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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 8, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. ♪ ♪ >> steve: yesterday, he forgot his watch. today he has got it. brian, what is the time? >> brian: it is 7:00ish. it's -- my ring to find out how i slept last night? my aurora ring. whole other story. my deep sleep a little low. >> ainsley: not like can you do anything about it. why even track it are. >> brian: sponsors of our network and we love them. >> ainsley: definitely track it. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> steve: i got my second source. welcome to the thursday, august 8th, 2024 edition of "fox & friends." speaking of numbers. as inflation runs rampant, and goes up higher under her and joe
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biden's administration. kamala harris is making a campaign promise finally. >> it will be a day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> brian: but finding low prices could be even harder as another discount retailer is forced to close stores nationwide. >> lawrence: plus taylor swift is forced to cancel three concerts over a possible terror attack. how investigators foiled the suspect's plan. >> frantic search has a very happy ending as officers rescue autistic child from a florida pond. "fox & friends" begins right now and remember mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ now to the campaign trail. kamala harris is set to hold another campaign event in detroit today before heading to arizona for the fourth time this year.
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>> ainsley: this comes one day after republican vice presidential nominee j.d. vance made dueling stops in the same cities as harris. and her new running mate tim walz and they were all there together yesterday. >> brian: griff jenkins told us all this information so we could introduce him right now. hey, griff. take it from here. >> griff: good morning, guys. air force 2 is getting quite the work out this week as v.p. harris and new running mate walz barn storm upper midwest states. but vice presidential candidate j.d. vance following closely on heels so much so that they almost ran into each other on the tarmac in wisconsin yesterday. >> i wanted to check out my future plane but i also wanted to go say hello to the vice president and ask her why kamala harris refuses -- why does she refuse to answer questions from the media? and i also thought that the press gaggle following her might get get a little lonely. i at least have enough respect for you all and the american people you report to to come and talk to you and answer some questions. >> griff: vance is also calling out walz accusing him of
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embellishing his military record. >> what bothers me about tim walz is the stolen valor garbage. do not pretend to be something that you are not. if he wants to criticize me for getting an ivy league education. i'm proud proud of the fact that my ma'am may supported me and make something of myself. i would be ashamed if i was him and lied about my military service like did he. >> governor walz was asked about that by reporters. here was his reaction. [shouting questions] >> stolen valor. governor? >> griff: no answer there however, the harris campaign issuing this statement after 24 years of military service, governor walz retired in 2005 and ran for congress where he chaired veteran affairs and was a tireless advocate for men and women in uniform. service records indicate that walz dropped in rank after he retired shortly before his unit deployed to iraq. walz never saw combat during his military service, although he
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claimed he carried a gun in war. meanwhile, it has been 18 days since harris did an interview. perhaps she will be asked about this when that happens. guys? >> brian: and see will keep walking and won't answer. she could be asked anything. she doesn't stop. that's the key. thanks, griff. >> lawrence: she learned from the best, joe biden, that was the person. >> ainsley: successful for him. >> lawrence: after seeing it worked some times. event actually you crash because of that eventually you will have to go in front of the american people. maybe in a debate. brian. >> ainsley: maybe after she wins. then they will say get her to the finish line and then she can say whatever she wants. right? >> steve: honeymoon phase a.b. cording to the polls, she is right there. doing better than she was -- than joe biden. she did well. she got that big bump because, essentially joe biden dropped out. and suddenly democrats got energized because it's not joe biden. and so that is the strategy they are running on right now. they don't have to answer any
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questions. because they -- you see it right there. that's not joe biden. and right now that has continued to defy gravity in some -- a bunch of democrats are still excited but essentially it is the same strategy that joe biden employed in 2020 during a covid pandemic. just stay away from people. people who have big questions, just stay away from them. >> lawrence: they keep saying that she is sitting on her lead though. she is ---she is not leading right now. and when you look at the swing states, it's even tighter, so, i don't understand the strategy of sitting on the lead when you are not galvanizing voters just yet. >> brian: right now she has got an event in michigan. then she is going to go over to wisconsin. then head over to arizona tonight. doesn't look like they have an event there planned. maybe just a fundraiser. these are the battleground states. also taunting the people that were the finalists, senator mark kelly and governor shapiro of pennsylvania. also an interesting point.
