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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 9, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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to change. >> okay. the arizona cardinals are rolling out a new stadiummed concoction that will satisfy your recommendededsugar in sugae for the month. >> a cotton candy burritdyo consists of cut. >> stop it. colorful cereals, candie cs, ice creams, marshmallows, stuffed and cotton candy instead of a tortillead of aa. >> one hearty bite will have your kid bouncing off the stadiu off them wall with d, or you get your money back and,' that looks delicious, doesn't it? i love it. anyway hannityonight., a i'm on" tonight. >> so there, shannon oke join us on fox news sunday. >> our guests include tom cotton and jason crow. we've got a d and an r. you get both sides of the aislee and our economy panel breaks down with the experts. >> what's really going on we? he markets >> we'll see sunday. all right. and that's it for us. have a great night and a great weekend. >> see you next monday. >> welcome to jesse watters primetime tonight. don't nobody care about us,
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about somebody. if it were someone else, usu would be demanding that they sit down for questions. >> os.h, the plot to hide harris is falling apart. so now we got some work to do. i got a guy shootingbest on the roof. >> adr, the owner of the bus, which is. >> i don't know if you heard. he's right there. somebody got him inside the trump assassination scene. >> i told them the posssinatiot, over here, this is america's dad. >>is america's dad wall ailes ir popsicle. >> you certainly tastea fi the t first, but over time you get to the blue.emocrats >> democrats have daddy issues right? >> plus, i have a message to jesse, you . you never want to kick
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your honeymoon off with a fight. >> and democrats have been and to put on a smile and pretend like it's happy days with kamala. her >> but after three weeks with her, they're losing iyt. >> behind the scenes, it's infighting, backstabbing, like we'vet. never seen before.. >> the orchestrator of thenancye biden coup, nancy pelosi, can't stop trash talking. ta. ex trash >> i love him so much. i think he's been really a phantom tastic president ofd t the united states. >> seso i really wanted him to make a decision of a better campaign because they were notne facing the facts of what was happenint was hag. i'd never been that impressedha with his political operation. >> biden's operation? yeah, i'm not i mean, i just hadn't it. the they won the white house. bravo. mm-hmm. but so my concern was, this ain't happening. and we have to make a decision t for this to happen.
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o makeand the president has to o the decision for that to happen. i knewe th what i was doing in e whole thing, not just that. >> what was and what was that? that donald trump would never set foot in the whiten th house again inside the tent, biden world is shooting right back, calling nancooting t by name. >> there were leaders of the part oy who decided to go ahead and go very public and that gave permission to other people to go public. do you mean like when nancy pelosi goes on tv and, public you know, to moments where she goes out publicly and whenly things sort of seem like w they were dying down, reopens the debate? >> absolutelerg downy. you had this decision that the democratic party made to ignore their primarsiondemocry voters e their primary process and that that was what should happen. and that was a very donor driven thing. >> nancy's guilty conscience is starting to kick in and she's losing sleep over it. l
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reu think you'll have your relationship will be there?d pry i hope so. i pray s so. a cry. so yeah, you worry about. i lose sleep on ai i lucier. >> yeah. that is angry at you. you think he's angry at you? >> i don't know. we have a know. come and have a conversation. oh. >> trump >> trump's hearing rumblings that biden is still holdinsg a grudge. >> the presidency was taken gruddency wan. ide and i'm no biden fan. but i'll tell you what. from a constitutionaltional standpoint, from any standpoint you look at, they took to ly and peopleng hstan are saying he lost after the debate. he couldn't win. whethelost after ther he could d he couldn't win. he had the right to run. and they theo took it away like he was a child. and he's a very angry man right now. i can tell you that he's not happy with obama and he's not happy with nancy pelosi. crazy, nancy. she is crazyis crazy to she's ne with any of the people that told himd hi that you've goty vy to leave. he's very unhappy, very angry. angryand i think he also blame.
