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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 10, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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♪ ♪ finish. joey: it is the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, secret service now reviewing new body cam video from the terrifying moments after trump's assassination attempt as we learn the fbi is calling his shooter, quote, strikingly intelligent. rachel: plus, kamala harris hits the trail today stopping in another swing state and report reportedly dialing back her far of left rhetoric. pete: and get ready, will is in the middle of his flag run right now, he's about to to jump in the hudson river9 with the navy seals in just a fewen minutes. we'll give it to you live. the final hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ dance, dance, dance, come on.
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♪ all those things i shouldn't do, but you dance, dance, dance -- ♪ and ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing ♪ rachel: you're looking at a beautiful beach in maryland with. good morning, everybody. it's 9:00 here in new york city, and i'm joined with pete hegseth, will is doing the run, and joey is here to help round off the couch -- joey: keeping the seat warm. pete: great to have you. rachel: so how long is the run before the swim? pete: the run is, like, a mile and a half, two miles. you don't really think about the run, and then you're, like, i gotta run before i swim? it's a pretty slow trot -- rachel: carrying a flag. pete: it's a workout to. then you do the swim which is three miles, sometimes more, and then a mile run afterwards. joey: do they run in formation? pete: you just, it's kind of an old school formation. joey: shrink key effect. pete: but you're looking agent the statue of liberty, but you're also looking at the
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water, okay, where's the current. okay, it looks pretty -- he said the water looks pretty glassy, so they shouldn't have -- rachel: but it can pull you from underneath? pete: oh, yeah. the current is gnarly. that's why they have to be very familiar about the time to thing of it to hit the tide at the right moment. if you're fighting full current in that river, you're just not going to make it. there's a small time window where you're able to make it even though the current is still ridiculous. so stay tuned. will cain has not trained at all this year. he's a swimmer though, so he's predicted top 20%. so have i. we're going to be tracking him and his progress all morning long. rachel: that's great. pete: we move on to politics and, you know, since she made her pick of tim walz, which plenty of discussion about a him this week, she set out on a battleground state tour where high liquor yo graphed events with decent-sized crowds have
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been her ability to relaunch herself and take advantage of the fawning press is media's giving her and, you know, kamala momentum and the warm glow that she's had. and when she was selected by her own party without a vote to be the nominee virtually at the convention. so that continues. she was in arizona yesterday, she'll be in nevada, in las vegas, today. and as i mentioned, her speech -- and we're going to play some of the clips of how similar her speeches are sounding these days, she's trying to walk back policy positions she's held for a very long time when she was a senator, when she was a candidate, when she was vice president, guys. she's been the biden-harris administration for the last three years. here's a reminder for viewers of where kamala harris has been on some very critical issues, and it's very different than what you hear from the podium right now, listen. >> raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross a border without documentation. can we keep the hands up so we
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can see them. [applause] >> there's no favor i'm in question of banning fracking. there's no question that we've got to critically re-examine i.c.e. and its role and the way that it is being administered. >> you support the medicare for all bill, i think initially cosponsored by bernie sanders. >> yes. >> i believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. >> let's eliminate all of that. let's move on. >> do you believe in the banning of assault weapons? >> great question. i do believe we need to do buybacks. [laughter] joey: yeah, that is her record. pete: just a small portion. that's a -- there's a lot of other radical stuff. joey: the reason i want to say that that's her record, they have attacked energy, they have opened the border, they have not done anything to the to help the economy, only allowed inflation, spent money on things like billions of dollars for a handle ofler trick -- of electric charging stations. so much of what she promised to doing every time they have the opportunity for calling for
