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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 10, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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[ national anthem playing ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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pete: that's a great shot to end on right there. boy on horse carrying flag. that's one you sent to us on "fox & friends" weekend for our nation's anthem. good morning. gate to see you back. rachel: welcome back. great to have you back, joey. keeping will's seat warm. will is not guilty here but he is here. like one mile away. pete: two miles of liquid. will i, woke up wondering if i'm going to regret and feel like i'm missing out if there's fomo,
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and i want to tell you definitively absolutely not. will cain, navy seal swim. reporter: this is where the swim will start. 2024 new york navy seal swim, aisle not be cheated of a single mile. i will not be cheated of a single accomplishment. it's three miles of liquid and the hudson river between me and you this morning a. 2-mile swim, a 2-mile run a3-mile swim, then a 1 mile run ending at ground zero. as you know, pete, because you
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have opted not to do it this year but have for many years, we'll carry american flags through the streets of downtown manhattan. we'll stop oturu ellis island and statue of liberty and each stop we'll do 100 pushups and 22 pullups and all together. some 300 odd of us. 60 or so navy seals, marine raiders, special forces. new jersey state police, new york fire department, first responders, more than 300. if it was 301 this year, this year it's 300 because we lost a brother in pete hegseth but i brought in one of my brothers from texas to do it this year with me. new york city navy seals swim. rachel: will, do you feel ready for this and you're trained enough to do this. rachel: pete know this. will: this is fake news.
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last year i trained heavily and this year i swam zero yards in a pool. i did a little swimming on vacation in hawaii. so overconfidence breeds neglect. this seal swim has been neglected. i feel confident, rachel. i can jump in the water and i'll be fine. i'll blow the doors off of pete. but, but. rachel: he's a good swimmer. water polo swimmer and he's comfortable in the water. pete: he says he's nervous and might be but he's prepared. will: the sea is angry, pete. high seas, choppy water, hurricane debby, high to toxinsd high bacteria levels. rachel: tomorrow. will: yeah could be interesting. rachel: we'll detox you tomorrow.
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lyrics first year i did this, i got pulled be ajet ski. that's not going to happen by will. rachel: no, he's good in the water. will: when you run through the streets of manhattan and carrying a american flag with the heros, it's bigger than nay hardship and accomplishment and i feel a part of ml something and it's incredit card and will hope we can share that with you on "fox & friends". when i'm hear four hours early to do television and look over and see the founder bill brown running with american flags and taking stuff off of dollies.
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there's no feeling sorry for yourself today. ted cruz about doing something hard with the heros of america. pete: that's awesome and proud of you. l do some stretching. that would be important. hydrate. it's too late. anything happening now is not going to help. rachel: you're so not encouraging. pete: the past couple of years and i did this and hosted the first two hours of the show here in a suit then went down and did the swim. he get as big head start today and he's listening right now. joey: i don't have any sea legs
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anywhere or i'd go do it with him. rachel: you're the only one with a good excuse, joey. pete: we have to move onto a bit of news. kamala harris heading to nevada today after campaigning outside of phoenix last night. rachel: president trump's plane was forced to make an unscheduled landing in billings due to mechanical issue. no word on what the issue was. joey: a new million shows harris and trump are neck and neck in several battleground states and harry edging out the president and 42% to 40. that's obviously within the margin of error. every single digits election he's been in even the 2020 election, he outperformed the
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polls. rachel: yeah, a lot of people, listen, when i was in philadelphia -- sorry, in allentown, pennsylvania, this past week, a lot of the voters said their neighbors won't tell people publicly but people still in very blue areas that are like that and can hah have social stigma ma like that and they live in certain blue drugs and certain communities and that might be partially why that's happening but i think in the end, if donald trump sticks to the policy and sticks to the issue and people are feeling the pain and they're very worried not just about their bottom line but about what's happening in other countries and the possibility of war.
