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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 9, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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ingraham. just released body cam footage shows the chaos after trump was shot and the anger from local police. >> i [bleep] told them they need to post the >> i told them to post it. t the secret service, i told them tuesday. >> laura: trump says something kamala never will. >> do you have any questions, please? >> laura: former president spent an hour talking to the media whilane kamala spent two minutem in the last two days., meanwhile, she made this pledge. >> when i am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> laura: what have they been doing for the past 3-1/2 years? okay, holding back on the solution. buant first, rank dishonesty is the focus of tonight's angle.
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the tim walz stolen valor controversy reminded me of an expressionu sa mom used to say,t watch what you say, you don't want to leave people with the wron ig impression. it i es assumed leaving the wro impression is not something you would want to do. leavinessig the wrong impressios walz's intention, wrong impression, made him stand out politically. first, he hyped up his upcoming deployment ttonao iraq. when he announced he was runninl for congress, he made a big deal of the deployment saying, i havo t a responsibility to ready my battalion for iraq and call to serve if called upon. thent this. i don't want to speck lies if
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i'm deployed, i have no plan to drop out of the race. i have a strong group of supporters andl be dedicated wi both are min major part of my campaign whether in minnesota or iraq. so much for if i'm deployed. on may 16th, 2005, he retired . with rank of master sergeant.ia two months later, his battalion get deployment orders.e heir had the right to retire, to obv taste with ft a bad his fellow veterans, including thomas behrenes. >> he's done it for decades now. he says he is a retired sergeans major to this day and he's not.
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from what i get from soldiers i went to iraq with, 98% of them are completely against him embellishing his record. >> laura: walz earned his retirement, he did not earn the righint tog lead people to bel he had been on the warfront or retired as command sergeant h major. he was stateside misstating hsz rank during his campaign.>> >> he continued to misstate hisr rank three years later. >> as a 24-year veteran and retireeantd command sergeant ma i'm especially proud of you.ed >> laura: he t continued to rid the falsehood to next year 2010.
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>> 30 seconds to the gentleman from minnesota, highest ranking soldier to ever serve in congress. >> thankd you, madam chair, greatest privilege was serving this nation for 25 years in : uniform. >> laura: why not would he have said thank you to my friend from pennsylvania. hei retired as a sergeant majora he would have corrected him if he would have demoted him. even "washington post" could not spin this rank misdirection. >> he did not hold that rank long enough before retireing and did not complete necessary course work to retire as command ma major. when you hear these things like retirentd command sergeant majos minnesota national guard has put that to >> laura: they said he retired not as command sergeant major.
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the mischaracterization carried through to another verifiable fact. he serveand in italy, not rt afghanistan. >> operation enduring freedom and my battalion provided base t security from turkey to england in the early stages of the war in afghanistan and now in iraq at this time. >> laura: they were weasel words.en >>ds depends what the meaning o the word is. >> laura: again, the post could not help him out. >> being at war, comments he made at a campaign event, it read to me like he was speaking fast and said he was at war with those weapons, those weapons of war, as he put it.
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he deployed to italy, no disputy on that. the question becomes yes did he say that. that appears to be a misstatement. >> laura: what is wrong with walz? serving in the military for 24 years in any capacity is is laudable and has to be one of two things he's imagined himself in baghdad getting prestige being a major orh hi wanted to burnish his re as a battle-hardened tough guy to boost his political future. all this speaks volumes about the harris campaign. this is what happens when you pass over the obvious and better candidate josh shapiro, and go with unknown, unvetted person like twisted tim. instead of all explaining himsef all thisf, weird stuff, walz do
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what his running mate does, questions and has others doua hisrd bidding. he could have retired after 20 years. 9/eleven happened and iraq war happened and he stayed in the military. at point os, hf 24 years and whatever months, he made the decision to this is a completely unfair a attack. >> laura: now, they did not have a real primary to replace biden, they are stuck with kamala and him. they are really inwia an a jam. they are stuck with a candidate faking it for years, just what we need, another politician who can't imagine or address a problem or difficult situation. maybe they'll try to get eric holder to fix it for them. how weak is that? this entire ticket is a con-job, america supposed to rally for guy because he is from rural th america and served in the guardu
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man felt need to give false impression aboutlear coaching s position. >> tchooo his former high schoo football players, he was coach. >> laura: well, the truth, he was the assistant coach. the country knows donald trump and the press will do everything it can to vet j.d. vance. democrats are asking the country, the nation, to put its faith in two people who have o never been vetted and have no intention of answering any question until after election. tim walz misled voters into thinking h he was in combat ande retired as a commissioned officer. that ioseds deception for a fol sweet guy from the country. every american should be asking, if harris and the democrats liet abouhet walz, what else are the lying about?ng that'sle the angle. joining us on david bellavia,
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medal of honor rescipient.av i know you have met congressman and governor walz recently, what is your impression of him and his military background? >> i hate going after veterans, it makesi ha me sick, it is not good look. not good for generation of global war on terror and a lot of things said about the governor. some you canlo playoff misunderstanding bios and t changes. here is what i can't forgive. no combat veteran can forgive. when your unit is deployed to iraq, stop pretending this is a wake-up call at 5:00 in the morning, everyone be on a plane, we're leaving in three hours. the retirement packet takes months to process, you knew your unit was deploying. one e of the first to day was r.
