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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 7, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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trump's been shot at more times and walls. i just it's not right. >> tim from clemson, south carolina thank you jesse for dismantling the great wall of china. one lying brick at a time. it was my pleasure or i shouldse say it was my pleasure. arlene from redbank, new jersey he easy on walls until he's on the ballot. we don't want another change, jesse. save it for post is on tnt anoto you know, you're right. i do not want to whack this guy. they'l wl probably put shapirodn in there now. >> it'll be really competitive i . live from el paso, texas, where was the snitch hotline for the looters? >> white minneapolis. >> laurie from maryland i'd like to report my husband is always inviting his obnoxiou?t likes over to our house. oops. i thought this is the wall top line. that's all for tonight. dvr the show. sean's next always remember i'm watters and this is myemembe
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world. >> welcome to "hannity"st rad and tonight the two most radical extreme. well, frankly, dangerousic left politicians ever nominated by a major party are hiding frot in plain sight in front of friendly crowds of supporters. t as and the cheering crowds aren't as big as they're letting as t, you gotway harris-walz reading their speeches from scripts likelyeading that other people . they take zero questions. there are no interviews, no press conferences, no town halls, no impromptu gaggles, television hits, noeleo appearances, not even on friendly venuesarances liket dnc, which is pretty much most of the media. since her coronation, kamala fos only gone off script one time for a 32nd word saladda about the return of american hostages . it was around 12, 1:00 in the morning. that's it. then either kamala nor tim have been asked about their indical positione ras, them in their own words, the alleged subsequent flipping and flopping uent fli. ur
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we don't even know for sure ifep they flipped and flop because we only that from their campaign. and that was only after harris was the presumptive democratic nominee. that's called an election conversion. by every definition now, neither candidatone has been asked about their radical past radical statements or their vote s or their radical beliefs or policy positions. these position pols are not even on kamala's website, which is pretty unprecedented. website candidate has been asked to explain their track record. they have not been asked to defend radical statements. they've made their state run media mob. n't se they don't seem to mind. in fact, they actually seem to prefer itemmind insf all wa. after all, the media created their own adoring fantasy about the democratic ticket. and they would hate for kamala or tim to get in the way of all that. >> remember, at 20 seven and eight, i said, journalism in america is dead and buried.ed i had no idea how right i was.ri take a lootyk. >> this is america's dad, coach.all hitball
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america called him coach walz. yeah, totally. america's and the teacher. that's cool enough without. trying to be cool. >> she was john wayne last night. she was a leaderas john e . >> a leader. and she was clear that she was the boss. wants appears to fit the all-american definition of a man from middle, middle. he really has that perfect back story. he also has those rural. my he >> i sort of thought in myad head, you know, this guy, he he really kind of a ruralsucces american success story. >> a lot of people have noticed the sort of down to earth, likable qualit ble qualy to him. i a number of people that i have spoken to throughout this process. ss said they have said that he t a blast, that he is fun to be with his ticket, vice president and the coach. for those considering voting votinr the ticket, gim the power to think that theireye participating in something that will put a smile on your faceipating . >> ba ba ba ba ba ba. look, it's a nonstop love fest i . kamala harris and and tim walz, the biggest in-kind donationbi
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that any campaign would ever hopegges. and to think, just a few months ago, kamala was considered a political with the lowest p approval numbers ever fort a viceapprov president in american history. all of a sudden,f she is nowf. the second coming of . i'm sure tomorrow the media is going to be dutifully reporting she could walk on waterly reporlk on wa, cure a miracles. what changed to thcl. e borderrder cri crisis get solved. i didn't see it. did the economy get better? t solved didn't i didn't noticen go away. is there peace in the middle? di ukraine and russia that that stop? did anything get bette rur. o no, of course not. and are anre anyy of you watchi? here's the question that you ought to be asking. the media ought be asking, but they won't. are you better offe are than you were four years ago? how's that? harris biden economy. how doesris bideeconom that worr you? and what about your energy prices and electricity prices? how's that working out? how about safety and security and yourout safe small town or y
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wherever you happen to live? is the world overall a safer place? war in europe. war in the middlfee east. >> and we're on pins and needles. if iran is about to bombd need israel, kamala and timsrae are getting the white glove treatment. predictably from the state run media mob simply because they are at the top ofon't hav the democratic ticket and they don't have the last name trump. naso are there any actual journalists left? >> nbc, abc, cbs?bc, ms is there anynb honest people, reporters at the ap or reuters or pbs or npr, even "the washington post", the new york times, maggie haberman. donald trump opened a diet coke. details zero. and tomorrow's and paper.jake o what about fake jake or dana bash or andersonr or chuck tod? anyone actually want to vet kamala and tim walz? is anyone interviews? do you think that maybe the american people needd to to hear their radical positions