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jowski this is about preventing world war iii and stop ago 1929 style depression. that's what's going to happen. with your vote, you're going to reverse the kamala crash and kamala chaos and stop the biden harris invasion of people that don't belong in our country. they're invading our country. she's refused to do a single interview. you know why? because she's dumb. or hold a single press conference. she won't hold a press conference. she went do it. if you can't do a press conference, you cannot be president. okay. that's it.
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pete: there's a record that trump can point to and record that harris can tied to. this is bubble wrapped and curated by the media and we're not close to having that policy contrast situation because they're just going to wrap her in a warm globe as long as they can and it'll be the trump campaign and trump's job to pull her out and force herself to show who she is and what her capabilities are to the american people. the more she can be pressed obstructing cerumen on that to a micro-folk and people asking better questions, i hear the same thing like oh, man, the polls are tightening and this is going to be a mudslide and getting sea legs and approaching it. rachel: he seems angry in the press conference and that'll hurt him with women. i've heard people say that. you just said something so interesting and it'll be trump's
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job to pull her out and you're right, it is. but it should be the media's job >> she talked for 70 seconds and hands tied behind your back and more. joey: she's not saying this is what i stand for and how i'll do it. she'll be defined by one of two things, president trump or the media. right now it's the media. i don't know if they'll get more with biden and there's no reason for them to. the moderator and somebody like myself and i i want president trump to win and find it entertaining that she won't
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answer questions because she's stupid and i find that funny as a throw away line. rachel: you both laughed. joey: he's having to do that because the media is doing nothing to address her weaknesses and her positions and saying she can cook good and that's a god thing now and they're saying that she's full of joy, which is such a weird tag line to use. and addressing the issues and something like a misstep done by inflation and when i'm president and she does address issues and it's a fine line for her. joey: the only smart tactic is blame them for things and anything other than that she has to accept responsibility for it. pete: she's not forced to confront her previous positions and this is what she claims now about border security. kamala harris and talked about
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it now. charlie: attorney general of a border state. >> transnational gangs and drug carcartels and traffickers and i prosecuted them in case after case and i won. we know our immigration system and we know what it takes to fix it. trump re-hencive reform, that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. but donald trump does not want to fix this problem. he had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border security bill in decades.
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but donald trump tanked the deal. when i am president, i will sign the bill. rachel: the border is the number one issue in arizona, of course because we're getting crushed by it on so many levels. here's kamala harris. pete: blaming trump. rachel: she's blame l trump and flash back of what she's said on the border. listen. jaire i'm opposed to any policy that would deny access to human safety, public education or public health. >> raise your hand if it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation. can we keep our hands up so we can see them? >> we have to deal with what's
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happening at the border. there's no question about that . joey: yeah, and missing that montage is her saying ice is akin to the kkk. charlie: why wasn't that in there? pete: or defensive sanctuary policies that have been defensive for too. measure powerful side of her party and you talk about walking a thin line or thread ago needle. what is the messaging for her on these issues when she owns the bad ones and she has a bad position on the ones she doesn't own? rachel: katie hobbs was not this, the democrat governor. that's interesting to me. pete: that is interesting. i wonder why that is. i'd like more information on that and did she see herself from the border and it's so hot.
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rachel: people are so angry and that stadium there, pete, and joey is filled with the most die hard activists and normal people, democrats, republicans, they see the damage of having open the border and tuning fork san sector completely overrun in a way that's it's probably the worst. pete: that's a great point and we play these clip asks she read it very careful pete: they want
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to make it a civil offense for border crossing ands harris' stance has changed and campaign official told axios her position on the border crossing is the same as biden's and unauthorized border crossings are illegal. rachel: i didn't know that . pete: that's their position now. after what, 12 million? joey: it's only illegal if you enforce it. and they done. it's de-criminalized anyway. rachel: she should be held responsible not just for the damage they've done to the state of arizona and so many other states suffering from it but also should be held accountable for the children that her administration lost now upwards of 100,000 unaccompanied children that no one has any idea where they're at. pete: root causes was her only job and wasn't that. just the root causes.