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stephen faulkenberg. i can't think of anybody who would not want to deploy with his surrogate children. he blocks the sun, that is the pedestal we put our sergeant majors on.ld it is unfathomable you would les your boys go without them. people have missed chunks of lives and guests have mised years of their family's lives. i wanted to run for congress ano thatlu speaks volumes. >> laurangto: washington free bn obtained the media kit walz dis distributed ing de 2006, includ description of military service. "wall street journal" report st included walz served overseas during theafgh early war in
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afghanistan anthd the atlantic describes him as command us sergeant major who just returned from fighting the war on now, david, media gets things um wrong all the time. ani guilty things wrong. we are human beings.ff do you not have an obligation? a i'ttm sure staff must have brout to his intention to correct this, this shows you were over there. he didrect not correct the reco and to this day, it looks little rock like it is not corrected. >> he has obligation to just set the record informatio'sn went out there. you don't find a lot of people that see the world the way that governor walz sees the world. these are people, let's remember
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as a congressman he voted to defund the war. part of the group that called general petraeus, general petraeus and sees death of soleimani as an embarrassment on the worlrld stage. soleimani killed our friends and killed soldiers in iraq and afghanistan and i don't understand why it is so difficult. face the music and tell us what happened, it is a one-day news cycle and feeds the narrative they don't understand america, i which is why president trump has support of combat veterans. >> laura: in two minutes kamalaa spents with the media, she addressed sort of the walz controversy. >> some criticism is about yours vice presidential pick and his leaving national guard at 24 vance said he deserted his own colleagues, what is your
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take on that? >> i praise anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country and i think we all should. >> laura: david, she did not re answer. questions about misstating the record about his military service. no one is saying that it's not wonderful to serve in any capacity. in fact, we're saying the opposite. so, all they are going to do is we praise him for his military service. is that good enough for the hundreds of thousands of men and women serving in our country today and who have served our country who are wondering what's going on with this? of course not that's not using governor walz's service. this is supposed to be a platform to lecture us the foreign policy the way we left afghanistan is okay. we are supposed to forget that 7 american soldiers were just hurt
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by katyusha rockets in al-asad air base. that's fascinating. it seems to be in iraq. we are not in iraq anymore. why don't we have the bagram air base? these are the questions that governor walz is going to use and say his 24 years as a command sergeant major i have subject matter expertise. you are losing the ability to have that subject matter expertise and to lecture us and, again, i just find the whole thing disingenuous. hold the press conference. explain what the record is, your failure to do so, to me, speaks volumes. we have an oath and a creed, and nco creed. we will not use our grade or position for pleasure, profit, or personal safety. that is a part of every creed a non-commissioned officer recites. that's our blood oath. that's what we swear to do. it's hard to say unless, of course, a seat opens up in the first district in minnesota. and then you are on your own. >> laura: well, the ncos, the command sergeant majors of all the officers i had the great
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privilege of meeting and when i was briefly in iraq in 2006, they were the coolest. absolutely the coolest. and just adore them. david, thank you for explaining this and for honoring the service of all men and women in uniform tonight with your very, very common sense words. thank you, david. >> even how they are may respond or not to the accusations about tim walz's military record, they -- it is in line with the joyful aspect of how they are running this campaign which is to not get bogged down in the attacks that are coming on them. >> laura: well, that's another way of saying just refuse to answer questions regarding serious allegations of stolen valor. so that's just being joyful. now, this charade is not going to last long for harris and walz. no matter what the media allies do try to cover for them. joining us now pete hegseth. combat vet and co-host of "fox & friends weekend."
