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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. >> studio audience. i am great -- greg gutfeld i will see you later. [ cheering and applause ] >> trace: good evening it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:0s america's late news.
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fox news at night. and breaking tonight it fell 17,000 feet in one minute and there was no emergency call. in fact there was no contact at all with air traffic control. horrifying new images in brazil of a passenger plane spiraling to the ground killing everyone on board. one day after taking hostile questions from the media at mar-a-lago and agreeing to debate kamala harris tonight former president trump taking the message to montana voters. this is a live look the former president running behind schedule after some mechanical issues with his plane. we expect to hear from him in any minute and we will take you there life when it happens. meantime the kamala harris campaign remains short on substance but long on the so-called joy vibes. >> i know we like hard work. hard work is good work for all of us. hard work is good work. and we will do it with joy.
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and i know we are all clear about what we are up against. >> trace: in the liberal media is running cover for the silent harris campaign as they rushed to defend minnesota tim walz. the senior correspondent's live in dc with the very latest on this. >> former president trump aircraft known as trump force one was diverted on route to israeli and montana. you mention a mechanical problem but the pitstop in billings didn't keep it from making its way to beautiful bozeman is scheduled. nor did it keep them from making a point. as he has throughout this campaign to talk about what is at stake between now and yes the election which as you know is less than 90 days away. meantime the media machine continues to spin at an incredible pace. turning the vice president to just a few months ago said was the least popular politician in america. they are turning her into joy
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perps on a five. a mother -- america's political sweetheart accompanied by his running mate mr joy himself tim walz. leaders they are say the media of a pro-democracy movement that is spreading like wildfire. just don't talk about his rank in the military. and then of course there's this, the media sounding the alarm of a former president trump's running mate, ohio senator jd vance suggesting among other things that he is trump's attack dog. he's a liar and an eyeliner wearing weirdo whose approval ratings are circling the drain. the media makeover seems to be working you could argue for the democrats. at least according to some of the later surveys which show the vice president gaining on the former president and some of the swing states. but keep this in mind. as they continue to run cover for her vise presidential candidates the more they have to answer questions eventually. >> trace: eventually being the key word there.
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kevin thank you. meantime jd vance at a blistering response to a cnn anchor who suggested that vance embellished his own military record and might not be the best person to criticize the record of tim walz. christina coleman is live with a heated back and forth on this. christina good evening. >> good evening. while republicans in several retired command sergeant major's who served in the minnesota national guard accused tim walz of embellishing his military career and retiring in may of 2005 to avoid being deployed to iraq, breanna keeler took it upon herself to criticize jd vance's military service. >> i also think that jd vance's a messenger on this and maybe an imperfect messenger. introduced him as a combat correspondent which was what his title was but if you go deeper into that he was a public affairs specialist. someone who did not seek combat which certainly the title combat correspondent kind of gives you a different impression. so he may be the imperfect
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messenger on that. >> jd vance fired back on twitter, he called her remarks disgusting and also wrote in part it's easy to sit in the comfort of the safety of the cnn studio and trivialize the countless men and women who risked their lives. today brianna keilar seem to walk back on her own comments saying attacks on vance and walz's military service are wrong. >> despite our recent years as a country at war, many servicemembers haven't seen combat. that doesn't make them or their service less admirable are less necessary. nor does retiring from the national guard after 24 years. these kinds of attacks from the left or the right diminish the service of so many others who have served honorably. >> so she's criticizing attacks in the left and right but not from herself. >> trace: thank you. [ ♪♪ ]
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the fox news at night commonsense department finds it super convenient that the very same media that covered up joe biden's mental acuity is now building up kamala harris' record. and once more they're doing it with zero help from kamala harris. at least president biden claimed to be healthy. kamala harris isn't claiming anything. her policies are now locked away in the equivalent of al capone's vault. if you find it and opened it you will discover a big nothing. it does not exist. and she is not running a basement campaign like her boss. instead she has placed yourself in a prominent bubble. sheet stays in and the media stays out in the media says nothing, except for common scents. imagine not getting any votes in the democratic primary than not answering not any questions in the general election. seems crazy but it's working. kamala harris is suddenly the mary pickford of politics, saying nothing and everybody loves you.