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you know, she says i'm the prosecutor. i want to go after donald trump. and he is a criminal? do you know yesterday they got a letter from 160 criminal justice advocacy groups saying stop it. 70 million -- stop calling him a felon because we have 70 million people who are felons, a lot of them are trying to shake it. they want to go on with their lives. you by keeping calling donald trump that. and let me just add. this today juan merchan will decide if he is going to recuse himself. he is the judge that presided over his 34 convictions in new york. and he says because my daughter was a consultant with harris. now she is on top of the ticket now i see. >> ainsley: now it's all over before sentencing and before the immunity judgment because the next judge has to look and see if the immunity judgment from the supreme court justice allows these felonies to go through. >> lawrence: apparently none of the ads that she was making before mattered when she was literally creating attack ads against donald trump calling him
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to be prosecuted. >> ainsley: when you watch her rallies, it's the same speech. you literally can watch one rally and have you seen them all. last night i was watching she has that one monologue where she goes into "i was a prosecutor" i have seen this, i have seen. this i know people like donald trump. >> steve: i know his type. >> ainsley: i know his type and the crowd goes crazy. i have heard this speech and it's all on a teleprompter. she can't speak off the cuff. we know what that looks like. i am baffled at the number of people that are standing behind her at these rallies because -- >> brian: i could qualify that as bad as joe biden did on the debate as bad as he has been two or three years he was still within 2 or 3 points of trump. america is so polarized. >> ainsley: this is my question, when you look at the polls, it says the economy is number one, and immigration is number two. we have this right now. in the top battleground states. look at this. economy.
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>> brian: overwhelming. >> ainsley: economy number one in michigan. economy number one in minnesota. economy number 1 in pennsylvania. and same with wisconsin. so, if you look at that and you know what her economy looks like. when it's so expensive to go to the grocery store. when you had 5,000 extra dollars in your pocketbook under trump and had 2,000 less under harris and biden. why would you even vote for her? >> brian: up to trump to put out policy first. is he beginning to do that the thing that he has going for him, he doesn't have to exaggerate and promise. he says he will want you to look. this is what i'm going to do. this is what i'm going to do a little different to make it better. compare my years to the years prior. and every time we do a poll, trump has in double dignity leads over biden and harris on the economy. so the president has got a strong speech that needs to be done. interviews that he is doing today. is he doing interview -- press conference today. so he is going to be doing it. so this -- that's why vance was so strong yesterday. he does a better job talking about donald trump's success than donald trump did. so what you just outlined is all
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you have to do is put the right speech together. have these interviews. and begin to creep up. >> ainsley: donald trump needs to focus on the issues. >> lawrence: brian, you and ainsley are talking about the emotion what people are going through every single day. >> ainsley: right. >> lawrence: to the speech. if you notice what is happening right now on the campaign trail with kamala harris and walz. they are not talking about i feel your pain. they are not talking about solving the border crisis, i mean, one of the reasons, according to the reporting by nbc, why mark kelly wasn't decided is because he was too tough on the border. that he criticized joe biden. so there is not even an attempt to fix some of the issues. they are going all in. and i think republicans should do the same thing. if they are going to go all in on wokeness and your feelings and saying felon, this felon. this you should call all in on the economy and all in on the border. if donald trump had won the election back in 2016, i think it can win him again. >> brian: let alone foreign policy. >> lawrence: that too, brian. >> steve: if you think about it
