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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] >> sandra: a live look at bozeman, montana, where donald trump is set to hold a
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rally tonight, people are already gathering and it's only 12:00, he is looking to tip the scales in a race that could determine whether republicans take back the senate. that rally is said to start eight hours from now. but as i mentioned, already drawing the crowd, welcome back, everybody, i am sandra smith in new york, hi, john. >> i'm john roberts in washington, this is "america reports." the former president on the campaign trail after the marathon news conference where he took three dozen questions for the benefit of an hour. meanwhile vice president harris will rally in battleground arizona later on today with tim walz as she pled to flight inflation on day one trend, despite pledging to do that, three and half years ago. as part of the biden/harris administration. >> sandra: we will see what charlie gasparino has to say about that and moments, hillary vaughn on deck. so first let's start with bill melugin live and bozeman where the crowds are growing, bill.
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>> sandra, good afternoon to you. they certainly are, this is going to be former president trump's first visit to montana during the election cycle and some may wonder why is he coming out here? it's not really battleground state. but it is a battleground for the senate. there is a crucial race taking place that could determine which party controls the senate moving forward and trump feels that it's a big opportunity for republicans paired we will talk about that race. take a look, this is what it is speaking, incumbent jon tester who has been in office since 2007 and is not endorsing kamala harris, he is going up against republican challenger tim she he excuse me, he is a navy seal, this race expected to be very tight, they have been attacking each other without nonstop and have been hearing them on the radio, and said yesterday, races like this one or why he is deciding to come out to west, take a listen. >> going off to help certain senators get elected. and when i go out to montana or
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i'm going to go to different places to help people, i'm going because i want to help senators and congressmen get elected. congressmen and women get elected. >> and he mentioned it off the top, trump supporter is already lining up a bright and early even though the rally is not starting until later tonight, we talked to handfuls of them about the decision to come out here and throw the weight behind the race in hopes that they could flip the senate seat ride, take a listen. >> montana is the best state in the nation, all of these people once donald trump and we will get rid of tester and get the navy seals in there, the seals, bring in the seals. >> we have about 1.2 million people in montana and very few people, so every vote counts even more so and i think that by him coming here, it sends a message that he is supporting the conservative movement. >> it is a battleground state. it's a battleground state for the senate and taking control of the senate is extremely
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important. and a vital key to that. and so, president trump coming out here to support his candidacy i think is the right thing to do. >> back out here live, take a look at the crowd developing, the rally does not start until 11:00 p.m. eastern tonight, but already you have thousands of people lining up here, eight hours ahead of time, somewhere out this morning 10-12 hours this morning, and what we see with the israelis a lot of excitement and passion, and people expected to come up and completely fill up the venue tonight, we are told that there will be an overflow area where people who can't get inside will be able to watch it on the big screen, guys. we will send it back to you. >> sandra: very exciting, bill melugin out there for us. >> john: candidates pledging to take on inflation and voters hoping that someone will present a way to fight high prices. >> inflation is hurting everyone and it's not what we need in this country.