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banning guns -- rachel: would not go over well in georgia. joey: no. rachel: and it wouldn't go over well with hispanics who are looking at the situation in venezuela as the dictator is suppressing any kind of the opposition who rightfully won that that election. they can't do anything. they're at the mercy of the government. joey: it wouldn't go over well in wisconsin and and guam and iowa, places where people hunt and it's a part of their lifestyle and theyly on farms. might not be as many of us as a consolidated in big cities, but even in the midwest and northeast, there's a lot of gun owners. pete: there's a lot of common sense. and things like she's arguing for hurt our economy and our lives. but she's trying to remake it all. here's what axios said is. they reported on this, during the 2020 the election cycle, harris publicly supported you bans on fracking, mandatory buyback programs -- meaning confiscation -- for assault weapons, so-called, and
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decriminalizing illegal border crossings. now her campaign says she's changed her position. a harris campaign advisor told axios the vice president's positions, quote, have been shaped by three years of effective governance. bottom line, she'll have to react to republican criticisms when she embraced progressive policies. the one big thing axios with gets wrong here is harris will inevitably have to answer republican criticisms. not if she's not can asked. rachel: that's right. pete: she took 70 sends of questions, hasn't held a press conference, only agreed to one debate because she doesn't want more forums where it's advantageous for holes to be punched in her record. but she's shifted like a chameleon. she'll be whatever she needs to be. she always a has been that way. picking walz is doubling down on being a progressive, we'll see
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if she gets a question. rachel: it's interesting when j.d. vance approached that plane, it's going to be mine in a few months, and then went to the press and really shamed them for the fact that they're not holding them accountable, that j.d. vance and donald trump have to push and purr -- push to get a candidate who wants to run this country who never went through a proper primary to get that position in this cycle to answer any questions. they just have no dignity, the press. and, instead, cnn -- i saw a clip of cnn did something on that and they said, oh, the analyst said j.d. vance is stalking her. this is very aggressive. how dare he do this. i mean, they're using all this sort of, like, domestic violence language around the fact that he was on the tarmac saying that could be my plane and, hey, press, why aren't you asking questions? if meanwhile -- pete: of course. rachel: -- harris is just going to stick to the teleprompter. watch this. >> it really is good to be back in wisconsin -- [laughter] s it's so good to be back in
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michigan. listen, let me tell you, i am clear, the path to the white house runs right through this state. and, listen, i am clear, the path to the white house runs right through i this state. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i took on perpetrators of all kinds and had a summer job at mcdonald's -- [cheers and applause] i had a summer job at mcdonald's. [laughter] so hear me when i say -- so hear me, detroit, when i say i know donald trump's type. [cheers and applause] i know donald trump's type. [cheers and applause] and are we ready to fight for it? [cheers and applause] and are we ready to fight for it? if. [cheers and applause] and when we fight, we win! [laughter] rachel: whoever put that together deserves an emmy, it's so good. joey: it's so great that you were talking about j.d. vance because remember the time when
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we thought it would be he and kamala harris would have a debate, and what's great about it is j.d. vance is going in front of a big, friendly, supportive crowd to give a stump speech at a rally and then going in that same podium and same crowd right to the press to take the tough questions in front of a friendly audience. the juxtaposition there where she won't even answer some softball questions or she will only answer a minute's worth of softball questions, she couldn't have fathomed doing something like answering a question at a rally, much less going off script. i mean, it is scripted down to the word and the expression. there's nothing off the a cuff and from that position nothing genuine -- rachel: $70 seconds, and -- $700 seconds, and they asked her what did you think of your opponent's one hour press conference? that's crazy. [laughter] they didn't ask her, why did you change your position on fracking? pete: journalists are notorious
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navel gazers, their biggest question is why won't you talk to us? we're so important, you should talk to us. the reality is they do need to be asking those the questions, have that access on behalf of everyone else even if we know they're all left-wingers. i understand it's supposed to be about policy contrast. it won't end up being about that. is she capable of being president, she speak extemporaneously, how does she do in the debate and what was the record of biden and can she run away from it or not and separate herself in and to do that, to draw that contrast you've got to go on the oven, and that's what trump and vance have done, get out there, ask questions. they'll keep doing that. we'll see how it goes. joey: we're hopeful she'll do a debate with fox. new information about the shooter in the trump a assassination attempt. the fbi reportedly revealing matthew crooks was, in their words, strikingly intelligent.
