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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪. pete: it is the 8:00 a.m. hour of fox and friends we can start with this. trump rally with thousands slamming kamala harris apart left record is ongoing dodging of the media. making clear to voters what is at stake this november. >> this election is about saving our economy, ending in fleshy, securing our borders, restoring respect for our nation. we are no longer respected. rachel: plus kamala harris had s to nevada today or the border and the economy are the top issue. i went to another key state a swing state where they talked inflation. who can handle it best. >> everything is going up hybrid looks really high excruciatingly hybrid. >> i cannot afford hardly anything. >> our borders, indian voters are moving. joey: will is ready to jump in
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the water take on the navy seals when he joins us live ahead of the biggest from the third hour of fox and friends weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ is that paddle boarding is that what it is paddle surfing? is that a kayak i cannot tell. i'm not much of a a water guy anymore. before you write is sitting out accountable rachel you are in new jersey what's it like out there? rachel: i've only been a couple of times i am a late girl. you guys know that. >> even argue lakes are better than beach? rachel: there is no shark spread there's no sharks. we do a lot of shark stuff on the show. but she liked the lakebed you
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get on a float boat you get float, skis, the boards to be there but worse we get what i'm saying. pete: i love the lake ives enjoyed most of my life on the lake you cannot compute the ocean. so that you cannot do as much in the ocean. i love the beach on get me wrong. but you prefer? you know who's choosing the natural order today? will cain is in the natural water today but he is alive at liberty state park this morning ahead of his navy seal swimming. what's up, will? will: how's it going joey? we're certain the headcount here liberty state park robert my personal security details over here for just come hear from it robert. robert makes sure no one touches well on lands but not on water though. cannot keep up with me in the water. i got a different security detail on the water but look at what robert showed me he is carrying this knife honoring ryan at larkin's seal
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19,872,017. you guys, bill brown as well or honoring specific seals this year if your challenge free. >> that is right for this year i want to honor ryan larkin. we lost him back in 2017. i just want to show everyone out there we still remember you, ryan, we care about you that is who we are doing this for a. >> thanks man appreciate what you're doing running and >> with robert. let me introduce you to do what he has an israeli navy seal. there is a whole contingent of you guys this year hear from israel. tell us what made you want to participate this year end the seal swim? what's it's a lot of cooperation between the u.s. and israel. and it is an honor to be here and to basically honor you guys for your service helping israel. and also we are cure for the hostages there's 115 hostages still in gaza and seven of them are american citizens. we swim for them as well. >> a lot of guys hear that know something more that news in
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theory what's happening. i might point this out. the israelis seals of the star of david on their shorts. as you watch throughout the morning and into tomorrow patriots is clean navy seals what the bone frog to identify any of our seals with the bone frog. >> is our own insignia. for the israeli. will: we appreciate you so much for hear them getting warmed up on the national anthem in a minute then we will take off running it down to our entry point into the hudson, 3 miles across the stopping of the statue of liberty, ellis island finally ground zero. significance and pull ups with meeting every step of the way until he arrived at ground zero. pete: will cain i tip my hat to youthis money it's one thing tot the y near but then to go re- up for your two with no training we must share with their peers will is a great swimmer, but no training. that's worth viewing just for
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that. and it is not easy at all. the navy seals are legit but will is fast. i actually think i have you in the top 20% probably could he do that for me, welcome of the swimmers? rachel: no pressure. the top 60 swimmers you can do that. will: i got it will check with bill brennan giving the official steps will start with you within run super patriotic events. they are the beneficiaries through all the work they do. joey: it's awesome will is alsoe doing i'm proud of him. rachel: beach i'm proud of him. pete: don't be proud of him yet. [laughter] he will finish, he will finish. joey: today alsu kurmasheva's heading to nevada after campaigning right outside of phoenix last night. joey: former president trump was in boozman, montana left side that rally coming after his plane was forced to make an unscheduled landing and billings due to a mechanical issue.
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we do not have word yet on what the issue was. a new poll shows harris and trump are neck and neck seven battleground states. it's inside the margin of error 42 -- 40 it is a tight race which we all know. joey: and that the naysayer on poles but present jump out those poles but he is staying steady there's a huge sigh of relief among democrats it is not joe biden. i think a sack of potatoes could've stepped into that spot and got better numbers from harris at. space. rachel: were not running a mommy there's some enthusiasm and so much press you have the "new york times" in many of these legacy media outlets defending her decision for the campaign strategist decision to not have her do any interviews. it's fascinating. >> not just defending stuff only that but rewriting history.
