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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 7, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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couldn't break up those protests on campus because it would have violated students' first amendment rights. as they continue the legal battle harvard university telling fox news harvard is confident that once the facts in this case are made clear, it is going to be evident that harvard acted fairly and deep concern for supporting our jewish and israeli students. harvard students behind lawsuit say it's not good enough. >> the idea harvard has lifted a finger to do anything to combat the systemic nature of anti-semitism at its university on its campus is simply not true and they know that. >> other schools were hit with similar lawsuits. nyu and columbia settled their cases. this case not going anywhere. it is back in court later this summer. we'll keep you posted. >> sandra: we know you will. thank you. >> bill: now we have two tickets to blueprints for america and they are very different. j.d. vance about to rally in detroit after kamala harris and
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tim walz make their democratic debut yesterday. polar opposite visions for america on full display. seldom is there a more clear choice now that the campaigns have made their selections. brand-new hour begins now. dana has the day off. i'm bill hemmer. welcome back to sandra smith. >> sandra: this is a good wednesday. good to be with you. i'm sandra smith. the battle lines are drawn and could not be sharper pitting one of the most far left tickets ever against the trump record of relative peace and prosperity. anticipation is building for this vance rally that should be happening in detroit any moment now which could be a barn burner. moments ago the former president weighed in on the race with walz completing the democrats' ticket a short time ago. >> he is a very, very liberal man and a shocking pick. i could not be more thrilled. if you look at his record with
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no walls, no security, let everybody in. he is worse than they are. there has never been a ticket like this. >> bill: clay travis has analysis standing by. first to grady trimble live in the motor city. grady, good morning to a new hour. >> good morning. republicans wasted no time painting this harris-walz ticket as extremely progressive and highlighting over the past several weeks since harris become the nominee she was extremely liberal as a senator. nonpartisan tracking website said she was one of the most progressive senators back when she served in congress. and now republicans are going after governor walz for his handling of covid the lockdowns and establishing a hotline for people not following the rules and the delay in calling in the national guard during the george floyd riots. despite those criticisms last
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night he went after trump saying he is the one who failed on covid, crime and the economy. >> he froze in the face of the covid crisis. he drove our economy into the ground and make no mistake, violent crime was up under donald trump. >> even though walz is not from any of the key blue wall swing states that harris will need to win, democrats think he will have appeal in the heartland that maybe see being from the coast doesn't. here in michigan republican senate candidate mike rogers says he doesn't think that will be the case. >> governor walz very liberal. did i mention very liberal? it won't sell here in michigan. we're already worried about what they're doing and they send jobs to china on the backs of our
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workers. >> all right. so tonight here in michigan voters will hear from harris and walz together again. we also expect to hear from uaw president who just last week endorsed harris before she had picked a running mate. now the ticket is complete. he says he likes him and we'll hear a little more from him tonight endorsing harris and the democrats despite that e.v. mandate that so many workers here in michigan are concerned about. >> bill: thank you, nice to see you, grady, in michigan. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in clay travis from outkick. i was thinking hemmer needs a jacket like that. let's see what j.d. vance has to say in a moment. he is on a mission to force the media to get kamala harris to answer some questions. he said this. listen. >> i think that you guys have got to do a better job at actually forcing kamala harris to answer questions.
