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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 6, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you to our studio audience, love you! >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher. 11378 on the east coast, 8 chris rock in
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8:00 in los angeles, and this is america's news, fox news at night. the pick is in and the vail is lifted. after masquerading as a moderate for two weeks, kamala harris caving to the radical wing of parties, picking tim walz as her running mate. >> one person's socialism is another person's neighbourliness. >> trace: sitting back and watched his state burn in 2020, giving his government to power to take custody of a child to parents who refereesed to -- refused to give gender-affirming care. meantime, 16 case days and counting since the top of the ticket has answered a single question. j.d. vance is not letting harris or the media get away with it. >> i think that you guys have to do a better job of forcing
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kamala harris to answer questions, not taking a single real question from a reporter. >> trace: vanco saying that his ticket is available to the press. >> i'll take a couple of questions. >> ma'am, sir, ma'am, go ahead, i can hear you now. in the red, ma'am, yeah. ma'am. and then one more question. >> trace: we have team fox coverage, live in dc, marinion in los angeles, but beginning with the senior white house correspondent live in philadelphia. peter, good evening. >> trace, good evening. and we've learned in all of tim walz's year running for elections in minnesota, in his big debut on the democratic ticket, things got pretty personal towards trump and
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vance. >> i have to say it. you know it you feel it these guys are creepy and just weird as hell. so you know what's out there, so say it with me. we aren't going back! >> walz didn't touch the super progressive parts of his record, that some say it's so far left it represents socialist point of view. mostly tonight about his biography. >> j.d. studied at yale, has his career funded by silicon valley million squares, and then -- millionaires, and then wrote a best seller trashing that community. come on! that's what middle america is, and i can't tell you, i can't wait to debate the guy. >> vice president harris waited until this morning to tell walz he was the pick, and she didn't
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outline any policy positions, on the platforms, enforce stricter gun laws, but she did at one point, handicap the race. >> we are the underdogs in this race, but we have the momentum, and i know exactly what we are up against. >> reporter: the harris campaign telling us they've raised at least $20 million since announcing walz this morning. saying 12,000 plus people at the announcement rally tonight. those are the kind of numbers we didn't see in the waning days of the biden for president campaign. trace. >> trace: peter doocy live in philadelphia. no doubt tim walz progressive record sure to come under fire. marion live with a closer look at the record.
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>> reporter: governor tim walz progressive record in min sew that. the more controversial eliminating nearly all abortion restrictions and supporting gender-affirming care for kids. after officially introduced by vice president kamala harris, took jabs at trump, vance, and the republican agenda. >> you know it, you feel it, these guys are weird as hell. >> reporter: after the death of george floyd, runs from minnesota who know walz's policies best, saying if they were going for the middle of the road, this isn't it. >> i think it's a radical choice on the part of the democrats. i think a lot of people in minnesota will be happy to vote against him. >> reporter: but together
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governing effectively and boldly for the american people. kev kevin mccarthy saying it'st what they had in mind. >> this is the most extreme. >> reporter: walz the setting up a state hotline in 20 to report residents who violated covid mandates. >> trace: on the other side, the trump campaign has strong words for the selection of walz as the selection of vp. good evening. >> reporter: harris and walz are a dangerous liberal ticket and every american's nightmare. the 60-year-old is a former congressman and also in his
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second term as governor of minnesota. but also been slammed by critics, as being one of the most radically left wing politicians in the country, despite a folksy disposition. >> this decision, selecting tim walz is another sign that she doesn't care what the american people think. only in this to adecade the far radicals in her party. the fact that kamala harris selected him i think shows really, really poor judgment. >> reporter: a, wait, there's more. the maga war room posting this on x. tim walz is a weird, radical liberal. what could be weirder than requiring schools to stock tampons in the boy's boy's bs or allowing minors to receive sex change operations?
