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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  August 8, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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>> these are my stories. >> all right. the radical squad, they lost a second member last night. cori bush was ousted in a buscy. d of and instead of accepting the loss with grace, well, she made this unhinged concession speech. >> take a look. i do have some strings that imua have that as much as i love my job. but all they did was radicalize me. and so now i'd be free. i pack. i'm coming to tell your pain down and let me put all of these corporations notice. >> i'm coming after you tove let think she radicalized herself. that's all the time we have left this eveningr . ible t thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you never miss an episodyou nev please let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by. ur heart be will put a smile on your face. t >> have a great night.
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yes. yes yes, yes. i know. i can see. why you would feel that way. i own a mirror. happrrory wednesday, everybody. so yesterday, kamala harris and tim waltz made their first appearance together at a packed rally in philadelphiharris aa. a waltz received thunderous applause and a standing ovation. and that was just from antifa. h now, we're not saying this guyat is a far left nut job. but when news brokn t5e. . >> stock in men's tampons doubled. in insiders claim waltz won the vp slot by harris.slot b he would not steal her job. you know, like the last vicepren president. >> meanwhile, far left squad
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member cori bush lost her primary last night. >> oh, yeah. and afterwards, she went on aild wild and crazy rant. i haven't seen a bush that out of control since i dated yokoat ono. sorry, john the media is busy trying to portray as a moderate, even though he dithered while the twin cities and even worse, his wife said she wanted to smell citie the burning tires during the riots. in fact, she even made the bucentral scented candle just commemorate it. all right. at the olympics, lebron james mistakenly thought a crowd was cheering for him when they weretakenl actually cheering for a male swimmer. i know the feeling. for himi thought a crowd was cg for me when in fact they were cheering for the donkey.
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it's going to be a dark gut feeling. e on this day in 1959, the first satellite picture of earth was taken from space. interesting sidefirs note what t assumed to be the continent of australia turned out to be a young joye bejar. all right, let's do a monologue. so within hours after kamalae harris made tim walz a vp pick, the bat signal went out from the dems to label him as a moderate, middle of the road midwestern. >> the reason to cover up the fact that this guy is bat crazy. th >> let's run through the list. would blm antifa were lootingwhn and burning down minneapolis in the were bu summer of 2020? what did walt do? while he did out called the national guard? eventually, whenthe nati count z acts within days. three days, in fact. so how the hell did he alert them? did d he send an e-bike to theil
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aol account? ths he waiting an artist vp? >> let's ask that . s made in a situation that is is what it is. and i'm. i simply believe that we tried to do the best we can in each of thosee ca. >> that made no sense. no wonder harris picked. lik >> he makes her sound like winston churchill. ang ar >> andou, you know, it's the reason why i hang around. kilmeade so he actually called the riots an exciting event which destigmatize his criminal activity and put the rights of criminals over their preyriminals. ning he abandoned every victim, be they black, white, asian or ol be therd, because they couldr be stereotyped into a group with magical protectioeogroup n >> so they had no power. and so we tossed aside lawful citizens to gain favor of the lawless mob. he was citizen a coward, but alo a snitch. >> at the height the pandemic,
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he set up a covid hotline where people could think not com their neighbors for not wearing masks outdoors, outdoorsor not n also limited indoor gatherings to ten people. he declareo ten d a statewide mask mandate and shut down restaurants, gymwides and other businesses. >> so when there's looting and riotinen thereg, he's hands. but if there's a virus that's inru about everyone except old people, he invades your life, turns it upsideit taa down, turns people against each other. >> it takes away their livelihoodrs, whicht th is exactly the opposite of how he portrays himself. >> in minnesota, we respect in our neighborminns and theirs thy personal choices that they make . even if we wouldn't, the same choice for ourselves. >> there's a golden rule. mind your own business. >> you know, people would love to mind their own business ififu you hadn't let rioters burn
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down those. >> all right. how much swearing? >> even even worse. wild sent elderlyients covid patients from hospitals back into nursing homes wherbae he likely killed more old people than tainted pudding. at a matlock conventio n. >> so while the rest of us had to stay away fromgr our grandparents oandpr werethoe called murderers while it gave those grandparents a death sentenceeath sen, he gets worse. >> he doubled down last year on letting docs give drugsadin to and operate on kids confused their gender. signing a bill making minnesotak a sanctuary state for kidsr thos brainwashed into thinking they needed sex change. e so so if you live in a sane state that's banned this butchery, your child could go to minnesota to ruin his life. let do [blt you can't do about it. rem remember the song i left my heart in san franciscembe o? >> well, there's a new version m and it's i left my kids in saint paul paul.
