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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 7, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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i said no way. we left social security the way it was. well, now we're doing no tax for seniors. you deserve that. we have plenty of other things. we have -- i told you about liquid gold. we have more than anybody else. we don't have to do it. we don't have to hurt people on social security. so, we are going to do no tax on -- if a senior is on social security, and, also, no tax on tips for the waiters that are standing right next to you. >> laura: so, mr. president, i'm going to send it back to the couch but the people here are going to kill me if i don't ask you. they want to know will president trump be at the next sturgis right here to be with the people. [cheers] >> are you ready? i love sturgis. i love it. i love it. and i love that state. and that state we win by so much. the answer is absolutely yes. [cheers and applause] >> i will be there. absolutely yes. [cheers] >> lawrence: thank you, mr. president.
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>> thank you, lawrence. thank you very much. [chanting u.s.a.] >> steve: that's exactly what they wanted to hear. lawrence in sturgis, very nicely >> thank you, it's great fun. thank you, talk to you soon. >> ainsley: we did invite kamala harris on our show, we haven't heard back. we have not received a response from her. she is welcome any time. did she text you, brian? >> brian: no. >> steve: does she have your number? when she called tim walz yesterday, he did not pick up. ab >> ainsley: she'll be on camera. >> steve: this entire program we've been talking about how last night we got to meet this man who will stand aside kamala harris as she races toward first tuesday in november. tim walz is a former teacher.
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>> brian: moderate. >> ainsley: coach. >> steve: coguy everyone would like. football coach. served in a district donald trump eventually would win. it was his ability to attack won him a spot on television. he came up with the term "weird." >> ainsley: when you look at his record, it is so progressive, right there with bernie sanders and kamala harris. >> brian: don't you think left of gavin newsom? >> ainsley: i do. we'll go through his record. donald trump, republicans were more worried about josh shapiro. he is a moderate, he is pro-israel. they were concerned about that. moderates with josh shapiro a
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and -- she is progressive and wants someone to be her friend and vote the way she does. we asked donald trump about this, listen. >> i can't believe it, i never thought this one would be picked. i helped him during the riots because his house was surrounded by people waving the american flag. he called me very concerned it was going to get out of control. they had one guard at his house in some form. i said, what do you want me to do about it? if you would put out the word i am a good person. i said, he's a good person, everybody took down their flags and their maga flags. thousands of people. that was first time i said, wow, that is interesting. he called me back and thanked me
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very much. only thing i ever had to do with him. he's a very liberal man and a shocking pick and i'm thrilled, could not be more thrilled. >> brian: he put out on truth social right away, thank you. challenge they will have, they will not have a bunch of sound bites to run against. donald trump and j.d. vance said i'll tell you, answer any question, they don't want to talk about their past record or trans formation to make policy more palatable to the masses. team trump-vance and candidates themselves. >> steve: we learned mr. walz is far to the left and "new york post" headline is out of left field. brian's point about remaking her essentially her biography
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without saying all that stuff i'm for, i'm against now, because i want to win. he is so far to the left, it makes her look moderate. in comparison. >> brian: vice president, attorney general, the d.a.? lawrence jones is in sturgess. >> ainsley: don't you think it is important for donald trump to get out there and focus on the issues? >> lawrence: yes, it's been my message entire time. i've said publicly, the issues are enough. look at what democrats are doing, for last 10 years, been making the same case. they called him a criminal, they said russia, they tried to impeach him. same old play book. we know progressives are doubling down on the agenda. if you want law and order, you
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donbas don't want this governor to be "outnumbered" n-- your net vice president. it is important for the president to paint that case. it is beginning to rain in sturgis. talk about the brighter america, remind them about four years ago. love or hate, no one can deny the great trump economy. people said, i was able to hire more people, i had more money in my bank account, people are not feeling that right now, guys. >> steve: when we were speaking to donald trump, we addressed the fact walz and harris attacked him and talked about give us four years and we'll make things better. here is former president addressing that. >> we'll create jobs at level
