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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 9, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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and this is an athletic phenom, one of the most kindest humble human beings he will meet. has uplifting spirits during the toughest workouts got them through and said no one deserves a gold medal more than grant holloway. and i have to tell you, all of the sports i have watched. i love women's gymnastic, but men's and women's track has been the cherry on top of the awesome olympics. >> team usa is doing great, by the way, the medal count is far beyond the gold. >> kayleigh: we are trouncing the rest of the world. it's a great day to be an american. amen to that. >> emily: loved learning about the athletes further and that they are incredible human beings and not just an athlete. >> kayleigh: have a great weekend. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> is hurting everyone.
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>> it's definitely nerve-racking. >> she has not done anything for our economy. >> trying to pay your mortgage and i'll pay her rent, and put gas in your car, i will buy food is bad. >> it's too high, but i also think that the minimum wage should be rising as inflation rises as well. >> so right now we are in a crisis where we are seeing prices going up. i am hoping in this next campaign in the next few years it does get a little bit better with harris. >> john: 88 days to go until the election and the american say the top issue is still the economy, stupid. "america reports" starts right now, hello, i am john roberts in washington, we made it to friday. this felt like an entire month. >> sandra: it's been a long big week packed with news. and it really is everything that everyone is talking about, still those high prices. i am sandra smith in new york and this hour for president trump winging his way
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west to montana to campaign in a razor tight senate race that could determine the balance of power. >> john: kamala harris will campaign in battleground arizona spending $50 million on a brand-new ad to reach middle-class voters and says inflation is her day one priority even as democrats say our economy is rock-solid. >> we are on the upsurge that the american economy is the envy of the entire world. every country which shows that there are economy looks like ours and had a bright future that ours does. and that's because of the policies of t the biden/harris administration and those policies that kamala harris will continue and build upon. >> sandra: so how will kamala harris convince americans she's the one to bring down those high prices even though the prices hit record highs with her in the white house. we will have brand-new reporting on that just ahead, but first, this.
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>> john: kamala harris' running mate to tim walz to facing a new and of attack as details emerge about his delayed response to violent protests in minneapolis back in 2020. >> sandra: one probe into the response found that his staff questioned national guard soldiers about their diversity and inclusion training as minneapolis was burning. garrett tenney has live in chicago, he has more on this for us. so why was the staff asking questions while that sadie was on fire? >> sandra, this came out an investigation by state republican lawmakers looking at how officials responded to the riots including the nearly 18 hour delay from one minneapolis mayor jacob frey asked governor tim walz to send in the national guard to when they were actually deployed. while the democratic mayor say walz hesitated to send in the guard before it was too late, the other say the city did not have a clear plan for the response and what guard troops would be doing.
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the report by republicans found during that the governor seemed not only asked like what with the soldiers be doing and what they be wearing riot gear, they also inquired if the soldiers had received diversity and inclusion training and had experience working with diverse communities. one of the lead investigators of that report argues that those revelations show that in a time of crisis, walz's office was more concerned about progressive political debates then stopping the riots. >> they were looting, they were burning, they were destroying. buildings were collapsing and at the very same time, the governor's staff is having this little discussion about public policy while minneapolis burned. >> john: after four days of chaos on the street, the governor fully mobilize the entire national guard to minneapolis and at the time and then president trump praised walz for his leadership saying on a call with governors i fully agree with the way that he handled it the last couple of
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days. the trump campaign points out the president was only praising the governor for finally taking the kind of action that should have happened sooner in the kind of action that trump had been pushing to take. he recently told reporters when asked about the criticism of how he handled the riots "it is what it is." he said we tried to do the best we can. >> sandra: that's tough for some to hear. garrett tenney in chicago, thank you. john. >> john: for more on this, let's bring in smith fellow with the manhattan institute. before we get into walz, i want to talk for something about kamala harris said that tackling inflation is going to be her priority on day 1. many people will be asking, well, what about the last 1,297 days. >> well, she just wants americans to forget what they have live through and she has no credibility on this and of course she has no economic knowledge whatsoever. she has been promoting one completely fantastical green
