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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 7, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try super beta prostate advanced the number one selling formula and its category made with prost defend a triple blend to help reduce urges to . find it at wal-mart or these retailers reignite your passion with custom anniversary bands from the jewelry exchange two carat fancy lab bands 1491 carat classic natural bands. 990 half carat natural for 99 unlimited choices guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. >> direct since the devastation of october 7th, black saturday. i've been on the ground reporting on the raw realities of this war firsthand. everyone down from firsthand interviews with families and much more. >> these are my stories. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone come i am
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laura ingraham clement this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight pure to my "angle" inda moments bit late ip the evening a storm of aganpropaganda rained down in d philadelphia and is trying to mt the biden-harris team has done o america and instead bathe you in the energy ohef the moment, feel the vibes because kamala's palsp are all trumped up.he >> don't let trumped the trickster but take our eyes off the price but we have to remember there was nothing that is more important than electing the harris-walz team and send them wherethem they belong to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. we are for the working class. we support organized we paid attentioten to your wore in minnesota, free college tuition for low income students. protection for the lgbt community. >> laura: well, it was loud, i
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will give you that. they drag down bob casey and you will hear from him when your he need to hear from him in an issue but when he is running for reelection, occasionally he popy out. he is still dining out on daddy's name. to defeates tdy mccormick and othernate billionaires trying to buy the senate seat? [cheers and applause] and i will just add one more, or you're ready to go out and make sure kamala harris and tim walz win? >> >> laura: that was exciting. and then an odd christian note was governor josh shapiro, we will talk more about this later. he obviously wrote his veryto peppy remarks when he still thought he was going to get theo red rose from kamala. >> let me tell you something, i ain't going back! i am not going back! [cheers and applause] i'm not! and neither do you want to go back.
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>> laura: wow come i would go back to consumer confidence and avenel time high, low gas prices, it low inflation, we will go back to that and then t kamalahe himself. biden's chaos at the border and foreign policy but now she's magically the anti-chaos candidate. >> what kind of country do we want to live in? c a country -- a country of freedom. [cheers and applause] compassion and rule of law or av country of chaos, fear, and hate? we love our country. >> laura : really, love. k it doesn't sound like it to user when kamala calls the country systemically racist, et cetera, et cetera. you can't have are mor it with s climbing. things are more expensive and you may have to raise your 401(k), you see the articles.
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.people feel desperate these das and they have no rain eight day fund. but at least kamala animal walz are very happy. >> don't underestimate the power of this, she does it all with a sense of joy. [cheers and applause] >> laura: well, i'm glad sheon is happy. this will be thed to battle fore ages, the selection and tonight we will cut through the razzle-dazzle, pull back the curtain on the democrats radical due out that they try to sell us a sensible antidote for what ails america. wait a second, the inconvenientt truth for them though is theirra agenda is the sickness that has impacted america. and the only cure are thepros common sense policies that drovn our peace and prosperity justhe five short years ago. joining me now former speaker os the house, kevin mccarthy. mr. speaker, they tried to put this thing up all afternoon long
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as the second coming of barack obama. i mean, the staging, the energy. look, they are doing what they can do with zero results for the american people, but you mighty as well have thought they are the party of the middle class. they are the party of safety and security and flag-waving and all is is this a smart choice, timght? holds for her tonight? >> i don't't t think so you're e think this is the choice ilhan omar wanted. this is the ticket they desired. this is the extreme. this is going from san francisco to here you go to minnesota, the area of that ronald reagan could not win. this is what is so amazinging to me. i served with tim. became into congress together. he is known for being the bernie sanders of congress. but to combine those two together enter tried to ignore
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what just transpired yesterday, it was the kamala crash that a lot of 401(k)s got wiped out. you got everyday you go to thetc grocery store and kamala has raised the inflation. you watch everyday what is h happening at the border. s in charge of that. what has she accomplished andd h all of this? i watch the damage he's done to california. i watch what tim did to the burning of his own city. i think they've gone way too far and really my head she pickedn shapiro, i would have given her a lot of respect because it would have shown she was to prepared at least to try to be president and that she wouldhe stand up to her own party. but she has proven today sheible will not. she has gone further leftdo impossible. >> laura: i think what they are doing, mr. speaker, is they are devolving into tired bromides. kind of the callbacks, like this is oprah's giveaway because noeo end to the taxpayer money they want ty o give out.
