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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 8, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> these are not card-carrying isis members. these are young kids. and it appears to me, you know, they have never been to the middle east as far as the information goes. they have been inspired, probably on the internet, probably not in person by anyone who has personal contact with them. i think this is not dynamic we have been talking about for quite a whil inspired attacks from people who are disturbed. this is three individuals. usually it is a lone wolf. this is three individuals working together. >> neil: amazing, amazing. chris, thank you very much good chris swecker, this could have been quite tragic. unanswered questions bid we will continue to follow it as we will the markets and what they do tomorrow as they try to balance out what has been a crazy week. a good day today p or here comes "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., katie pavlich, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the campaign split screen that tells you everything you need to know about november. donald trump going beast mode, answering a barrage of questions in an hour-long grill session, while hideaway harris uses girl scouts as human shields to dodge the media. >> she's not doing any news conference. you know why she's not doing any? she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do a news conference. the reason she's not doing what i do, what she should be doing, she won't even do interviews with friendly people because she can't do better than biden. she should be doing interviews. she doesn't want to do interviews. and the reason she doesn't is number one, or policies are so bad. just to answer your question, is not going to change because it is ultimately not about her as much as about her policy.
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>> jesse: it's been 18 days and counting since kamala has been crowned the prom queen of the democrats, and she's been ducking the media like her running mate ducks iraq deployment orders. after weeks of back-and-forth negotiating, trump upping the ante on his kamala debate challenge. >> i think it's very important to have debates, and we've agreed with fox on a date of september 4th. we've agreed with nbc, fairly full agreement, subject to them, on september 10th. and we've agreed with abc on september 25th. i look forward to the debates because i think we have to set the record straight. >> jesse: trump also unleashing one of his most blistering takedowns yet of kamala's radical policies. >> she's a radical left person at a level that nobody has seen. she picked a radical left... man. everything she has touched has
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turned to bad things. i'm not going to use foul language. these guys, going to give you know security come a week military, going to give you know walz, no borders, no anything. now people are finding out she destroyed san francisco, she destroyed the state of california along with governor avenue. i want to have low taxes, strong military. >> jesse: know we are going to go to you, lemons. judge jeanine -- [laughter] this was a flawless press conference. there was one moment where the question was on willie brown, and he was able to kind of deftly skate out of it. what was the biggest message that came across today. >> judge jeanine: well, you mentioned willie brown. i think what he said was willie brown didn't have many things to say about kamala, but i think the message today is both a visual one as well as a literal
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one, and that is that donald trump is willing to come out any time, answer any questions from any press, while kamala harris hasn't done any press as in days 16, 17, and she won't answer any questions. not only that, she literally shields herself from the press with little children in front of her. j.d. vance yesterday, my understanding he did three pressers in 24 hours. j.d. vance walks over to the vice president's plane and says to reporters, i'm here to answer questions if you have any, and i want to check out my plane that's probably, hopefully going to be mined in the next few months. i think they are both doubling down on the fact that this is a honeymooned period for her. but americans don't know that much about her. they don't know what she stands for. they do know, they have heard she has flip-flopped on so many things, harold, but we will get to that later, i'm sure. what is the incentive?
