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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> i'm like your favorite band creed. [laughter] took each other higher and higher. >> gillian: also breaking tonight we are learning now that former president trump's private 757 that he was flying on route to try to get to bozeman for a campaign event today had mechanical issues. it was sidelined. is he getting on another plane to try and get to the event as soon as possible. we will track that for you all evening. coming up monday, "special report" will head back to the campaign trail. former president trump has an interview with elon musk. can you also join shannon bream for "fox news sunday." got a great panel there. thanks so much for joining us. i'm gillian turner in washington. the edge gram angle is new mexico. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thank you as always for spending
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time with us. all right, call off the search. biden has finally reappeared. >> i mean, i don't know how you do that. >> all right. what am i doing now? >> and the 2024 ad wars are underway and we will rate them all. >> are you better off than you were four years ago? >> laura: plus, why was tulsi gabbard put on a terror watch list? [laughter] >> laura: she is here with reaction. but, first, food business and say that you launched a new vegan patty with signature seasoning. and then let's say after repeated product testing, it's clear that even vegan customers are saying it tastes bad. >> designer as well. is anyone else hot? >> it is warm. >> meghan, are you okay? >> and then instead of abandoning the product the customers don't like, you simply launch a new ad campaign.
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now, while this is where we are with the democratic ticket, for years, polls have shown that americans sorro sorrow soured oe products they were offering meaning results of the biden-harris policies yet, no matter what, the party refuses to change. instead, they keep serving up the same terrible policies only with a new pitch woman and new branding. we have gone from dark brandon to joyful kamala. >> understand in this fight, as tim walz likes to point out, we are joyful warriors. [cheers] joyful warriors. >> laura: oh, that's nice on a greeting card, words that you might use anniversary toast. why should americans feel joyful or good? it's the products, again, the results of their policies are stomach churning. >> the mcchicken sandwich is like $3 now or something. it used to be a dollar. i remember that before you had a dollar men a lot of things you
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could get quickly. now it's like at least 3 to $5. >> a key indication of the strength of the economy often comes in the tiniest of with his whispers. today that's the foot decline in mcdonald's. >> beef for example have continued to rise substantially. and that as well as have labor costs with minimum wage increases. >> but at least kamala and tim are having fun. ♪ [cheers] [cheers] >> laura: for three and a half years, the democrats have cruely ignored the strains that these policies have put on middle class americans. as committed leftists their policies are nonnegotiable. but now that he is off the ticket, everyone should see that biden, he wasn't traditional president. he was a figure head.
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a pitch man and a bad one for a lousy product. with biden, the pitch was very gloomy. it was doom and gloom. warnings about how trump will be a dictator. it will be the end of democracy. but, with harris and walz, it's all vibes. it's all good. but no substance. it's chats with influencers. and funny memes. celebs on zoom. >> trump is weird. vance is creepy, and both of them together are a couple of slap nuts, spreading their brand of stupidity, racism, and misogyny across the land. >> laura: trying to make people feel good about hating trump or people feel good about being poorer. feel joyful that they're going to take away your gas powered car or maybe be inspired by the migrant's grit. don't worry, be sappy. our mvp that's what i call madam vice president and coach who are bringing hope and joy to this campaign. people are happy.
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they are dancing. they are so much joy. >> laura: in a way kamala and tim are i understand could of presenting themselves like your friendly co-host on local morning tv. you wouldn't want financial advice from the local morning tv hosts. they are great people. but they give wonderful barbecuing and leash time tips. >> can i tell you something i never made -- really good at critiquing them great. this is going to be great for me. >> right on them. oh that's a nice one. >> laura: even the atlantic which used to pride itself as being intellectually serious journal is urging leaders to vote for them because they like food. tim walz loves food. he loves corn dogs and the all you can drink milk booth at the minnesota state fair. and i'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, this dunking cinnamon rolls in chilly.
