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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 6, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> kayleigh: any moment now we'll be hearing from g.o.p.
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vice presidential candidate j.d. vance. he will give a press conference and speak at a campaign event in south philadelphia, his first time in pennsylvania since president trump selected him as his running mate. we will bring you those are marked the moment he steps out. his appearance comes ahead of the first rally with both kamala harris and her newly minted running mate, and it's all in the same city. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany here is my coasts, emily compagno and harris faulkner. also joining us, fox news contributor, tammy bruce, and from utah congressman fox news contributor, jason chaffetz. well, it is a busy new afternoon as kamala harris has decided on minnesota governor tim walz as her vice presidential pick. republicans are labeling the harris-walz to get the most left-wing in american history. but democrats like congresswoman nancy pelosi disagree and say he's actually a moderate.
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>> tim walz is wonderful. to characterize him as left is so unreal, it's just not that she's right down the middle. he is a heartland- of-america democrat. >> kayleigh: well, facts still matter, so let's look at his record. walz's first executive order as governor was to create a diversity, equity, and inclusion counsel. he also supported open borders. >> he talks about this while. i always say, let me know how high it is. if it's 25 feet, i'll invest in the 30-foot ladder factory. >> kayleigh: and he pushed socialism. >> don't ever shy away from progressive values. one persons socialism is another person's neighborliness. just do the damn work. >> kayleigh: wait, there's more. he signed an executive order protecting gender-affirming care, or surgeries, for minors in his state, and in 2020 he was the governor of minnesota during the george floyd riots that burned part of minneapolis to
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the ground. it was so bad that walz himself called out his own response. >> i got a call from a friend and a dedicated public servant. senator torres ray called in her district, and it was on fire, and there weren't any police there, there weren't any firefighters. there is no social control and her constituents were rocked in locked in their house wondering what they were going to do. that's an abject failure that cannot happen. the issue was the state should move faster. that is on me. >> kayleigh: well, we live in a calamitous time in american history, so it's not good we have to call out your own response to a calamity as a failure. this is a disappearing act from kamala harris where she has been erasing her progressive passed to reporters on background. "i no longer support medicare for all, i no longer support jobs guarantee." he acing it, but then you double down with your vp pick? drivers licenses for illegal
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immigrants, transition for minors, abortion until birth. you double down. >> jason: wasn't he the guy two or three weeks ago who emerge from the white house having spent more than an hour with joe biden and said all is fine, he's in great shape? he's the right guy to go run for president? for nancy pelosi to say he's middle-of-the-road, i'm sorry, i served in congress with tim walz. i have spent time with the man. nice guy, but he is so far liberal left. middle-of-the-road for san francisco, but not middle-of-the-road for america. go and explain to americo what you mean by, "oh, yeah, i want to make sure this state takes control over children if they want to change their gender when they are minors." this is the type of radical left they are trying to paint as middle of america, and it's not. >> kayleigh: you meanwhile look on paper and some of you like josh shapiro of pennsylvania, where j.d. vance is about to make those remarks, where tonight tim walz will be, you look at shapiro and he
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outperformed biden by three points in 2020, went on to enact the gubernatorial race by 15 points. when you look at the map, if you see a kamala harris win in nevada, arizona, michigan, and wisconsin, that's not enough if you lose pennsylvania. and you pass over shapiro for the radical? >> harris: that's why they started here. even though it's got to be so painfully uncomfortable, i would imagine, for josh shapiro to stand there and endorse this ticket in his own home state, a state that they know he must now be a huge part in delivering, but got passed over for tim walz, who signed legislation in february for sanctuary city's in his state. i mean, he's far left, he's far left on the issue that one of the top two or three all this election cycle that americans said mattered to them, illegal immigration. immigration has been a thing. now you are wrapping the economy. don't hear a message from her on that. can't wait to hear what he has
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to say about that. you know, it probably wouldn't have mattered so much to you had as your running mate. now it really matters. josh shapiro -- and you've heard the reports today, and i know senator fetterman has just added himself to the list of people who think that shapiro was not chosen because he would have outshined kamala harris. that the danger was -- the political danger was that he would have been the star and she would have not. why do you think biden picked her? he gave her the hardest jobs. he silent her. he marginalized her. of course. it was up to her as a former attorney general to step up and do those jobs. i don't know what happened. i just know all of it was funny to her, which didn't help her case. >> kayleigh: emily, when you look at a selection of a running mate, there's an anecdote that stuck out to me over the weekend from cnn. it was about the time when biden picked kamala here is any conversation he had with obama. i want to redo that conversation. this was at almost the exact