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yeah, we're going we're going real dark tonight. real bad. oh, yeah. >> but only nut jobs want kids to get jobs. cus th the state could even take custody of your child. and they call thiseyd this g mie of the road. what road are you talking about? the one between and gomorrah. waltz will let doctors cut kid's off while looters burnrned down your house. he's like a fat bald, stupidd gi genghis khan. well, at least he doesn't thinky boys. oh, wait. >> he signed a to put tampons in boys bathrooms. that makes less sense thanr je starting a fan club for jesse watters. >> then there's his military service to fellosw guardsmen. ae have accused himd of embellishing his militaryellr and retiring from service after learning his battalion wouldq in
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be deployed to iraq in 2005. i guess he prefers war zones to be in minnesota. so the republicans are callinget this ticket the most left-wing ever. he mleft-wing everdo you know t? well, look at how obsessedlook a the left is in portraying him as the opposite. oh, he's not radical.s >> he's rural. not . es thexist he's midwestern. which then poses the next question. >> why are the positions that the left usually embraces? they now abandon as they approach an election? suddenly being woke is as appealing as monkey pox, social justice, sanctuary cities, left-wing protests. they all take a back seat tot the comfortable sweateratio of moderation. eldridge cleaver becomes ward cleaver. that's the funniest thing of all the peopl e spentt all the last four years hating. everything about old white guys. now embracthys embracee very ths they despise. >> oh, look, he hunts. oh, he owns a gun. >> he's a military.
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well, just months ago, thesehe were the things that would put hiulm on no fly list.waits he's got to be a member of aa white supremacist group, right. >> reeking of toxic masculinity and dead moose. deadw just call him koch. >> and the left has its way. >> the next vice president of the united states. let' unites welcome kurtz guess his stand up makes me throw up.d writer and comedian joe devitoia . she knows ufc like i know. and she host of outkick the morning charlie are all she's charming and sweet and her takes can't be beat. republican swes erin perrine and fenway park he uses his hankie as a tarp. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former debut ain't what they got. >> so, joe, always a pleasure to see you.
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it is isn't it?know w >> i lied again.ha you know what kills me? i said this on the five. >> it's like if the liberals would a lot of traction if they just admit tampons in boys bathrooms is stupid. but they can't. yeah, they can't. 't and tand they could just say. so instead, they have a vp pick who actually put tamponsy in boys bathroompus. i never swear this much, but this is like, anted. it's warranted. >> it's warranted, but it's unfair because now i don't get to fair bec at all.all. next. sw we have this limit of swearing. >> what is it? i about 20, you guys? i'm at 12. >> so what? what are your thoughts? man in black. well, i know that trump>> is currently working his he's got his nickname a he' team dec, do they want to go with tiny g tim or no witho walls and stuff >> now, if he's a vice president, they make him the border czar. that's going to make a very confusing if they have to say build that walls.