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even robert f kennedy saying that america's political divide sharpens with the selection of tim walz. >> trace: thank you, kevin. bringing in fox news contributor richard fallor and steam boat institute fellow kim white. speaking of far left politics, breaking news coming in here. maybe put it up on the screen, missouri, cory bush, leslie bell, the toive primary race, and wesley bell spent about 10 million bucks on it, cory bush, about 9 million. being the second member of the squad to be ousted. big news there. meantime, back to tim walz, erin to you, instead of accusing tim walz of being a radical
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progressive, here test on socialism. he said this eight days ago. >> don't ever shy away from progressive values. just do the damn work. >> trace: certainly not trying to hide anything here. >> governor walz is a socialist in sheep's clothing, looking like your neighbour, uncle, but in reality, pushing not only bigger government spending by radical left ideologies in the state of minnesota. they saw a budget surplus, and instead of giving it back to the taxpayers, he tried to raise taxes on minnesotaens for more government spending. this is what we need to be talking about as runs. radical ideologies that american people are going to have less money in their pockets with economy the number 1 issue. >> trace: here he is on
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mandating parents to allow their kids to become transgender. >> we want every minnesotaen to grow up safe, celebrated and free to exist as their authentic versions of themselves. protecting and supporting access to gender-affirming healthcare is a welcomed and supportive state to the community. >> trace: this is one of the questions where the vast majority of the country is not on his side. >> absolutely, and this pick of walz confirms that kamala harris is running a fringe campaign on fringe issues for fringe voters. and we know that cam kamala hs watched two squad members rejected by voters for being too far to the left. and who did she pick? someone who would make americane sanders flush. this shows where she would take the country if elected. >> trace: you look at cory bush,
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the squad come out and supported tim walz as being the vp pick. what do you think of the dynamic there? >> mixing apples and oranging. i think the squad loss has more to do with the apex squad with a lot of money in that race. and when vice president harris was trying to pick a running mate is a governing partner. walz has put minnesota on stabler ground. he has expanded early childhood education and medical leave for pregnant woman. i don't understand how that's far right, left, or radical. i think that's what most americans agree. >> and also, he's not jewish. >> but he's taking the same positions as kamala harris has,
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as josh shapiro has, as many democrats have. so i don't understand why that's an issue. >> trace: it's one of those big things. and you can jump in on it later. the fact that josh shapiro was really considered a top candidate, and it's almost as if they're saying, hey, she had to cave to the left, cave to the shar left, and out went shapiro, and in tim walz. >> it's true, there's no arguing that point whatsoever. and gofersz -- governor jos, activists saying, we're concerned about his relationship with israel, and it has to do with him being jewish. we have to call it out what test, and rule out the anti-semitism. >> but the reporting doesn't pan that out. >> no,, there were plenty of progressive activists out there -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> when the reporting came out, what it said, in the meetings
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with the vetting team, he says he wants to run for future office, which was a turnoff to the harris team. >> i'm talking about through the weekend -- >> that's not why he wasn't selected. tim walz was selected because he had no future aspirations of higher office. >> trace: kayla, your thoughts? >> listen, even if that reporting were true. >> this is. >> it doesn't make kamala harris look any better. is the option here that she chose walz because she didn't -- >> she wanted -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> trace: richard, let her finish. >> so radically liberal, without the political cars ma that josh shapiro has -- >> trace: let them finish. go ahead, cayley. >> the obvious problem is that josh shapiro had views anti-what the squads and the other radical members of the democratic party
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wanted. they don't want to support israel any longal. josh happen flew in the face of that and kamala harris was scared of losing that, mic in my home state of michigan. >> trace: and richard, going back to that whole thing later, why hasn't kamala harris done a news the conference? in this race for president for 16 days and has not answered a single question except during the prisoner swap home coming about a week ago. >> i think that over time, you will see the vice president sit for an interview. but i think the obvious point here is that what you're seeing in this race is the energy seems to be clearly with vice president harris and tim walz, and not with donald trump and j.d. vance in this moment. they're talking about what race she is, and whether or not we like cats, instead of talking about the issues that affect the american people. >> trace: richard, erin, cayley, thank you all. >> good to see you. >> trace: as many in the
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mainstream media celebrating the walz selection, a few dissenting voices. back to kevin cork for more. >> reporter: interesting story. prior to picked as kamala harris' running mate, minnesota governor tim walz was credited for the more recent line of attacks against president d j.d. vance, saying them as weird. but that's exactly how several liberal media figures cast her choice. such a weird choice former cnn pundit posted. meghan mccartel posted on x, my fears about harris that she's incredibly bad at public speaking and rebliebly makes -- reliably makes bad political decisions, i'm not saying she