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let me be a political operative right now. what is the incentive for her to get out? our numbers are up. she is not making any mistakes. believe me this woman is capable of making mistakes. in the next few blocks we will talk about it. the truth is the joe biden basement campaign, which was basically under a lie because we all know the covid nonsense was ridiculous, she is trying to duplicate it, and it is working for her. but it won't work for that much longer. she is getting out exactly what she wants to get out to voters. if you are in pennsylvania come i am against fracking. if you are here, i am in favor of this. and by the way, this nonsense of her being a prosecutor, i'm going to prosecute -- her record as a prosecutor is dismal, it's pathetic. she is the first progressive prosecutor this country ever saw. when we didn't even know what that meant. >> jesse: greg, he said at one ,
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it's about her policies, and that seems to be his strategy going forward. >> greg: i think that's a smart strategy, jesse. >> jesse: it is. >> greg: it is. it is interesting for the democrats to have a president who can't speak. also a vice president who can't speak. this is like the most silent like campaign ever. and it's weird. are they even doing their jobs? it's a weird thing. i think harris is in a pickle. you know, there is a reason walz was chosen and not shapiro -- obviously because shapiro is jewish -- and also they wanted somebody not to outshine harris. there is a reason why bridesmaid dresses are ugly. and wedding dresses aren't. walz's role was to be the homeliness of bridesmaids, portly presidents in a polyester package, but there is a problem. he can talk. he's actually, i mean, he's a weirdo, his policies are ridiculous, the guy thinks that
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not wearing a mask is criminal, but surgically mutilating kids is to be encouraged, so he's a nuts bag, but he can talk, and she can't, so the more she is hidden and the more that he is not, that's going to be glaring. and i think she has given the press too much credit. she things they might ask her tough questions. do you think they will? if they do come only one question to ask, her role in the biggest cover-up in political history which is covering up for a president with dementia who is clearly unfit for office. they need to ask her, did you cover this up until there was so little time left that there was no competition? so you got the nomination and you got the millions in campaign funds? did you pull and anna nicole smith, leisurely guzzling boxed wine until the old man croaked and then suddenly the life insurance policy dropped into your bank account. there has to be one reporter that has the balls to cover that. but this goes back to the cowardly world of journalism. they use trump as an excuse not
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to pursue real stories. or ask real questions. because if they appear tough, then they will be accused by their peers and allies of helping trump. so it becomes a blanket excuse for not chasing stories or doing your job. that is why stories like hunter biden or joe's influence peddling or the secret service messed up with the tech company censorship, or most of all the biden dementia cover up, dude, you can't do that, you're going to help trump, don't do it. wait. it's not that bad. it's not that bad. stolen valor not that bad. you still want to go to that party, jesse. >> jesse: i don't want to go to that party. >> greg: you will never be invited. >> jesse: you won't, either. katie, the press today asked pretty legitimate questions. there was a few times they tried to trip him up, asked about the racial stuff, maybe some crowd stuff, but other odd lot on policy. >> katie: they miss him. he did say today he would give
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them a lot of access be it someone asked if he would do press conferences every day peer that is a bridge too far. give you access, certainly dimmer than biden and harris appeared what you said about him taking the personality out of it is really important thing becaue voters in the places where this election is going to be decided want to talk about policy. they want to talk about the economy. they want to talk about illegal immigration. they want to talk about things that affect their lives. but in terms of kamala harris and the position she is in, i just find it so incredible that she is not defining herself. she is allowing trump to go out today and define her. she is the first female vice president, the potential first president of the united states, and she is not going to be available to make her own case, she is releasing statements through male spokespeople? >> jesse: women usually love to talk. >> katie: she should take full advantage of the position she is in and get a "go girl" moment
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for herself. i find it amazing she is taking a step back. to greg's point come her vice president is taking the attention away but also upstaging her, in a way, getting all the attention and she should be basking in this moment as a strong woman who is capable of leading the free world and by her hiding even if it is helping her she doesn't promote that. that stance. >> harold: the goal of a political campaign is to win. i'm sorry, you want to ask -- >> jesse: you will write ahead. >> harold: the goal of a political campaign is to win. and they are winning right now. they laid this out, democrat or republican, i have great respect for the game of politics, and what they have done has been masterful. i think you have to agree how they have laid this out and build on this momentum and shifted voters attention, democrats to this ticket, there is no doubt that tough questions are going to come. you are going to have to talk about your economic policy, your national security policy, and even some of the challenges, how