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in their own words? now, icalf you want to be a full time cheerleader for thatdemocratic partyth. i am 1,000% fine with that. i believe in freedom. nom a freedom person, unlike they say they are, but they're not. >> but don't call yourselfelf a journalist like most of these people do. stopople d. lying stop pretending to be nonpartisan. you're not. nding to bbe honest about who y. all the people, all these news . they are really radical, supporting left-wing talk show hosts with a very clear agenda. aragendai'm all right with that. i'm a member of the press. i have the biggest talk radio show right now in the countrycor and one of the top cable news shows in the country. i have thousands of houry s a straight news that i canof new produce on radio and tv and prove it to yos e on radu. i do investigative reporting, like right now we're vetting kamalag like tim, which the meda refuses to do. i give opinionch. i am an outspoken conservative commentator. i amnservative clear i am votin donald trump and i'm supporting
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his candidacy. hide i don't lie. i don't hide it. i'm straight with my audience. also, do culture and sports. what we do in our role in the press is, unlike the entire newspaper, start to finish, cover to cover. they claim to only do journalism. they are leftist talk show hosts. talk show hosts like me.cept except they are radical left and they lie about who they are. but of course, lying and trickery in that part of the gaming and f e. they hide behind the mantle of journalism while doting on the democratslism, ripping donald trump, j.d. vance everyae single chanc thee they get.. >> take a look.ea trump being ready fodyr this is not. it's just so beyond his lead. he's not going to be on a stage where he gets to walk up behind kamala harris and not have her turn around and ve and smackt of the hell out of them. you can't be the strong man who's afraid to beat a woman. eo trump would fall flat on his face. he just does not have the debate chopsate that are necesse
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to withstand all of the blows he would take from kamal would l harris. >> he is always he is scared of her. she will run circles around hims and he knows that she will destroy him. >> frankly j.d. vance, just dumb. vance is pretty weird. >> i don't think kamala harris is going to pick anyone. as weird and creep hary is j.d. vance. >> claire, what do you make >> we? choice of j.d. vanc well, it does not signal that he is. t trump is trying to soften anhatr edges and the only person who is more excited than j.d. vanced this afternoon, vladimira putin. >> and tonight, even with a hostile press, both donaldtile e trump and j.d. vance routinely they speak with reporterak refet today. j.d. vance walked across the tarmac after landingt-- right near air force two and he spoke with kamala is very very lonely press corpsarris who have been totally ignoreasd shut out for weeks. >> take a look. lod come by and one get a good look at the plane becausbye. onth
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hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months. but i also thought you guys mighs t get because the vice president doesn't answer questions from reportersecause t and hasn't for 17 days. i have to give you guys an for explanation for why she won't take questions from reporters, though. nobody. okay, great. well, i hope that she changes her mind because it'd be good for the american people andyou l i think it'd be good forl you all. she actually ran a real campaign instead of one from a basement with a teleprompter so that people got to sen so he would you like to hear from her? to answer question fros. i'd love to just answers what she wants to do and also explain why everd y single position she has has >> tged. now, the almost dead silent reporters, they must have been in shockad silenmust hav. they couldn't believe that a vice presidential candidate waes actually talking to them. pretty shocking day for them. it's really just pathetic, though. they are doing this. they are letting democratsdointe get away with it all. just like joe hiding in the joe basement during his 2020 run.un
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history is now repeating itselfr . journalism is dead in america. we have what is a dangerouicwe s information crisis in the country. add to thin ths big tech their influence, their censorship, supported by thensorship deep state warni they may be victims of a of maa disinformation campaign about joe and hunter knowinge , that rudy giuliani's attorney had a copy of the laptop that would likelywing rud and then it's leaked. and they didn't verify the authenticityg le it which they had done in march of 2020. now, there is, however, an occasional 2020 moment of honey on fake news. cnn got to give credit where credit is due. van jones last night talked about the the anti-semitism that cancer in his party. he addressed it straight on. good for him. he also today talked about kamala's cowardly campaign. watch. she is being criticized for not sitting down for an interview, for not a press conference. when should that come? if you are lookingrencees this
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particular coupling, when should that come as? soon as possible. i think they played it smart. it was hard to be. you'll remember she's been right for president for two weeks, literally for two weeks. and so she had to get a lot done in those two weeks yet to geto weeks the base of her . she had to get the actual nominees. she had to pick a vp. t ma so i'm not mad that she's notno doing 50 interviews a day, but itt doins a can't last. it's very important. and we can't youvery know makeuf favorites. anybody running for the top office needs to beor as availabe as possible. >> it's actually two and a half weekble.s and we're 40 days outn our early voting beginning. so how long will kamala be able to hide in the basement? j.d. vance has been aske basemes and days and days on end about a comment about cat ladies. how many more times are youmes e going to have to answer that stupid question? meanwhile, hundreds of thousands hhat stupid questwe are dead because of joe biden and kamala harris'ade bidr crisis. and nobody in the media don't have any real questions for
