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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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that are keeping this machine going. ultimately biden -- harris-walz administration would continue that moving forward. he pushed high income earners out of the state. the eighth state that saw people flee. they went to florida, texas, south dakota because the policies were not friendly to them. tax policies were not friendly. you have to look at this guy's rorpd and say if we want that nationally combined with kamala harris's record we'll be in big trouble. >> ainsley: it will just get worse. not only do you have harris, a socialist and extremist. he is as well. >> they are lying saying she is more moderate. she is flipping her positions. no, she will take care of you and pandering to the progressive base with walz. this is a disaster ticket, guys. >> ainsley: thank you for joining us. we'll see you tomorrow. >> bill: thank you, ainsley, good morning. we have a tale of two campaigns. former president trump
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announcing an afternoon news conference covering it live at mar-a-lago at kamala harris refuses to take questions from the media. good morning. dana is off this week. i'm bill hemmer. we've taken our friend out of washington, d.c. >> shannon: good to see you, i'm shannon bream and this is "america's newsroom." the trump campaign is seizing on harris's 18th day without a single news conference since becoming the presumptive democratic nominee. j.d. vance crossed paths with her plane at an airport in wisconsin. he strolled up to air force two. >> i just wanted to check out my future plane but wanted to say hello to the vice president and ask her why kamala harris refuses -- why does she refuse to answer questions from the media? i thought the press gaggle following her might get lonely.
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i have enough respect for you all and for the american people you report to to come and talk to you and answer some questions. i thought her reporters might benefit from that as well. i don't think the vice president waved at me when she drove away and i'm glad to have done it and here in wisconsin to persuade voters to vote for us instead of just a scripted speech. >> good morning, shannon and bill. it is a tale of two campaigns. one that is quite open to the press with vance speaking to reporters literally it seems like at every turn. and now this mar-a-lago press conference this afternoon with former president trump. the other in a total media blackout with real pressure building on harris to publicly engage the press. 18 days she has avoided interviews or press conferences. we see this pressure not only from j.d. vance but also from democrat political commentators
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who say this can't continue. >> i'm not mad she is not doing 50 interviews a day but it can't last. it is very important. we can't make -- anybody running for the top office needs to be as available as possible. >> they have stops in michigan and arizona and see if they speak to reporters. we haven't seen president biden at the white house all week short of a brief glimpse monday. he taped an interview yesterday with cbs sunday morning. we've learned we'll see the president here at some point this afternoon when he welcomes the world champ texas rangers to the white house. it will be all eyes on mar-a-lago when the former president trump speaks with reporters and takes all sorts of questions. if you follow his social media, he is talking this morning about things like the economy, inflation, and the border. >> shannon: thank you. >> bill: bring in kellyanne conway host of here's the deal
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on fox nation. good morning. want to know with your deep reservoir of knowledge when it goes to campaigns, who do you think is getting the better of this right now? you have a big push for harris, a lot of enthusiasm and energy. media behind them. although the media is not pushing them on the questions. and you've got trump sort of adjusting in all this. how do you see it, kellyanne? >> the president is having the best week and j.d. vance is hitting his stride. to reflect the policy prescriptions of the ticket and push back as the attack dog on the other side. what vance did yesterday was brilliant. spontaneously crossing the tarmac, crisscrossing over and forcing the press to cover him, bill, because he was there with the press and did two things. clever and funny by saying it will be my plane, i want to check it out and pivoting to what is on everybody's mind. the fact that harris won't take
