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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 9, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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stop suffering in silence. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> dramatic nobody can footage
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giving us a new look of the trump assassination attempt. the video shows officers responding to the chaos before and after thomas crooks opened fire. this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno with my cohost kayleigh mcenany, and also joining us fox news anchor julie banderas, fox business anchor and host of "american dream home" on fox business cheryl casone, and fox news contributor and retired u.s. marine contact joey jones. one butler county officer telling rally goers to flee the scene moments after the sho shooting. >> if you are not law enforcement, go. if you're not law enforcement, goal. we don't know. go. >> i'm a medic. do you need a medic? >> we've got plenty. thank you. >> i think they got him. >> i do too but we have not
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confirmed at. >> i've seen a [bleep] -- >> i have witnesses that think he is down but we have not confirmed. >> let's go to alexis mcadams who was there that day with more of that footage. >> this body cam footage shows another body vantage point. you can hear the cops talking about what went horribly wrong. one officer saying they told the secret service to secure that. >> i'd say this is a [bleep]. somebody [bleep] up. why are we not on the roof? why aren't we? [bleep] i'm told we need to post the guys [bleep] over here. i told him that. the secret service. i told him that [bleep] tuesday. i told them to post guys over here. what?
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>> i thought you -- >> no. we are inside. >> bravo one. [bleep] i told them to [bleep] guys over here. >> he is saying he told them to put secret service knew that rooftop. no one was there but the gunmen. check this out about 30 seconds before the person open fire from the roof. that local cop was boosted up by another officer, but when he saw the arms 20-year-old, he dropped down to the ground. the officer says thomas crooks was on his stomach armed with an ar. >> he is laying down. right after the gap. he has got glasses, longhair. >> he has got a bag, he's got -- ar. >> according to the time-stamps on the body camera footage, the police got up on the rooftop
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less than 5 minutes after the shots were fired. you can hear the officers discussing how they spotted the shooter earlier in the day, people said he was creeping them out but they lost track of him. >> no, i [bleep] must not forget it. they lost sight of him. >> police and respond to the video clips, saying -- "the attempted assassination of former president donald trump with the u.s. secret service failure, reviewing and updating our protective policies and procedures in order to ensure a tragedy like this never occurs again. local police -- feds in the coming days, and remind me earlier when we talk to the sheriff that they weren't the ones in charge of the security planning in the first place.
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it was picked up in the body camera video but was not for sure if that officer who was on the ground even spotted crooks. >> thank you so much. bringing the discussion to the couch. kayleigh, what do you make of this new revelation. we have 6:at 08m coupled with the secret service response that says it was -- -- >> i am struck by the response of the secret service. the first sentence, you might have read it on the screen, is they are aware and reviewing body cam footage. we are a month out and your answer is you are aware and
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reviewing the footage? we had a catastrophic security failure of epic proportions. someone died. the president almost died. just the turn of the head. >> we have the secret service pushing the blame to local law enforcement, and we have -- the excuses that the roof wasn't sloped. we are seeing from body can how many times we told them to have someone here. >> the fact that -- because of the ignorance of the secret service picked the fact that they would have the forthright to think ahead and say "we need secret service on a roof," which is a perfect aim 130 yards from where the president will be speaking on a podium and nobody thought to put
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somebody else on that roof. the cop almost got killed. when he got up onto the roof, the guy turned his gun at him. he ended up falling 8 feet. it's a 12-foot high wall. he sprained his ankle but still ran. the fact that nobody was fired over this is discussed in. the fact that a former president could've been killed as discussed in. the fact that a former fire chief, a former firefighter was killed because of this and there has been no accountability whatsoever. for the secret service to say "we dropped the ball," that's not good enough. the american people deserve much better. >> what we are seeing on the spot he came to rbc indicates after -- >> what we are seeing on this body cam obviously indicates utter lack of communication. seeing this body cam footage, what do you make of the new footage and the things we have learned? >> you have to put it in perspective. we have one police officer and we don't know his position.
