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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 9, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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instead of turn on the lights sometimes. the natural sunlight sometimes. i also know it helps her out. >> what is your biggest expense right now? >> rent and car bill. >> okay. top three things i heard from wisconsinites. groceries, utilities and housing. that's what they are worried about. still having fun at the fair, shannon. >> shannon: you are interviewing people going down the slide. thank you. >> bill: good job. before we go. charlie brown, dozens of farmers have special corn mazes during the u.s. and canada. i love it. "fox news sunday" who do you have? >> shannon: foreign policy and economy. guests on the screen and check us out. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> bill: nice to have you here, bye-bye. >> harris: we begin with a fox
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news alert. 19 days of bump and run from the woman who wants to be america's next president. tracking her down for questions is like a new olympic sport of bumper cars. can you catch her? 88 days before election day american voters deserve to know exactly how kamala harris will deal with the crises that have plagued her administration with joe biden. they were on the job, their policies left people broke. many of them. how can she be different and fix it all? i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." vice president kamala harris finally took a few casual questions, 77 seconds of them. >> madam vice president, when will you sit down for your first interview since being the nominee? >> i talked to me team. i want us to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month. >> harris: wow, before the end of the month.
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okay. she has still not sat for an interview since last june nearly a month before she announced her candidacy. if she waits until the end of the month, august 31st, that would be 41 days as the presumptive then now official nominee with no interview. kamala harris's aides are suggesting what we're seeing now is good enough. one tells "the new york times" quote, in a fractured media landscape we trust in traditional news out lets have fallen. their most effective outreach is tiktok and their own social media platforms. kamala harris has been on the campaign trail and offered very little on her policy agenda. particularly on the economy. many people say they are broke. she has to hear them. they are at these crowds, she says. instead she is sticking with the essential same stump speech
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every single time. >> it really is good to be back in wisconsin. it is so good to be back in michigan. listen, let me tell you, i am clear the path to the white house runs through this state. i'm clear the path to the white house runs right through this state. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. and had a summer job at mcdonalds. i had a summer job at mcdonalds. hear me when i say, so hear me, detroit, when i say, i know donald trump's type. i know donald trump's type. and are we ready to fight for it? and are we ready to fight for it? and when we fight, we win. >> harris: okay. well, on the flip side, hum, former president donald trump taking reporter questions for
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more than an hour yesterday. not scripted. he tore into his new opponent for not doing the same. >> i'm speaking to you on phones. i'm speaking to radio and television. television is coming over here. excuse me, what are we doing right now? she is not doing any news conference. you know why? she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do that and not smart enough to do the news conference. >> harris: peter doocy has more. >> the vice president spoke for a little more than one minute in that plane side gaggle the broke the no questions answered streak but there is new reason to think her team might need to prep her more before she talks for more than 60 or 70 seconds. she according to the "new york times" told a group of uncommitted voters in michigan she is open to the idea of an arms embargo, stop shipping some u.s. arms to israel.