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we need someone that's going to bring us back to what we were before. >> as you can see every day looking at a credit report and people have no money left, but credit cards are affecting interest rates and how mortgage rates are being turned around. >> it's definitely nerve-racking, i am 30 years old, so i feel like i am in an age group where it definitely makes a difference how the economy is going. you know, looking in the housing market, just buying groceries, everything has kind of gone crazy. >> jspin on fox business' hillary vaughn at the white house, looking at the past comments on tackling inflation for the past 1,297 days. is there a different plan now then biden and she did to produce inflation in the last three and a half years? >> john, we really don't know if there is a new plan to fix inflation or if her plan is to
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just keep doing what she and president biden have been doing for the past three and half years in the white house, but her pledge to bring prices down isn't actually new. it's been at the top of her to-do list every year that she has been in the white house. >> it's rough, groceries, the cost of groceries has gone up, the cost of gas has gone up. it's one of the highest priority is for the president and me. >> fighting inflation is one of our administration's top economic priorities. >> for many americans, prices are still too high. and we still have work to do to address that. speak with the state of the economy was a big vulnerability for the campaign and it could be for harris is too sin she has endorsed and adopted by dynamics as her own, how many former president trump says americans are suffering because of it. and he got people dying financially because they can't buy food and groceries or do anything. and they are living horribly in
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our country right now. >> people are voting with their stomachs, meaning they are going to the grocery store, they are paying 50, 60, 70% more for food than they did a couple of years ago. >> but the honeymoon. max might be ending, democrats warning harris to get her economic messaging streets, telling the whole debt at the moment she's getting a free pass when it comes to the economy and other top policy issues, but they need to be ready to have a solid economic argument at their fingertips. but president biden has at the beach. we don't have a white house briefing today and we don't have any formal press conference coming down the pike for harris that we know of at this point, so there is really no one for us to ask what the economic plan is and if it is any different than what she has been doing in the white house for the past three and half years, john? >> and r8, hillary, thank you. sandra. >> john, a fox news alert and here onward out of brazil of a
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commercial aircraft plunging into the ground, carrying 62 passengers, was a passenger plane and it crashed in sao paulo, and it is unclear exactly at this moment, althouh we are learning more right now, i can tell you it's 62 people on board and was a fiery racket, a residential area of sao paulo, and it appears it was 58 passengers, four crew members, we have seen the video, we don't have that for you yet, it appears that the plane literally falls out of the sky. there is no word or statement on what's called the accident yet, but they confirmed that it did fall in that area. they are effort in more details right now, the firefighter corps was dispatched and is still dispatching teams to the crash site. but we are told right now, 62 people on board that plane when it crashed to the ground in a fiery wreck. we are likely going to have more
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video and more details on this as we have that. we will bring that to you out of brazil. all right, fox business senior correspondent charlie gasparino is joining us right now and you have a new book out, the inside story that radicalization of corporate america -- >> can we show it? just show the book. there we go. and just leave that up there. >> just leave that up there while we talk. >> sandra: my team was working on some breaking news. >> can we leave that up there while we talk? >> sandra: always such a pleasure you are. this is an administration that has been tasked with bringing inflation down. kemal hairston for that administration, said that it would be my priority day one. why should voters believe that she is the one to bring it down when she has been in the white house? >> i address this in the book. inflation is a big part of corporate wokeness. because you tell manufacturers the drillers of oil not to drill for the oil, it was handed down
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from the biden administration which basically pushed esg, and environmental at large, she was behind it, she actually went out there and spoke about wokeness being great. it's also about spending. if you think about it, the biden adminstration comes into office, january 2021, the economy is improving, we have a vaccine and it works okay. covid, everything is opening up, what do they do? they start spending trillions and trillions of dollars. that's what caused the inflation. you know, they talk about supply chain issues and one of the reasons why we had supply chain issues is because they spent so much money and people were loaded with cash, you have low interest rates and people started buying stuff like crazy when they started working again. this is an administration and at the top of it, one other thing and i suggest every voter who is on the fence and one during the bandwidth of kamala harris listen to her comments on inflation. she never offers a solution. she just repeats what inflation
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is in vegas third grade level reading comprehension way. it is really scary that she could -- she basically is going to be in charge of the economy if you listen to what she says. one other thing i would say, generally go to a website, and you see all sorts of stuff about policy. here's how it will get the economy going. >> sandra: there is nothing on kamala >> a lot of buttons about how to give donations. >> sandra: what you mean from what you understand? >> i just want to make sure i did not miss something. >> sandra: i have thoroughly looked myself, because i was keenly interested. >> you are in the page and you are still alive? >> sandra: there's not much. you are a great reporter and you can read. >> you are still alive. >> sandra: like many campaign websites as it asks for money, but if you want to go through a dive. i won't say a deep dive coming you just want to know what her plan is to bring on those high prices it's not there. >> aside from the border, with