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yeah, build that wall. >> it's got a weird cadence to it. hmm. i think we should thank them. yeah. because instead of going for any sort of idea of balance,anbc they're giving us two straight up progressives. you're right. and there's no denying what they're trying to dartryine they're not. they're not getting josh shapiro and they're not getting anybody would moderate the ticket because that'she what you always used to do o with the vice president. >> yes. why obambaena? and biden made their picks. biden pick kamala because she was a woman and she's black. and obama picked biden because he's white and he'n picks dead. >> so i think really going to see like this is them all out. they're not fooling around . and if you look at his record, he's actually to the left of onmala on the thingsthurton the rest of the country is very divided over, which would be blmon thing, the trans issues and law and order. so it's going to be interesting to see how they spin this. but this is what i don't understandundersta. why are they trying to dress him as up as a folksy mr.em up rogersas meets ward cleaver whe he's a radical? >> charlie. any >> do you think she had anying
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role in picking him and did they have timehim have t vet hi? because this i mean, this guys u is nuts. tsi don't care if he looks like your high school baseball coach, football coach, football coach, wayne white, which is crazy, right? >> i think they both showerar afterwards. maybdse. maybe you're right. this doesn't really make that sense because for someone like kamala harris, who is now tofing to portray herselke harri as more moderate appeal to the centrist voters, you would think that she wouldcentri go ae different direction rather than pick someone who now creates the most radical ticket whe in history. but really, when you look at the two of them, i mean, they are trulylick o just made r each other. you have a cackling, ugly pantsuit wearing former mistress. >> all alongside a low tea soy batter. and it really just makes that much sense. >> and it really justme whe materialized for me whenn the phone call took place, when kamala called tim to ask him to be her vp. and she said, in her words t, ec
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i have some i have the utmost respect for you. >> you have an understanding of our country. we're fighting for the future. i'm likere, i'm so sorry.g abou >> what are you talking about? respect this guy is a communist. he's pro illegal immigration. s pro mutilation. >> he's someone that called j.d. vance weird whenmpon you're the one who wants tampons in the boy's bathroos a and really, i don't think that he's all that smart. i don't feel like he's some clever don't th machiavellian who just spouts off liberal talking points, kind of like gavin newsom. nk h >> i really think that this guye is a true believer, which makes sem a real idiots hi, which maks complete sense. why kamala harris would be the perfect match foy kamalathe pers her look good. you know, i wonder that hiring hiring or choosing waltz erin was much like his stance on these tampons. there were stringstance on . m that give him out one slow clap. yes, it took a while.
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>> just came to right now. just pull it out. >> the sky just boom. dropping gold leaf just strin the strings attached are to the furthest left of the winge e of the democratic party. kamala had a chance hered be mor to pick someone that would be more moderate, would move her more toward the centerovinge especially because she definitely had to do that, centhate. e waere sh she had to dowhere that underwriting, considering where she was as a primarythas a candidate in the 2020 election when she called joe biden a bi. st so she has had to moderate and now she's going to go back. this is a very swing for wha her again. but they are showing you exactly what they believe in. the americant they people. tim walz is governor, had a budget surplus. and instead of telling people of minnesota, i'm going to give you your money back because you know how better to spend itw be, he d ,we're going to triple down on big government, old school, progressive liberal policyaxes here. we're going to raise taxes. able more of your mone takmorey and then tell you we don't have enough here to be able t to give all of fanciful wish lists we want. does it sound good to say yes, paid family leave and allm
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of the things that democrats are saying, well, that's not weird. these are policiesri people support, but american people also support keeping their paychecks for themselvesto so they can afford to have babysitters that they can afford to work, that they can afford travel and save moneyahen and get ahead in this country. democrats believe if i take your money, i know how to spend it better than you do. and tim walz is spending that money on things like tampons in boys bathrooms. you know how ironic it is going>> how to bleed country dry. >> tyrus there are so many so many things. do not clap, claclapp. no. if if you make a reference to tom cotton,erence t i'm 80. yeah. how the american people are going to absor>> of b, you knowe and if they don't, it'll a be it'll be a bloody mess if we don't get this straightened out, you know? tyrus there's so man >> tyrusy things i want to talk to you about as a parent. this the trans stuff, but i
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guess we don'te have to, like,one belabor the point, but just one of these variables him makes him disqualifying, right? disql, first of all, the nickname thing, i was given a lot of thought, and i think sometimes you got to give him names that, like, fit, you know, like and they're kind of coming off likein a likef a little, like, evil villainous squad from like a comic booksheh series. like she's the gurgler and he's the snitchey giggl, you know, ie the googler in a snitch. he'll tellon you on you and shel laugh at him while she does it. like, whoa, ha ha ha. you know, it's just. but she did make this pic, and i believe that she's calling the shots because it lookt look like if she's calling the shots. you have a guy who could singlya you a state by picking him. shapiro nopi, don't want that.a you know, there's another guy in arizona who could pretty lock up arizoncaa. those are two big states have be nice. no, no, no, no. i want the guy who's going will do to do whatever i tell him to do. and she did it because she's been
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the woman who's been told to do whatever they want to do. she has to overcomte. the fact that a man with dementia was better thane k you because you were picked because you were ready. daede ready y one for the job we three or almost the job's almost. yeah. and the guy who can't rememberis his name is still in front you. >> so therefore, you should reallythere be. and so they're going to give whati don'he wants because they no choice. other thing i'm saying is like, republican party's got to be smarter. t sesrepublty has tyou back at t mm-hmm. they couldn't get rid of biden them ,so they had trump do it for him. right. because if we would have win, if trump said no, let's wait till we get our v.p. picks. you are absolutely right. after the debate. dnc really, as soon as the dnc a happened this this debate would have started when? october and would be too late. candy's in the bag. medicaid dies. weo late w in. >> no, no, no. democrats are geniuses you're at they all play whythe they can't have the debate on abc do that because it would
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have been how many against one in that situation? wellns , that's also why they had the debate so early was because this would be able to give them the right to work for the table, give them the runway that you've done before, and see exactly why. >> i'm glad i thought of tha while ithought t. morrow share that on the five tomorrow. up next, see the media's gleeth over kamala's vpe engi when the sawdust settles and theou gt engine finally roars. rom harb most is a job well done. worki but when you get your tools from harbor freight, something about the jongb feels a little different in your wallet. what you're working on, you need high quality tools you need high quality tools at a great priceo, what we're all about. whatever. do do it for less at harbor freight. but secrets lie hidden in the shadows of.