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rewriting headlines we did a couple weeks ago the way in which they have tried to erase her past and say that did not happen that was on her policy position which means it's really on donald trump to make the case about who she really is which is part of what he did last night in boozman, montana he was there it's on a swing say he's there to try to get rid of jon tester in the senate. raise money, rally voters his part of his argument about what harris is doing, watch. >> correct this election is about saving our economy, ending inflation, securing our borders, restoring respect for our nation. we are no longer respected and stopping in 19209 style depression pray because that is what's going to happen pretty solid happened last week. with your vote we will reverse the crash and end the chaos and stop the biden/harris invasion of people that don't belong in our country. they are invading our country.
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since becoming a presidential candidate she has refused to do a single interview. you know why? because she is dumb, dumb. court holds a single press conference. she will not hold a press conference. she won't do it. if you cannot do a press conference you cannot be president, okay? that is it. she doesn't do them. rachel: she did not have to fight in a primary and defend her position. she was installed. >> she did it once and got 1%. sue five there's no private is a discussion maybe we'll do that than obama decided let's just put her in. once she is in let's have her to tiktok videos and. pete: tt tv. tiktok, prompter, and the view. rachel: will get her up to the start of early voting in september. and then she will do a debate after a lot of people very
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devoted. this is all super coordinated per the number one issue facing americans right now is inflation and the economy. here is what kamala has to say about that. >> week here, we believe in a future where we lower the cost of living for america's families. [cheering] so that they have the chance not just to get by, but to get ahead. when i am president i will continue that work to bring down prices. i will take on, i will take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging. i will take on corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working families. [cheering] i will take on big pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all americans. [cheering]
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and all of this is to say, unlike donald trump i will always put the middle class and working families first. joey: is so interesting to me is are bested attempt at a message when you going to do? is so difficult for the vice president of the united say when i am president i'm going to fix these problems that i made will i was vice president. i don't how she does it with a straight face. what is her message? president trump made the red hat famous make america great to get it did not say trump on its head make america great again. great opportunity to express their displeasure. their version of that hat is this camo hat that says harris/waltz on it. look at me i can cook in the kitchen i was a football coach. it's about them it's about those two individuals because when you go to the issues or a message they don't have one to sell they really don't.
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pete: it's a lot of neighborliness and socialism if you look at the policy she was the deciding vote was at the bipartisan infrastructure built which is actually great new deal or was it i cannot remember inflation reduction act. it's a bunch of spending. joey: they brag about the pre-new deal. pete: she was part and parcel of all the things that led to the massive amount of inflation but here's the thing i do not know if you guys feel the same and got a bunch of text of last couple of weeks donald trump should say this and is gotta say this is got to stop saying this. you see a statement like she is dumb. people owe that's going to turn off women or went to the black journalist and said it's going to turn off, you don't know that. women are not a monolith there probably a lot of women the glop and see if she is dumb i wish we had a smarter candidate that would may be some date be the first female prez or maybe black voters are looking for authenticity maybe we all are. donald trump's been out this for
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long time. he has beaten big opponents in the passing is all the overwhelming amounts of media and there's 85 days ago until the election, a long time yes the press displaying a defense for kamala there's no doubt he's always had it on the offense to overtake the overwhelming amount of onslaught that is against him. let's get shakes out she's forced to come out and actually talk and defend those positions. when the coaches got to cannot explain some background when he lied about his military record put all those things the chickens are going to come to roost is just going to take some time. that media will not dig they will only defend harris. rachel: one 100%. in the last clip she was talking to theof the working class. i actually went to a very sort of quintessential working-class town allentown in pennsylvania. i stood outside of a grocery store because we wanted to get people's feelings about inflation and food cost by the way which are up 30% since she
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and joe biden took over. so here's what they had to say. ♪. rachel: are setting in front of a gorgeous or how is inflation affected your family? looks very much, very much for r everything so up really high precooked excruciatingly hyper at. >> i cannot afford hardly anything. >> grocery prices go up and then everything goes up precooked i don't feel there's a balance with income versus being able to spend your money. speaker everything is expensive too. >> all the time gas is high businesses are going to pass on their expenses to people. >> what are your customers tell you about how the economy is affecting them? >> compared to my family everything was mostly cash they were paying full what we notice here a lot of it is financing. or layaway. >> under president trump it was better there were more people spending money, people were traveling more and spending and getting haircuts more often to