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does she differ from joe biden, if at all, in some of these things? two, i was pleased to see president trump today and that press conference. my take away from it was i thought we got a little bit of some of the old exaggerations, the bravado, but what i was most interested in hearing them say was he is ready for three debates because the real winners when we have debates will be the country, the public, voters. some of the things if not all of the things that have been raised around the table today and other days about this campaign will have an opportunity to be aired during a debate. she will have to answer questions about her changes. wasn't motivated was ambition? was it motivated by authenticity? was it motivated by the fact use our circumstances or facts? he will have to answer questions, as well, how will you actually improve the economy? how will you lower prices? you claim democrats are terrible on this, mr. president, how will you do it? she will have to answer, as well. we are all predisposed of how we want to vote and that is fair but independent and swing voters in six or seven states, they
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want to hear kamala harris and donald trump before the donald trump-joe biden to bait, i talked about, i think we all agreed, the biggest political moment for joe biden in one of the biggest in the country. little did we know donald trump would do so well that democrats would want to replace joe biden with a new candidate. >> jesse: who are you going to replace kamala with -- >> greg: wait, wait, wait, jesse, permission to deflate this giant ball of harold ford baloney. you say you respect the game of politics. the game of politics was setting joe up with trump, so he took him out. there is nothing kamala has done. >> harold: let me finish my point. >> greg: she has not even talking -- >> jesse: the business of politics -- >> greg: the media -- >> harold: the business of politics you have to be agile and adaptable. thus far president trump is trying to find his footing with this new ticket. he can't help, nor can i, nor can you, help the fact we have a new nominee on the democratic
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side, presented nominee. if you want to joke know my throw on that -- not you, judge, anybody want to dwell or cry about that, democrats will move on to victory. you have to adapt to what is happening and voters of the country want to see president trump and vice president harris have a serious, honest, and i would even touch i don't mind a little robust -- >> judge jeanine: but she can't even talk. >> harold: going to have three debates and you and i am country will have an opportunity to see, push back on thing, but the two biggest democrats just lost in primaries over the last month, bowman and bush. the two progressives that have been the most outspoken and i think the most embarrassing on the issue of israel and the middle east, they both lost. even kamala harris yesterday and one of her rallies, there was some hecklers in front who were anti-israel, she told him to be quiet and move on and let her speak. that's not the democratic party that i support, nor is it who she is. >> jesse: for the record, she has only agreed to one debate so far, not three beards >> harold: she should agree to three. >> jesse: she needs to get it together.
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who wrote that book? it was me. ahead, the walls are closing in on kamala's running mates stolen valor scandal. ♪ ♪ nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: it's only been days and kamala's vp is already embroiled in a growing scandal over his military service. tim walz is facing some serious accusations of bailing on his unit before being deployed to iraq, and stealing valor when he falsely claimed that he carried weapons in combat. watch this. >> voting for common sense legislation that protects the second amendment but we can do background checks, we can do cdc research, we can make sure we don't have reciprocal kerry among state, and we can make sure those weapons of war i carried in war is the only place where those weapons are. >> judge jeanine: even liberal cnn couldn't bail out walz on that for only claim. >> there is a difference between gang in a combat area, being involved in a time of war, and actually being in a position where people are shooting at you. there is no evidence that at any
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time governor walz was in a position of being shot at, and some of his language could easily be seen to suggest that he was, so that is absolutely false when he said that about gun rights out there. >> judge jeanine: but the most damning accusation is kamala's vp went awol. records show he retired just before his battalion was mobilized and deployed to iraq but a statement from his website shows walz knew he had a duty to go and broke that promise p or he said at the time, "as command sergeant major, i have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for iraq, it also to serve if called on." all right, i'll start with the gun. he claims that he carried a gun in war when he was never in war and never saw active combat. what do you think, jesse?