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this summer in paris, we're seeing hard work, dedication,
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and a whole lot of... [“joy (unspeakable)” by voices of fire ft. pharrell williams begins to play] anastasia pagonis still feeling the joy. grant holloway how about that! keep the flair, keep the emotion, keep the showman, the sport needs it. ♪ ♪ the benefits of our pills. call now to order. >> it's coming your way. hey. hey. day to day. >> hey. his past. maybe thorny, but he makes media. he ice pick of newly minted vp nominee tim wild and a fawning talking heads. >> in our video of the day. the media can't get enough of there's suddenly a lovable oh old fuzzy, white male ruleis lie tim walz is the opposite of
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weird. >> maybe a little more of a cuddly choice. >> cuddly, cuddly. this is going to be a mac and a trip to the hardware store. grounded vice presidential candidate that's going to make people smile. >> he seems to almost have a. twinkle in his eye. he ice fishes. he's a hunte that he r she does butter carving, butter carving. oh, what a punch.>> wha a psychot did you hear all tha? >> they look at walt and think, oh he's cuddly. >> he's got a twinkle in his eye. come on. only thingthe only thing they kw and care about this idiot is that he's a democrat. >> if harris had pickedcharles d charles, they call him a family man. if harris ha mand picked the unabomber, they'd say, oh, he could really light up the room. >> if she had picked ted bundy, they'd say, hey, he really had a way with. women. so it's not that walt is bad, it's that these are worse. somell right, charlie are you impressed by somebody who can carve butter under normal
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circumstances yet? m no >> tim walz. no. is d, i just cannot. we know the media is what's driving everything that's goingi right now. >> no one was even talkingngout about kamala harris up until a couple of weekharreks ago.list no one can even name a single accomplishment she's had as vice president. but th hise media is spinning ig oh, my gosh. now she's this feminist icon. this is th he we didn't knowng s that we needed. now they're doing the exact same thing with hee r pick, tim walz. and i also just cannot stand the that they speak so horribly about j.d. vance. >> mm-hmm. >> he doesn't have a greatnd background yet. here we have waltz with th be greatest rural american success story. but when you loo rural k at j.d.k at h vance, i mean, let's take a look at his history. >> he grew up from nothingisw u he deployed right after 911. he went to yalnt te school, went on to write a bestselling book, went to silicon valley, made a fortune and became a senator. now, is the vp potentially,ow is hopefully this of this country.a yet they have nothing but bad things to say about hid thinm.