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it's so good to see you tonight. >> pete: good do see you. >> laura: hairs campaign did update bio of walz to remove that he is a retired command sergeant major. but when will he we actually hear from walz for this misleading of the public and the voters that's been going on for years? >> i agree with everything. yes and amen to everything. david bellavia said that you said. here's why i think we might not hear from him. it is baked into his identity. it is who he is. he can't undo what he said over 20 years. is that i was in support of operation enduring freedom. i was a command sergeant major. the highest ranking man ever to serve in congress on the enlisted side. that's who tim walz believes himself to be. that's the caricature that he has built up. how does he stand at a podium and say you know what? you are right. i was briefly a command sergeants major. i was actually a sergeant major. i never finished the course i'm a master sergeant a whole lot
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rank lower i knew that when i retired i put it in all my campaign material. none of my campaign staff would know the difference between e 8 and e 9 but i did. i knew it was politically advantageous for me. i knew my rear end ought to be in iraq but it's not. i made that statement but i slunk my way out. left my whole unit hanging out in a combat situation. the field artillery unit. you can't own that can you only run from that or hide from that. all i know is when i wrote a book recently the war on warriors what is happening to our military. the only people i cared about read that book were the guys i served with. i said read it, guys. let me know. i want to make sure everything is right. and that matters the most to me. he can't look a single guy he served with in the eye. that's why all the guys he served with are coming out and calling him out. remember swift vote veterans for truth? at least he went there and threw his medals in the river. he didn't even go. national guard members for truth. saying he was awol.
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tim a walls when we needed him and he doesn't deserve to be on this ticket. they can't answer these questions. >> laura: kinzinger came out republicans for harris-biden completely embarrassing himself. is he a vet. he said look, he earned his retirement and no one should take that away from him. i mean, and made a very bold assumption about vets. watch this. >> if you are a military veteran thinking about running for office, why would you run for office nowadays. instead now people are going to say i have done what 99% of the country didn't do. i don't want to run for office because maybe some time i said something inaccurate about my service intentionally or unintentionally now they are going to use that and hang that around my neck. >> that's as good as they are going to get, i guess. >> that's the best they can do is conjure up never trumpers ocome in and defend that position. he knows -- adam kinzinger knows better. >> he knows that a former
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commands sergeant major actually master sergeant knows everything about how the system works. knows everything about how you characterize things. knows how to couch things to make it sound likes you were in operation enduring freedom. i salute his service in italy. that's great. i did a year in guantanamo bay in support of operation enduring freedom. i would never characterize that as a combat mission. anyone who tries defend this is going to hide behind the warm glow we all have for vets and service. we appreciate tim walz' 24 years. he doesn't do that 25th. that's like saying i practiced for 24 years and then the super bowl came and i really was the head coach and i just jumped out and said no, i'm good. i'm good. all those 19, 20-year-olds expertise and knowledge whether they go into any fire. i would rather be in campaign headquarters minute society in the first district. that's the tim walz makes. voters will make that decision
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themselves. >> laura: someone didn't do their vetting very well. pete, wonderful to see you as always. thank you so much. coming up, just released body cam video shows local police enraged with the secret service just moments after trump was shot. don't go
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♪ >> laura: almost a month since th >> laura: almost a month since a gunman almost killed donald trump and the secret service is not anywhere close to ensuring trust in the agency. too many questions have been left unanswered or ignored all together. the critical radio message never reached the secret service, then failure to use surveillance drone at the rally site and as "new york times" put it, some equipment the agency did bring did not work when most needed. result was 20-year-old gunman over three billion federal a agency. alexis mcadams, what have you found? >> new body camera video
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released by the police in butler, pennsylvania and still more questions than answers. same with these clips that show how chaotic things were after former president trump was near ly -- s livid he told the secret service to secure the roof top that the suspect fired from but the secret service didn't listen. >> i [bleep] told them they needed to post the guys over here. i told them that the [bleep] >> who? >> the secret service. >> i told them that [bleep] tuesday. i told them to post [bleep] guys over here. >> here can you see the moments before the shooting officers trying to boost environmental protection agency other up on hands with the roof top. we had heard about it on video. this is 30 seconds before trump was shot. so these were critical moments. that was when one officer who was a local cop said he saw the gunman up on the roof but saw him point his weapon at him. so he dropped back down to the ground-to-a void being shot. then that gunman opened fire into that crowd. so the communication between law