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speak in your career is over. so why would kamala harris agree to be vetted now? why come up with solutions when you already have the vibe. commonsense finds it interesting that if kamala harris was in the running for a job she would likely be question but if you're running for the top job silence isn't just a golden, it's downright presidential. let's bring in district media group president and the independent journalist. then you both for coming on. kelly and conway had the following to say. watch. >> i would say this to the mainstream media. kamala harris is ignoring you because she thinks she already has you. she thinks the mainstream media is in her thrall enter corner. >> trace: that's code for the media really did side with them beverly. >> i actually think this is a smart strategy by kamala harris because whenever she gets off teleprompter she is actually quite terrible. there's one person has been a
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worse communicator in this administration than joe biden, it's actually been kamala harris. and people know that. so the media who many of them are hoping that she does well are staying away from their questions but after a while the american people see through this. they do want to hear from somebody who is running for office, especially somebody not in a primary. she has agreed to one presidential debate, i think people are very excited and will be one of the most-watched debates in our lifetime, maybe in history. she will have to answer questions eventually. >> trace: eventually. the wall street journal editorial board said kamala harris' mystery commander-in-chief. kamala harris is all but telling americans they will have to elect her to find out as the vice president docs interviews in the media give her a free ride. americans shouldn't have to read tee leaves to figure out if miss harris will keep the country safe in a treacherous world. you would think that we are owed some answers and didn't get any votes.
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i'm sorry brittany. >> we will not get those answers any time soon. i think this is all being done on purpose and strategically done. this is for kamala. win she speaks it's a word salad and i am left... and i think other people are left with what? i think during debate a lot of people will play drinking games because it's going to be one of those nights where were all going to be like what is going on? i think going back to the left-wing mainstream media, i was on it for 18 years and i know for a fact what they're doing. and they are doing this on purpose to make her look better and can never be as biased as it is and they're seeing it right now. they're infuriating as it is and kind of comical. this is getting ridiculous and the american people should really be asking questions. >> trace: it's deliberate. it's funny because kamala harris
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had the pattern where you ask her a question she will repeat the question buying some time and she will go on from there. beverly to you going again joe rogan on the gas lighting. he said this. >> we are definitely being gas lit. that's the problem with fact checkers. some of these fact checkers are completely full of [ bleep ]. trying to debunk something especially now with the scrutiny being paid attention to what this guy is being done. >> trace: and the fact checkers have to be on the left beverly it's kind of unclear why >> we are at a point that even the fact checkers we can't trust. the faith in the media institution was an all-time low before 2024 but win they told us that joe biden was running circles around his campaign that all of a sudden kamala harris is now this amazing vice president and now this amazing candidate. people see the gas lighting for what it is and here's what i fear. is that when we see how we are being lied to, how are people going to trust the election
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process? democrats talk about preserving democracy but when you destroy our institutions and our faith in them at every level, how are people going to trust anything on election day? that's is something we are going to be concerned about as we get to november 5th. >> trace: you have to believe media trust is an all-time low. one more look at cnn's brianna keilar. just watch. it's dishonest. here's what she had to say. >> he was a public affairs specialist. someone who did not sea combat which certainly the title combat correspondent kind of gives you a different impression. he may be the imperfect messenger on that. >> trace: so the goal here brittany is that, you know, they are going after tim walz so we will change the narrative and come up with anything. there's a reason why jd vance was so upset by this because it's dishonest. it is just gas lighting. >> i love that word gas lighting. at my masters degree in political -- clinical psychology. this is what the left-wing media
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does. they stick to their narrative and their agenda. cbs news had a headline the other day saying that the gop is mad that tim walz put tampons and school bathrooms. they left out a huge word there, boys bathrooms. they're all doing this on purpose and, you know, this is the biggest problem. the american people are being lied to and it's the narrative and the agenda that they are being told with my masters degree it doesn't take psychologist to tell people you're telling folks the same story and people are going to believe it. this is going to be the biggest threat we have right now in america. >> trace: thank you both. nineteen days and counting since kamala harris became the presumptive democratic presidential nominee and still no news conference or a sitdown interview. she says maybe sometime in the next three weeks. live in new york with more on the silence. good evening.
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>> good evening. harris announced that possibility and another sitdown interview yesterday during a rare chat she had with the reporter traveling with her on the campaign trail. she spent one minute taking their questions. watch this. >> are you open to more debate? >> i'm happy to have the conversation about additional debate after september 10th. >> harris brief press time only came after caving to the mounting pressure and criticism coming from the trump vance camp on that front. while she may not be traveling to reporters, harris has been busy talking to voters on the campaign trail tonight. rallying with her running mate in front of a sold-out crowd in battleground state arizona. >> we are the underdog. we are out in great numbers but we have a lot of work to do. and this is going to be hard work. >> about five minutes into her rally speech harris had a quiet down pro- palestinian protesters with this.