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energy scheme after another that would not only be impossible to meet on a purely energy basis, but would be devastating for our economy. so i don't think she has any credibility on the inflation or the strong economy front. >> john: so now to harris and walz on crime, kamala harris has been touting her background as a prosecutor even though there's evidence that she was soft on crime and not tough on crime. walz is being dinged for his slow response to the 2020 riots and some people even said that he sided with the protesters. listen to what his wife -- not listen, but i will read for you what his wife gwen said about the riots back in june of 2020. she said "i could smell the burning tires and that was a very real thing. and it kept the windows open for as long as i could, because i felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening. yeah! the city was burning down. >> well, you know, both
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kamala harris and governor walz share a profound belief that influences everything they do it with regards to law enforcement which is that systemic racism is an ongoing characteristic of this country. and it's fitting that the dnc is going to be meeting in chicago, because kamala harris is in one sense a godmother of the terrible, terrible crime situation where somebody is shot in chicago every two hours and 50 minutes, somebody is killed in chicago every 14 hours because kamala harris wrote a task force report for the new incoming attorney general, the district attorney in chicago can box that said fight systemic racism, fight disparate impact on black criminals. and that's the reason why governor walz in minnesota was hesitant to send in the national guard, because he was worried that the police were viewed as systemically racist and this would agitate the rioters. so these people put a phony view
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of america at the start of their policymaking thinking and this is extremely dangerous, john. >> john: so let's take demonstrations, we don't know if they are going to be violent or what they are going to be are in line again for chicago coming up the week after next. maybe it echoes 1968, because it's clear that protesters have now logged onto kamala harris and the way that they did president biden when he was on the campaign trail. listen to this moment at a kamala harris riot in michigan. >> he intends to end the affordable care act. you know what? if you want donald trump to win, then say that. otherwise, i am speaking. >> john: so she is being heckled by anti-israel protests, and this is what you rode in "the wall street journal" opinion piece as we head toward chicago, despite the depleted rings, the chicago police department will flood the convention zone with manpower by
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eliminating officers days off and requiring back-to-back shifts while conventioneers may be insulated from the chicago way of kamala harris becoming the next president, the country may not be so lucky. so we have two things in play as we head toward chicago come the specter of 1968 and whether or not that will be repeated and then the fact that chicago is so replete with crime these days that even the residents are saying, residents that are staunchly democrat are saying, what is this administration, what is a democratic administration of the city of chicago and the state of illinois doing to solve this and improve our lives? >> well, unfortunately mayor brandon johnson is going to create a village for about the media and the attendees of the democratic national convention because he is temporarily suspended all of his anti-law enforcement policies through the convention. and then they come back in. he wants to get rid of a very powerful, very important
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technology called shot spotter which alerts the police to shootings when nobody calls them into 911. any one of them out of the city, because he said that shot spotter resulted in the over policing of black communities, so shots potter was ready to go in february 2024 and he said, not so fast, you have to stay through august. so the conventioneers will have the benefit of a technology that other cities have to keep them safe, but after the convention leaves, it's back to business as usual in chicago, which as i say is someone getting killed every 14 hours as a result of the type of anti-cop philosophy that comes out of the academy that believes that america is systemically racist, a philosophy that has embraced both by brandon johnson, the mayor of chicago, by kamala harris, and also by tim walz and his reluctance to use the absolutely essential force to protect property and lives during the george floyd race riots. >> john: just a few days to go until we find out what is going
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to happen in chicago. heather, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, john. >> john: as was pointed out yesterday, chicago has very tough gun laws, but there were dozens and dozens of shootings over the july 4th weekend. >> sandra: so many are carried out by these people who own guns illegally, so imposing more laws and not even enforcing the ones in the book to begin with one help that situation. but chicago desperately needs a solution to their crime crisis for a long time now. and often times you hear this administration tout that crime and stats are coming down and when you live in chicago, you don't feel that, john. >> john: no, it's the same as the economy, they keep it rosy and talk about the economy in so many people are not feeling it when they sit down at their kitchen table. >> sandra: and still aren't, and to look whether they will buy that, we will see this.