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which her team immediately had to walk back. her national security advisor phil gordon said she has been clear to always insure israel is able to defend itself against iran and terrorist groups. she does not support an arms embargo on israel and continue to work protect civilians in gaza and uphold humanitarian law. that won't fly with uncommitted voters who seem to be of the opinion that they had moved the v.p. on this issue. >> this movement has always been about policy shift. about policy change. about saving palestinian lives in the immediate. >> want her to stop sending bombs to kill people we love. >> vice president harris, as she tries to establish herself as the top of the ticket, has been looking for places she can distance herself from president biden, gaza policy is believed to be one of those places but distance from president biden will become a lot harder because next week she is going to be on the campaign trail with
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president biden. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. i want to bring in now the power panel richard fowler, fox news contributor and matt gorman targeted victory executive vice president and former tim scott campaign advisor. richard, you first. when harris's aides say the fractured media landscape where trust in traditional news outlets have fallen and that's why we haven't seen her in an interview, abc, cbs, nbc, what does that mean? she won't sit for anybody then, just tiktok? >> no, listen. >> harris: that's what they said. >> as a member of the media i think it is important she does sit down for an interview and i do believe that she will likely do so. with that being said, in all fairness i think it is worth pointing out it is not like kamala harris was the candidate of four months ago or five
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months ago or six months ago or three weeks ago. she was the candidate -- hold on. hold on a second. she was the candidate of last week. there is a lot of things that have to happen between last week and this week and next week as we go toward the convention. i think she will sit down with the media but talk to party officials, get to all the battleground states and in contrast donald trump is going to montana tonight, a state not in contention. >> harris: he says he wants to help people down ticket win because he is ahead in those states. >> not by all the recent polls. >> harris: i have a question when you say when she became the presumptive now completely coronated by a vocal digital roll call now the democratic nominee. when voters vogted through the primary seen they thought they were getting joe biden and got her. that's fine and how they want to handle it on their side. you can't cam complain because
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the media wants to know because she has been in the room in their administration. >> we saw this when she ran for president in early 2019. she can handle the scripted environments where every variable around her is controlled. when she gets into spontaneous and needs to think on her feet is when it doesn't -- doesn't get as pretty for her and what the press conference is trying to draw her out. for the next 80 some odds days she will try to run out the clock. the open secret she agreed to a simple interview with a network and talking to press off the record. and the idea is you feed them off the record content so less likely to want as many interviews from you. so look, she will try to run out the clock with a compliant press corps that follows her around and she might do it. it is our job to keep holding her to account.
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>> harris: it's interesting off the record for reporters is also off the record by definition with the public. we can't repeat what has been said in those off the record conversations. it is a way to build relationships with people and argue to find out who your friends are in the media i would argue. and who your enemies are if they are those people who would ask you the tougher questions. none of that serves the american public. they have a straight up and down. it is broken now, can you fix it? a new one column titled this, kamala harris wants the media to help her run out the clock. others weighing in on the media and what kamala harris's team may be thinking. watch. >> i would say this to the mainstream media. kamala harris is ignoring you because she thinks she already has you. she thinks the mainstream media is in her corner. >> she has been vice president we've known that we've seen some kind of damaging moments when her speaking to the press.
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i think that's something that has always been on the minds of her office and the vice president herself. >> harris: the vice president has had plenty of viral press moments as we know and some of them not good. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. i mean, i don't understand the point that you are making. this is an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy. [cheers and applause] >> is united states willing to make a specific allocation for ukrainian refugees and i wanted
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to know if you think and if you asked the united states to specifically -- [inaudible] >> okay. a friend in need is a friend indeed. [laughter] >> harris: first question was for her. it was quite clear the second was for him. she goes first. who needs a friend, richard? kamala? >> you picked a couple of press blunders every politician has and great press moments. i know one in particular when she was in ghana asked a question about their policy toward the lgbt community. she said it's human rights and the rights they have in united states should be the same writes in ghana in front of a president passing a long making it illegal to be gay. she has stood up and strong in front of the press. i think you will see more moments at the debate with abc
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and as the campaign continues. i think right now like i said she is trying to get her campaign together and trying to meet delegates and trying to meet the voters, trying to get to all the battleground states. i think she will do an interview. >> harris: ghana is a beautiful country filled with wonderful people. we need for her to take questions with a different country that ends in a, america. >> the clip you showed was in warsaw. the last clip was from warsaw. when she was in ghana she answered the question. >> harris: watch the entire thing and given an example besides the one country you did and one in our own nation as we did in our montage i could understand the pushback. i don't right now and i will move on. the clamor for kamala harris to answer real questions is actually getting louder. in the media the traditional media space that her team says that they don't trust. "wall street journal" columnist
