an attack from iran is imminent. we'll look to see if the white house is able to clarify any other military movements they may be doing. there will be a briefing in the 2:00 hour this afternoon. >> bill: nothing public for the president, right? as of now? >> not yet. it's crickets around with the campaign going on in the last month. >> bill: you have a lame duck president for 5 1/2 months and
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v.p. taking his place. extraordinary time. we haven't really heard from tim walz. he was on our program just a couple weeks ago touting joe biden's policies at that time. this was the third week in july before everything started rolling since then. give this a listen now from the minnesota governor here. >> we're a big party. we have a lot of -- you know, a lot of diverse ideas, it's a bit like herding case. we understand there are two visions of america. one a decent man in joe biden that cares about what happens to the middle class and then there is trump, the contrast is too great. look, i've served in congress with president bush and worked together. donald trump is a different animal. donald trump is not there to deliver and the things and policies he has put in place certainly didn't help minnesotans. joe biden has done that. delivering on infrastructure and what we need. >> bill: they will insert kamala
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harris ace name for joe biden soon. the governor of minnesota on fox a few weeks back. i want to bring in the national press secretary for the trump team. welcome to our program. i have seen a number of statements come out from the rnc. trump campaign's reaction on this selection is what? >> well, choosing a running mate is kamala harris's first big decision as the democratic party nominee. with this decision choosing tim walz she has proven how liberal she is. tim walz is one of the most far left governors in america. he supports wide open borders, sank sanctuary cities. he gave licenses to illegal immigrants. he is soft on crime and also supports the defund the police movement. in fact, in minnesota, violent crime has increased by 21% since he has been governor and like kamala harris, tim walz is anti-american energy. he signed a bill to ban
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carbon-based fuels in minnesota by 2040. that's a threat to our national security. that is a gift to china. if americans want to know what a harris-walz america would look at look at the streets of minneapolis in the summer of 2020 when they were burned to the ground. look at the streets of san francisco. their liberal utopia is every americans's worst nightmare. we'll make sure every american knows how radical this ticket is. >> gillian: walz hasn't shied away attacking the trump-vance network. this is less than a week ago taking a direct hit. listen. >> keep hammering on these guys. this idea of calling them out for who they are. shrink them. is he a danger to society? yes. a danger to world peace? yes. >> gillian: a danger to society. >> i think the real danger to
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society, the real threat to democracy are kamala harris and tim walz who support defunding the police. i heard a threat to women's health. as a woman there is no greater threat to our health than leaders who support gender transition surgeries for young minors, who support putting tampons in men's bathrooms in public schools. those are radical policies that tim walz supports and signed a bill to do that. he supports men in women's sports. that a threat to women and girls across this country. these people are radical and we'll make sure every american understand how radical they are. the people of minnesota understand how radical he has become. that's why a long time blue state. we are going on offense in the state and it is in play for president trump. we've opened eight offices there and continue to campaign in minnesota because his own constituents realize how much of a failure he has been and we'll make sure the rest of the country understands that as well. >> bill: trump was in st. cloud
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a week ago, good crowd, 90 degree weather. i believe he had 10,000 inside and the campaign suggests they had at least 10,000 more outside. about 60 miles northwest of minneapolis. so we'll see whether or not you are right. kamala harris a moment ago on x. i'm proud to announce, she writes, that i've asked tim walz to be my running mate. as a governor, coach, teacher and veteran he has delivered for working families like his. great to have him on the team. now let's get to work. she calls him a battle-tested leader. your reaction. >> well, neither kamala harris nor tim walz have done anything for working families. harris supported bidenomics trying to run away from it created the worst inflation crisis in a generation. kamala harris is the border czar. allowed mass invasion of more than 11 million illegal people that we know of. just yesterday we learned during
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kamala harris's tenure as border czar 99 known terrorists that have entered our country. border patrol were flagged as terrorists and the biden-harris administration still allowed them to enter this country. kamala harris needs to answer for her record, by the way it's been more than two weeks since she is the democratic party nominee. hasn't sat down for an interview. her website has no policy plans and refuses to commit to a debate on this network trying to run from her record. this vice presidential pick makes them the most far left ticket in american history. they would be a danger to america. if we have four years of this america as we know and love her will cease to exist. both need to sit down and answer tough questions to the press about their dangerously liberal records that have left chaos and destruction in minneapolis, minnesota and san francisco, california where they both hail from. >> gillian: before we let you
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go. does the trump-vance campaign believe that governor of pennsylvania josh shapiro would have been a more formidable opponent. he would have been a better pick for the harris ticket? >> no, we were ready to respond to anyone that kamala harris chose as her running mate. the democrat party has moved so far left it is unrecognizable these days. i think kamala harris not choosing josh shapiro proves the point the democrat party has become the party of anti-semitism. they've become the party of catering to the far left and hamas sympathizers in this country and that's probably why she didn't choose shapiro. you will have to ask her that if she ever sits down for an interview. >> bill: thank you for jumping on from the trump team. more reaction hillary clinton says walz will be an incredible partner for the first woman president. bernie sanders calls him a great asset. aoc says an excellent decision.