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point in the summer of 2020 when biden confided to obama he was worried that, given the lingering bad feelings about how harris had attacked them during the primary debate, the two may not be able to have the same good relationship biden her member to having with obama. here's where it gets funny. obama reminded vice president biden that they had not gotten along well at first, and he stressed to biden that none of that was nearly as relevant as who would help him win. the word coming out of the kamala campaign was "chemistry." she wanted chemistry. chemistry is not important if you don't win. >> emily: and that's why what you were just talking about i thought was so fundamental, because we sort of a just yesterday and talked about it in the vein of us talking about how it was going to be shapiro. all the sudden it is walz. and kamala is known for this hubris. frankly it is an anvil of a hubris and have numerous anecdotes supported by multiple reporting resources. she refuses to meet with heads of state's wives, she demands a
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respect rather than earning it. we talked about that in the context of this, that that chemistry, she demanded an homage. she demanded that someone genuflect to her without, as you call it, acknowledging the strategy. when we talked about shapiro we rely, he is the clear winner because clearly you would have more of a chance of winning with that one, not this one. to me, if this is true, if fetterman is thinking it is true, all this does is underscore why kamala harris has been a failure from the get-go, why she's had a revolving door of staffers, why no one wants to work with her, why her sexual harassment scandals at her ag's office plagued her. all of that has been washed away by the media to say, no, no, no, that she check this box. that at the end of the day he checks a box, being an empty vessel that knee-jerks that far tail-wagging-the-dog left. so when biden comes out today and says this is a win for the working class, working americans, no, it's not. anyone who earns a paycheck
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knows how deeply disastrous the biden-harris administration is and how deeply disastrous the harris-walz administration would be. >> kayleigh: you mentioned the far left activists. i think it's interesting. we have j.d. vance on the other side of this, tammy. any moment we will see can take to that podium. second time speaking, the first in a press conference format since tim walz was named vp. he challenged the press on the plane. he said, it's time for you to do your jobs and demand kamala harris take questions. he has a countdown going on social media. today is day 16, kamala harris, no questions. day one of walz is the vp candidate. we take you now to j.d. vance live in south philadelphia. tammy, we are going to wait just a moment. what do you expect -- here he goes. let's listen. >> it's great to in south philly, isn't it? [cheers and applause] here's what i'm going to do. i'm going to see a few brief words, and i thank you all so
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much for being here. i'm going to introduce some folks who have been affected by kamala harris' disastrous policies, because i think it's important to put a human face on the disaster that has been kamala harris and remind the american people this is why we need president donald j. trump, because normal people benefit when he's the president of the united states. [cheers and applause] but first let me say just a few words, then we will take some questions from reporters. let me just start out by saying that kamala harris has been such a disaster as vice president of this country that, everywhere she goes, chaos and uncertainty follow. we have got a war in europe, we've got a war in the middle east that threatens to spiral out of control, we've got chaos in the world financial markets. everything that kamala harris touches has been a disaster, and we have got to kick her out of the united states government, not give her a promotion. [cheers and applause]
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now, today in particular, i've already met with some people who have really suffered because of kamala harris' border policies. let's just count the ways in which our border czar opened the american southern border. on day one, kamala harris suspended deportations. on day one, kamala harris stop they remain in mexico policy that kept our country safe. on day one, border czar kamala harris stopped construction of the southern border wall, and on day one she proposed amnesty for millions of illegal aliens in this country. and we know that every time kamala harris took an action to open the american southern border, it is families like many of those who stand behind me today who have suffered the most. and now, for the past two weeks, kamala harris has been saying she wants a promotion. i think we ought to say to kamala harris, you're fired, and rehire donald j. trump as president of the united states.
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[cheers and applause] now, i want to get everybody's name here. before i do, i just want to say i'm not going to be able to introduce everybody have spoken to just this morning and early this afternoon. but you've got people who have lost loved ones just in the last few weeks to gun violence because we won't lock up violent criminals in this country anymore, thanks to the policies of kamala harris. you have got children who have been orphaned, the been bouncing around foster homes because kamala harris' policies allow this terrible fentanyl into our country that orphan these poor kids. and parents who have lost loved ones, who have lost children, because we keep on allowing the mexican drug cartels to turn our country into a drug trafficking zone. it is normal people who suffer when kamala harris refuses to do her job, and it is normal people who stand to benefit the most when we reelect donald j. trump
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president of the united states. and that's what we are going to do, right? [cheers and applause] that's exactly what we're going to do. so i want to make sure i get these names right, but i want to thank dave torres for being here. great american. amanda navarro is here with us. we've got jack kilkus and terry stark, people whose loved ones have suffered and in some cases died because kamala harris doesn't do her job. i want to invite a few people up to just give some personal testimony. before i say, what an amazing personal courage it takes to be here and be willing to offer your personal story, i know it's not easy, and i know this is sad, heart-wrenching stuff, but the american people need to understand what are the consequences of screwing up this election. so i appreciate you all being here very much. first i want to start with denise and mike trask. trasks, you want to come up here? thank you all. god bless you.