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rachel: records show he visited a gun club 83 times before the shooting in pennsylvania. pete: chanley painter joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning, guys. new information was shared with president trump when he met with and was interviewed by the fbi last week. and according to abc news, the fbi told trump his would-be assassin was, quote, a strikingly intelligent man who scored higher than 1500 on his s.a.t. pre-college exam. the fbi reportedly told trump that the shooter's motive is still unknown, and there's no indication anyone else was involvedded. we are also learning from records obtained by iowa senator chuck grassley's office that the shooter visited a local gun club dozens of times in the year leading up to the attack. you can see in these records a tom crooks signing in 43 times over 1111 months including -- 11 months including on holidays like christmas, halloween and
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valentine's day, each time by himself. grassley's office characterizing the visits as a, quote, intent preparation noting that 80% of his practice was spent on a rifle range there. his final day was just before the rally shooting and all of this coming as the secret service is reviewing dozens of new body cam video showing moments before and after the assassination attempt including one officer's body cam picking up the person on the roof just minutes before shots were fired from that roof. the secret service is admitting, quote, the attempted assassination of former president donald trump was a u.s. secret service failure, and we are reviewing and whereupon dating our protective policies and procedures in order to insure a tragedy like this never occurs again. all of these investigations are still ongoing with the fbi, other organizes including congress, as you guys know, we are expecting some hearings coming up. pete: chanley, thank you very much. joey: thank, chanley. pete: i guess it's good to learn
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a little bit more, but it is frustrating how little we still do know. how -- why is the public being prevented from, say, seeing the rifle? if right? or just fill in all the gaps. that the's why i was glad to get this body cam footage. we should be seeing this, get better understanding what the confusion was. these guys are saying, i told you so. you were supposed to be on the roof, why weren't you? no, we were down on the ground. obviously, massive failures here that start at the top of the secret service, but there's shared blame too. it's also amazing how quickly the press has moved on from all this stuff. rachel: i know. pete: oh, yeah, just an asaws assassination -- assassination attempt. rachel: if you're melania trump, the trump family in particular, you've got to be so frustrated in this this man goes out, tries to run for president, and this is the kind of really just unbelievably reckless kind of protection that he had.
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you just -- if i'm his wife, i don't even want him to go out there anymore. nothing that's happened in this investigation gives you confidence that even right now he's being protected better. joey: yeah. the one thing that a video does, it just creates at least a dozen more questions. so they're going to have to answer them. pete: yeah. we'll dig into it. a few additional headlines starting with a fox news alert, terrifying video showing the moments a plane falls from the sky and crashes in a residential neighborhood in southern brazil. killing the 611 people -- 61 people onboard. the plane was heading to the international airport in sao paulo. the plane dropped 17,000 feet in just11 minute -- 1 minute. it's the deadliest plane crash in brazil since 2007. and to a fox weather alert, debby is hitting canada today after drenching parts of the northeast yesterday.
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high water rescue teams like this one in northern pennsylvania were deployed to reach people trapped in homes and cars. this is the look at the flooding in washington, d.c. yesterday. now it actually is a swamp with high water on the roads there. and check this out, a rescue team down in florida saving the american flag from being ripped away when debby made landfall as a hurricane. and major league baseball unveiling plans for a special game on a nascar track. next season. the cincinnati reds will take on the atlanta braves at bristol motor speedway in temperature. finish -- in tennessee. interesting. the massive venue i can fit 15900,000 -- 150,000 fans. the latest in a line of unique if games like the one many in birmingham, alabama, and of course, the field of dreams game in iowa. if you can't make it to the track, you'll be able to watch the mlb speedway classic on fox. i might have to fight will to
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cover that one. joey: they call bristol the coliseum because the seats go straight the up. it's really fun. they do a lot of stuff there. pete: if cool. well, i'm told that will is livy state park anymore -- joey: there he is. pete: he finished the run, he's right near the bridge where you jump in for the first leg. how we feeling, will? will: feeling good. worked up a little lather, a little sweat. got some guys with me, got some seals with me. yeah. you know how it is, pete. we get our gear. if you can see right past the american flags right there, there's the statue of liberty. we're going to jump in right over this bridge, and we'll make straight for a barge off the statue of liberty. which'll be our first stop. do a head count, and then off to ellis island. i feel good, man. no training, things worked out. [laughter] pete: we shall see. i didn't even do the push-ups and pull-ups the first year because it wasn't even an option, i was so far behind.