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she hasn't taken a single real question from a reporter. the american people deserve to get to know the people who want to lead them. she is taking a basement strategy of running from reporters instead of answering tough questions about her record and letting the people know who she is. president trump and i take hostile and non-hostile questions. we speak to people and we want to persuade them and not try to run from them. >> sandra: we're watching live for him to begin speaking in detroit, clay. why not? why not answer some questions here? >> i think they learned -- thanks for having me. i think they learned the lesson that arose from the 2020 campaign with joe biden. they can hide their candidate in the basement. they know that the media is going to basically be making the argument they need to be made out in public. and unlike joe biden when it came to covid and his age and the danger that might have existed for joe biden, the danger for kamala harris is when she speaks, people don't like
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her. so when she comes off the teleprompter and actually has to answer real questions, you guys know, lester holt absolutely eviscerated her on the border. lester holt one of the nicest guys out there in media. she didn't do sit-down interviews for a year after that. she had the lowest overall approval ratings as a vice president of anyone in history. they were talking about removing her from the ticket because she was too much of a drag on joe biden who was more popular than her. then snap all of a sudden she becomes the nominee and it is like everybody forgets how bad a v.p. she was and the fact she is responsible for everything that joe biden did and guys, i don't know about you, i was stunned when she picked walz as the v.p. my immediate reaction, this combines, the tag team, the governor who allowed minnesota to burn, minneapolis in
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particular, and the vice president, then a presidential candidate, who allowed all of those people who were arrested to be bailed out thanks to the fact she was raising money for them. the link is still up to donate for anybody arrested and looting and an arsonist helping to destroy and vandalize minneapolis. that my biggest takeaway. they've doubled down on believing defund the police is a good idea. >> bill: she put all her chips on the progressive left in america and betting they can get 51% of the american people to vote on their policies and put the coalition back together. back to the issue why she doesn't take questions, all right? "l. a. times."enter this is why kamala harris is avoiding the press and getting away with it. it isn't a normal time. it doesn't excuse journalists from demanding more transparency of a candidate who side stepped the primary process. protecting her from scrutiny and
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hiding the full extent of biden's decline worked well for a time. when reality was revealed it came as a shock he was forced out of the race. it was a shock if you weren't paying attention. as we see j.d. vance step up to the microphone we'll take him in a minute. go ahead and address that point. >> i think -- look at the demand, bill and sandra. you saw all this. you have to do a big boy press conference. you have to sit down with stephanopoulos. you have to start doing all these interviews. as soon as there was a sign that biden on june 27th had collapsed cognitively and mentally. they aren't making the same demands about kamala. what does she stand for? she has revoked and reversed everything she said when she ran for president. she hasn't gotten a single vote. no policy prescription up on her website right now. what does she actually believe? she is a chameleon.
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the media seems happy to be cheerleaders for the kamala walz farthest left wing ticket in history. >> sandra: that's something. i think right now the american public are in a discovery stage. >> bill: big way. clay, stand by. dip into j.d. vance. >> which is what kamala harris wants to do. it is a policy choice to open up the american southern border and allow migrant criminals to come into this community and make it less safe. it is a policy choice to not deport people, to suspend deportations which is what kamala harris did and i heard just earlier about a criminal who was deported from this community who came back in and raped an 11-year-old girl just in the past couple of months. i'm the father of a 2-year-old girl. i cannot imagine having a government that cares so little about you that they are letting
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people who come into our communities get deported and come back in and rape our children. that is a policy choice of kamala harris to suspend deportations and let somebody like that into our community. a policy choice to not prosecute people who sexually assault minors. when kamala harris was the attorney general of california, she actually made it a non-violent crime to commit sex crimes with minors. shouldn't we want to throw people who commit the most heinous crimes in our communities in prison and throw away the key and yet kamala harris is making it easier for people to get out of jail after they commit heinous crimes with children. it is despicable but another policy choice of kamala harris. i guess my message to the american people and certainly to all of you gathered here today is we don't have to accept this from the federal government of the united states of america. remember, when president trump was in office, we deported illegal aliens.