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you have never seen before. most successful administration from the economy standpoint never been any administration that was even close numbers wise. they had inflation the level which our country probably has never seen. they say, you go back 72 years. we probably never have seen inflation like that and it is killing, the same people he's talking about, it's killing. inflation destroyed their administration and they have no idea what to do about it, it is getting worse and you had crash over 1000 points, it is bad situation. we could end up in depression if people are re-elected. >> brian: we don't really know what kamala harris' economic principles are that are different from joe biden. she was praising bidenomics. will she run on what she did? she was by the president's side
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or run on what she would do and admit she does not agree with what the president did, massive spending that caused spike in inflation. put interest rates high. >> lawrence: the website is blank right now. there is opportunity to say, this is what i believe. she has not taken the opportunity to put it on the website. >> ainsley: they were both pro riot, both pro-abortion, up until moment of birth. on his watch, five infants were born alive during failed abortions and none was -- they were trying -- none received life-saving care and two did receive comfort care and they passed away, according to minnesota department of health. during covid-19, they were
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pro-lockdown. did not let kids did sports. they had a line you could tattle on friends if they did go out. they want to get ladders so illegal immigrants can get over the wall. fracking and drilling, she's been against fracking until two weeks ago and now trying to win pennsylvania, she's for it. >> brian: right now there is pause on all leases. lawrence, antisemitism and what it had to do with josh shapiro not getting status. if vane jones said, here is donald trump. >> we are trying to win new york and we're close to doing it right now with this team. this is the worst team ever assembled for a jewish person or
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israel either one. this is a team that will not be there. i think i'm going to get t tremendous amount of jewish votes. i think i was doing fine there. traditionally, jewish people vote for democrats. we won last time, won miami and areas nobody has won before with jewish people. >> lawrence: brian, i am watching the vice president kamala harris yesterday and governor walz and kamala was better. walz was okay. before them was governor josh shapiro and he brings down the house. i may not agree on the issues, this guy is inspirational, riling the left. why didn't they pick this guy? nbc says they did favorability testing and amongst young
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people, pro-hamas side don't like him. it is something democrats have to evaluate. are they going to allow pro-hamas side to control the narrative? they are concerned about michigan, they cannot win michigan unless they appease the pro-hamas side. >> ainsley: steve said something interesting, you read article about three choices. >> steve: according to "new york times," before she decided who was going to be her running mate, they did focus groups, pole testing and reviewed records and harris was told josh shapiro, kelly and walz, any three of them, you could win, pick whoever you want. problem with josh shapiro, one first thing he said, what are my duties? what is my power as vice president, which speaks to john
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fetterman's criticism that he is ambitious and she would have to watch her back. there are a lot of progressives who labeled him, josh shapiro as genocide josh. so that speaks to the split within the democratic party. it all came down to who she got along with better. mark kelly was third choice. walz hit it out of the park. just tell me to do something and i'll do if. >> lawrence: point me to u unambitious politician. >> steve: apparently he was super ambitious. >> ainsley: bottom line is people would like him better than her. >> steve: he told them, i've
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been governor for a while and never used a teleprompter and never used a teleprompter in public until yesterday when he did that speech and they were packed to the rafters and he did well. >> ainsley: i felt sorry for him temperature is politics, they are in the state of pennsylvania, 60 something percent approval rating. he is not selected and has to go on stage. lawrence, you said he got more applause when he was up there. >> brian: interrupted "the five" yesterday. there was a long pause, waiting for everything to die down. governor walz told kamala harris, i don't want to be president and that is what dick cheney said. that makes her think he will not run. >> steve: a eight years to chan
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his mind. >> lawrence: the governor also said everything is right with joe biden. >> brian: so did tim walz. >> ainsley: so great, the three of us were interviewing donald trump, we wanted you to be included. producers had a great idea, why don't lawrence walk around sturgis and ask questions. you asked everyone what is most important to him. one voter asked president trump about energy and this was his response. watch this. >> mr. president, what can we do to achieve a permanent long-term energy solution to keep us energy independent? >> lawrence: great question. mr. president? >> great question and important question. we are run by people that are not smart people.
