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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher it's 11:00 pm on
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the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night. breaking tonight one big campaign question, did kamala harris do any vetting on tame walls? >> there's no guarantee to free speech on a misinformation or hate speech. >> trace: the definition of free speech is up in the air but when it comes to riders torching cities, the ashes merely symbolic. >> minneapolis and st. paul are on fire. the ashes are symbolic of decades of generations of pain, of anguish. >> trace: democrats and the media ignoring his radical record and recasting him as a midwest moderate who can help win the critical swing states. >> she traded state for a state of mind. he's a guy who people can relate to. >> trace: but the data expert blowing up those hopes.
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>> the idea that he's got this automatic appeal with the small town areas in those three key battleground states, you don't see it and what he actually did on the ballot in 2022. >> trace: taking a page out of her boss' playbook, more than two weeks into her campaign, kamala harris has yet to answer a single question from the media , leaving a lot of people wondering what in the world is she hiding? the senior national correspondent kevin corke live with some answers to the numerous questions. >> good evening my friend. and basketball it's called playing four corners. that's when one team hangs onto the ball and they pass it from player to player, dribbling incessantly, anything to whittle down the clock until the opposing team has a lot less time to score. and the truth be told for a generation of college basketball, it worked. and apparently it works in politics as well. how else to defend the democrat strategy of keeping the vice president away from questions.
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we are not talking about a couple of days to get your... after the president dropped out, we are talking about over two weeks with an election less than three months away. so far we've got a candidate who won no delegates by vote and still she's not answering questions about policy positions or holding any major news conferences. just canned speeches, a few off-the-cuff remarks and a lot of laughs. and upset critics to make you wonder what are they hiding. >> why does she refuse to answer questions from the media? i have enough respect for you all and i'm glad to... as opposed to just giving another scripted speech. >> trace: he's a critic. he also happens to be her opponent. it's not just the vp who is not talking much. the man who is still allegedly on the job, president biden
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himself, remains hunkered down. he received -- was seen briefly walking from marine want to the oval office. he ignored questions and we haven't seen the man since. >> trace: i think back to your analogy of a full-court press might be in order about now. kevin corke live in dc, thank you. let's bring in lee carter and... thank you both for coming on. it's not just jd vance saying that kamala harris needs to do a news conference, here is van jones on cnn. >> are not mad that she's not doing 15 interviews a day but it can't last. it's very important and we can't make favourites. anybody running for the top office needs to be as available as possible. >> trace: she's going to have to speak to us eventually elizabeth. what in the world is going on here?
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>> van jones is 100 percent right. i can tell you when i first started looking into the candidate that was donald trump in 2015, what i liked about him them were not his policy positions. i was 20 years old and didn't know what i was looking for then. i liked the fact that he was willing to talk to anyone any place no matter where they came from and also as a celebrity and politician he was showing up without an approved sheet of questions. that's what made the american people fall in love with him and trust him and now expect that same exact treatment from everybody else. transparency, these answers and the ability to even make it through one of these interviews, that's what the american people deserve. we learn that in 2015 win trump changed the game and i hope because of him the american people know exactly what they deserve and what they can demand from our candidates. >> trace: they are not demanding it right now. they write the following coding here... is advising vice president harris and her allies to go on
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fox news more. we've got a slot open tomorrow night should she change her mined and come on we will keep it open. >> she showed. ethic a lot of people are looking to hear from her. we don't really know much about her vision for america except for these scripted speeches. when she ran in 2020, we heard from her and she petered out really fast. did really well in the debate and nobody want to hear from her again. the more she talks the less likely she is to resonate and i think that's why we are not hearing from her. the american people deserve an answer. they want to know is she going to be a continuation of the last three and a half years because if so, less than one in five americans feel good about where they stand right now so is she going to continue what she's been doing? why did she pick walz? he's pulling her further left and is good to be worse for the economy. we look at the issues that