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enforcement or really lack thereafter that day has been a huge part of this investigation on this body camera video can you hear two investigators saying they spotted the gunman in the crowd but lost him anyway. >> bicycle, with a backpack. a gentleman with a flat face. he was creeping people out. weighs last seen in the woods by the water tower [bleep] >> yeah, i know, i hear you. >> i couldn't find. >> yeah, couldn't find him but he was out there right near where trump was speaking. there will be more congressional hearings. that's the next step here. local authorities telling me earlier i talked to the sheriff, laura, prepared to be questioned by the feds in the coming days have to see what comes out of that, laura. >> laura: this is unreal. alexis thankful you were there on that day. joining us now former secret service agent. richard folly. what can you tell us? what stands out when you watch these videos? >> you know, laura, this is not yosemite that we are talking about where we are looking for two lost hikers over millions of
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acres, right? that building is within 300 feet of where the president was standing on the stage. where is the secret service presence? where is everyone? forget about the radio issues and the communications problem. the acting director said there were 70-something secret service agents there, and another 30 or 40 homeland security agents. i don't see anyone. where are all these guys? how is it that no one saw or overheard anything that was going on here and why is it that at the end of the day here, we have got two cops, one of whom takes it upon himself to climb up on that roof. how is that that the secret service knew nothing about this. didn't see this going on? where are these guys? it is total negligence. just a poor, poor performance and a total lack of preparation here. >> laura: now, there was a lot of confusion over who was supposed to be on the roof. watch this. >> i thought you were on the roof. i thought it was you. >> what? >> i thought you guys were on the roof. >> no.
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we're [inaudible] >> why were you not on the roof? [inaudible] [radio chatter] >> why weren't we? >> laura: this is like, you know, who is on first. i think those are the local -- those are local police going back. weren't you there? no, meanwhile, you are saying that the secret service's obligation even outside the perimeter. who cares? they were supposed to make sure someone was on that roof. >> exactly right. if you, walk into any secret service office. especially on the white house complex, the first thing you will see is signs pay attention to detail. when did that go out the window? it just wasn't done. where is the site agent who was supposed to be walking around that site to make sure that the last minute things didn't start falling apart? like there was some confusion about who was supposed to be on the roof? i don't care who ultimately ends up on the roof. somebody has got to be up there. and that falls to the secret service to deal with that and it wasn't done.
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>> laura: well, an officer recounted a close run-in with the shooter. watch. >> before you [bleep] came up here i put my head up there like an idiot by myself. he turned around and [bleep] dropped [bleep] calling out on top the roof [bleep] were you not all on the same frequency? >> laura: richard? >> here again, first of all, that should never have happened. right you? are looking for a guy on the roof with a gun. i don't know if it was the smartest thing on the world to be climbing up there by yourself without anyone knowing sticking your head up there. put that aside for main. why was there not a communications check done prior to this event kicking off? every site that i have ever done and it may be five a day. it doesn't matter. you have a briefing with all of the personnel there. so you can have face-to-face and see who is there. what everyone is doing. and you make sure that everyone has got their radios. cher charged, they are working and everyone can do a last-second radio check. that just simply wasn't done
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here. this is unacceptable and it falls to the secret service to make sure that this was done. but this is probably another reason why the acting director and the leadership of the secret service has yet to identify who did this site and more importantly who was the site supervising officer? how could these very basic things have fallen through the cracks? >> laura: this is why some, you know, people out there call them conspiracy theorists, whatever. there is too many things that weren't done. this doesn't make sense. you know, and look, in the absence of facts, i said this the night it wanted ha, the absence of facts, people are going to run wild with this. here is one more, richard, check this out. >> i would say this is a [bleep] >> which gas company? >> somebody [bleep]ed up. >> stage is right there. >> they were on the second floor inside. >> you heard whenever trump was coming in they shut down cell service. >> i figured they did. >> laura: so, richard, they know someone should have been on the roof. that's what they're saying. they shut down cell service.