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when president trump was in office, we were building the border wall which made it harder for illegal aliens to come here in the first place. when president trump was president, we did not grant mass amnesty which allowed illegal aliens to come into our communities to harm our people and then stay here after the fact. we just need better leadership. it is so simple. and i can't believe that anyone would actually think that you should open up the american southern border to all of these criminals. you should let them commit crimes in our communities and should refuse to deport them afterwards. that's exactly what kamala harris has done. i grew up in a community, i grew up in a place where when law enforcement wasn't able to do their job, it was the poor kids in my community, the kids who grew up like i did who suffer the most. of course, if you are wealthy you can afford a gated community and private security. but when the police are not empowered to do their job, it is the most vulnerable people in
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our communities who suffer. we saw that, of course, in 2020 with the summer riots with our new vice presidential nominee on the democratic side. makes an interesting dynamic duo with kamala harris. as he was promoting rioters and looters burning down the city of minneapolis, kamala harris was helping to bail the rioters and looters out of jail. a really vicious cycle if you are living in that community, a vicious cycle if you own one of those businesses that was burned down and a very vicious cycle if you are a kid who needs common sense safety but doesn't have access to it because our government so often refuses to do its job. i want to do a couple of shout-outs here, encourage these folks if they are willing to make a couple of remarks and then i will close this out and take some questions from the media. but i got to meet jim. jim is the leader of one of the
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most important associations of law enforcement officers here in the state of michigan. he told me about just in the 30-day period they lost three police officers. three police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty because kamala harris has sent out this message that it's open season on american police officers. that filters down to the criminals who hear it who know they won't suffer consequences for committing violent crime and do exactly that and jim's police officers lost their lives because of it. i would love to have jim come up here and say a few words if you are willing. [applause] >> thank you, senator. as he indicated we represent 12,000 law enforcement personnel across both peninsula. common thread in the room today was the regard for public safety. although the democrat candidate for president has not said as
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much it is quite common for all candidates to claim an allegiance to law enforcement and public safety at election time. the truth is it's what you say and do between elections that matter to us and we've had an opportunity to see what president trump did as president and we've had an opportunity to see his choice here in j.d. vance and we know that it is buy knary choice. >> this is a law and order message and we get into it as soon as vance gets question. we aren't going anywhere. michigan will get a ton of attention. it is a great state and we'll hear a lot about it coming up. meanwhile as he is addressing that, we want to move to the white house right now and check in with griff jenkins. we have not seen or heard from the president in some time. he has not been seen since he blew past reporters on monday despite middle east tensions and national security. the white house denies they have had any lack of communication.
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griff jenkins can run it down for us now. >> good morning. it is starting to feel like a high stakes game of hide and seek around here. the president biden making it very clear that he wants to stay and lay low and not step in the limelight of harris's new ticket and he is obviously staying out of sight. now, there are no public events, bill, on the schedule today. in fact, the only time we've seen him all week long is the brief tape we showed you of him getting off marine one and avoided questions from reporters standing by. the white house saying he is holed up and working hard. >> israel could be under attack any moment from iran. u.s. troops in iraq were injured yesterday. why have we not heard directly from president biden? where is he? >> you have seen the president. he have has been very clear about -- about making sure that we continue to try to de-escalate tensions.
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we just put out two read-outs today. >> two read-outs. now biden did post a picture to x yesterday in the oval office making calls to the leaders of qatar and egypt trying to de-escalate things in the mideast. no on camera comments the threat of iran striking israel or u.s. service members injured in iraq. no marine is posted outside the oval office, so apparently he is not in there right now. as we try and get something more from the white house. bill and sandra. back to you. >> bill: when you get it we'll bring you on thanks from the north lawn. >> sandra: white house press briefing will have it for you on america reports. israel bracing for an imminent strength from iran. all this with the architect of the october 7th terror attacks now the new leader of hamas. does this doom any chances for a
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cease-fire? >> bill: the war igniting a heightened terror threat in the u.s. why a 99 people on the terrorist watch list unaccounted for in the u.s. under the biden-harris administration. >> sandra: tropical storm debby is bringing catastrophic flooding to the carolinas. >> my whole house is surrounded with water. i actually couldn't get out until it subsided just a little bit. in this crazy world how do you protect and grow your investment portfolio and your retirement money? the smart investor has their money in a guaranteed product that goes up with the market. their gains lock in, and when the market goes down, they don't lose money. forward with their money, never backward. and we do it for our clients every day. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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>> bill: 22 past. pakistani man allegedly had ties to iran's government charged in a plot to carry out political assassinations here on u.s. soil. one of his targets might have been the former president, donald trump. what we're learning about this now. >> federal prosecutors say the
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pakistani national with iranian tries tried recruiting hit men in the united states to assassinate government officials and politicians including possibly former president donald trump. according to federal sources. he is in federal custody in new york right now. he came to the united states in april from pakistan just two weeks after visiting iran. he sketched out assassination scenarios on a napkin in a new york city hotel room. he said his targets hurt pakistan and the muslim world. three objectives and different code words. this was found in his wallet during his arrest. t-shirt starting a protest as a diversion during an assassination attempt. flannel shirt meant stealing from the target's home and fleece jacket for murdering a target. he paid undercover agents $5 thousand to do the job.