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though, at this stage, the kamala harris people, given the fact they are the same people running joe biden's campaign, they are looking at what has worked in the past. in 2020, joe biden ran on i'm not donald trump. this year, kamala harris now, there is that honeymoon because she is not joe biden. but she is also running on i'm not donald trump. so, in other words, with kamala harris, you have i'm not joe biden and i'm not donald trump. >> brian: steve, can i just build on that. what he also says i'm a moderate. you know me. i'm a moderate. you know me. she can't say i'm a moderate. she has never been a moderate. >> steve: nobody is asking her about it. >> ainsley: they don't have a chance to ask her about it. she is only talking with a teleprompter of a speech that someone on her campaign has written. no one can ask her about it because she won't do these interviews. >> steve: well, and that's a conundrum. meanwhile, according. >> brian: which is tough to spell. >> steve: there you go. the trump and harris campaigns are engaging in war of words
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over the economy as we were just talking about. >> ainsley: fox business reporter hillary vaughn is live at the white house this morning. thanks for waking up early. hey, hillary. >> good morning. great done with you guys. the white house insists that the economy is resilient. but a lot of voters in battle ground states disagree. they say the economy is their biggest concern in election. inflation has more than doubled what it was when president biden and vice president harris first took office and despite biden and harris insisting getting inflation down has been a number one priority, three and a half years later, prices are still up. but, still, harris' promising voters today if they give her another four years in charge, she can fix it. >> when i am president, it will be a day one priority to fight to bring down prices. strengthening our economy and building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. >> the u.s. could be reeling
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towards a recession and wouldn't say whether monday's dive was a blitz or forecast of something worse to come. president trump warns another four years could trigger a depression. and vice presidential candidate senator j.d. vance is on the campaign trail reminding voters that harris' policies have made inflation worse. >> you have got to bring down prices to give people basic prosperity. and the way you do that is really unleashing american energy, unleashing american farmers and not spending like a drunken sailor which is what kamala harris has done during her time in office. >> since kamala harris has been at the top of the ticket we have not heard her on the campaign trail bragging about bidenomics. something she was doing when biden was at the top of the ticket. trump and vance, making it clear that their strategy is going to be to remind voters that if it weren't for harris casting the tiebreaking vote on billions of dollars in government spending, bidenomics would not have been possible. back to you guys.
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>> steve: so they haven't used bidenomics for a while, hillary. are they going to come out with harrisnomics? >> we don't know. kind of waiting to get more clarity if she doesn't agree with bidenomics and is not going to continue these economic policies she was a part of. when are we going to hear what her economic plan is when that is the top issue for a lot of voters this election cycle? >> steve: absolutely. >> we don't know. >> brian: so unbelievable to see number one priority is to bring prices down. she knows how. she just won't tell joe biden it. would have been so nice if she would have told joe, joe, here is the secret sauce. >> steve: given the fact that the economy has been so bad for the last four years, when you look at how people shop when they go to the grocery store now. a lot of people don't go to the grocery store. they go to the big stores. the big lot stores. and, in fact, if you have a big lot, that is one of those, you know,. >> ainsley: big box discount stores? >> steve: one of the discount stores.
