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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> it's time now for one more thing, gigi. >> all right. i'm just going to plug the show because you have a lotsh of timw . >> we have johnny, joey jones, kennedy, lou perez l. >> tyra's is going to talk more about stolen valor. stolenall right, white dude recg artist pitbull has just bought a the naming rights for florida national university's football stadium. mr. three of five will pay $1.m1 million a year for renam five ys to rename the stadium pit bull stadium. >> what a time for that.>> jud wow. all right. pit in a hargenine: het stoppid. watch as florida sheriff's deputy race into a pon da 5-ye to carry out the rescue of ane five-year-old boy who had gone missing and discovered clinging to a log in the water. the child diagnosed diagd with fled from the family. this is what cops do. this ithis is why. >> true. all right. thank you. >> battle for tonight. e to >> welcome to jesse watters, primetime tonight. ime peershe won't even do inters
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with friendly people. and the reason she doesn't is numbewith fenr one, her polit are so bad. it's really ultimately not about her as muc's reay nor h at her policies. whilp's talking while harris is still hiding. >> remember that one big thing she did? meanin ig. okay, someone's on top of the room. look at that. here he is right there. [ in >> she told themau they need to post the guys over here to the secret service. >> i told that tuesday the body cam footage from the butler rally doesn't add up cge. >> i'd say this is a cult. somebody's got to. confi can't fit in thadet there will e a peaceful transfer of power in january 2025 if trump wins. >> no, i'm not confidento, at all. >> i mean, if trump loses, i'm not coming along. democrats promis notit alle elen violence. >> we need bodyguards for fuerybod.ey in civil war conditions. plus, what is kamala's plan for the futuretureb no? >> i don't know. but that's her job, not mine.
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>> donald trump meddled anence hour long press conference in mar a lago this afternoon mas af he's agreed with three different networks to d eptembero three debates in september. >> i think it's very important. to have debates, and we've agreed with fox on a date of september 4th. we've agreed with nbseptembec. fairly full agreement subject to them on september 10th. and we have agreed with abc on september 25th. the other side has to agreeterm to the terms. they may or may not agree. theyt know if they're going to agree. they she hasn't done an interview. she can't do an intervie dontere she's barely competent and she can't do an interview. barelyndbut i look forward to t debates because i think we have to set the record straight . >> the debate on fox would be first, but everyonede o still waiting to hear from harris. kamala hasn't done an interview sinc. e june. it's now august, and after
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being shamed for hiding from the media, they forced her down the stairs of ai therced herr fe to watch. >> president trump had a press conference today>> preress. gs he talked about a lot of things when if you have a reaction to it. well, i'm glad that he's finally agreed to a debate and i'm looking forwareed to it and hope he shows up. >> ao more debate? com happy to have that conversation about an additionalnv debate after september to make surehave that more and more people i got that happy to have that conversation. >> connell is seeing trump and anople's political careers on the debate stage and she's never participated in a. presidential debate before. trum done six.ight so she might be pretending to have the upper hand. i hope he shows up. come on.s te she's terrifierrifd and the bals in her court. >> the networks and trump have agreed to threemp. >> she's agreed to one. and if she finally comesif s to termshe, the fox debate would be first right after labor day. >>afte that would give her
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two whole weeks after her convention to preparaftee. that's a lot longer than biden had to prepare. and we sawr th b what happened . >> the fox debate on september fourth would be beforen septem your early voting starts. >> i know it's ridiculous to have two months of early voting and the republicans better and have their act toget. but shouldn't the country see these two square off before we cast a ballot? >> kamal cast a balla wants to a as possible to debate trump because that debat e could officially. >> and the honeymoon. what if this so-called honeymoon period doesn't end? >> oh, it's going to end. she' the honeymoon period is going to look. she's got a little period. she's got a convention cominga t up. it's about policy. le sit's not about her. i think she's incompetent because i've watched. her. >> she destroyed california. she destroyed sentence, everything. she's touched has turned to bad things i want to use. ti'm not going to use foul. language, but everything she's touche ngd is her in bad.