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attorney general merrick garland is connecting the plot to the killing of soleimani in 2020. >> the years the justice department has been working to aggressively encounter iran's unrelenting efforts to retaliate against american government officials for the killing of general soleimani. we expect these threats will continue and these cases will not be the last. >> garland said this is not related to the july 13th attempted assassination of former president trump but authorities did arrest this man one day before that shooting. get this, bill. a senior law enforcement official tells fox that the man's plot was one of the reasons that trump had secret service counter snipers at that rally in butler, pennsylvania. >> bill: unbelievable. nate foye, nice to see you. j.d. vance taking questions challenging kamala harris to do the same. on day 17 he has not. >> show a little bit of self-awareness and demand that
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kamala harris actually do the job of a presidential candidate and speak to the media and reporters. until she does you guys have got to stop giving her a honeymoon and pretending she is something she isn't. this is a person who said she supports the police yet promoted policies to defund the police. a person who says that she wants a secure border but been the border czar for 3 1/2 years while it has been wide open and a person who says they wants to secure american communities and get all the people police officers, they don't seem to like kamala harris. you have to ask her tough questions why that is. the media honeymoon for a person who runs away from the american people is disgraceful. not just disgraceful for kamala harris but increasingly disgraceful on the part of the media. michigan reporters, start with you, sir. >> i'm from a newspaper and iran and hezbollah are in the news as the world waits for a threatened
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attack on israel. radio talk show this week suspected a number of of terrorists within the united states. do we know what these suspected terrorists and their leverage and do you think they are preparing an october 7th attack in the u.s.? if so. how does the trump administration or potential one navigate that on their foreign policy? >> let me say that president trump noticed when he was in office we did not have the world on fire. we did not have a war in the middle east, a war in europe, a war threatening to break out in east asia. president trump was the candidate of peace and prosperity. he delivered peace all over the world and he would do it again if he was president of the united states. what is going on in israel highlights the weakness of the kamala harris administration. kamala harris is a person who says she wants the war in israel to be over with and also that she wants to minimize civilian
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casualties. i want those things, too. why isn't she giving israel the weapons it needs to minimize civilian casualties and end this conflict quickly? the best thing for the united states of america is for israel to end its war, destroy hamas and then rebuild the abraham accords of president trump so the sunni arab states and the israelis can form a regional counter balance to iran. that's the best interest of the country and israel and it is telling that kamala harris refuses to do what she needs to do to keep america and its allies safe. the final point is yes, i believe that there are iranian-backed militia groups in in country right now because we know thousands of people have come across the u.s. southern border who have ties to terrorism. well, it's really endangers your country and fear we have a bad headline here and a lot of people who could lose their lives because kamala harris refuses to keep terrorists out of our country.
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it is disgraceful but highlights the fact unless you have a border there is no peace and no security for american citizens even in a place as far north as shelby township, michigan. other questions. yeah. >> when trump was at the nabj conference he was asked whether you would be ready to assume the presidency on day one and he responded by talking about how the vice president pick doesn't really impact the election outcome. was that the response that you were hoping for from the former president? >> what the president has said and i agree with him. most people are voting at the top of the ticket. tim walz is a crazy radical and allowed rioters to burn down minneapolis. it was a common sense observation. he said it before and after i was the pick and he is absolutely right. i will say on the vice presidential issue, it is interesting what tim walz says about kamala harris. he promoted rioters burning down
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the biggest city in his state. this is a guy who wants to give drivers licenses to illegal aliens and wants to take children away from their parents if those parents don't consent to sex changes for minors. this is a radical human being who comes from the far left wing of the democrat party. what kamala harris is telling all of us by selecting tim walz is she bends the knee to the far left of the democrat party. she has done it every time in government. done it in who she selected as vp nominee and do it if the american people give her a promotion to president of the united states. we don't have to guess what kamala harris believes. the fact that she keeps on leaning on the most far left people in the democrat party tells us who she is and what she stands for. sir. >> policy on immigration today. what is the plan from the trump team to execute this mass deportation? what will it look like in the united states? how will you make it happen? >> the first thing that you have
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to do and the first thing president trump will do is stop the massive inflow of illegal aliens in the first place. you have to stop the bleeding before you can actually fix the problem here and we still have thousands of people coming across the border illegally every single day. the first thing you do he reimplement deportations and finish construction of the border wall and stop proposing mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. that solves the majority of the problem on day one. president trump already did it and do it again. what do you do with the people already here? it is important we send a message that if you have come to this country illegally, if you plowed into an innocent mom and her daughter and they lost their lives because of your actions, the message from the trump administration is simple, pack your bags because in four months you are going home. we do not consent to an invasion of this country from millions of people who shouldn't be here and we'll deport people. now, you start with the people who are most dangerous. you start with the most violent