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[applause] >> thank you for having us today. our daughter, jacqueline, is the oldest of our five children. she was always a fearless, free spirit he was full of adventure and sometimes mischief. i'm proud to selfishly boast that we have raised our kids with good morals, values, and kind hearts. we are a god-loving and god-fearing family that never would have imagined we would go through the devastation and torment of addiction. >> kayleigh: we are going to break away for just a moment. j.d. vance had this would be a press conference and you take the press' questions. notably he said one name over and over again, and it was not tim walz of minnesota who has just named as the vice presidential nominee on the democratic party. he said kamala harris, kamala harris, kamala harris. by my tally -- and he only tallied a bit of the way through -- it was almost a dozen times. he's keeping the spotlight on kamala harris, on the top of the
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ticket. >> tammy: and walz makes it easier. if it was shapiro, he'd be more interesting person, somebody is going to be more, i think, influencing part of the base. but we also have to consider he did things like distanced himself, shapiro dead, from his commentary when he was 20 about. i think things were asked of him to perform that he would be a good jew, and i think they went also so far. we have to consider that shapiro declined. he did that because perhaps he's looking at '28, perhaps he should have been, if we had an open convention and democrats could choose, obama was right, they wouldn't choose kamala harris. they would choose maybe somebody like that in an effort to recalibrate a dying party that cannot relate to the american people. so i think there is a point like, in losing your staff, maybe some people talked to her enough to think, oh, this is not the right train. this is not going to happen. and mr. walz, maybe he is just
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going to have some fun, maybe he sees this as lifting himself up. he certainly is not at the top of the list for the democrats in '28. shapiro could be, because then it's an open field. we don't know, that it just tells you the nature of, i think, the corruption, what decent people might reject, and what people are looking forward to, and that intact kamala harris is deemed, perhaps even in the democratic party, is not the one who's going to enact this race. >> harris: if i could just add to that, those are such important points to know, and it speaks to the issue of, she's going to be asked about that in an interview. and the farther away she gets from naming tim walz, the bigger the questions are going to be, and the longer the pause if she doesn't answer right away. this is a reportable now, josh shapiro's team was not aware, they say, of the video that went out. he was not aware, where they were not aware, that may mayor parker -- and this is in pennsylvania -- that the mayor's office had produced a video
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which shows -- and i just watched it -- it shows all of these people, these voters in bucks county and places in pennsylvania, a state that kamala harris and tim walz have to win to go forth -- he laid that all out, kayleigh -- and they were saying the endorse her, they are behind her, and they're also behind a vice presidential pick, josh shapiro. i know. emily, i had the same -- because this just came out from our team, and i was trying to be simultaneously watching and listening and doing other things. i'm like, wait a minute, that went out before the annou announcement. i just think there are some questions now. what you laid out as one of the big ones. how much pressure was there on kamala harris not to make a pick like josh shapiro? and what senator fetterman said about him possibly having so much ambition and outshining her. i mean, none of this is about who can serve the american people! when are we going to get to that
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part? but that is what is spelling, and it's not tea, it is firm reporting now. you can watch that video, too. >> kayleigh: i saw that video come out over the weekend. it was a little odd. some people jumped on and said it means it is shapiro. i said it means the mayor wanted to be shapiro and is preparing that it is. i saw katie rogers note that it was personal affection for tim walz that led to the decision. jacqui heinrich's, who sources on background, says that video was part of the selection and the concern that shapiro might want to upstage kamala harris. let's go back to j.d. vance here. >> geraldine, would you come see a few words, too? [applause] >> i would just like to start by saying thank you in advance for listening with an open heart and not -- >> kayleigh: jason chaffetz, still waiting for the taking of
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questions. but we will learn more about the calculus that went into overlooking shapiro, and maybe it was the personal chemistry that she had with tim walz. maybe it was the video and the fear that someone like shapiro, a very strong speaker, could have saved her. >> jason: i think there's a lot to that. i think kamala harris has shown that she has a very liberal, progressive, far left instinct. i don't think she has been driven by principal. this is a choice election. if you look at the core of what's going on, you know exactly what donald trump stands for. strong border, wants to tackle inflation, they wouldn't be wars overseas. the big issues facing her today, you know where donald trump and j.d. vance are. on the other side they're trying to gaslight you, erase the record, say, tim walz is middle-of-the-road. are you kidding me? every single one of the issues, if you had to tackle problems overseas, if you had to deal with our military, if he had to deal with the economy, if you
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had to deal with open borders and letting all these terrorists into the country, would you really get tim walz and kamala harris to take care of that? what do you think is the collective wisdom on the world economy between kamala harris and tim walz? they know nothing about these things. so it is a choice election, and it is clear where trump and vance are, the really fuzzy over where kamala harris and tim walz are. you would never hire these people to take care of the economy, the border, overseas, et cetera. >> emily: i think that's perfect analysis and how sophomoric they both are. that also demonstrates how whoever is actually in charge of the party, the ones that shoved them in the voters' face and said we are taking away from you your choice and agency over voting, that this time around, to your point about maybe shapiro saying he would sit this one out, this time around they are simply vessels checking boxes. it's all the people that were
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swept up as the country was being massively divided by terrible things and said, yes, i am for xyz. so why are you advocating for these totally destructive policies that help no one, actually? that these kind of people. a lady that shot from the rooftops without any substance, without any experience, and without any strategy that will actually serve the american people. you are absolutely right. >> tammy: let's say trump wins. they knew '28 means trump will be successful with the economy, the american conversation will be different. trump cannot run again. maybe they think it is to santos or somebody else in '28. but the conversation is different. the democratic party will fall apart even more. people down-ballot will lose. the squad will be at least thinned out. so it is a different picture, and that is the chance for the party, to actually -- someone like a shapiro, mark kelly, others, kyrsten sinema, who knows who else? joe manchin. it's a chance.