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a single question. she is lying from the podium saying things like i'll bring down prices on gas and groceries on day one. how about day 1050. she is lying about iran and i think gas lighting the country from the comfort of a teleprompter and the podium. very smart for trump to have a press conference today. i will go one step further. when we were campaigning in 2016 we had very few resources. underdog, underestimated. what did we do? we did what i think trump and vance continue to do and harris isn't interested in doing at all. before you go out to the rally or the people, backstage you are providing three interviews, one to local print press, one to local radio, one to local tv. if you are in harrisburg, eau claire, in michigan, while the press is waiting for you to come out and talk and not take questions from the podium, you are actually giving an interview that lasts all week long and most of those local reporters
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will report. they won't give their opinions they will say trump to harrisburg or trump to eau claire, the forgotten man no more. that's a smart feature of campaigns. i would say this to the mainstream media, kamala harris is ignoring you because she thinks she already has you. for the same reason she doesn't go and spend a dime chasing people who vote 100% of the time for democrats. they thinks the mainstream media is in her corner. don't cover her rallies. don't set up your camera next time. don't give her the service of covering her rallies. >> shannon: i want to play more of what the gop vp contender vance said. >> she has been a presumptive democrat nominee for 16 days. not taken a single question from a reporter. it is shameful for kamala harris and media sne is running from reporters. president trump and i take
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hostile questions, non-hostile questions and get out there and talk to people because we respect the american people enough to want to persuade them and not to try to run from them. >> shannon: that was tuesday. he talked about the basement strategy. it worked for president biden in 2020. if the media is already in the can and in most aspects for them, why not run a basement strategy? >> this is my concern, shannon, that kamala harris will have a biden in the basement strategy right before our eyes. up on the stage and dais in front of us but never have to take a single question. i think the media did j.d. vance a big service by putting on his shoulders immediately all the negatives so he has gone through all those and survived and thrived and now we're hearing about tim walz seeing the clips of kamala harris in the last couple of years saying things that are out of step, out of sync, out of touch with most americans. i think you are seeing with tim walz and vance this week as we get to know both of them better
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the v.p. debate will be phraser crane versus norm peterson in cheers. walz is not playing number two very well. had her in the background in philadelphia the other night. i am concerned she will do this but you don't have the excuse of a global pandemic. you don't have an excuse of fear for your own safety and well-being so you can't face the press. i will say it again. if she goes up to the stage in front of thousands of people she is duty bound to answer questions from a handful of press corps and she ought to agree to the fox news debate. what is she afraid of? you get the best ratings here of all. take her case to the people. i love debates. a great feature, allows all of us to see those folks shoulder to shoulder. >> bill: i agree with you. the introduction of tim walz is the story of the week and see how it goes. a lot of veterans are coming against him. this was a story in minnesota. just wasn't a story nationally.
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you think about the process. it went so fast and you wonder if the vetting could have been or was as thorough as it would be in a normal election year. with regard to j.d. vance, i think he is a different guy over the past 48 hours. let's talk about the top of the ticket. donald trump. kamala refuses to do interviews. biden is shot and she is plane incompetent. what does he need to do this afternoon with all the media to focus back on him at mar-a-lago. >> this election is still donald trump's to lose. the fundamentals and electoral college map favor him. national polls will favor her. democrats win the popular vote. she can run up the totals in new york and california and other places. trump beats kamala over policy.
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if -- certainly on the economy and inflation. these are still the sweet spots. voters have a way of telling us what's important to them. they can't tell us. i've never seen bill and shannon a more clear issue set. it has been this way for years. cash cautionary tale. republicans won it through blue states. you have to get in there like trump and finish the sentences. we americans expect and accept full on policy prescription. we want to hear the solutions and the specifics. tired of hearing the problems. if it's a battle of personalities or politics and not principles and policies, then i think it's more of a jump ball. if trump can go and challenge her on the economy, on the border, on crime, on ukraine, on israel, on iran and the things that she has said and done. i want to get back to walz for one second. >> bill: you mentioned policy.