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together they will govern effectively, inclusively and boldly for the american people. more reaction by the minute and this from michael walz. check it out. >> we are going to get hit. we are all watching it happen in realtime. the blood is on biden's hands. >> gillian: the chilling prediction. could it come closer to reality? the terror watch list reveals a lot of suspects have been released into the u.s. during the biden-harris administration. we'll dig into that next. out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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the map? does it change the map? trying to figure it out. the power rankings where we are. trump 219 and harris 215. what we're trying to pick up over the past really going back to milwaukee and the republican convention. if you were to take these four states up here, okay, minnesota, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, right? they seem to be pretty much the focus before joe biden dropped out. the reason i say that is i will show you what the polling has shown us. if trump is at 219. if the polling favored him in north carolina and georgia and arizona and nevada, he is right up against the number 268 but not at 270. that's what we thought going into milwaukee. then we thought well, if that's the case, joe biden has to run the table in the upper midwest. now we make the argument that
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maybe it's kamala harris that needs to do that. let's just say for the sake of this 215 she were to take pennsylvania and michigan, wisconsin and now tim walz home state of minnesota she is at 269. there is an electoral vote out there in nebraska that favors the democrats right now. nebraska, omaha down here, nebraska two. if this scenario played out she would need that and right at the number 270. which shows you how thin the margin would be under this scenario for kamala harris to win the white house because under this trump would need to maybe come in and take a michigan, that would do it for him. maybe it's not michigan. maybe it's wisconsin. that would do it as well under this scenario. the reason we're doing all this is just based on some of the polling we're seeing right now it's super tight in the states of michigan and really tight in
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wisconsin. and pennsylvania. speaking of pennsylvania, radio host and a national syndicated writer with us now. good morning to both of you. rich. let's start with you. are you surprised it was not josh shapiro? >> i'm taking a gigantic sigh of relief it isn't him. i'm sure the trump campaign is as well. josh shapiro would have helped them win pennsylvania, no question about it. the fact of the matter is unfortunately for josh shapiro the fact he has jewish hurt him because of the extreme pro-hamas wing of the democratic party. this guy is popular in pennsylvania and supports fracking and energy jobs. and bill, there is no way kamala harris wins pennsylvania or some of those other states considering governor walz's record on the environment. he wants to eliminate coal and gas fired power jobs by 2040. the pool at the governor's
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mansion. all those energy jobs goodbye. a disastrous pick for them. >> bill: why did she go with tim walz? >> i think what they are signaling to everyone is this is a base election. had she picked josh shapiro it would have been a coalition building election. he is popular, considered as someone who governs moderately. where walz is considered sort of what you used to call a prairie progressive. he is to the left of shapiro. he is to the left of a lot of center democrats and center-leaning republicans and so that's going to be a challenge in the great lakes midwest as you pointed out. if it's a base election, that is more like what hillary clinton ran in 2016 as opposed to barack obama in 2008. less aspirational.