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few additional headlines starting with this, hundreds of taylor swift fans gathering in the streets of vienna after the pop star concert was called off after a foiled terror plot and the photo of the man and main terror suspect. why are we blurring his face? i'll have to get that information. police in austria arrested a third teenager in iraqi national in connection with the blob. the suspects were planning to drive a bomb filled car outside of the shows and one hired to work security outside of the concert and meanwhile a un counter terrorism chief calls isis k the greatest terror threat to europe. dismissing a murder charge and the police officer boyfriend.
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she's guilty and taunted her going for the courthouse. debby is leaving the northeast today after drenching parts of the region yesterday. high water rescue teams like this one in northern pennsylvania were deployed to reach people trapped in homes and cars. a rescue team in florida save ago american flag from being ripped away from the high winds
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when debby made land fall as a hurricane and those are headlines. that's what will's talking about some of the churn in the hudson and going to deal with that. joey: the same kind of atr plane that crashed and killed 72 people just last year in nepal. that's next. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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joey: back a folk news alert and terrifying video showing the moment a plane carrying 61 people crashed in brazil yesterday. all 61 people on board were killed. investigators now looking for clues as the plane plunged into the flat spin. the plane and at72 turbo prop was making only a 95 minute trish and crashed about 50 miles from the destination. joining us is pilot and aviation expert anthony roman. thank you for joining us this morning. it dropped a couple hundred feet and looked like it could recover then dropped a couple thousand feet and went into a spin. explain to us from your expertise what's happening
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there. we may not know what cause it had but what's happening? >> the apr is a very safe airplane and reasonably safety record and that type of spin is quite difficult to get out of if there's a mechanical failure and the air flow of air going over the wings is disrupted and it's not managed properly by the pilots and it begins to get out of hand. flat spin can be caused either by me cab cal failure and mismanagement of very, very sad event with so many people on
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board. joey: i've always heard one is none and two is one when it comes to prop engines on a plane. is that true for a plane like this? can one engine publicly the plane and get it home safely? turbo engines similar to propeller lists and the cockpits are also very sophisticated and highly computerized and mechanical failure and rear of the airplane with rudder and small wing and mechanical failure there can make it almost impossible to recover. if an engine fails and pilots don't properly manage it or suffer a rudder failure as well, it can be impossible to recover
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from. so they'll have to be a significant investigation into the probable causes. joey: listen, thank you so much for joining us and adding expertise. it's a sad story and we have to learn from these and hope to not let it happen again. thank you very much, anthony. >> okay. joey: secret service has to answer to moments like this one here. >> i thought you were on the roof? i thought it was you? i thought you guys were on the roof.
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pete: secret service is now reviewing newly released police body cam footage showing someone on the roof minutes before donald trump was nearly
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assassinated. along with the chaos and confusion that unfolded. >> is she a shooter or have a weapon? i thought you were on the roof. i thought it was you. i thought you guys were on the roof. synergy home were you not on the roof? why weren't we? this is a [bleep] up. pete: richard is a former secret service agent and did it for years. this is a new one to have a chance to review the new body cam footage and have a chance to look at the guy and what do they make of all this. that's who you talk about and see and don't hear. in particular, where is everyone and the director testified
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before congress there was at least 60 secret service agents there and i don't see any and supplemented by homeland security and where are these guys and the state police. where are all the people and this is not yosemite with millions of acres of forested property and a relatively small event site and yet you rely on one cop who doesn't even have a ladder to climb on top of the building after everyone at this place told them. pete: there's a plastic chair right there. >> we told them there's somebody on the roof with a gun. yet where's his assets and don't hear any radio traffic. what is going on with that. where is the communication? total and complete cataclysmic breakdown of basic secret service policies and procedures and there's no need to review any of this. pete: how did that happen? >> two reasons and a lack of leadership and management at senior most levels and director level and senior director level over the course of the last three, four years specifically, assets taken away from president
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trump because he was simply treated as a former president or routine candidate. he is anything but that. if nothing else in the last year, his social profile and the threat levels increased dramatically. the highest levels of u.s. government in the united states. the anti-christ and the greatest existential threat to democracy. how do you not realize, particularly through the secret service and the threat business. you don't realize that's going to invoke the ire and focus of every fringe lunatic in the world to take a shot at this guy and leave a building that's within football throwing distance uncovered in totally unacceptable and totally negligent. pete: the director and assistant director as one aspect and what's the other? employee on the ground? >> where are all the guys and a guy that handles the site nowhere to be seen. a site supervisor supposed to have experience and conduct a last walk through to make sure everything is covered.