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>> this was supposed to be the honeymoon phase, but the entire honeymoon has been nothing but fighting. >> not a good start. they thought they could get ridd of biden by sticking a knife in his back. but biden playedsticking a his s right by anointing kamala. now, democratsnointing in the ma have to carry kamala's water, and after doing it for biden for four years, democrats in the media are alreadycrat running out of gas. cno wherronted the coup master asking, so where is kamala? youn do you think that the vice president needs to be more out therneeds toe talking to report, talking about issues in a ta justd take, not in speeches? >> i think she should set what i just said ispeechesuld sn that sentence. she has should be herself. she should be readshe shouy. she should know her power and all of this. and i don't give anybody advicee except to be themselves and be thadd bey and know the power of their individuality and their authentiy and thc cit
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>> what do you know what that meant? >> well, the media now scrapping with each other me sa to watch this. >> let me just also say this.y like don't nobody cared about us, about somebody. question no, that is no,time. i speak us all the time. but i they are literallye questa they want answers. >> no, no, that's what yes, they have questions. they want answer answerss. but you know what doesn't have to happen, audie, doesn't have to ask those questions. yes and no. she doesn't ask political does not political fans ask themsurrg because that's not we're not talking. we're not when surrogates ask them, this is getting this is so this is so. why, audiere notg the re, need o in the beltway. >> no, it really isn't. oh, tell me. having sorry, i speak honestly. >> state voters return every so you the democratic party is having second thoughts, especially after kamala put o a freak on her ticket. >> james carville, who primetime has no issues with. we actually invited him on our show for chicagovited hi, just f
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on us. >> i have a messag>> i have to , jesse and the whole freaky show is, why don't you take it in? maybe could you ? on't tak we don't take it personally, lot it looks like the tampon tim thing touched a nerve. >> our invitation to carville still stands, and he can explain to me why. ande cafourth grade boys need s in their bathrooms. >> but if kamala harris is john wayne and she's up in the polls, whyd sh are democrats so angry? >> maybe because all along they knew this was faux mentum. >> biden voters in pennsylvania say after the coup, they're voting trump more latino voters, indian voters, they're moving more in to the right. two years ago, everybody hated him. now, majorit. y are like, no, i'm voting for trump. stars a democrat and i started
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to realize the policies that i waiciess voting in wasn'ty my standards or what i believe you'd be surprised. i use double registration and at loratit of people change party.r i've seen a lot of people leaning towards trump right nodw ,even people who were voted before, even people that would voted. swapping biden now for kamala was plan b. it's already g joe bi flaming out. >> the media is asking biden if he'll give up power when trump wins. >> watch. wat that there thaump wi will be a peaceful transfer of power in january 2025 ify 205 trump wins? oses no, i'm not confident at all. i mean, if trump loses, i'm not confident or immediately says we don't take him seriously. he means all this stuff about if we lose, there'll be a bloodbath. >> you think democrats are going to go down rats are that easy ? it's not how they roll. they play dirty and they always have something up their sleeve. >> jamie raskin has had plan c e
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in the works for months. >> listen to this. they want to kick itto to congress. so it's going to be up to us on january six, 2025, to tell the rampaging trump mobsbs that he's disqualified. and then we need bodyguard for everybody in civil war conditions. >> disqualifcivil war condy him. that's what democrats are going to do if trump wins. e >> if the democrats have the house and the senate, they'll vote to disqualifye senate him e his inaugurated on the grounds that he's an insurrectionistgura who's constitutionally prohibited under the 14th amendment from servingconsti, en though he was never charged or convicted of insurrection, a preemptive coup, not a silentn coup. this time they're admitting itot . >> former senior adviser and director of speechwritingll to president trump, stephen miller, is here on a fridayer hernight. night. >> all right. before we get to the preemptive coup, if kamall is doing so
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well, why is everybody freaking out? st of >> well, jessi, first of all, let's talk about what's really importanaltalk aly import, whica the democrat party has finally founy found a truly authentic midwestern dad to run on a a presidential ticket. >> does it get more midwestern dad than tampon tim, who hasn't lived in the midwest and had and coach,ol football bring a duffle bag filledwith t with tamponsam and handed him oa to ten year old boys? >> that's what midwestern dadstm do. >> what midwestern dad hasn't thought schoolstern dahool dis f of love for children and said, it, we're going to put childrapn in kindergarten classrooms because that's what midwesternn dads do. mid and what midwestern dad, in his spare timewe hasn't cheered on blm riots as they've burned small businesses to the ground and spent his weekends palling his with islamic jihadists.