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they invoke the freeloan student loans, student loan forgiveness, we want this, we want this. this was a moment we heard repeated tim>>e and again. watch. >> like all regular people iaugh grew up with in the heartland,ly j.d. studied at yale and had his career funded by silicon billionaires, and then wrote a best seller trashing the community.ha come on! that is not what middle america is. >>to tim and i have a message fr trump and others who want to turn back the clock on our fundamental freedoms, we are not going back! [cheers and applause] we are not going back! [cheers and applause] we are not! >> laura: all right, we got that jumbled up, but the first one, they are now the party of the middle class. let's take that first. what's happened to real median income in the past three and a half years under joe biden?
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>> everybody has fallen. it was so drastic because under president trump, everybody roset up and everybody did better. but it didn't matter the color of your skin, you did better. you watch the tax bill president trump past and it wase directed at the middle class. remember when people startedtche getting bonuses at work because it passed all of the sudden?watc you watch the world change you watch peace aroundav the world. we've had five embassieswe evacuated and we have here in the middle east again. american bases being attacked,r and we have putin invading another country and this is under their leadership. it is the weakness. today, i saw a fund-raising email go out with all of this excitement. you know who put it out and said this was the dream team? ilhan omar! this ieds what she dreamed of. c you know what she said about this country? it is unbelievable. i watched her in congress and i had to remove her from the foreign affairs committee as we,
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went forward. are but they have gone so far left, i think they are trying to do exactly what biden did not talk to the has kamala ever done an interview since she's become the nominee? and no american voted for and she had to go through theth primary system. she never would have won. well>> laura: no way! again, this is kind of like mayo angelo approach to politics, like make us allkn feel like we will light a candle and everyone will feel better andt you will forget the fact that you areor bleeding money every time you g to the grocery store, the gas pump and they want to controlwht every move you make with whatve kind of car you buy what kind of washing and teaching you have interrelate you buy and it's green it makes them feel good appeared incredible times and thank you so much. all right, he is a riot, that is
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the focus of tonight "angle." ♪ ♪ so much for kamala's pivot to the middle and as speaker mccarthy said double down on radicalism. sincl e we know terrorists would may not win one state other than maybe minnesota and a reale democrat primary, maybe kamala's tim walz make sense but after crushing minnesota was tim's priority. >> w,e want every minnesota tod grow up safe, valued, protected, celebrated, and free to exist as authentic versions of themselves. and access to gender-affirming health care is essential tole being a welcoming and supportivo state to the community. >> i have people in my dms saying we better do this because we are moving already to minnesota because we don't know where to go. >> laura: yes, kamala harris' running mate believes kids whoe
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are too young to get a drink ine nia bar are mature enough to hae genitals and a surgeon. but tampon tim say they exist in other states that banned the barbarism. >> students are understanding and trying to understand who i they are as gender identity is being developed. theyere are most at risk.tand we are there to protect children and there to understand inppor minnesota you will be protecteds >> protecting and supporting gender-affirming health care is essential. >> we know this urgency is rearl for us we need an executive order today. t >> laura: the only thing worse than san francisco liberal trying to vibe her way past her record is a minnesota liberal trying to rebrand his. >> tim walz i know very well. he served in the house. to characterize him as left is so unreal, it is just not the question. he is right down the middle. lau
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he has eight heartland of america democrat. >> laura: he's more in theav middle middleton france, england, countries that have banned gender-affirming care so cold. birth butheartland by hate ash. fire his record, tim holds this is implying here at the far left is jubilant tonight. he is bernie sanders but with the national guard stent in a few decades younger. progressives unleashed a furiouw campaign over the past few weeks and i'm not sure if you noticed, but it was rooted in this vague whiffs of anti-semitism. to kill josh shapiro's chances of getting the nod, you had tog. bow down to the progressives. this is deeply disturbing, and we will dig into this more in ay few moments. remember if the squad is happy and they are ecstatic that walzo is the choice, you should grab your children and watch your wallet. because if harris and he end up govin power, you need to have h