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why? jump into this volcano. >> kayleigh: all i know it's former president donald trump sent a message on truth social in all caps, "thank you." so that's the reaction on the other side of the aisle today. we will take you to j.d. vance the moment he begins taking those questions. my "outnumbered" after the break. and save hundredsze with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! what the biggest companies deliver is exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees.
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>> just two things before i take some questions from the media. the first is, again, thank you for being here. seriously. i cannot tell you how grateful i am. [applause] we could do so much better. we could do so much better in this country with better leadership. we could give kids the second chances and we could make sure that the next time we are here in philadelphia we are hearing stories of triumph and hope, a second chance is successful and not of kids who have lost their lives. [applause] we just got to have better leadership. the second message i want to leave you with -- and this is
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for the media, because there are real stories to tell, there are real heartbreaks and real stories of hope and triumph, but there is a person who is asking -- she's going to be here later today, kamala harris, r border czar, is asking the american people to make her the next president of the united states, and yet -- [booing] thank you. they have yet to ask her question. nobody would dispute that we will go anywhere and we will talk to anyone, and we'll answer any question, because -- [applause] we will answer any question because we think we owe it to the american people to try to persuade them instead of running from them, and that is what kamala harris has done. she's running a basement campaign where she refuses to go
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before the free press and actually answer the questions. what kind of an election can you have it your own presidential candidate won't actually answer tough questions? so i would ask the american media to show a little bit of shame and to demand that, before you give kamala harris your endorsement, and that is what the media has done, you at least force her to answer some tough questions and to stand before the american people and persuade them. [applause] thank you. kamala harris ought to stand before the american people and persuade them of why she's the right choice. she ought to answer for the fact that she wanted to ban fracking and now she allegedly doesn't. she ought to answer for the fact that she wanted to defund the police. she had to answer for the fact that she opened up the american southern border and she had to answer for the fact that groceries are unaffordable and housing is unaffordable because of her policies. so to the media, please, for the
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love of god, do a better job. the american people demand it. thank you all for being here. god bless you guys. [cheers and applause] i love you all, and i am especially grateful to the folks behind me for offering testimony so people can understand what the consequences are of failed leadership. god bless you all and thank you. [cheers and applause] [audience chanting "j.d."] all right, all right, calm down. we've got to give the fake news a few questions here. i'm sure we have hopefully a few honest journalists here in the audience. man? >> reporter: [inaudible question]
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>> first of all, the reason i didn't say a whole lot about tim walz is because the democrats have shown a willingness to pull a little switcheroo on us. so an even know if we will get tim walz out of this campaign. i think a lot of us are asking ourselves, well, it not going to be official until the democrats actually nominate them, i guess at their convention next week. so that the first reason. the second reason is, look, tim walz's record is a joke. he's been one of the most far left radicals in the entire united states government at any level. [applause] but i think what this selection says is that kamala harris has spent the need to the far left of her party, which is what she always does. she listened to the hamas wing of the party, she selected tim walz, a guy who wants to shift more manufacturing jobs to china, who wants to give illegal aliens drivers licenses, and he wants to make the fentanyl crisis we just heard about so much worse because he refuses to do his job and actually make it easier for american citizens and not illegal aliens to live a
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good life. i think what it says is that kamala harris is running as a san francisco liberal, she has governed as a san francisco liberal, and she's chosen a running mate he will be a san francisco-style liberal. the last thing i will say about tim walz is, to her credit, kamala harris and tim walz do make an interesting team. if we remember, the rioting in the summer of 2020, tim walz was the guy who let rioters burned out minneapolis, and kamala harris was the one who bail them out of jail. so there's an interesting team in that sense. [applause] sir? >> [inaudible question] >> well, if you build a 100-foot wall, you're going have a lot fewer illegal aliens coming into this country, and it's obvious, and it worked when donald trump was president. look, no one has ever said a wall keeps at 100% of illegal