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>> jesse: i respect this guy's service. he did 24 years, so that's fine. but if i served in a noncombat role, i wouldn't want anybody thinking i did. and i would go out of my way to snuff out any misreporting about me serving in combat. but he didn't do that. he not only didn't beat down those rumors because he was in italy guarding basis, okay, but he went out of his way to say he carried weapons, so thatg to do. it shows deep insecurity, and it shows naked opportunism. and then he lied about his rank. and in the military, rank is paramount. it's kind of all you have. people take that very seriously. for him to say, you know what, i made the decision to not go on this deployment, you know, before i knew i was going to be deployed, remember back after
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9/11, judge? they were talking about going into iraq right after 9/11. we were talking about in 2002, the midterms were about going to iraq, 2003, we were in iraq. this is 2005. if you are a reservist, you know you are going at that point. to say i didn't know, the timeline, he is a liar, and people take this very seriously in the veteran community. >> judge jeanine: you know, the truth is walz says he earned the rank of command sergeant major, which is the highest enlisted rank, greg, but he served as command sergeant major but didn't stay in that role long enough to keep that title when he retired. so he lied about that. i mean, that isn't out and out lie, and it matters to a lot of people. >> greg: yeah, it does p or by a lot of people may be ambivalent about this because they're not in the military but people who are in the military, they do care about this so you have to respect that opinion. i like that he said he would ban
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the very weapons that he carried in war which means no weapons, so i can go and get a tank, but here's the thing. it's really easy not to say you were in war. i'll be at the beach, okay? people will come up to me and they will go, thank you for your service. the because i am wearing a camo speedo. and look, i am a civilian. i am always quick to add i am a civilian, and they go on their way. the reason why, people in the military care, because all mostn valor are in the military. it's not like jesse is going around telling everybody he is in the navy seals. at least anymore. but it would be like -- let me put it this way. do you think it doesn't matter, imagine somebody claiming to take credit for your work, and you go to a bar to meet your other friends at happy hour, and you go, you wouldn't believe
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this, this guy jesse steals my work all the time, your friends go that's no big deal, dude. they don't care because it is not there work. you have to understand, the stolen valor is particularly important to the people who are in that world, so as small as these items might be, they are not small to the people in that world. >> judge jeanine: right, and in that world, you know, for you to say the weapons that i'd carried, that i carried in war,i mean, the guy went to italy, that was not a combat zone, harold. how does this guy come he is a governor, he was a congressperson, how does this guy who accepted the running for vp not think this kind of stuff is going to come up? >> harold: well come he ran for congress a few times, and when he ran for governor, this came up, and voters, whatever happened, voters reconciled them selves with it. i don't disagree with the main point, he needs to clean this up and explain it. i don't think it was anything the farias. that's just my thought.
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both senator vance and governor walz are the only two veterans on the ticket, this time they both should be recognized and celebrated and give gratitude for what they did for our country but i hope he cleans this up and fully explains it. >> judge jeanine: you know, the difference between vance and walz is vance was actually in iraq. vance took it to iraq. this guy was too scared to take it to iraq. men in his battalion would come also. >> greg: vance didn't live. the service doesn't matter. 24 years we are talking about he lied. >> judge jeanine: is against federal law to lie about your military service in certain situations. i mean, congress and america takes this very seriously. >> katie: as an american, if you understand the sacrifice of the military and what people were voluntarily signing up to go do in iraq and afghanistan in 2005, 2006, after 9/11, this
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should enrage you. you should be demanding answers, and there should be a thorough explanation purely did run for congress on this, and he continued to lie about the theaters of war he said he served in. inside walz's unit which he did not deployed to iraq with, in the unit lost his arm. there are big sacrifices that were made in 2005, 2006, in iraq. a member of his unit was killed there. you have a number of people now trying to fight this, and the media is doing it -- not even the campaign doing it -- by going after j.d. vance's service, saying he was a marine but only a public affairs officer. well, into thousand five and 2006 and throughout many other years of the war, what were marine officers and public affairs doing? they were escorting journalists around cities like grimaldi and u.s. marine major megan mccomb was killed in 2006 escorting journalists there.