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we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country, russia, saudi arabia, more than anybody. we were energy independent four years ago and now we're begging venezuela for oil. venezuela? they don't even have oil, they have tar. you have to take tar and refine it. it is a terrible process. we have best, most beautiful, h hig highest quality oil under our feet. we don't use it. >> steve: over half an hour, we heard from former president about what he would do to bring down prices and make things more affordable, interesting as democratic ticket takes off to see how they explain how they will do it. i have a feeling it is going to be different. >> brian: they can't frack in pennsylvania, they stopped all new leases for no reason. just because they want to please
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environmental groups. how are people of pennsylvania going to get around that. important with regulation and federalizing land, way of limiting drilling and fracking, subtle way to do it without saying it. talk to people in the oil and gas industry, they want no part of it. >> steve: democratic ticket is set. >> lawrence: isn't it great to have a candidate that is willing to answer questions, let us know where they stand on policy position and what they plan to do? i wish we could get same thing from kamala harris and hear from the current president of the united states. >> ainsley: trump and j.d. are all over the place. >> steve: we have invited harris and walz, invitation stands.
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>> ainsley: he is at a christian breakfast with motorcyclists. >> brian: one person is leaving. >> steve: lawrence is at sturgis, in south dakota. >> brian: one person had to leave in the middle of your conversation. >> ainsley: you put the president on the spot, they want you to be here next year and he said, i give them my word i will be going. >> brian: we will drive as many motorcycles as lawrence does. >> steve: minnesota nat ive pet hegseth and will cain will react next to trump telling us he is thrilled about walz being kamala harris' v.p. pick. >> brian: they are running mates. you know, you only get one body. it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space.
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or have to speak with its hands. but no matter what body you're born with, you only get one. let's fight like hell for it. (♪)
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this summer in paris, we're seeing hard work, dedication,
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and a whole lot of... [“joy (unspeakable)” by voices of fire ft. pharrell williams begins to play] anastasia pagonis still feeling the joy. grant holloway how about that! keep the flair, keep the emotion, keep the showman, the sport needs it. ♪ ♪ >> brian: door to progressive congresswoman cori bush ousted by constituents in her own party. carley shimkus has details. >> carley: bush lost her primary to wesley bell, the more
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moderate candidate. bell defeated with 51 percent of the vote. >> this is not campaigning and negative messaging, our kids are watching. what we say matters. this district is better for more accountable representation in washington, d.c. progressives should make progress. >> carley: bell getting the win thanks to backing of several pro-israel groups. bush is second squad member after congressman jamaal bowman suffered a similar loss in new york. soon-to-be congresswoman said she is not going anywhere. >> apac, i'm coming to tear your kingdom down and i will put
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corporations on notice, i am coming after you, too. support a free palestine, a free c congo, free sudan and keep opposing genocide. >> carley: and alexandria ocasio-cortez responded to bush's defeat. >> there is eshg normous amount of influence of big money in politics. cori bush's race was second most expensive primary in history and money spent against them. >> carley: bell will face andrew jones or stan hall. gop primary has not been called, jones is currently leading. steve. >> steve: donald trump telling us on "fox and friends" about
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why he is thrilled about facing off against the far left ticket of harris and walz. >> i can't believe it, i never thought this would be the one picked. i helped him during the riot, his house was surround by people waving the american flag. he called me back and thanked me. he is a very liberal man and he's a shocking pick and i'm thrilled, could not be more thrilled. >> steve: that is former president talkings about the governor call ing the former president in 2020. his own words tell a different story. >> catch 22, more police there, more tension it is, more tension, more chance you get
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things. gender affirming healthcare is essential to the community. we can guilty out there, reach out and make the case and dope shy from progressive values. one person's socialism is another person's neighborness. just do the damn work. >> steve: joining us is pete hegseth and will cain. pete, as minnesota native, we got a lot of tape on this guy. kids say, we have the receipts. >> peter: my buddies said yesterday, a collective groan, are we going to minnesota america? at least it is walz, not josh shapiro, he would have been formidable. play up the neighbor liness,
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under that is progressive core, finger in the wind to left. sex changes for minors, tampon tim, we have tampon in men's bathrooms in minnesota. this guy during covid locked entire state down. will is laughing, tampons in men's bathrooms? yes, ty tim walz in minnesota. he wants to be the liberal's liberal. what is gavin newsom and cuomo doing? i want to do that. he touts his military record. i know a lot of guys that served, not with walz. he bailed and abandoned his unit and he said, i want to ban the weapons of war, tim, you left.