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don't know if he is saying "i told you guys." don't know who he said. what we do know is between the multiple law enforcement agencies and government agencies, there was not direct communication. cross communication among different municipalities picked the fact that it wasn't followed, it wasn't protocol enough to be checked before the president got there is concerning. i have trained with the secret service. i have peers that work with the secret service. i have got bodies that have 20 or more missions with the secret service. most of them enjoy their relationships with those guys but will tell you that they are not the elite unit of protection you think they are. that's a problem. in 20 years of scandal, i can go back to 2005. i will start in 2011. a sniper hit the white house and the secret service responds immediately with its construction noise. in 2012, they were filmed using their government credit card and
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an atm to pay for it -- prostitutes and it had to be substituted by air marshals. a guy -- pulled a knife and people complain but the noise. there is a cultural training problem. it needs to be looked at, and i think you need to be taken over by an agency that understands the bigger picture of law enforcement protection. i know guys that do this as civilians for high net worth individuals that are much better at it than any of these. >> and the heroism, cheryl, is also populated in the history, for example -- canine hurricane in 2012. these men and women put their lives on the line. they are incredible, and it's a leadership we are talking about. >> is a failure of management, coordination.
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can't believe it's taken it -- it's month ago almost. >> you said you have questions and need answers. the body cam footage, more answers, more evidence, just more questions that arise. coming up, former president trump and vice president harris saying they are ready to face off. veteran homeowners. if you need cash, the last thing you want to do is spend cash just to see if you qualify for a home loan. yet, some lenders charge you hundreds of dollars in upfront fees just to apply. they keep your money even if they turn you down. call newday. unlike other lenders, at newday there's no upfront appraisal fee, no upfront
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>> former president trump is back out on the campaign trail today heading west for a campaign stop in montana. trump gave a wide-ranging news conference at his mar-a-lago estate yesterday. kamala harris -- selected her running mate. answered dozens of questions which covered a range of issues, trying to draw a con -- contrast. live from palm beach, florida, with more details. >> i was in the room is the former president was getting peppered with questions. over and over again, he wanted to break through and get the message across that even though the top of this ticket and the whole democratic ticket has completely changed, the fundamentals of this race have not. the economy remains a top issue for americans coast-to-coast. here he is talking about how he would make life better for americans and their pocketbooks. >> we want low interest rates
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and want to be able to have the american dream. we want to be able to have our youth be able to buy homes, housing, get good jobs. no tax on seniors' social security and no tax on tips. very simple. we are a country that has so many different ways to make money. we have, under our feet, more liquid gold -- i call it oil, and gas -- than any country in the world. more than saudi arabia, more than russia. >> he also took aim at vice president harris' job on the border, blaming her for the ongoing crisis of illegal crossings. >> she is trying to say she had nothing to do with the border appeared she had everything -- she was appointed to head the border. we have the best border in the history of our country and now the worst in the history of the world. millions of people coming in. our country cannot sustain it. our country is going down because of this, because of
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incompetent people. >> he has not had a rally in about a week but is heading up to montana right now for an evening event in bozeman periods campaign tells me he will continue to talk about the issues and his policies at these rallies. he does believe that at the end of the day, even though we are seeing a slight bump for kamala harris, that those issues will resonate with american voters, even those that are perhaps giving her a chance right now and liking this new democratic ticket. he thinks he can win back those back. >> thank you. time will tell. former president trump says he's ready to face kamala harris on the debate stage. >> i think it's important to have debates. we have agreed with fox on a date of september 4th. we have agreed with nbc on september 10th. we have agreed with abc on september 25th. the other side has to agree to the terms. they may or may not agree.