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matter most of the voters, the economy, immigration, foreign affairs. donald trump leads far and away and we have no idea what she's going to do except that it's a continuation of the last almost four years which most people don't feel very good about. >> we keep hearing that tim walz is totally normal. it has those dad vibes but the cnn contributor scott jennings says not so fast. >> is a normal to let your biggest city burn while you are the governor, destroying thousands of businesses, hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage while you do nothing, does that sound normal? >> i'm not going to say weird because the word has been taken and used but not normal, is not normal baggage is a long laundry list of things. >> i agree. his record on abortion, wanting universal healthcare, making jokes about socialism i think that's very far from normal. these terms like weird and
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normal don't work. them might have worked at some point in our system, those slogans and phrases did at some point. but things are so bleak right now, things are so dark the american people want more and i don't think saying he's normal, not normal is going to distract anyone... and the slogans are not the answer they are looking for any more. >> trace: democratic socialists of americas at the following here, quoting harris choosing walz as a running mate has shown the world that dsa and our allies on the left are a force that cannot be ignored. i guess one person socialism is another's neighbourliness lee. >> we should listen to them. they said that they influence the ticket which means the ticket is going further left. i really think it's all important in this moment that donald trump and vance come together, focus back on the issues. do what they are doing 17 days ago before all of this happened,
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focus on the economy, immigration, talk about what you were going to do for the american people. talk about making america great again. don't start reacting to the left. that isn't going to work. make america goat strong again, make it wealthy again. all of that messaging that they had at the rnc right on point and that's where they need to get back to. >> trace: thank you both. crowd size is becoming a point of contention on the campaign trail as jd vance once again holds a dueling rally to counter today's event in wisconsin. christina coleman is life of the details on that. >> that's right. today vice president kamala harris and her newly announced running mate tim walz continue their tour in wisconsin. >> as we work to move our nation forward, donald trump intends to take our nation backward. >> they are creepy and weird as
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hell. you see it. this is not normal. this is not normal behaviour. >> trump's running mate jd vance arrived around the same time as harris to hold a rally in the critical swing state as well after his plane landed he walked toward air force to coach talk toward the press and took a job at harris for not taking questions from the media as the democratic presidential nominee and he also called her a dangerous radical. >> she has pursued very far left policies... to increasing the price of housing and groceries on americans. this happened because of her policies. >> also her team has been mocking the size of trump and jd vance's rallies lately. meantime trump said errors has to go get entertainers. he said folks at her rally start leaving as soon as it she opens her mouth. the race is getting closer. the latest rankings since both
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tickets have been finalized show tossups and arizona, nevada, pennsylvania and wisconsin so definitely a close race. >> trace: thank you. the commonsense department was surprised when governor tim walz, the vp pickax said in minnesota there is a golden rule quote mind your own damn business. it's all part of his push to make sure everyone knows that he is in favour of individual freedoms. except he's not. not even close. commonsense has proof that he's very much against personal freedoms and his extreme covid rules are just the beginning where he told the kids to mask up right before he told the schools to shut down. he then encourage neighbours to find out who was not following his covid policies and right each other out. the russians call that a united
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front, the nazis called it domestic surveillance. governor walz lights to use the word neighbourliness. he also mandated gender affirming care for everybody who wanted, even kids and if parents disagree, nothing says freedom like seizing somebody's child. walz also mandated feminine hygiene products invoice bathrooms. he didn't really explain but apparently it is a commitment to freedom. commonsense is just guessing that during all of his freedom loving adventures, pretty much everyone in minnesota felt like telling the governor to quote mind your own damn business. let's bring in the chief political correspondent for revolt... welcome to all of you. so here it is, the first thing we get out of the gate is we have tim walz saying this about this, watch.