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texting pictures of the freak. it wasn't helping. can't text pictures no. cell service. >> yeah, this isn't an issue of we have to review procedures and policies. >> laura: come on. >> there is nothing procedures and policies. that's all nonsense. that's typical of this administration. this was a total breakdown on the part of the personnel that were there. and the lack of the leadership in management providing the proper level of assets that should have been afforded to president trump. hiding behind the fact that he was a former president or is he a candidate, that is inexcusable. >> laura: please. >> he is certainly not the norm for this. this was a total break down in leadership of the secret service. >> laura: richard, thank you for taking us through all of that. harris finally takes questions from the press after 18 days of shaming. we're on it, next. ♪
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>> a lot of questions when you are going to sit down for first interview since being the nominee. >> i have been working with my team to get an interview scheduled by the end of the month. >> laura: meanwhile trump talked to the media for an hour bringing down the cost of energy to deporting millions of illegals. lee and jason chaffetz. both former congressman. jason, she dual an interview before the end of the month. it's only august 8th. wow. >> yeah, how generous of her. don't you love the media? they are there on the tarmac. they only get five questions. one of the questions is are you going to do an interview? instead of actually asking a hard question there on the tarmac, i don't know, how about the ladder that your vice president wants to put over the border? you know, there are so many questions to ask her: she wants
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to do that day one in office. why not do it now? if you are going to do it? how are you going to do it. we could come up with a thousand questions. and that's what they ask? >> laura: what's your favorite tree? lee, trump also agreed to three debates september 4th. a debate on fox. september 10th, debate on abc. and a third -- nbc on december 25th. now we know she is going to have to spend a lot of time preparing. they are going to have her ready with lines of attack. how important given the tightening of these polls are these debates for trump, given how the media is covering for walz and harris? >> if there is an undecided voter still, once you get around labor day and they want to make their mind up, they are going to be tuning in to these debates. i think this will only get continued to hype up between now and then. especially while kamala harris is refusing to go unscripted, refusing to break away from that teleprompter, now, kamala harris today said that she is willing
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to do debates starting on september 10th. i think she needs to be showing up on september 4th for that fox interview because i don't think that she is willing to be in any type of a setting where she is not dictating terms. i don't think she likes the idea of being in front of a fox moderator and answer a tougher question. >> laura: jason, do you have any advice to trump on this because politico is reporting that it's going to be very tough out there for him because biden might be coming back to the campaign trail. his aides are rethinking his final months as president, sketching out a targeted role on the campaign trail. i mean, jason, really? this is what politico is saying that the man who couldn't get through a cbs news interview a few days ago had to correct himself in -- that he is going to be out there working for kamala? how is trump possibly going to deal with this? >> yeah. if he could only be so lucky,
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donald trump's prayers would be coming true. bring him out there. he will get another 20 people out to some rally. i mean, he is fairly irrelevant. at this point it's sad that he is the president of the united states and he can't draw a crowd. but, look, donald trump needs to keep being donald trump. go out there and talk about the policy, talk about the economy. talk about world events. talk about safety and security. that's his bread and butter. kamala harris' problem is she is kamala harris. she doesn't know policy. she doesn't have driving principles. and everything -- every position that she is trying to stakeout now is totally different than where she has been in the past. >> laura: lee and jason, thank you so much. coming up, kamala says she has a plan, jason, to fix inflation. so what has she been doing for the last three and a half years? we'll examine it, next. ♪
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages.