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-- who exactly is the woman aspiring to be the world's most powerful person? that's the beauty of the kamala harris campaign, who knows? the democratic nominee has already become the political equivalent of the choose your own adventure book. the journal's editorial board with kamala harris says mystery commander-in-chief. she is all about all that telling americans they'll have to elect her to find out what she really believes. as she ducks interviews and the media give her a free ride. this is bad enough on domestic issues. but on foreign policy it could be perilous. matt, i come to you. so the ducking, richard has the point he makes it hasn't been that long since she has been the nominee. we've known her for an entire presidency and vice presidency with the most important issues in our lives like our sovereignty, nation's sovereignty at the border. >> the press follows her around
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to every event. she could do an interview. i will say this, too. an interview is the bare minimum. what will happen she will give an interview and eight minutes and the media will be great, we did it, thank you. there needs to be consistent media interactions answering questions. as you talk about, she has changed her positions on everything from buying back guns to decriminalizing and immigration and fracking. she has an anonymous aide talked to the press saying she reversed her positions and the press leaves it there. many questions how she came to change her positions on a host of issues that she took when she ran for president just four years ago. >> harris: gentlemen, great debate. i appreciate your time. house republicans want to know exactly what a president kamala harris's policies would be at the border. now they are officially demanding some receipts. one thing she definitely didn't do was find the time to talk about any -- to any of the
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border patrol chiefs and spend time with them. plus local police are releasing stunning video from the day that former president trump was nearly assassinated. >> it was a flat space we were looking for. he was creeping people out. he was walking in the woods by the water tower. >> yeah, i hear you. >> we were watching him. >> couldn't find him. >> harris: the water tower, remember, every expert we've had at the seat with me on "the faulkner focus", every one has said i would have been on top of the water tower from the very second that the event was known. so that they could get a lay of the land and stay perched up there. uh-huh. frustration with the u.s. secret service is boiling over now as we get a fresh look at the agency's complete and utter failures. former f.b.i. assistant director chris swecker in "focus" next.
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>> harris: it's soul shaking the new body cam footage released by local police in butler county, pennsylvania. new movement in the investigation of the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. local police say they're frustrated with the u.s. secret service. when you see this tape you'll understand that and also understand how actually close we came to losing the nation's 45th president. there was an officer who had hoisted himself onto the roof of the building where the assassin was shooting from. and this is the body cam and accounting after that. watch. >> he is laying down. next building over. right up to the gaffe. glasses, long hair.
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>> he has got -- he is laying down book bag next to him. >> he was on top of this building, the left one. i jumped down. >> harris: after the shooting there was this. >> i told them they need to post the guys over here. i told them that. the secret service. i told them that tuesday. i told them to post guys over here. what? no. we're inside. >> bravo one, bravo one. i told them to post guys over here. >> i wasn't concerned about it. i thought someone was on the roof. how can they lose a guy walking back there? >> they were inside in the building. >> we need a guard somewhere. >> i thought we were going to post guys over here. i talked to the secret service
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guys, yeah, no problem. we'll post guys over here. >> harris: the secret service has responded to what we just watched together. it is lengthy. there is so much more to it. here is what the agency said. the agency is aware of and reviewing the body cam footage and our partners looked to locate the shooter that day. the attempted assassination was a failure and we are reviewing our protective procedures to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. chris swecker former f.b.i. assistant director. a whole lot there. what pops in your mind. that was july 13th. we're just seeing some of this. it is not the first time for the secret service. >> this is beyond disturbing. what is most disturbing about this, it appears the secret service employed and leverages local resources. they will hang around the podium
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and not mix it up and get in the field with the locals to work directly with them so they can have direct communications. they will hang around the podium in sunglasses and dark suits and have no communication with the locals despite the fact that they are out there where the risk is. you know, it's incumbent -- this is all on the secret service obviously. it is incumbent on them to set up the communications and get them to be able communicate directly with the podium or secret service agent who has connectivity with the podium. this is executive protection 101. >> harris: i was with president trump earlier that day just a few three or four hours before this happened and i can't say too much about what is around him nor would i say it around other people being protected. it is important. there is a definite different footprint that i observed. i will tell anybody more details if they deserve to know them off
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the record about what i witnessed. there is a different footprint and different level of attentiveness around the president. hence those were the people who actually jumped in. what is going on in the perimeter there is not connective tissue between those at the home in mar-a-lago and always with the president, and those who just seem more casual about protection? i'm not talking about the locals. i'm talking about secret service. >> yeah, i see, too, harris. you know, i detect some apathy there towards trump's detail. maybe not the a team or the resources that are needed to cover an outdoor event like that. and your mind has to go to well, joe biden selected the secret service director and there was a clearly -- i think just let's give him the bare minimum protection because it is donald trump. you don't want to go there but that's where i am headed in
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terms of how this executive protection scheme was set up. it was clearly an f in terms of preparation, in execution, and even response. they were heroic in throwing their bodies on them but that's instinctive. they set him up for 90 more seconds, they could have got him the second time around. >> harris: is there connective tissue between those on it with the president and always with him and at his home and were with him on the dais that day and were the first ones? as he raised his fist into the air you see the people that i saw around him but the other people who are there on the perimeter, there are questions whether or not they took this seriously is what i hear you are saying. my question is, why do they have to take things not seriously ever, ever, ever? isn't there the same -- because we're still protecting other