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that's what midwestern dads are all about. and that dad energy, that midwestern dad energy, it's going to be tough forrepubl republicans to compete because that's what everybody wants. that normaompeten rockwell, midwestern dad. that's tim walz. we can all celebrate that tonight. >> tampon test white dudes for harris. speaking of wit, harris, is she really running a campaign or is she a princess that'sss going to get coronated? >> it's not allowed near anybodo gey. you're not allowed to talk to her. she's just going to be coddled and wrapped up in her little best cookie. iand let let led around for nar time. >> and don't don't let her walk because sh e might fall.t yo >> she might hurt herself. keepe're just going to keep her here and then you'll see her in november. >> what? her itll, it's the first i campaign . it doesn't actually exist. it is thoesn'te first post candp campaign. there's no candidate. there's no actuaaign. andidatel campaign.
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>> there's no policy. there's no substance. there's no there's literally justthere's the the the corpore left-wing press creating a narrative around a non-entity, a nonexistent person. this is like that al pacinoag movie from like 20 years ago that nobody saw called somone where he created called a fake p star that didn't even exist. using holographic technology is very ahead of its time. >> you should go see it ifit you have it. you can't dislike somethins timg that doesn't exist, but you can't get mad at the at nothing . and that's what this is. nothing. they're running nothing. and yothey au can't get mad at nothing because there's nothing therade. >> an unseen force. the same force that launched russiagate. the same force that opened our border. the same gate and opened force t the hunter biden laptop. the same force that madee biden out to be some mental genius. and then when it became impossible to sustain ditch, according to kamala, that unseen force that is dragging us into wars and destroying this countrany ac
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that is leading to anarchy in our cities and putting iesamerican citizens behind bas for free speech. >> that's who controls kamala. she's a puppet for a regime. she's her campaign is so fake. she's literally giving speeches every day, the same speech over and over again. >> minpeech ovd you, where she e has a day. >> one plan to tackle inflation. she's the freaking vice president right now, jesse. she's the actualshe's th vice president. she can do it today. she's actually the acting president. this is the fakest phony scam iest most ridiculous offensive thing i've ever seen in my life. do you want a real flesh w and blood human being? actualal president named donald trump or a fake person controlled by a regime that hates you, that hates you? >> that's the choice i have. the country wants a princess. they want princess mystery. >> kamala harris. and then once she gets. >> it's like that bill, remember, you have to first pass it to find out what's t in it. that's what kamala harris is. we like surprises iss, right?win
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>> everybody likes surprises. we're just not going to ask her what she believes or whaes o what she wants to do with the country. >> we'll just we'll get cound when d she's inaugurated. we'll just be reminded that she's actually been the vice president for three and a half years, that she's actually been the border ahalf yea czar.f thes she's actually been in charge of all of these policies. she will sink, as presidentid trump says, like a rock and water. all right. we'll see what happensent tre a. >> stephen miller, behave trurself this weekenyourselfd tx news alert. donald trump's plane was forced to divers plane t midair and lad in billings, montana, after experiencing a mechanical issue while flying to a rally. >> the president landed safelyto and took another plane to complete his journey to bozemanmplete. >> more than 100 miles away, trump's bozeman rallyew hou is scheduled to take place in a few hours. stay with forsx for the latest. >> tim walz and somali scammers straight ahead.
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hey, if i'm going to do this, it won't be a bad show for a . hope you're not a mind reader, because if you are, i'm about to get my face. why don't you give up? i never give up. hey. >> hello. i'm mike lindell al, and i'm excited to announce my all new my mattress topper. i've combined two of my very best technologies. it starts with the famous mypillow foam that provides you that overall whole body support. second is the individual comfort supports. they give you your own unique sleep experience. it's like it was made specifically for you. the queen size alone has over 14,000 comfort supports. so go to mypillow.