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she's incompetent. she won't even do interviewsente with friendly people because she can't do better than biden. she doesn't want to do interviews. and the reason she doesn't is,d. number one, her policies are so bad. just to answer your question, to answek that it's not going to change because it's really ultimately not about herr polici as much as about her policies. she wants open borders. .she wants to defund the police. she wants to defund the police. she wants to take away your guns. >> i liked hearing it's not about her. g it's her policy.t. >> i like that. the more personal it gets, p the more she plays the victim and keeps the focus off substanckeeps the. kamala isn't hillary. she's not tough. >> she doesn't know anything about anything. anything policy.bein and she's being protected likes it's her first day of kindergarten. instead of shredding her.her on >> trump would just be better served patting her on the head . . >> oh, poor kamala. this election isn' out about hatred, at least not
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on the right. >> this election is abou about t you think kamala harris is worse than president biden? i know you said i know you sai you think you're very. no, i think she's actually not as smart as he is. well, you said you think you're very i don't think he's very smart either, by the way. >> i'm not a big fan of his ein of that she'skk hes ve actually not as smart as he is. o you attribute her rising in the polls is becoming a more competitive race since she's taken over? well, she's a woman. she represents certain groups of people. but i will say this. when people find out about her, i think she'll be much i less. w and i see it right now, i seee her going way down in the polls nohey down nw, now that people a are finding out that she destroyed san franciscshe deo. she destroyed the state of california, along with governor gavi with go n newsom. t the polls have suggested there are some polls that say we're going to e goin win in a landslide. >> people are voting with their stomachs, meaning they're going to the grocery store ghe. they're paying 50, 60, 70%
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more for food than they did ene of years ago. >> vote with your stomach. ye kamala is not joe biden. and yes, kamala is a woman.nt ao and there's excitement around that. you should see my mom. suddenly she's a kamalund thatya fanatic, keeps talking k about joamaly. trump kept one woman out of the white house and he canpt do itot again. >> this country is thirsty for leadership. after four years of joe and hideaway harris isn't going to flyr year. there's only so much bamboozling voters can tolerate, especially after the cover up and now the bait and switch. >> and you can sense in the and yo the today the press thrid they could justify their paychecks. kamala harris hasn't held a press conference since 2023, an and that wasn't even in america . it was in dubai. so trump got the gang back together. room was packed to use the left's logo. this is what democracy looks like. freedom of the press, freedom of speech, live exchanges of ideas withoutlive exc censor.
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toters listening to a man vying to represent them and serve them unscripted without cheat sheetsithout and teleprompters. the media. mrs. trump, the relationship bee between the press and the politicians is suppose d to be tense and challenging. >> with biden and kamala, a it's it's flaccid and corrupt. everybody knows it. they were even up to their old tricks again. >> this time around. vice president harris' relationship with billy brown of san francisco at 92nd on her career trajectory. so i'm wondering if you follow that at all. >> well, i know willie. brown very well. in fact, i went down in a helicopter with him. we thought maybei went dow thise end. i haven't seen him in years. but he told me end terrible this about her. but this is what you're telling me anyway, i guess. but he had a big part in what hd happened with kamala.e he's but he. i don't know. maybe he's changed his tun he,
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but he. he was not a fan of hers very much at that point. willie >> trump didn't take the willie brown bait. that's disciplined. he was asked again about kamala's racial heritageet . didn't take the bait. disciplined. iplined.n. e about abortio disciplined. the press finally did get under his skin. of courss finallget une, when td about crowd sizes. >> are you worried at all about the size of harris' crowds? a break. e me a break listen, i had 107,000 people in new jersey. you didn't report it. i'm so glad you asked. i what does she have yesterday? 2000 people. if i eve yesterd you d 2000 people, you'd say my campaign is finished. sait's so dishonest. g the press, when she getset 1500 people and i saw it yesterday saw , where they said, oh the crowd was so big. >> i have ten times, 20 times, 30 times the crowd size. >> and they never say the crowdd was big.i'm that's why i'm always saying turn around the cameras. i'm so glasayiaround
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sayou asked that. i think it's so terrible when you say, well, she has 15000 people, a thousand people, and they talk about al thel. the enthusiasm. >> let me tell you, we have thave eth enthusiasm in the last week. >> trump's going to rall y frien "fox and friends" radio podcasts today. he held an hour long newsy he conference and the media accused them of laziness. >> he having a public campaign event for nearly a week now hiding out, which is not a swing state. some of your allies have expressed concern that you're not taking this very seriously, particularly last question and on the other side. why delay the campaign? b >> because i'm leading by a lot and becauslee i'm letting their convention go through and i am campaigning lot. i'm doing tremendous amounts of taping here. we have commercials that are at a level i don't thinkobod that anybody's ever done before. plus, in certain casess ever, ie many of you in the room where i'm speaking to you on phones. i'm speaking where to radio,