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it sounds like they could potentially close 315 more stores. >> ainsley: they say it's because of inflation. look at the disney parks. they are saying they are not seeing as many people because whether you have a choice as a parent, what are you going to do? you might not have the extra money to go to a disney-theme -- whatever, park. it's not cheap. >> lawrence: when you talk to the current president, when we get to talk to him, it's very rare. >> steve: joe biden? lawrence lawrence joe biden. when you talk to him he says it's the big companies. >> brian: corporate greed. >> lawrence: because they vin flighted everything, it's their fault. >> american people blame them, don't blame me for jacking up inflation when pumping all this money into the market, so we'll see. had the former president on yesterday. we asked him, okay. what are you going to do if elected to bring the prices down? this is what he had to say. watch. >> we are going to drill baby drill. we are going to bring down the cost of energy. energy is what caused the worst inflation, i think, in the
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history of our country, food prices are up 50%. sometimes more. you look at bacon. bacon has quadrupled, you can't order bacon or anything. we are living horribly. we have the worst inflation we have probably ever had in our country. and it started because of energy. we are going to drill baby drill. and then we're going to have china and all of these countries that were treating us good when i was there toward that -- i mean it took me a long time to get them to behave properly. all of these countries are going to, again, stop like four years ago i could ask you you were in great shape. low energy cost, low food cost. everything was good. you could buy a house. low interest rates. 2% interest rates. had you gasoline at 1.87. now it's $5. and by the way going up. and going up very substantially. but you had gasoline at 1.87 a gallon. nobody talks about that anymore. nobody even can believe it's going to happen. it's going to happen again. we got to get the energy prices
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down everything else is going to be. what he has done to inflation to our country is just very struck destruct tia. >> brian: right. that's what resonates. >> ainsley: that's what we need to hear from him. his issues. his record compared to kamala harris' record. >> brian: don't you think his whole interview was about the issues? he was zeroed in on what was going on. >> lawrence: even when he was talking to the voters yesterday, one of the things that he stuck with what they were asking him. and i think that is so important. donald trump is at his best when is he with people and talking about the things that matter. you remember even when he was president, he would bring all those businesses, manufacturers in. >> brian: let the cameras go in. >> lawrence: let us see how the saw saying is being made. talking about policy on the day-to-day basis. i know we get caught up in the emotion and tweets and all this type of stuff. things were well. we all know it and we know they respected us on the world stage. we know that the border was
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secure. if it's about the issues. if the election is strictly about the issues. >> there is no reason why donald trump shouldn't win. if it's about something else, then maybe he doesn't. >> ainsley: how about j.d. vance on the tarmac walked over to air force 2 when kamala harris was there. i'm going to talk to her. i'm going to see my future plane and then i will ask her why she is not talking to reporters. >> brian: they ran for the hills. >> ainsley: they did. >> steve: that soundbite we just ran. donald trump very smartly said and look at the price of bacon. not like he goes to the grocery store. bacon costs so much more than it did three years ago. >> brian: why is breakfast sausage so much smaller than nighttime sausage? >> steve: somewhat nighttime sausage. >> brian: normal size so you sage. breakfast sausage like we only want you to have a little bit. think about that. >> steve: what is nighttime sausage? >> brian: dinner sausage. >> ainsley: do you like the links or the pattiy? >> patty like when a link goes bad you smash it.
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>> steve: sausage. >> lawrence: i'm wondering whether he comes one. this overnight i'm going to bring this up stuff on air. >> steve: night cap i'm having a bratwurst. >> brian: you'll see. [laughter] i'm trying to transition that's all i have. >> steve: to a very serious story. >> brian: thank you. fox news alert. right now in vienna, taylor swift fans are singing in the streets after all three of her concerts in that city are canceled. after police uncover a terrorist plot. isis behind it. >> brian: carley shimkus has all the details. i think about all the little girls, carley excited to go to the concert. >> brian: and aaron rodgers. >> carley: taylor swift was supposed to perform part of eros tour. revealed the plotters intended to to kill people outside the stadium with either knives or explosives. swift's austrian show promoter made that announcement on social media with confirmation of government officials of a planned terrorist attack at
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ernst happen pell stadium we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows for everyone's safety. a bomb squad they found isis and al-qaeda material. the general says the suspects were focused on swift's concert and preparing to take action. officers became the suspects became radicalized through the internet and one of them did pledge of allegiance through the terror group. taylor swift has not. she is expected to perform in london next week. i imagine if you are her you are feeling pretty heavy today. >> steve: carley, we have heard from our fbi director, christopher wray talk about how one of the worries in this country is essentially like that music hall. >> carley: in russia, yeah. >> steve: russia, happening elsewhere and now news that these people supposedly have a connection to isis.