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the border czar. and she is the border czar. the stock market has been plummeting for the last five days of fortune as being lost. inflation is still on the rise. gas and energy pricerise yess are through the roof. americans and innocent people are dying in a new wars overseas. they have surrendered againstc radical islamic terrorism. and the vice president, democratic presidential nominee just read short, prepared speeches from a teleprompter in 2020. entire city blocks were burned to the grounocks werd in minnesa while that state's governor, now vp candidate forsota the democrats, tim walz, did nothing. when will heing asked about it? during five days of nonstop lawlessness and looting and murder and arson. governor walz refused to send in the national guard despite repeated requests from liberal local officials like the minneapolis mayor. walz wipednneapolis mayo first . minnesota was basking in the violence, you know, opened all the windows to their home so she could smell burning tirehes and rejoice in the
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resistance. and get this quote according to the senate committee report, around the same time the national guarde same finalla being mobilized and starting fi. rrive in minneapolis well, according to this report, the governor's daughter was given access to competen govhtet information that she then disseminated to the, quote, general and rioters.k th i want to check that out anyway. meanr was, the governo actually lecturing law abiding americans in minnesota during the riots, telling them they deserved that their businesses werthat thee being l, burned to the ground becauseusee of equity and inclusion. >> look, we saw large peaceful protests focusing on the systemic changes that get to the heart of whyay we're in this situation. >> and when i say we. e minneapolis, saint paul, the state of minnesota nationallypaul, thof minne and n over the last 24 hours internationally a societyat doe that does not pusnt equity at th
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and inclusion at the center of it is certainly goingis to eventually come to the places where we're at radical, extreme, dangerous oh,that loo that looks like a city burning anyway. tothat doesn't look like a peaceful protest. liz cheney would probably call it if sh either.e saw an insurr. how in god's name can you watch' cities burning your city burning night after night and do nothing? and dothere are still burned oud buildings in minnesota. small businessesgs forever. ld walls was never held accountable were the violent rioters. they got to get out of jail free card. thanks to the bail fund promoted by kamala harris, who is running for vice president. and few rioters were ever actually prosecuted or sentenced to jail. more recently, from 2021 and 2023, kamala made multiple donations to a dc legal illeg nonprofit that calls for police to be defundedalcalls fo. advocates for sanctuary city policies. kamala ever going to be asked
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about that? free. you know, we have so many different issues s do many questions. all her running mate get asked about his efforts to makeo make minnesota a sanctuary state, including driver's licenseesotar illegals, health care for illegals, taxpayer funded college tuition for illegals. with your money. will anyone ask tim walz about his creepy mandatess to put tampons in boys public school bathrooms? no wonder people on ex are calling him tampon tim. what about the bill that he signed protecting gender altering surgery and puberty blockers for young kids? or his support of late term abortion? up to the momentpportive late-t. that would be called infanticide. what about his plan to crackke down on so-called hate speech? take a look. ook.years ago, it was the little things telling people to vote. >> the day after the electio ag you know, we kind of brushed them off. now we know it's intimidation at theintimi ballot box. b it's undermining the idea that mail in ballots aren'tac legal. i think we need to push back on this. there's no guarantee to free
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speech on misinformation or or hate speecr hateh and especially around our democracy. >> a, that you might want to check check i in with kamalas she once supported paper ballot fs anyway for a guyo dree who honeymooned in china, was dressed like a chinese communist party worker during a 1995 mugshot for drunk driving. tim walz politics almost perfectly with the ccp. hating, free speech hatingin individual individualism, promoting equity around every turn and does kamala harris. their campaign slogan might as welthl be from each according to their ability and to each based on their. of course, marxism always leads to the same place, suffering even death, poverty and loss of freedom all in the name of false government security. coincidentally, that is exactly what we saw in 2020 on the streets of minneapolis, a city that has never truly recovered. here now with the full report, our very own investigatey nd to reporter sara carter live on the ground in minnesota. sara, what's going on? gle feel how do the people thel
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about it? >> well, sean. well, let me tell you this. i've spent the day here in minneapolis and there are remnants of the deadly 2020 riots are all over the place. they haven't disappeared. if you jus the pt standing righr in uptown minneapolis, this used to be a hustlhere in e ande street where people would shop. it was livel would sy at night. it's basically dead right behind me. you could see a boardet d up shp here. this used to be the apple store right here. it had beepshot n looted multiple times during the riot. apple never came back down. the street was a victoria's secret. it no longer exists. the buildings are alexists build l shut down. we've also saw police precincts that have no longer existed. n n they're boarded up, they're gated up. they're no longer there. ey are nthey're being rebuilt n, four years later. another big sean is a lot of people here in minneapolis have left. they've left. they've gone to the suburbs because the crime is soaring. ecrime islet me give you some oe numbers. this is since governor walez took office, a crime, aggravated assault up, 38.2%,