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i'm speaking to television. television's coming over here. excuse me. what are we doing right now? she's not doing in a news conference. a you know why she's not doing it? because she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do a news conferencerence, e.shes >> she's not smart enough to do a news conference. and i'm sorry. we need smargh ande t people tod this country because our country has never been in this danger beforcountry enee >> why isn't anybody asking kamala questions likfoessee tha? today was the first time she took questions from a reporter since biden' fros debate and the questions weren't. >> why are you so afraid of reporters? where have you been hiding? why did you coveu been hr up jos condition? >> why did you change all your positions? all they, whyou change asked heo you think of trump? >> the one question they did ask her about her running mate, stolen valort he. >> she dodged some of the criticism and saidpresiden about your vice presidential pick and kids leaving the national guard at 24 years old and said that he desertedvancserted h his series on colleagues. what? your take on that
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listen, i praise anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country, and i think that we all should w take 6 seconds onto the nextnswers question. >> kamala answers questions like that one two sentences, then goes to the nexstionsatt qo >> i'd love to see her do an hour, but the press doesn't, and neither do democrat voters. >> democrat voters aren't neterested in what she believes besides abortion and winning. that's ies besidt. ey carmel world says they're deeply skeptical that any televised the or printr interviews offer much real upside for harris. cam because why run a real campaign when you can run a fakpa cane oa the media lets you get away with it? the media isn't demandinitg an interview now because they're in on the 90 day cover upinn th-up.. s ha semaphore reports that harris has been talking with her traveling pres ers. >> off the record. one reason that you haven't seen as much. media grumbling about access the outlets paying for the plane or getting face time. >> so the media is inon on the kamala cover
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prthought kamala was a tough prosecutor that smashed through glass ceilings and calls joe biden racist to his face.. >> where did that little girl go? sometimes people will open thet door for you and leave it open. >> sometimesdoor a they won't. >> and then you need to kick that door down as a woman. there is a balance to be struck between being tough and being a . if you've got something to say ,if you want to be a girlboss t ,do you really want to be lik treated like a little girl? because that's how we'rekamala. treating kamala. sh the firsted to be female president. do women want the first femaleme president to be protected like a kid in a car seapresidt carrid
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around, pampered and swaddled? >> nobody's letting her out of her crib because they're afraid she might hurt. herself. that's not how we treate d feet. hillary. hillary stood on her own two feet. sure, hillary got good press. she's a democrat good pre, of course, s but she wasn't babied like harris. if i wer likee harris, i'dassed. be embarrassed. >> they're saying she didn't she choose shapiro because she didn't want them to upstage her. >>didn'tan she chose walls instd because he made her feel safe and warausem and comfortabe and promise not to run for pre president latesir. >> what is was kamala's cuddly stuffed animal? stuff >> jd vance strolled over to her tarmac, gave her travelinedjd vanoverg press. for helping her hide. and it worked. smokedd her out of her little hole today. and here's how the media covered it. watcere'h. >> she's also got this stalker going around the city like a hangdog ex-husband trying to find her. so i trust the secret service, but i' them glad that she's gote
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involved there, too. >> he's on it. re as wellyeah, it is. >> it is so weird. it is so weird that, like,whil trump is playing golf somewhere while j.d. vancee is like,s stl stalking the vice president and saying weird stuff to reporters. >> likce president ande he's nof to make himself not seem weird. >> is wallrds her running mate r her security blanket? i mean, if anyone gets neaher harris, they're a stalker. >> this is not high school, ladies. this is thnot highe great american republic. she's not a woman at a bar. t ican ashe's running to be the. of the free world. first, you can't talrsk to kamaa ,and now you can't go near. >> she's notea a princess. p is trump's not running against meghan markle. not g agains out to troll calle trump at the courthouse. no one called him a stalker. we justho at called him crazy. and i love barbie's movies. that's about it. >> connell is afraid of fox. afraid of the jedi. vance at the airport. and now she's afraid of sitting down for an interview. >> she's probably afraid of spiders. the media is treating kamalashe
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like she's vulnerable and needs protection because she doe need >> she's on a tight leash. they make her read the same speech twice in a row. >> watch this. it really is good to be back in wisconsin. it is so good to be backo go in michigaodk inn. at >> listen, let me tell you, i am clear. the path to the white this right throughru this state. and listen, i am clear the pat>h to the white house runs right through this state. >> i took on perpetratorss of all kinds. i tookof on perpetrators of alla su kinds and had a summer job at mcdonald's. i had a summer job at mcdonald's. so hear me when i say so.n i sa hear me, detroit. when i say i know donald trump state, i know donald trump state. >> and are we ready to fight for it? and are we ready to fight for it?
