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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  August 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ pete: and so it begins. joey: they're in the water. pete: the plunge starts with pleasure. joey: so they're all put fins on? rachel: walk us through the first few minutes. pete: the psychology, this feels great, i'm feeling good, then pretty soon the the current kicks in. look how quickly he's going into a crawl stroke. he's a good swimmer s and he's a good distance swimmer, which'll pay off. joey: is that him on the left? if. pete: i think that's upper right of your screen. look at that. he's going strong. just don't use all your energy up front. rachel: pete, is the water cold? pete: it would be warm with. tune in tomorrow, we'll have the whole thing. see you tomorrows guys. neil: all right. well, fox on top of storms raging across the u.s., debby leaving a path of destruction
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from down in florida all the way up east coast through maine. eight are known dead, homes and businesses totally destroyed and millions of americans left trying to pick up the pieces. and now a new storm, ernesto, expected to develop in the atlantic and possibly wreak even more havoc. we're keeping on top of it. and then there is the storm on the campaign trail. the race heating up now with both the democratic and republican tickets fully set and and ready to go. but could independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. shake things up? if what he revealed about his private phone call with donald trump and why he wants to have a similar chat with kamala harris. plus, details still coming out on that plane crash in brazil that left all a 61 passengers dead. we are on top of all of it. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. let's first get the latest on debby and the ongoing rain and flooding in her wake. we've got rick reichmuth in the fox weather center with that. rick: neil, so many times when a storm isn't a category three, four or five, people don't get
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as excited about it. hurricane debby coming onshore as a category one, but eight fatalities and so much of that from the flooding that we've seen. the rivers are certainly at such a high level that we're going to see that continue. take a look here. we've got a few more rain showers across parts of north carolina today to. some spots may be seeing an inch or so accumulating by the time this is done. i will tell you one nice thing that has happened from all of this storm, look at these temperatures. with we've got temperatures today that are just going to be in forwards the 70s except that's at least across the central part of the country. down across the south it is hot, and it is going to remain hot. you don't immediate to keep moving that camera a for me. sorry. we've we've got this heat down across florida. because of the people without power, we are going to continue to deal with heat issues that are going to cause major problems for us. because of all the people still dealing with flooding, notice this? this has happened anywhere from parts of the mid-atlantic all
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the way to the northeast, and that is exactly from this storm. now we've got the next storm that we're going to be watching, this one is a disturbance out across parts of the atlantic. and as it continues to pull off towards the west, we're going to see that threat again, for now a storm developing across parts of the mid-atlantic -- excuse me, across parts of the caribbean, some sort of impacts across parts of the eastern seaboard. that said, neil, it is way too early to know what we're going to be dealing with. some of the models show parts across the caribbean, maybe off the eastern seaboard, maybe towards the northeast. it's 9, 10 days away from now, still too early to tell. most favorable area here is going to be thursday, friday, somewhere around the bahamas, greater an lille tease, and thas what we're going to be watching. neil: thank you, my friend. katie byrne on what you're left with after debby comes roaring through in we'vefield,
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pennsylvania. katie -- westfield. >> reporter: hi, neil. this was one of four flash flood emergencies that happened across the northeast if weed all triggered by debby. and here in pennsylvania where we are, we know at least one man is still missing after the nearby river rose about 10 feet in less than 6 hours submerging this whole area in water. you can still see some of it. it turned roads here into rapids, it swept homes and sheds off of their foundations. some have ended up in other people's backyards. i'm told people who live here in westfield clung to trees and climbed to their roofs while waiting to be rescued. some were by boat, others by helicopter because the national guard actually sent in a black hawk to reach people. shane davis escaped on his own and describes waiting in chest-deep rushing water and could feel trees and debris smacking his legs. >> one moment i was standing talking to my house mate, and we noticed the water build up, and
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hess than two, three minutes later we are in our ankles scrambling to get stuff out of here. maybe 10 minutes later i'm up to my knees, 15 minutes i'm up to my anyways, then i'm wading up to my chest. i tried to get what i could out of here but the house is a complete loss more or less for everything inside anyway. >> reporter: tragically, a lot of people dealing with that this morning, cleaning out feet of water and mud from their homes as at least 30 people across the county stayed in shelters last night. neil? neil: katie, thank you very much. be safe yourself and your screw, katie. in the meantime, to the political storms right now and the campaign not only for cash, but for votes. we've got grady trimble covering et al. in las vegas. grady. >> reporter: hey, neil. tonight's stop in vegas is vice president harris and governor walz's last in this battleground blitz to kick off their campaign at the top of the democratic ticket. they were in arizona a last