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candidates at this point and other people who have high profile, other threats against them. >> it is a very different secret service than i worked with when i was the head of the f.b.i.'s criminal division. i think they were on top of their game back then. now i don't think they have any desire to get out there and be with the local law enforcement officers and roll up their sleeves and get into the crowd. again, i go back to this they want to hang around the podium. set up a couple of sniper posts behind the podium. and there is a touch of arrogance to it. >> harris: why not be on the water tower? look quickly. when will we see mass suspensions of anybody on this detail that failed on that day? >> whoever was in charge of the site ought to be suspended pending the outcome of an investigation, not working pending the outcome of the investigation and really we need to look >> harris: can we sift them out? >> unfortunately that's the way
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the government civil service bureaucracies work. they can suspend them with pay where they aren't in the field to do more damage. >> harris: if they weren't any different than they were on that day, we have problems. i would rather sit by the copier if you can. i know there are 1500 understaffed because kimberly cheatle dropped that nugget before she quit the next day. >> they are also doing investigations. they have 70% of the resources doing investigations. they need to go back to their core mission of protection. it is fun to investigate. not fun to do protection. they've gone to the shiny object. >> harris: great to have you always. thank you. brand-new questions about the white house's priorities in face of multiple crises and the biden administration, biden-harris administration announced a new plan to target class particular silverware, yeah, no kidding. that's a priority, what we eat
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with. and that move is as there are big concerns over the strength of our total economy and so much more. >> there is a lot of pain ahead of us both for the economy and this reckoning for the markets that have been behind the curve. >> harris: it is not just wall street, it is main street. and the americans who are hurting. charles payne, you know nails it and puts it into perspective. he is in "focus" next.
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you could end up in a depression of the 1929 variety, which would be a devastating thing. took many decades to recover from it. we're very close to that. >> harris: look at recent fox news polling which shows the economy remains a top issue in key battleground states. voters are telling fox news they are still feeling the pain of high prices, it has been years. >> it's hurting everyone. >> it is nerve racking. >> i'm concerned. >> keeping people trapped. >> prices of everything is so high. >> harris: my next guest warned us this would take years to make it and break it and now how do we get out of it? charles payne is here, host of making money on fox business. i want to remind everybody what the current democratic nominee is saying right now. there has been a lot of criticism for president biden and kamala harris's far left
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economic policies and how they drove up inflation. the vice president was assuring voters she is going to handle it. >> and when i am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> harris: but the problem is that she has been making that same promise every year she has been in the white house. >> cost of groceries and gas has gone up. one of the high effort priorities for the president and me. fighting inflation is a top economic priority. for many americans prices are still too high and we still have work to do to address that. >> harris: charles. >> she is right. there is still work to do. the problem they are the authors of this inflation. they created this inflation. when you promise to go to war with gas companies, oil companies, guess what happens to the price of gasoline? it goes up. she is promising to go to war with everyone. promising to go to war with
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capitalism. better products, lower prices is how you get customers in. incentive for anyone making things out there. so the idea that somehow she will fight this pay really close attention to her platform. she is going to war with capitalism. who gets hurt the most is the american consumer. let me tell you, harris, what angers me is we're hearing it from everyone. this is earning season on wall street. companies every three months give us a record of how they've done. citibank, it's clear signs of softening labor market. pepsi, tight household financials. mcdonalds the loss of low consumers is greater. visa, low income consumers down. coca-cola, wendy's, disney, every single one of them talking about how devastating this economy is for middle and lower income households. monster energy drinks, we're a blue collar brand. they can't afford us anymore. >> harris: all the prices are
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monster energy big to steal their title. what would be the first thing if you were interviewing kamala harris that you would ask her what policies she would have? >> does she have any regret for the war on business disguised -- here is the thing. does she have any regret about all the money they unnecessarily pumped into this economy starting with the 1.9 trillion and then the more recent things like the so-called inflation reduction act. does she have any regret the fact it has destroyed american households. they triggered inflation and inflation spike not seen in this country in four decades. several economists never thought we could get back to this level. it took a few trillion dollars to get here. >> harris: i would follow that with irrespective of what the answer would be i would want to get into well, why would you want to promise the american public that you are going to spend more in the same way and that you want to take away tax
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breaks from people who create jobs? >> well, because be honest. they are drive by ideology. we have an economic discussion, but it is not an economic conversation, it is a conversation about a giant government that gets to decide every single thing out there and their decisions hurt the american public. our nation was not built that way and why we were able to spring above all the other countries in the world because of the freedoms and liberties we have. >> harris: we have on the bottom of the ticket is minnesota's governor who is known for doing the type of tattle tale behavior and enforcing it among his constituents with the lockdowns. if you see somebody without a mask call the hotline, snitch line. what would we be turning our neighbors in over economic issues? >> he has 0 investments, 0.