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aliens, but if it keeps at 98%, i'd say we are doing pretty good. that means less fentanyl, less drugs, and less crime coming into our communities. [applause] i was at the border just a few days ago. it's a lot hotter down there in south arizona than it is here in philadelphia. i remember seeing the slats of border wall just sitting on the ground. why are they sitting on the ground instead of being constructed? because kamala harris said you're not allowed to construct the border wall anymore. that means more fentanyl in south philly, more orphaned children, more suffering americans, and we can't let kamala harris forget it. ma'am? >> did you congratulate him after he was chosen as -- >> could you repeat the beginning of that? >> earlier today you said you called governor walz. clearly at least part of he believes he could be the vice presidential candidate. are you saying that you will not debate him, or will you agree to go on the debate stage with
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tim walz? >> absolutely want to debate tim walz but i want to debate him after he's officially the n. i did call him and congratulate him and offer him my best wishes. i think that the polite thing to do. but what shocked me, would it shock me if the democrats pulled another switch real? no, it wouldn't. so we'll wait until they nominate kamala harris and tim walz before they do any debates. and we believe the american people have the right to have their political leaders try to persuade them. that is what is so scandalous about kamala harris' basement campaign, 16 days she has been the perceptive nominee of the democrat party and zero times has she sat for a real media interview. that's a disgrace. nobody should ask to lead the american people unless she's willing to answer tough questions. if she's too afraid of the american media, how would she possibly going to deal with deal with vladimir putin and xi jinping and a bunch of world leaders all over the globe? [applause] go ahead. i can hear you now.
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>> [inaudible question] >> well, my message to voters who want to see less division, look, i want to see less division, as well. but division starts at the top. you saw donald trump, who took a bullet two weeks ago and called for a national, and unity, that's the kind of unifying message we need in this country. [applause] but we are not going to have real unity in the united states of america when you have a board or czar running as president of the united states who welcomed cartels and welcomed drugs into our communities. but division comes from bad leadership. we fixed the bad leadership and i think we have a great country from all political walks of life. unity will come but only after we get rid of the bad leadership. you asked about the strategy.
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look, the strategy is simple. we know there are six or seven states who will decide this election. we think it is shameful that kamala harris is running from tough questions from the media, so i'm going to go to everything a battleground state that i can, i'm going to answer tough questions, i'm going to talk to people, because that's the minimum you should do if you want to be the president or vice president of the united states of america. in the red, ma'am, and then behind you and the white shirt. >> [inaudible question] >> do you see him as an easier candidate? >> [laughs] well, look, the only thing i will say about josh shapiro is a genuinely -- [laughs] there is some fans out here. i genuinely feel bad that, three days, maybe even weeks, the guy actually had to run away from his jewish heritage because of what the democrats are saying about him. i think that a scandalous and disgraceful. whatever you believe, or whatever disagreements on policy
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you have that somebody, the fact that that race, the vice presidential race on the democratic side, became so focused on his ethnicity, i think it's absolutely disgraceful and insulting to americans, whatever background you are from. [applause] look, i am not relieved or nonrelieved about who kamala harris chose. look, kamala harris is the problem. kamala harris was the border czar. kamala harris has had the policies that have caused 70 people to endlessly suffer. you're going to run against kamala harris because she is the problem and she's the one asking to be the president of the united states. she's not actually asking, she's giving teleprompter speeches, scripted remarks. she's not actually doing the birmingham we should expect of a person who wants to be the people's president. [applause] >> the argument that was made for tim walz is that he will help democrats in the midwest, with white working-class voters, perhaps.