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>> our golden rule is mined your own damn business. mind your own business. it's amazing what minding your own damn business does to make things work better. >> trace: the question i would ask and common since would ask is how the world would he know? >> it is certainly not what he's practised. this is the guy who's got an open border policy just bring in millions of people to compete for your jobs and your housing and all of that. but to set up a hotline to be the tattletale on your neighbours, that does not exactly jive with what he said previously. i loved what you said in commonsense. i think that makes sense to america. >> he gives his father figure five and then he wanted people to right each other out it makes me laugh. here's kamala harris tonight in michigan. >> this campaign is not just
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about all sources donald trump. it's big and in that. it is about two very different visions for the future of our nation. >> trace: the problem is she is not shared her vision of her future of the nation. >> the future of the nation is the current present in the past present for the last three and a half years. this is who she is. she's a part of this administration, there's no running away from it. when you talk about open borders, you talk about record inflation, you talk about record interest rates that make it virtually impossible to buy a home, that is all on her record. not to mention the world and the globe on fire under her watch and her new running mate with tim walz, the jig is up. he's been exposed as a radical. he is in a flannel, we could not underestimate who this man is. he has bernie sanders junior and the american people have to realize this. at the most radical ticket in
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american history. >> trace: it's radical but the left, the far left loves the harris walz combo. your thoughts. >> i want to go back to him saying mind your own damn business. we call that mind the business that pays you. governor walz has been elected twice in his state so they like his policies. they said the state is more of the happiest in the country. surely you believe in states rights, republicans pushed out all the time so that's how they want to do it in minnesota let them do that. will donald trump commit to a debate? will jd vance commit to a debate and assist commentators don't have to talk about it. spewed two that's kind of problem here. power rankings forecast >> trace: despite the sugar
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high that kamala harris and tim walz are on, it appears that it still a battle that donald trump is eking out right now. >> the biggest problem for tim walz is kamala harris. the fact is when she starts speaking, when people start examining her record, that's when the house of cards falls apart because there's nothing that they can run on the. if i said quick tell us what the biden harris plan is to tackle inflation, it would be crickets because they don't have one. tim walz is bragging about the fact that he wants to get in the latter business so people can pour over our borders faster than ever. and own crime they go a let -- go ahead and let your state burn for three days and he called it an abject failure. that's his self-assessment on how he dealt with the riots in minnesota and kamala harris was over there bailing people out so they could get back to the riots
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as fast as possible. >> trace: what a team. he let's them burn and she bails them out. that can melt -- the most competitive states in the power rankings, you look at the tossups. the tossups arizona, nevada, pennsylvania and wisconsin. i find it hard to believe nevada and arizona are really tossups but okay i will bite. >> when you look at every single pole and you ask the american people what their top three issues, you hear the economy, the border and crime and donald trump is up double digits on every single one of those issues in these crucial battleground states. so the american people know what they've got with president trump and they want that. what they see today is the disaster. it's chaotic and it's not working for the average american family. this is why they are turning back to donald trump. >> trace: improvement as the last power rankings want to put
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up a. put this on the screen, young voters, harris has done some improving there. hispanic 57 from 41. black voters really no movement at all. what you make of that? >> black voters are not a monolith, table decide on their own. i was the senior advice for the george floyd family and i can't let this slide. there was 7750 demonstrations across this country and over 2440 locations. these demonstrations that you keep talking about didn't happen in minnesota. governor walz didn't reach out to the family... [ simultaneous talking ] [ simultaneous talking ] >> it's been starting since the beginning of the country. on nothing we have the time to go there. [ simultaneous talking ]
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>> and your president allowed an insurrection and killed cops so what we call that. [ simultaneous talking ] [ simultaneous talking ] [ simultaneous talking ] be to new information about a man who is linked to iran and accused of plotting to kill american political figures, potentially including former president trump. live in new york city with the latest on that. good evening. >> accorded to prosecutors, they offered a 5000-dollar bounty to individuals he thought were assassins but take a listen to the attorney to reveal who they actually were. >> he met with several individuals who he thought were hitmen but who were in fact undercover law enforcement officers. >> he came to the u.s. sometime in april. he arrived in houston from pakistan just two weeks after visiting iran and accordance to
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the indictment, they sketched out a plot on a napkin in a new york city hotel room using secret code words like t-shirt, flannel shirt and fleece jacket, it included a scheme to steal documents or usb drives from the targets home, planet protest and then kill the politician or government official. they say they do not believe it was related to the assassination attempt of former president trump but the 2020 killing of... he did note that marchand was arrested one day before the attempt against president trump and knew tonight multiple sources tell fox news they allowed him into the country on parole because if he had been arrested at customs they wouldn't have been able to gather this evidence about this plot so there's that new information tonight. >> trace: live in new york, thank you. coming up the biden foreign-policy strategy of saying don't appears to be
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ignored again as signals of an imminent iranian attack on israel get louder and louder. and later, 18 days kamala harris has gone without a significant interview or news conference. >> is it possible that she runs the clock on till chicago? that would be extraordinary. then you have to ask yourself what you hiding and what's your team hiding from? >> trace: even the new york times editorial board is urging harris to do better than biden did engaging with reporters. what you think? it can she avoid an interview or news conference until the dnc and why would she? what is she hiding? let us know. we will read your responses coming up in the nightcap.