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and this is what she ate in two days. one carrot. >> these people are starving. >> these people are starving. pleases minist pray for me. >> the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. >> we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically da. need for their diet fo r one month. seven before it breaks my hearto to know that therest are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. >> it's not only the painful >> it's not only the painful memories of lost loved one but now with pensions of less but now with pensions of less than in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. will f >> but i believe in but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i would find a match. call i people would understand
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you deliberately, . >> i face hunger again. please don't delayood box , caln or go online. now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering and in desperate need. >> this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. just feed the hungry. if you hear god' s on yous voice, i'm asking you to act now. >> do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> raising the bar on the economy. as candidates lay out their strategies, who has the better pla circle
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is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. so available at walmart drinks circle icon. >> we've known tim walz for less than a week and we'vewn tiw already found out he let riders burn down cities, lied about his military w service, s crushed small businesses and turned minnesota into a child. mili crushed smallsex change sa. >> but that's not it. that's nt, we're dropping anothe walz bombshell as governorr wale led a gang of politically connected somali fraudster wasoy still a quarter billion dollars of your money. gges it was the single biggest scamd scam in american history . >> during the pandemic, the government was giving out a ey left and right, a nonprofit in minnesota feedint ing our future got a quarter billion dollars to send foodr bi to needy kids. >> sounds good, right? here's the problem.
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almost none of it was used forta food. the somali scammers blew our cash on real estate cars, extr ea navigant get trips. wewe have wire h transfersow that show thousands go into car dealerships. >> $160,000 went to somee co company in china, and a halft to a million was sent to kenya to buy an apartmen t. a $500,000 apartment in kenya is probably a palace but our tax dollars weren't just used on goodies the politicians got a taste to ilhan got thousandsfr of dollars in donations from some of the scammers. these guys weren't criminal mastermindnos. >> it was sloppy when they cooked the books. they made up names b of their fake clients. >> they came up with these names. you ready? unique problem friday donations. had nobody kept that well earlym on, walsh administration thoughint it lookedo they a little suspicious, so they froze the funds. >> then the somali thes suedst s
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and called walsh racist. so he kept letting them steaol. >> they didn't bother to crackbo into the bantherk accounts or ie subpoenas. >> walsh just put his hands in the airhe juss ha and said, t racist. >> take whatever you want. minnesota has a huge somalis population. >> you can'ta get called racisn and expect to win another election. therelection e was even gave one of the fraudsters, the minnesota outstandinsg refugee award. >> three years later, she was indicted. >> no thanks to walz, the feds came in after he ignored the problem for years. during the trial the somalisd dn tracked down a juror doordropped off a hallmark bag on their doorstep, filled with 120 g's. >> and a little note sayingttle there's more to come if shehere acquit'ss. >> this all happened under walz nose. he had every chance to stop it t and failed, just like he failed
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to protectan his city duringst the riots. >> and just like he failed his unit when he retired before deployment likaile. ment. >> this is the guy kamalagu harris chose as her number two. >> donna bergstrom ran against walz for lieutenant governor in 2018. >> donna, how did he win after all of this stuff is coming out about him, this, this and this?? >> how is this possible? and it's astonishing, isn't it, tim? >> it is a. s having me here jesse, this is really a pleasure. i'm so happy that peopleeasure are finally bringing this out about our governor. we've we've known about thist for a long time. and one of the things that's truly astonishing about this, it's not just the numbers and the level of fraud, but actually that he takes no responsibl bute party for it. there hasn't been anybody deat's been removed or put on administrative leave so that they can look into these issues. and this is just really the tip of the iceberg. there is medicarp of thee fraud
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was daycare fraud, there was an autism support fraud there. there was worker's compensation, pay frauation pad so his middle name must be fraud because here we see itve over and over again and it's ovy astonishing. so, tim, under tim's nose, these somali identity pirates scammed a quarter billio tim'sn dollars. >> they caught them. and then he's got h called racist. so he backed off and then didn't fire anybody, never fired a single person for getting ripped off. than anyaten other state in the country duringntry covid. that's my understanding of it. and that's what i believeid is his stance, is that he did nothing wrong and that you'll see his pattern over and over. he'll point to somebody else and put the blam wil some on so. else. so it fits this pattern. and i saw agai in, 2018 as well, he just has this pattern of appeasing whoeverhateve he's talking to, whatever audiences with. so we've com