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criminals. you make it harder for businesses to hire illegal aliens and work your way down from there and that's how you solve the problem of people who are here. if you aren't willing to tell at least some of the people who are in this country illegally that you have to go back, you don't have a real border policy. that's what kamala harris has given this country unfortunately. sir. >> governor walz suggested because of your ivy league education and silicon backing that you are part of the elite. what are your first impressions trying to frame you this way? >> i came from a family where nobody in my family had ever gone to law school. i was -- i grew up in a poor family. the fact that walz wants to turn that into a bad thing that i actually worked myself through college and law school and made something of myself, to me that's a american dream. if tim walz wants to insult it, it is pretty bizarre. what really bothers me about tim
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walz not even the positions he has taken. he has been a far left radical. when the united states of america asked me to go to iraq to serve my country i did it. i did what they asked me to do and honorably and proud of service. when tim walz was asked to go to iraq he dropped out of the army and allowed his unit to go without him. he has been criticized aggressively by a lot of people he served with. i think it is shameful to prepare your unit to go to iraq, to make a promise you will follow through and then to drop out right before you actually have to go. i also think it is dishonest. something if you guys get an opportunity to ask tim walz or kamala harris some questions, he made this interesting comment that the kamala harris campaign put out there and i bet they are regretting they put it out there now. he said that we making a point about gun control. he said we shouldn't allow weapons that i used in war to be on america's streets.
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i wonder tim walz, when were you ever in war? what was this weapon that you carried into war given you abandoned your unit before they went to iraq and not spent a day in a combat zone? what bothers me about tim walz is the stolen valor garbage. don't pretend to be something you're not. if he wants to criticize me about the ivy league education, i am proud that i made something about myself and i would be ashamed if i lied about my military service like he did. sir. [applause] >> i want to talk a little bit about race. i was at the national association of black journalists where president trump made some attacks on vice president harris's by racial heritage. you have bi racial children. what is your reaction? >> i am the father of bi racial
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children. my wife is here today. i wasn't bothered about what he said and i didn't take it as an attack on her at all. it was an attack on kamala harris being a chameleon. pretends to be one thing in front of one audience and another when she is and she pretends to be something different depending which audience she is speaking to. she has been able to hide it a little bit. the past couple of weeks she only speaks in front of a teleprompter, never gifts unscripted remarks and hidden from the american media and the american people. we know she is a chameleon. she is a person who promised to defund the police and now wants to pretend she is a tough prosecutor. said she would be our border czar and for 3 1/2 years we have an open border. she said that she would bring some common sense and lower inflation to our economic policies and yet she cast the
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deciding vote that raised interest rates, home and food prices. donald trump said something very simple totally inoffensive but true to me. kamala harris is a chameleon, a fake. the american people have to look at her record if we want to know how she stands on the issues. her word simply can't be trusted. >> both indian an black. >> she thinks who she is depending on the audience she is in front of and that's who she is and always been. sir. >> a little different here. you have been criticized as being too serious, angry sometimes. what makes you smile and what makes you happy? >> well, i smile at a lot of things including bogus questions from the media, man. look, i think if you watch a full speech that i give, i actually am having a good time out here and enjoying this. look, sometimes you have to take
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the good with the bad. right now i am angry about what kamala harris has done to this country and done to the american southern border and i think most people in our country, they can be happy go lucky sometimes and enjoy things sometimes and turn on the news and recognize what's going on in this country is a disgrace. if what kamala harris has done at the southern border and raise groceries and housing and it doesn't bother you -- i think my message to the american people is very simple on this. that president trump in particular has the best sense of humor of anybody i've ever seen in american politics. he loves to joke. he loves to tell, he loves to make fun of everybody out there. i think you have to do that from time to time but he is also a guy who is very frustrated with what kamala harris has done though this country. both things can be true. i think most americans can joke around and pissed off about the
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direction of this country. >> right here in shelby township there will be a mother, father, senior citizen struggling to pay bills. pay the utility bills. when you see the prosperity in the trump administration, speaking of that person what does that look like? >> i think that i'm 40 years old. i had my 40th birthday which i'm not too happy about. i'm 40 years old and for my entire life there was this chart that had wages below corporate profits and below the size of government. and there was one four year period wages were going up. the four years when donald trump was president. my message to people who are struggling. i know what it's like to struggle. my grandma tried to get more food from wheels on meals. i know what it is like to deal