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homicide up 118.2%. robberies up 18.9%. listen to this. vehicl% ane. t motor theft up 255.5%. gunshot wound up 70.1%. it's astonishing. you know, when i talk to people in the city, a lot of them remain very quiet. they didn't want to talk about the riots. those that are here did not want to talk about that. and i thought that was quited astonishing to me. just because you wouldastoni thk that this would be something that they would want to openly discuss, that was something that thed want tenly disn't wan. one thing they did say is that they hope people would see minnesots they peoa in a differy but i can tell you from talking to the folks that have moved oumovingt of the city, those thd talk to us, they said anym couldn't handle the crime anymore. and that's a tragedy because it is quite a beautiful city. d that'seautifulsean. it really is. all right, sara carter, great report as always. thank you. joining us now, former gop presidential candidate vivek
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ramaswamy is with us. all right, vivek, let's contyour take. greatest contributor to the democratic party is the medimocn we have kamala and tim in their own words. it is the mosts radical, the most radical candidates to ever run on a major party ticket for the presidencyesiden in the vice presidency in thiscy country. and yet they go completely unvettedhey go. they have a media that is compliant, an extension of their press office. wiur reaction to it and how does the trump campaign deal with that challengeth? e we >> a challenge? look, part of this, sean,of it is the consequence of the fact they laid a trap for us. they us whics joe wass the nominee such that for the last 18 months, republicanst focused our financial and political capital on attacking joe bidehspublicann wn he's not the nominee, but because the press is the one that criticizee thd biden in that last month. here's what they've done. they've banked some artificial e credibility with the public. i've talked to many independents across the countrpy and main push back on the idea that the media is biased is the fact that no, no, no biased , ts
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just criticizing biden as recently as last monthly a. so in some ways, we were led into that trap and now it's up to ue les to find our wy out of it. here's that path. well, i think that we would the same mistake again by just obsessing over the candidates instead of following a threeworr word formula to win this election. focus on policy.on our v focus on our own vision for this country. what do we actually stand for? that makes the other side irrelevant by comparison. that's our only chanceco at successmparis, and i think it is going to be a winning path to success. but we got to learn fromsuccesse mistake last time around to correct it this time. >> see, i think if this election comes about there radical extremism on immigration and on law and order or the lack thereof and defund, dismantle, no bail. if it becomes about no fracking and no drilling and energy, if it becomes about their economy and their economic and their new green deal desire and a 70 to 80% tax rate and taxes on unrealized capital gains, l i
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small businesses and corporations which don't paations wy taxes and about ames role in the world.s an d abit's slam dunk they can't w. but getting by passing look, this is almost an impenetrable of the media is harde they're quite tired. >> but you know what we're running to save a countrnning tr sean. so that work is cut out for us . the question is whether we rise to the challenge seal the border, grow the economy, fight rampant crime in this and stay out of world war three. if this election comes down to those four things. we win this handily. if this. get uswe lose i think those are our two choices. the reality is the votin tg public is not going to be voting for tim walz. >> i think this news cycle is going to go away regardless ctio in another week. >> but what does waltz's selection actually tell us? it teaches about ust kama about kamala harris and how she'll make decisions at ala us as a u.s. president and to which wing of her party she actually bends the knee. >> and so this has opened up. this has bee in exactls openy wh
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needed. it has given us the reset wee needed in this race to refocuso i think on policy. they've served this up. i think it was a great gift gift the vice presidential nominee, having given us that gift. e no now it's up to us to receive it and use that to actually offering competing visions for the future policy governing the united states. if we doe unit that we're succe. but that's up to us. i have five issues. >> you have four. makeuld dial in ond dial how pln to save the country, make america great again to steal a phrase radi, also pointing out their radicalism in their own words and somehoown wordw theret to be an effort to bypass what is the extension of their press offices with the media . vivek ramaswamy, appreciate you being with us. thank you, sir. actually, scary news. taylor swift concert in austria had to be canceled over a foiled terrooiler plot. kevin corke has a full report. and questions tonight, a swirlingquestion aroundmilita walls military record. is this a case of stolen valorim
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? we'll check in with john solomon, pete hegseth and all the breaking news as we come back. what's secret like hidden in the shadows of our world? you guys see these like you talk. >> but what if alien life is out there? but right here with us? >> do you believe that our government is in possession of weapons? absolutely. join me for a fox nation original as we reveal startling mysteries unfolding right before our very eyes. >> aliens among us streaming now on fox nation, all part of fox on fox nation. >> get them, isaac. okay. he's been. when i saw that ethan was not breathing, i determined that i needed to use something to remove the obstruction from his airway. it's very important for every household to have a life. >> everyone should have one in their home. anything can happen at any moment. i want my friends and family and the people that i serve to know.