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>> she has been very, very bad to israel and very bad to jewish people. and i see it, if anybody i know is jewish and they would vote for kamala over me, they should have their head examined. >> sandra: that's former president trump sharpening his attacks as kamala harris keeps her policy on israel under wraps. >> john: plus as american pop icon taylor swift concert becomes the target of a terror attack, we wonder how did we get here and how do we stop it? she is up nextxt. there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be.
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foreign policy close to her chest as the u.s. watches her expected escalation in the middle east from iran and hezbollah. israel remains a divisive issue in her progressive campaign, and now she is targeting uncommitted voters in michigan. what that's all about, let's go to griff jenkins come alive at the white house for us. hey, griff. >> hey, john, good afternoon. and harris has yet to lay out a broad policy agenda to indicate how she would handle the turmoil in the middle east as president. if you needed any indication that her team was struggling with it, they spent yesterday walking back whether she told an anti-israel group in michigan that's called the uncommitted movement that she will be open to consider an arms embargo on israel. now on wednesday, "the new york times" reported she would. then her national security advisor phil gordon said she "does not support an arms embargo on israel." the cofounders of this 1,000
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strong group includes representative rashida tlaib. and had this to say. >> this movement has always been about policy shift, about policy change, about saving palestinian lives in the media. >> do you want her to stop sending bombs to people we love. >> and after this widespread criticism last month for skipping benjamin netanyahu's address at a time when the closest ally in the mid east is facing an extensional threat from iran. angie is still being questioned over her veep pick. >> and the one glimpse we have about her own policy is the whole decision that she made about who is going to be her vp. she passed on governor shapiro through with the moss wing the democratic party. >> and add to all of this, she will be met at the dnc by anti-israel protesters. and the ones i met in d.c. out
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of the speech said they would be traveling to chicago to carry that message to her. john. >> john: as we saw with heather mcdonald, she was dogged by protesters in detroit, so we will see if that carries over to chicago. griff, good to see you. sandra. >> sandra: let's bring in the national security spokesperson, your former boss mike pompeo was on earlier today, and he was talking about iran's growing aggression and whether or not they are listening to us and our mornings, let's listen. >> what we have typically said is that there is a don't end a set up a policy is that have encouraged continuing irani and injured by rockets in iraq just a week ago, and the united states has done nothing to impose costs on the iranians. >> sandra: which makes you wonder if they take track of the
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current situation? >> no one is talk about this. the d&i, this is not a trump appointee, that to the biden d&i said the iranian regime is meddling in our presidential election. so we have them in our presidential election, and trying to kill him, trying to kill former president trump and other cabinet officials and general milley who worked for president biden trying to kill former president cabin officials, and interfering in our election, iranian made drones killing service workers in jordan, not only the troops that were attacked last week, but less than two weeks ago, another terrorist group funded a clipped by iran sent a sophisticated drone 1500 miles from yemen to tel aviv and got dangerously close to hitting the branch office. this is just in the past two weeks that you have attacks and at both american military facilities and american diplomatic facilities. and by the way, let's not forget
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the u.s. navy is seeing more action at the theater than the u.s. navy has seen since world war ii. i think we are at war, you can call it what you want, but we are at war with the other terrorist groups in their region. >> sandra: you heard that warning from donald trump in that wide-ranging news conference just yesterday. meanwhile, have to ask you about this taylor swift situation. dan hoffman joined us yesterday, talked about isis, where they go next, what they are trying to do right now as it pertains to the recent threat. listen. >> this is what isis does. they search for the use opportunity is to create mass casualty terrorist attacks. we saw it and moscow and they look for soft targets like malls and music concerts. so often, the planning for these terrorist attacks cuts across state boundaries and we really need to focus on working
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together especially against our allies and partners. >> sandra: you took interest in this, the beloved icon of american culture spent two decades across the music industry and drops 70,000 plus fans with thousands waiting outside, just hoping to catch a glimpse. but to terrorists that chant "death to america" and nobody is untouchable. morgan, what you think about this? >> just goes to show that nobody is untouchable as i tweeted, but that isis is still planning to kill americans. just a look back at the end of the second obama term. he had called isis the j.d. squad. remember that? and that isis had established a physical caliphate in syria. when president trump came in in 2017 he had to unleash the military to destroy that caliphate. why do we see happening under president biden? afghanistan falls to the taliban, isis now has a foothold in every providence. i've been warning about two months ago i rode an op-ed about africa how we were losing isis