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>> yeah. that's right. >> steve: terrifying. >> carley: when president trump was in office isis was downgraded now back at a level where they can successfully launch terror attacks. we saw it with the russia terror strike. open border. >> brian: we have terrorist in afghanistan. where they all go. gave them by mistake $340 million. >> lawrence: we also left weapons there, too. >> brian: ended up in gaza. >> steve: regarding this story in vienna with all those people who were expecting to go to the taylor swift shows. we all know people who flew from the united states to europe this summer because the tickets were more available. >> ainsley: and it was cheaper. >> steve: now they are there no show. >> brian: they literally revise economies that's how powerful she is. >> steve: indeed. >> ainsley: now to incredible moment caught on camera. the frantic search for missing autistic boy comes to happy
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ending. deputies go into this florida pond and rescue the little boy. the family says the alarm went off in their house on tuesday night. that's when they noticed the 5-year-old was no longer inside. thankfully, deputies found him about 20 minutes later. you okay? he's okay. >> ainsley: deputy jumped into action and the boy was reunited safely with his family. apparently the deputy was searching in that area. and he heard the little boy. he heard him cry out. that's how he knew to look toward the water. that's incredible. he is 5 years old. could have been much worse. >> steve: as a parent that, is just your worst nightmare if you have a pool or a pond or you are near water. i grew up near a creek. and that was always the worry. it's like where is somebody.
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and these unfortunately one of the first places you look. thankfully nothing bad ever happened. nothing happened to that little kid. though guys are heroes. >> brian: another great police officer. >> lawrence: that's right. >> ainsley: the parents told police, they said he really is attracted to water. let's check the water first. >> lawrence: a lot of autistic kids are. >> ainsley: all kids are. >> lawrence: planned a viral video of some act of a cop that's been bad. i'm glad we have something of them saving the day. >> steve: i thought it was interesting in their story apparently this hadn't h. an alarm. i wonder perimeter alarm for the house or alarm to indicate. >> ainsley: exit a door on the second floor. i don't know if it was a porch balcony with stairs? >> steve: well, a happy ending. >> ainsley: yes. thank goodness. steve. >> lawrence: now to this. 18 days how long it's been since kamala harris formal interview since becoming the nominee. how can voters trust her if she won't even take their question. that's the big question, next.
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winds. and look at the rainfall totals that we have in south carolina. close to 18 inches there. we could see an additional 5 to 8. as this storm continues to kind of linger and bring in all of that atlantic moisture. we have catastrophic flooding right now. northwest of wilmington. and we also have the potential for tornadoes. so flash flood warnings there considerable rain in the forecast and a tornado watch until 1:00 p.m. local time for north carolina and virginia. there's the track of the storm finally getting picked up by cold front moving towards the northeast. the interior northeast we think on saturday. but heavy rain all along the path of this storm and outside of the path just be aware that's going to be a nasty weekend for a lot of folks. so, ainsley, we will keep you up to date. i know you're going to be picking your girl up from camp. i'm going to give you an updated forecast. we will get you there. >> ainsley: i'm traveling down to north carolina tonight and pick her up 9:00 sharp in the morning. i'm kissing her all over. >> janice: i love it. i love it. >> ainsley: you just did it with your son.