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to protect both. a governor walz thing aaway socialist means being a good, on neighbor. >> don't ever shy away from our progressive values.line one person's socialism is another person's neighbor. do the work. t >> laura: if america hopes and kamala harris running mate would temper far left and stings and reassure an anxious nation, you might remember how things looked over memorial day weekene 2020 >> laurae : aftermath of thear george floyd shooting didit hundreds of millions of dollars of damage toy. the city.esse instead of taking charge, governor walz at the time essentially empathized with the rioters. >> we saw large, peacefulhe
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protests focusing on the systemic changes that get to the heart of why we are in the situation. when i saysota we met minneapolis-st. paul, the state of minnesota nationally and as hourwe have seen over the last 24 hours internationally. it is as i did that does not put equity and inclusion a to t the center of it certainly will come to the places we are at. >> laura: when we were earning parts of the liquor store and destroying a small business, wa, that part of the di failures of the country? but his failure to lead and coas in the national guard earlier>> allowed neighborhoods and small businesses to burn. >> my husband was asleep i went. to open the door and i said you need to wake up now because thee town will burn down any minute.h we sated there and watched it jt melt to the ground, all of our hard work.ople >> it started with people wither bats entering and people pushine
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on the front window and hundreds of people went in and looted, not for an hour or two hours,e five hours. thin, they came back the next night and the next night. six fires. it is >> laura: yeah,e doin "the ingraham angle" was on the scene doing that reporting years after year.and that was just a few months after the riots. as for that third police precinct right dow, itn the roat was burned by the rioters and is still abandoned. >> thoughts looking at the oldlo third police precinct three years aftet ofr the riots questioning >> it brings backt the bad memories certainly forth myself but also the police officers that worked on thisye facility.ars la it is sad to see that here wed are three years later andre literally nothing has changed. the activists and some of the city council members who are also activists themselves consider a victory not to have u police in the precinct because some of the city council don't:o want police to begin with.
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a>> laura: don't want to police to begin with.ut g wait a second, we have to be fair tonight. what about governor walz's great policing reforms ? i our those working out? >> harris said his department short 2 200 officers. >> u.s. 40% percent of your force the past four years.. that sounds like a big problem. >> i nott is a big problem and h just 40% of the force but they have been facing the highest levels of crime and violence in some categories the city has ever seen. >> laura: walz has helped tanks law enforcement in the state and on his way to tanking educatione as well. you hearducatid a lot tonight at his experience as a public school teacher and that sounds lovely. he forgot whatever since hed no learned, and now it is all deicr all the time. >> wte can't find a teacher that looks like the kids are teaching. m you don't need another one that looks like me. you need somebody in there and all the research shows that.e th
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>> laura: all the research, oh, really, i want to see that w research. naturally the loopy focus of his, minnesota is going the wrong direction and it iser 1 national education ranking and it's dropped to number 19. but let's look at the brightan side, at least the boys can use the girls bathrooms and get free tampons. isn't he a riot? and that is "the angle." winswalter hudson, john justin a city news, fantastic coast, whai is your warning tonight about the type of leader tim walz is because we saw the gauzy, warm and fuzzy version tonight. those of us who were forced to watch that rally in philadelphia. >> yeah, i think he would be hard-pressed to find a more radical governor in the union if he is not number one, certainly the top three. he is certainly radically transformed minnesota into a