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more divisional and makes the race more tight than we originally thought. >> bill: we know how well you know ohio and pennsylvania and the upper midwest states. does walz help her in a state like georgia? does that change the balance in the peach state? >> i'm not sure. i have to go back down to georgia. however, i would initially say no, it doesn't. he is more of an appeal -- i think the appeal to try to get the midwest, to try to get the blue collar voters in the midwest. i'm not quite sure what his appeal is. i could be wrong, but what his appeal is in georgia. >> bill: rich, how do you see it when you know in the end voters pretty much vote for the top of the ticket and not the v.p.? >> they do. i tell you the point made
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earlier an excellent point about dave mccormick. for dave mccormick running for u.s. senate in pennsylvania, had josh shapiro been the vice presidential pick it would have been hard for him to win. j.d. vance brings in the midwest. the battle for the midwest is clear. what does walz bring to the table in georgia? he signed a law that there had to be tampons in boys bathrooms. i don't think that plays well in georgia or north carolina. i don't see a lot of his very extreme policies when he wanted to have neighbors rat on other neighbors during covid. set up a state hotline. i don't see that playing well. they should have gone with a more moderate pick. this is a mistake by the harris campaign. had they gone with a mike kelly or josh shapiro they would have had a chance of winning over independents. this will go back to the economy. his progressive economic policies -- i'm sorry, they will
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conflict with what the policies from the union bosses are versus the union workers. you may have the guys at the head of the auto workers saying we're going for kamala harris. the average guy knows his job will be eliminated in michigan if harris and walz have their way and eliminate the vehicles. i think it is a disaster. >> bill: one thing i want to share with our viewers at home. we went back to 2020. where are the independents. voting on the economy is where their concern is. joe biden beat donald trump in that category on voter analysis by 15 points, all right? when we went to the battleground states two weeks ago pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. trump was leading by four points among independents in wisconsin. up nine in pennsylvania and up eight in the state of michigan. just to rich's point, selena, in the upper midwest when a race is
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that close, those voters pick the next president. last comment. >> yeah, that's true. and they vote on their pocketbook. they aren't as ideological as maybe those of us who are entrenched in politics think. they think about their family budget, their pocketbook. in pennsylvania energy is an very important issue. not just blue collar workers that are impacted by biden-harris ban on exporting lng and it's chemists and engineers and, you know, the white collar worker, but also the farmer. farmers in pennsylvania have received over $193 million in royalties for leasing their land with natural gas. this is money they use to buy new equipment, in tractors, to hire people that have kept family farms in business.
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this is a big issue and it all goes down to the economy. >> bill: i've been there, seen them and met them. it has changed their lives. thank you both for coming on, okay? appreciate it and more analysis coming up. kamala harris in the early days of this young, fast campaign has just made the biggest decision to date. tim walz will be on the undercard. more analysis as we continue from st. paul and new york city right after this. es. during the wise buys sales event, get two progressives and a comprehensive eye exam for just $129.95. book an exam online today. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> gillian: welcome back. kamala harris ace running mate will be tim walz. u.s. troops last night were attacked in iraq by iran-backed terror groups and facing terror threats at the u.s. southern
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border. let's bring in robert greenway, former national security council staffer for the middle east and defense intelligence officer, a perfect guest to break down the implications of this v.p. pick on the prospect of peace in the middle east. >> well thanks for having me. look, i think you are right to point out that after inflicting five casualties on u.s. service members yesterday during a national security council meeting there has been no response from the united states. not even a condemnation of the attack and no military response. one indication. the second is look at the national security advisor of the vice president. someone we know that went to the school of foreign policy mal practice was component and player in the iran deal that led us to this particular point. yesterday you saw congress receive for the first time the office of the director of national assessment reported