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>> the president and i are working our round-the-clock every day to get that cease-fire deal done and bring the hostages home. so i respect your voices but we are here to now talk about this race. >> speaking of president biden, while harris says he's working around the clock there he is taking heat for also avoiding the press and the public eye as he hungers down at his home in delaware after holding only one public event this week and had nothing on his schedule today despite tumult you with sleep around the globe from the looming threats in the middle east to significant escalation in the russia-ukraine war and we will see what's next. >> trace: a bunch of stuff going on. thank you. let's bring in california gop chairwoman jessica patterson in los angeles county gop vice chair. thank you for being here.
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we wrote the following headline that says the following, biden hungers down a delaware beach house after only publicly event of the week. it's interesting because it almost feels sad. you look at this and you're like i don't know. it feels sad and feels like he's become totally irrelevant. >> he's given up on the narrative that is up for the job. he had a week with a tumultuous week on wall street, raising tensions in the middle east, a border that's leaking like a sieve. the only event he did was bringing in the world series champs. he didn't do any of these. there's one thing to give kamala harris this base to campaign, there's another thing to be phoning it in. it's very clear he's phoning it in. >> trace: somebody has to run the country. meantime kamala harris is in battleground states in campaigning that it's interesting because she is giving the identical speech in each of these battleground states. we have a sample for you. it is 30 seconds, kind of long for our style here but well worth it.
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watch. >> let me tell you, i am clear. the path to the white house runs right through this state. and listen i am clear, the path to the white house runs right through this state. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i took on perpetrator of all kinds. and are we ready to fight for it? [ cheering and applause ] and are we ready to fight for it? [ cheering and applause ] and win we fight we win! >> trace: big applause to have her put that together but it's unbelievable these are different rallies and she doesn't think that television isn't... they are covering it! >> what we're seeing is the great script of the democratic party. they're not going to let her go off script and there's a reason why because both her and show i believe they're not the ones running the show. that's why we're seeing it look like a puppet show. because the puppetmaster is behind the curtain pulling her
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aside because if she ever came up and had to answer a hard question, like i said before her record is joe's record. at the point now we should really worry about the nervous tick she hasn't every time hard questions come she starts to cackle. is she okay? need to look at the health of both of them now. it's really wild of me to see. >> trace: i'm here is how she will handle the big debate -- the debates. meantime here's a campaign at the harris campaign dropped. >> as vice president she backed the toughest border control bill in decades and as president she will hire thousands more border agents and crackdown on fentanyl in human trafficking. fixing the border is tough, so is kamala harris. >> trace: she still the vice president, just for the record. she is still the vice president. two are they kidding? they're running an ad on the border? it's like joe biden running an ad on afghanistan. let's take one more look at afghanistan. >> it's absolutely ludicrous. we're not talking to the last three and a half years she's
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been the vice president. let's look at her 20 year record win she was the attorney general here in california and supported sanctuary state. win she was the da in san francisco supporting sanctuary cities. win she refused to prosecute illegal immigrants. we've seen an increase on illegal border crossings of 140 percent the last three and a half years. she is part of the problem. if she wanted to fix it she could do it right now. >> trace: i think it's worth pointing out the harris letter from 2018 rejecting more funding for the border agents. quoting here we urge you to reduce funding for the administration's reckless immigration enforcement operations that are tearing families apart and harming our economy. that's the same one from a minute ago, secure the border. >> it's all just a joke. at the end of the date these are wild socialist policies that she wants to implement. to jessica's point as she was letting these illegals come and she was locking up again people like me are minuscule to misdemeanors and keeping us in there for a long period of time
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because she has her own agenda to play up there. what she's doing what everyone is doing it's the american people truly against the mainstream media because the media is what's running the campaign for her by now. by hiding her and making her look like she's the best thing since sliced bread. she isn't and most people have a lot of type of issue with that. >> trace: it a state senator who changed from democrat to republican and a know you want to talk about that. this is gavin newsom today, walking around and he is picking up homeless encampments and so on and so forth. and i thought it was worth a look. i want your thoughts on people changing, pulling out of the democratic party. and then gavin newsom going against some of his own people. >> i think it's clear what he's doing. he's not that confident that vice president harris is going to win and he's looking at 2028. is a finite amount of time to clean up his state so we can run for president. here in california this is ongoing message.