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bringing down inflation, think about that. it was just mentioned, the vice president was tasked with bringing down inflation and is really no idea how it was caused. every time she has asked, she talks around the subject. >> sandra: there is not an acknowledgment that massive federal government spending is what gets us here. this is the dnc chairman speaking on it, but not offering any solutions. this is the dnc chairman jamie harrison on the obvious. listen. >> we see that inflation is coming down and the markets have stabilized this week, but when you look at the contrast between where we were four years ago, there is no -- there is no contrast. other than we are on the upsurge and the american economy is the envy of the entire world. every country wishes their economy looked like ours and had the bright future that ours has and that's because of the policy as of the biden/harris
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administration. >> sandra: it's not prices. the rate of inflation slowed from the highs it reached at the administration. the comparison to four years ago is a bit absurd considering inflation was at 1.4%. when he took office. >> here's what i would say, he does not have an enviable task trying to spin that. the problem that the biden administration has or that kamala harris has is when she has to explain her position on inflation and how to deal with it and she has to do it at some point. there's too much on people's minds. you can't just keep hiding behind i am giving a press conference in three weeks. it's on the schedule stuff, this is a pressing pocketbook matter and if she does not address it, i mean, you have to think at some point even the most in the bag mainstream media reporters have to say, where the hill is she? >> sandra: they have to address spending. it's tough, but you have to acknowledge that's what got us
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here. >> sandra: congratulations. >> by the way, go woke, go broke. >> sandra: we have the message appeared always good to have you. so better off financially if trump wins, the cnbc polling that the president referenced when he was speaking yesterday, 40% say trump, 21% say harris, no change on how they see the 35%. so he is still winning when it is about voters carrying about the economy and who can fix it. >> john: he leads her by 12 points when it comes to the economy. so there's no question he has the edge they are. just a quick update, we are working to get some video and adjusted this flight out of sao paulo, brazil, that went down. an atr 72 you might remember that from a couple that went down and snowstorms here in the united states many, many years ago. the video shows the plane and a nose dive, the pilot then seems to try to recover on poles the
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plane level. then it goes into a flat spin and crushes to the ground. in terms of plane crashes there was a plume of smoke and fire. so we don't know if there were any survivors, but at flat spin decelerating the plane as it was coming down. so we don't know if that would increase the chance for survivors are not and we will try to get more information, but we will get that video over to you as soon as possible. now this. >> i [bleep] told them they needed to post the [bleep] guys over here. i told him that the [bleep] secret service. i told them [bleep] that tue tuesday. i told them to a post [bleep] guys over here. >> sandra: wow, some brand-new body cam video now as further insight into the attempted assassination of former president donald trump cared what it showed minutes before the shooter open fire plus this. >> madame vice president.
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>> john: vice president harris taking reporters questions for the first time in two weeks and give them about 70 seconds of her time which is shorter than this next commercial break. charlie hurt reacts at the end of that coming right up. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah where ya headed? susan: where am i headed? am i just gonna take what the markets gives me? no. i can do some research. ya know, that's backed by j.p. morgan's leading strategists like us. when you want to invest with more confidence... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if
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>> sandra: fox news alert to brazil, and these are authorities scrambling as a plane carrying 62 in a fiery wreck in area of sao paulo and brazil, not immediately clear to us at this hour how many people were killed, but it was a fiery crash and for those who have seen the video which we are going to have for you shortly,
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john, it basically looks like a plane falling out of the sky. the airline is confirmed in a statement that to the plane was heading for sao paulo's international airport carrying 58 passengers, four crew members on board and the statement has not detailed what caused this accident, but this is a live look as they are still on the scene and we are still told that there is a fiery crash site that is happening right now. we will have more pictures shortly. >> john: with a limited amount of piloting i ever did many years ago, looks like the plane stalled and waned over then went to nose down and the pilot brought it into a flat spin, but it hit the ground pretty fast and there was a large explosion afterwards. i've seen some video online of eight on the ground. broke into pieces and caught fire, the pock pit is relatively intact, there is a couple of pieces in the passenger cabin where you can see the side and the windows, i would imagine the
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impact that would cause it to break into so many pieces was probably not survivable, but you never know, sometimes they are miracles. >> and to the president stopped and addressed a cloud and said to observe a moment of silence as he was observing the details of this. they are in brazil showing a large area fire and smoke coming out of an apparent plane fuselage, and we are told that the area where it comes down and crashes was very residential, full of houses paired so while there was 62 people on board, you have to imagine that there were potentially -- we would fear that there were many others below that plane as it came down in that neighborhood. >> john: one of the videos i've seen, and lives in the area, the plane is in their front yard, but we don't know whether or not it landed on other structures as well and whether or not people were in those structures at the time.