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and when we fight, we win. >> connell is plagiarizing herself and trump. >> i thought fight, fight,t fight was his linefigh. >> former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenanytodayt here. >> kayleigh, what did you think trump did today at mar a lago? i thought he did a great jobe jo and here's why. y they have a concerted pressure campaign on the trump campaignha and it was brilliantly played. it began with j.d. vance, top of the weey playedk, issuing a count up every day that kamala didn't take questions. en then he took questions. j.d.ns vance, three times in 24 hours. then, as you noted, he walked over to connally's plane and then came the closer who you were just looking at, donald j. >> trump came in to hammer home the messag te. team t >> they began the day with kamala's team telling politicoel playbook we may not o an interview until labor day, o until after labor day. we're getting out just the message we want. what'sutt messag the payoff to g questions? well, the day ended with kamalae
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doing a gaggle, a solidified debate, and kamala sayinfied dgn that she may do an interview before the end of the month, which is before labor day. >> the pressure campaign is working. keep doing it. get this woman off the teleprompter. that'ss woman the key to winni. >> so talking to harold ford jr and harold ford jr. bless his heart. and i shouldn't even say that because i'm not froms hi the south. but bless his heart because he said kelly,s he they like that this thing's working. they think hide in harris worktn . they think hide and harris is going to win and they don't care. the democrats that she's not talking to press or not talking to anybody. ng >> they think this is going to be their ticket to the white house. yeah. bingo. they i was listening and i t listen to a left-wing a ley she's doing so well. >> she's bringing in so much money. shg so she'se was thrown into or a presidential campaign. look at what she's done. ca, yourself, what has she?
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done? she stood on the stage five times, delivered the sameme 17 minute speech off a teleprompter. five times. speech offermpter that's all shw the same words. i know donald trump's typeor. e you know the same words. i can recite them from my couch at this point. that'sat thi all she's done.g on they're counting on a 17 minute stump speech to take her tosylvn pennsylvania avenue. give me a break. the americaniae? eak. people deserve better, but democrats love it. >> you're right. i mean, they love it, but we're not hiring an actress to be president where you just put, you know, a script in front of her. >> have you ever hear the people in hollywood that speak without scripts? exactly. and we got to test this. she has to be tested before she becomes commander in chief or elseha it's not a democracy.s and i can say that becaused i actually know what it is. >> kelly, good to be with you. >> good to be here. thanks, jeff. connell was asked about doingbae three debates not once but twice today. nbc' buts shaquille brewster caught
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up with her this afternoon. >> watch this. madam vice president donald trump agreed to three debates. will you be participating in alle three? t i've always been on record. i am looking forwardng d to debatinonalg. but we have a date as the temperature. nigerians finally committed to it. i'm lookinr g for. >> what about the other two? let's make sure we understand how right they're right. what about the other two? >> that's not a yes. jesse: about oththat's ntrumpr jason miller is here. i know you're involved is he ine negotiations with the harris team and the networks. ions wite it sounds like she'so committed to one. >> what's going onne ? >> well, president trump has committed to three debates. now we have september 4thwe hav that we'll be doing with fox. hh september 10th will be done with abc. id eventand now september 25th with nbc. and so what president trump hass done today with his press conference, he has now put kamala, he has harris on defens, on debates. kamala harris is saying show uep ,say to my face.w yo well, guess what? now you have three opportunities for us t tho go head to head. it just seems we take a step back for a moment. we look at today's press conference wes pr.