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we saw the senators which parties yesterday that was incredibly brave and courageous to move from the majority party to the minority party but we are seeing it in registration since october of last year. over 200,000 new republicans we have. in the same time period democrats have lost 112,000 and no party preference have gone about 60,000. >> trace: 15 seconds. >> adding to that point in los angeles since 2023 weekend 66,000 new voters, while the democrats themselves since 2023 have lost 46,000 voters. that's in la. things are changing guys and get out there and vote. >> trace: nobody is saying that trump will take california but it is fascinating, the pendulum is starting to swing back. >> there's a lot of smaller races here in the city that we want 12 or three that is going to go through california and the rest of the country. >> trace: jessica thank you. coming up what caused the passenger plane to suddenly fall 17,000 feet in one minute?
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then spiraled to the ground. without any emergency call. with the latest on the brazilian airline crash that killed everybody on board. and later in the night crap -- nightcap fox news at night thinks it's time to put the top issues back on the barnburner because democrats appear to be annoying them. what's your top issue? is that the economy, the border, something else? and tell us why x. and instagram and we will read the responses coming up the nightcap. meantime 8:20 on the west coast. here's a live look. did you know hawaii is the major's leading producer of coffee? everybody knows that. next minneapolis minnesota. hometown of charles schultz although he ended his life in california. creator of the beloved peanuts comic. finally look at philadelphia pennsylvania. you can join his life set your dvr and watch us any time.
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we are coming right back to the aviation expert in the horrifying crash in brazil. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™.
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[ music playing ] hey, flo. cool leg warmers. thanks. they are just for the bus ride to work. they are not part of the official uniform. no tunes today? no. my apartment was robbed last night. took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassette player. yup. all the latest tech. if only progressive had renter's insurance like their home insurance. then we could bundle our cars and get the same 24/7 protection. -i think we just invented that. -huh. this is the best day ever. well i still got robbed. well still pretty good day.
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>> trace: there's a terrific new video tonight of a passenger plane with 61 people on board spiraling and then crashing in brazil killing everyone on board the crash happened minutes before it was scheduled to land in são paulo. flight tracking data shows the up 17,000 feet and roughly a minute but investigators are unclear why. was bring in a former faa safety team representative pilot and aviation expert kyle bailey. it's great to have you on the show. it's a bad reason but i'm curious because you could hear the engine when you watch that video, you can hear the engine still running. the plane dropped 17,000 feet in
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a minute and then was spiraling. what are you making up that? there was no mayday, no emergency signal given at all. what are your thoughts? >> so the question here is do we hear one engine or two engines? if it's one engine, you know, one engine running and not working that could actually cause them to get into this stall and then a flat spin. just to be clear it's not the engine stalling, it's what we call an aerodynamic -- aerodynamic stall where one wing are both are losing left in one wing drops because there's no lift. so typically i am thinking this also could be icing. there was an advisory firm 11,000 to 21,000 feet for severe icing in the vicinity of where the airplane was and win icing accumulates on the edge of the airplane it could cause one wing are both wings to stall, leading to what we call the flat spin
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which was the uncontrollable spiraling, which is almost impossible to recover from. >> trace: and is it sudden? that's the hole thing. is that something you would never get an emergency notification off because it happens that fast? were all of a sudden you know there's ice on the wing and we're sure the pilots did. we assume they did. is that that fast where you just start spiraling and losing altitude and you don't have time to communicate. >> it is fast and communication is always the second or third priority. the first priority is keeping the plane in the sky. generally what happens when i look at the flight data on flight radar, what i'm seeing is some inconsistencies on the ground and building up and could make the airplane a little bit sluggish. and all of a sudden one wing just lets out and that's what we see the 17,000-foot a minute rate of dissent which is absolutely incredible. that airplane hit the ground about a matter of a minute. even if there was a flat spin
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like that, pretty much spells disaster and fatalities. >> trace: it really is just awful. we are waiting for the investigators to give us more information on this. kyle bailey it's great to have you on the show is always. we want to go light if we can do montana. this is bozeman were former president trump is about to speak. as soon as he starts speaking we will take it live. he will walk around the stage for a while and say hello to people and go to the microphone and start speaking. in the meantime we are going to kind of go back to the coverage of what's happening in israel. the israeli military says they are targeting hamas fires -- fighters and operatives with an assault on khan younis tonight. israel said it will send representatives a cease-fire negotiations are set to be at a yet to be determined location. it comes out of the same time they were attacking the middle
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east for the sins october 7. sending forces at the landing zone in syria, no injuries have been reported. the national correspondent jeff paul is in tel aviv tonight. >> reporter: is the u.s. egypt and qatar push for israel and hamas to return to the negotiating table, friendly forces launched a new assault in southern gaza. the idf says troops are targeting hamas terrorists for hiding out in the ruins of war-torn neighborhoods. israeli airstrike also killed a senior hamas commander and a lebanese port city. the intensified fighting is once again pushing thousands in khan younis to evacuate. >> we are tired of this life. by god we are fed up. death is better than this. >> reporter: is israel braces for a major attack from iran and its proxies, hezbollah and israeli forces continue to
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exchange fire. the ongoing fighting along the israel lebanon border only further complicates efforts to de-escalate. >> now it's a psychological war more than a normal war. it's just a psychological one. nothing will happen god willing. the war will not happen. >> reporter: despite multiple reports indicating pressure from the u.s. is causing iran to rethink its retaliatory attack on israel. the iranian revolutionary guard release new footage of new cruise missiles. the white house says it's taking threats from iran seriously and is committed to helping defend israel. >> we are also working at the same time in the diplomatic space to try to de-escalate the tensions and to prevent major escalation of the conflict there in the region. >> reporter: win it comes to the next round of negotiation we know israel has agreed to send a delegation next thursday. but hamas however is reportedly still studying the new proposal and the white house says qatar has assured them the work to get them there.