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but again, i don't know if something like that would be survivable, but we have heard miracles, maybe it's possible. we don't know. >> sandra: crossing the wires right now, and no survivors in the brazil plane crash that crossing just now. we will likely get more details and that video for you as we learn more. john, we will bring that to our viewers. all right now, still no word on a former interview with kamala harris, actually taking place and has yet to hold one, becoming the presumptive democrat nominee. and i was nearly three weeks ago, senior correspondent peter doocy is live and has more for us, here is a promise to schedule one soon, right? >> soonish, sandra, it could be another three more weeks according to the vice president herself. >> and are going to sit down for your first interview? >> i have talked to my team and i want to get an interview at that time.
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>> that first q&a since becoming presumptive nominee only lasted about one minute, donald trump is saying he deserves a bonus points for going about 60 times that long with yesterday's one hour-long presser. she can't do an interview, she's barely competent and she can't do an interview. what are we doing right now? she is not doing a news conference, you want to know why? because she can't do a news conference bridge he does not know how, she is not smart enough to do a news conference and i'm sorry, we need smart people to lead this country. >> harris has been vice president for more than three years, but the campaign think she needs to be reintroduced to the electorate. >> she grew up in a middle-class home, she was the daughter of a welcoming mom, and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle class. >> that's how the team would rather reintroduce her to the american public with slickly
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produced scripted advertisements as opposed to anything unscripted or off-the-cuff, sandra. >> sandra: peter doocy live at the white house for us, we will see. thanks, peter. john. >> john: let's bring an opinion editor and fox news contributor, so kamala harris to give after former president trump dated at 60 minutes of a question and answer, 70 seconds of her time to the media to answer a couple of questions, here is part of what she said. listen here. >> glad that he has finally agreed to a debate, looking forward to it and hope he shows up. >> are you open to more debates? >> i am happy to have that conversation about an initial debate after september 10th. for sure. talking to my team and i want to give us interviews before the end of the month. >> john: waiting close to three weeks to give reporters a little tiny bit of her time, as peter doocy pointed out next time she does dumpling like that might be another three weeks from now. >> exactly, and you have to give
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her props, for her to try to flip this around and suggest that it's donald trump who is hiding from public engagement by saying that she is glad he has finally agreed to do a debate. of course he recommended that they do three debates during his press conference yesterday, but the real problem for kamala harris right now is the fact that we have seen one of them, she is showing these ads, showing revealing and telling her people, on the supporters that she has made dramatic pivots on key issues whether it's something like more that came out earlier today, about the border. taking a tough stance on the border. and you can't do that through ads, and you have to explain it to people. the only way you explain it to people is by engaging with the press and answering questions about it. and so she wants to do this big 184 her on all of these important issues to people and she's going to have to explain
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it. this is not explaining it right here. spin on to your point, charlie, there is a very article in the new yorker about places, talking about the vagueness of her campaign and the fact that she is not answering any questions. it says she is running in a general election without having gone through a primary where all of her vague positions would've been interrogated by the press and the candidates running against her. then goes on to say that harris is campaign website, meanwhile does not even have a policy section or an articulation of beliefs. there is just a button to donate some birch and yard signs and a biography that describes the daughter of parents who brought her to civil rights marches in a stroller. i mean, if you don't a policy on your website, how can anybody find out anything about where you actually stand. >> it's incredible. in a local gas perino just said, he was kind of ensure that -- he figured maybe he had made a
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mistake and looked in the wrong place or just did not find him. because it's so unbelievable. if you go on the website, it's not on there. there are no issues. she is not talking about them. and an idea, plus we are an arched political times, arched partisan times. where there are people on different teams and they are not listening to reason the way that they should, but that is still no excuse for her to not make the effort to lay out her agenda and it's an insult not only to people who don't necessarily support her, but it's an insult to the people who do support her that she is just taking their votes for granted and she does not even have to show them the courtesy of laying out the platform so that they can sign on to it or maybe even still support her or be critical of things. spin on the fact that she is running away from the past position quickly, you would think there would be some articulation of policy published somewhere or that she would answer questions about why she
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changed her mind in these things. we will see if she does that and maybe three weeks ahead. good to talk to you, thanks, charlie. sandra. >> i know, i hear you. i know, yeah. >> we will find it. >> sandra: that some of the new officer body cam footage from donald trump's pennsylvania rally appeared what was caught on tape moments before he took that stage? former fbi special agent nicole parker is here. at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep
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it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important.