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the most amazing cod consequential campaign press conference of ever seen. i would tell you why. normally in campaigns, i've norma long time,confer a lot of gray hair. >> normally campaigns, you know, things such as debates, campaign kick offs,f those are all things things that we knowl things are going i to happen. >> but in these in-between moments, these unscripted moments that realln betwn momeet the tone. >> so president trump, by standing there for an hour makine soident trgg kamalak like someone who wants to avoid the press, won't do an sy debat, . now, kamala harris has to commit to getting out there w and speaking to the press. and when kamala harris starts speaking, bad things happen. >> jason, i don't thinkpublic the public understands how hard it is to speak to a hostil ue media for over an hour and not d make a mistake. >> there not was nothing after this press conference that got picked up and went viral by the mainstream media. they were like, gotcha. he sai t werd this. >> he said that in a negative news cycle. walesss. awles >> he it was it was a flawlessls performance. here
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>> and the level of difficulty is here when you see harris get down the stairs onto the tarmac ,that was about maybe 90 seconds. she took four or five questions, just rush to the next one because she didn't have muchdidn't to say. >> will she ever do a press e conference or is that just too deadly? hink i think her handlers know that she has a real problem with speakin hdlerthat sg. letey and so now the energy has completely shifted. the kamala coronatio sn that thn mainstream media is doing is definitely coming to an end now. great day overalefinitelcoming r president trump. rasmussen numbers have him up five points. this thing's a rea,l race. >> all right. here we go.e. >>t and intougus the first debate on fox, we believe if she agrees. >> thanke s, jason. >> brand new body cam from trump's assassination attempt and it doesn't add up. right back. he thing
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free. >> that's b 82 215215. >> fox news alert primetimews a obtained brand new body cam prrm the trump butlele assassination attempt. >> alexis mcadams has more.or alexis hey, jessi.u will when you take a look at this video, you're going to see exactly what we're talking about here. but the body camera video shows just how chaotic things were abouic out there.ut and you can check it outyo on your screen in the minutes right afteur scr minutr the sho. you can hear the cops talking. one officer livird saying the he told the secret service to secure that roof, but says they just didn't listesecret so we have you know, we have, you know, i told them the post guys over here. >> so check this out. about 30 seconds beforeut the gunman opene 30 d fire, thi one officer had a chance to stop this whole thing, the locals shooter, cop was boosted up by another officer. but when he saw the armeyd
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20-year-old up on that rooftop, he dropped down. then the gunman tn startednshos shooting, firing nearly a dozen gunshots into the crowd, nearlyn assassinating president trump and killing an innocent mad kiny two others, as we know, were badly injured. there wereere were 12 videos res by police today. so we've been looking through them throughout the morning look thr the one video shows and you canar hear these cops talkingco about hops talw they weren watching the gunman for a while, but say they just lost track of them. >> listen. i got to backtrack more. so i want to get a little bit more before earlier people of of break watching and the water tower. >> yeah. yeah i know. >> i hear you. i know you couldn't find him. and so this is police body camera video that we're still combing through more stuff coult werough.d also come out. we got this through a freedom of information request. there will be more congressional hearings. that's what's next. and then a local more hear sher, jesse, just told me here todayso that he's going to be working and getting more information and he's going to be talking to the feds in the coming daysng
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. >> we'll have to see what happens. all right. thanks for covering that for us. thanks, alexis. wee what h have presidential cae rfk jr here. they cover it up. your uncle, your father. we never got the full storther. now you're looking at people not cooperating. you're seeing whistleblowers come out. they're lying to us under oathge when they're testifying. >> what do you think they're hiding her te? >> i don't know. you know, i don't know enough about it. >> a lot of this looks like just chaos. s ha i mean, clearly a lot of things had to go wrong for this to happen, particularly wrong thi e there were law enforcementpart people whoicul knew of the prese of a threat. >> and it's it's -- it's kind of baffling why president trump was even allowed on the stage if they if people are. no, but i don't know.d i heard on onein of these where they were the the police officer, the butler county police icer officer was sayingsaying