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>> trace: jeff paul and tel aviv tonight. what string and the cofounder of restore liberty. army veteran lieutenant colonel with the gop nominee for congress in virginia's seventh district. green beret combat veteran derek anderson. you can see the former president the right-hand screen doing house cleaning. as soon as you start speaking in earnest we will go to that. to you first derek anderson, matthew miller said this about iran. watch. >> it should be clear to iran that escalation is not in their interest. it's not in israel's interest or in any country in the region's interest. we have delivered that message to israel and we know that other countries have delivered it to iran. >> trace: will they strike or will they not? >> let's first talk about the talks about the cease-fire. israel shouldn't have the terms of the cease-fire pushed upon them by anyone, especially it's biggest ally the united states. right now hamas is suing for peace. why? because there losing.
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they could easily surrender and turn over the hostages. let's thank about it. there's over 100 hostages still being held in gaza. some americans in the biden harris administration hasn't message -- mentioned anything about a parent was not forget about the attack that happened on one of our military installations were five of our u.s. service members were injured in two contractors because of the attack on the iranian backed organization. it's been critical time and time again just this week. harris was questioned to clarify weather or not she supports an embargo, arms embargo against israel. this is why i decided to run for congress. we need a strong national security and we need a strong foreign policy. we need to stand with israel. where is people like my opponent are rubberstamped on policies that keep us where we're at right now. >> trace: kernel i want to put this on the screen. quoting here as the biden
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harrison ministration calls for de-escalation. iran threatens to wipe out american military bases across the middle east over iran's nuclear negotiating team. promising to wipe out every american military base in the middle east in the united states if the united states joins in surreal in the attack on the islamic republic. the bluster certainly goes on colonel. >> absolutely. this is expected because american soldiers and sailors and airmen are working throughout the middle east with minimal security, sometimes host nation security. it's always been a concern when the security situation changed so much in the middle east based on what's happening that we put the greater and greater risk with no strategy behind in the first place. we need to rethink where americans are in the middle east and why they are there and whether another doing the right thing due to what's happening not only in israel but potential for expansion in the regional spaces. >> trace: standby with
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speaking of breaking news. we've the former president getting to the body of his speech and let's join. >> we will reverse the kamala crash and we will and the kamala chaos and we will stop the biden harris invasion of people who don't belong in our country. they are invading our country. [ cheering and applause ] kamala harris, it's interesting, nobody really knows her last name. if you asked me you know her last name is? nobody has any idea what it is. harris, it's like harris. i don't know how the hell did this happen. they said he would have the debate and he didn't exactly do well and it was very nice. they said was one of the greatest debate performances i've ever seen set by very important person at cnn. and then what happens? two days later they say he was lousy and they don't talk about me anymore. they just say he was lousy. and he was pretty bad you have
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to admit. but we are going to turned around, we will turn the country around very fast. i'm telling you. [ cheering and applause ] and kamala is not up to the job. she is not up to it. neither is tester up to it. he has never voted for me wants and yet his commercials say i like donald trump very much. i love his border stance. he votes against the border. he voted against funding of the border. he said i love his stance on energy, he voted against our energy programs. he votes against us 100 percent. he has voted in favor of cricket joe biden, 100 percent of the time. he did it last time. with the election we had the same problem. you remember he comes out and everybody is saying he really likes your policy a lot.