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socialist whole scape into coshort years since he had the c majority in both the senate ande house in the state of minnesota. you saw looking back to 2020 as we watch minnesota burn, what t does he do, protechet the innoct does he reward the productivell and virtuous? r no, he lectures us about equity and inclusion and tell us we ought to roll over and allow these rioters to expressa themselves, mostly peacefully. get ready for a lot of that if tim walz becomes the vice president of thee an united states. i think kamala harris and tim walz are the beforeas e and aftr picture.ok she has all these ideas what she would like to see the country look like.ests he has actually manifested it in minnesota. >> laura: that is a great way of putting it.d, but i didn't heroes were just getting going and jon, minnesota is near and dear to my heart. this is the first summer and i don't know, 10-12 summers i
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haven't yet got to minnesota. better love the state and i love minneapolis and i am heartbroken about the state minneapolis has been left and in part because of the radical policies, the entire law enforcement nonsense of this governor. and i'm putting the blame on hit because i talked to the police. they want to retire early or already have. >> you should put the blame onis him. he is he a con man and walz is want to he is gavin newsom with less hair wearing flannel.mala he's going to be a useful tooli for kamala harris. he's going to go out there, and he will be the aggressive progressive while they try to cast her as a moderate. but he's a liar! he will try to present himself,g and they are trying to present him as being this folksy ismoderate that you watch. he is very, very media savvy and i'm convinced that's why they picked him. that is why she picked him because he will be able to ship
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his bona fides.g to he will ship his views thenul depending on who he will be talking to. he will be a useful tool., he will play on the.guy and i cn change your oil. and when he gets into the real friendly circles lik e the white dudes for kamala, he will ratchet up the rhetoric and youi will see the true marxist radical that he actually is. >> laura: hudson, yell, tonight he's a common sense guyy trump's presided over higher crime rate. i mean, this guy was literally the governor as an entirete neighborhoods werele burned to e ground. he came on television and talked about diversity, equity, and inclusion. that is that guy and i don't think that was what trump's f response was.ov >> he learned nothinerg from it, walz learned nothing from it. over the past two years 23:00 a.m. '24 i sat on val'sf h
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public safety committee went the trifecta show through the most y legislation unpacking the ability of police officers to engage with the public to it ele engage the productive and virtuous and innocent from the criminal element. tht toe overriding premise theh democrats under tim walz haveim brought to the state of minnesota's when you upon a crime scene, the question you should be asking is what did society due to this poor perpetrator tond drive them to this act? roand thisun is the phrase they used, wraparound services ind ma order to reforms that poor soult and make them a contributing member to society read a democrat voter? that has been there premise the past couple of years when itn, comes to public safety. >> laura: wraparound giveg giveaways, phenomenal appearance, thank you so much.r and coming up, the worst border czar in history found here perfect match.t we will expose walz's plan tonet
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number one, tim walton urged t congress to grant citizenship for dreamers and those with temporary protected status decodes that a pathway. number two, running for governoe he supported minnesota becoming a sanctuary state becoming a welcoming mat and passed a bill for illegals to get state health insurance. and anything else? number four, he gave tens of thousands of illegals the righte to get a driver's democrats today oh, nobody is above the law, but tim walz sayy if you break our immigration laws he will give you free health care and a driver's licensphene and a big hug.rica joining me stephen miller founder and senior advisor to c president trump mp, katie pavlich, fox news contributor. stephen we can get i to issues t let's focus on the border. you would have thought might have tried to attack a little bit to the middle given her
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huge, huge vulnerability on this issue but what should we think tonight? >> this is tacking to the extra extreme, radical open borders left. tionm walz, he went on tv to tak about trying to help illegal aliens climb over the border wall. tim walz champion governmentch issued ids, driver license for illegal alienstles which resultn countless motorists being killey each and every year. tim walz champion free health care, free illegalme aliens, which will bankrupt riamerica, and he is the biggest boost during the whole country for unlimited refugee sett settlement. that means under the harris-walz plan, they are going to turn the entire midwest into -- that iskh their plan, that is their policy and i do not remarked that for