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and other -- losing africa to other tier groups as well. so whether it's in africa or afghanistan or even eastern europe where you're seeing some of these terror groups bring up as well. you have isis elements that are clearly planning to attack americans both at home and abroad. ps, we don't know what is going on at the southern border. we know that there has been reports of some isis affiliated smuggling rings that are trying to get people through the southern border. we know over 300 terrorists have gotten people on the watch list have gotten people through the border and had an encounter. we don't know when the 2 million plus got away as if there are any terrorists were isis affiliates. so this is why, by the way, this comes from the fbi director. how many times in 2024 has he said that there is flashing and blinking red lights, sandra? he is warning us. >> sandra: absolutely. you think about what a soft target that wasn't what they were going after heroes we were discussing yesterday, these are
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kids. it's awful. morgan, great to see you and have you in new york. thank you. john. >> yes, i know, i hear you. >> we are watching. >> i'm going to find you. >> local police releasing video from the dave president trump was almost assassinated. the footage revealing the frustration the police and pet butler, pennsylvania, had with the secret service. >> sandra: do you remember the last time vice president harris held a solo conference? we will tell you the answer next as critics are slamming her lack of media availability. kaylee mcgee white and jonathan caught are here on deck and will join us next. >> i can give you an explanation for why she won't take questions from reporters? no. nobody? okay. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital.
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>> john: former president trump is stepping for republican tim sheehan, and those today, the senate race could give republicans control of the set up. "washington examiner," kayla mcgee white and jonathan caught, former communications director for senator joe manchin. so donald trump in montana today, the first campaign event he has all this week and it spurred tim sheehy, it's not a donald trump event. he was asked yesterday at mar-a-lago, why is kamala harris doing all of these events and you are not. listen to what he said. >> because i am letting their convention go through, and i am campaigning a lot. i'm doing tremendous amounts of taping here.
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we have commercials that are at a level i don't think anyone has ever done before, plus in certain cases i see many of you in the room where i am speaking to you on phones and i'm speaking to radio. i'm speaking to radio. i'm speaking to television, television is coming over here. >> john: this idea of staying dark, kayla mcgee, during conventions went out the window a long time ago. the last person he really observed it was john kerry in 2004 and the cost of the election. so why is donald trump letting her have the spotlight on the campaign trail? >> especially when you think about how much media hype there would be for kamala harris, you would think they would try to steal back the airwaves and i do think this reflects concern among conservatives there's a difference in their ground games. however him going to campaign for jon tester realizes how important these valid races are going to be, and how they are in the race is actually a better reflection of where the national public is at then some of the national polling showing kamala harris significantly ahead. we know that tester is down two points according to the latest poll, and trying to draw up the weight and the balance as well.
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>> john: he had it by 16 points in 2020, and it's by a couple in the poll that we saw, and there's a senate race as well, michigan, montana is a toss-up, michigan is a toss-up, an open seat, nevada and ohio as well, pennsylvania, wisconsin all leaning democrat. how do you think jonathan, swapping out to joe biden for kamala harris may affect those down ballot races? >> we have already seen it. it's affecting them greatly, a lot of people behind in the polls are now leading in the polls and jon tester is excited to have donald trump come to montana. he came four times in 2018. and won it, it's going to be hard for donald trump to come in and attack and signed 20 of his bills where the former governor and former rnc chair endorsed jon tester. so i think in pennsylvania and ohio, they will welcome donald trump coming in, if he
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performs during the press conference yesterday, it's just darkness and lies and that does not help the republicans running. >> john: you may have different opinions of what he did at mar-a-lago, but he captured the attention of all three big cable networks for an entire hour where is kamala harris to an end to a chance to say i just did an hour of taking questions and getting answers, she did not do anything. after that she did do a gaggle with reporters on the tarmac for 70 seconds and during measures, this is what she said. >> glad he finally agreed to a debate. i'm looking forward to it and hope he shows up. >> are you open more debates? >> i'm happy to have that conversation about an additional debate or after september 7th, for sure. talking to my team i want us to give an interview before the end of the month. >> john: there's a lot to impact, but i want to focus on the very end, been talking to my team and give us a schedule before the end of the month.