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that's where the strength of the argument is. >> it's the most important thing. bill, i'm also suggesting that we the people want to hear that. stop pretending that folks want this to be a battle of whose tiktok is more cleverer or who has the sound bite of the day. people are suffering and frustrated and want solutions and expect that. donald trump can deliver that. trump 2024 can be the best trump of all. he has the hunger swagger underestimated from 2016. four year presidential record and 320 plus million dollars of 2024. as long as they have the ground game i hope they are investing in social media. that's where he won it in 2016. not all the tv ads where people get commissions and social media where they don't get any. if he sticks it to her on policy. i like the word incompetent for kamala harris. if democrats had confidence in harris's confidence they could have made the switch 3 1/2
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years. in other words, joe biden did not need to run for re-election on december 1, 2022. it was directly donald trump saying on november 15th i'm in the race. they could have pulled biden said and you became president and rid of donald trump and now you can be the guy. >> bill: he was resistant to that argument. >> they were worried about her and her ability to do it. she doesn't face press scrutiny people will -- she -- you know what is going to fill the vacuum? questions about tim walz. the stolen battle questions are real. clips are from people who were in the military with him. you can't lie about that stuff. it will live forever. >> bill: i was surprised how many people i heard from out of minnesota, veterans in the past. really surprised. joe biden did not give up the goose until they went with him with the argument after that debate saying even cnn thinks
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you can't win. that was the final straw. kellyanne, thank you for coming on. >> shannon: the money went away. thank you. >> look at the door down there. it was blowed out. >> shannon: tropical storm debby. the storm continues working up the eastern coast after making its second landfall in south carolina. we're looking at the damage with robert ray in north carolina. hello, robert. >> good morning from wilson county, north carolina. and possible tornado damage that you may see right here. lloyd offered behind the camera. give them a view of what is going on here. unfortunately we have got big trees just snapped by this possible tornado because of tropical storm debby's effects. if you look here, this has got
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to be a very strong popped down that came from the remnants of debby and the outer bands and you see the trees snapped. the home behind me. multiple homes that have been damaged by this possible tornado. there is a middle school that was hit. we're told now there are no injuries, thankfully sheriff's department will release a statement later in this county. many roads are blocked off because of power issues and so it is tough to get information and access. all of this as the rain comes down here because of tropical storm debby's second landfall that happened at 2:00 a.m. this morning north of charleston, south carolina and moving inland right now affecting all of north carolina and virginia. heavy bands of rain, possibility for more tornadoes and straight line winds. all of this system will make its way unfortunately up into the mid atlantic and the eastern seaboard area. in fact, most of it in the northeast will be in upstate new
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york, pennsylvania and even into vermont. an area that doesn't need anymore rain. they have been submerged by two months and communities recovering now. look at this. this is powerful stuff and what happens when a tropical storm decides to come back on land. many different violent weather items. shannon and everyone. >> shannon: thank you very much. for continued tracking of debby download the fox weather app and stream coverage all day today. ♪ >> bill: big story out of austria. it is not over just yet. swift fans consoling each other after a terror blot based on isis nearly hit that worldwide tour. we are learning chilling new details at officials out of vienna, austria foiled this terrorist-inspired plot and more on that coming up. a live look out of israel.
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watching story for days, all week. authorities fear another iranian attack is imminent. where and when we await. stand by.
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>> i can't see if we can get out that way. >> i don't think so. >> how are we going to get out of here now? >> we appear to be surrounded by fire. >> bill: that is in california. just a bit north of los angeles. you have three california deputies and a forest service officers briefly trapped by the growing inferno. the county sheriff's office released that body cam footage showing a dramatic escape from the fire that is about again two
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hours north of l.a. it has torched 60,000 acres, 84% contained. a story all week and we'll keep an eye on it from california. it is 6:21 local time in los angeles. shannon. >> shannon: a terror attack meant to hit taylor swift's tour thwarted days before she took to the stage in europe. austrian officials arrested suspects they say were inspired by isis. caught posting disturbing manifestos and hoarding explosive materials that shows organizers making this announcement with confirmation from government officials of a planned terrorist attack at the stadium, we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows for everyone's safety. with us now dan, who led the boston police during the marathon bombing attack. good to see you this morning. okay. let me just read something that taylor swift said in 2019 after high profile attacks, her fears being on tour. after the manchester arena bombing and vegas concert
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shooting i was terrified to go on tour this time. i didn't know how we would keep 3 million fans safe over seven months. a lot of planning, expense and effort to keep my fans safe. she has taken the world by storm. millions showing up. how do you plan and secure events like these? >> you have to have the internal security teamworking around the artist making sure they are doing their things to keep the artist and her entourage protected and working with your venue partners. each venue there is a security director overseeing that programming for the venue. they should be coordinating with local, state and federal law enforcement. taylor isn't going to not sell out a concert. it will be a full concert. large event. you need to have a unified command of all the resources that can be there should something occur. medical, weather events or some type of attack. making sure the venues are doing
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their job and have proper security, protocol and procedures is part of what taylor's team has to do to make sure the advance work going forward and what we saw in butler wasn't what it should have been for the presidential rally. you need to make sure they are doing their job at those facilities and that you can bring your client in and make sure they are safe and secure and your fans are safe and secure coming in there. not just having policies and procedures but making sure they are real. >> shannon: the real execution of these plans making sure every base is covered. coordination of all kinds of public security and public agencies and her private detail and team. she is such a huge international superstar. are you surprised we haven't heard something along these lines before? >> she is a target. it's an actual terrorist organization has sent their mignons after her, that has to be an increased level of