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nothing, no investments at all. that tells you what he does not believe in capitalism. >> harris: let's get to this because critics with some pretty big questions over the biden administration's priorities and we discussed we're facing the threat of a recession now, a war in the middle east is a threat and we are in the middle of a historic presidential election. day-by-day it changes. the white house this week thought it was a good time to announce the plan to phase out using priority, priority, plastic utensils across federal departments. they're worried about plastic plates as well and spending $8five mill to produce production of electric heat pumps through consumer demand for them. that demand is down actually. to the left coast in deep blue berkeley, california lawmakers voted to put a measure on
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upcoming ballots to tax large buildings to use natural gas. what in the world are they focusing on these shiny objects for? >> in part -- we have to be careful in the media. it is so outlandish but what happened yesterday was the biden administration offering $1.4 billion to another solar projects. earlier in the week solar power filed for bankruptcy. they got billions of american taxpayer dollars. president obama gave them so much cash. they filed for bankruptcy. the real issue are the tens of billions of dollars that american taxpayer dollars are going to the solar energy thing. you throw out 85 million thing and leap on that and get the big giant elephant projects no one sees. the ones that are really -- >> harris: we weren't focused on this. how do you give somebody so much money they file for bankruptcy?
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>> because they have a terrible business model. we don't want what they are selling. look at electric vehicles. we don't want what they are selling. >> harris: it's hot in most of the country and exceeds the output of our grids and then we're told on the left coast like we saw last summer you have to unplug evs. we don't have enough grid power to support the extras. i have to run. >> one thing that is crazy for us to have a war against gnat -- natural gas. the dumbest thing i've ever heard. >> harris: serious claims the biden-harris staffers orchestrated a campaign to suppress social media posts and advertisements that mentioned president biden's mental fitness. so they were hiding biden. plus the person in charge of the border is now running for president, kamala harris. a new spotlight on the border crisis. >> the democrats continue this
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no accountability. it will get worse. more people will die, more people are going to get hurt. a more dangerous place. >> harris: border patrol leaders and the texas governor are all saying vice president kamala harris never reached out to them, never reached out to them as illegal border crossers were flooding into our nation. jason rantz next. need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa. (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time. and you've lived with the damage it caused. but even after all these years, restoration is still possible.