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can you address that argument? >> i'm skeptical that he love the vp nominee is -- most people are voting at the top of the ticket. but here's the thing about tim walz. tim walz is a guy who wants to take children away from their parents if the parents don't agreed to do sex changes and the school wants to. that's crazy, a fundamental violation of parental rights. tim walz is a guy he wants to shift more and more american manufacturing jobs to china. he said it on camera in the name of the green energy scam. if you care about the environment, and i certainly do, why are you going to ship american manufacturing jobs to the dirtiest economy in the world? why wouldn't you keep them right here, in pennsylvania, philadelphia, the places that really need it? [applause] this is the guy that, when rioters were burning down the biggest city in minnesota, was actively cheering them on. do you think the black business leaders in minneapolis are grateful, the working class business leaders are grateful that tim walz allowed rioters to
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burn down their businesses? do you think people are grateful to have a guy who wants to ship manufacturing jobs to china? there is no way the american people are going to buy it. it just doesn't make sense. again, the biggest problem with the tim walz pick is not tim walz itself, it's what it says about kamala harris. when given the opportunity, she will bend the knee of the most radical elements of her party. that's what she did here and that's what she will keep on doing as president and why we have to elect donald j. trump president of the united states. [applause] i will take just a couple more and then we are going to hit the road. thank you all. >> do you have similarities with walz? you grew up in the midwest -- >> can you start that again? >> do you think you have similarities, common ground you share with walz? >> we are white guys from the midwest, i guess there are similarities there. but what is different is the actual ideas about how best to serve people. white, black, or anything else
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come in the midwest and everywhere else. i can't believe this is a guy who tries to claim that he stands for working people, and yet he wants to pursue energy polities that are going to ship everybody's job to china. in some ways, what tim walz represents is doubling down on failed 30 years of leadership in this country, where we don't make enough of our own staff, we don't use enough of our own workers to make enough of our own stuff. we rely on anybody else for energy instead of american citizens and then we throw open the southern border to make our communities less livable and less safe. he's the double down choice for failed leadership. again, kamala harris selected him. i don't know why, but i think it's because she is fundamentally radical herself and she wanted a partner in crime. ma'am? [applause] >> can you talk a bit about foreign policy? let's talk a little bit about foreign policy. could you tell me how you handled the two largest conflicts in the world today, that being in ukraine and also in israel? not so much what has been done
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wrong, but what you would do going forward. >> i think the most important thing you've got to do is kick kamala harris the hell out of office. that's going to make the world a lot safer and a lot more secular. [applause] israel i think is very simple. what we all want, meaning the israelis and any american with an ounce of common sense, which i think is 99% of our country, we want the war to end. we want hamas to be destroyed. and we want the israelis to be able to build a peace process with the sunni arab neighbors to build a counterbalance to iran. it's very simple. [applause] the problem is kamala harris on the one hand says that she really cares about civilian casualties and really wants the war to end, and yet she refuses to give israel the weapons that allow them to minimize civilian casualties and bring the war to a close. it's the dumbest policy maybe in the history of american foreign policy, to prolong this war, to promote the death of innocent civilians, and that's the kamala harris approach to the middle east.
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in russia and ukraine, i saw a report a couple days ago that ukrainians are running out of fighting men to actually staff the war. you've got to believe in peace and you've got to bring peace to that region of the world. russia would have never invaded ukraine if donald trump was president, and now -- [applause] thank you. and now we are where we are. if you want to bring peace to that region, you need a negotiator who vladimir putin respects. does anybody here -- and obviously they're in a biased crowd -- but does anybody actually think vladimir putin respects kamala harris? >> no! >> she's afraid of all of you. she sure as hell isn't going to be able to sit in an audience of vladimir putin and push for reasonable peace. we have to have a person who understands diplomacy, who understands that america does have a negotiating leverage, that shuts off energy in places -- or shuts off access to energy in places where you have bad guys running the energy
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policy, rebuild the american energy sector, allows us to project power overseas, and makes let me putin know that we've got to bring peace and have respect for an american president who can do that. and we will do one more que question. it ultimately president trump's decision, but president trump has shown again and again, as much as the media accused him oe believes in the power of diplomacy. love a guy or hate a guy, disagree with a foreign leader or agree with him, you got to be willing to engage in diplomacy. the kamala harris approach of saber-rattling while the world goes to hell has clearly not work. you got a war in the middle east, a war in europe, threatened war in east asia. kamala harris approach has failed. donald trump's delivery of world peace, i know who i'm supporting in 2024. one final question. go ahead. >> what would you say to the millions of women that have been offended by your "childless cat
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within" comments? do you have any plans for the 11 million undocumented hispanic people who have been paying taxes in the u.s. for decades? >> the plan with people who have come to the country illegally is you got to be willing to deport some of them. this is not rocket science. [applause] if you have 20 million illegal aliens in this country, not all of them are bad people. most of them are probably very good people. but he break the law to come to this country, we've got to be willing to send some of those people back. that's the donald trump approach. and if you don't do that -- [applause] and if you don't do that, you don't have a real border, and the people who will suffer the most are the people right behind me you are going to continue to have their communities poisoned by the fentanyl the mexican drug cartels bring across that open border. you asked about the remarks i made to come he said that they were offensive to millions of women. here's what i would say -- >> this cat lady loves you! >> thank you, ma'am. [cheers and applause] i love you, too.