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will is a machine. that is one of the most beautiful views in america on this day with those flags, with that in the background. it's awesome. and i know the timeline's tight, you've got to get in before 9:30 or those tides shift. what's your timing here, will? for the viewers. will: i think we pushed it to about i 9:50, but it is all about the tides. i do not -- and this is all about me, of course -- [laughter] i do not want to be swimming against the tide, against the currents. but it'll take a minute to get all our gear together, and we'll jump in right here. this is a three-quarter mile leg. you worried about that a swimsome. >> little bit. i mean, what if my makeup runs? [laughter] pete: i think that was a shot. will: maybe at you three, not me. i'm not wearing makeup today. joey: that is definitely a navy seal. rachel: there's so much masculinity on display here, i'm afraid doug emhoff is going to be triggered. he's been very concerned about a toxic masculinity. [laughter] will: this is heroic
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masculinity. rachel: yes. joey: there you go. will: warrior spirit masculinity. one more time just for the record, all that, great. all the hard work, all the women, i'm just -- swim, i'm just telling you, what an event that symbolizes america. statue of liberty, ellis island, ground zero. as you said, pete, heros, american flags. it's an incredible event celebrating america. pete: thanks for representing, will. give everybody my best. you're going to knock it out, we're going to follow you the whole way -- will: we've got some surprises for you, hegseth. pete: okay. will: you're going to want to tune in. rachel: good luck, will. pete: tell 'em i'm wearing lots of extra makeup this morning. go get 'em. great cause, by the way. joey: tim walz's military record under scrutiny as he joins harris on the democrat ticket. pete: and now the campaign is caught tweaking his boy owe.
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one actual command sergeant major on walz dodging. coming up next. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call miracle-ear at 1-800-234-7090
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♪ ♪ pete: tim walz's military record facing growing scrutiny since joining kamala harris on the ticket. and now the campaign is caught
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tweaking his military bio. how convenient. the campaign web site originally called walz a, quote, retired command sergeant major, but now it says served as a command sergeant major which i guess is technically correct for a moment after reports that he was reduced in rank for not completing his coursework before retirement. our next guest is calling out walz for embellishing his service and says he abandoned his unit right before they deployed to a war zone. real command sergeant major thomas barrons joins us now. sergeant major, thank you very much for being here. i want to clear something up real quick because you knew master sergeant walz, you were deployed with this unit. you know all this -- it's not a big world of command sergeant majors in minnesota. it's a great unit, the red bulls. was the the unit aware, when walz retired, was the unit aware that this deployment was coming? because some on the left are saying, well, he didn't have his
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orders, so he didn't know. he knew full well there was a deployment if coming, correct? >> absolutely. and he even said it himself in his campaign, campaign announcement that came out in march of 2005. i didn't find this out until just a couple of days ago either, but he actually filed with the federal election commission on february 10th to run for congress of 2005, and in march he actually had his campaign role as command sergeant major, i have a responsibility to not only ready my battalion for iraq, but also to serve if called on. i'm dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability whether that is in washington, d.c. or in iraq are. he continue adding, i don't want to speculate on what shape my campaign will take if i'm deployed, but i have no plans to drop out of the race. am fortunate to have a strong group of enthusiastic sporters, a very dedicated and intent
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wife. both will be a major part of my campaign whether i am in minnesota or iraq. and this was actually on cnn. i mean, it's right there. he knew in martha they were going to go to iraq. it's his own words. pete: csm, i would like this to -- you know, coaching a team for 34 years and you're finally in the super bowl, and the coach says, no, i'm out, i'm done. what message does it send to the unit when a command sergeant major -- i mean, they block the sun. they're the most important enlisted member of that unit. when a command sergeant major bails on a deployment beforehand, what kind of message does that send? >> the message that it sends to me is, you know, turn around and run is and just keep running. i mean, go crawl under a rock, get the hell out of you. nobody even wants to mention your name again. you're soiled, you're basically a traitor. you deserted your unit, you're a
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deserter at that point. the analogy you have right there is very good because i mentioned that with my family. it was, like, this is like training for the super bowl and then you're one game away and tom brady says, ah, sorry, i don't want to get hurt in this game, so you go play for me. it's just absolutely ridiculous. there's no, you know, unforgivable, coward, i mean, you can come up with words out there. i mean, it's just unbelievable. pete: real quick, we're almost out of town here, sergeant major, what percentage of guys who went on that deployment would echo e your feelings? >> i would guess that it's got to be in the 98, 99%. i mean, there's a couple out there that have spoken out and said how can you do this to the guy and whatever, but he did it to himself. pete: yes. >> all i am is the american. he made the message and it needed to get brought out. i just happened to be the one that god said, you know, you're too dumb to keep your mouth shut, so go spread the word. pete: good for you. always a leading from the front,
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still doing it today to. the minnesota press is even worse than the national press, they're unwilling to cover this stanley cup. -- this stuff. now others willing to amplify what you've been saying for a long time. thomas bear rends, by the way, people don't know this, it's called the long tour for a reason. it was a 6-month pre-mov, a 12-month deployment and a 4-month extension, that unit was gone for almost two years and saw hey combat. he bailed on that, your men did not. command sergeant -- >> here's to the red bull. pete: i ec nice that mug if right there. >> have a great day. pete: you too. the harris campaign put out a statement, this is the kind of basic stuff they put out. after 2024 years of military service, governor walz retired in 2005 and ran for congress where he was a tireless advocate. as vice president he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans.