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the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them.
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how do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink?
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my secret lumineux whitening strips. i mean, that is white. and because there's no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often. and you can get this at walmart or target. >> sandra: fox news alert, monitoring the situation out of brazil sao paulo, was 62 people on board and a fiery wreck in a residential area according to the airline, not immediately clear, but there are reports that no one has survived. the airline is confirming in a statement that the plane was heading for sao paulo's international airport and crash
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with 58 passengers and four crew members on board, there is no statement yet on what caused this accident, this is new video in the aftermath of this crash. but we are per the latest confirming that firefighters say that the plane fell in this residential area, firefighter core was dispatched to the crash site, the local tv networks there are saying that the area is still on fire. coming out of an apparent plain fuselage. this is the residential area, but the plane has gone down. their concerns obviously about more injuries or possibly other deaths. we are waiting on more details as we get this new video, we will turn this for you. john. >> john: all right, sandra. what a shame there. dramatic new video painting a chaotic scene before and after the assassination attempt on former president trump. the footage raising more questions about the communications breakdown between local police and the secret service.
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alexis mack adams live from our new york city newsroom. you have been following this since july the 13th as new video really seems to paint a picture where local police had told the secret service what was necessary, and their calls went unheeded. >> it's interesting to hear that local officers saying i told someone to put this on the rooftop and asked if they know there were no secret service agents up there just the gunman. we want to show you some new footage even though it was released yesterday coming through it and found a new clip that shows a person up on that rooftop at six oh 8:00 p.m. the officer is like 300 yards back from where the person is on the rooftop, you can see that red circle, that is a person up there, would've been around the exact same time the investigator said thomas kirks was up there, but we did not even see this yesterday because it's far out and i don't even know if this officer knew that it was on his body camera, because it would have been up here on his chest, so very interesting as this all
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continues to play out. also show you what's on your screen right now is the moments happening right after the shooting. you can hear the cops talking about what went horribly wrong. one officer saying he told the secret service, secure that r roof. >> i would say that this is [bleep]. >> i'm sorry. >> somebody bleeped up. why are we not on the roof? >> why weren't we? i [bleep] told them they needed a post [bleep] guys over here. i told them get on the [bleep] roof. i told the secret service that on tuesday. i told them to post [bleep] guys over here. what? no. we are inside. >> bravo one. >> [bleep]. i'm sorry, i told him to have guys over here. >> unreal. 30 seconds before the gunmen opened fire, one officer had a chance to stop this entire
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thing, the shooter stop that shooter, the local officer boosted up by another cop as they try to get up on the rooftop, that's when he says he saw the armed 20-year-old up there. drop down, than the gunmen started shooting. the officer says the gunman was laying down on his stomach armed with an ai. >> he is laying down, and it's the next building over, right after the cab. he has long hair. >> we need a ladder. >> he has ar. >> they have a hard time getting up there, but the gunmen didn't. you can hear the officer discussing how they spotted the shooter earlier in the days saying he was creeping people out. but they lost track of them. so now learning more about how much training this gunmen had according to new records we got from senator chuck grassley's office this afternoon thomas kirks visited a local gun range 50 times in the past year including another time once --
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one day before the attempted assassination. overall he spent 80% of his time at the range practicing his rifle shooting, john. >> john: shows you how many times in the past when on that there was not somebody there to trying to take a shot at the president. there will be a reckoning. alexis, thank you so much for the latest report. sandra. >> sandra: let's bring in special agent and fox news contributor nicole parker. i'm sure we will look at that video, all of us do in a different way. how did you see it and what does it tell you? >> the more evidence that comes out, the more egregious these failures are and as a former fbi agent i look at this and it's disgusting, frankly. to that local officer warned the secret service and the tuesday meeting. it's on the body cam footage with the audio and he says i told someone to put them up on the roof. i would like to understand who specifically the secret service did they tell this to?