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night, and harris in particular faces a unique challenge here in the west, convincing voters that she'll be tough on immigration. that, of course, is a key issue across the country, but particularly in these sun belt swing states that are east on the border or -- either on the border or awfully close to it. the harris campaign is out with a new ad airing in arizona and here in nevada saying that she will take care of the border despite record numbers of illegal crossings under the biden-hairt administration. last night in arizona harris says she can solve the problem. >> if we know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it. but donald trump does not want to fix this problem. he talks a big game about border security, but he does not walk the walk. >> reporter: former president trump's rally last night in montana started a little bit late after airport officials say his plane had mechanical issues,
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made a forced landing in billings, and the event was in bozeman, more than 100 mile away. once he did take the stage in boaz banker he hammered harris for her role in the border crisis -- bozeman. >> she was the border czar, now she doesn't say she was the border czar. she says i was never the border czar. everything they did, she's taking away now. she was the worst border czar in the history of the world. >> reporter: trump and harris have agreed to at least one debate. trump last night and in that press conference earlier in the week indicated that he would be open to at least two more including one here on fox. no word on whether the harris campaign would agree to that. the former president doesn't have any rallies today, but he does have two fundraisers, neil. one of those is in colorado, the other in wyoming. neil? neil: and to that point, they're both raising boatloads of money right now. right now we're noticing that the trump campaign is holding
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back on some of those ads. is that a because of the upcoming democratic convention? will they run them during the convention? have you heard anything like that? >> reporter: i haven't heard whether they have an ad strategy for the convention which starts a week from monday, but they have said that their fund raising numbers are exceeding expectations, so i don't think it's a money problem that the campaign is facing. it's probably more of a strategy problem. even that rally last night, neil, was more focused on the senate race in montana, obviously, not a swing state, than the presidential race. neil: that's right. >> reporter: neil? neil: got i. all right, thank you. great reporting, as always, grady trimble in will have. in the meantime, robert f. kennelly, he's still aiming on trying to get on every state's ballot, but i was much more interested in this conversation he had with donald trump and why he hasn't had a similar one with kamala harris and a lot of other revelations. rfk jr. after this.
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♪ ♪ neil: so what did they talk about? robert f. kennedy jr. and donald trump chatting with one another, an opportunity that has not availed itself for rfk jr. to have with one kamala harris, but what that was all about. take a look. >> i'm not going to, to violate a trust by talking about the specification of my conversation with president trump. what i can tell you is that i'm in this race til the end, and i'm in it to win it. that's my objective, that is my mission. and, you know, i think americans need a different choice other than what we've had for the pas- neil: so why would you be having a conversation with him at all? i guess that was what truck me. >> i would -- struck me. >> i would have a conversation with anybody. you know, that's what i've said
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from the beginning. if vice president -- neil: well, have you had any conversations like that with joe biden or kamala harris of late? >> no, but i've asked them to have conversations with me, and -- neil: so you can see why it would be interesting that you and donald trump did, right? >> well, yeah, of course it's going to be interesting. but i, you know, like i say, i would talk to either side. listen, i'm in this, you know, one of my primary issues is protecting children's health, ending the wars and getting these presidents, those former presidents to start dealing with the inflation issue, with, you know, this $34 trillion deficit -- $35 trillion now. anybody who wants to talk to me about that, i'm going to talk to them about it. and i'm going to talk to them about, in a congenial and respectful way. if they ask to talk to me, i'm going to talk to them. and i think we all ought to
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start the talking with each other, neil. i think it's better for our country. you know, when my if uncle was preparing for the 1964 election which he never got to participate in, he made a call to his opponent, barry goldwater, who was going to be his republican opponent, and he said let's do this differently. let's have one airplane. i'll provide my airplane, the caroline k. if you and i travel together across the country, be on the same plane with each other, stay in the same hotels is and then let's debate in every location in this country just like lyndon and douglass did. they traveled side by side in carriages, they stayed in the same hotels, they talked with each other, they ate dinner with each other. they then debated each other. and and i think that that would be much better for our country and the kind of division and hatred -- neil: no, i think you're right, and those stories are legendary,