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just the biggest gaslighting mission i've ever seen anyont el on. but you would expect nothing less from the democrats of this country. sod ct s there you go. >> you know, erin, if you if you watched msnbc at all, usually anytime they'd brought up rural americans, it was a denigrating segment about all white rednecks and like they were like and now it's like you're listening them . >> it's like, oh, by god, you know, he ice fishes, calves, butter. >> he he's nonthreatening. evennonthrea though he does looe that suspect in dateline whose spouse goes missing. >> and he mysteriously remarries quickly after. that's like 515 life insurance i policies. he yes, 15 life insurance policiesnsurance and has alreadd ordered a mail order bride from venezuela. >> yes brid. that would be a perfect place to have a mail orderever.. >> kids. quick. yeah, it's a d.c. mediais mentalit ty where when they leae
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the acela corridor and they go inte resto rest of the county and they're like, wait, so abu're telling me voters don't care about the things that we tell them that they should carou e's thi about? they care about real things? it's this is like alien. the idea that if t you don't lie in a major city, you are you are so foreign to them. and all of a suddee n nowdemocr that they've seen someone that is a democrat and that they can idolizeat us, they are like, oh man, look at this guy. yeah, he probably loves a good k hot dish. how about we talk about his abject failures? yeah. how abou aist we stop fawning on the man and start looking at his record when he was of minnesota, there was massive wa. covid-he state covid funding for kids. 19ding forthe has been a complee and abject failure. but hey, let's go ahead and let him also. this is exactly what it's always like to be a republican in politics like in politi evers starting to see it now. but this is 100% what it is always like. you will always be in a harder positionyou will than the democ. if you have a d next to your name, the media will always give you the lovmee, adoration
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and a pass. >> it's true because their tea m ,tyrus, you know, i've often described you as cuddly. you know what's going to happen to jesse, right? yes. >> yeah, i think we cleared tha that up. ye >> now we're going to move on and. yeah, all right, cool. you have to understand, again, we're i feel like they're trying to us to dateatel a really unattractive person,ute right? when you talk about the description, have you ever been in a situation where your mother tells you this? her friend has a really nice girl, right? and here's the things that's r cool about. >> she likes to so she's an alternate on a pickleball team .pe she has a great melody. she she sings backup. e ligh >> backup choir with the lightss out at the local church. h and
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>> and the six teeth that she has are numb, annoying, and she carves butter. >> and last year she went ice fishing. listen, as a retired athlete, that's not something you put on the sportsman resumé. yeah, i sat in the box. i froze my off with a little tiny fishing pole that looks like a green duck that we call n hornet. and i wait and i wait and i wait and i wait yeah. ge and then i get up, lie and say l i haied a bite and come back and do this the next day. yeah. so again there's i they hadf they had something cool about them. >> we'd know it. yeah. liem all the same and forget anything else. >> the bottom line is the man's a cowardn isd . and when you follow a coward is one rule. a soldier dies. but once cowards cowar, a thousd so it will be a thousand deaths by paper cuts for the american taxpayer for the if this.
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if this dudes in. just think about that. when trouble was on the wall, he wasn the wa the back door. >> so there you go. you he's he's kind of he's>> he' a little creeps y. reepie >> yeah. and i think what's creepier is listening to the medir listea repeat the words they were given like they got it was like the talking point last week was vance is weird and now thisow is cuddl y and folksy. >> yeah, but i knew he looked familiar. iliar i and i think if we could call up where i'd seen his face before . >> it is this up? yeah. oh, they do do it now. here's the weird thinghim he about him. i he's only 60 years old, yetly slightly older 6 than kamala. i think she got confused. i think she tried to pick a vpe and do a reverse biden and thought, if we get someone who's 80 years old, he'll never push me out of the way right? i shoved the 80 year old outof-e of the way. but it is interesting to hear the way they tal-wut it'say then the rest of the country as if they've never heard.
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>> he goes fishing. >> yes, he goes outside. yes. and this i'vs outside never hea. of this butter sculpture i got to go to. >> i don't>> i wil know a state, giant butter castle. >> i mean, just here, it makes me feel much better about myss margarine scrapbook that been doing. >> oh, yeah. >> and the thing is, we've seen him under pressure and heo didn't do well. and he was someone who, with the covid scams that theywe had he was the kind of governor that if you you went in during covid to a restauranrn t duringb there, you had to wear a mask. >> but if you wanted to rob it, you could take the mask off. exactlsky. off now, there were these these events in life, it's the military or rioting or any virus. >> each each one. he he screwed the pooch. >> and i mean that figuratively, not literally. figurativea, though.t if you did hit tell on you because he would snitc h. snitch >> yes. and if you are going to screwyoe the pooc gh remember consent matters. >> i thought there was a tampon joke coming aftet mattthere ber. >> i don't know.