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was that the lead flight agent and did they not at heed the advice of the locals? as a federal officer you need to listen to the recommendations and heed the local's recommendations. they know the community and the sites best and what they are talking about. i had to say this, there are several federal agents that are quite arrogant, and they almost think that they are better sometimes than the locals. i would not say that for all of them, because i always heeded the locals. but this was a massive communication breakdown. they said you need to cover this, and who was the lead flight agent out of the pittsburgh field office and rode the operations plan, who signed off on that plan, and their chain of command, those are the people that are answering some questions and some accountability. >> sandra: this is of the officers screaming, rightly so, that he had told the secret service about that building. watch. >> i [bleep] told them they need to post [bleep] guys over here. i told them the [bleep] secret service. i told them that [bleep] tuesday. i told them to post [bleep] guys over here.
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what? no. we are inside. >> alpha-1, bravo one. >> i told them to post [bleep] guys over here. >> just brutal if that was the case. and should not been missed by the first place by the secret service is the answer. this is how ronald rowe answered last weekend here. nicole, listen. >> it even just a firms for me that this was a failure. we should have had better protection for the protect d. we should've had better coverage on that roof line. we should have had at least some other set of eyes for the secret service point of view covering them. that building was very close to that outer perimeter. and we should've had more of a presence. >> sandra: leasing to americans having no faith in the secret service, and they see the pole, their extreme layer is very confident that the secret service can protect presidential candidates.
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while 72% say that the secret service is at least moderately responsible for this assassination attempt, nicole, final thoughts. >> final thought again, laziness, incompetence, gross negligence by anyone in position of authority when you are being tasked to protect someone as unacceptable in law enforcement come across people's lives and unfortunately there is a civilian now dead, thankfully president trump's life was spared, but the failures keep coming out more and more and this cannot happen ever again. >> sandra: nicole, always good having on, thank you for joining us on that. spill me so that, now body cam reveals california deputies narrowly escaping growing wildfire, they got boxed in by the flames all around. they will join us to share how they manage to get out with their lives.
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>> john: more on the plane crash in brazil, north northwest sao paulo which is the capital of brazil, you see the location right there, the plane was coming in for a landing in sao paulo international airport, nate foy has the latest for us. nate. >> the early indications are certainly not good with brazil's president reportedly saying that it appears right now that there are no survivors at this point. he did not elaborate beyond that. you see 62 people on board. the airline is confirming that vote to past, and 58 passengers as well as for crewmembers, and you see from this video, first responders, firefighters on scene right now, local media reporting images showing the crash and the remnants of the plane on fire. there are reports that this as you can see on your screen
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landed in a residential area i made several homes hit. one of the key questions right now knowing that it's very unlikely that there are any survivors on board is anybody who is on the ground injured at this point or anybody whose home was hit, what exactly additional damage is there as we are learning new information by the moment. the airline just posted a statement on x that translates at least part of it that there is no confirmation on how the accident occurred or the current situation of the people on board. again, it does not appear that there are any survivors. the airline not willing to say that at this point. but many people wondering what exactly caused this crash. you see the location right here, a city in sao paulo, going to the international airport. the flight was with 62 passengers on board. some videos online. you see the plane spinning as
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it's out of control, falling to the ground. again, in a residential area. so as first responders are there, we turn our attention to any collateral damage from the people in that residential area as the plane went down. we will dig for more information and bring it to you as we get it, john. >> john: you will hear that thiolent times in the flight are take off and preparing to land and landing. looking at the video, which we hope to get you very soon, the plane seems to have stalled. it goes into a nose down attitude, and the pilot looks like he is trying to recover and pulls it up as it goes into a flat spin and recovering from a flat spin is very, very difficult, particularly in a turboprop aircraft where you don't have a lot of thrust, but we don't know what's could have led to the plane potentially stalling, was it pilot error, something with the instruments? was there sudden downdraft of wind?