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i don't know if they are going to agree, but i look forward to the debates. i think we have to set the record straight. >> here's the other side. >> am glad he has finally agreed to a debate. i'm looking forward to it. i hope he shows up. >> are you open tomorrow deb debates? speak i'm happy to have a conversation about an additional debate after september 10th. thanks a lot. >> two more debates. >> i'm happy to have that conversation. >> we know we have at least one debate september 10th on abc, joey. the test donald trump has is kamala harris is using three words to great effect: faith, freedom, and she is talking about joy. those are powerful words, but donald trump on the debate stage against her should be a happy warrior on policy. intelligent, sharp, stick to the issues, and expose her for the progressive she has. >> if i were donald trump, i would say the third word should be family. it's what matters to america. so many issues people do care
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about. if kamala harris does not define herself, it's up to either donald trump or the media to do it for her. the media is doing in a a way that focuses on identity, and all these great taglines like joy. donald trump pastor define her from a policy position. we have to infer that it's joe biden's policy. that's the only record she has when it comes to leadership. she has been in the senate but as a leader in this country she has been joe biden's vice president. i haven't seen her step out from any of the policies to the rest of the country. thought they did a good job on that on that hour-long, i think it was 42 questions answered. i think to myself, could kamala harris and joe biden do that standing side-by-side? i don't believe so. i think he needs to push that harder. >> i want to underscore something you just said. there are only two entities that will force kamala to answer questions: the meteor trump. what trump has done with j.d. vance and pushing for her to
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take questions and taking questions. she began yesterday saying "i probably won't do an interview until after labor day." all of a sudden, she took questions after trump. here is what she said about her timeline for an interview. >> there's been a lot of questions about when you will sit down for your first interview. >> talk to my team. i wanted to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month. >> before the end of the month? she is the presidential nominee for the democratic party. we have not heard from her and she will not wait until the end of the month pick she has not held a solo news conference since 2023. president trump has done so. i call her on using the word "joy." how weird is that for the vice president to come out of this presidential mess for the last four years and refer to it as joy? the american people are not joyful about their checkbooks. they are not joyful about inflation, certainly not joyful about the economy. what is there to be joyful
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about? our borders? no. there is nothing to be joyful about other than getting the president to clean up the mess. >> i think that's part of the manufactured persona that wants to slip by the american people without -- i bring that up because there is a distinction between stamina and cogency. sure, they can stand in front of goggles all they want, but nothing comes out of their mouth that is of any substance. trying to paint his portrait of her saying she is amazing in the kitchen, this culinary expert. to me -- >> i don't want a woman in the kitchen at the white house. what is that about? [laughter] speak of the whole point is it's dumbing it down. it's just joy. to your point, the american people need something more than joy: we need substantive policy. it's long past that time. i would add on that ideologically, it is chameleon progressive. ice was the kkk out of her mouth but now she is top cop. she says she has advocated for victims. i know that one of the largest victim advocate groups in
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california loathes her and comes out saying "we do not support her because she turned her back on us." that's the distinction." i want to pick him on something that donald trump was talking about in that sound bite you played. he was talking about what was happening with the u.s. economy. when this debate happened, that's what i want to see. that's what people care about. it's the number one issue along with immigration. really quick, the former ceo of ck restaurants said "people remember what it was like in 2019, the good old days when you can actually -- you didn't have credit card debt that was soaring, personal savings rates weren't depleted in the didn't cost an arm and a leg to buy a car or get car insurance." people are having a tough time at the grocery store, a tough time. wages have not kept up with inflation. you can pin that on her because she was the vote in two of those bills but that's what you need to do. keep it on message. >> we have at least one debate,
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hopefully more and hopefully sooner rather than later. you will deserve that. we have seen scripted robot kamala harris, but what is her economic policy? her foreign policy? her vision for america?