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>> get 30 5% off your first set when you use discount code. >> fox news. all right. this is fox's are three taylor swift concerts in vienna. they were just canceled after authorities arrested not one, but two suspects that appeared to be planning for a terror attacko be p attack at the sho. here are the full report. our very own kevin corke,taylor kevin. wow, that's scary for taylor. that's scary for her fans. >> that's just chilling in general. what's the latest question about that? idris really tough, especially if you know someone. i know several people, sean who. traveled overseas to see some of her shows. >> and tonight, tens of thousands of taylor swift fans are devastated after, as you point out, three planned shows in vienna, austria, set for this week were all cancelede over concerns of a planned
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terrorist attack at her concert stadiud terrm. in fact, law enforcement officials in austria say they've recently arrested not one, but two extremists involved in the plot, including a 19 year old who allegedly had pledged an oath9- te allegiancyear-oe to the milit terror group isis. tonight, investigatorsrr are reportedly evaluating chemical substances found whome suspect they believe was already taking the, quote, preparatory actionss of a potential attack. meantime, in austria, an austrian seller and a concert promoter said on instagram that the shows go on writing in part, quote, we have no choice but to cancel the three shows for everyone's safety. r f as of this hour, neither swiftt nor her team has commented on the cancellations. we continue to look and see if we fincommented like that on li. i promise to pass it along. but as i mentioned, sean, for an awful lot of americans who bought tickets, booked flights, hotels and other activities, this is a reale wonr
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and i mean real disappointment. and for those of you wondering at home. yes, refunds are being issued. sean. i know people like you do, kevin. i wish they would leave this young woma i win alone, leave her personal life alone, leave her fans alone. let her letter live her life. it's sad. kevin corke, thank. all right. now, keep in mind that just like the u.s., europe has experience a huge immigration influx in this country. ntry wwe have had 99 peopled on the terror watch list released inteople ino our homel. we had them in custody. we have no idea where they are. our owthey aren director said tr said we are at the highest alert level since 911 may be higher in terms of the terror threat has never been this bad. terror attacks are now a matter of when, not if i pray, i'm wrong. and tonight, we have a new report from just the revealing that u.s. customs and border protection froenews.cou.s. cus a internal memo that heightened tensionsal in the middle east mean a higher risk of terrorists getting smuggled
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across the border into this country. john solomon will be here in ats moment. but also tonight, there are serious questions that are swirling around the militaryy service record of romney's running mate, tim walzrvice re. in fact, the minnesota national guard is disputing walsh military biography, all but accusing him of inflating his rank. a statement from the minnesota guard to the show confirms that walz retired from the military prior to his unit's deployment to iraq wasq demoted upon retirement because he had not completed the required coursework. and walz is also accused of, abandoning his platoon, quitting before that deployment to iraq. his prior claims walz never served in a war or combat zone.d earlier tonight, a guest on the ingram angle show, laura had this to say about walz time in the guard. watch thisir time . >> yeah, he was in for 24 years and then he quit. well, okay, so that's what you did. but don't try to make it lookma like you were a command
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sergeant, major. don't make it trdo maky to maket look like you were going to some place that was in supporteplace of operationopt enduring freedom being granted the, you know, there'siost all i that that's just all all embellishment and to try to make things look better. alsooming up, too, we've uncovered a 2005 press release from walz congressionalgn ree campaign, which he is quoteds a as saying as a command sergeant major, i have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion iraq, but also to serve if i am called. i am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability. whether that is in washington, d.c., or in iraq. and again, to reiterate, o reti he instead chose to retire, got demoted from that rankrenk a asa result, never deployed. a statement from the harris campaign deplo also confirmso cr that after 24 years of military service, walz retired in 2005 and says he will continue be are champion for veterans should he become vice president. all right.