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her quirks were kind of adjustments have you had to make in your own life your own family, your home in order to make ends meet? what cooking different. >> how question or question can't eat what you want too. >> ready at work on the side doing other work. >> 's town is 54% hispanic you're peruvian. when you talk to your neighbors what you hearing? >> more latino voters indian voters moving into the balance with every two years ago everyone hated it and out majority like no i'm voting for trump. >> really? >> yes, yes really. >> i was a democrat i started to realize that policies i was voting in was not my standard or what i believed. >> the republican party has the values that we hold dear. that is god, family, life. >> she would be surprised i used to do registration a lot of people change a party to go to the republican party instead of
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the democrat. >> i'm a registered democrat. i was on the fence. the current moment when everything is going i still need to sit on the table precooked to be voting for this year? >> president donald trump too. >> you are more open to voting for someone other than the democrademocratic at this time t time? >> it is a possibility. >> i've seen a lot of people leaving going towards trump or even people or biden? what's in people who are biden pickets are hoping president trump wins again. >> for the tips higher when trump was in office? >> of course. [laughter] >> of got to trump into office. rachel: you think they'll fix the problem? >> i know it will become guides and tips were higher owns a barbershop there and allentown. didn't think about that people get haircuts less frequently. defendant le leavitt lesson tipi spoke to another guy who owned a jewelry store and he said before people would pay in cash. now it is on credit card or layaway.
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people feel and it trickles down. i spoke to one voter in use are in the package he sent a registered voter she's a democrat. she said -- and by the way really like this lady she was so honest she said you'd be surprised how many people are registering a republican or tell me they went about for trump. then he started to ask, she's coming out of the grocery store to we talked about the economy she said it's really tough we are having to do leftovers i'm making everyone turn up the lights in the house all the times of them keep the utility bills down. so i start to question her a little bit more about the economy. this might show you a little bit of what trump might be up against in terms of harcourt democrat voters, listen. >> you voted for biden over trump? >> yes because you say the economy is bad over the last four years. but you're still going to vote for kamala? >> yes. right now is a better choice. rachel: tell me why? >> i don't know i feel like we
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need to have someone and i don't know any other canon feels that. rachel: you are looking for someone to represent something to you? >> yes. rachel: do you think donald trump would manage the economy better than kamala harris? >> yes. [laughter] rachel: that's a crazy answer. [laughter] that is fascinating. i appreciate your honesty. >> he's a businessman than it comes to guiding us or maybe being a president may be she has a better way to represent us. see for that is interesting. rachel: lawrence heard that yesterday it will meet plated on the couch and said that's just because she is an activist and it's really hard for her to make that transition. she is honest enough to admit donald trump will be better for the economy. she was honest to talk about her
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own financial struggles. and yet she could not bring herself. on the other hand i talked to so many people who said this place, allentown you would not have found one trump supporter if you stood on this corner two years ago. she said she represents her strategy that is their message. the issues are not great but look what i represent. look who i am. i can be presidential whatever that means. clutching feel good about yourself for voting for us to make your life is going to get worse. thirty-six is about her and him as character of a person help voters are informed enough to not fall for it. rachel: imagine if you are having trouble making the rented next week are going to buy groceries for your kids and then kamala harris who has been part of its up the biden biden administration was the biden-harris administration and she says just weights, elect to meet present and then i will deal with. they just told us joe biden is not capable of running the government essentially.
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so she is really right in the government or whoever is behind her. so why don't they start that project now? >> we have 85 days to go or whatever it is and they will. full turn additional headline starting with this. appeals court overturned the conviction and life sentence of one of the seven people convicted of the murder a bordr patrol agent brian terry. in 2010. a former u.s. marine was killed in a gun battle during a botched federal gun operation. they tried to expose the obama era fast and furious scandal when federal agents allowed gun dealers to sell weapons to illegal buyers in an effort to track cartel members. the suspect in terry's killing was found guilty in 2019. but now appeals court says due process rights may have been violated. the hamptons hotel were justin timberlake was allegedly drinking before's dwi arrest in june was hit with a subpoena during a hearing yesterday prosecutors want to know what
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the pop star it was up to before he was pulled over. this a photo of timberlake obtained by the daily melt shows him in handcuffs according to court document told the arresting officer he had just one martini at the hotel. the next hearing in the case is set for mid september. timberlake is not required to attend. and calling all bowling fans. it is national bowling day or to celebrate you can get a free game at the lanes today had to go to download a free coupon and find a participating in bowling center near you. national bowling they started in 1956 to celebrate the millions who loved to roll its and most played sport in america. rachel: aptly as we do it sometimes on the show. maybe we will do it again. we'll be right back.