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security for taylor and her team. i have been the security director for major event. i did my prep work ahead of time and credentials to go through the facility. i walked around with six hours with my credentials. do you see a problem with the security director? i had attached a photograph of a young woman's face on it and no one stopped me. we were going through the practice and saying we were doing it but it wasn't the reality. what we need to do for security at these venues it make sure we're training people, alerting them and making them part of the team. when an attack occurred a father saw the official hiding from cameras and alerted security and we have to make sure that doesn't happen and everyone is on ton of their game and facilities. taylor's team is working with all their advance partners to
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make security is first and foremost in everyone's mind. >> shannon: the early reports of butler as well. someone suspicious. we can't be too overerly cautious about things like that in any of these situations. dan, thank you so much. >> bill: very lucky. 25 past the hour now and watching and waiting. israel getting ready for a potential attack from iran. does it come from iran, hezbollah, lebanon? how president biden is handling the threat on one of america's greatest allies this week thus far . two astronauts stuck on the international space station. an eight-day tour and why elon musk might save the day. ♪ [door creaks open] [floor creaks] [door creaks shut] (♪)
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the region right now and the growing fears of a wider war. what does iran do? what do they order hezbollah to do in lebanon and what happens with the ongoing war in gaza? a three-front operation, a fourth front if you throw in yemen and the houthis and the red sea. here is what has transpired over the past seven, eight days on be haft of the israelis. they took out a hamas leader in tehran. taken out a hezbollah commander in beirut. earlier today another top hamas operative in gaza as that war continues. so then as iran continues to talk about payback for this and that in beirut, here is what we're up against. u.s. forces in the region over the past ten months this is not good. these are all the strikes going back to october of last year. eastern syria, all throughout iraq and especially point out if i could here call this up the assad air base hit twice now.
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we responded once but we haven't responded a second time for the attack earlier in the week on behalf of u.s. soldiers stationed there. this is what the u.s. military has done. talk about fire power. it is around the entire region, all right? persian gulf, the roosevelt carrier group keeping an eye on iran. action in the red sea. u.s. navy watching the houthis in yemen and launching of missiles into israel. the eastern mediterranean. the roosevelt. you have the area covered. question is what happens and where is the commander-in-chief? president biden heads back later to delaware today. aishah hosni pressed the white house on that question, his whereabouts this week. >> has the president spoken yet to any of the u.s. service members injured this week overseas by iranian proxies? >> don't have any conversations to speak of. >> i ask that because you are
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saying the president is very busy every single day. can you give the american people an expectation of how much, how little we expect to see the president? >> as it relates to the president's public schedule. that's what you are really asking me about what his public schedule looks like, you will see him tomorrow. there will be plenty of opportunities. >> bill: he did a sit-down with cbs. pete hegseth is here. does it make sense to take on a low profile or is this satisfactory to a veteran like yourself? >> it is not satisfactory. it can at times -- certain times make sense to work back channel and send signals to people and the public doesn't need to know. that's not joe biden. that's not this white house. the reason he is off the trail and out of the limelight he isn't running for president again and no political utility. sliding back into a familiar routine behind the scenes
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leaving us all with the question who really is in charge? who is making the calls? is it protocols at the pentagon deciding whether we escalator not and who responds and who gets hit or is it really joe biden based on the presidential daily briefing and national interests? the reality is i don't know our enemies know, either. four years ago you showed the map of those attacks. it look different. the region looked very different because our enemies knew precisely who was in charge. there is a word israel has used for hezbollah recently. well respond if you -- trump would say the same thing. if you harm americans or our interests you will pay and you will pay handsomely. attacks have proliferated. the troops on our bases are very vulnerable. we don't have the missile
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defense systems to swoop down a drone attack on those bases. americans are in harm's way. >> bill: 2500 personnel come first. we'll wait to see what happens on behalf of the hit the other day. want to share this with you. all week long we've been told by washington iran is listening to the u.s. message hold your fire and don't react. i don't know if that's true or not. the axios scoop. israel told the u.s. that hezbollah will pay a disproportionate price if the attack hits civilians. the headlines in axios today. there it is. the theory. if you look at what has happened in gaza, netanyahu is not just sending a message to hamas he is telling the whole region, if you want this, come and get it. beirut has been leveled before. does hezbollah want that again? it's a real question you have to ask yourself whether or not those leaders on behalf of hezbollah want to subject their people to another long war that will come at a huge price to
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them. >> the statement that has to be made, bill. israel lives in a moment they either succeed or enemies seek to eliminate them. you know, the egg's head love to debate about proportionality and e.u. types, nato types. what is a proper response? sometimes the most appropriate response is a disproportionate response so your enemy is put on their heels and say whoa, we didn't ask for that. we weren't asking to be absolutely obliterated. that's why killing the leader of hamas's negotiating team in tehran sends a signal to every other leader you aren't safe at home or telling hezbollah if you kill our civilians again on the soccer field we'll turn you into a smoldering heap. that is really important because hamas played games and they played a dumb game and they paid a dumb price. as a result. israel's standing still today.