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that we're on a different frequency from the secretcan' service we can't reach. >> i mean, that seems like a protocol failure. >> i have to say that i now have secret service and my secret service detail. , i have tremendous faith in them. and they've acted very professionally n them and competently. >> and they've been very, very good to work with, you know? but i don't know enough>> jes about this to comment on it. >> okay. you saw kamala harris finally speasek the media today wherea his kamala been this machinetotr that's in charge of her is going to try to just doe ne this for the nexxtt 90 dayse and just coronate her like a princess. yeah, i think it's troubling. i think, you know, the american people need to see their candidate and president was doing the same thing. i was in the primary formary 19 months. >> i've been running without for either of them. i'm coming out to tht toe debat
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to talk, to have unscripted interviewstounscript with the p, to have unscripted encounters with voters, the kind of thing that, you know, you need in a democrac neey where we live in a democracy, we're supposed to have contacupposet with oureo political leaders. >> they're not supposed to be annoyingste. you know, i'm president trump and president biden wereer very, very critical about president putin a couple of monthal aent putis when he wn his election. >> anyone with 88% of the vote. and they said, well, that's because he he controlled the press and he didn't he didn't allow anyey are political opponents to run against them. well, they're doing the same thinngg. jesse >> mcconnell wins with 88% of the vote. i migh: t have toe capi storm the capitol if that's the case. and they're still trying to shaftta >> w with ballot access. yeah, we finished the trials today. e finishay. we had a one week trial and all but a dnc is trying to get mee f
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off the ballot in new york arate and then all the other states are there is they're essentially suing me and every statinne we had in order to gete on the ballot in this state, they they made so many signatures. you need to get 47,000 signatures in 45 days. >> they tried to make it insurmountable. we got it 150,000 signatures. we got a million signatures nationally. and we'r we aree now on the ballot.have we have a lot of signatures now to get on the ballot in every state. something everybody said we couldn't do.s wh >> there's a million americans who want to vote the ball who want to see my name on the ballot. the dnc strategy is to make sure that they will not see me on the ballot. my father and uncle, whene they were running the democratic party. runnthe part waserican to make sure that every american could vote. >> and today, the dn cc is abou making sure that people don't have that opportunity. >> all right. wellpe unity., didn't find any bears t on the way to the studio, did you? >> everything's fine. talke studiod you? about that. nothing in your truck. all right.
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maybe brad there. >> you might like that, though. rfk jr.. thank you. thanks for having it. >> johnny goes to a harris-walz rally. >> are are you a white dude for harris? r i'm sure as .f you not a blacwek dude for harris. you know, if you were cash backl and you could earn on everything with just one car chase, freedomap backs, unlimit. >> so if you're off the rack or crab tracking your cassix h bac, cash back on flapjacks, cash back on flapjacks, baby back tacos at thea silent o shack, i'm working on my shack, i'm working on my six pack switch to a king swee i'm p book, silent retreat, silent book, silent retreat, silent retreat, book on u at kids. >> all right, now matter of time, cash back of time, cash back on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cash back? save te, make more of a choice. >> this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet soy, but support the needs that these forgotten the needs that these forgotten jewshis morn have are somethingd
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sergeant major in the army sed the army>> ret national gua >> i'm a schoolteacher. i'm a retired sergeant. major was last rank wasajor a command sergeant major. but because he left beforee he finished the required training, his rank was reduced when he retire trainind. n wa the harris campaign was pushing that rank lie until today. fromt they just quietly scrubbed it from their website. tonighhet we are findingt, we'ro walz likes to wear u.s. army special forces capu.s.s, but he never actually served in the special forces. walz was in the national guard. >> so why is he wearingguard the hat? does he wants he you to think he's special forces? >> seems like it. he neverecial fos like went to n but when someone wrote a book and claimed he served in afghanistan, he endorsed it. >> and he tells crowds he carried weapons in war once again, not true. walz was never in the battlefiel, he id. he was deployed to italy, but there hasn't been action there sinc beee world war ii. . here's the command sergeant who replaced walsh. listen comma. >> if he thinks italy was a combat zone or a war zoneying