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e up herem in to northeast minnesota. i'm in duluth right now, but he's comowe up to northeast minnesota with a mining t-shirt and then go down to the metropo- area of minneapolis. saint paul in india, have an anti mininstulg t-shirt on. so it fits this pattern doat he's going to just or say whatever he has to do to keep himself in power, keep himself f elected, not really take tak responsibility for good government at allty. yeah, he wears a lot of costumes. >>t. so mucing that ou >> sunny, thank you so much. oae >> fox news alert. a plane crashed into a residential neighborhoodcrash in brazil, killing all 61 people on board. >> christina coleman has the details. cristina that's right.s ri jesse. take a look at this disturbing video. authoritie s are investigating what caused this plane to drop from 17, the sky at 17,000 feet in about 60 seconds, killing all 61 people on board. the plane took a rapid plunge in a residential area, crashing about 50 miles northweste in ofo
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paulo. there was a house in flames near the crash and debri flas from the plane scattered all around a swimming pool. the plane'l arounds black box fw recorder was recovered at the crash site. fortunatelt thy, there were nod reports of anyone on the ground getting hurt. >> when i heard the sound of the plane falling, i looked ouis under t my window at home and saw the moment it crashed. the way it fell, i ran out y it house and went to seee where had fallen and so had fallen into the house of a hay. e of elderle it we also knew them from church fo and so terrified and not knowing what to do. >> i jumped over the wall. the european made atr 72 500, a twin engine turboprop plane was built in 2010. again, the planee turbop droppem the sky when it was at 17,000 feet. the wall street journal reportsc there were active warnings of severe icy conditionstive ard that elevation. brazil's national aviation brazy is investigating thi what caused this deadly crash. s jesse, so sorry to hear that. >> thank you so much, cristina
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>> we're standing by 24 hours a day. call one 808 852323 or visit ww dot lirr legal that's 1-800- 8852323. >> fox news alert governor glenn youngkin takingow major steps to reinforce virginia's electios vernorn inty ahead of november. >> youngkin signing an executive order instructing the department of elections to remove non-citizensections s quote, may have purposely orve accidentally registered to votei from the state's voting rolls. >> it turnngs out virginia had n remove over 6000sa non-citizens from the voter rolls. vo non-citizentes, 6000 of them register to vote? and no one caught them because we were told this couldn't happen and never happened. >> 6000 seems like a lot, but it gets worse. the order also removes nearly0 80,000 names of voters
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who have either died or moved but of stater move, but were stl listed on virginia's voter rolls. stillthe executive order signed by youngkin also mandates the exclusivr e use of paper a ballots with a traceable chain , offline counting machines not connected to the internet countin and monitored p boxes to keep ballots secure. o >> hopefully, every republican governor follows youngkinws lead over the next fw months. n it's been a month since trump was nearly killed and the fbe s nearlyi has barely said an about what happened in butler, pennsylvania. >>r pe thankfully, congress is churning out new information to heless is cp the american people understand what happened. >> records obtained by senatorso chuck grassley show thomas chooks intense preparation in the months leading up to his assassination attempt. >> turns outination mp that croo joined the clairton gun clubin in augusclt of last year, just a year ago, and then visited
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the range 43 times. >> crooks even spent holidaysma at the shooting range, including christmas, valentine's day, halloween and.s >> his parents didn't think this was strange. in 2024, he went to the rancht o for target practice three to six times a month, almost exclusively training monts, not handguns,ndgu and made one final visit the day beforens.fina shooting . >> the shooting range was crawling with feds. al and >> multiple local and federal law enforcement agencies traints at this facility, including the department of homeland deland sec, which oversees secrt service. >> crooks was training under federal law enforcement's nose. >> we're now seeing just how close they got to each other. >> just two months before trying to kill trump, crooks nas at the range withi 24 hours of a homeland security office training session. ge >> meanwhile, new bodycam footage from the rally showseooe
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on the ag building rooftop just minutes before he opened fire. >> it appears crooks was picked up on the body cam, but the officer didn't see him that far off in the distance. age re >> footage also revealed the moment an officer was liftedvet anofficer onto the rf and spotted crooks 30 secondsggr before he pulled the trigger and the aftermath. when he tried to warn othere ni officials. >> listen. he's laying downkeow. he's going to do it. he over right after the gas. he's got glasses, long hair. and he landed on the wall upon my head. very firm about your bag. he's got a hot air. mediat and we also heard the immediate aftermath of the shootinhe shoog with locals questioning why the secret service allowed stho many security failures. >> i'd say this is a story not sure which gas company may have various stages. >> trump why are we nott on on the roof somewhere?