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with skyrocketing grocery prices and rent. the solution is give people higher paychecks and better take home pay. the solution is to unleash american energy so that people aren't going to the grocery and something that eggs are 50% more than what they were a year and a half ago, right? you have to bring down prices to give people basic prosperity and the way you do it is really unleashing american energy and unleashing american farmers and not spending like a drunken sailor which is what kamala harris did during her time in office. the bible calls them the least of these who suffered the most under kamala harris's affordability crisis. our priority is to make groceries, gas and rent more affordable for more americans. if you work hard and play by the rules, you should be able to live a good life in this country. unfortunately a lot of people right now are working hard and
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playing by the rules but can't afford groceries and rent because of bad policy in washington, d.c. we promise we'll change that. one last point i want to make on this because i don't think we talk in the media, we don't talk about it enough in politics but housing is through the roof and destroying people's savings and their ability to put a good house, put a good roof over their kids' head. here is the thing, why is housing so expensive in this country? it is so expense ifb for two reasons. one, kamala harris pursued policies that raised interest rates that make mortgages unaffordable for normal americans. number one. number two, we have let in 20 million aliens competing with american citizens for scarce housing. you do those two things and see the rent crisis you see in michigan, ohio and pennsylvania. a disgrace. president trump and i promise we'll fix it. simple public policy but has to be smarter and look out for
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american citizens first. sir. >> michigan public radio. michigan is a state won on the margins. expected to be a close race. when former president trump was in detroit he was talking to black voters and tie president biden to the crime bill while taking credit for criminal justice reform. you are here with tough on crime message. do you think it will land with voters? >> i think my message to voters of color is very similar to my message to voters everywhere in michigan, we want to redeliver peace and prosperity. voters of color benefit when wages are rising. voters of color benefit when normal people can afford to buy a home and we want to bring back common sense policies. if you look at the statistics, when you allow rioters to set fire to a city or when the police are not empowered to do their jobs it is often voters of color that sufficient disproportionately right and who
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benefit the most from public safety. i think that we have to get some common sense back. that doesn't mean that we want police to have good relationship. tough on crime does not mean tough on crime for every person in the neighborhood with high crime. people love the police. they have got good relationships with the police. there are bad apples here and there. most recognize police are here to make them safe. if we don't make it possible for police to lock up the bad guys, the murderers and armed robbers, it is very often black voters especially in the state of michigan who suffer the most. one thing that really bothers me about the left's narrative on criminal justice reform and a lot of their attacks on police is again it is very often black voters who suffer the most when the police aren't empowered to do their job. we have got to change this. there is an idea out there, i think, that americans often forget that the worst violent criminals, a very small group of
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people who commit the most often commit the worst violent crimes. nobody black, white or anything else, wants us to do anything other than lock up the most violent criminals. you do that and you empower to police to do that you solve a host of violent crime problems and voters of color benefit from that as much as anybody. >> you have repeatedly suggested that the only reason kamala harris didn't pick josh shapiro is because of his jewish faith. do you have any evidence to support that assertion that a person who is married to a jewish man is somehow anti-semitic tore bowing. >> i didn't say that was the only reason kamala harris didn't choose him. he should take a little less dnc talking points and ask a real question. i have suggested that kamala harris was motivated or at least her party was motivated by anti-semitism and the evidence that i offer for that is what dozens of democratic activists said in the run-up to her
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selecting the nominee. multiple media personalities and people with influence in the democrat party who suggested that she should not choose josh shapiro because of his ethnic background. i don't care what your ethnic background is and neither does donald trump. i don't want to live in a country where we choose who the next vp is based on ethnic heritage or skin color. choose on merit. so many prominent leaders in the far left felt empowered to talk about shapiro's ethnic heritage is a disgrace and scandal for the democratic party, yes, i do. last question, blue and yellow there. >> 91,000 immigrants would account for 1.2% of the population. what do you say to the people who say immigration really isn't that big of a problem here? >> i appreciate the question. i would say that interestingly, legal immigrants often suffer
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the most from illegal immigration. if you look at the effect on legal immigrants' wages, if you look at the jobs that they are working and look at the communities they are living in most affected by the public safety problems caused by illegal immigration, my message to legal immigrants was one, we love to have you. you are very welcome and we're happy that you came through the proper channels. the illegal immigration problem is very often falls hardest on legal immigrants more than anybody else. my message is our anti-illegal immigration platform will make your life better. it will make wages go up and public safety in your communities better. i'm married to the daughter of legal immigrants. i believe in my heart that legal immigration can enrich this country but not illegal immigration, which is what kamala harris has done all over this country. it has made us less safe. driven down wages for working americans and made our communities less prosperous. we have to stop this craziness.