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there could be done with those. .eah, there's way too much in there right now. righe need why a man named shapiro a the democrats hero. hold it. hold it. don't think i can hold itup to louder. a cu little. >> is it even a workout? always discreet. always discreet. keeps me dry the toughest workout absorbing the toughest workout absorbing up to a couple with up to zero weight feel an odor. so i'm not just dry i'm jump level dry ready for a second set every day protection for every level of leak we've got you always always work play, blink relief, work, play, blink, release. the only three in one extended release formula for dry eyes blink. >> anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so
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cellular and get two months of service free. >> that's right. two months free. all the fast, reliable nationwide coverage make the switch today. >> a story in five words. sorry, you're a. >> you've got some just in the jewish community. some people have their hopes up. maybommunitye of theire you're t another shot of the jewish vice president. we haven't had that for two decades. and now that gets pulled away. is it justed awa he's a moderatr is there some anti-jewish bias here? you also antisemitism that hasis gotten marbled into this party and there's some disquiet now and there has to be. tohow much of what just happenes is caving into some of these darker parts in the party. >> you know, and mentioned this to jessica on the five and she on. not answer >> it has to be weird if you're a jewish liberal and there'l and ths an open disn about people who hate you in your partyo hate.
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there's an actual faction that has that is instrumentalaue you not getting anywhere because you're jewish. >> that's freaky. there' you as like that in the conservative party or the republican party that's sayingconserva no, we don't like you here. the truly the republicans love him or hate hie them m. you ar >> they're an open tent. they don't get like what you are, what you doe d what. >> yeah. unless you're fat. that's a jokoke bye. >> van jones is right, though, when it comes to the democratic party, when there w s it's marbled in, it is intrinsically within the democratic party. there is a is an anti-semitic set to the democratic party. and you saw it overd all the weekend. shapiro is on the rise a little bit in the veepstakes, and all of a suddeof an there's this letter in this big push from progressives, even though josh shapiroven as governor hols the same beliefs regarding israel and hamas warng that waltz does and that kamala does. and so now kama the kamala teamt he's t tries to spin it. oh, he's too politically ambitious. po we didn't pick him.e li oh, wait, you mean all thehigh people who have run for higher officeer o are politicallytiou ambitious? all of a sudden, we're shocked that politicianss alof a to runo
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more with their careers. no, this is actually a huge problecareers m within the democ party. it's part of why you continue to see a failure addressing. b the israel-hamas war is because joe biden is in the white house right now and he cannon tt cede the ground to the progressive base, which he has. and i need to everybody. college kidsto are going sch back to school soon. yeah, those protests, thosoo epro-pa propelled to palestinian the pro hamas wing of the party, too. lepro-hama ng of ththey're going to be bacn college campuses and this is going to be a continued conversation . and what could they have done? they could have brought josh shapiro on the ticket, who could have gone to those protestscket whohave g and been' have a conversation. >> but they didn't. yeah, got to get joe harris,>> i is it did she cave to the anti-semitic wing or? did she realize that shapiro would make her look really stupid because he's a much because candidate? >> or is it both? i think it's actually neither. >> i think we are serious. i know you, but i like it when you agree with my answer. and i'm like, 95% of maine is 100%.
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cause i'm afraid her. >> yeah, she's scarier than judge jeanine just because she smiles doesn't mean she's not evil. >> you've seen her contract back to the show pirates. i'm not sure the point. here'sis is wh the thing. this is who she is. she's not ever goingis to. >> we need to start assigning beliefs to who they are. >> mm-hmm. if this is who she is, thenoothi this is who she is. they're trying to smooth it over, but she wantedt as radicl as her and probably who fell pre. n shapiro. probably. i could imagine that interview woulschapiro imagined be like in to, like cnn right now to interview for their open republican spot on the panel, i'm sure after the interviewwoua left in my brain matter, i would say, you know what, man, this ain't for me. so i think it'd be more on him. that was like, yeah, i'm nothim i'm waiting for 20, 28. yeah, i think he was smart forut that because this is whodidn't k they are and we didn't know who they were for the lastd four years. so this is weird for us because we've just been reintroduced uced