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where is this person? none of these people produced to answer the most basic questions by the current leadership of the secret service. pete: guys on the ground and i thought you were on the roof. thank you for your service to the country. >> thank you, same to you. pete: you got it. kamala harris courting the latino vote in nevada today. are they buying? we'll ask a hispanic business owner about her policies. first, go to will cain ahead of the navy seal swim.ou will: get readldy for the new yk will: get readldy for the new yk navy seal swim when we come back.
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rachel: kamala harris continues battleground blitz including the silver state nex and neck with trump. trump gained ground with latino vovoters and lags behind harris securing an endorsement from the nation's largest latino civil rights organization. so what does trump need to do to win over that key electric in the state? his business owner and republican-and-a-half can dade rafael administer roy owe
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joining us now. arroyo joining us here. i've been talking to latinos across the country and more and more are moving right, but what does he need to do to overtake harris in your view? jowski he needs to focus on the policies because all voters including la latinos care about that . he needs to foe cuss on the policies. rachel: i've been saying the same thing and hispanic americans see themselves as the working class, and that's a big block to be part of and if they continue to speak to his panic americans as working class about working class issues, i think that'll work. so tell us about this endorsement that harris got. , kamala harris got in nevada. >> it is a large organization and they've never endorsed
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someone before, but to be honest, no one will be changing their vote because of this endorsement. like i said, they're going to care about the issues, and as a small business owner, i'm the one that has to make payroll every two weeks and i know where i was four years ago. it's way harder than it is -- way harder right now than it was four years ago and that's what people care about. they're not going to care about this endorsement. rachel: this is lulac; correct? look at this poll, or these numbers, this is the number of hispanics who will be voting in the coming election so 36.2 million eligible hispanic voters for 2024. it's the highest amount ever. latinos expected to -- or projected to make up about 14.7% of eligible voters nationally, 22% of eligible nevada voters are latino and that's a huge
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block. obviously the economy is a top issue. interestingly and also ironically, the border and illegal immigration is a big topic. but there's social issues that hispanics care about and very deep contrasts as well contraindication for cerumen; c? >> yeah, look, i'm out here and running for office for state assembly and i'm out here knocking doors and couple days ago, i was at a hispanic voter's door and he was from cuba and he's really concerned about the rhetoric he's hearing and he was like i left this stuff. he wanted people to know they never come through on these types of policies and promises and the presidents will be the one that will work.
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rafael thank you and good luck on your race. joey: a school and mosque compound in gaza city and the attack killed a large number of palestinians and israelis say it served as a hideout for hamas and islamic jihad commanders using them and iran's new president is fighting with the country's armed forces. it indicates he's against striking israel over fears it'll spark an all out war. fda is recalling more than 16,000 cans of store brand powdered baby formula sold in 12 states due to high levels of vitamin d.