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what they don't tell you is he voted against the most important and significant veterans legislation, he fought if back against. that they can't defend what he did, and we'll see if he ever goes to a microphone to answer questions about it, because it's indefense,,. well, as trump rallies thousands in montana pushing voters to help take back the senate, tim sheehy was there and is fighting to send john tester home this november. -- jon tester home this november. he joins us live next.she ♪ he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. i'm not a doctor. i'm not even in a doctor's office.
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♪ ♪ >> we're going to make it so great. [cheers and applause] this election is about safing our -- saving our economy, ending inflation, secure ising our borders, restoring respect for our nation. >> they are taking your money out of your pocket and giving it to illegal immigrants. they're taking money aunt of -- out of your pocket and sending it overseas to other countries
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while you're going broke. this november we've got to send jon tester back to big sandy. joey: donald trump in bozeman, montana, last night joined by fellow republican tim sheehy as part of trump's red state push to help candidates. tim is locked in a tight race against his democratic opponent jon tester, and tim sheehy joins us now. good morning, thank you for joining us. first of all, thank you for your service. you were there last night with president trump. looks like he was there primarily to push for your election. what was the energy like and how are montana dance responding to president trump? -- montanans to president trump? >> as usual at these rallies, you know, the energy was fantastic. our move is to -- the vibe is so positive, it's so loving. people are happy to be around each other, they're proud to be americans, and they're optimistic about the future of the country.
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their eyes are wide open that we have challenges we have to navigate, but they're also optimistic that together we can do it, and our movement has the right answers to do so. so i was happy to have him here in montana, and i think montanan if s responded well. joey: you're challenging an incumbent senator, but if you look at the polls right now, you have the higher percentage with 45.5% looking at jon test ther -- tester, 49% supporting you. what is it in your message that's resonating with the residents of montana? >> you say it, the -- said it, the incumbent's got the advantage, all the money from the democrat side, all the press in his possibility. you know, we started off basically zero last year. i'm political newcomer. i've never ran for anything in my life, so nobody knew who i was. and now, as you said, we've been up consistently these past few polls, and we've earned it because we've been outspent 5 to
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11, 10 to 1 -- 10 to 1 some months. we've gone to every town, every rodeo, town hall, vfw, and we've talked to people and explained how our movement is going to fix the problems they're feeling every single day in this country. and, you know, a state like montana with a million people, you can damn near shake every hand, and that's what we're trying to do. joey: with the minute we have left, you talk about montana only a million people, but the cloak wall saying is the billionaires are pushing out the millionaires because it's become such a destination to go get a pretty view. how much of that is influencing the election? you have people moving in from california that are putting a lot of money behind the democrat candidate. is that affecting the people from montana from having hair vote heard? >> well, there's a lot to unpack there when we only have a minute, but most of the people coming to montana actually are conservative. they're coming here, we call them the cows, california, oregon, washington -- [laughter] because they want to get away from those terrible policies
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that look like the policies that partnership walz put in place in minnesota and him and kamala harris want to put in nationally. for the most part, they're supporting republican candidates down the entire ballot. so that's actually a positive for us. we are absolutely seeing rising housing costs, the whole country is. but or you know, that's more connected to the inflation of this disastrous administration than anything else, and we're going to end that as soon as we win this fall. suis joe we're going to leave it there. congratulations on a successful rally last might, and good luck in november. >> thanks for your support. have a great weekend. joey: we're counting down to the kickoff of this year's navy seals swim. we're going to check back in with will next. there he is. [cheers and applause] ♪ when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself
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joey: welcome back. the suspense is building, we're just minutes away from today's navy seal swim. pete: and will joins us right now, he's minutes, seconds away from jumping in. how we feeling? will: i feel good. i feel pretty good about to jump in the water, but i take a little bit of confidence. you, pete, you're an o.g., you were here from the beginning, so is katherine. she's been doing this since the first year. why do you keep coming back katherinesome. >> it's a great organization. you meet so many amazing people at this, and team red, white and blue, huge help with volunteering too -- will: you look fast. i'm worried about her. they're here to support guys like chris riley, navy seal,