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take a step back, not try to game out who did what, and ask the vice president's a candidate for the democrats to explain why he used a lie of saying he was in war carrying guns in war, said he was deployed to these places when he didn't go, for political gain, not just now, but throughout his career. and it matters because people died, they sacrificed, they were disfigured for the rest of their lives, and that is why it should matter to everyone people do this. >> harold: greg, your beef with him is he lied about, he didn't correct the record -- you are saying some thing different. he didn't choose -- he got deployed. the orders were given. he didn't say -- >> katie: iraq -- >> harold: katie, you are saying -- he went to europe and he was also helping in afghanistan but he was assigned to europe. he had been assigned to iraq i think he would have gone. i don't hear anybody -- >> katie: he was -- >> jesse: unit was deployed to
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iraq -- >> judge jeanine: he abandon his troops. >> harold: conflating a few things. >> katie: deployed to iraq and a blown up and lost his arm. go to his twitter feed, see his photos in iraq, that's where he was. >> harold: are never criticized for j.d. vance for what he did and how he did it. he should be applauded for that p had >> judge jeanine: coming up, kamala all of a sudden has a plan for inflation, but where the heck has she been for the last four years? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> katie: kamala harris is trying to pull a fast one on americans, gaslight them into forgetting her role in the highest inflation in decades. >> while our economy is doing well by many measures, prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high. when i am president, it will be
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a day 1 priority to fight to bring down prices. >> katie: but she is still vice president. i don't know. so far we don't know what her plan is and while the media likes to talk about how kamala is bringing back joy to the 2024 race, americans overwhelmingly say that donald trump will bring back joy to their wallets. check out this latest poll on the economy. >> by a 2 to 1 margin, 40/21, voters better off financially if trump wins, 35% say it will make no difference to their pocketbooks. >> katie: so harold, although they have added the vice president to the harris for president website, they still have no policy positions up online, so do you have any other insight about what we could expect from an economic policy of a harris-walz ticket? >> harold: they better get it soon. when they get it, we will examine it, we will analyze it, we will debate it. i have heard her say, in addition to the clip we just
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showed there that she will continue the infrastructure investments they have made. she will continue the efforts to try to get, create more manufacturing jobs and even onshore jobs, and she has said one big difference between her and president trump, these are her words, she will impose higher taxes on rich americans and lower taxes on middle-class americans. now, we will get a chance to see them in a debate. to my knowledge president trump has not laid out anything other than i will do what i did before. both of them will have an opportunity, both candidates will have an opportunity to vigorously lay it out and vigorously be examined and analyzed by the public, and ultimately voted on starting in late september. >> katie: speaking president trump, he did that hour-long plus press conference earlier today, so let's listen to what he had to say about the economy. >> we have a very bad economy right now. we could literally be on the throws of a depression, not recession, depression, and people dying because they can't buy bacon, food, groceries, can't do anything. people are voting with their stomachs.
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meaning they are going to the grocery store, they are paying 50%, 60%, 70% more for food. >> katie: bacon, judge, people can't buy it or bring it home. >> judge jeanine: it's real simple. she can talk a big game on the economy, but she hasn't done anything for the past three years and seven months except talk about bidenomics, which no one understands, and say how great bidenomics has been. and by the way, what makes her think that the next five months before the president, the next president is elected, what makes her think americans don't deserve any kind of help right now? i mean, is she so insensitive she's going to make us wait? and typically policy plans occur on a campaign website. donald trump scott 20 core programs that he talks about on. she has nothing pictures of her and walz enters a new hat. the second most -- the first
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most important issue to everyone is inflation in the cost of living. everything she has been vp come all she has been telling americans, she tackles it, joe tackle it every day. she hasn't not answered for it, but there is no way the americas are going to buy into it. she made one statement come if i could read it, "what middle-class families need is steady economic stewardship, not chaotic ranting," and she said, "prices have gone up and families are dealing with the realities of bread cost more, gas cost more, and we have to understand what that means." that's about the cost of living going up -- and she goes on with a word salad. that's all she's ever said. >> katie: so jesse, there is no positions on the website, but lots of positions from her 2020 run, so until she comes out incense or self she no longer supports those things, fair game here >> jesse: the 2020 run she said she wanted the green new deal which is $4 tril.