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he gets excited about soda. he posts pictures of his sandwiches. americans should take comfort, even as they see their own food bills, i guess what are they up 30 to 40%? they should take comfort in knowing that tim walz still eats with abandon. and then the searing analysis of kamala. we're witnessing what might be the most food centric presidential campaign in american history. kamala harris is, by all accounts an exceptional enthusiastic home cook. and has made cooking part of her political brand. surely an intentional calculation. well, they are right about the last part. now, it would surprise the atlantic that donald trump, who owns resorts around the world, actually also knows something about food and hospitality but forget that. and there's apparently no level of humiliation, the media won't subject themselves to and no amount of graph lin groove lings
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too much to them in order to do what they did for joe biden. cover for their bad product focused on being a joyful warrior. different focus and tone. this feels like a very different democratic campaign. >> general vibe and feeling of freedom and happiness and joyfulness. >> there is something incredibly joyful about their barn storming the country from week. there were moments i went back and listened to the tape because you could hear him audibly giggling tee he he. >> laura: she said tee he he. a new pitch man and pitch woman cannot and will not make a bad product more popular. might get them a little attention for a while. eventually word gets around that the product is still the same. and the product stinks. >> i personally feel like the economy is sucking right now. less pay, more expensives.
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bills going up. rent is going up. so it's pretty bad. >> i work three jobs just to break even every month and i have a master's degree from columbia. the economy is pretty rough. >> current government has absolutely ruined everything, can't afford life. >> laura: what's really being repackaged and rebranded here are four more years of decline. the economy would nose dive, foreign policy will flounder and more illegals will flood. in the only thing that will change in a harris administration would be that we have a president who is slightly more annoying than joe biden. joining us now sean duffy, co-host of fbn the bottom line and charlie hurt, opinion editor of "the washington times," both are fox news contributors. sean, to read these pieces written by once -- one serious journal, whether you agree with them or not, liberal or conservative, that they're good cooks and they like the culinary
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experience? what's the recipe for america here? >> but they are doing their job, right? they're democrat activists and trying to sell a message to the american people. i have got to tell you i saw the rally in eau claire, wisconsin, that was real. people are coming out because you have a candidate had put sentences together that form paragraphs from a message that joe biden couldn't do. and, again, can you buy joy for awhile. can you buy excitement of a new candidate for a little while. but, to your point, laura, at one point the american voter is going to come and go. what are you going to do to make my life better. praising her up 20% on average. food prices up 30 if not more%. what are you going to do to face the problems i face. instead of having platitudes talk about policy and what you are going to do to fix. this she hasn't done an interview in the three weeks since she has been in this race. she says she will do an interview three weeks from now. six weeks of a presidential candidate and not one interview? that's because she can't give an interview. she can't put coherent, cogent sentences together when asked by real journalists.
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>> i think they went to that -- didn't they go to the wisconsin rally because that grammy award winner bon nifer,. >> sean: they are not that popular. they are really not that good, laura. >> laura: that kind of got them going there. i want to watch this exchange, charlie that, canal la recently had. and wait until you hear how the press describes it. >> [laughter] >> laura: talking about taco recipes and so forth. the atlantic strikes it as follows. she answered with the kind of exsoshed expression that she might otherwise display when explaining foreign policy on the debate stage. so car nitas are the same as foreign policy.