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with the full report analysis, john solomon, just a and by the way, national minnesota national guard veteran himself, our friend, our colleagud colle "fox and friends" weekend calls pete hegseth. john, let's start with the news with you. what do we the know? because didn't they also say that 18 to 24 year oh, that was kamala who said that they were stupid and? didn't they also say that 19 year olds in the guard are basically. and didn't anyone say that? oh, that's right. when these are the weapons that i used when i was in war. did he sayi did he ? >> that, too? he did this and he's sometimesnn a comedian. and but in this case, he's a charlata n. his own official biography on the state of minnesota government website, the governor's website, falsely claimed that he retired as a command sergeant. and he was not. he retired as a master sergeant ,as a command sergeant major. that's a really big difference. the reasonce he retired at the
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lower rank is he was demoted because he didn't completeuse hd his required training and other obligations when he left the military befortione deploye to iraq. and instead he ran for congress. if you can'taqunning , your basicn th record right in the military, not only are you disturbing american people, you're dishonoring veterans who had that rank or who did stayt thos in who did go into c. i think it's going to become an issue that won't away. is re by the way, you were talking about the media. the hill tonight is still old story.the olpo it's still reporting other newspapers still reporting. he retired as a command sergeant major. he did not. and i think that that's importance on record from the national guard. it isn't that hard for journalism to get ithard to ri. >> yeah. pete, is this a case of stolen> valothr as well? people he served with now l claim? easeand did he also lie about bg a head coach? >> he did. he was an assistant coach. he was a linebackers coach, a defensiv he wa e coach. that's great. that's important, but not the head coach. john solomon coach is correct. this is a case of stolen valor.r ect sean i don't say that light.
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this is a guy who ran for congress in 2006 while his men were doing 22 months in iraq. >> 22 months. the minnesot iraq.a national gud ended up doing in combat in iraq. and you know what they can't do when they're deployeand kong in they can't speak. so they couldn't contradict the claims he waths making that he was the highest serving enlisted member ever to be elected to congress. d he retired when he was a command sergeant major, but he was actually just a sergeant major. and to keep that rank, you have to complete the sergeant major academy, which he never did, which means when he quit, he get s demoted to eight, was a master sergeant. he knew that when he retired. he knew it when he claimed to be a command sergeant major. it was all a lie. and that is absolutely stolen valor. and by the way, he likes to say he was in support of operation enduring freedom. i deployed to guantanamo bayom p in 2004. we were not in combat. we werloyed e in support of whae they're doing in afghanistan because they were sending the taliban overnding th. i never claimed to be in combat, yet he. oh, pull the tape. plt's findth are all.
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they're all over the place. he's concluding his wordis s, whether he was in combat or not. >> place of his own words, though sean. >> oh, okay. i got more, though. go ahead. all right. so. no, no, no. okay. i would normally serve anybody i would normally praise anybody that served in the guard. i normally would. but he referre d. you to guardsmen as 19 year old cooks. and then he said, wed could makee sure that those weapons of war i carried in war is the only place where those war weapons are at. those weap is what he said. >> we can do background checks. we could do cdc research. we can make sure we don'tates have reciprocal carry among states and we can make sure that those weapons of war that i carried in war is the only place where those weapons are. >> okay. well, he was referring to weapons were never. that's why he was in italy for six months supported. >> that's why. totally lie. and he knew it at the time. he the entire time he was he was the command sergeant majoenr. >> he's in charge of the logistics, the training, the emotional support,
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the preparation for every man in his battalion. a fiel hisd battalion, a very important role if you're headed to iraq. and when he goading to irat thes and notification that his men were going to combat, he said, i quit, i'm out. toy >> i'm done. he had to retire and he had two years. exactly what happened. and he had two years left in his contract. but he was beyond his retirement so he could work his wa could wy to get out of h contract, which he did. you know what the real right, the real phras for guyse is for guys that served with tim walz is no, it's tim walz. s stemtim, exit questions. when his men needed him, he left. he bailed. he did not deploy. he spent 24 years in the military. sean, you go with your men to combat. if you car you care mee those m but if you don't, you care about yourself in politics. yourselfyou stay home. >> and that's what tim walz did. and that's why so many people are frustratez e ared and angry about this. >> he's tim walz in my bow. it's interesting the lie about george w bush and thaboue dan rather's career over a similar issue. my questioed his caren is is the stolen
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valor. >> john solomon, listen, it's a lie to the american people did it's a dishonor to every person who served in the ranks and actually deployed and actually had the rank of a command sergeant major. he'll have to be held accountablee. american people have to hold him accountable. let's get the media getting reported. pete has it exactly right. >> just exit yes or no stolen valor, pete?e of course. absolutely. thank you both. when we come back, as we continue our vetting of governor walz, well, we'll take a look at his tranon abortion, transgender kids issues with elisabeth hasselbeck straight ahead. >> hi, grandma. >> i played baseball today. oh, that's great. what position did you play? >> first base. that's it. but grandpa used to play when our hearing wouldn't allow us to use a regular phone, it made us feel isolated. >> it became difficult to communicate with our friends