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this summer in paris, we're seeing hard work, dedication,
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and a whole lot of... [“joy (unspeakable)” by voices of fire ft. pharrell williams begins to play] anastasia pagonis still feeling the joy. grant holloway how about that! keep the flair, keep the emotion, keep the showman, the sport needs it. ♪ ♪ >> prices are still too high. you know and it i know it. on day one, i will take on price gouging and bring down costs. prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high. you know it and i know it. when i am president, it will be a day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> prices for everyday things like groceries are still too
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high. you know it and i know it. when i am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> laura: isn't she vice president right now? haven't they been in office for three and a half years? what have they been doing lately? she sounds like a candidate running against an incumbent president like she has never even been in office. so they helped destroy our economy. they borrowed and spent money like there was no tomorrow. and they drove inflation up. who is she trying to fool. joining me now thomas flipson, chair of the economic advisers. thomas, it's quite something that on day one i'm going to do this holding the answers they have until day one? okay. >> in general her ads the last couple weeks is that she is the workers' president, apparently even though i think this administration has hurt workers more than anyone, essentially
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they have a massive tax hike on the poor. another form of tax. you can raise it, you can rec taxes on printing money you get an inflation tax. so they lowered real weekly earnings, et cetera. compare to to trump where, you know, the whole idea was to disim late a demand for labor with a pro-business environment with lower regulation, lower taxes, that led to less poverty, lower welfare roles, higher middle income wages. trump should be in the social justice warriors hall of fame. >> laura: it's all about the economy all the time. the border is -- obviously it's still an issue but it's not as high up on the list as it once was. as important as it is, but this issue of bringing down costs if
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i were running for president that is almost all i would talk about, they are conning you and if she is elected, what you have seen over the last three and a half years is going to seem like a dream. it's going to get a lot worse. i would just stay on that and i wouldn't break from it. >> i can't imagine a worse foreign policy forecast if she wins, essentially. biden broke records with regulations. he even broke obama records, which was the previous record of having so much regulation. trump, obviously broke records can deregulation. more so even than reagan, essentially. and the tax hijackers, they are proposing. >> laura: huge. >> certainly going to hurt the poor. because it's going to reduce the demand for workers. >> laura: thomas, great to see you. thank you so much. the border czar even though she says she is not. the plans from her keep getting worse and radical, next. ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she
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>> laura: kamala says she will have a people approach to immigration, that means little to no border enforcement. >> we have to critically re-examine ice and the way it is being administered and work it is doing and probably start from scratch. >> laura: tim is totally onboard with her amnesty plans. he skipped out on house vote that opposed abolishment of ice. joining me is senator eric sch schmitt. w sanctuary tim has always believed a
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harris administration. >> when you talk about this being the most radical ticket ever put fourth before the american people this is exactly what we are talking about. between the two of them, they've created an express lane of illegal immigration for the border to minnesota and all parts in between and coming to a neighbourhood near you because kamala harris opposed title 42 which was very effective pick when they came and they got rid of it, open the doors to 10 million illegal immigrants pick minnesota is a century state thanks to him. they want taxpayer-funded benefits for all these illegal immigrants. kamala harris wants to abolish private health insurance for you and me. it doesn't stop there as that clip indicated she wants to abolish ice and compared it to the kkk. these folks are radical on every front but in particular and related to illegal immigration. >> all you have to do is look at the difference between iowa and minnesota appear the way those
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two states are run. that tell you the whole story. you look at what's happened in minneapolis. destroyed by far left policies and iowa the governor's popular, the people are more upbeat, the place is humming with some economic activity and in minnesota people don't want to die in minnesota because the taxes are so high in the state. to have to figure out another plan that's how bad it is. >> it comes down to leadership. honestly this is a bizarre pick. i think we know why shapiro wasn't picked. they picked this boring guy who looks like a grandpa but he super dangerous. 's policies are radical. this guy is to the left of bernie sanders and so is kamala harris according to her voting record. i don't think the people when they get the chance to way in which is why they're so afraid of these debates and answering questions because when the record is on full display it's out of touch with real america.
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>> trump today talked about kamala on immigration. >> that she doesn't want to have borders, walls, he doesn't want to have any form of safety for our country. he doesn't mind people coming from prisons and neither does she i guess because she's not -- she couldn't care less. she was the borders are 100 percent and all of a sudden for the last few weeks she's not the border czar anymore. >> will she agreed to all three debates that trump has agreed to? >> no i don't think so. there go to try and hide her as long as they can. they will argue about debates. maybe she does one, her uncut -- incompetence will be on full display. the media will help her. >> the question they were asking at that tarmac three minutes with her on the tarmac it's like a short story. one of the questions is are you
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going to do more interviews? she only got a couple of questions. you don't ask that question, that's kinda ridiculous. calling her radical or kino think that's enough. i think your prices are going up , i get back in, gases going to be back in. trump said gas was at a dollar 87 a gallon. and how big should prices be in this campaign? it. >> that and the everyday cost of the grocery store. this is what matters to people and this is what this campaign has got to be about peer she's running, if she wants to change her position she's running against her own record. so people with -- want the peace and prosperity they had under president trump. >> great to see you as always thank you so much for joining us. make sure to follow me on social media, thank you for wat >> carley: a fox news alert, more severe weather in store for the east coast


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