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>> why weren't we shot? >> told them they need to post h the guy over here, tooere., andi told him that that the secret that tuesday.ld i told the post guys over here. >> i thought the secret service guys were like, yeah, no problem. we're going to post guys a proble here. >> not only did the secret >> nss frgnore warning and from the locals. it's now been a montocals.h sine the shooting, and senator grassley says the secret service still hasn't met spth the county swat team. >> stuart caplan is a formerec fbi special agent. you'stuart, you've had some tim' to process this. i don't believe you and i havelv discussed this. >> what does your gut tell you happened here, jesse? good evening. there is no doubt when >> goubt whet videos that was just released, the chaotic scene played out is clearly indicative. clearly evidence that prior
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to the commencement of this rally, there prior was no and ie underscore no operational c meeting prior to the commencement of this rally. and why do i know that is because 3 minutes before the actual shooting, there was a target or a subject that was identified, meaning crux was identified on this rooftop. at that point, if there was an operational meeting, the local police department would have beeg ln aware and they woud have been told that the secret service hay wos counter snipers. ideif you identify a potential threatnt, which would requireha the utilization of that asseasst that counter snipe sniper at 3 minutes prior to the first shot being shot, that counter site sniper would have acquired that target and would have neutralized and incapacitated crooks 3 minutes before the actual shooting. now, compareooting it is 30 secs before the first shot is rungcro
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out. >> they then observe crocsks with a firearm. at that point, again, a counter sniper should have been notifiedno to neutralize that threat. the fact that when you watch a this video and as a chaotic as it is and by the way, i do not in any way fault the local police department, the butler police department, because god bless them, they were so exposedepartmed. it is miraculously that none of them were shoe oft and kille, but no one took any effort because they didn't know how to serviceto isecret to implement the utilization of that asset, of thatmpzation. counter sniper. the public must be aware that the only reasonthe publ whr the counter sniper station by the united states secret service finally neutralizedte crocs is that after everybodyrao heard the first shot rang out,ut then he realized, oh my god, i need to neutralize a potential threat.
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but you got to understand it takes time to acquire that target. >> the director liedes to congress under oath when he sair oathd there was a brieft between the secret service se that day. there there was no briefing. obviousliouslyy. an >> and the locals say there was no briefing. so why is the lying about a briefing? >> that's the question. stuart, thank you so much. we got to jump out of here, but we reall.t ofy appreciate your sharing those thoughts. >> sink or swim is next. >> that call and ask whoopi for getting screen whilefor colo i'm delaying. i heard i had a choice. i heard i had a choice. i know the namncer. >> that's what i'm saying. call the guard. call the guard. call the guard. color guard screen for colon cancer at home. like you want the ma thatn. >> actually, he's a box. call the guard is a one of a kind way to screen false for
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the year, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smartphone shop now is sleep number store near you. for the last eight years, democrats have been claiming that white men are public whitcist vio one, saying they're sexist, racist, violent and worst of all, they vote are trump. >> but as bad as they are, deep down, dems d know they can't win without white guys. that's why they created white dudes for kamala to prove to themselves that not all white toe men are evil. >> i'm white, i'm a dude>>, and i'm for harris.ponoka
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gu i'm not sure if you guys ca n recall that feeling you hadhe on the night of tuesday, november eight o, 2016. i stood over my kid's bed and i wept. i am a man w e protect and we provide. that is what we do. i got floor to man as eea brother. >> we all got home in our families. that's their attempt to wiinn over the heartland. look at how they prop up tim walz. tland. prop uphe's an old whitem rural america. >> but don't worry, everyoneeri. >> he's one of the good ones. they're saying walls has h big dad energy instead of toxics masculinity. culini >> he has tonic masculinity. "the washington post" saystyighi masculinity is check engine lights on ans d walls.a look >> going to take a look at it'ss writing. he is instead offeringtead offeo blow your walkway, map out the best driving routes to the airpore bests tot and wait in ta car until he's sure you got inside sur >> a man who served in theid national guard, who identified as a proud hunteentifis r who oe