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be too while the middle east is bracing for an attack on israel the u.s. is trying to come up with a diplomatic solution to the latest conflict. live in what is now early morning in tel aviv. >> we are waiting and watching here in tel aviv as israel prepares itself for possible retaliatory attack from the proxies that could happen any day. the u.s. and its officials are -- pushing for peace and a diplomatic solutions. as the war in gaza hits ten months, all eyes are farther north as israel prepares for a retaliatory attack by iran and it's proxies. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking to new recruits at a military base near tel aviv as the country braces itself. >> where preparing defensively and offence of the. we are striking our enemy and are determined to defend ourselves. >> reporter: officials believe
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ron might be reconsidering a plan for major retaliation siding back channel talks that urge restraint. matthew miller was asked about any direct contact between the u.s. and iran. >> when we need to send a message to iran we have the ability to do so. >> what is unclear is how hezbollah and its leader plan to move forward. >> voice of interpreter: our response will be strong and influential and effective and between us and them are only a few days and nights until we meet on the battlefield. [ end of interpretation ] >> an israeli airstrike killed a hezbollah antitank missile commander. hezbollah continues to hit northern israel with both rockets and drone strikes. officials are pushing for de-escalation and a new cease-fire and hostage deal. anthony blinken says that new agreement is in the final stage and that it's now in the hands of newly appointed hamas leader ... >> he has been and remains the
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primary decider when it comes to including the cease-fire. i think this only underscores the fact that it is really on him. >> reporter: there were some reports regarding egypt asking airlines to avoid iranian airspace thursday morning for about three hours. so far no indication if this was related to that -- some sort of us specific attack but it speaks to the heightened tensions that are growing not only here but around the region and the world. >> trace: jeff thank you. let's bring in the co-author of stolen youth death in the mandela founder of stop anti-semitism... thank you all for coming on. i want to play some sound from israeli defence minister. today he said this. >> voice of interpreter: from the looks of things, they may drag lebanon to pay heavy
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prices. they don't imagine what could happen to. i guess if they take a photo of gaza they will understand. but recent doesn't always prevail. >> trace: it appears that israel is indicating that may be this retaliation begins in the north and lebanon from hezbollah. do you think that's a proper assessment? >> they haven't stopped shooting missiles in to israel since october 8th. so to think that they might change is very unlikely. they have thousands of rockets that can overwhelm the iron dome and laser dome in northern israel. but that's the real threat and it's a very real possibility. without assurances quietly and maybe out of the public view from tehran that i -- iran will have their back i don't see that is likely. it was a slap in iran's face. i think that loss can be
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returned in a different manner than a large-scale attack because last time iran did this on april 13th they looked impotent. >> trace: they really did. back to domestic politics, the radical progressive squad member ousted from congress last night but she made this threat against aipac. >> all they did was radicalize meat so now they should be afraid. they are about to see the other side. i'm coming to tear your kingdom down. >> i know that they funded her opponent but wow, what you make of that threat? >> she doesn't seem to understand that at -- voters voted her up because she was so consumed with national politics that she wasn't listening to her local constituents and she didn't care what was going on with the rest of the country because she was so hyper focused on gaza in a way that is not normal for an american politician.
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>> trace: the manhattan borough president mark levine said the reason that josh shapiro should not get the vp gnawed is because the daggers came up for him in a way that i think is incredibly unfair and that is explainable only by his jewish identity, his positions on israel are not meaningfully different from any other major contenders including governor tim walz. your thoughts on that? >> i don't think it's any secret that the radicals in the democratic party are really starting to take attention off of the moderates. the american public is sick of it including -- hopefully we will be seeing the next -- same thing next week in minnesota's fifth congressional district... allowing republicans, democrats and independents to win. the american public have had enough. we want the radicals out. >> trace: it appears that way.