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he's a radical left lunatic just like kamala and we have to elect him. we have to get them there. [ cheering and applause ] since becoming a presidential candidate, she has refused to do a single interview. you know why? because she's dumb. one hole day single press conference. she won't hold a single press conference. she won't do it. and they are easy questions because the press look at her back there. a lot of press. they are rigged. they are rigged. they are fake news. you know, i looked and get these tough questions from the press all the time and i look at the questions that joe got. right? where do you think you're having dinner tonight? what will you eat. will you have ice cream for dessert?
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i don't know. these questions are so hard he says. the way they treated him and with me, i want to use the questions because i won't give them any ideas. they gave me the worst questions. they are so nasty. they are the nastiest people on earth. and kamala gives the exact same speech over and over again. over and over, the same exact words. one of the people put it up like they put six of them up and every single word is the same. i don't do that. i have to give you a little bit of variety right? [ cheering and applause ] i change all these damn speeches where my speechwriters? i'm going to do that and have more speech and just for the next 90 days go out and just read. but we don't like to read teleprompters.
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it's not as much fun. it's not as exciting. and somehow it's never as good. i think we will write up one standard speech, you read it from beginning to end. you know what would happen? you see someone walking out and say trumps not holding. how about yesterday? they said she had a big around and depresses talking about the crowd. in new jersey at 107,000 people in the press never talked about it. [ cheering and applause ] they don't talk about it. because they're fake. i went to south carolina, we had 82,000 people. front row joe, look. we have many front row joe's. we have mr wall over here. i love that city. [ cheering and applause ] do you think he's in favor of building a wall? i think so. i think so. he is great. how many of you come to?
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over 200 right? and he's a great guy and mix a lot of money. you have to make a lot of money and travel around the country. the front row joe is great. we have so many people that have been to so many of the rallies. we had a tough one four weeks ago, a very tough one right? we had a very tough one. lost a great person. corey. great firefighter and a great person. amazing man really. [ cheering and applause ] and two gentlemen, real trump people. they love our country. what's her trump? really badly hurt. they didn't think they were going to make it and they didn't make it and they will be as good as ever. the doctors and the hole butler area did the hole phenomenal job. they thought these two would not make it and they not only made it, they are going to be as good as new but it will take a lot of
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work but they got hit hard. all kamala does is read the teleprompter while pretending she had nothing to do with any of the disasters. she's totally given up, of all of the things she says i want this and that. now she doesn't want any of it. and then they accuse me of being horrible when i questioned her. she wanted to be nine energy, independent. she wins windmills out over the place. put a windmill on top of the building. we have so much oil under our feet, we have more liquid cooled under our feet that any country in the world including saudi arabia. and we don't use it. four weeks ago, think of it. four weeks ago the media said she was grossly incompetent. and i said this is going to be an easy race. she didn't have a chance of beating me, they wanted to get her out. they thought she should resign
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with cricket joe biden. what do you like about her? it doesn't matter anymore. what do you like better? sleepy joe or cricket joe? they're both correct. i think cricket joe is more correct. all right ready? cricket first, right? what do you like better? cricket joe? [ cheering and applause ] or sleepy joe? [ cheering and applause ] okay. cricket seems to always win. he's a cricket guy. all he had to do is think of it. if he didn't do the debate he'd still be running. they would say how great he is, brilliant man, wonderful guy, really on top of his game. he was not at the top of his game 25 years ago i will tell you right now. and she is worse than he is. he is smarter than she is. but the democrats didn't have
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the courage to force iraq, they didn't want to do it. it was politically incorrect. now the media saying she's wonderful. this same people back there, four of them i recognize so perfectly. if you can't do a press conference, you cannot be president. okay? that's it. she doesn't do them. remember when i used to always walk up to the press under the helicopter under the wing of the plane? i loved it because if i did like their question i would say i can't hear with the helicopters. they do many versions of it. nobody did that before you know? everybody copies me. now she walks up and takes a half a question and she will leave. joe is bad. joe couldn't hear. couldn't do anything. it was an embarrassment to the art form. there was an art form and it was an embarrassment.
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kamala, sometimes has about nine ways to pronounce the name. and because the press is so dishonest, whatever you say you will be wrong. actually couldn't care less if i get it right. [ cheering and applause ] i actually haven't been accused of calling it wrong. but if i did they would say he did it on purpose. and you could do that. i've done a lot of bad name calling. where you call somebody and you don't -- you do know how to say the name purpose -- purposely and you did it on purpose. they say so you're did it wrong and i said no i didn't. kamala will not answer for her record of failure and weakness. a doctor, please? doctor in the house. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. take your time. take your time doctor. thank you very much. thank you.