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that's the kind of message you said. israel understands that and we should support netanyahu protecting his country. >> bill: putin leveled chechnya. look at this, not necessarily western europe this is modern country that is getting leveled day-by-day. pete, good to have you on and wait and see what reaction comes from the middle east. pete hegseth, thank you. shannon. >> shannon: two astronauts may be stuck on the international space station until 2025. the star liner astronauts have been there for two months. experts are debating how to bring them back. jonathan serrie is on the story live from atlanta. >> there is disagreement between boeing, nasa and even within nasa itself as to the safest way
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to bring those astronauts home. tests have managed to allay some engineer's concerns about the thrusters that developed problems on the way to the station. boeing remains confident in the star liner spacecraft and its ability to return safely with crew. but nasa officials say their experts are yet to reach a consensus whether it's safe to send the two pilots back to earth on star liner or whether it is best for them to wait longer at the international space station for another spacecraft most likely a crew dragon from spacex. >> reasonable people could pickets path depending on where their view is on our position and the uncertainty that we have for the data that we've got on the thruster system. >> one proposal is to remove two members of the upcoming spacex
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crew launch in september to free up two seats. the two row mange astronauts on that flight would join puck and sunee on the space station for the next five months or so and then all four would return on that same spacex capsule but that return flight, shannon, would not be until february of 2025. >> shannon: thank you very much. we'll keep an eye on that. >> bill: not the road trip they planned. thank you, jonathan. presidential campaigns going toe-to-toe on economic policy. watch this story. voters try to gauge who will be better for their wallet and take a look at the candidates latest attacks on that and plus there is this. that was back in june in california. the v.p. harris touting her record on crime in california. but the golden state has been left to ruin in many parts and republicans worry the same will happen to american cities
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>> because while our economy is doing well by many measures, prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high. >> bill: that's the case. v.p. harris trying to look on the bright side admitting that the prices are crushing a lot of americans. her opponents say the price squeeze is her fault and things will only get worse if she goes to the oval office. hillary vaughn, fox business at the white house watching both campaigns and the message on this, hillary, is what? good morning. >> good morning. the message from vice president kamala harris is that she can fix it if she gets another four
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years in the white house. she doesn't think the economy, though, is in too bad a shape. that would be news to many americans especially voters in battleground states who say the economy is their biggest concern right now. when it comes to inflation, harris is promising voters she will make it a top priority as president. >> when i am president, it will be a day one priority to fight to bring down prices. strengthening our economy and building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. >> tackling inflation americans have been told is already harris's and biden's number one priority right now and it has been for years but inflation is still more than double what it was when harris and biden first took office. republicans say harris's policies have actually made inflation worse. >> you've got to bring down prices to give people basic prosperity and the way you do this is really unleashing
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american energy, unleashing american farmers and not spending like a drunken sailor which is what kamala harris has done during her time in office. >> trump and vance have said kamala harris is the number one culprit behind inflation because she cast the tiebreaking vote on spending. without her bidenomics wouldn't have been possible. >> the ira, 1.9 trillion. thanks, hillary, nice to see you on the north lawn. >> shannon: let's bring in carley shimkus and brian brenberg. nice to have you back. let me start with this and put up the npr maris polling. who do you trust more to handle the economy? a three-point advantage to president donald trump. a bigger gap when biden was on the ticket versus harris. maybe more difficult to directly assign her in people's minds blame over the economy? >> it is an interesting and
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important poll. across the battleground states the economy is the number one issue followed by the border and then abortion. if you look at these polls it is clear these voters don't think that kamala harris is a double down of the current administration policies despite the fact she is in the current administration. so you have to wonder why she is not doing interviews right now? this is exactly the reason. she doesn't want to get the tough questions and have these poll numbers change. she might be able to skirt through for the next 89 days now without doing an interview. i did a google search on kamala harris as the nominee, no sit-down interviews, that kind of thing. no one is covering it. no pressure to answer any questions. >> shannon: she doesn't have to make it 89 days. early voting starts in september. >> no one is covering it outside us. >> bill: battleground states, four, your home state of minnesota is one, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, the economy was the top issue in all
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four of those states. >> as it should be. i don't really get the kamala harris day one inflation is my priority. i did a little math. it is day 1315 of biden-harris, they haven't done anything about it. she is getting the most unbelievable free pass i have ever seen a president get and including joe biden. this is like the chutes and ladders game. go to the ladder right to the top and there and all of a sudden you win the game. wait a second. i think swing state voters would like to know what are you really going to do and how do you explain what has happened the last 1,315 days? the platitudes on the stage that she has been giving with tim walz will not cut it in those states. even i would say in minnesota with their so-called favorite son on the ticket. >> bill: kellyanne conway is making this point. you stick to the policies.