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serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪ ♪ ♪ >> former president trump is holding news conferences at his home. we are still waiting to hear from kamala harris and when she will have a solo press conference. she has been ducking the media well -- most powerful person on the plane and we still don't know her vision for america. "the wall street journal" points out "all but telling americans they will have to elect her to
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find out what she really believes." the media is giving her a free ride. we saw that yesterday when harris briefly took questions for the first time and not a single reporter asked about her policies or her record. >> are you open to more debates? >> am happy to have that conversation. >> i do think he pulled out of the bait dolomite debate with you? >> i can't specular and how he thinks pick speak of the president about your vice presidential pick and his leading the national guard. >> i -- anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country. >> there been questions about when you will sit down for your first interview. >> talk to my team. i want to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month. >> thank you. >> thank you so much.
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>> minus the third question, those were pretty easy questions. why do we have to wait until the end of the month for an interview. she could call a news conference at any time. i'm sure the press would love that she be forced off script and really seems to like this. >> it's good to be back in wisconsin. >> it's good to be back in michigan. >> i am clear. the path to the white house runs through this state. i am clear, the path to the white house runs right through this state. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i had a summer job at mcdonald's. i had a summer job at mcdonald's. hear me when i say -- hear me detroit -- i know donald trump's type i know -- ready to fight for it. are we ready to fight for it?
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and when we fight, we win! >> credit where credit is due. jesse watter primetime put that together. credit to the team on that. the unison at the end. i have noticed the stump speech over and over. i can recite most of that but the unison -- you have to get off script. that's a lot of the same. >> remember the first two years of her as vice president, she had a lot of problems with the media, was criticized for the laughing, the word salads. i think they are trying to be very careful with her now. her communications team, the campaign team, is trying to keep her protected. that's obvious. she will sit down for an interview. she said she will buy the end of the month. what are her use on ukraine,
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russia, >> can a 17 minute stump speech is average length, can it take you to pennsylvania avenue? >> to me that interrupter was illustrative of her response, what she cared about. she did not in any way condemn the anti-semitism that protester -- all she said was "do you want trump to win? i'm speaking." it shows all she cares about is winning and all that defines her is her hubris. should be a longer memory. the media needs to play her word salad failures in europe, the middle east, and others were she is embarrassed. we know that the policy is nonexistent. we know that -- failures in her communications. it's not just ad hoc back and forth. as i come close to --
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>> president trump for his part, the democrats and their communication plan. >> i am speaking to you on phones, the radio, television, televisions coming over here. what are we doing right now? >> they have done well at getting her off the telep teleprompter. letting the convention go through, in my mind, are you letting her getting -- >> i guess you have a surprise because it's late in the game and you want to change when people show up to the polls. now we live in a world of early voting. every day between now and the election matters. the strategy is to let her expanse whatever bump she's going to get all at once and they go on the offense. it's why you don't release opposition research during the primary. i think president trump was on message really well before the
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assassination attempt. there was a period of time where we saw public passion. we saw with that press conference, came back to that message. a search for the present -- still vp of. >> first of all, all she doesn't know what she is going to do with the economy. that's why she is putting it o off. i just pivoted and changed the subject. as far as her economic plan, what president trump needs to force her to come up with one. she doesn't have it. as far as international foreign affairs, she does not have an idea. that supposed to make it look as though -- what her plans in iran? your stance on russia and ukraine? what is her stance on all of it? on china? the american public doesn't know. you expect to be voted into office?
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>> the person who can litigate that case is donald trump. we will see that vision play out in september. vice president kamala harris has a new -- -- we will discuss this next. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. veterans, need cash? get up to $70,000 or more
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>> vice president harris promising voters in the campaign trail this week that tackling inflation and lowering prices will be her top priority as president. she has been telling americans that since 2021. every year she has been in the white house. >> it's rough. the cost of groceries has gone up, the cost of gases. we still work to address that. >> first of all, tell me something i don't know, and secondly, do something to fix it. >> inflation is up under the biden-harris administration 20%. that is the data. those are the numbers. we will get more numbers next week. she was the deciding vote on two pieces of large, massive stimulus bills that brought us this inflationary environment and forced the fed to start to
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boost up interest rates, which of course made it harder for you to borrow -- your auto loans. even though they aren't using this term anymore, it is still there unfortunately. inflation is a horrible problem. i don't know how she is going to come in the next 88 days, going to come out with some new policy am talking point. you cannot fix data. all of the things that we have before. >> you can rely on a narrative. what she is relying on as she is not writing the bidenomics wa wave, -- brought us where we are today. >> if you are going to stand up and bring up issues, the only thing that you can do is blame republicans in congress. you leave the void of it.