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that iran is in fact pursuing a nuclear weapon and still has a weaponization program in place. a statement they've avoided. we're at the brink of a regional conflict and iran pa testing a nuclear weapon and the president and vice president have made no action over the past couple of days. it tells us all we need to know. >> bill: we did see a reaction that took several days going back a couple months. so two hits now on the assad base where we have 2500 americans stationed there. j.d. vance said this a moment ago. we continue to pray for the service members who were injured. i hope the news doesn't get worse. kamala harris invited chaos to reign all over the world and our troops suffer because of it. because there was a several day delay before we took action would you expect the same now? >> it's possible. normally a statement is made
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immediately afterwards and response follows swiftly. because we expect escalation we should have been prepared to respond. it is bizarre we aren't taking action immediately and not with the offensive capabilities we've introduced to the region. it is puzzling we have not responded sooner or not made any statements to that effect. >> gillian: we had congressman byron donalds on a moment ago. when you think about the election the campaigns at large the important question to ask is who is likelyer to achieve goals towards peace in the middle east? what is your response to that? >> well we don't have to speculate. look at the track record of president trump. we last visited the assad base at christmas of 2018 to enthusiastic support prosecuting the campaign against isis and confronting iran at the same time. the track record speaks for itself. president trump ushered in the
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abraham accords and isolated iran and kept its nuclear program in a box. biden policy of appeasement has unlimited resources and threatening us and israel. no cause to speculate. we can see what both administrations would bring. the region and the united states is looking for a return to peace and i think president trump would do that. >> bill: thank you for your time and we wait for the response. thank you, sir, for coming on. lee zeldin, former republican congressman out of new york with us. welcome to the coverage here. a couple of things drafting on the comments in the middle east. we don't know what iran will do and don't know if it will be a one front, two fronts, three fronts. they could volley more drones from iran like they did in mid april. order hezbollah to fire on northern israel and order the houthis in yemen to come from the south. that could be a three-front war. the type of war that israel has not fought nor experienced going back to 1973.
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>> correct. they shouldn't have to be facing this situation without american leadership. reestablishing a deterrent which was an effective pressure strategy of president trump. unfortunately has created a situation where iran is emboldened and enriched and proxies have been launching attacks since. that deterrent needs to be reestablished. u.s. leadership in the region understanding there are other middle eastern countries that are concerned with the growing iranian threat. unfortunately at this moment we aren't seeing that strength. instead we're taking that step back and leaving israel out a little too much to dry. we don't want to see them losing on defense. it would be great to see stability in the middle east like we had a few years ago. >> gillian: based on the intelligence and briefings you have gotten from the israelis and biden administration, what are the chances in your
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estimation that the biden-harris team secures the release of the many u.s. hostages and also secures a cease-fire deal with the time they've got left in office? >> right now i'm greatly concerned. they are putting pressure on israel trying to get israel to accept a cease-fire deal. hamas isn't accepting that cease-fire deal. a multi-phased proposal that the u.s. is pushing where it doesn't release the rest of the hostages. it releases some asking israel -- demanding israel withdraw and there is no guarantee that there is going to be a release of the remainder. so israel essentially would have to lose their leverage that would have hamas at the table with the hopes that in some future negotiation they would be able to get the remainder. now, kamala harris made her statement to the press saying that israel would be secure if they accept a cease-fire agreement. no they won't. if hamas is strengthened, hamas
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is talking about waging jihad wanting to get rid of israel from the river to the sea and wanting to get rid of a one-state -- they have a one-state solution getting rid of israel. that doesn't make israel more secure and israel knows that. >> bill: thank you for your time on this breaking news day again. we'll talk soon. thank you, sir. we are awaiting a number of events still to unfold throughout the day here. vance will be in philadelphia around noon eastern time. stay tuned for that. kamala harris, tim walz will have the first moment together on stage. >> gillian: right in front of governor josh shapiro who will be at the event. >> bill: that's at 5:30. coverage for that. word there will be a press briefing at the white house. don't move. we have you covered throughout the day. great to be with you. >> gillian: thanks for having me. is it really only 11:00? >> bill: here is harris. see you tomorrow. >> harris: the breaking news this hour is pic