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can't win, but i wish she gave me more confidence. still, other media figures much more perfuse in the vp's plays of walz to join the democratic ticket. >> what an incredible contrast we have on the democratic ticket with kamala harris and tim walz on it at the same time. >> walz appears to fit the definition of an all-american man from middle america. >> okay, yet, as the media and democrats look to define mr. walz, a brand-new poll reveals 71% of voters have never heard of him or have any -- opinion about minnesota's two-term governor. that will change, i promise you. >> trace: it's a bigger number talking about strictly independence there, as you know, so that plays into that. kevin cork live for us in dc. kevin, thank you. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> trace: well, the fox news and common sense department was certainly not surprised to see the liberal media give the harris-walz ticket a rousing welcome, complete with the requisite fawning, falsehoods and fabrications. the los angeles times calling walz, quote, a moderate democratic. the times going on to call tim walz, quote, ingenius for calling runs weird. would nah-nah-nah-bo-bo, count as call tative physics. maybe the l.a. times only reads the l.a. times, because common sense would remind the times that kamala harris' website has zero policies, none, weird, right? and harris has reversed all the policies she did stand for,
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meaning she's undoing the damage to possibly win and redo the damage. we would ask harris about her flip-flops, but she's yet to hold a single news conference, 16 days now. remaining at the timeth tethered to remaining tethered to a teleprompter. american progressive just got a two-fer, or the beyonce prophecy, to the left to the left. bringing in the hill national political reporter julian monday chester, and fox news contributor miranda. the democratic pollster mark penn was very critical of the tim walz suggestion, he had this to say. watch. >> i'm disappointed in the choice. i had really suggested that josh shapiro would be the best choice for a multitude of reasons, but
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mostly that josh shapiro put down a marker that the left wasn't going to control this next administration and it was a reach out to message. all np with the base. >> trace: yeah, it really is. like the left kind of won this, miranda. >> yeah, look, i mean i think that they're pretending that somehow tim walz is conservative or a moderate, someone that will appeal to those sort of sitting on the fence anti-trump conservatives. but he really is the sort of image that a west coast liberal like kamala harris has of midwestern, rural, white, men, delporables, i guess you call them. and he's nothing like that. that's the sort of costume he puts on. but he really is extremely left wing. at least as much as kamala
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harris. he's the governor who put tampons in high school boys bathroom. that's weird. >> trace: cnn asking a former hillary clinton campaign manager about the campaign strategy. >> she has not done a press conference for a couple of weeks here now. is that a big mistake on her part? she is going to have to answer tough questions about some of the policies, including, of course, the border. >> well, first of all, it's only been two weeks, and this was quite a surprise for everybody, including her. >> trace: jerry, it's almost an acknowledgment from the campaign that she might mess it up. >> ever since assuming her place at the top of the democratic ticket, it's been a positive reception among democratic voters. galvanizing the base in a way that president joe biden wasn't able to do. seeing her close the gap with
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former president trump in a number of polls. so it seems like there's a strategy for now, while everything is so new. if it ain't broken, don't fix it. so, you know, i think they're trying to keep with this strategy. at one point, trace, she's going to have to answer question. i'm curious to see if that before the democratic national convention or after the grak national the i can see it going past the dnc. >> trace: honeymoon or sugar high. is it a sugar high? do you expect this to come down, miranda divine? >> it will have to, after the convention, as the true reality of kamala harris and walz seeps out into the public. and i think j.d. vance did a really good job today of pinning who tim walz is. and kamala harris has spent 16
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days hiding. >> trace: 15 seconds, jo. >> after labour day, we often see the polls narrow, and campaigns getting more scrutinized so i see her riding the poller coaster. >> trace: coming up, important updates on several american troops injured on the base in iraq. and later in the night cap, kamala harris and tim walz making campaign debut tonight, but one day in, walz's controversial record already an easy target. do you think the harris campaign made a mistake? let us know x and instagram, trace gallagher. we will read your responses, we're coming right back. we're coming right back. [ ♪♪ ]ness internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: while hezbollah drone strikes injured people today, and idf strikes across the lebanese border. all of israel on high alert in anticipation of iranian counterstrikes. alex hogan in tel aviv tonight. >> reporter: tonight, yahya sinwar a new political leader. one week since the death of a former hezbollah commander. hezbollah's leader sinwar calling on all to take a stance. >> voice of interpreter: it willbe strong, effective, and influential. between us and israel are only a few days and nights before meeting in the battlefield. [ sirens ] [ end of interpretation ] >> reporter: and a deadly day
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along the border. an air raid killing at least five. hezbollah saying it unleashed attack drones and missiles. the idf shot down incoming aerial objects. israel braces for a likely iranian attack, and piece pae punishment in the waiting. the country is using its time wisely, readying forces and holding talks with senior u.s. officials. >> voice of interpreter: the corporation between israel and the united states is critical to our readiness. [ end of interpretation ] >> reporter: as the u.s. repositions assets in the middle east, five u.s. service members and two u.s. contractors were wounded last night in the missile attack at the al-assad air base. >> trace: bringing in israeli special operation veteran and expert aaron cohen.