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she said that on august the 8th, there's a lot of month left. >> sandra: it's remarkable she has not begun taking questions and holding press conferences. and our strategy at this point seems to be think it until you make it. and she wants to be shielded. and the single left media outlet has pointed out if you go to the website right now, there is not a single page dedicated to a policy position. it's only donation tabs, so if you as a voter wanted to learn what kamala harris' policies were coming in were not even be able to at this point. >> john: so here is j.d. vance saying to the press about kamala harris answering any other questions. a lesson here. >> give you an explanation of why she won't take questions from reporters? no. nobody? okay. >> john: he said did they get into an explanation for why she is not taking questions? nobody answered.
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which again, sort of speaks to the incurious nature of the folks that are following her around that they don't seem to care. >> writes, i don't think the harris campaign is going to take advice from j.d. vance who took a bunch of questions after he was announced and -- >> john: i'm not saying the campaign, i'm saying the people who are following her on the road, they are not saying, why isn't she answering our questions? why isn't she giving us availability. >> they aren't going to say that to j.d. vance, they are reporters, they don't respond to him. >> john: they have to respond to the people from the same organization. >> i remember when i was on the 96 campaign and the 2,000 campaign, 2004, 28, 2012, and if a candidate was not answering her questions are giving us time, we were browbeat them until they did. >> that's the thing, the campaign strategy is a smart political move but it does not make sense for reporters whose job is to get answers to very tough questions that the public deserves to know.
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where are they allowing kamala harris' campaign to do this? that should be the concern for everyone who cares about an inquisitive and free press. >> john: the 2020 campaign. forgot that one. >> i will just say that voters are hearing from kamala harris kamala harris. >> about what? >> she is speaking directly to voters. >> i about what? >> she is telling them her vision for the country and tim walz's vision. >> which includes what policy is? >> she is laying them out, you should watch one of the rallies and they talk about them extensively. >> they are very scripted and she reads from the teleprompter and reads the same speech every time. and is not mention a single policy she plans to implement. >> john: we have to go, and we will show you some video that backs up what she just said. have a great weekend, or appreciate it. sandra. >> sandra: ulrich, john, very interesting discussion there. >> john: thought they were going to come to blows there for a second. >> sandra: take a deep breath,
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everybody. but guess what, this is a debate some are having right now, john. as she is not taking questions, and the media certainly is not pressing for them. not yet, at least. meanwhile we are observing her speeches so far on the campaign trail, and last night in prime time on this network, we saw this side-by-side of kamala harris -- >> john: it's is what i was talking about just a second ago. >> sandra: . >> sandra: in wisconsin and michigan. and it appears that some cases it's almost copy and paste the same speech in different states. listen. >> really is good to be back in wisconsin. >> it so good to be back in michigan. >> listen, i am clear, the path through the white house runs right through this data. and listen, i am clear that the path to the white house runs right through this state. >> i took on perpetrators of all kinds. >> i took on perpetrators of all kinds. >> and had a summer job at
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mcdonald's. >> i had a summer job at mcdonald's. so hear me when i say... >> so hear me, detroit, when i say -- >> i know donald trump's type. >> i know donald trump's type. and are we ready to fight for it? >> and are we ready to fight for it? and when we fights we win. >> sandra: pretty remarkable. >> john: [laughs] that last part is the killer. that last one. >> sandra: it's even delivered almost exactly the same. >> john: literally identical. it's like back in the day when i was a music it was like double tracking of vocal or a guitar part. like slight delay, slight pitch difference. but boy, did it sound good together. >> sandra: to be clear, she would not be the first politician to deliver the same -- almost exact same words and delivery. >> john: here's the thing that the donald trump campaign is
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going to try to do and this is what the press tries to do as well as get her off the teleprompter. get her to actually think about some questions and policy answers and find out what she is really thinking as opposed to what's written on the screen in front of her. >> sandra: and when asked, she is only offering i talked to my staff and maybe we will have an interview on -- >> john: sometime in the next 22 days. >> sandra: that's pretty remarkable, we will have more on that plus this. >> i think we need to go that way. i can't see if we can get out that way. >> i don't think so. >> i think we are past that, ma'am. >> sandra: incredible video, terrifying moment says deputies are surrounded by a raging wildfire, and those deputies will be joining us live right here. >> john: and we check in with voters who are feeling uneasy about their finances. madison howarth, live at the
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wisconsin state fair. have you had a funnel cake yet? >> john, no, but that is up next. before the funnel cake, i am having come you know, more hardy foods, some cheese curds kyle has prepared for me. thank you, kyle. you can do the wisconsin state fair without your cheese curds. and as a business reporter i can't go without talking to people about their finances. we hear what is on this wisconsinite's minds and have a great piece for you and that will be after this♪. losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight.