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and he was carrying that in war. is delusional. i mean, that was all sad. th like you say.s and he was a command sergeant major, just anotheeantr way to embellish his career beyond what it was stolen valor for a r the people that actually were in war. and he's the acolyte. >> jesse >> once walz was elected afterea campaigning on a phony militarys credentials, he slapped our soldiers in the face again. >> you ready? expaotedn th against a bill that expanded veterans access to doctorcesss because he wanted to hurt trump. walters in a leader, he rand th away from danger, then lied about it to win electionenous. we talked to somebody from walz's former battalion last nighrm battat. do yo >> why do you think walz ditched you? problieve he my ideas he probably knew he wasn't a good leader. when i see the leadershi wast p that walz offered to minnesota. but burning the city down and the rules he's doingly he di
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colbert what he did, i'm thankful he didn't come over there. are we? they brought comthere back a l. more body bags, was abandoned his brothers in arms forse: he e of politics. but once he was elected, he abandoned it. voters- aband hi to he let rioto down cities, turned his state into a child sex changeex sanctuary and padlocked restaurants during covid. t >> now he wants you to put him in the white house. >> scott jensen ran against walls in 2022, and he joinse jon us now. >> so what's this guy like? walz well, jesse, i think the nation is looking to minnesota>> i thi to find out exactly what would they get in a tim walz vice presidency. i and dei have said he is a teflon politician. nothing sticks. he can make a mistake. he can say the wrong thinge an,t but nothing sticks. he has this weird was ying. of quitting and then blaming. he quits the national guard in 2005 and then blames it on a career change decision on his part. he quitser chang on the nationad in 2020 and he blames it co the fact that these are 19
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year old cooks. he quits on the police and then he blames them. pu police an on the mayor of minneapolis. then he blames frey. he quits and he quits and hee quit when he was involved with the feeding our future fraud of $250 million. he had the gall and the audacity to blame the judgee to to the point where the judget wh had to issueer a news release sn saying that that was not true. d between tim walz quitting and blaming others. we're seeing a pattern, and i think that's what america needs to know. he's an affable guy and he canow bloviate with the best. but the fact is, it's like going to a restaurant ordering a chicken sandwich, and all you get is a word salad. you get a piece of lettuce, but there's no meat. >> our veterans going to vote for walls, republicans, democrats, doesn't matter. are they going tr wao vote knowk what they know now? e goin >> i don't think so. i think they're going to say tim walz isn't ambitious politician. tim walz can talk about someones else serving or not serving, but tim walz hasn't led. n'he let minneapolis burn for
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three days. that didn't need to happen. >> arguably, tim walz, his lack of leadershi p caused cities across our nation to burn. and when we were campaigning we wanted to have these kinds of conversations. but tio havem walz took the samh that joe biden did. he hid in the basement did. he said, oh, no, i'm not going to do these debates. the five or six debates i did before befor. n i'm not going to do that. we did not have one debatee debe televised d across the state because tim walz quit on the debates. >> wow. i didn't know that. you >> that tells you a lot. well, maybe harris won't do an.y either. >> we'll see. scott, thanks so much, man. johnny talks to white dudes for kamala costs are high.r border crossings are high. crime is high. what ie his kamala's plan for t the future? >> she wants to bring that all lower. o brinl lowehow is she going to? i don't know. hey, america, here's the deal. kellyanne conway has her own show and it's only on fox nation. the real question is, where
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are we going? the race for the white house is on. every week, kellyanne and her guests break the race down so you can decide it's problematic if you have half the electorate who doesn't feel confident in their vote. >> he's in good shape. but this election likely to be close. democracy 24 on fox nation. here's the deal with kellyanne. every thursday on fox nation,m h america is streaminga.. and i'm sasha. and today i'm going to shareed p with you the secret to making with you the secret to making the most of each and every day . and that secret is five hour. and therknow thae are a lot of s i feel like i need a nap i feel like i need a nap halfway through my workday you know, that mid-afternoon slump. slump. do you ever feel like your family and job responsibilities require and you have? he day do you spend your weekends recovering from your workwee tgy rather than getting out f and enjoying your life todayree. is the day to drive five hour energy, because today ifu get si energy, because today ifu get si you buy two six packs of anye.
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our biggest sale of the year, say 50% on a sleep number. limited edition smart band plus 0% interest for 24 months shop now at a sleep number store near you. >> kamala and tim walz held their first joint rally in philly tuesday and theynd boasted about the amount of people that showed upoasted. >> but who were these people? jonny went into the lion's den u to find out.