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to what the new democratic party is, and it's a progressive party and they've put they've been able to do it th the shadows and at leas and they're standing out in front of us and we can see what it is. sot it anything going forward, e know what it is now. so if you're if you're someone who's like, oh, i'm not going to vote, you're sitting at home, but don't be surprised because they aree nbecause o loi hiding in the notebook that jp can't read right? they're right out in front of us. this is their new world and theys isr think there's a u more than them, than there are us. >> you know,s. joe, you know,w o the the jews are oftencall called the choseed tn people, and yet shapiro was not chosen. >> he was not chosen. wello was no, he had some very l beliefs. >> yeah. when he saidl to the studentse at upenn, could you please not chant death to the jews? yes. how dare he and the students were like you people? yeah. always pushing it, pushing your luck. so, yeah i think.idea h i think you're on to something. the idea that he had that meetine g and i'm sure at some point he was trying to convince kamala, maybe you should be vice president again. and let me take it from here,frh
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because he's competenter and, tr he's popular. and right there, she probably said, i don't want anything to d y't wanto with guy. >> he's got an interesting little controversy, though, restingy. s >> this unsolved murder which was cast as a suicide. >> i won't get into it here, but. well, i will, you know.i anyway, i'm sorry, i about it m last night. yeah. yeah. what's wrong with me? i think it's my my remedy short list. >> i don't know, charlie. charlie, just ignore what what tyreese just said here foer last episode. >> do you think kamala caved to the darker, hating parts of the democratic party, or was she just caving to her ownca insecurityving t? >> i, i you said the opposite. i actually think it was a little of both. i really do think there is a large pro-hamas sect of th at te democratic that she wanted to appeal to. and i think that the policies that she to instill in this country, she needs the support of these. well they're just completecs ani
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lunatics. and i think that washink he he the bill. i also think that when she s looks at shapiro, who actually remember there was the leak reme and we thought he was a anh shoe, that that's who she can end up choosing. and thent we it went in a totala opposite direction, which, again, doesn't really make much sense to mke msense toe. i just can't even imagine what shapiro was thinking today because, like we said, he is very ambitious. he's a very talented speaker, oht he's probablntedy in the mir and like, oh, my goodness, i'm fantastic at what do. but on the other hand, i can i could be pro writing, i coul d be polluting, i could be anti-woman, i could want to put tampons in the boys bathrooms back to the tampons. >> but.t's wh but i'm jewish. yeah, there you go. that's what ended upat killing his, you know, is is upgrade, at least for right now, politically. all right. >> we have te got to move >> comics beg for money insteadn of being funnyg to. of being funnyg to. so what are you thinking?? honeymoon road to africa. honeymoon road to africa. soon.
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hey. hey. hi to former a-listers just can't resist her themselves they embarrass as they raise or. y for harass a video of the day comes to us from the recent comics for kamala zooy m fundraiser. it's already funny. take a look at this. >> oh, so i'm proud to be a comic. the man who has quit the gop. >> it is already happening. i there's no worry. it is pre-ordained. >> it's happening. and i'm grateful i went out and bought 100 carmelo t-shirts and i will not take them off h until she's in that white house. >> she's in there and she's. m she's everything. you could be more than one thing. it's incredible. you knowth thing i. i'm jewish and irish. i wish i was black. >> every white jewish guy guy wishes he wa ws black. >> oh. stiller wishes he was black.
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been there, done that. jimmy kimmel. so, tyrus, they raised a half a million dollars. >> that'razes like nothing now. well, that's just me. which is ironic because now jewish people are being treated like blacks were in the fiftiels . so congratulations. what happened to you, man? you made tropic thundeathappenr >> yeah. where are you? like, come on, man. like, i meanas shr, he was shred like a julian salad. now he's just saying weird stuff. like, i don'alad now the weird r i don't get it, man. he was a great comedian. diani just the to say the things that they say. it's so forcedy and i just dont know that i don't think they know that lookso fo terrib, you know and like. >> gross he's going to keep his shirt on. i guess we clao te give p for that. yeah, it's just like about that. think about it. she ha s a whole hundred of them on at once. then t every time she takes one off, you think she's going to be topless, but it's not. yeah. thants noe does tk god does tha. >> don.e we can't have that. you'd never leave the tvwould ,
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you know, you back. >> well, she be topless now. we'll go topless. now. i >> so, joe, it's like i find it interesting. e crea like creative types thinkebelli they're rebellious in individualisticou , and thenakin you hear them in there, they just toe the frickin line . yeah, well, i do think the thought of a the threat of a shirtless rosie o'donnell is domestic terrorism. >> i think that will not stand. well, yeah. >> you know, keep in mind, these are the same people a month ago were telling us,h ab joe biden is a man of steel.ow true. cannot be defeated. and now they they like they'veet never heard of them. so, you know, it's a comic look, i'll go online and ask for money, but it all goes directly to me. yes, i and i need that so as far as this thing about all, why are they obsessed with race, even klansmen aren't. yeah, she's indian, she's blachk . that's great. it's like it's a thing, but it's not a qualification. qu. not i don't understand it. like, how do you get into that situation where you say, i don't know, i want to be black? >> or and she'n s it's likead