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does the biden administration ever get tired of telling israel to back off and then not saying squat to hamas or hezbollah or iran. >> i think they are lost in their own museum. they can't seem to get out of their own way and really start acting on the best interest of the united states and protecting american citizens. all of this is through the lens of domestic politics and a very small constituency that is very far left within their party and in districts that they have to carry in november. that's not good for the nation. >> trace: here's a judge ruling that harvard must face in anti-semitism lawsuit from the jewish students. the district judge gave a very simple statement saying the facts as pled show that harvard failed its jewish students. it's a big statement in a very few amount of words. >> i'm friends with a lot of those people and he was telling
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me how the social media accounts for faculty members who are advocating for palestine have blocked him on social media, have totally iced amount. it's a very clearly a case of anti-semitism on that campus. we saw in the piling, we are seeing it across the country and i'm glad they are going to be able to have their day in court and show universities that they have to start enacting their policies about anti-semitism or there will be consequences. >> trace: colleges begin next week. do we see more anti-semitic protest back? >> i don't think we've seen anything yet. once wallace back and the democratic convention in chicago things are going to get worse. these are well-funded, well organized pro hamas, anti- american fiascoes from coast-to-coast and everything in between and until they are just completely shut down things are going to get worse. >> trace: we hope you're wrong but you appear to be right.
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thank you all. coming up we talk a lot on the show about california's demise but now we want to see for yourself. to show it to you. we will take you right to a place that used to be known for its public parks with beautiful ocean views and high-end shopping. now written with crime and drugs plus a teacher's aide at a california school district claimed she was disciplined for donning a trump themed backpack and water bottle. we will talk to her attorney next. so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800-sandals. [ distorted ] i just think everyone should know there's an insurance company out there exposing other companies' rates so you can compare them and save. sounds like trouble. nope! it's autoquote explorer from progressive. helps drivers save. you guys are gonna do that shadow thing on me, right?
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-sure. -ohh, that's gonna be awesome. >> trace: a special education teacher's aide here was placed on involuntary leave and suspended without pay for bringing a trump branded backpack and water bottle to school. now she is suing the school district for violating her first amendment rights and retaliation.
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it's great to have you on the show. the school district just got back to us, they said no comments. the los angeles times is reporting that the school district says the district policy is no buttons or articles of clothing that support candidates. that's their defence. what do you say? >> that's the policy that they are relying on in defending their actions taken against my client. her bringing her trump themed backpack and water bottle to school campus and what the district isn't showing and the policy and the full extent is that political expression is allowed. there is a specific activity that the district can regulate but as you mentioned the specific provision refers to articles of clothing, political buttons that urge the passage or defeat of a candidate and our position is that her backpack is not an article of clothing and
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not only that it doesn't even have any type of campaign message. it simply says trump. it doesn't say trump 2024. arguably trump could refer to any type of trump institution. the values that the trump family stands for. the conservative values. it's a very low hanging provision that the district is relying on. >> trace: even some of her colleagues said they didn't like the idea that trump backpack was staring back at them? >> that's right. there were several outbursts including one employee flipping over a desk that the water bottle was on and a coworker said she didn't want to be taunted with trump looking at her. >> trace: we will get back to you. as this precedes, thank you for coming on, we appreciate your time, that is california. santa monica california is a progressive city in a progressive county and a very
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progressive state. so they have not had any conservative interference in decades but the progressive dream is ruining one of america's great beach towns and that dream has kamala harris is fingerprints all over it. let's bring in... a long with the founder of american concepts... want to play the walk around before we do this because we talked with... he walked us around and what we saw was not pretty. here's part of the next big part that is went air tomorrow night but watch this. >> if you look across the street we have the catholic church and then right next to the catholic church is a k-12 street. if you swing back over here toward the park you have a child's area. and as you look in the park you can always see this prevalent
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homeless does -- this aspect and you and the people that you are working with find needles here because they distribute needles in this park right next to the kids and schools. >> not only are we seeing it here a long the borders, we are seeing it on the playground, on the tables and chairs, on the toys. >> trace: i would go to you first because this thing is proposition 47. it's got her fingerprint all over it. santa monica is just a mess. we will show it tomorrow, we walked all the way around santa monica and you think what in the world has happened to this american city. >> it represented everything we know about california. what's happened here is the state and ultimately the city and the county perpetuated and encourage this drug use and they've done nothing to actually help solve the problem are get