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lyles will need a good leg here. can he deliver? here comes the pass! look at this kid! coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run! it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star of these world championships.
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joey: are back with a fox news alert terrifying video showing a moment in a plane carrying 61 people crashed in brazil yesterday killing everyone on board. the plane and atr 72 turboprop plummeted into a flat spin. you see it right there. investigators now looking into it because the flight to go down
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just 50 miles from its destination we are asking ken christiansen aviation analyst commercial pilot former nasa air force aircraft crash investigator. this is the type of thing you have a lot of experience in. when an interview earlier this morning to get a little bit of insight. i would love your analysis look at the video with the information we have. >> it's a very tragic accident at the fortunate we had some ground video parts of the ground video it shows a leftist spinng turn. probably just sending a well over 10,000 feet per minute. the train was about 2500 feet so they dissented from 17000 about 14500 feet. and that checks with air traffic control from that data i reviewed. >> you mentioned when you said your point of view their severe icing and freezing in the southern hemisphere's are different weather than what we are experiencing.
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there's icing and freezing there. that might have because i know we are just speculating i do not want to point this out as a point of fact. but explain how that is a problem what you're supposed to do to make sure it doesn't happen. quickset is a good question. at that altitude it is much cooler than it is on the ground. even in the summer you can get freezing rain and ice in the areas of thunderstorms and convective activity. the weights of the ice is not the issue it's when i said here's to the wing it makes the air foil a different shape and then it's not giving a lift to the aircraft in the aircraft awaiting fails to fly or support the weight than the airplane will descend or one of the wings will stall whether it's the right wing or the left wing in the plane will hard bank to the left or right and that is how you enter into the spin. joey: the person i interviewed this morning the said this airplanes relatively safely of a
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graphic that shows you the history of this airplane in these types of crashes. there's been a 15 of them since 1987 when it was introduced to the specific a model of the atr the 72 are only nine is that a good statistic? i would want it to be easier bridges that show this airplane is relatively safe? >> it depends if you fly -- all planes are safe if you fly them within the envelope. the atr does have a pneumatic or air fuel rubber boot that is here to that leading edge of the aircraft of the wing that fills up with air and breaks the ice off. most commercial airplanes, jet airplanes have a hot wing they take the lead air from the while shoot it down the edge and melt the ice. a little bit different with that if you exercise that boot too much you can create an isa ice bridge the ice can build up behind the boots and then it is unable to be removed from the
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wing picnics get into the details of how these planes at work it really is amazing we can fly at all. ken christiansen thank you so much for bringing your analysis. >> okay, take care joe we have a good day. joey: today and nevada kamala harris continues her swing state but try to flip the script on her border record. she's getting pushback from a must when a group. but first we are counting down to the kick off of this year's navy seal swim, will is a live edit the flag run. there he is what is going on? will: right here under the empty sky memorial next to what is left of the world trade center were going to pick up american flags 100 odd navy seals and patriots were going to run to new jersey state park. we entered the water and swim to the statue of liberty and then to ellis island and then to ground zero. coming up on fox and friends. ♪ (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari?
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rachel: kamala harris in las vegas a new poll across swing state to show her neck and neck with trump. harris campaign also releasing a new ad in english and spanish targeting lead t led to latino s in the states. but arizona gop has an ad of their own calling out harris for not fixing the border. here to react is it monet floris a republican voter in arizona and strategic director at the initiative. welcome. tell us what you are sitting on the ground. i know they do a really good job of grassroots work. what art latinos in your state saying? >> thank you for having me. i believe hispanics like most americans are asking themselves my better off than it was four years ago? this administration is not
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empowering latinos to reach their full potential. our communities looking for candidates that are pro- energy, pro- economic growth purchase had four is in this administration to prove she cared about the economy and immigration. instead it vice president is going to have to defend these policies and have left immigrants waiting for answers. americans avoid further safety because the open border and economy or the average age of a home buyer is 36 compared to 33 and 2020. and americans are approximately paying $12000 more a year then n when she took office. were feeling the pain of this economy thanks to this administration's failed policies. rachel: look at this a poll harris still holding a lead over latino voters if you look at them a whole 50% support kamala harris. forty-two for donald trump at papeople have to remember those numbers for donald trump for a republican candidate are incredible. it was not very long ago repubthatrepublicans were in ths with hispanics.