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the united states of america. >> laura: katie when you go onho the government website, they have a whole section on how to get services faster tot illegals like streamlining allof of the services.fe i know a lot of folks in the minnesota have really struggled in the laset few years because f all of the reasons we know for inflation. by the way, inflation wasn't mentioned in philadelphia. but what about this? he is playing cuddly, i'm a teacher kind of role but what does this tell us? can >> inflation is transitory, haven't you heard, laura? they can't mention it in theiret rallies because it is supposed to be gone by now. americans of minnesota in every state are paying more inflation because of t the biden-harris agenda which they champion one the website that saysasrr biden-harrisis administration in minnesota and other states and cities.r you are not only rewarded as a criminal for breaking the law,o but especially if an illegal immigrant who broke the law toid come to the united states and ae
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take advantage of things like health care paid for by american taxpayers and income, which isne something the governor also supports handing out checks lik the new york city mayor does and citin terms of writing checks o americans well suffering. but in terms why they are not talking about this issue for maybe coming to the metal at least a little bit on this is because it is part of their plan or could they have 15 million people, and their goal is toives somehow get federally legislation passed eventually that gives amnesty to say 2 million, 3 million, 15 million of themillm and guess what, elections are determined in this country by margins of tens ofy thousands, lucky if you win by u landslide in hundreds of thousands in the swing state. this iis i dess by design whichn you don't see them coming to th. metal on this issue at allelet because if you break up legs, make an omelette and who cares come americans were victims of crime have to pay extra whenthei they can afford groceries foroa
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their own family. does about the end go about. giving democrats power over the political system in thhee united states. >> laura: he was at the border a few days ago, stephen, i will play this quickly and get your response. >> he's not interested inhing solving the problem. he's tal not going to do anythi. he talks about this vote but i said let me know how high it is with the letter factory but that's not how you stop this but you stop this using electronic him you stop it by having a legal system that allows for that tradition of allowing folks to come here. >> laura: wait, he has his office of new americans, new americans, which that is what's on his government website. and they are not new americans. >> he is one of these lunatics that calls illegal alien criminal trespassers new americans.l pa when he talks about a legal pathway, what he is talking ill about is bringing in millions of
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illegal aliens with full amnesty, fulnt bl government benefits and free health care.i this man is a, incompetent, radical, and he will turn the entire midwest into a thirdd worlstd state. this is a disaster for america. we have to beat this guy and we have to be harris in november. >> laura: radical duo, stephen, katie. the blunt battleground blitz, will it work next? ♪ ♪
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substance use disorder and addiction is so isolating. and so as a black woman in recovery, hope must be loud. the moment i chose hope was when i couldn't look myself in the mirror anymore. i did not recognize myself. i am so proud because i did not think i was going to make it. and now you know, i get to call my mom
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and say i love her. i get to teach my son how to say, “mama, i love you.” so for me, hope in this moment, it is the thread that lets you know that no matter what happens, you will be okay.
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>> i lost my campaign for the d stid >> i lost my campaign for thee president of the united states in new york two weeks ago. we are the underdogs i un this race, but we have the momentum and i know exactly what we are up against.he w >> over those next 91 days and every day in the white house, ii
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will havnge vice president eris' back every single day. and we will have yours. >> laura: okay commit is athis bunch of pablum. no substance in any of this, but it is a big night and billy andl of course kamala harris and tim walz werer te there for the firt rally together and earlier today trump's vp pick held his own rally there. this will not be the only time we see all three of them. vance is planning to follow kamala out the week stopping at each battleground states n she , stopping in.s washington opinion editor and, fox news contributor charlie hurt. charlie, is that a good strategy do you think to follow her, f given the fact she won'tro takea answers for questions from the press and j.d. will take any question thrown at him? >> yeah, i think the dichotomy, the side-by-side comparison is absolutely brilliant iroquois think in a weird way, by picking