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from law and order to basic decency tim walz is radical and he will help. >> steve: we have a quote regar regarding military record. may 16th, 2005, he quit, betraying his country, leaving the 125th field battalion soldiers hanging without senior noncommission officer as battalion prepared for war. will, we did not hear, we heard he was coach, teacher, in service, we did not hear about that or hear about his super left liberal points of view either. >> will: pete, while your buddies are calling him tampon tim, left is attempting to call him coach. i did not know coach surrperced
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congressman, that was attempt to make him a folksy, neighborly politician. he said in his own words, one person's socialism is another person's neighbor liness. he let neighborhoods burn in 2020. his wife said she left the windows open so she could smell the burning tires in 2020. this entire exercise to paint himself and kamala harris to paint him moderate is antagonism to his voting record and governing record when he was in charge. as governor, he is far left and governored far left and rord reflects he is far left.
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steve, you had carley shimkus talking about bush losing her primary, it is interesting all the people enthusiastic about tim walz are democrats losing. he was celebrated by aoc and by ilhan omar and by the squad and nobody more than jamaal bowman, who has been banished from demo democratic party because he was too radically far to the left. >> steve: i read a news item that said j.d. vance and tim walz have something in common. they have something in common with you. you all love diet mountain dew. crazy about diet mountain dew. >> it is true. maybe a midwest thing. t walz talks about it, will knows, i have one every morning and
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have a fridge full in my office. i can't endorse tim walz's use of it. it does keep you awake and has no calories. >> steve: will says it with a laugh. yep, that's my mountain dew buddy. >> will: not big on diet mountain dew. far be it from me to make fun of pete hegseth. >> steve: 8:30 and fox news alert, israel staring down a ring of fire as iran pledges retaliation. trey yingst is in the region and he is next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama.
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>> brian: moments ago president trump told us he is thrilled tim walz is kamala harris' v.p. pick. the pair heads to two battleground stops today. they will be in wisconsin today. mark, take if away. >> marc: we'll see democratic t ticket and j.d. vance in wisconsin, indication of how important this state is for poeth partieses. this is first time voters will hear from the new democratic nominee. he was unveiled last night. harris campaign hopes he will -- we are hearing from former president trump reacting in realtime to this development. he said it is now possible that he could pick up votes from
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jewish americans that may be taking a second look at him. >> we will try to win new york, that has not been done for many decades. i think i will get a tremendous amount of jewish votes. >> we know the former president will be back on the campaign trail next week. this week he is relying on j.d. vance. vance was in philadelphia and just landed in michigan. we are hearing from the former president on foreign policy, here is what he had to say on fox. >> afghanistan move was so bad, an embarrassment in terms of that, we gave it up and it was
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like the most horrible thij and gave putin feeling wow, these people are inkocompetent, i cano into ukraine. iran was broke under me, no hamas threat. >> i imagine iran is something we hear from the trump-vance t ticket. we expect vice president and her running mate to be here. no idea what kind of crowd we will have today. they want to win this state. >> brian: fox news alert, rockets fired from lebanon striking israel. fox news chief correspondent trey yingst is in israel. s sinwar is new guy in charge.