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strongly supported the nra and who coache 1d a high schooly football team all the way to the state championshipsto th but he likes huntingp. and football. those things are supposed to be evil. the media knows, and they want you to know that tim walz tim is more just his pastimes. >> sure, his hobbies align. with red, but underneathp he's dee p blue walls with alll of of his fun family business is ar firecracker popsicle. think about itpopsic. red here's a red and blue popsicle. you see the red first? >> if you open the wrapper a bit, you might only see that redn the initially. red you certainly taste the red. first dems strategists see walls as that political popsicle. the visible red at the top,muchb but so much blue inside with as many heartland symbols. >> this election's turned the last few month>>s into one r the wildest summers in memory. one guy gets shot, anothert anot drops out, harris gets hot,
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her new vphe honeymooned in china. >> i can't keep upthe the politicapolil world might bu chaos, but that doesn't mean your world needs to be't. >> according to the stoics, a sect of ancient greesectk philosophers, the circle of control contains just one thing your mind stressesf le a fact of life, but it doesn't have to be. stresshave t is a choice.rcus e >> marcus aurelius oncare said,r you have power over your mind, not outside events. >> realize yt outsid this and yl find strength if your carr ca breaks down, your boss insultsur you or your golf outings. randall getting angry and upset is a choice. o >> you have to accept what youu can't control and how you react to what you can't control defineu reacs you and makes youf master of your domain. after diving into stoicism, my staff can attesstoicismt i hn
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yelling a lot ryan holiday is the author of the daily stoic and he joinss me now. i love this booknow.. the daily stoic. i read every single page immediately. >> you're supposed to kind of go by calendar, but i couldn't handle it. i just had t but io go right fo. i recommend it to the world. t but explain to people first what is the stoic philosophy? >> well, thank you fork th having me. i think the stoic philosophy is basically this idea that weco don't control what's happening around us, but we control how weits happ respond to it. >> and so for the stoics, itso r was about seizing control of that our thoughts, our opinions, our reactions our emotions, because most of us neglect that. >> right? we neglect what they would call the greatest empire ourselvelir. >> so when i was broken down on the side of the road becauses my car had a flat tire and it took an hour for the next
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car to come pick me up. >> thank god i read the dailyaue stoic because all jesse would have lashed out at the drivee wr and been a rude person. i was a perfect gentleman. i was politea rude , and i used that hour to read and reflect and calm myself. now, a lot of people aren'tar as enlightened as i am, and that's a shame. >> but maybe one day we can all get there. but those are the type tydawes of situations that people can masterpe peo and look to. >> 2000 years ago, they weren'tt getting stuck on the side of the road because their car gett the. goeir wagon did or they're they're their horse got sick or tired. so the idea that that the ancient world wasn'th th dealing with the same frustrations and problems and unpredictabl e world where what can go wrong will this is what huma n beings have been struggling with for all time. and the smartest, wisest people have come up with a bunch of ideas for how we handle these things and how wefa how we don't make the situation worse by embarrassing ourselves
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,by hurting other people, by torturing ourselves. that's what stoicisming ourss. . about. >> you see events oppo, nots an os good events. always had opportunity for you to practice virtuepportunit? >> and the virtuous life is the best life. >> the daily stoic ryan holiday changed my life. il will change yours. everybody go out and buy it where books are sold or alsoeveo on amazon. >> thank you sso mo muchuc. >> how about that for a while? charlie? >> time for sink or swim. battle of the business?sparin correspondents. >> charlie gasparino, author of theo au new book go woke go broke. >> keep it up there, jack. >> me. give me what you gave wu that almost as good as the >>y show gave me. what you get is an incredible read. i'm workin incredibg my way through it.e >> haven't finished it like i have the daily stoic, but i recommend it for everybody.azon >> go buy it on amazon now right now. i'll wai wait. >> we're waiting.we
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isu can just do it on your phone. >> is that good, charlie? is that good enough? is that all righ that goodt? >> here's that hundred dollars. and kelly, we don't do that here. afte r the show. >> baby, you're a firework. trump wa s asked to describe different people in just one word. >> which woman in power didhas he say has spark? was it aocsp or taylor swift? >> yeah. >> oh, michael taylor, i justwat want you to show my book again. >> i'm going i'm going to have you go that way. >> we both went to the same. it's a certain something. she just like she's got a spark. that's pretty amazins a sparett she's got a good spark. >> you were in the same classes her noinclasses w was a little. >> i'm a little older, by thes way. my father's a construction worker. >> i went right.went she grew up upper middle class and went left. rig. how does that. jesse >> i don't know, charlie, but we don't have time for your story. i can just show my boohavee fokk joy reid said this person was a safe vp pick for column. r ka >> he's, quote, super white, like a mayonnaise sandwich.