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>> harris: u.s. house oversight committee is investigating what the now democratic nominee's actions were after kamala harris was officially named by president biden to take charge of our u.s. southern border. chairman james comer is demanding customs and border protection share all of its communications with the v.p.'s office. former border patrol chief rodney scott is the third biden-harris administration border chief to say they never heard from her. >> at no time did she or anyone on her staff reach out and ask for our opinions. when we tried to push our professional perspective unsolicited it was met with just complete hostility and then ultimately that's why i ended up getting forced out of my position and retiring. they did not want to secure the
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border. >> harris: that wasn't rare. it was common. in fact, you may have watched it here. texas governor greg abbott told me that he had the same experience. >> the bottom line is despite the fact she has been in charge of securing the border, she has talked to me, the state that is ground 0 for illegal crossings and 2/three of the border she talked to me exactly 0 times. >> harris: a headline calls her the border czar, kamala harris unburdened. she says that about herself and others a lot. unburdened herself. she led on the administration failed border policies and minimized the horrific consequences they have created. she owes the american people an explanation and we should demand one, end quote. jason rantz, seattle radio show host and author of the book
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"what the killing america." you talk about this in your book. i want to know what you and your radio listeners. your ear to the ground on this. are experiencing and how you think she has impacted that. >> i think a lot of folks are wondering why she is getting a pass on pretending she is not to blame for the catastrophe at the border. i would say to be fair to her, when she took on this position i think it was meant just to shift the blame of what was happening from joe biden to kamala harris. i don't think she ever thought that she would become the presidential candidate in this way. i think this was just the vice president stepping up and taking one for the team. there was never intent to do anything there. they just wanted to put a little -- take a little bit of the pressure off because at that point as we recall, you and i talked about it as this show. we started to get more of the coverage at the border, a lot of the films that were being taken
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at the border showing the folks streaming across, that was actually making it onto social media and getting spread to the point they couldn't hide it anymore. the media was completely ignoring it back then. they only recently started to talk about the issue now that they can try to defend kamala harris or just put it on republicans and donald trump as if they had anything to do with this. >> harris: you have given us is genesis of how it happened. we have know she was in charge. she went down to guatemala and she went to a cleaned up area of the border, which they did for joe biden as well, kind of moved everybody. those of us who have been down there and saw thousands of people coming across were wondering what did they do with all those people for 12 hours? then the flow resumed as soon as the vice president or joe biden left. but then she started talking about the root causes. so clearly she knew she was in charge because she told us what she was doing. but she didn't tell us how she could fix it and didn't engage with the very people on the
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front lines on our side of the line. >> this was unserious from the beginning. you don't put someone in charge who took the position of wanting to abolish ice and saying undocumented immigrants coming into the country aren't committing criminal acts and think she will talk to anyone at the border who might tell them specifically what the crisis is and what can possibly be done to stop it. this idea you will take on the root causes, which is a nebulous term in this case. there is nothing that we can do at that level to address the root causes of folks coming here from other countries. a number of other countries. the root cause of our problem is a porous border and administration that wasn't interested in closing it. >> harris: let me step in on the porous part. we have a potential terrorist situation as the numbers popped to 99 and 375 suspected on the terror watch list since biden and harris took office. so this matters. he is still the president for
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the next five months. president biden appeared confused at his only public event this week. it was a celebration for the texas rangers world series win. watch the video. >> what am i doing now? [laughter] am i doing something? ♪ >> please remain in your seats as the president departs. thank you. [applause] . >> harris: at first it appeared kind of a cute joke. then it persisted. he literally did not know what was going on. we've seen moments like this on repeat and now a report claims that there was an orchestrated effort to cover up the president's mental decline going all the way back to 2020. one journalist publishing videos of campaign staffers talking
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that that program spoke used on social media. he posted in a newly discovered zoom recording the biden-harris team reveals how they manipulated voters to think biden's mental decline was disinformation. the digital director at the time revealed a dnc program to detect and have social media -- he called it one of the smartest things orchestrated by the democratic party. >> he is right. it was one of the smartest things orchestrated by the democrat party. when you go out there and claim at a time when disinformation was being thrown about quickly and easily to basically cover pretty much anything you didn't like, the media for the most part was going along with it and used it to their advantage. i think their game on social media in particular is very strong. they have a lot of those people trying to be those influencers who are getting paid to spread
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ironically disinformation and go after anyone who might raise reasonable questions. it points out they knew the problem with joe biden at the time and nothing about anything that they did. they didn't step back and say what am i doing to this country? what am i doing to this administration and to the democrat party by allowing this guy to continue to move forward as if nothing is wrong? this goes now also down to when did kamala harris know what was going on and when did the vice president realize this was the truth? she came out not long ago telling us there were no issues whatsoever. >> harris: and was she part of it. did she know and was she part of it? jason, always great to have you on the program. so much more we could get into. i look forward to the next time. thank you. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." all this week. appreciate you. "outnumbered" after the break. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection.
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