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plus, unsafe for most -- they want safe for most babies and kidney issues at risk and supra aural headphones-carri richardson lands first gold with this come from behind win. the hurdle final american ride ben anyone leading world record holder to bring home the gold and finally tennessee native olivia reeves winning the gold after dead lifting over 150 pounds, look at that, that's awesome. isn't that called a snatch? okay. the united states and china are locked in for the most gold
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medals with u.s. dominating the total medal count. those are your headlines. a dead lift you go up to your waist. that was a snatch. 150 pounds, that's a lot of weight to throw overyour head. turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for fox weather. pete: look at you, joey, you know that . you can do that. joey: i'm already top heavy, man. pete: incredible week this week. >> we had debby causing all of this flooding and flooding down across parts of florida and mid-atlantic and yesterday across a lot of northeast areas of pennsylvania and new york and that is almost done with us and well get a bit of a break here and behind this after all the flooding it's really hot and heat advisories down across parts of florida and dealing without power and cleanup and feeling like in the 105 range the next few days and all across
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parts of florida and coastal georgia and south carolina and looking for mid-atlantic and actual air temperatures here in the mid 90s and so many people and it's going to be really uncomfortable conditions. the next system is going to be watching another tropical wave and 80% chance of developing and 7-10 days before going back and pete: true meaning behind the navy seals swim. next. ♪
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pete: today navy seals, veterans and law enforcement officers and every day americans from across the country are swimming from across new york hudson river from the new york trade center to manhattan. rachel: will cain is participating in honor of the american heros.
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hey, will. will: we have about an hour taking off on the run and jump in the water and take off on the swim and important to note standing here this morning and under the empty sky memorial why we're doing this and it's not just to do hard things and it's supportive of the foundation and everyone here getting >> we have over 31 gold stars and they're a family member of somebody that lost their life in iraq or afghanistan and overseas and 31 gold star withs us and we have over 100 navy seals this year and if that's the best testment you could have for the beautiful work that the navy seal foundation does for our fallen and brothers.
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will: aaron friedmann here and he's done a lot of help and fundraising for the seal foundation. for the seal community, talk to me about the money it's raised here today on >> they'll help everyone in different ways and medical,s they can travel and not covered and take care of them and help their families and bring people together as well and these events are really important for bringing everyone together as well as bringing come rod reigns leading back for guys that have retired and guys that are still active and different organizations like nypd, fdny and different foundations that want to get together and help. will: this thing has grown and only my second year. pete, you've been a part of this for several years and it's grown and started out with pete and bill and 30 navy seals and now
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well over 300 and 100 seals in the water today. 300 patriots from every walk of life as well. raising money in support of the seal community. with that, bill, how much -- talk about growth. i talked about the number of people. what kind of money is this raising for the seal foundation? >> last i looked, we're slightly under a hal half m500k -- half a mill, 500k and thanks to yourself and pete and fox news and championing this event and looking out for navy seals and gold stars and thank you to everybody out there. and that've i have seals does beautiful work and think about raising money and helping our brothers and helping our gold stars. thank you, guys. thank you, fox. thank you. will: who am i? i'm just a tv host and you've
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got guys like ryan. we did a dial in swim a year-over-year ago and you're like me. a geopolitical that could be watching and see it on the lower third of the television screen of how to help the navy seal foundation and got this community and why is it you're so inspired to give back to the seals. >> you really just love being here and i'm truly honored and it's going to be a challenge. who doesn't love a good challenge. will: three hours we get to stand side by side with guys like this. almost look similar. almost. shirt will come off later and see howdies similar it actually is. it's going to be fun. as you know well, pete, and it's all for -- not just -- i said
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this to bill this week on the will cain show, starts out selfish and i want to do this and accomplish this objective and i want to do something hard. then when you're running with a flag for downtown manhattan with the fire engines blaring horns and bag pipe playing and on your way to ground zero, it's something way more than my individual accomplish p.m. this is about our country and men that protect it and how all of us can give back to helping out the guys who help us in america. all right, now, back over across the head sun to you guys in manhattan. pete: could not say it any better. will cain with great american there is and kicking it off in just a moment. big saturday show. stay with us because will is getting in the water eventually. more "fox & friends". ♪ ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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