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>> janice: we love camp. >> ainsley: this was her first time. so good for her. she loved it. i can already tell in her letter she is even more independent. >> janice: it's a game changer. changes our kids. big supporter of camp. >> ainsley: i like your umbrella. >> janice: clayton the security guard gave me that. >> ainsley: love it. more with you in main. illegal migrant with suspected gang ties is accused of committing, listen to this, more than 22 crimes in new york city in just the past six months. venezuelan national accused of theft, assault, menacing with a weapon and harassment. ice reportedly moved to hold him after his seventh arrest. and he was supposed to be deported in june. according to the house judiciary committee, he will likely stay here indefinitely since venezuela stopped accepting deportation flights. 9 people are charged in connection with 30 home burglaries. this happened in san diego county. and in total, they are accused
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of more than 55 home break-ins across southern california and las vegas. if committed on or about convicted on all counts, they will face between 35 years to life in prison. sons seen on video crashing a car into the entrance of a liquor and a vape shop in denver. they smashed into the entrance four times before entering the store. the group then stole $15,000 worth of merchandise along with the safe holding $10,000. police are investigating the incident and no arrests have been made. and those are some of your headlines. brian? >> brian: thanks so much, ainsley. 18 days. 18 days. that's how long kamala harris has gone without doing a press conference, a sitdown. even answering a shouted question. meanwhile, she hasn't done interviews the presumptive democratic nominee did not have to go through the primaries. we have no idea where she stands. j.d. vance is close on the campaign trail. is he trying her and stopped by where she could answer reporters
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questions in wisconsin. look at. this i figured i would come by and want to get a good look at the plane. hopefully it will be my plane in a few months. i thought you guys might be lonely because the vice president doesn't answer questions from reporters and hasn't for 17 days. i hope that she changes her mind because it would be good for the american people and i think it would be good for you all if she actually ran a real campaign. >> doesn't seem like the press matters. bob cusack editor and chief of the hill. bob, are you surprised or more outrage from the press just to even keep a friendly interview? >> yeah, brian. i mean, listen, i think that the press should be demanding interviews now that the veep drama is over. where does she stand on the expiring trump tax cuts next year? where does she stand on china and taiwan? we don't know. she has changed her positions on healthcare, medicare for all and fracking. why did she do that? you know, brian, the first time i interviewed former president trump was at trump tower and the staff said you had 15 minutes.
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we got 80 minutes because we were tough but fair and asked tough questions. you can't be afraid of the media and become president. i think -- first of all, we need debates but we also need her to sit down with multiple reporters to say where she stands and why. >> brian: right. that's just it. there is not even a website to go to to see what her positions are. not even a primary to say yeah, i remember when she said that in a debate to see where they stood. so you could sit there and debate. now she is saying what she is going to do for the country, but she is currently vice president. if she could do it for the country, why isn't she doing it now? so meanwhile while kamala is dodging questions, president biden coming out. talking to cbs. the whole thing is going to air on sunday. he is not holding any public events. but he -- one of the thing he does talk about i imagine will bring up how he got ousted. what do you think is he going to say about that? because he could also be a problem for his vice president. >> he could, i imagine that
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harris is not going to want to have the president -- president biden on the campaign trail a lot. and, you know, there could be some still lingering bitterness. we are going to see that in the full interview. but it's good that the president is sitting down with the press. that's a good things. and the vice president should follow suit. i mean, we have three months to go and we really -- we just need to know. i think independent voters are like, okay, you're new, we -- are you going to mimic the biden-harris economy or are you going to go do something else? we just don't know on these top issues whether it's the border, the economy, we know where she stands on abortion. but, that's where the rub is because the democrats on the issues and i agree with your comments earlier, listen, if trump focuses on the issues, you have got the advantage. >> brian: did he yesterday with us. he has had two events, fundraiser a presser today and fundraiser on friday. i understand from a source in the campaign they completed
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their attack plan and game plan for the next ninth days. think about this. the pressure on a deem to change -- to change opponents 90 days to go. no one has ever had to do that. >> yeah. and, listen, you know, i know j.d. vance has attracted some criticism and some of it just. at the same time, over the last several days he has been. >> brian: he is great. >> pretty effective attack dog and going after harris and pleading with reporters to push the harris campaign. the pressure is building. i think she will sit down, maybe it will be a friendly interview. maybe it will be a couple. but, it's got to start somewhere. >> brian: it does, i will tell you if you haven't seen it because it's in the middle of the afternoon. a lot of people have jobs going to work now. listen to j.d. vance's interviews. his speeches. and then he takes questions from the local press. so, you can't say is he scripted and knows the issues. 40 year and a half as senator. but he knows his stuff.