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♪ (man) oh, come on. ♪ (woman) ugh. (vo) trade in any phone, in any condition. guaranteed at verizon. and get $800 off the new galaxy z fold6. only on verizon. >> sandra: federal prosecutors have indicted a cofounder of the smart voting team company. they say he and several others took part in a bribery and money laundering scheme in the philippines. william la jeunesse is live with more. >> sandra, suing fox news and
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the parent company in a separate civil lawsuit, but according to this indictment, president roger alioto martinez and at least two other executives paid at least $1 million in bribes to obtain a contract to provide voting machines to the philippines. they "allegedly funded the bribes to a slush fund that was created by over invoicing the cost per voting machine for the elections" and because the creation of fraudulent contracts and sham loan agreements to justify the transfers. the money was allegedly laundered through multiple bank accounts and then paid to the former chief of the philippine election commission. ron andrea's donato baptiste. according to this indictment, signing contracts totaling $182 million for services in the sale or lease for about 90,000 electronic voting machines and indicted executives over invoiced or inflated the cost
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per voting machine for the may 2016 philippine elections with additional fees of 50 and $10 per unit. then used at least some of that money to pay bribes to baptiste. now the other executives are each charged with one count of conspiracy to violate the foreign corrupt practices act and three counts of international money laundering. so in response, the company posted this on ask. smart maddox has learned that two of our employees have been indicted for alleged violations of the f cpa in the philippines a must ten years ago. regardless of the veracity of the allegations and wall or accused employees remain innocent until proven guilty, we have placed both employees on leaves of absence of effective immediately. no voter fraud has been alleged and smart medic has not been indicted. voters worldwide must be assured that the elections they participate in and are conducted with the utmost integrity and transparency. these are the values that smart medic lives by.
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so if convicted, they face a maximum penalty of five years in prison for violating the foreign corrupt practices act and he and the other dependent space another 20 years for each count of international money laundering. back to you. >> sandra: william la jeunesse for that on us. thank you. we will be right back veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term
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>> john: vice president kamala harris vows that she is going to tackle inflation on day one, even though she has had three and a half years to work on it at the white house. americans continue to struggle to afford basic needs like groceries and gas and the economy remains a top issue for voters going into the election. fox business is madeline all worth a live in wisconsin where she is eating cheese curds and talking to americans at the wisconsin state farm about the state of their livelihoods. madison. >> yes, john, we have been and we've heard three big things people are struggling with, it's groceries, housing, and utilities. we spoke to a family that said they planned for their state fair visit months in advance to budget and save up money for this special day, because families don't want to have fun with their kids even though the cost of everything has gone up, take a listen. what is the biggest thing you
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have seen an increase in mindfulness of? >> groceries, 100%. >> groceries, gas, you name it. >> i do a little side hustle for the fund money. >> how do you think about the money you spend here? >> we figure out what times we are going, where we are going. >> what are the things you are thinking about or concerned about right now? >> my mortgage and energy bill and grocery bill. >> we know that utilities have gone up, is that something you see. >> it's men skyrocketing this past year. >> i usually open my curtains instead of turning on my light sometimes, because of the natural sunlight, and it helps her out.