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or when share that went on? i've seen some videos on the ground showing at least one body lying on the ground. it did fall right into the middle of a residential neighborhood. the plane is in pieces. the entire bottom is crushed, the fact that there is no survivors is not surprising, but what we don't know is how many people on the ground may have perished as a result of the plane coming down on top of them. >> that is absolutely right, john, and right now of course the priority is helping anyone who needs it at this time. we see video of the emergency response rate here. so as the minutes tick by here, hopefully we will get more information as the authorities will transition into the information sharing mode, right now they are still trying to save anyone who possibly can be saved, but there is just a lot of questions unanswered and you mention the video showing the plane sort of in a tailspin just falling towards the ground. and right now the airline is not
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sharing any information or are saying right now that they don't have any information about what exactly happened leading to this crash, but we do know the result of it tragically right now, john, was 62 people on board, 58 passengers, four crewmembers and according to the president of brazil, all perished in this horrible, horrible accident. >> sandra: the airline in thement confirming this to be the case has not said anything about what may have caused this, john, you and i were chatting about this earlier as we were initially reporting end and we are turning that video i will have that shortly here about eight seconds long and we will warn you, it is chilling to see how this plane went down. i'm looking at the weather, 61 degrees and sunny, does not look like there is any inclement weather, but it does look overcast i would say in the video once we do see that, you will see that as well, but just horrifying. into happen in the middle of the day, looking at that.
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>> john: and you want or want, if it had lost power, it would be able to glide for a fair distance, but somehow it just went into a nose down attitude and then the pilot cannot recover from it. we'll take a quick break and wer will be back after this. the secret is the powerful ingredient, apoaequorin, originally discovered in jellyfish and found only in prevagen. in a clinical study, prevagen was shown to improve memory in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen. prevagen. in stores everywhere without a prescription.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> all right so the latest on the plane crash in brazil. we want to warn you the video we've ingested and are about to show may be disturbing because it shows a plane crash. but something happened to this flight as it was coming in for a landing at são paulo airport. appeared to stall and went into a flat spin and crashes in a richard angell neighbourhood. it almost looked like a leaf falling off a tree as it came down. >> horrifying video. just the worse you can imagine. 58 people on board. 62 people on board. 50 passengers 4 crewmembers. right now the president of brazil says there's no reason to believe anybody survived this. we've seen pictures of the fiery crash site and there's no statement yet on what may have caused this accident. as you can see a pretty clear day. no indications bad weather and but just awful to see this happened right in the middle of
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the day. >> you might remember back in 1994 this is a tear 72 aircraft. back in 1994 in the united states in a chair 72 crashed when there was an accumulation of ice and leading edge of the wing. atr 72 back then was using inflatable da sing system could not cope with the accumulation. was icing a problem? twinterton são paulo flying at 16,000 feet. >> went down the middle of residential neighbourhoods from sure there's a lot we are about to learn in the coming minutes and hours. good to be with you today. another busy day and will see you back here soon. good to be with you. i'm sandra smith. >> you and i will be off nextho week final week of the summer but we hope you have a good weekend and will see you again soon. i'm john roberts ower rate
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