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radical stances on abortion and gender issues are under scrutiny. just las under scrutint, he signed a bil allowing unlimited abortioness n access in the state of minnesota, which includes no limitation t includess on when in the pregn pregnancy a woman may have an abortion. given the option w of an abortin up until the moment of birth. radical, extreme, dangerous. i keep reminding. meanwhile, just earlier this year, in a bizarre, unprecedented move, kamalaey harris became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion clinic. when she stopped at a planned parenthood clinic in minnesota alongside her future running mate, tim walz. and after a year of anger and fear mongering from the left following the davos decision, a new study found that the number of abortions has actually gone up since roe was overturned. but it's not just abortion. t's not new democratic party tis taken an extreme stance on. in just march of last year, walz signed an executive order . doing what?rote protecting trans procedurectins
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on minors. n mi here, by the way, without parental consent. nothout panthere with reaction,r "new york times" best selling author elizabeth hasselbeck elizabeth, let's get your take on all of it. let's start with your lo. no parental notification on on gender affirming surgery and or and treatments. >> shawn thank you for having me tonight. and hello to all your viewer>> s there. number one, i'd like to say if we learned anything from the olympics, shawn it's that performance matters. and since the kamala harris and walz ticketsinc has o performance to run on because they let cities burn down in our border open and fentanyl and illegal weapons come in and threaten our our children, our teenagers, our college kids. why would we think they would protect our children when itmono comes to their god given identity or their right to life? it's low expectation when it comes to their radical riptide. so that's what they'reo running on, a radical riptide hoping to drown voters so that they can't nor breathe properly to cast a vote for anythingvote that resembles an ounce of integrity.
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here's my issue, shawn, i this is an attack on parent and i would normally say take a breath, swim to the side out of the riptidemally sa and don't get emotionally distracted. but this is an attack on the value of life. and this isn't a this is anan important matter to godd. this this is god's creation, god's masterpiece. our childrens pre-born children and children out of the room to confuse them about thei god r gender will handle that. he's sovereign when it comes whn and i do believe we need to keep an eye on the moderate republican donald trump advance ticket that right now just needs to kind of sit back and let crazy look crazy. they're doing not enough, but it is important to note that not only are they creating a forcefield behind more abortions in their state, and i read some researchs in thy that 5000 women who went in to have an abortion said they justh didn't feel like having another child. they will highlight situations that seem extreme. 's dee but at the same time, sean,pl what's deeply concerning is that they're defundedy concer funding pregnancy centers. these centers are ones that i've worked with on a national level that actuallyrt
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comfort women, don't cash shame on them when they find themselves in a situation p with an unplanned pregnancy, unexpected pregnancyregnan, e sr they provide them sustainable support and equip them to have an awesome, peacefuluip lifelife with their child. because god cares about both the moe theym and, the child, and they have options and support. i'm i'm deeply saddened this is increasing and that but not surprised that these the radical agenda is running on this, sean. they're just not supporting it. they're running on this. actually, they should fear the day they meet their own maker. i would love to know walz wife if sheker i'd took prenatal vi. at any point do they value life in the as they. azin it has a value. it's an amazing creation by god with a plan and a purpose. and if there's a woman out there who needs to know that she's valued withouw she't shame, she should go to these pregnancy centers and americans watching you feel like there's nothing you can do, go support them. go donate to the pregnancy centers that he's defunding in his state and put some put
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some money behind them because they're doing good things and supporting womene . our family has decided to to walk this out in a different t wa havy. we have taken in and it's beenee a blessing to us newbornsed who would have otherwise potentially been aborted. but they found their moms foundd pregnancy centers that supported theies centm in r the first month of life. that mom just needs to know that their support, suppe with thearmss no plan, that they're loving arms to hold her baby and maybe she's reuniteddoubleshe's in ins and maybe that baby is placed. but there are options out there that there's radical riptide wants eliminated and we need to stand for our childrenr chil you know, it's just sad.dr i mean, up to the moment of birth. talk about radical on abortion ,no parental rights on something as serious as that by the way, for the record, i think that was more interrupted talk time your ye that you had than all your years combined on the view . i'm just saying, without somebody jumping in and annoying you and annoying anybody that was watching. we appreciate you being with us. elisabeth hasselbeck. all right. when we come back, virginia
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governor glenn youngkin is takin g major step to ensure election security in his state. i hope the other state governors are paying close attention next, are you using or thinking about trying or cialis? don't overpay our pills deliver the same results for less than $2 a pill. that's right. only $2. say goodbye to paying $20 or more for a pill that you can get for a fraction of the price . >> with our pill, you can save $18 per pill and get the same great results. how about this offer for just $5, you will get 50 blue or yellow pills. >> that's a savings of over nine hundred dollars. >> come on. imagine everything you can do with that money. stop overpaying for expensive prescriptions like or cialis. >> order now and save big for the same result. ordering is fast, easy and discreet. call the number on your screen. have your debit card ready and your discreetly packaged
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absolutely free. that's b 82 215215. >> earlier today, governor glenn youngkin, virginia, issued an executive order to codify virginia's election security procedures that his administration put into place. the order will protects ad legal voters through what our stringent ballot securit votery and voter lists maintenance, among other things. in a statementother th, the govr said, quote, this isn't a democrat or republican issue. his isn'it's an american issue a virginian issue. it wassue. more juniora i governor glenn youngkin. governor, i hope every governor in the countrwo everyy watching.