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tim walz for all of his poles and he has a crazy left-wing interest liberal and hisi policies are dangerous for the country but he is wita guy and know my kind of guy to interact with the press and will take questions. ng not only will yo qu have tim wap on the campaign trail takingicia questions interacting with people like a normal politician. you have j.d. vance who also has a really terrific ideas, but is very, very good as you pointed out and we saw in philadelphia today is marvelous at answering questions interacting with people in defending the policies that he wants to provide and get elected for to help the country and it is just going to make itt all the more a glaring that literally, she is not allowed to go off script for 5 minutes ormi she imperils her entire was campaign. >> laura: one thing that i was hollering at and it was hilarious tonights unintentionally so is when walz
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tries to question j.d. vance's middle-class, working-class, credibility. watch this.tlan >> like all regular people i grew up within the heartland, j.d. studied at yale. [laughter] had his career funded by sil silicon valley billionaires and wrote oa best seller trashing that community. come on! that is not what middle america >> laura: that didn't even make sense, charlie. i thought they were all aboutto people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and i thoughtno they were all-pro fancw y ivy league schools. now we are supposed to tell poo people not to go there?rg i don't get that argument. >> of course, we now know they are not at all in favor of that. there is nothing more by peopler pulling themselves up by thefu bootstraps and escaping. and they are usually ran by democrats and making wonderful
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things about themselves and with their lives. one of the things i loved moste about the j.d. vance/tim walz s thing is the difference insu biographies. there is a lot of nice things ts say i'm a good family man, good husband, good dad all of thoses. things in a good football coachs but been in politics 20 years. j.d. vance has spent his life not in politics doing normal things and accomplishing extraordinary things. as you point out, lifting himself out of abject poverty, the most hopeless kind of situation, and turned himself into a truly, great american drea m home american success story. and i don't think democrats care about that anymore. i think they wouldjust far rathr just import millions of y indentured workers to comewh d cut the grass for them is really what they care about. >> laura: charlie commitpe is something kamala harris and an open primary wooden won a single state, not won if all the democrats are running.
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she might have had a chance in minnesota may be, but probably not. and yet she goes reflexively toa minnesota because she felt he was it'sey been reported on cnn tod. i thought they said trump had a> loyalty test and they didn't like that. >> i thought it was interesting where he said i will havemp president harris' back ifar elected but what is he comparing that to?nder is he comparing that to kamala harris with joe biden? i didn't understand whatak that meant at all. it didn't make sense but did kamala harris stab joe biden and the back and managed to get th i nomination through using thereg entire party powerful apparatus aned money bagman to take the nomination away from him and wgive it to her? is that what he was saying? i don't know when it was reallys weird. i think it is interesting they have to go to minnesota.
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>> laura: really quickly, thek call back we are not going back and i think he talked to moste americans, certainco age, they would say, gosh, i wish we could go back to the '80s where iwhen wish we could go back to even five years ago when interest rates were low.orti but i guess they are only talking about abortion and when boys couldn't use girls that is the thing most desperatn to preserve but all the other go stuff about tradition and te heartland, they don't want to go back taro any of that. is that what they are talking n abouort? >> i think a lot of normal democrats and republicans have a country that care a lot aboutssr the country but not involved in politics necessarily, they feeld like frogs boiling and watertion where we get stupider andpl stupider and stupider conversations.e i think democrats like it thatas way because it turns people off of politics and makes people walk away that is only way they win recollections.
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>> laura: that is why they can't talk about inflation, i so much.rok you no issues at all, but there's a lot of joy in the room. up next if walz won't tell the campaign the truth, we will. the trump campaign reacts next. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation.