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thanks so much, bob. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: meanwhile straight ahead. harris' new pick picked tim walz accused of dodging deployment and military service. one etired of command sergeant major joins us next to set the record straight.
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which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. >> steve: all right. 20 minutes before the top of the hour on this us. this we got a fox news alert for you right now. israeli jets apparently have destroyed multiple hezbollah terrorist sites in lebanon while you were sleeping. chief foreign correspondent trey yingst is on the ground in israel and joins us right now from haifa. hey, trey. >> yeah, hey, steve, good morning. we have seen some of those israeli jets heading north today. there is tension rising across
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the middle east amidst new reports what comes next. hezbollah that, group in control of southern lebanon could strike israel first in a broader attack. hezbollah's leader hassan nasa nasrallah. heavy drone activity over southern lebanon. this is indication israel is gathering fresh intelligence on the group as israel braces for expanded conflict in the north and considering preemptive action. iran may be considering its strike against israel despite being prepared to hit back. some believe iran is recalculating given the large u.s. presence in the region and israeli promises of a harsh response if civilian areas are hit. the americans continue to urge restraint with state department spokesman matt miller saying this. >> this is obviously a very delicate time for the region. tensions are high. we are in the final stages, hopefully, of a cease-fire deal. and escalation has the potential to make every problem the region faces worse.
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and so the message that we are empressing upon everyone in the region is that no party should take any steps to escalate this conflict. >> against hezbollah in southern lebanon expected to continue. there were fresh airstrikes today inside the gaza strip as the israeli military is urging palestinians in gaza's second largest city of khan yunis to evacuate. >> trey with the very latest from haifa. trey, thank you very much. meanwhile, just, in new information, we have learned that former president donald trump is expected to have a press conference today 2:00 at mar-a-lago down in florida. is he expected to speak and answer questions from the press. this as vice president kamala harris marks 18 days as the presumptive democratic nominee without doing a single sit down interview. meanwhile, her running mate, tim walz, the governor, is defending his military service out on the campaign trail amid accusations of embellishing his title and
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dodging deployment. when walls was running for governor back in 2018, two minnesota national guard vets, including our next guest, wrote a letter against walz to a local paper saying, quote: when the nation called, he quit. he failed his country, he failed his state. he failed the minnesota army national guard and his fellow soldiers. so, right now, retired command sergeant major paugh hur joined us right now. paul, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, how are you? i'm doing okay. j.d. vance stolen valor. you made the initial allegation back in 2018. the story has been out there for a while. what about what he has said is wrong? >> well, he continually claims that he's a retired sergeant major. he's not. he is a retired master sergeant.
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he continued -- when the deployment first came up, we started having meetings as command sergeant majors and operation sergeant majors to collectively get our training facts together because we were -- you know, that's part of what we do is sergeant majors is be subject matter experts in our fields training of the officers over us to go into battle. that's a pretty high priority for us. and he consistent -- we were aware of his campaign bit in some order or fashion being that it was his first one. and he consistently told us as fellow sergeant majors at the time that he was going to, you know, go on on to deployment. as i remember him saying that you can count on us. and at the same time, having back room conversations with other people, other entities
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inside the minnesota national guard to ensure that he could retire. he subverted the chain of command. he went around the chain of commands. the brigade guard major had no clue. these are all important facts. and, he did it to continually feather his own bed. that was the shameful part of it. and then, of course, he never entered into the sergeant major's academy. he never did once scrap of work. it takes years. he signed a commitment letter saying that he was going to do that job. he didn't. and he was stripped of that title when he left the minnesota national guard, yet, he still claims to do it. >> steve: the minnesota national guard did put out a statement ever since this brouhaha and it says among other things, governor tim walz served from and then there is the dates. he held multiple positions within field artillery and goes on to say culminated his career serving as the the command