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what i said is very simple. i think american families are good and government policy should be more pro-family. now, if the media wants to get offended about a sarcastic remark i made before i even ran for the united states senate, the media is entitled to get offended. you know what i'm offended by? i'm offended that normal americans can't afford grocery prices. [applause] i'm offended that kamala harris opened up the american southern border and allowed fentanyl to come into our communities. and i'm offended that she wants to be the people's president, but she won't even answer tough questions. that's what i'm offended by. i think that's what most americans are offended by, too. and i guess on that note i should say thank you all for having me. it's great to be here. if i could ask you to just the one thing -- we have got -- thank you. we've got an incredible amount
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of momentum. we have got an incredible amount of capacity to win this race. but it's going to require every single one of us doing everything we can. so our national motto is "in god we trust." god tells us to hope and not despair, so let's get out there, let's work the phones, let's knock on the doors, let's get everybody out there to vote, and let's reelect donald j. trump president of the united states. i know i can count on you. god bless you guys. i love you. thank you. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> harris: all right. j.d. vance. taking a lot of questions there. what was a rally popped into a news conference, and that's what we were told he was going to do. we got a little bit of a bonus of a gaggle on the airplane before he even was off the plane. he was talking with reporters. so he took several there. kayleigh, he kind of perked up with that last question, because it's been a place where he's
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been hit before. how did he do? >> kayleigh: he did ask her nearly well. i don't think you could script an answer -- and that wasn't scripted, that was him -- better than taking one of your vulnerabilities, which was that out-of-context comment, and turning it back on the media politely and saying "what i'm offended by his grocery prices." he has created a theme. "i'm offended that kamala harris won't take questions." what do you notice? on social media he has a countdown. 14 days, 15 days since she's taking questions. during the gaggle he said kamala harris needs to take questions. media, where are you? during this press conference, how smart of him to take questions and put the heat on kamala harris to do the same. the only thing i would change is him saying he would wait to debate tim walz, and trump saying he wants to wait to debate kamala. kamala is going to win the week of the dnc's cryptic reality. she's going to enter it with these days over. you've got 60 plus days.
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i wouldn't wait to debate. >> harris: do it now. >> kayleigh: i don't care who's the nominee, i'll debate you tomorrow. >> harris: it's interesting because the point he was making is he's going to wait until the nomination so that person is firm because we have already seen them do kind of a switcheroo. i can't remember exactly the word he used, but we call it antidemocratic, what the democrats did. and that was to replace that candidate without voters having a say at the top of the ticket. so he's thinking, what if that happens again on the bottom of the ticket? what he has proven, though, is that he's ready to debate kamala harris. so if that's the case, he's got to take on tim walz before they get a bump out of that convention. and normally we see a bump, right? normally we see that, tammy. we didn't get to calculate one for donald trump because it was sandwiched between an assassination attempt on july 13th and then, just a couple of days later, you've got the announcement, boom, the change of narrative -- hopefully, they were thinking -- on the left,
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and it worked to some degree. today was kind of a mix. how do you separate that out when you do your polling? >> tammy: and some people expected them to do something like that during the g.o.p. convention. that is something perhaps that trump can do to disrupt what the democrats are going to do. there's no rule that you have to sit back and be gentle. but i think that what the american people saw, and the power of these conventions, is that it showed them that the republican party had changed, and that they talked about people. less about the issues, even. you saw trump coming back after -- what was it, 72 hours from having a bullet bounced off his head? and there he was. you saw the whole family. it was a reset even for the republicans, because it was so well-produced. i would think, though, in this kind of a dynamic, if kamala harris takes questions or has a similar kind of gaggle at a convention, she's going to have like biden has paid she's going to know who to choose for a question she's going to know
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what the speech in question is. you didn't see that with vance, he didn't know what was coming. that's what the american people want to see, and that's what the primary season should have been for, that now the democrats don't have. they think they are going to scoot through and the american people are going to have to stop that. >> harris: j.d. vance. we want to hear a little bit. he was asked about other candidates, one of them was josh shapiro. he's the governor of pennsylvania, someone that many people thought might have been on the bottom of the ticket with kamala harris. considering she is making the announcement in his home state and will need him to carry that, because likely she cannot win the white house without that state. let's watch j.d. vance. >> i genuinely feel bad that, for days, maybe even weeks, the guy actually had to run away from his jewish heritage because of what the democrats are saying about him. i think that is scandalous and disgraceful. whatever you believe, whatever disagreements on policy you have about somebody, the fact that
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the vice presidential race on the democratic side became so focused on his ethnicity i think is absolutely disgraceful, and it is insulting to americans, whatever background you are from. >> harris: jason? >> jason: that was a powerful statement, and i think it rings true for a lot of people, especially those people there in pennsylvania. what? and he will regret that he went through all those gyrations -- >> harris: josh shapiro? >> jason: yes. the governor tried to contort himself into the person -- and he's going to look at it and be terribly embarrassed. >> harris: emily? >> emily: i want to highlight for a moment, the amount of substantive topics he spoke about and on and with facts and figures. i learned more and was informed more by him in 5 minutes than i have been by kamala for years, and probably ever from walz. it was such a stark and refreshing difference when we heard everything coming out of his mouth. i have to say, for him to begin with his mother's story, as we