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>> i have never heard her intelligently describe anything about foreign policy. she always sounds like not the third graj teacher but the 3rd grader trying to explain how the map works. and it's all very strange. you know, i think it's interesting this little boom that we have had about listening to the harris campaign talk about how weird other people are. i think that's a form of projection on their part. they are trying to basically cover up for the fact that the past three or four years we vin diewrd the weirdest, the weirdest presidents of our lifetime. whether it's all the weirdness of joe biden and his family or the weirdness of kamala harris and having to hire child actors to do weird, these weird commercials with her. and the result is that people don't trust a candidate who is not only this weird, but also this fake. and they are trying to basically fake their way through all of
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it. and the reason is because their policies, as you point out, are so disastrous for the american people, there is not a single policy solution that they have that they offer that anybody wants in their lives. this is their problem. and so, they do all this strange campaigning, and as sean points out the media runs with it because that's their only hope of winning an election. >> laura: i'm actually quite heartened by these polls that have come out lately because given the fact that the most powerful media apparatus in the entire history of politics is mobilizing for these two individuals, kamala harris and tim walz. and they are about a little bit better than biden was before the debate, not much. >> right. >> laura: i think that's incredible. i think that's incredible sign if trump sticks to the economy, i think this opens up big time
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after the democrat convention. >> the economy, the border, foreign policy. those are all issues that trump wins. i think the testament to x or what known as twitter. share you couldn't do in 2020. the information is getting out. the lie doesn't work as well when we can all find the truth in a different platform which is what is happening in this campaign. again, can you run on, you know, cooking lessons and platitudes but, again, the american people want hard solutions to fix the problems that they face face in their lice. >> laura: same bad problem. new pitch woman. sean and charlie. great to see you. coming up, why is tulsi gabbard -- why has she been put on a terror watch list when i first read about it we will ask her, next. ♪
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i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again.
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>> laura: did anyone actually vet tim walz or was kamala just going on vibes? well, a newly unearthed report about the 2020 minneapolis riots, reveal how grossly walz mismanaged the whole situation there including making sure the national guard had dei training. minnesota g.o.p. lawmakers discovered that walz' staff asked about those very important topics as minneapolis was about to burn to the ground.
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diversity and inclusion training, experienced working with diverse communities, what communities will they be coming from? will they have weapons in do they have deescalation training? will they be in regular uniform or wearing riot gear? yeah. those were the important questions at the moment. joining us now stacy washington, host of stacy on the right on sirius xm patriot radio. stacey, great to see back on the angle. now, it took three days of looting, and destruction for the national guard to actually be on the ground but that's what walls' team was worried about, the dei component being satisfied? >> laura, i just can't believe the expose, the actual picture of the events on the ground and in his administration. that's revealed in this report called the reveal view of lawlessness in responds to the 2020 riots. this was a man tanked with the safety of these communities, these cities, for the entire
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state. and his response was to ask silly questions about what they would be wearing and whether or not they were taught to deal with diverse communities. none of those things would have helped with the righting and ri. left out opportunities to utilize resources like the air national guard to put up drones where the reu rioters were. air sparpt helicopters. there were some things focused on zero to do with law enforcement or keeping people safe. he really failed here. >> laura: well, the report, stacy, also confirms that instead of sending out straight troopers when the rioters came to the capital, walls office sent out a department of public safety try ball liaison because they needed to address the community and cultural concerns of the rioters. this actually seems like a babylon bee article. this can't actually be i'm reading it thinking i'm being punched here. this can't be actually real.
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this is why this whole situation just spun out of control. there was no law enforcement. no significant enough law enforcement response bllt law enforcement did come. at that point they were worried stepping in the wrong direction, doing the wrong thing, saying the wrong thing. everyone is on tender hooks and people lost tens of millions of dollars on businesses and lives were lost. >> people lived there lost their businesses ensociety of punk. ashton kutcher would have stepped out. he was so ill-equipped and unprepared for this. he really was concerned about what they looked like. what they talked. form of communication way they would appear to the rioters much more than stopping the violence. they lost significant government owned property and private businesses that evening. it went on for three days.