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america wants to know who is? v? the kamala harris voter. who are you? i'm a girl. >> i'm ai'm barbie. look at lady. oh, rare. >> i am gen-z. that's who i am. i love gen z. >> you guys are terrific. what is one characteristic one leader? that kamala has fearlessness. she pulls people togethela hr. w >> how does she do that? what do you mean, how does she do that? one trap. lebron. black. but you are black people saying is not black. she is black. jesse watters, he's point 1%.s c so he is.k he's black, too. she can form a sentence. >> that's wonderful. it is time foris t us toim do we have been doing in that time, as every day we got lots of kamala merch over here. how much is that shirt? a shirt is 20, $20. >>. 's expensive >> that is called by dynamics. name one thing that kamala hasnf done in office that you liked
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was my fight. sorry. >> help. end? >> can i phone a friend? oh. >> oh, i can't really give youi. an answer to that question. the coconut tree meme. shonut tree took her time. how much more time does she need? she's good now. >> there is great significance to the passage of time. are you a white dude for harris? i'm sure as not a black dude? for harris. s >> i may be a white boy,ure t but i'm not stupid. tim tim walz is givingac illegal immigrants driver's licenses. >>t? at what democrats wan that's a no for me. but is illegal. but is it dangerous? how do we know if they're dangerous or not? how do i know that you're not dangerou not?i kns? what question are you? what are you asking me? do i look threatening a white >>e you?.looks lik yes. is threatening to al qaeda elements. driver's license. >>a goodno, that's not a good tu he's putting tampons in little boys bathroomsttd. >> get out of here. >> you got to do your research on walz.
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yeah. i am going to do my research >> id your o on him. >> i don't sound good at all. mind your ow damn businessn . what issue is most important to you this election? climate change. democracy, u.s., roe v. wade.. >> costs are border crossings are high. inflation is high. hig crime is high. what is kamala's plan fot rture the future? she wants to bring that allo do lower. how is she going to do that?t? i don't know. unite the america again.hat's he >> how is she going to do that? i don't know. but that's her job, not mine. why didn't kamala do any of this when she was the vice president? >> that'll have nothing to do with her. did pence do? he led the coronavirus task force. and what did that do for us? he got the vaccine again. what did that do for us? t di that's a tough one. it's tough to understand. why is kamala harris betterden? than joe biden? i didn't say she was. she's more spr didn't sayy. >> i do not think he was fit for the job. i think he was very old.
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>> i could at all. but what's different between kamala myself., joe?>> the >> they're fairly similar in their policies. were you going to vote for joe bidepoliciesn? i would have to.e yo i was. i was yes, i would have absolutelu ine fory assurem would have voted for him again. that was my plan. ye that was. for >> how many of you were not voting for joe biden? >> yeah. good news is for me, i'm here. >> the bad news for you is i'm coming back.u watc >> do you watch fox news? no, i do not. why not? t. because it makes me angry. well, you're going to be on fox news and i still won't watch it. we have fun together. we had a good time. we had a good time. >> shake on it. t all right. thanks so much. thanks so much. ime.o muchmore prime time ahead. advil, liquid gels for faster, stronger and longer lasting
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and then jumped from a ten foot high fence today . ld i thought i could land it. i did not stick the landin butg i fell back on my and i liked it. and then i said to myself, i'm getting older. but it was good that i felr.l. >> stu text messages. nancy from ohio. trump invited the press over to his home to slap them around. bossdtown t move. scribbler what's up? scribbler from? giacomo, california. the press should know better. never ask a man about his crowd size. >> bruce from baytown, texas people with their stomachs. i don't know, jesse. i use my hands. y >> vote figuratively. te.mark. houston, texas. the most important job in the world. and kamala doesn't want m housthe moportan it. doesn how is that fair? well, she didn't interview't inr the nomination either, and she got it. joe from phill? y is kamala's hat camouflage to make it easier to hide from the press. de
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>> kevin from town, tonawanda. >> tonawanda must be a nativemp american name. >> trump should show up fo shoue all three debates, whether kamala is there or not. kaor not discussione di with britton martha on the fourth. >> that'd be good. kathleenschand mart from new or. >> even though kamala keepsn repeating the same speech, we have to give her credit for at least knowing what statu have she's. >> well, that is on the teleprompter. don't give hers rompter. too mu. >> gabe from cocolalla, idaho. some cities today cocolalla what is that? >> lollapalooza. biden o,ha tc jill that bear fe? his bike to.. it's all for tonight. dvr the show. sean's next. and always remembext alwerr i'ms and this is my


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