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know the opioid and drug epidemic is the number one public and health safety crisis in pennsylvania right now, and also ohio. he's in pennsylvania right now talking about it, representing ohio, and he is saying icu and i've been through it and this is important. again, unlike walz and kamala, who are vessels of ideological -- whatever those things are in the water, he is saying -- >> harris: amoeba? >> emily: vsp he is saying i see you and i meeting you where you're at. it's important for me, and to discuss so many topics like that i thought was phenomenal. >> harris: more like this. i hear what you're saying. they need to get to these debates, both trump and vance, quickly. to get that up her hand before getting out of the dnc. and we don't know what's coming. every day it is something major. i want to get to this developing story right now. jim jordan is demanding answers from more than 40 companies, and he wants to know about their ties to what he calls -- and this is his wording -- a
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collusive advertising group that is believed to be targeting conservatives. and the name of that group, global alliance for response will media, is claiming its mission is a apolitical. let's get into this with mike emanuel he was doing some great reporting. take it away. >> good afternoon. has judiciary chairman jim jordan sent letters in recent days to more than 40 companies demanding documents. jordan explained what he sees a behavior that advertising alliance that these companies are members of as collusive activity. >> came together, it degree to limit advertising on certain outlets and platforms that millions of americans choose to read, watch, and listen to. and how did they do this? these members represent roughly 90% of the global advertising spend. >> the panel's top democrat, jerry nadler of new york, is accusing jordan of using this
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investigation to bully companies into supporting "far right extremist views." >> in this case the majority seeks to undermine companies' first amendment rights and to make it harder for them to avoid monetizing online and/or find harm through advertising. >> a spokesman for the world federation of advertisers tells us, "the recent allegations by the u.s. house judiciary committee against anticompetitive behavior are unfounded." but a major conservative voice says, if you are not following the preferred political narratives of this advertising group, it is real. >> there is an informal pressure system created by democratic legislature, this white house, legacy media, advertisers, and pseudo-objective brand safety organizations. that guarantees that advertising dollars only flow to left-wing media brands. >> jordan says this group has almost complete monopoly power over advertising dollars, and he is determined to get answers. harris? >> harris: wow, that's a lot.
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mike emanuel, great job. tammy, the group, "global alliance for responsible media," says it is apolitical. >> tammy: in the world of the left, lynn everybody you know things like you do, you are middle-of-the-road. you are just like everyone else. you are not political, because none of us hold positions that we think are wrong with it we think just aren't right for life. that this is just how things are. they don't think of other people. and of course politically that is how they have to present themselves, because now, as we know with x, they are filing an antitrust lawsuit because it was targeting x. >> emily: yes, and she's arguing that they lost billions of dollars. here's where it matters. as she talks about in the lawsuit, they are limiting choice for consumers, targeting certain companies, limiting that choice. let's bring it back to politics. what about election interference? if you can put it in this monetized fashion, if there is a ratio and some type of algorithm where you can say, by depleting
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this, we lost billions, then imagine the impact on election and political news coverage. this is in the form of a lawsuit because it is articulable, qualifiable and quantifiable. it is nebulous except for us to know that we were removed of our agency. >> tammy: and it quickly disproves what they claim. >> harris: from the former chair of oversight, what would you be looking at? >> jason: follow the money, baby. they are talking about billions of dollars in an election year and pushing it one direction. 90% of the advertising dollars. jim jordan is doing a great service in highlighting this, and doing exactly the right thing. follow the money. >> harris: any quick thoughts? >> kayleigh: i would just say they formed into a 19 -- there's a lot of skepticism from conservatives after the 2020 election. social media, the hunter biden laptop, everything we saw from news organs agents. good asked questions. >> harris: more "outnumbered" in a moment.i' don't you go away. listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'!
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>> kayleigh: a lot of news today about an hour and a half away from the press briefing with press secretary karine jean-pierre, no doubt she will be asked about tim walz, no doubt she will look at the hatch act, lots of questions for her today. more in the political side i would say. and we await 5:30 p.m., the first time we will see kamala harris with her new running mate tim walz of minnesota on the stage in philadelphia being introduced by none other than josh shapiro.
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the guy she passed over. jason chaffetz, going to be the one produced singer? >> jason: good luck with that. the biggest problem with the ticket is kamala harris, we will forget about tim walz in about 15 minutes. it's all about kamala harris and/or fitness for the job in her position and she is a disaster. it's a good day for the cam campaign. >> kayleigh: and j.d. is making it about kamala harris, was so that. >> harris: i know you are keeping count on how many times that he said her name and reporters talking about her pick walz and shapiro and so on and so forth, but he was laser focus on what is the top of the ticket and that's what matters. >> kayleigh: that's what matters. big night we will see it play out on the fox news channel, more to come this week as j.d. vance will be trailing the kamala harris campaign, hopefully taking that successful format we saw from them taking questions, one will kamala harris take questions? "america reports" now. >>


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