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it's like there's so much going on in the world. >> why the are you so fixated on how people look? >> i saw something on earlier today and someone was like, you don't understand what's happening. this is a moment in history. >> it was the phone call that i was referring to earlier when kamalashe ca called was to be h. and they're like, we have awo black womamann calling a white n to be her vice president. >> this is history. and i'm like, just lay off. you know, these people are histe nuts. not to mention this resume. >> it reminded me of the covid times, number one. yeah, but he was on zoom together doing, like doing concs and sitting at home. and i'm like, you know, these kne back thoset's what times. the stay at home orders. i mean, that's what they lor agaely would love fo love fo all us to lose our freedoms once again. >> yeah. and also, i don't think any of those people actually perforon't thim anymore.f thosep >> i mean, in termsle mor of audience, i don't know, aaron, it's been a whilee.. >> yeah. do you think this will help? well, no, i think says folksy down home quite likeseed a hollywood comedian fundraise r
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. but this is what they're going to do. they're going to try to do every distraction techniqueas wi they can, including dudes, white dudes for kamala, black dudes for kamalate. they're going to try to break everybody up and keep everybody divided and distracted because they want to have to talk about policy. so if you're laughing, you should laugh at them, nof yt with them. >> that's what my hat's what my mom always told me to do with it. with the slow kids. i got my mom up next. the seine river makes. athletes quiver. we we're here in las vegas for the largest power slap event. slap fighting as a combat sport has gained in popularity. what drew you in? it's exciting. it's thrilling. it's fun. the electricity, it's off the charts it is a brutal sport. you have to be so tough. do this. i'm going to tell you right here, right now, this will be bigger than the ufc behind the slap streaming now on fox nation. >> hi, grandma. i played baseball today. oh, that's great.
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pd info. five more words. swimming is insane. i wrote that joe. >> the seine river in parise is so filthy with e colirive. l several olympians have gotten sick after swimming in it and they'vten swimme had some ss have been canceled. more swimming eventsk they in jeopardy, don't you think? they could have planned ahead? it's gross. coulit's it makes the hudson lok like perrier. >> it's messy. and they even had there. these are world class athletes. they're not supposed -e ar to bl getting e coli. >> they're supposed to be getting stds. yes, that is so true theesuppose and they even it was that triathlete had to drop out because they were getting e coli. so i think what they're going to do is when they finish the race, instead of running throug theheead ofh, it's just y sheets of toilet paper that they have to break. >>e tobreak. i, i know. >> a little too far there. charlie, you are an athlete or r
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so you claim? i've never seen any proof of iet . but anyway, why couldn'tt wh they just have them do this the in a pool? >> they also knew ahead of time that there weralw ahea e in the scene and they still let them get into it. >> back in the same. com >> it's -- it's a complete it's a complete shell, if you will. yes, they do. i was waiting to deliver that. n and no amount of showers will ever make you forget that you swim in showersl make y >> that's unfortunate. no one's going to even want to give you an std after that. that'sn actually the gold medal is number two. yes. >> g, i see the. >> erin, would you ever swimthe in the river seine knowing that there was, human, i might add. >> french human. it's shaped lobe on the show. lk before i've said i don't likehi bowling. this is probably up thers is pe with and some of the things i don't like to do. but this will bring a negs i liw of olympic athlete to the nexte
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olympics. not only thoseto the who coli, could be talking about like a new breed of like teenage mutant ninjaa ned of turtles hee maybe a spider-man. >> who knows what else is in that filthy water. but the next olympics could be very exciting for this tyrus . yeah, well, maybe you could have spent the moneyanin on cleaning up the river instead of that opening. >> the so, you know, get rid of them. >> but the tide is all in the bun. >> yes. you know, maybe, you know, you can the googler and oua can snitch to drop a bunch of giant tampons in the water nitc absorbe ca that up and then we can just refill it and go frol itm there. >> it's what we do. little bun. how's that up top for quick. yes. giant tampons does a great flow to this show. >> it really . >> mike, i think we button this one out. all right. don't go away. back. >> when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the , tr and the engine roars the , tr you care about is a job well w done. whs from harbor freight. something about the job feels different. your wallet, whatever you do,
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