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will we see him in a suit in qatar doing negotiations? >> trey: they announced rep replacement for ismail haniyeh, and it is sinwar, who has been named leader of hamas. he is believed to be in a tunnel surrounded by israeli and possible american hostages and no telling when he will come out of the tunnel to negotiate on behalf of hamas. interesting move by thee organization sending message to israel they continue a message of defiance. in doha they have made little movement how to end the war in gaza and he is only top official left after ismail haniyeh was
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killed in israeli operations responsible for thee october 7 massacre. >> brian: one terrorist mastermind killed in lebanon and ismail haniyeh killed in tehran in iran representing hamas. iran promised retribution that raman may be rethink ing attack. what are we giving away to iran to get them to possible attack back on israel? >> trey: giving them more time to move missiles into place. if a deal is cut to get them to stop the response at ip augusteration of the country's new president, would involve sanctions relief that would be used for the country's nuclear
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program. israelis are preparing for that attack and do not believe a diplomatic solution will be found. >> brian: excited about your new book "black saturday" discuss ing the war in gaza. you can preorder now at fox news bo you are all over it, how you experienced it and what has happened since. how has this affected you? >> trey: look, black saturday is book about the darkest day in our country's history. at the time we did not know hamas had infiltrated the country. we watched people die in front of us. we go through our story and story of soldiers and police officers and civilians taken hostage into the tunnels beneath
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gaza. i interviewed them after they were released during the ceasefire. we speak with the defense minister gallant, senior hamas leaders, doctors to get a clear picture what october 7, black saturday, was like and what days were like inside gaza. five separate times, i was with israeli military as they battled inside gaza strip. this book takes the reader on that journey and what it was like as a reporter to witness death and destruction. i talk about what it was like for me personally, the challenges dealing with post traumatic stress. seeing civilians killed in front of me. it is not easy reporting, you
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will want to see what happens next behind scenes of the story and day this war began that is still unfolding as we speak. >> brian: and reason it is necessary for israel to gut hamas before anything will stop, in my view. cannot wait to see it. it will not be anything like this book. congratulations on the promotion, well deserved. it is the world's largest motorcycle rally in sturgis, and lawrence is not riding solo, governor kristi noem will be with him next. symptoms pause i. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. daily zz for quality sleep. and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients.
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flooding will be a concern. over to you. >> steve: keeps going and going and going. last hour voters in south dakota asking donald trump big questions on their minds. >> what are you going to do about bringing down rent and stuff like that. i'm a father and step-father, five of my children are struggling and i've giving them part of my income on a regular basis. >> drill, baby, drill. energy caused woft inflation, food prices up, sometimes more. look at bacon, it quadrupled. we are living hrnorribly worst inflation we've had in our country. >> ainsley: let's head back to south dakota, governor kristi
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noem is live with lawrence. hi, guys. >> lawrence: good morning, great governor for great state of south dakota with me. you heard that gentleman on your left describing biden's america, will things get better? >> they will if president trump gets back in the white house. president trump said it when he talked about energy, everything in our economy is run on energy. we're trans porting groceries, family vacation, if we can drive down energy cost that will impact everything a family needs to take care of day-to-day lives. grocery store prices have gone up, medical bills are going up. they are making decisions if they can buy kids new tennis shoes for school or a babackpac.
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when president trump was in the white house, they could prepare. >> lawrence: good point. kamala harris decided on her vice presidential pick. you got elected at the same time, you in south dakota and him in north dakota. what do we need to know about him? >> he's radical. it is interesting how different decisions impacted the state differently. he shut down his state and he attacked me for hosting the sturgis motorcycle rally. he said this place was spreading covid. >> lawrence: this is outdoor. >> it is, these people love their freedom and understand government should not take it away. governor walz took away freedom of his people.
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people move to get away from his policies. riots started in minnesota under his watch. he called surrounding governors and asked for help. he panicked and called us for help to bring law and order back to his streets. that is remarkable, he is not a decision-maker. he promised law enforcement more and did not follow through. he supported blm. >> lawrence: thank you for joining us this morning. guys issue it's been great being at sturgis, i will send it back to you on the couch. >> steve: nicely done. >> ainsley: tell them hello. >> steve: indeed. say hello to bill hemmer employs >> bill: love sturgis and that part of the world. good show, guys.
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we're off and running, j.d. vance next hour in michigan, harris and walz hit wisconsin. how does the race look today? we'll unveil power rankings and see where we are at this point, 90 days to go. another squad member defeated in primary election. americans targeted in iraq, when will biden respond in when will we see him? all questions remain. two hours stratz ahead, see you top of the hour right here.
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