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aaron, to you first, israel struck a hezbollah military structure, military facility, not quite sure exactly what it is. is it enough? should they go further? what do you think about this? >> here is where i'm at with this, trace. israel right now is a deep intelligence assessment, getting their ducks lined up in the event that iran launches a counterstrike following the assassination of ismail haniyeh. whatever israel decides to do will be based on the actionable intelligence, but israel doesn't have the luxury to be wrong. not with the strength of hezbollah and the proxies. whatever israel does, when it's time to make the move, they're going to jump, and if it has to be aggressive, it will be. and the strength lies in the capability. if they have to go, they'll go. >> trace: meantime, former prime
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minister of israel bennett saying this on the story today. >> we have 10 million israeli citizens hunkering down waiting to be attacked. i think that's wrong, by the way. i think that we shouldn't necessarily be waiting to attack. iran is highly vulnerable, much weaker than people seem to think, and i think they need to understand that there's going to be such a huge price to be paid if they mess around with us. >> trace: raabby, you have concurred with that, saying it's not a good idea to wait? >> jewish law says when you're anticipating attack, you attack first. israel, you better not start and wait. we did that before, and lost thousands of soldiers for no reason. preemptive is the biggest reason. if we do that now, we're putting the fear of god into the other side. the other side, when they get
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hit, they get rattled, and then they lose control of what they really want to do. >> trace: and i think it's interesting, just on the part where if you're the iranians, and u.n. you know the israeld ismail haniyeh, in his front yard at his apartment in tehran, and you go with a warning rcmp e that, does it put them on their back heels? >> european iran is one of tn they're waiting right now, pulling you into the psychological aspect of holding out for a couple of days or weeks. they're holding out and waiting. but taking out ismail haniyeh via targeted assets flips of the ma sowed. we have flipped people before,
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having those assets as high up in the ircg as we do has created an immense amount of fears and embarrassment for the iranians. whatever israel has done up to this point, and if that's a monster strike, i think it could have a very strong impact. again, do we want a regional war here? these are the things discussed right now from the general in jerusalem right now. we need to wait and see how it unravels. >> trace: meantime, you have iranian state media being bold, they're saying to go after israel's highest people, right. like they have the ability and the will to take out netanyahu at a moment's notice. >> that's not going to happen so fast. around the world, jewish people are starting to secure their assets. iranians are known to go and bomb buildings with many, many jewish people work, et cetera, et cetera. >> trace: so not necessarily i
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israel? >> exactly. jews around the world -- and i say this to everybody. jews around the world every morning, they're putting money in a charity box. we're united with goodness, and that is the protective shield, the secret. so asking everybody out there, before eating breakfast, go and put money in a box, and after 10 days, go do some good deed. that is the true iron dome us jews have, because we've been doing pretty good, thank you. >> trace: and i have to go, aaron, but it brings up the point: are all the jews in all of the world at risk because iran might not strike inside of israel? they might strike something outside of israel? >> you're onto something hot here. jews are at risk on a macro picture here. but not just iran. the extremism on the left me at
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as sizing the politics here in the united states is increasing and flaming the ability for people to want to attack jews, and i think it's all kind of connected right now. what israel does i think it's going to affect and reverberate around the world. but israel doesn't have a choice. they have to move quick, and strong. >> trace: josh shapiro not picked by kamala harris. >> i think that's a very very good thing. even though he's jewish, i'm very happy they didn't take them. why? because the jewish people were asking. you wouldn't be able to answer the questions right now. >> trace: rabbi, aaron, thank you. runs calling kamala harris' vice president pick tim walz a west coast wanby. 8:34 on the west coast, to fox news at night. a live look at venntura,
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california. in louisville, kentucky, in care die nah, don't forget, set your dvr, watch us anytime. coming right back, with california kamala. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> trace: live look in st. louis, county, missouri. losing the race tonight, saying the associated press, giving some excuses as to why she lost. let's listen in for a few seconds. [ crowd noise ] >> and so this here was its on type of -- on the people, but that's okay, because at this time, i'm taking all y'all when
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you're ready. [ cheering and applause ] >> trace: yeah, her microphone is cutting in and out. cory bush apparently has lost her race tonight, that is the second member of the squad who is out, and they are going after a few more of them. meantime, for more on kamala harris radical record in california and her choice of an alleged west coast wanby, let's bring in eric essexer smith and julie hamill. thank you for coming on. the trump campaign trying to paint tim walz as a wannabe californiaen. tim walz is a dangerously liberal extremist and the harris-walz california dream is