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that jfk did, indeed, have such discussions and, sadly, we never got to see that. if i could just step back, one final question while i have you. you have a number of great admirers in this country, and they respect your mind if, you know, the grief you take being an independent candidate, particularly from your own family member, some of them, and your own party. and i talked to one who's a big admirer of your with family but not of you and very bitter and angry at you saying that you're hurting democrats and that you wouldn't be welcomed back, that -- to quote him, robert f. kennedy jr. is dead to me. he's dead the to the party. what he did to the party was wrong, and i will never forgive him. and he said, he made this claim saying that that -- he represents many other democrats, big admirerrers of your dad and your extended family, an iconic family. does that bother you, when you hear that kind of talk? because i'm sure you've heard
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it. >> yeah, it does bother me, and i don't think that's unique to that individual. i think there's a number of people who feel that way. it puzzles me, neil. i feel if you went down the list of every issue that my father believed in, every issue that my uncle pelt was a priority -- felt was a priority, that i would check off every single one of those. i don't think -- i think i represent almost perfectly the democratic party of robert kennedy and john kennedy. but i think the tribalism is so pronounced in our country and its division that people cannot see beyond the tribal identities. and i think it's really bad for our country that every issue and every person now has to choose a side. and if you're perceived as choosing the wrong side, then you're dead to them. and that is not healthy for our country. i mean, anybody who says something like that, i think they're raising questions about their own, you know, character
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and world view. why would somebody be dead to you? why can't you -- why are we canceling people? why can't americans talk to each other, you know? i have family members who differ with me, but i still love them and i still talk to them. and, you know, i just was, came from a wedding with family members can and with one who had opposed me and spoken against me publicly, but i don't hate them, and i'm not going to cancel them. i think we all need to learn to love each other and differ with each other on various issues without hating each other. neil: well said. well, hate is a strong word, as robert f. kennedy was saying, but he is persona non grata in the democratic party, and don't expect them to be changing their minds towards him. many believe his presence on any state ballots, he hopes to get on all 50, we'll see, that is not going away anytime soon. lee carter, reaction to all of
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this, gop pollster, laura fink, democratic strategist. laura, do you think that that democrats are treating him fairly in it could extend really to his own family, but that it's one thing to have your differents, but one thing to just -- differences, but one thing to sort of mock him. >> well, he's the skunk at the garden party, and it's a very high stakes election. so you can imagine very public families like the kennedys, they're not always clean. the gloves are off in a lot of ways, and we know that rfk jr. can have impact. there's also a long history there because it would seem by certain polls it's unclear whether he is taking away from donald trump's votes or kamala harris' votes. but i think the variable and on principle they really are looking to guard their family's legacy and don't believe that his political positions, in fact, do that. so, you know, that a family fight continues, but it makes a lot of sense. neil: all right. lee, you're an expert on this -- actually, both of you know these
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poll numbers far better than i, but when all independent or third party candidates are included in this race, kamala harris' lead gets bigger. so what does that mean? >> you know, it's really interesting because you would think then that democrats would embrace him rather than shun him. but that is, that is the way that things are looking right now. i think what's happened, right, is that there were a lot of people out there who said i don't like either candidate can, and now i'm going to, you know, and and so i'm going to vote for rfk jr. what's happened now is that the democrats have an alternative. is it viable? is it somebody totally different than what joe biden was? obviously, she was his vice president, but i think right now if we have a huge number of people who are saying i have a different choice. i didn't like biden, i didn't like trump, and and now i have somebody else to to vote for, and so that's giving harris an advantage in a three-feater
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race. neil: you know, then there is bringing back that base together and, laura, on that count i want to have are you reply to a chat i had with shawn fein who gave a very rousing, some would say curse-laden speech in support of her arguing why she was and remains the best choice in this con contest without ever looking, as the teamster president has, i want you to the to respond to this, shawn fein. you never entertained really support being donald trump at all. why? >> he never supported us when he was president. plants were leaving the country, he did nothing. neil: sean to bribe of the teamsters, i don't believe he or the teamsters have committed to a candidate, but he has said president trump is not a candidate whos -- who is not afraid of hearing from new, loud and often critical voices. is that his way of saying you're not? >> no, i don't think at all.