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>> what's your biggest expense right now? >> definitely runs, and my car bill. >> we know the prices have gone up, but people are still having fun because it's hard not to have fun at a state fair, but we have experienced the prices going up, $4 to $5, john, so you have to refill your water bottle when you get it. i'll send it back to you. spin on how much do you pay for a box of cheese curds? >> it's about seven or $8. and i've had about four. >> john: that will come back to haunt you. >> over two days. >> john: i thought you just said today. madison come have a lot of fun. >> sandra: that means cheese curds and a bottle of water you are at 11 or 12 bucks, that's a lot of money. and we are both a little jealous of the ride. >> said this morning she is doing interviews as people are
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going down the slides. we love it. >> well done. so kamala harris says they won, this is her priority. bring those prices down. and this is what everybody has been saying for quite some time, but to that point, shannon, kamala harris and this administration have been saying they are going to bring those prices down for years, play it out to. >> cost of groceries is going up, the cost of gas has gone up, and this is all happening in the context of two years of a pandemic. this is one of the highest priorities for the president and for me. >> fighting inflation is one of her administration's top economic priorities. >> for many americans, prices are still too high. and we still have work to do to address that. >> and when i am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> so shannon, great to have you in new york, so to that point though, how can she pitch to the american voter today that she is the best solution to bring those prices down when she has been in
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the white house trying to bring those prices down for years now. >> and if it was a top priority and 21, 22, 23, does your record say we have not been able to make progress? they will say that they slow the progress of inflation, does not mean that it is not much higher than people want it to be, just means they slow the rate at which inflation is increasing paired so that still happening. everyone in a swing state polls that we have economy for and no way then number one issue. so there is messaging discipline from the fans you have to talk about the economy every time. it's one thing that ever but he gets. there is a daily check when you bright groceries and to do all of those things. it's a reality check the people have every single day. so focus on that maybe not so much name-calling and those things and i think she will break through with some voters who say my life is sort of painful. >> sandra: food, gas, utility bills, if you're trying to get into a house, those are way up and mortgage rates. so to your points, whether or not we see the trump campaign stay on that message, this was
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former president donald trump yesterday at palm beach that gave that wide-ranging and lengthy news conference. he said people are going to vote with their stomachs. the first time i have heard that. let's listen. >> people are voting with their stomachs, meaning they are going to the grocery store, they are paying 50, 60, 70% more for food than they did a couple of years ago. >> sandra: it is so true, whether it is a picnic or the grocery store, or sending your kid with their lunch to camp or school, everybody is talking about how everything is so darn expensive. to madison's reporting. i mean, five bucks for a bottle of water and $7 per cheese curds at the fair. >> this is what my parents would say, first of all we are not going to eat and you are drinking out of the tap, it will not kill you, it's mine. but when you have chain restaurants in affordable options and people are not coming in, they are starting to see people skipping that or if they show up they are not offering, ordering soft drinks like that, kids are having
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tap water. >> sandra: we know people are concerned about it, you have a big "fox news sunday" coming up, who do you have? >> tom cotton and jason crow, to talk about foreign policy and also the 2024 campaign and we have two economists, we will do a panel to break down all of these numbers and what they actually mean they actually mean to your real life and who has a better plan to fix it. >> sandra: i love it, i will be watching. okay, now this. >> is the head? is there a ladder? is there a ladder, paul. >> get them out of here! spew a new dramatic body cam video shows the intense moments before and after the attempted assassination of former president trump. nicole parker, former fbi special agent with the key takeaways on that coming up. stay with us. you love your bike. we do, too . that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike.
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the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. beth wants to get back to eating the food she loves. so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget. at clearchoice we specialize in permanent teeth replacement. offering a range of solutions to fit your budget so you don't have to wait any longer. finance your new smile for as low as $304 a month per arch for qualified patients. smiles start here. schedule a free consultation and 3d scan with clearchoice today.
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subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live.
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[cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important.
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we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] >> sandra: a live look at bozeman, montana, where donald trump is set to hold a


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