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>> vice president harris: in this administration. the fed -- not my administration pick she has to find a way to say things can be better than they are now, but it's not our fault it's also why she's not answering questions. >> i don't think she has the intelligence or experience argument to talk about it. i would like my vice president and president to have that knowledge. talking points that -- when she has no idea what she is talking about. >> saw her on-the-job training would be the thing that would make her qualified to be president. on-the-job training has been a disaster. she has got an advantage. she is a presidential candidate who happens to be working in the white house. if you're going to promise inflation, jobs, prices coming down then why not do that now? why are you waiting until november, january to come
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through with those promises? biden is basically a puppet at this point. why doesn't she lend them some advice, show them she can make a difference? she has months to do so to prove us that she can get something done. got the presidents here. why not take advantage. this is what i want to carry into my administration. biden would back her. -- >> needs to have solid economic messaging. advisor to the biden white white house.
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>> vice president kamala harris' campaign has been cooking, at least appears to be, based on much of the media's coverage. now, they discover the new passion of the presumptive democratic presidential nominee that they can get behind: her alleged ability to cope. >> under the skin with some butter before you were going to cook it. that butter will just melt and get a nice big bottle of cheap white wine with butter. yes, hi.
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>> from her failed 2020 presidential campaign. resurrected her culinary capabilities, so much s -- so that they are touting her as -- what it means, redefines to be a woman in the kitchen. because she is supposed to. save me please from the sinking ship and the tragedy that is this. >> first of all, that's not doing women any favors. it would be amazing to have a woman in the white house one day. that would be a huge glass ceiling shadow or. i don't want to hear about a white house president cooking, especially a woman. i don't cook. i proudly wear that badge. i am not domesticated whatsoever. [laughter] my kids are pretty much fending for themselves. >> what kills me is one of the lens where it specifically said how she impressed mindy kaling with her onion dicing skills. i'm not trying to shame anyone,
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but the whole point is why are they trying to make a chef out of someone who just has basic skills in the kitchen, and why are they trying to with someone that supposed to be my commander in chief? >> i don't care if the president of the united states is a good cook or not. i think this is pandering to women. i'm with you. my sister is a gourmet cook. i've got nothing. thank you very much. i don't care if she can cook or not. it does not connect to me as a woman. it would be great to see a woman in the white house but i don't need to be cooking -- >> what i care about, kayleigh, is how this is portrayed, perceived, covered, shaped, and all the other synonyms peer talk to me about why the media treats her with the chefs gloves and what happens to others. >> that is the key point. her love for cooking is authentic. i have read about it for years peer she has made things for congressional members who have come over. it is authentic and i think that's great she has a skill and it's humanizing. i like watching some of the videos. my problem is the media. you read that one line from salon which goes on to say that harris has autonomy over the
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kitchen, redefining the kitchen. i seem to remember another politician who decided to deliver a speech from the kitchen table, and here is the way the media received it. "vanity fair": katie britt's kitchen nightmare. msnbc: her kitchen says everything you need to know about conservative values. and -- so it's a cult when katie britt is in the kitchen, but it's the best thing since sliced bread, no pun intended. >> according to the progressive left and the one that chameleon kamala caters to come if she is in the kitchen it is bucking trends and reclaiming. if a conservative woman is in the kitchen it is somehow setting us back centuries. >> welcome to the hypocrisy. i hope you enjoy because it's here to stay. i have a lot of -- and my family, firemen. they are all men. if you know anything about a firehouse, every shift has a great cook on it. that's part of it. guy is, you don't want to hear "he's a good cook,"
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because it means he's not good at the other things and that's why we keep him around. i don't know anything about golfing, about inheriting $200 million from my dad to come about going to a military school, or about living in manhattan, but when donald trump speaks, he speaks to my life and the issues i care about. i don't care if we have personal things in common. i would rather the media focus on her ability to make decisions, lead, foreign policy and things like that rather than what kind of person she is. i don't care what kind of person she is. if she makes good decisions, she might win me over. that's what i would look at and i would prefer the media spend a little bit of time on that. >> perfect notes notes to end on. will bring you some more in just a minute.