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what does this all mean? >> it's absolutely heart warming to see everybody come out en masse here. er year this keeps grow, keeps helping the navy seal foundation raise funds for the veterans for the navy seals and their families. means the world to me. will: and bill says all the time, you couldn't do this without the participation of new jersey state police, the port authority guys like lou who's also a, by the way, a navy vet. >> yes. i'm here to represent the port authority. papd right here, and i'm just stoked to be here. pete: we appreciate you -- will: we appreciate you guys. so, listen, we lost pete. no big deal. i'm not mad about it, but because we lost a brother, we turned this into a family affair, okay? so, first of all, let me introduce you to billy brown, young bill brown, the founder of this entire expedition here. his son, billy brown, 24 years old. man, i gotta tell you, i have a son, i'd be super proud. how many is this for you, is in your first? >> this is my second. will: why do you like doing
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this? >> there's nothing better to do with a saturday, and i'm really proud of my dad for putting this together. will: all right, man. like i said, i lost a brother, hegseth, so i brought in my own brother, j.k.. i've got two and a sister, i'm the oldest and best. adjectives. but no, i'm glad to have my brother. why'd you do it? >> i came out here for the challenge, but a moment ago we honored the gold star families, and it drew out the emotions, and let me nona that i'm here to honor those who have skyed -- sacrificed. will: this whole thing is incredible. thanks, buddy. we've got volunteers all over the place. pete: a little too late to hydrate. will: then comes the pain, the effort, then comes the swim and the pull-ups and the push-ups. pete: absolutely. will, you're going to nail it. in about -- if i was there, 10 minutes from now i would be floundering from my life, screening for kaj, i don't know if he's there or not, he would help me get around the
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statute -- statue of liberty. will: i did see kaj, but he's super free and light. he's just moving around like he's untethered from an anchor. it's super weird -- kaj, don't you feel good this year? >> yeah! if. will: i don't know where he is, but we're going to find him. president he'll be with you in the front this year. will, you're representing really well. really cool to see you -- your brother. look forward -- rachel: say hi for us. pete: go get 'em, brother. go get 'em. will: okay, thank you. see you soon. rachel: well, abortion is on the ballot. kamala harris and tim walz, their campaign and their pro-choice policies, they even visited an abortion clinic together earlier this year as harris vows to restore roe v. wade if elected. >> when i am president of the united states and went congress passes a bill to restore the protections of roe v. wade, i
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will sign it into law. [cheers and applause] rachel: now, while walz has already taken extensive measures on the issue in minnesota where he signed unlimited abortion access into state law. >> your rights are protected in this state. you have the right to make your own decisions about your health, your family and your life. because of this law, that won't change with the political winds or the makeup of the supreme court. rachel: live action founder and president lila rose joins us now. lila, you are a human rights activist. what is the thing or the policies that concern you the most about this ticket? >> it's deeply concerning, rachel. this is the most pro-abortion ticket i -- could have said that years ago about obama-biden, but now this is the most pro-abortion ticket our country has ever seen. governor tim walz as governor of minnesota, he abolished all legal protections for preborn
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babies up until the moment of birth. this this means that a babies at birth and even who are born alive after failed abortions don't get any legal protection. under government tim walz's watch there were five babies that were born alive after botched abortions in minnesota. two of them left struggling to breathe, they didn't give them any rest -- recitation, and and they died. this is enpant side. they were -- infanticide, they were left to die. and this is the policy of walz in minnesota. kamala harris is just as a bad. you you know, rachel, she has been pro-abortion. when she was the attorney general of california, she was advocating to the get pregnancy resource centers that are pro-life to post-abortion ads in their -- post abortion ads in their clinics. she went after a journalist for exposing planned parenthood as selling baby body parts. it's absolutely horrific how she not only wants abortion on demand, but she wants to throw
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pro-lifers many jail who are protesting facilities. so we're dealing with the most pro-abortion ticket in american history. rachel: yeah. i don't think people realize, i mean, with both of them, i don't think there are two more pro-abortion candidates not just ever to run for office, for this high level of office a, but even in congress or among all the 2000s. nancy pelosi told -- all the governors. nancy pelosi told tim walz to tone the it down, that's how radical he was. by the way, the botched abortion baby stuff, they they call it when they left those babies to die, they call it comfort care. it is the most lethal euphemism for leaving a struggling infant who is born alive to just die. it's so unbelievable. is and you're right, what kamala harris did in california, she took campaign money from planned parenthood and used her office to go after pro-lifers in highly unconstitution always. leila a? >> yeah -- lila? >> yeah.