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she was in negotiation with congress and biden. biden trying to spend a trillion, she goes actually we should spend $4 trillion, and biden looked at her and just didn't say anything and kept negotiating. she has already on the record, harold, as saying she wants to trillion dollars for government run day care. that's literally the nanny state. to trillion dollars after inflation is through the roof. that is crazy. you know what could bring inflation down, you and the ukraine war, you know it could bring it down right now, close the border. it could also mean maybe you don't declare war on energy and get rid of some of these regulations or stop spending so much money. one of the big drivers of inflation, harold, was the lockdowns. she kept these lockdowns with biden for two extra years when we didn't need it. that's why you had this explosion after they were finally lifted. trump wanted to get those things done way earlier and that would have really tampered down inflation much earlier. >> harold: you think ukraine
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and putin -- >> jesse: i said reduce violence so you get supply chains under control and energy prices down. >> katie: greg, don't you just love when she gets up there and is like we are going to fight inflation. well, you are the reason why there is inflation come in a lot of ways. >> greg: you know, i'm not expecting a milton friedman, but i'm also not expect in the person in charge of the economy to be from the real housewives of mars. before you solve anything, you should be able to explain what you are solving. and it's clear come i don't think anybody has forced harris to speak informative about concrete issues, or even concrete things, whether it is inflation or debt or interest rates. whenever she speaks, it's the opposite of concrete. it's amorphous. it's like this fortune cookie platitude blob, a version of mister rogers. she sounds like i do when my wife asked me a direct question that i can answer. it's like, what is this phone
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number to captain leathers doing in your coat pocket? and i'm like, what's a phone number in general? what our numbers? numbers are just things. they could be long, they could be short. let's just take the numbers come up with them over she she's never been challenged. that's what you are seeing right now. they are going to have to do a crash course on all of these elements, like explain to her how does inflation happen, why does inflation happen? does that happen when you print more money? when interest rates go down? then what happens when they go up? i don't think she's ever thought about that. >> katie: get her a venn diagram. >> jesse: if i were a woman -- >> greg: and you are. >> jesse: protected like they are protecting kamala harris, i'd be embarrassed. you're going to be the first woman president and they're treating you like a baby? >> katie: i agree. >> judge jeanine: the truth is when we had a baby formula shortage, momala was nowhere to be heard from. >> harold: we will see in the
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debates. >> judge jeanine: we had three -- >> katie: we had one. >> harold: she's a head. >> katie: up ahead, looks like kamala wants her own maga hat. the harris campaign is now selling camo swag. ♪ ♪
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hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. >> greg: kamala harris takes questions from reporters for the first time. let's listen to it. >> president trump at a press conference today. talk about a lot of things, a reaction to what he talked about? >> i'm glad he finally agreed to
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a debate on september 10th. i look forward to it. >> are you open to more debates? >> i'm happy to have that conversation about an additional debate for after september 10th. >> [indistinct] >> happy to have that conversation. >> [indistinct] >> i am beyond speculation. >> [indistinct] >> i didn't hear him. >> europe vice presidential pick and the national guard for 24 years, vance said -- [indistinct] >> anyone who has served our country. >> there have been a lot of questions about when you are going to sit down for an interview. >> talk to my team, i want to begin an interview schedule.
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>> what did you make about the attack -- >> greg: so there you go. that was exclusive, brand-new footage of a very loud machine. i don't know what to do. breathless. this was amazing stuff, jesse. going to go wall-to-wall on this on your show? just play this over and over again? >> jesse: so she was shamed into this, obviously the only reason she came down from the tarmac was because trump did the press conference. maybe trump should do more press conferences because it would force her hand. the answer on the debate makes no sense. she's agreed to one debate. and there is three on the table. why wouldn't you say yeah, i look forward to debating him three times on nbc, abc, and fox. why is there a big negotiation over three debates? every single presidential election cycle, almost, has three debates. she has done zero. why wouldn't you say i'm looking forward to it, we will work it