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it donald trump definitely on the move it. what do you think president donald trump should do in these last 90 days before the election? more rallies, what should he do in order to capture and catch up to kamala harris? >> i do believe her failed policies create a level playing field where they both have to talk about solutions rather than status of quote political promises. our community is looking for candidates that are going to deliver on real policy solutions we want candidates that will tear down barriers for their community pro- energy, pro- economic growth and deliver on immigration reform. rachel: one of the attacks on the left of donald trump as he is a racist. interestingly the trump campaign ad he's going to double dan on closing the border that is the ad for hispanics. talk to me about that. >> i really believe the hispanic
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community is frustrated with where we are at regarding immigration. in 2022 harris said the border is secure. however since this took office u.s. customs and border protection has logged more than 7.8 million illegal border crossings. i don't know about you but that does not some very secure to me but meanwhile hard-working individuals who be great assets to this country, i have family members and other countries it is still waiting in limbo because this administration did not deliver on real immigration reform. thirty-five it's usually people came up here illegally, went to the process who are the most frustrated with the open borders. and all of us, no matter what our color or race or background will be upset about the fact harris are coming across the border. this is a national security nightmare. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. rachel: you have got a pert u.s. fighter jets arri arrived in the middle east.
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welcome joey. the shirts office surrounded by 300 patriots some odd hundred navy seals. we are about to do it put about to take up from the end from the scott memorial 2-mile run down the park will get in the hudson. as you know it well three mounts limpet 300 push-ups, 66 polyps, three different spots for the most important thing is what this all means. >> our country is beautiful pert our people are beautiful but we love our nation. god bless america. will: god bless america are you ready mates? here we go. alright built take her away. >> let's go. [cheering] let's go, move it. [cheering] [applause] >> take them running. take them running. >> there they go with the sword this year. it is a wonderful sight it really is but you can feel the
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energy when you are there is increasing, increasing there's always a ceremony where there is a prayer which is already happened. the pledge of allegiance. a number of speeches from seals that they are about who they are running on behalf of. and then ultimately a pick ax take it off, mike is gone i am off. i will see you. wish me luck. >> we do wish you luck to invite america at wish you luck but we know you don't need it your great swimmer. surrounded by america's best. there's over 100 navy seals this year. thirty goldstar members lots of vets, patriots, law enforcement. the group gets bigger every single year's. the cause is fantastic to not change the channel four the next hour 20 we are going to track will cain in the shortest shorts all into the hudson river tomorrow morning will show the whole swim. i am not envious i noticed got in front of him. but god blessed people chuck becket in a moment.
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he was at military stepping up its posture in the middle east by sending in fighter jets but that's as america's report of that wording are wrong about the serious risk of carrying out any retaliatory strike on israel. retard u.s. army major dana petard joins us now to react too. general, thank you for being here. we thought we would see a retaliation for my ron a lot sooner for the assassination or the killing of the leader in tehran. but we haven't. why do you think we have not seen that attack yet? >> good morning. i wish i was there during polyps and push-ups and swimming and running also. pete: there's always at next year you are always invited. >> part of the reason why iran has not responded yet is they are just not sure how to respond. they do not want a full-blown war with israel. not at all. but, they are in a dilemma. they feel like they must response.