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thank you. [ cheering and applause ] we love these people. they wait for two days sometimes and it's tough. it's not easy. are they okay? thank you very much. and dr take your time. good. thank you darling. thank you. thank you. [ cheering and applause ] [ chanting ] take your time doctor. please. we have a lot of time right? nice friday evening. friday evening in montana. my next drive will be about three or four hours. i wish it was a little closer.
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that's the one thing. but that's okay. that's all right. our governor says we have all the time we want. [ cheering and applause ] greg says we have all. you guys have one of the best governors. do they appreciate it or not? i don't know. and the governor's wife, i don't know. he is a great one. he's a great guy. [ chanting ] >> trace: while the president
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is on pause we will jump out and jump back and as soon as you start speaking just like the last two presidential election cycles recent polling suggesting voters will play a key role in deciding or takes the white house. what spring and the president of national phase advisory -- advisory board. and oklahoma state superintendent ryan walters. and cuba for coming on. i want to put this up on the screen because she said the following here. watch. >> playing a critical roll especially at a time where we have the biden harris administration and the democrat elite who are fundamentally against freedom. including freedom of religion. >> trace: and ryan walters you are no better than anybody it appears to be happening all over the country, including in schools in your state. >> let's just be really clear. the harris walls administration would be the most anti-christian administration and admit -- in american history. they want to trans the kids. they want to push all faith out of the public square and into
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our schools. they want teachers unions to run your kids school kept pushing the most woke ideology the country has ever seen. for the future of christianity in america we have to give president trump reelected so he can push back on the radical agenda that is targeting christians on a daily basis. >> trace: i want to put this up as well paula and have you look at it. this is the research poll about faith voters and its percentage of voters who are quoting here protestant. he of 38 percent democrat, 59 republican leaning. catholic 44, 52 republican, latter-day saint 23 hyphen 75. and an affiliated 70 percent democrat, 27 percent leaning republican. most people of faith tend to vote republican. is it surprising to you or not at all? >> it's not surprising at all that they would choose a candidate like president donald trump. it's obvious. 's policies are so great and he's the only one his policies align with our priorities. when you look at those, he is
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pro-life and pro-israel, religious liberty. not only that but he is also of course border, economy, all the things that are important as christians as well. is also promised in a second term to do more for christians as he shares the same values and our christian values. as i served him as advisor to faith and initiative opportunity in the white house, he did a lot for people's faith and he will do even more. >> trace: it's interesting because if you look at the importance of religion to americans ryan walters, you look this up from 1965 until now. had 70 percent say it was very important back in 1965, now it's 45 percent. it's a big drop in numbers and i'm wondering if you know why. what is it that is the causation of this? >> i can tell you why. the u.s. supreme court had a bunch of left-wing activists in the 1960s that took the bible and prayer out of schools. what we seen from president
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trump has he's put original list back on the court that go back to our founding. it is clear that america was foundered on judeo-christian values. our freedom to practice our religious belief was protected in our constitution because those are rights that came from god. the founders were clear. president trump putting justices on the court that actually implement what the constitution says is a crucial piece to get america back on track to make sure that our kids have an understanding of her history. >> trace: and why are we skipping religion? i'm just wondering what's the remedy for getting people back in? >> first off we have to turn our hearts back to god. we really need a revival and we are seeing that as well. we here at the stats and i see them every single day and i do see where people are coming back to god. these to stay sticks can be funny. symptom is how you referred to it and we see jensen franklins church revival.
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we're singing -- seeing these young pastors rise up. i'm very hopeful and i believe we can have the greatest turnout. of course we saw it in 16, he had 81 percent i think and hillary at 16. but in 2020 he had 84 percent and biden had 15 percent, even less. if we look at this election and if we have socially conservative catholics and those who go to mass, we are looking at 38 percent of voters. that's more than the black, hispanic and union altogether. this is a major block of people and i believe it's more about what is accounted for or said sometimes. >> trace: we were part of these things and we covered them heavily superintendent walters. all of these and you see these young people getting involved in this. and i wonder ryan walters if you think it's true and they say the evangelical vote might be the key when you're looking november >> i think it is the key. christians have to get out to vote for president trump. christians have to say kamala
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harris isn't even keeping it a secret. they are in a warpath against christianity. they wanted driven from the public square, they wanted removed. they hate america and they hate our christianity. they hate that people worship god not government and they are driving it out of our schools and the public square. evangelicals are waking up to this. it's crystal clear. president trump will protect your religious liberties and he will protect the christian faith in america under this unprecedented assault from the teachers unions and kamala harris. >> trace: speaking of former president trump. he is speaking right now. thank you both for coming on we appreciate it. now back to president trump. >> they said we will do it the nice way or we will do it the hard way. we will use the 25th amendment and we will call you mentally incompetent and everybody will believe us. and you know what they did, a terrible thing actually. they forced him out. it was a coup.