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>> well, sean, call me crazy, but i think american elections a should be decided by american citizens and virginia elections should be decideecidedd by. and that's why this executive order is so important, becausein it does make sure that we have clean voter rolls. it makes sure that votes are counted accurately and it recognizescurately this. the fact that elections needons to be trusteneedd by and that's exactly what we're doing in virginia. i mean, this is going to be the the most important election of our lifetime. we'r ection oe to see the futurefutue of america determined. and i want to make sure o that virginia'ed s know they can trust this election process, that majority in our house ise d at stake. the majority in our senate is at stake. and of course, we've got a giant, giant decision in front of voters. do they want strength in the white house or weakness? and of cours whie, what we've sn out of kamala harris is continued weakness, weakness at the border, which has unleashed chaos, weakness and economic policy which has unleashed inflation and, of course, weakness in national securityness is at the root of e
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war we're seeing in israel. and the war we're seeingnd of co in and, of course, china's threats against taiwan. soe threat elections have conse. and i want to make surs eand that everyone trust that in virginia, when citizens vote, their votes will be counted accuratelyvote tho. >> you mentioned energy. you mentioned the economy. >>d role in the world. and i man thy add two other isss to that. and one would be law and order. beindscareser issue woul be their war on energy. >> that scares me. governor. yeah, it does. i mean, of course, what we have seen is the biden-harristhc administration do everything they can can to undermine american energy dominance, which we were energyce independent coming out of thep trump administration. and now they've done everything th to put us at the at the beholden call of foreign actors't call . and we have to get this back. listen, we have an all american ,all of the above energy policy in virginia, because we the virgin it all. we need gas. we need clean coal. we need, of course, nuclear
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energy. that that will be the baseload power of the future. and of course, what whatth the biden-harris administratioei has routinely done is undermine not only our energy policy, resu but as a result, america's strength around the world. ltth arounthis is a clear, cleat for americans to choos e futureture ,which is based on america's capabilities, and to stop exporting all of our strength to other nations and take it back. donald trump will do that. tions and we can not only retain our majority in the house, we can flip the senate and we can put strength back in the white house. well, if you have illegall immigrants given legal driver's licenses lik ge will give illegal immigrants in the sanctuary state that he lovesfree h of minnesota and free healthcare and free college educatioean, and you get a license if you once you have a legal license, can't you registere regist a oh, and a bit of trivia. you may not know. kamala harris once supported paper ballots. wow. i wonderr ba where she stands
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today. >> i bet that's another flipan flopothe. yeah. no, shawn, this is why this this executive order was so important. we have 100% paper ballots in virginia, and they are counted accurately. and this next step that we have taken to have daily, daily scrubbing of our voter rolls to make sure that, in fact if if an illegal immigrant even either mistakenl y or maliciously registers to vote, that that person be cleaned off the ballot immediately and turned over to our prosecutinl beg attorneys to mam sure that they are prosecuted to the full extentake , yeah,en the democrats don't want proof of citizenship. >> they don't want they don't w, they don't want signature verification, they don't want partisan observerse . the voti the voting all day, the counting, all night. aln, great job.i >> i hope every swing state governor pays attention. than payk you.e back when come back, squad member cori bush lost a primary last nigh ch lost at and kind of lost her mind. >> next, fox nation would like
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>> these are my stories. >> all right. the radical squad, they lost a second member last night. cori bush was ousted in a buscy. d of and instead of accepting the loss with grace, well, she made this unhinged concession speech. >> take a look. i do have some strings that imua have that as much as i love my job. but all they did was radicalize me. and so now i'd be free. i pack. i'm coming to tell your pain down and let me put all of these corporations notice. >> i'm coming after you tove let think she radicalized herself. that's all the time we have left this eveningr . ible t thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you never miss an episodyou nev please let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by. ur heart be will put a smile on your face. t >> have a great nigh