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he had so many opportunities to put down. when we are talking about law enforcement, laura, i understand that diversity is an important part of any aspect of hiring and firing, but when i think about a law enforcement officer, i think about someone who has a gun and a badge and training to be able to stop an intruder to stop rioters, to protect my person and my property. and that's why we can't rely on them, the supreme court found that they have no duty to protect. they are only an sergeant agency they haven't found anything about the governor. the governor does have a responsibility to citizens to protect them and their property to stop riots, to using national guard and all law enforcement at their disposal to protect them. and governor walz failed. i'm just digging. i'm seeking to find out, laura, why harris, vice president harris would choose this man to be her running mate. i just can't find one good reason. is he not cute. what going on here? >> laura: we got to run. it's obviously he echos the progressive of values that she
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most identifies with. and they didn't want to offend anybody. they couldn't offend anybody with shapiro. and so they had to go with walls. i don't think they properly vetted him. i really don't think they did. stacey, so great to have you on. thank you so much. have great weekend. >> we're not going back. >> we're not going back. fight for freedom. >> laura: working overtime to con americans into believing that democrats and harris, they care so much about freedom, it's all about freedom. but the only freedom that really interested in preserving is, i don't know, maybe the freedom to abort babies in the ninth month in 50 states. freedom to allow minors to get gender surgery. porn available anywhere anyhow. because the rest of us, you know, know that their real agenda includes banning cars,
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taking away your gas water heaters. eliminating car lanes for bike lanes. and the last time i also checked, you're not free when the government hassles, penalizes, indicts or surveillance you because you are a devout catholic or a former president you don't like or political critic or tulsi gabbard. and now a whistleblower report is revealing that the government has been tracking tulsi. she was added to the quiet skies list a few weeks ago. and air marshals have been on every flight she has taken since. so what exactly did tulsi gabbard do to get added to the terror watch list it. came the day after she criticized the biden administration right here on the angle. their foreign policy decisions are being made by unelected people in the military industrial complex who are profiting from us being in a constant state of war and the national security state that has
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more power to undermine our freedoms and liberties when we are in a state of war. kamala harris does not have the strength to stand up to the military industrial complex. >> laura: okay, that's wild. joining me now tulsi gabbard, form other u.s. congresswoman and fox news contributor. tulsi, you served this country in uniform. even getting deployed to iraq. thank you for going unlike tim walz. now you are being surveilled. i mean it's a forming of surveillance. hassling and intrusion upon your freedom to move by the government. what is this? i mean, i didn't believe it really when i first heard about it. i said oh, that can't be. how does this make you feel? >> laura, this is a clear act of political retaliation. there is no other way to put it. you laid out this sequence of events. the very next day after my conversation with you on the air warning the american people about how dangerous a kamala harris presidency would be. i was placed on this domestic
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terror watch list which is called the quiet skies list under the department of homeland security. the clear pain and real visceral hurt that comes from this is as you mentioned like many americans, i enlisted because of the terrorist attacks on 9/11. to go after the islamist terrorists who attacked us on that day and to now have my own government now turn around and put me on a domestic terror watch list it is -- it hits to the core and is the ultimate since of betrayal. we look at why they are doing this. it has a chilling effect. it sends a warning both to me and to anyone else who even thinks about daring to criticize our own government which is a guaranteed protected right under the first amendment that we will be subject to a violation of our fourth amendment right to privacy. through this kind of surveillance. and that's the biggest stress that's been caused by this entire situation, laura, is now
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forever. i will always be looking over my soldier wondering if and how our government is any of these different agencies is surveilling me. watching me. are they reading my text messages? are they listening to my phone calls? >> laura: yeah. i was going to say yes, yes, and yes. that's what i would guess at least. in a letter from whistleblower attorney tristan leavitt, he writes that the special mission conch in ms. gabbard's cases reportedly involves two explosive canine teams. one security analysis in explosives. one plain clothes tsa supervisor and three federal air marshals on every flight ms. gabbard boards. this is like the soviet union. china today. any totalitarian regime. donald trump is the totalitarian, the dictator in waiting.