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it was the first coup in the history of our country and it was very successful. he said i will leave if that's what you want. and now he is seeing what the competition is. i hear he's going to make a comeback at the democratic convention. he's going to walk into the room and he's going to say i want my presidency back. i want another chance to debate trump. i want another chance. but i handed kamala and cricket show us searching economy with no inflation. we had no inflation, nothing. we had the greatest economy in the history of the world. it's true. [ cheering and applause ] their radical socialist lunacy turned it into a failing economy with the worst inflation and probably 70 years. they say 47, i don't believe 47. i think it is much more. i handed her the strongest border in u.s. history and she turned it into the worst border invasion in the history of the world.
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by the way the border chart, i love that chart. i love that chart. i am here because of that chart. i go let me see that chart! boom. if i don't turn, i won't be with you tonight. i want to be with you. i love that chart. that's the amazing thing. [ cheering and applause ] i'm going to sleep with that chart tonight. the amazing thing is that chart, i use it probably 20 percent of the time. not that much. it's always on my left, not on my right. pretty much always. there are no people me a tremendous crowd but as far as the eye can see that they are here and in the back and how greater the people in the back? all the people were the same. nobody fled. when a crowd here's a bullet they always run.
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they heard lots of bullets because there were lots of bullets going off. and our secret service shooter, our secret service sniper, whatever you want to call him. he is -- used one bullet from much further away. because the sniper was there and he was way over here. he wasn't warned that this could happen. that was the breakdown they had. they weren't warned. but he heard of bullets and immediately looked over, took aim and shot. one bullet. can you imagine that? from probably 400 yards. pretty far. but if it wasn't for that sign and in this case it came down to the right, it's never on the right. never. and it's never the beginning of the speech. i don't use the teleprompter a lot because i think it gets bad but i'm saying let's take a look at the immigration numbers that
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we had. that is the best numbers in the history of our country. the border patrol did that chart. thank you very much border patrol. i appreciate it. but the border patrol did that chart. and you see the arrow on the bottom. the red arrow on the bottom. that was the week i left office and look what happened after i left office. look at that. since a few months no the numbers have been much worse. they left and invasion of our country happen. but i took a look and because i took that look, what are the chances of that? so i just want to thank everybody because i will tell you what, the level of love and compassion and all of the things that we all went through. it was a terrible thing. we are going to be very careful. we have to be very careful. by the way, president is a dangerous profession. you know? this is a very dangerous profession. this is not the safest
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profession out there. but it was an amazing event and for those of you that don't believe in god, i believe that there's only one reason that could have happened. because the chances were so... [ cheering and applause ] they were so small. right? yeah. thank you. thank you very much. and we're going back to butler. you know that right? we have to go back. we have to go back to butler. they were great in the hospital was incredible. the doctors were incredible that worked on her two friends that were so badly hurt. everything about it and we are going to go back just before the election sometime in october. it's already being worked on. and i will probably start off by saying as i was saying, as i was saying.
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i gave kamala and cricket joe a world of peace and their weakness and incompetence quickly brought us to the brink of a global war. america cannot survive for four more years of this bumbling communist lunatic. and we cannot let her win this election. it's not a question of me. we can't let her win this election. if she wins the selection we will not have a country anymore. starting on day one we will bring competence and common sense back to the oval office. you know? [ cheering and applause ] we really are a party of common sense if you think. we are conservative and all that but we are really a party. >> trace: we talked about the democrats trying to skirt the issues and we thought it would be important to put the issues in the front burner again so at our nightcap we ask what is the nation's top issue? the response the economy and 51 percent, on instagram it's a 55 percent, the border 45 and 49. we have matthew say it has to be
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the border. it affects the economy, crime and a vast array of other issues. we have rob olson saying division is the top issue. tammy wegner says although they are intertwined we live with the devastating effects of the bad economy every single day. we have rochelle saying it is a disregard for the constitution, american ideals and an epidemic of law fair. wendy palmer said the economy has gotten to the point i don't want to open my mail and see which bill has gone up. and then paul to end the friday night with comedy set my dog. he does not know how to fetch me a beer which might be the biggest problem we have here seeing all day. and kiefer watching america's late news fox news at night. i'm traced gallagher in los angeles. have a great week and it's you right back here on monday.


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