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these people help, they keep throwing money at it and that's her strategy is to keep throwing money at things and ignore the problem and try to sugarcoat it with campaign slogans or hiding. >> it's got to be one of yours because this is one of the reasons that you are running for office. you look at california, you look at some of the areas like santa monica, you can't drive anywhere. you can't drive on any street, there homeless on the bridges. we will play some sound tomorrow night of a homeless man who was so upset because he keeps getting robbed by other homeless so he's trying to steer clear of the homeless population. >> our slogan is progressive isn't working because progressive policies have ruined our state and any normal individual would see that and say why aren't we cleaning this up. i would remind people that my progressive opponent authored a bill to make it legal so that we have state-sponsored areas where this kind of behaviour is enabled. the idea was so bad even gavin newsom said i can't get behind
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this and he vetoed it. all joking aside, the viewers need to know that a progressive politician like laura wants to go to congress and introduce these laws nationwide and if she gets a progressive president like kamala harris is going to happen. the only thing standing between us in this nightmare is people like me who are running to block it. >> trace: i'm going to play this out from the businessmen in minnesota. he said this about the -- tim walz's covid policies. >> they say they're going to kill people. what are they call people who have worked at that business their whole life and walz told them you can't conduct your business anymore, it's closed and this family went under. >> you run your business in a draconian state with covid policies just like him and you fought the same forces that minnesota people thought and california's are still fighting. >> people need to stop memory hauling this because only talk about the economy being the
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number 1 issue right now, i was to just that the impetus beside -- behind it were these draconian lockdowns. we can't forget about that because those distilled all the way through to what we are facing right now. >> we asked kamala harris, she was asked about proposition 47. she named it and their response is during her career in law enforcement, she was a prime act -- pragmatic prosecutor who took on present... in other words they won't even answer that question. your final thoughts. >> when things are going well they have no problem taking credit for it, but, yes, i agree , it's called the safe schools and neighbourhoods act. she was responsible for naming it. we should not let people forget that her lousy policies landed us in this position in the first place. >> we are going to remind some people's tomorrow night. it's a delicate santa monica. and up close look at the legacy that you may get of kamala harris if she takes over the country.
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>> have they given you guys an explanation for why did she want to questions? no? nobody? >> trace: joe biden was even quicker to grant interviews during a terrible new cycle than harrah's has been so far. how long do you think she will be able to avoid serious questions? will she run out the clock until the dnc? what is she hiding from? the nightcap, your responses next. s to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> trace: we're back with with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic like biden like harris. more than two weeks since kamala harris emerged as the democratic nominee she has not granted any interviews or held a single press conference so she has avoided a large amount of scrutiny. is it possible that she runs out the clock until the dnc? why not make herself more available? >> i think it's very possible she runs out the clock. that's what i would do. i think your suggestion was perfect picture should come on this show i volunteer myself to
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join on that panel i think we will have a lot of fun. >> trace: we will do it tomorrow night. just call the campaign and we will do tomorrow night. >> i she's biding her time because she seeing how speaking poorly in front of camera will get you yanked by the democratic party so i think she's keeping her mouth shut so she doesn't get yanked. >> i she's running from the passage of time trace. that's what i think it is. >> come on, how can i top that? she's doing the right thing, stayaway stay away because eventually she is just not good at this, you know that. that's why they are keeping her away. >> she's staying away from the cameras because she has to pander to the extreme left-wing of her party but also try and posit herself as a moderate so she wanting -- she won't say anything at all and hope it works. >> i also want to point out how donald trump went to the na bj convention and sat there in front of a room full of journalists and asks whatever questions were thrown at him, show -- showing the difference
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in the candidates here. >> trace: jim says she saw how effective biden hiding in the basement was so i guess this is act to. >> thomas says to compete with ashley she doesn't want to be unburdened by what has been. soon the last three and a half years spoke for her. they say why bother if the media will cover for her and stephen says she's a friend of being confronted about her disastrous record and that might be a genuine fear. so i would agree, i don't think she speaks until the dnc. thank you all for watching america's late news. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. we will see you right back here again tomorrow night. ingredients make all the difference. ♪ herbal essences sulfate free is now packed with
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backing the democratic ticket and maryland senate candidate larry hogan, what he makes of it. major musical >> greg:


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