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okay. >> this is just -- and this is what we know about. and we know about it because of these brave whistleblowers in the air marshall service who are coming forward. what i'm questioning is what are the things that are happening in our government that i don't know about? how long have they been surveilling me? this is just the recent occurrence. i would not be surprised to know that there are other government agencies who are also being weaponized against political opponents. those who dare to challenge this regime of the biden harris administration. and that's really what it comess down to and why they have to be stopped. >> lawrence: they have to be defunded. >> life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. >> laura: defunded. >> i cannot be free so long as my government is breathing down my neck and watching my every move. >> laura: we have got go but we will be following this closely. demanding that this be completely withdrawn and whoever is responsible for this decision and there is one person who made the decision should be fired
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immediately. but, this should never ever happen in the united states of america. >> to anyone. >> laura: no, to anybody. >> thank you. >> laura: i think this is the tip of the iceberg and know donald trump is not surprised by any of this. tulsi, thank you very much. all right. coming up, at as the race tightens, pollsters tell us what trump needs to do in november, come out on top. stay with us. ♪
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fortunately, no one on the ground got hurt. the plane's black box flight recorder was recovered at the crash site. remnants from hurricane debby are pummeling the northeast. heavy rain is causing widespread and catastrophic flooding across new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania. the high water knocking down trees and washing away homes and vehicles. several stranded motorists had to be rescued. heavy rain will drench new england tonight as debby heads into the atlantic. i'm christina coleman now back to the ingraham angle for all your headlines, log on to fox ♪ >> laura: it's time to take the pulse of the nation. we all know that americans are hurting. and kamala even admits that gas and grocery prices are up. you have to. they are facts. that's why the economy remains the key issue ahead of this election. it's clear who americans trust more to get this country back on track economically. a new cnbc poll shows trump
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leading harris by two points overall but on the economy, specifically, he is leading by a margin of 2 to 1. who is the 1? joining us now is matt towery, political analyst and pollster. and doug schoen democratic pollster and strategist former adviser to president bill clinton. let's start with you, bahaa abu al-ata, on this. because this has been the vibe campaign. the good feeling. this is like the joy luck club. we're joyful and hope we are lucky enough to make it through the election. this is still the number one issue. and, yet, kamala harris doesn't really want to talk substantively about it. >> yeah. in fact, robert kailey who does the polling plus podcast with me we finished a round of polling of all the swing states. can i give you good news for republicans the draw for president trump has not been anywhere as significant as is showing up in these national
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polls. the one thing we did learn is exactly what you are saying, laura, is the economy is now the number one issue. border has dropped down a bit. in fact only 50% knew or confirmed that she was the border czar. so that is not as big an issue right now. the economy is big right now. that is going to be a deciding point. i would say if i were the trump campaign, i would move those ads about the border and bring in some ads about the economy and what he will do for the economy. and reminding people how bad the economy is with inflation. 25% up for food alone in the last four years. >> matt is right. it is a voting issue. the voting issue. in fact, kamala is running ads now talking about being fair to the middle class. having an economy that works for all. that's her way of saying i get that you're hurting, trust me in the future. trump should be running a campaign on the economy, on his economic leadership. on tax cuts, trying to make the
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case that people buy that they will have a better life and a better economy under his leadership. they believe that, so far the trump campaign hasn't gone there. >> laura: forget she is dumb, she is this, she is that. their policies have failed americans. and they continue to hurt americans. >> exactly. correct. >> laura: look at these swing states. more to matt's point about swing state polling. voters in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia. north carolina, arizona, nevada have harris and trump in a stage stableg dead dead heat, and trump is one of the opponents. >> in the past election in 2020 the average on the real clear politics each of these states had biden leading substantially.