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you stick to the issues. fine on the personality stuff but stick to the policies and you make a great argument. >> yeah. you have data. i'm like the economics professor guy, i like data and looking at the numbers. put it on paper and let's compare the two candidates. trump and the biden-harris administration. that's what you do. you let the numbers speak for themselves. that's where i hope this goes. that shows respect for the american people when you let them do the analysis themselves. >> shannon: there are questions if the messaging can be that disciplined. president trump likes to attack and people do like that fighter part of them but independents that he has to appeal to and can he stick to policy? >> he will make that message. he was on "fox & friends" yesterday talking about his economic policy. we saw it four years ago. we all lived through it and his number one thing will be drill, baby, drill. talking about the policies during that interview.
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the headlines that stick out to me so much when it comes to the economy right now, fast food prices and people not going to mcdonalds. even fast food is so expensive. if she has that policy solution and fix it on day one as president. we don't need to pause for dramatic effect. let president biden know what right what you are thinking. >> bill: 2:00 this afternoon trump is in florida. thank you carley and brian. you make a good team. come on back. thank you. israel is on notice. terrorist groups threatening to hit major israeli cities where millions of residents could be on the front lines at any moment. >> we've got u.s. military people in israeli's operation center to make certain that if extra capability is needed, we've got our thumb right on that to provide it. s my fellow , because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits
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>> shannon: vice president harris touting her time as a california prosecutor and state's attorney general but she has a controversial record on crime and far left policies. william la jeunesse is live with more. good morning. >> harris opposes mandatory minimum sentences. supports a national review board on police shootings now under renewed scrutiny for her lack of leadership on the soft on crime prop 47. >> it allows certain non-violent unserious felony convictions to be reduced to misdemeanors. >> the year 2014. police called it the get out of jail free card. retailers and local d.a.'s predicted a rise in crime. the state's top cop attorney general kamala harris said at the time nothing. she was hiding out. >> not doing her job or educating the public. >> harris claimed at a.g. it was
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her duty to stay neutral. others disagreed. top newspapers said harris failed to inform voters calling her gutless and disappointing. >> prop 47 was a lie from day one. >> ten years later some voters want to undo prop 47 still blaming harris for mislabeling it the safe neighborhoods and schools act. >> it is deliberately misleading title that promised safe neighborhoods and schools was intentionally designed to trick voters. >> throughout her career harris governed as a progressive. >> i think san francisco wants a progressive district attorney. >> d.a. she promised to never seek the death penalty that outraged critics and allies when a man murdered a police officer. >> i think this district attorney made a very big mistake. as a matter of fact if i had known she had said that in her campaign i never would have supported her. >> as senator harris said defunding police allowed cities
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to spend more on services. >> by putting more police on the street you'll have safety that's wrong. >> she supports sanctuary laws and di criminalizing illegal immigration. >> we won't treat people undocumented who cross the border as criminal. >> as d.a. she supported the d.c. gun on handgun ownership. prop 47 has led to a mess in california. many then and now blame harris for misleading voters and giving no warning on the consequences. >> shannon: william, thank you. >> bill: thank you. from the middle east you have an entire country on the front lines. hezbollah puts israel on notice from the north. warning it could target cities like tel aviv and jerusalem as the drumbeat of all out war becomes more real by the day. dana has the week off and back on monday.


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