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out? >> greg: i feel like i'm experiencing harassed harassed arrangement syndrome. this is just like a 30-second interview, harold, who cares? it is so silly. >> harold: i agree with you. fantastic for her. sports analogy. when you have the ball, you don't give the ball up just because the other team needs you to keep playing. >> jesse: she's not playing the game. >> harold: yes, she is. >> jesse: she is being hidden. >> harold: at some point she is going to after give the ball up. >> jesse: hasn't done a press conference since last year. >> harold: do you want to answer my question? >> jesse: i would love to, finally you asked! >> harold: i would say i will do all three debates, look forward to figuring out the times. she didn't do that. but i thought what she just did there was fine. >> greg: i hate to say it but i've got to agree with harold, judge. she doesn't have to do any more than that. you've got to pick your battles, jesse. if you are going to keep popping
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your mental blister on everything, you are going to have nothing left. >> judge jeanine: isn't that addressed to me? jesse, it's my turn. >> harold: are you finished? >> jesse: no, i'm not finished. going crazy on tampon tim. how dare you. >> greg: stolen valor, i'm sorry. >> judge jeanine: jesse, you want to take my time, too? [laughter] okay, enough of that. >> katie: i will just say i didn't learn a single thing. >> greg: [laughs] >> katie: nothing about anything -- >> judge jeanine: she didn't cackle after anything she said. and that she sounded kind of normal. >> greg: exactly. >> judge jeanine: what did they do -- don't say anything about lemons. what she didn't do was cackle and laugh like she is there something wrong with her. >> katie: she only does that when she is talking with some think serious, and she wasn't beard >> harold: you think that was pretty good? >> judge jeanine: i didn't say
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that was pretty good, don't put words in my mouth. >> harold: what do you say? >> judge jeanine: i said it was okay. >> greg: fair and balanced and unafraid. of next, liberals are treating in their male tampons for another attack. ♪ ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. , put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: is kamala trying to copy the red maga hat? the harris campaign making a million bucks off a harris-walz camel hat which they called the new status symbol for democrats. did you order your camel hat or do something else? >> jesse: i got white dudes for harris right here and i'm not going to put it on for one reason come i don't want to mess up my hair, but two, i'm not for harris so i'm going to give it to you. a white dude for harris. you are white. are you half? >> harold: i will give it to my father-in-law. >> jesse: you where that, harold. >> judge jeanine: stop it, jesse. >> jesse: so you are not a harris supporter? >> harold: i am.
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>> jesse: not going to mess up your hair? come on, harold, put the hat on! >> harold: your honor, your thoughts about jesse's hat and the camo hat? >> judge jeanine: they coined the maga hats as extreme, you couldn't go into a restaurant, get thrown out of places, they banned them, suddenly they are behind these camouflage caps. you've got a veteran who faked his rank and you've got a chameleon who now want their own maga hats. [laughter] >> harold: pdp, what are your thoughts about this? >> katie: i wonder if jesse would wear that had of it said "black dudes for harris." >> jesse: not for harris. that's a good look. >> katie: i don't how people are going to see -- >> harold: the benefit of the doubt -- >> judge jeanine: where it. >> katie: is camel a pattern or a color? >> jesse: a pattern. >> harold: exclamation? is this one of these stories that really makes a dent? >> greg: i already own a camo
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speedo. my perfect beach activity, the democrats and liberals already have their maga hat, the covid face mask. all that got to do is make face masks and put her smile on it, and it would sell like a hot cake. but the difference isn't like the judge pointed out, there is really no risk and wearing harris merch, which is why trump hats and shirts were so kind of special, because it cost you something. it's like the 2020s version of a hells angel jacket. you had to be careful what bar you walked into if you are dressed in a trump hat. and then after trump got shot, put on their hats and all went out in force and said screw you, i'm going to midtown. i don't think you're going to see that with harris. >> katie: greg, when you are on the beach in your camo, how does anyone see you? >> judge jeanine: one more thing. >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ s and as a quite a few challenges.
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♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." g.g.? >> greg: i'm just going to plug the show. joey jones, kennedy, lowe perez, tyrus. we are going to talk more about stolen valor. >> recording artist pitbull florida stadium pay $1.2 billion a year five years to rename the stadium pitbull stadium. >> greg: how do you have time for that stupid. >> judge jeanine: heart stopping clip florida sheriff's deputy race into a pond to carry out the rescue of a 5-year-old boy gone missing and discovered clinging to a log in the water. the child diagnosed with autism fled from the family. this is what cops do. this is why cops are great. thank a cop. you got that? >> jesse: that's all for tonight


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