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so there is always a hidden trump vote. i will go back to what doug said though and i totally agree. i want to see why this campaign doesn't talk about the social security tax cut or elimination of taxes on social security that trump has talked about for seniors. more ads about the fact he doesn't want to tax tips. these are issues that are proactive. they are affirmative. and they would really help trump. right now those ads aren't out there and they need them in order to counter harris and good vibe i promise you a good economy somehow campaign. >> laura: doug, a new marquette law poll has kamala harris and this really struck me as odd, has her up by 8 points when you include third party candidates. rfk jr. does that seem right to you? you are apology expert. so is matt. what about this marquette survey? >> it doesn't seem right, laura. i looked at the poll, i think it is skewed and weighted to the
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democrats. to me, the swing state polls are the most important and if they're tied or frankly there is other polling showing trump narrowly ahead in four or five of the seven states, that suggests to me that the national numbers should be plus or minus 2 for trump or for harris. so, 8 points suggest that the sample was skewed for the democrats. and looking at the numbers which i did, suggest to me that the poll needs to be taken with a very large grain of salt. >> laura: so both matt and doug tonight agree that this is a pocketbook election. she might have good vibes but we have -- we, meaning the president would say we have good news. you are going to have more money in your pocket not spending so much for gas or food. vote for me and you will have more money in your pocket. that's it. that's the whole election. matt, am i right. >> not going to tell people that, laura. >> you are right, and to dougens
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point, they need to tell people that. i will say that walls is sort of a gift that will keep on giving. some of his positions in testing that in these swing states, they do not go over well at all. so, that's a little icing on top. but it's all about the economy. and what are you going to do to make it better? donald trump can tell that story very convincingly if he gets out there with ads. >> laura: absolutely. matt and doug, great to see you tonight. thanks so much. joe biden reappears and ant t. ain't so pretty. raymond arroyo has it all inswit friday follies, which is next. ♪ and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> laura: thank god it's friday and it means it's time for friday follies. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo, raymond, we saw something unexpected this week. it was a sight. >> look, laura, i know it's not "seen and unseen" but we had a rare sight this week current president joe biden. is he still the sitting president. he had an important event with a baseball team. the good news is punxsutawney joe did not see his shadow which means kamala harris will have 90 more days atop the democratic ticket. the reason they pushed biden out is all too obvious though, laura. >> after sweeping tampa bay and baltimore by the way it's not
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baltimore. my dad is from baltimore it's balmer. i don't know who [inaudible] is he going to need another finger. or else he got finger on his thumb. i don't know how do you that, man. [applause] >> one hell of a arm. all right. what am i doing now? that's what we have been asking for years. but, despite the decline, laura, there is still some hard feelings about biden's bum rush. anita dunn, do you remember her? the adviser to biden told politico this. >> you had this decision that the democratic party made to ignore their primary voters and ignore their primary process. that was a very donor driven thing. joe biden had won the nomination. we're a party that likes to talk about voting and voting rights. and made a decision. some leaders did that they want to go disenfranchise everyone who participated in the primaries. people went and voted for joe
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biden. >> laura: she doesn't seem bitter. she is bitter. but she is saying what we have been saying. they had a primary. joe won. they knew he was declining. they knew he had those moments like he had with the baseball players. they knew that for years and willing to go all the way him. only that debate performance and the stumble. she is right. >> she is blaming members of her own party though and the media for driving him out. and the interesting thing here is tim walz was head of the rules committee for the dnc. he also is the guy who organized that call with the governors. to jettison joe biden. remember that big call? tim walz orchestrated it, interesting. and you could almost hear kamala harris medicine taghtd on the biden shove off the other day. >> this version happen in our country in the last several years. where there is a suggestion that somehow strength is about making people feel small. making people feel alone. no one should ever be made to
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fight alone. that we are all in this together. ha ha ha it feels like one of those spca ads. won't you help this poor suffering incumbent find purpose in lame duck days? won't you please help? >> laura: she actually, there is all this huge news tonight, you know, sending offensive records to saudi arabia. sending another tranche of money ukraine. who knows who is making these decisions. i don't think they have been checking with kamala. she barely references old joe anymore. >> in one of her do you go unscripted events after she read the same speech four days in a row from the teleprompter she spoke to to union workers. and that brings us to kamala's word of the day. today's secret word is hard work. >> you know the one thing about all of us is we like hard work. hard work is good work. hard work is good work.