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kamala harris is going to and has trampled on the first amendment. if you're her political enemy, she's going to attack you. that's what she's proven in her track record, so she's a danger to every single american's first amendment freedoms. and in addition, she's a danger to every american child because they and her partner now, her running mate, tim walz, they do not see these as human beings. you can do whatever you want to the unborn child, you can can kill them until birth, and if they survive after birth, just leave them to die. this is hair platform, and we must stand against it. rachel: yeah. well, mile la, hang for shining a spotlight on a very important human rights issue. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: you got it. more "fox & friends" up next. so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget. at clearchoice we specialize in permanent teeth replacement. offering a range of solutions to fit your budget so you don't have to wait any longer.
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♪ ♪ pete: some folks are geek gearing up for an adrenaline-fueled weekend, august 17th at 232 p.m. on fox sports -- 322 p.m. joey: let's head over to sturgis, south dakota, where mike caudill is live with the latest motorcycle gear ahead of the big event. what you got, mike? pete: what's up, mike? >> good morning, brothers. you know, i really wish you could be here with me. this is the true heartbeat of america. you want to talk about where it's all happening, it's here in
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downtown sturgis. more than half a million motorcyclists have been here over the past two weeks, and tomorrow culminates with the biggest race on downtown streets since 1938. i'm standing at the finish line here for the sturgis tt. now, this is interesting, right, guys? normally, sturgis has been kind of a pavement-pounding, harley experience on the streets, but now we're going offroad. this right here is one of the race bikes, this is a harley davidson pan-america, and for the first time it will participate in the official race this coming sunday. now, i want to share what's really unique about this motorcycle right here. it is meant for on-road and off-ed road. i'll show you the dealership version that consumers can buy, but quick pieces of tech, i'm a motorcyclist myself. i love safety, it's are important. this is the coolest piece of technology. it looks like a normal leather vest? this is an airbag deployment vest by alpine if star. imminent threat is there, it will actually deploy. i love it.
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my personal helmet, i brought it with me, has the dot sticker on the back. before we talk about the race, this is the dealership version. harley davidson understands younger buyers, new buyers are moving into the market, and they built this purpose-built adventure motorcycle. it will race as part of the adventure tracker class which as you said at the beginning, pete, will debut on august 17th on fox stations nationwide. and i wanted to to give you guys a chance for one question but, joey, i wanted to pull out my best look for you, this is my hipster look at sturgis, everyone seems to like it. hit me with a question, guys. joey: hey, listen, i used to have bikes when i had legs. i know some of the other manufacturers in that space, is harley new to in this space with that bike, or has it been around for a while? >> it's been around for a few years, but from a racing standpoint, this is all new. and yesterday i had a chance to talk to consumers that own these, and they own two bikes.
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they have their regular harley for the street and they have the awe-road version. pete: i want to take you up on that. never been to sturgis, looks awesome. thanks for breaking it down, let's do it. >> thanks, guys. pete: find more information at american flat, mike and will what's up, you ready? will: let's go!♪ will: let's go!♪ [inaudible conversations] car insurance will: let's go!♪ [inaudible so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪stand back i'm going to show ya,♪ ♪how doug and limu roll, yeah!♪ ♪ ♪you know you got to live it,♪ ♪ ♪if you want to win...♪ [bump] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪
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pete: the moment we've all been waiting for, it's time for today's navy seal swim, and will cain is representing. take the it away, man. will: i am shredded by a sea of masculinity right here in new york city. first leg of the navy seal swim. let's get in the water, let's do this. [cheers and applause] >> don't be a pussy! [laughter] will: here we go!
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♪ muck -- ♪ ♪ pete: and so it begins. joey: they're in the water. pete: the plunge starts with pleasure. joey: so they're all put fins on? rachel: walk us through the first few minutes. pete: the psychology, this feels great, i'm feeling good, then pretty soon the the current kicks in. look how quickly he's going into a crawl stroke. he's a good swimmer s and he's a good distance swimmer, which'll pay off. joey: is that him on the left? if. pete: i think that's upper right of your screen. look at that. he's going strong. just don't use all your energy up front. rachel: pete, is the water cold? pete: it would be warm with. tune in tomorrow, we'll have the whole thing. see you tomorrows guys. neil: all right. well, fox on top of storms raging across the u.s., debby


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