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many of the people and iran feel the government should respond. so they're going to pick and choose their time which is not helpful to the overall situation. pete: no doubt. how about our posture? will put up on the screen the amount of attacks against u.s. forces since october 17, 2023. shofisheye of the year 175. obviously we have not responded to all of those attacks. what should we be doing with all of our troops? that's a lot of basis in a lot of troops in harm's way with a lot of incoming. all of which almost all of which center around proxies of iran. what you make of it? >> again, iran is who is behind all of this with their proxies as you just mentioned. but i think what we are doing is about any attacks against u.s. troops is obviously unacceptable. you still could not allow some small militia or small proxy to
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draw the u.s. into a wider war. and so when the attacks have gone to where u.s. troops are hurt, the u.s. response. the u.s. has increased its defensive posture and offense of capability in the region most recently. since the killing of the hamas leader. pete: i have a lot of concern about the strips on the basis this open-source stuff and none of this is classified paid their air defense systems and some of those cases are not as robust as we would think. with the sophisticated drone technology our adversaries now have if iran wanted to kill u.s. service members in the region on one of those basis they probably could. they've held back so far but they could. do you have concern about the troops on the ground? >> absolutely i have concerns. however we know the defensive posture has been increased to. especially since we lost the three soldiers in jordan from a
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drone attack. the air defense capabilities, the awareness, working with the regional allies and our own central command as you know has increased. >> here we go. major general, maybe it's in the hud's at next year not this year maybe next year. [laughter] thank you sir. >> thank you pizza. pete: chief meteorologist rick reichmuth or prox weather forecast also a future swimmer of the seal swim for next year. >> off-camera grade. [laughter] yes right weight i would drown. there's all kinds of reasons it's a bad idea. it's a bad idea i love they're doing it but swimming in the hudson? stupor that's gross. let's talk weather out there this rough weather this week from debbie it has brought all this of letting it is almost done. the front ultimately to push it out has brought amazing temperatures in particular look at the weather map here. it is 49 degrees in fargo. after the heat we've had the summer this is an incredible break humidity also completely
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gone, 57 as you're waking up in chicago. fifty-eight down towards kansas city. we have a weight nicer air that is settled and today are high temperature is just going to get up toward the set mid-seventies as well but things are looking a lot better. it is so hot in some places especially desert southwest. 110 in phoenix. this is what is the end of debbie the front eventually point this out we will see more rain showers today across parts of north carolina. maybe one or 2 inches accumulate there but because of all the rain that is falling could see a little more localized flooding member all the rivers are still weight towards flood stages. but we are on the tail end of this which is good news we can see things practice a little bit. back to you inside. savard like to issue a correction already i'm goading you at a summit next year not not swimming next you're either see or off the hook because i'm not doing if you're not doing it super good were both not doing it solidarity go will cain. rachel: you invited the general nice they are not doing it. were not doing it cool.
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said here on tv. spending spree illinois so-called super mare swiping the taxpayer card. [laughter] stay with me, $40000 in one day on amazon one resident sounds off, next. ♪
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rachel: residents and leaders alike calling out dalton illinois mayor tiffany for her excessive misuse of funds for including more than $43000 on amazon purchases, all in a single day. >> $40000 at amazon. what a slap in the face and every one zip code. i know how i felt. i can imagine how all of you are feeling after all this time being in the dark for those a ta number of other things we know that we are not ready yet. we got to verify 20 ways until sunday. >> dalton illinois resident sherry britton. thank you for being here. based on what you have seen from
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her in the past is any of this surprise you or the amount of money so staggering? >> it was a surprise it. we have known about everything going on over the past few years. but it was really a shock to actually see that. and then those purchases -- mike it was mind blowing. first of all the numbers are staggering. pete was just telling me she had a four car like a motorcade. what is going on with her? what is happening? who does she think she is a sheet looks great but it is on the taxpayer built. >> yes that is what we as a residresidents have been tryingo figure out over the last three years or so. it seems like she wants to be a reality star spending all of this money co- mingling with the
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township. it is not just dalton. she is got access to two general funds and grant money from two different entities. so it is really becoming mind boggling that no one has stepped in to do something about her and the situation that we have going on and dalton. >> all we know is this after the fact what was she like running for mayor? hoshi bowed in the office to begin with where there any signs to be this outrageous? >> no. actually she is very outspoken. we did know that. she had people around her including senior trustee house that is running for mayor now to replace her. she pretended like she was going to work with the board and bring
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in a new administration to clean up a few things that we needed done in dalton. but as soon as she took office she brought in different people. in the scamming began. pete: she is still mayor when is the next election the next opportunity to boot her? >> it next election is february 2025 f 25 per that is r primary. and then whoever wins the primary it will go on to the general election in april 2025 a new mayor will take the seat in may of 2025. sweet have a quick answer to this could she go to jail for this? >> i hope so. rachel: the reality tv show may be from jail. thank you so much. >> thank you. pete: get ready will is on the flag at ronnie's jumping of the navy seal soon. in a few minutes and we will be
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