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president trump and i will do it. on that topic i know that was the last question. let me offer one final observation again about these guys in the back. law enforcement is fundamentally a team effort. you need the federal government to do what it needs to do. the state government and local governments to be empowered to keep people safe. what is so broken about american public safety. it is not local police officers doing great things. not our state leadership who is doing great things, it is the federal government. allowing criminals who shouldn't be here, promoting sex trafficking and drug trafficking at the southern border. making these guys' jobs so much more difficult and making it difficult in ways we don't always see. i talked earlier to these guys behind me a little bit earlier. we talked about the fact when they have illegal aliens and they have to provide food and housing for those illegal aliens, that's precious tax dollars that don't go into hiring additional officers they need. so we have been put in a 0 sum situation by kamala harris where
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we can prioritize the interests of american citizens and their safety or we can prioritize the health benefit of illegal aliens. we have got to prioritize our own citizens. this crime problem is a policy choice of kamala harris. we can do so much better. elect donald trump and we will. god bless you guys and thank you. >> bill: that was something else for the past 20 minutes. good questions, i would say. really interesting answers. here we go. j.d. vance is on record he believes iranian militias are here in the u.s. based on the question. mass deportation plan. stop the bleeding first by fixing the border and start with violent criminals in the u.s. went after kamala harris. in hiding, a chameleon. she is fake. accused tim walz of dropping out of the military. a story in minnesota for six year. when his unit was set to call to iraq he left the military and ran for congress.
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as for shapiro, not talking about his jewish heritage is not right. and this took place in mccomb county, michigan. outskirts of detroit. reagan democrats. >> sandra: a black vote in michigan and the answer, too. his message was one of economic prosperity and he did hit kamala harris quite a bit on what he said was an affordability crisis. talked about groceries and gas and you wonder if it will force her hand in taking some questions. >> bill: we mentioned earlier 17 days since she replaced joe biden. 13 days before the democratic convention begins in chicago. do we think it will happen? we wait by the day. law and order is a big deal for vance and trump and pointed out there as we watched. >> sandra: we're watching this. tropical storm debby forecast to restrengthen before hitting the carolinas for the second time. we'll have the latest and the
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>> sandra: tropical storm debby churning off the carolina coastline. residents bracing for catastrophic flooding in the
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last 24 hours. robert ray is live in the middle in north carolina. what are you seeing there? hello. >> good morning to you and everyone watching from carolina beach just to the south of wilmington. you see the heavy swales and outer bands that continue to make their way into this area and all up along the coast from georgia to north carolina. tropical storm debby went back into the atlantic last evening and now slowly churning expected to make a second landfall later tonight. or tomorrow morning. we're just not sure because of the speed. what a week it has been. take a look at this video from perry, florida, two days ago. monday morning at 7:00 a.m. we were reporting live from the northwestern quad rant of the eyewall as it came in with those heavy winds and whipping rains. we have been tracking this storm in its entirety and we moved up
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the coastline the past couple days and now we're here. we'll be reporting from this position on the second landfall whenever that happens late tonight or tomorrow. but the deal is we could get eight to 12 inches possible of more precipitation in this area. we've already seen flooding in savannah, charleston, other cities along the coast. the bad news about all this is upon that second landfall, sandra and bill and everyone, when it comes in it will then make a turn to the north and head up into the northeast. there are vulnerable areas like the state of vermont that has already in the past month had catastrophic flooding. we hope that is not the case. right now four people have died in florida, one in the state of georgia, and debby continues its epic and dangerous trek up the united states. back to you. >> sandra: thank you for tracking it. stay safe. >> bill: from the southeast shore we move to the middle east and what happens next.