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>> and tim walton i, we agree i about many things including win our middle classes strong, america strong [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] and the middle class will be my defining goal as i am president of the united states. [laughter] >> laura: i'.m sorry, this isng good. 65% of the country say we are going the wrons g direction. 48% of the country say they don't have money for an emergency. but the middle class is doing great. joining me now or a line tru trump 20204 national press secretary. karoline, this is like watchin g something from "alice in wonderland" we areroug looking through the lookingreac glass tonight. p ictim holds them a reaction to pick because tonight i'm a he ssand kamala said they are the champions of the middle >> well that is another lightue and americans know it is not
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true. as president trump simply stated on it is account today, of "thank you, kamala harris, for ho thew dangerously liberal youe his by picking one of the far mt left governors as your runnings mate and by not picking josh t shapirheo. "the democrat party has become a cabal of anti-jewish, anti-semitic radicals. tim walton is a radical leftist. he is weak on the border, he is weak on crime and he has esupporteharrd all of the arresy biden economic policies thatt, have grade of the worst inflation crisis and a generation. laura and her pulled the transcript and kamala nor tim mentioned the word inflation reporter once the in the entire those are the two issues in the country.- yo >> laura: we take that on them o show i watch the entire i had to take one for the team to watch the whole thing today is no mention of border or kin
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inflation.ball but walz was trying to get into his very oddball, goofball digs. like this. >> you know it, you feel these guys are crazy and yes, weird as hell, that is what you see, that is what you see. >> laura: is that an economic argument or foreign argument or? immigration or trade? they are just weird people? so that is it. that is it. that is the campaign we ares going to get. >>ti if you want to know what is weird, tim tim walz and harrisno who support castrating miners and putting tampons immense bathrooms an end publicly funded schools. tim walz signed that into law. that is weird in the americanbrn people know it. we will bring our winning message bringing down inflation, securing the border, peace around the world and the countrw and including minnesota. >> laura: it was an executive order but he would like to have
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an order past weird great to se you, karoline. our next guest returns to the "angle" after going viral for stealing the show at a recent trump rally. what was at all about? we will tell you next.
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>> the leftist trying to tout this woman has a savior for the black community, but all she has done is hurt the black community since she came into the game. we need to do our best to get the message out there. the fight is nothing if we just talk about it amongst ourselves. >> laura: if you look atso cisocial media at any time aftea saturday night, you would see that woman, michaela montgomerym she went viral after speaking ahead of trump out of atlanta an d speaking the truth what kamala harris has done, really done or not for the black community. michaela is a founder of conserve the culture and joins me now. greao see t to see you tonight. >> thank you. >> laura: why did you decidena to speak oldn behalf of donald trump this weekend?
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>> i was actually really fed upa and discussed it with how a lot of media outlets, more specifically urban medial outlets are perjuring the debate and how they were reviewing the national association of black journalists convention. i just thought they did their target audiences a greatesid disservice by not allowing the president to fully speak, by not spreading, you know, accurate information. there was a lot of information spread of especially post-journalist conference. i felt like a black woman, ifum people nag at trump for certain things he said mhat y wish they would come for me. so i called though i knew the trump campaign and hey, what art the odds i could speak saturday? d go ahead!d. >> laura: tonight in philadelphia, we have the philadelphia mayor, african american woman very energetic. basically, the line is if you don't vote for kamala harris,
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you don't care about blackpp people. that is essentially what thenigh underlying messages. your reaction to that tonight. >> i think that is a joke, considering kamala harris comes from a familrrisy of masters. mj kamala harris spends a large ofmajority of her career -- >> laura: what are>> you talking about? i haven't followed t the wholer father. speak with hers wh plantations, don't we. >> laura: let's talk about theta issues of today. the issues of today are the inflation in the border. they didn't mention thosd e at l tonight, michaela. the does that surprise you?em >> they won't mention it because a plan to fixec the economy and they need those people to cross the border illegally and cast votes to maintain power, excuse me t maintain power. wak people are waking up and walking away from the democratic party and they are tired of these undelivered promises. they need a new voter base. i s >> laura: i see what you are. saying.ed
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they try to have a freedom agenda and their freedom agenda is freedom tomo abort and freedm to chemically castrate children. we are the freedom party but that is where it always ends up. >> i think at that point, we aro looking at a war on christianity. we are looking at a war on reality. on them trying to normalize the things we know in our hearts anr minds and we talk about every sunday, that we are not supposed to be doing. >> laura: michaela i'm a great to see youreat tonight, thank yo much. a fascinating appearance ag apt rally. a big get well to my little friend, and miko, knee surgery this morning and i want to thank the doctor and all the great nurses. he's eating junk food, too much of it but before the hard part which is the >> carley: we are following two major stories this morning.


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