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the thing we like about hard work is we have fun doing hard work. thank you to the sisters and brothers of uaw. >> laura, this is why she can't speak without the prompter. it's a miasma of repetition and it's reason detached from what has been. it's an amazing thing to listen to. it just goes in circles. >> she didn't reference the plan outside of detroit announcing i put it on twitter that they are laying off like, you know, 2300 workers. the uaw apparently isn't concerned with the layoffs that are coming because of this insanity of regulations and mandates. >> to tie this back to your angle, laura, we have 90 days left. that's it. and i think it is still a pain election. how much pain are the voters willing to take financially and otherwise? that's the question they have to answer in both of these candidates are going to have to provide some questions and remedy for. we will see what they come up
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with. >> as long as tim and kamala are having fun. isn't that all that that's right? you might be a little poorer. >> hard work. hard work, laura. >> that's two words by the way. the words of the day or the frazee i guess. >> words more than one word. >> thank you. raimondo, great to see you. have great weekend. up next the trump campaign just released a new ad, well calling out kamala. the 2024 ad wars are on. and they are next. ♪
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>> it's estimated nearly $11 billion will have been spent on adds this presidential cycle when all said and done but are there any that are truly are memorable or effective? what about the stinkers? visually bad ones out there. we're talking big money for all of this but which will deliver the biggest bang for the buck? switch we can this campaign we are raiding the best in the worst joining me now terry schilling president of the american principles project. great to see you. let's start with the
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trump campaign. now he had help from an old friend in this new had. watch. >> are you better off than you are from for years ago? if you don't think this course that we've been on for the last 4 years as what you like to see us for the next 4 than i could suggest another choice. >> president trump awe america great again. >> almost entire ad is reagan speaking decades ago. does that reach out and grab the viewers? >> i think it doesn't thank you for having me. i would give that had an a minus. it taps into nostalgia. it taps into the entire question that we are suppose we asked yourselves are in better off than we were 4 years ago? and the answer is no. so it leads to viewers to a very obvious
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conclusion. we need someone in their new or at least someone in there that had things under control a lot better than what we have now so i give it an a minus. and it's only because it could be a lot of it better with the visuals. >> kamala's 50 million-dollar ad by? this for tracer is having a rags to riches story. watch. >> when you're raised by an immigrant mother you learn was possible with determination. >> determination is some kamala harris 1 from working mcdonald's to prosecutor state attorney general, us senator and vice president. >> seems like she's running as an outsider. a challenge or not the incumbent. we don't know who she is >> 's exactly right on this is key for her campaign. she has to run as a clean slate so if you
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notice in the ad is images of joe biden or harris. there's no compulsion she's running on. she wants to basically have a clean slate but with the benefits of incumbency and that's the message she's doing so i think look i'm a conservative voting donald trump all the way. but i do think this is a be ad because it taps into an american spirit. it goes raised by immigrant overcoming challenges rising through the ranks but overall i think it gets the job done for her and that's right message that would be running on a fire her. >> you cannot run on the record because it's lousy see need to just revert to personal narrative. there's another ad from republican pennsylvania senate candidate dave mccormick. watch this. >> i'm proud of minnesota's response why did it take to make very destructive nights of chaos before the national guard took action. >> the senator joined protesters. >> sandra: had
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pillaged kamala harris urged americans to bail out these criminal writers. >> honestly i would give that an a+. that ad by dave mccormick's campaign is exceptional done well. i saw the full ad. his devastating and taps into both candidates on the democratic side of the aisle and also bob casey, it makes the opponents look very weak you have bob casey kneeling down with the for stop talking about white privilege. just embarrassing things for anyone in pennsylvania. >> great to have you on. we will have you back. the ad wars will continue. that is it for us tonight. following on social media all weekend long. i'm dropping maria in tactics next week. will be on the air. thank you for watching. american now and forever. jesse watters takes it from him. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time. tonight's. don't nobody care ab


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