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we wait to find out what happens with iran and its response. a week ago, okay? hamas leader taken out in tehran. 12 hours prior in beirut, lebanon, a hezbollah commander was killed in that country. let me clear this off and move forward and think about two things. iraq right now and about syria with regard to the united states. we have 2500 military personnel in this part of the world and if you look here going back over the past ten months, these are all the attacks, 174 to date that have been launched against u.s. military assets and personnel stationed in eastern syria and iraq. the assad air base, the target twice now in the past four months and what does the u.s. do after that? how does the president respond? we wait for his answer. right now it has been elusive. you see in the persian gulf you
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see military assets aseamed in the red sea. what happens next we don't know. michael allen has an idea. welcome here. what are we waiting on? who makes the next move? what is your view of it now? >> in all likelihood, it will be iran that makes the next move. i think they want to directly hit israel like they attempted to do in april. so i expect them to try and do a more full attack this time. more missiles, more drones and a raid in such a way they can get through u.s. coverage and the radar coverage that the israelis have. i also expect iran to unleash its terrorist proxies. i see a 1-two punch coming from iran. they have been humiliated by the
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ability of israel to strike inside of their country. i don't think they can sit back and take it. >> sandra: okay. so as far as that prediction you just made, what is the timing of it, do you believe? >> well, i've wondered why it hasn't taken place so far. i think it's because they understand that this time they need to actually get through some of the defenses. they cannot afford another embarrassing episode like that happened in april when they said to the world you know what? israel is able to own us if you will in terms of the missile defense radar coverage and the rest. i think they're trying to figure out a way to penetrate the israeli airspace, figure out where the united states and its allies are arrayed and how might they be able to get through that. also, if there is a hezbollah strike or the houthi or others,
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they may be trying to get into position. by the way, israel has an attack surface worldwide as well. hezbollah once hit inside of argentina. i think they could be trying to get things together for some sort of strike any place against the world against israel. >> bill: a couple of things crossing now. u.s. troops hit at the assad base said to be in stable condition. it looks like their condition is improving right now. let me take this one here. this is just also from the white house. u.s. taking iranians at their word when they say they will respond. the first answer you gave right here. sinwar has not been accounted for, the mastermind of october 7th from last year and elevated to the new political leader in hamas to which the israelis said this. this is another proof there is no difference between the so-called political branch and terror branch of hamas. i don't know what this move is all about.
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if you get a cease-fire, sinwar wants to survive. the political leaders have all lived in qatar for years now and lived a good life. is sinwar trying to negotiate a way out for himself? is that what you read into this? >> it's a reflection of the actual power structure within hamas. sinwar is the man in the field. he is the man that is battling against the israelis every day. i think he was the one that was truly calling the shots so they probably figured you know what? let's go ahead and make him the head of this organization. in addition to being the commander in the field. i think that's what they are after. but he is a hard grizzled formerly incarcerated terrorist. i think he is tough and i think he is in it to the end. the israelis have to find a way to kill him. by the way, i think they have had a bead on him several times but he has israeli hostages nearby so it's increasingly harder to take a strike against
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sinwar. >> sandra: we're hearing from john kirby, we don't want to hear the conflict escalate saying u.s. takes iranian at their word when they say they will respond to your earlier point. >> michael allen, appreciate you coming on. interesting to hear j.d. vance. we were saying good question, interesting answer. now we'll see kamala harris and tim walz. michigan and wisconsin. when they hit wisconsin they'll be 100 miles from minneapolis. you have minnesota, wisconsin and michigan all in one day. nice to have you. what's coming up this afternoon? >> sandra: we'll have a white house press briefing. interesting. we haven't heard from the president or seen him much lately. watching for that. thanks for having me. >> bill: i'll see you on "outnumbered" in an hour. until then here is harris faulkner on the "focus." harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. the full democrati


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