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sergeant major for the battalion. he retired as a master sergeant in 2005. for benefit purposes, because did he not complete additional coursework at the u.s. army sergeant's major academy. what do you think about that statement, paul? >> well, everybody has to understand, too that you don't bite the hand that feeds you. so they concocted that there is a very, you know, it was a very political answer. it was a political answer. isn't a sergeant major. it wasn't because he didn't it wasn't for benefit purposes. unfortunately, he didn't complete the coursework because he never entered into it. it's misleading it. sounds like he missed the last test or something. he didn't do that he didn't do anything. he did it all under the guise that he was going to get something. remember, we were paying him to do something all along he was
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not going to do it. it's kind of like if you are in a small town and you have the volunteer fire department, and you pay to train them and they work hard and they train but they never have to fight a fire, and then you have a fire at your house or the nation has a calling that you need to go and put your life at risk for, then you as a volunteer fire department say, yeah, i don't think-i think i'm quitting today. i'm going to take a pass on that one and call somebody else. >> steve: a lot of people are talking about it. great to hear from you, paul. as one of the people who put that allegation out there six years ago. so thank you very much for telling us your story. >> well, thank you, steve. >> steve: all right have. a good day. thank you, sir. and thanks for your service, by the way. all right, exactly 13 minutes before the top of the hour. it's been months since actor johnny whack ter was shot in los angeles and his murderer is still on the loose. his heart broken mother is demanding justice and she is going to join us live, shortly.
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>> lawrence: so the lapd releasing this surveillance photo of the suspects accused of fatally shooting former general hospital actor johnny wachter
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back in may the 37-year-old actor died shielding his colleague from the gunfire after confronting the suspect trying to steal his catalytic converter from his car. >> ainsley: heart broken mother demanding justice as out of crime in l.a. remains out of control. scarlet wactor joins us now. good morning to you, scarlet. thank you for coming on. >> good morning, thank you for having me watching instagram justice for johnny wactor. what do you want to be remembered for? i want to be remembered as a good person and someone who made other people's lives better he was shielding his fr she wasn't shot he was shot: what a great guy, you raised a gentleman. now you want justice. what are you asking for from the
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mayor? >> i wanted to come out and stand up for what's wrong with that city. it is a pro-criminal atmosphere. they are obviously not afraid. if you listen to anit taps story, she talked about them laughing and talking as they are walking down the sidewalk. they heard them. but, you know, they didn't take off because they know there is not much that will happen. the threshold for felonies is right under a thousand. and so what can you do? maybe a police car coming around every 3 to 4 minutes they would at least have been caught even if his life wouldn't have been saved. 911 not putting the call on hold when they called. i want her to come out and say they are going to change and change it. >> lawrence: so scarlet, you know, you are so strong by the way. i know this must be difficult even though it's been months i know that void is still in your heart right now. what do you want them to change
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right now? if you could name one thing that will start to fix this, to hold criminals accountable, what would you say it is? >> for me, it's two things. change the flesh hold, the felony, get it back down to where it should be. make it a little more bigger penalty, and hire more policemen, be able to have those people going around in those areas, policemen every three to four minutes. let them know they are going to get caught even if they do it. they are going to run smack dab into a police car. >> ainsley: scarlet, i know there is sb 55 on the books where if you steal a cat lick particular converter have a serial number. did they get your son's catalytic converter and if so can we track it. >> they did not get it. and all of that and they killed him, got nothing. >> ainsley: wow. >> lawrence: it has to change, scarlet, we are praying for you. we are going to continue to cover this story wherever it
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takes us. and we hope that justice is there for your son and all the other victims that are out there as well. scarlet, thank you so much for your time this morning. >> ainsley: scarlett does her devotion every morning cries every morning thinking of her son. they have a presser in front of the l.a. city hall and asking mayor karen bass for judgment next tuesday at 10:00 a.m. >> lawrence: scearlt, thank you scarlet, thank youso much.zoom more "fox & friends" in just a minute. [window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion] [explosion] ♪ [lock clicks shut] a caring man took a walk.
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