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>> oh, god. is it pete buttigieg or mark kelly? >> oh, come on. who is super white? like a mayonnaise sandwich, dude? who istee mayonnaithey're like, drip it, . >> oh, she will go astronaut, white, super white, like, you know, mayonnaise sandwich on wonder bread, white, super astronaut, white men sandwich on wonder bread. how would you describe you? i don't know. breai'm point 1% black. okay, joannie, we gotd this which well known democrat pundit compared kamala to john t wayne. >> was it joe scarborough oro chris matthews? >> i think it's and i'll make it interesting. >> oh, she's making it interesting. >>. esse: shneed to read >> she was john wayne last night. she was a leader. a leader . >> and she was clear that shess was the boss. we are going int.o this one time, so i have to let it go. very good. guy >> none of these guys are in m my book. go, go, go, go.y loca l broke is the name of the
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book. >> in case you missed it. not the most white dude. every white is the category. s white dudes across the countryfo gatheredr calm h on zoom this weekweek to pledge their support for the first black female nominee. but which famous white dude saysk he wishes he was black? >> got this one. be on r robert der niro? >> okay, so he must know. what's it? >>h black every white. >> everybody knows who robert de niro is. >> not all italian. i'm okay. i'm all italia itali.n okay. so what do you get? asked me about my bookat and are we're going to say goodbye t and we're going to tell everybody to go buy your book. >> what's the name of it again? it's called go out, go broke. it's a funny story about ceos acting stupid. thidb and woke oc. >> please hit him in the headadl with that paddle. all right. u late >> see you later, charlie. bye, kelly. yes, our movement hagoodbys anao announcement. that's nexunnt.t. e clin >> everybody wants
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>> next week i'm going to be on assignment. soso you won't be seeing me untileim the dnc in chicago. >> stio we're going to miss each other. >> but what do they say the about makes the heart grow fondery abou? >> distance? yes. distance makes the heart grow fonder. helet's do some text messages. ben from pensacola. >> you can't change a tire. my daughters learned that in high schoo dl. ving. i wasn't driving. the driver got a flae drivert t. >> did i help him fix it? i no. th >> we were pulled over. on the side of 95. it was dangerousit was. . >> ted from louisiana waters. next tim le you get a flat tire, call tim walz. >> i'm sure he can change tim a tire tampon. >> tim changes a nice tire. ijeff from san antonio. did that guy compareat g walls o a popsicle?
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grit. as soon as things get hot, go will me, babe.linois >> from john's burg, illinois steven miller is hot. have him on more often. >> it's. >> stop laughing and kill. >> he is hot in that. steven miller kind of way. >> todd from bradenton, florida. i ads for vp. b but i'm not sure how trump overlooked stephen. >> miller will have a positionle in the trump administration that we know greg from can be. i don't think you're going to get a christmas card this year fromu'll james carvils carville is invited on prime time during the convention. kevin from providence. jesse, how can you ifhow ca you don't use straws ? >> great point. i'm watters and i'm out. >> all right.


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