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ever american's american'. they want to do what they've done in california to the rest of america. >> i think we need a step back and people's brains need to be unhijacked by emotional and identity politics and focus on poly. and i am terrified of the policy that a harris-walz administration would bring. i spent $60 on pizza for my children tonight. >> trace: we appreciate that. >> things are out of control for average americans. and i think what harris and walz bring to the table is terrifying. >> trace: it really is. do you want to weigh in on this at all, eric, the walz vice president pick? >> this is the downside of walz is because he has a liberal record, minnesota flipping both houses of the state legislature
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in 2022. unlike the with shapiro's state, it's easier to combine a harris and walz. but in 2022, minneapolis burned, and you can tie that to harris as well, the bell funds she set up. i think those two coming together has the downside. >> trace: and while minneapolis was burning, you had walz saying it happened under your guidance, and that was a problem. speaking of $60 dominoes people, while californians have some of the highest ults in the u.s., they're moving quickly away to fossil fuels to build transition lines to build the power. as a result, residents have seen their electricity bill for ranch
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style house 2,000 square feet hit over $1,000. her rent is $1,200, julie. how is that for a $60 pizza? >> this is why people are leaving california in droves. people want to be able to live, raise their kids in a safe area, want to be able to afford their rent. and we have so much dysfunction on every level. i can't even begin to describe. and the things we're dealing with in california, with the public utilities, with abruptly cut off service to # 135 homes, it's constant corruption and dysfunction at its finest. >> trace: now you have utility companies saying, we're going to give you your bill and up it, because if you make more money. the ex-dos from kamala harris' continues. chevron becoming the latest employer to announce exit from
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california in just the last four years. financial services charles scwab and oracle have moved to texas, not the to mention x. the whole trump theme is, where are you going to go then? >> we have a lot of issues in california, but the biggest one is the cost of living, particularly housing. when i talk to people that leave, friends of mine, that's what they mention. it's so expensive to buy a home in california. in l.a. county, the median home prices are $900,000. it's insane, even for people who make a good living. >> trace: if you have to pay $1,800 to heat or cool your home a year, you can't afford the house or the heat. the washington examiner, the exodus from california continues. it's hard to build housing, factories, and infrastructure,
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california now has the nation's highest gas prices, energy costs. we're going to go out to santa monica because we will give you pictures of what it looks like, and it will be visually compelling because what's happening in santa monica, it's going to be bad. >> but it's so inclusive, and that's all that matters. >> trace: that's right, it is very inclusive. except the homeless are robbing from the homeless, so now it's a problem. okay, now, this ... >> they have decided to run crazy san francisco and burning minneapolis against donald trump, and that's not going to work out. >> trace: many shocked as to why kamala harris picked a radical
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state or a much loved governor from a purple state. do you think she made a mistake and why? let us know at x and instagram. i'm trace gallagher. we're coming back with the night cap ♪
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: we're back with the night cap crew. ashley, eric, julie, and aaron, tonight's topic, make or break, kamala harris picking tim walz over background of arizona and pennsylvania. you think the harris campaign made a mistake picking tim walz and why, ashley? >> i do. because i think they're both way too far left, taking the moderate part of the democrats out of the race. i think that trump and band still need to put their best fit forward. >> trace: kevin. >> shapiro was a much better choice. i think we're going to learn a lot at walz, and that will not bode well for the democrats. >> trace: aaron. >> definitely too far extreme to the left. i don't get political, but even i'm going, oh, it's a little to
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heavy for me. >> trace: eric. >> shapiro is the sitting governor of if kamala harris wins that state, she will probably win. and maybe in a close election, that decides it. >> trace: she definitely needs pennsylvania to win the election. trump could win it without pennsylvania. julie. >> i want it to be a mistake, and i hope that the american voters are wise enough to choose good policy over radical politics. >> alien alienating all indep. >> trace: they run to the middle, and then you always go back where your natural has ht is. you don't start on the far left, and this is starting on the far left. do you think the harris campaign made a mistake picking tim walz.
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82%, yes, on instagram, 80%. that kind of sums it up. peachy keen saying big time, kamala are a long history of bad decisions. playing well through the midwest. stephanie says, mistakes sure, but with all the mistakes they have made, what does another one matter. jason said, i doubt it really matters, i don't think she's been accused of being crazy smart. jane said, she had minnesota in the bag. how does he help her? and scott saying, likely ailuating pennsylvania voters by not picking shapiro, and likely jewish voters as well. thank you for watching the night of news. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles.
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