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♪ ♪ >> emily: that harris/walz campaign lossless trying to become a status symbol for liberals with the nearly $2 million in sales already. that may have something to do with how much it looks like pop star chapel rowan's midwest princess hat. she posted about the similarity writing "is this real?
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is this real, john? >> john: that is called a real, and they have no part in this had to becoming a part of the harris/walz campaign, i think they lean right anyway, and it's been tough, because i got a lot of hate over it and they shut it. they put these links out to the vendor and the vendor decided to sell them. it takes more than hat to embrace a culture of blue-collar and hard work. and i hope they understand that. >> emily: kayleigh. >> kayleigh: my husband saw this hat and he said not a single person who ends up wearing this hat is going to embody the type of odor they are trying to get to. this is the hunter, this is someone who loves the land and someone who leans conservative. blue-collar leaning, they are not going to buy into the harris/walz, it's going to take more than a camo hat to win them over. and walz was a teacher so on and so forth, i don't think they
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will buy it. we will see. >> john: it reminds me of a photo up when you see one of those office studio politicians traipsing through the woods to make some statement and it looks so awkward and out of place, so go ahead and try, but the authenticity fails. >> it's obvious what they are doing and they are going for the western belts, and this will come down to a small handful of states, so they are doing everything they can to entice those voters. i don't think i hat will work to the points been made. but moneymaking opportunity, make some cash out of it. i can't hate on them for that. make a buck. >> emily: i wish it said something different. it's so cute. >> kayleigh: putting camo and orange together would make a great first. joey has sent me pictures and actually reminds me of one of the hats. >> it's a little bit of cultural appropriation. >> this is the hats being worn by liberals who want to take
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away your guns, this is a hunting hat. >> they want to stop it for the public access to hunts. there are some meat that makes this a little bit of a contradiction. >> kayleigh: the trump campaign has one too i would just note. >> emily: reminds me, remember when waving the american flag was offensive and threatening, pickup trucks, remember, we covered that extensively from the mainstream media. so all of a sudden it seems like the symbol is not only okay, but it's also -- >> also trump's red hat has a message, what is the message? very pandering. >> emily: well, guys, we have something from kayleigh about the olympics. >> kayleigh: my sister ryan mcenaney who ran at uf texted me today and wanted me to highlight an amazing american who just won a gold medal. we see him there. this is grant holloway and lost wire-to-wire victory in the 110-meter hurdles, got a gold
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medal to his illustrious career and this is an athletic phenom, one of the most kindest humble human beings he will meet. has uplifting spirits during the toughest workouts got them through and said no one deserves a gold medal more than grant holloway. and i have to tell you, all of the sports i have watched. i love women's gymnastic, but men's and women's track has been the cherry on top of the awesome olympics. >> team usa is doing great, by the way, the medal count is far beyond the gold. >> kayleigh: we are trouncing the rest of the world. it's a great day to be an american. amen to that. >> emily: loved learning about the athletes further and that they are incredible human beings and not just an athlete. >> kayleigh: have a great weekend. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports." ♪ ♪


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