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look, sean o'brien, you know, has a right to lead his union how he feels he needs to lead it. we have our way of doing things in the uaw. neil: it is curious, right in laura, if you think of it, you've got the teamsters -- teamsters' president holding out he might go with donald trump. it's not totally without precedent. what do you make of it? >> well, the teamsters' president and shawn fein both have constituencies. but i would point to this. look, the teamsters are truly an outlier, and i'm not positive they're not going to come home to kamala harris because like, by and large, every single union whether you're talking about hotel workers or grocery workers or teachers or, like, they are uniformly behind the harris-walz ticket, and there's a reason for that, because working class issues, everything from wages to health care to a voice on the job are represented by the democrats. and the republicans haven't shown the ability to put their actual power where their mouth is on that.
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so the teamsters are an outlier for a reason x there really is unanimity among the unions in terms of their support of harris and walz with. neil: but, you know, lee, real quickly on this, the rank and file doesn't always jibe with the leaders of unions. ronald reagan, george bush sr. benefited from that by getting that kind of support that might be hidden in these numbers. what do you think? >> i think it's absolutely right. i mean, we're seeing, we saw even at the rnc there was moments where, you know, j.d. vance and others really talked about unions. it was a very different republican party than we've seen before. we've seen really a move and shift towards the working class people and a lot of focus on that. and when you look at the numbers and you break down where trump is most successful, it's really among those people who who might be in unions. so i think it is an interesting conundrum. i don't think it's just a straight line as it used to be.
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neil: all right. ladies, thank you both very much. we'll see how this factors out here. we might be getting some decisions as soon as this week. of course, sean o'brien wants to be speaking at the dnc in chicago, no commitment yet on the party -- part of the party to let him do so. we'll keep you posted on that. also keeping you posted on why tom emmer, the minnesota republican congressman, says the governor of that state isn't exactly who you think he is, and this idea that they've given up, republicans have, on the union vote is a bit premature. he's next. (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. my secret? i'm the sweatiest person on the rugby team. but you smell fresh as a swiss spa. i know right?! it's secret outlast. it gives you 72-hours of odor protection. secret outlast.
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♪ neil: all right, you know there is a minnesotan in this presidential contest right now. the governor of that state, tim
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walz, is on the ticket with kamala harris, but he does not folk spr -- speak for all minnesotans. my next guest is tom emmer, house majority whip, safe to say he's not going to be voting for that particular if ticket. he's kind enough to join us this saturday. tom, always good to see you, thank you. >> good morning, neil. great to be with you. neil: your sense of the race particularly in minnesota, a safely democratic state. i'm wondering if you still see that the case. i believe it's only once gone republican since 160, but your -- 1960, but your sense of things now. >> is the 19722 was the last time that we voted for a presidential republican candidate, neil. and i do think it's still in play. frankly, putting tim walz on the ticket is a gift to republicans, and i believe it helps him -- it helps trump in minnesota. and i'll tell you why. tim waltz is not -- tim walz is not a popular guy here.
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he won the last gubernatorial race by just over 50%, and you'll remember he served are from a district in southern minnesota in congress before he became governor. he lost his former congressional district by almost 10 points. so he's not popular here. he essentially, out of 87 counties, 13 counties, that's what he won. and why? because people have seen who he's all about here. one, he blew through $17.5 billion in surplus, had the awe dasty -- audacity in the same year to add an additional $8 billion in new taxes and fees. it just -- oh, and he's put us on a path to financial devastation. [laughter] then you just look at a the immigration issues neil. -- issue, neil. this guy gave driver's licenses to illegals in this state s and he's allowing them to title vehicles. he mys minnesotans should be paying for illegals' health care and college tuition. and then the violent crime under
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tim walz's failed leadership in minnesota, neil, has skyrocketed. we've lost 20% of our police force. homicides are up, carjackings are up, assaults are up. this is all under this guy's failed leadership. and you'll remember in 2020, the summer of 2020, the last time he and kamala teamed up, he allowed minneapolis to burn to the ground by hesitating to call out the national guard even though the minneapolis mayor had asked for it. and kamala, she ca came into our great state, and she start ised advocating for a thing called the minnesota freedom fund to bail the concern -- criminal9 out of jail, two of which, neil, went on to commit homicides. neil all right. let me just put you down as a maybe on the governor. [laughter] i'd be curious -- kidding. i'd be curious what you make of donald trump and whether he is adequately taking advantage of this moment. he's still getting a lot of blowback from a lot of republicans about his big speech in atlanta where he just went
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after the very popular governor, brian kemp, there, was counterproductive. you know? larry hogan and some of these others who are campaigning right now in his case to turn that blue senate seat in maryland red, that that's not helpful. that if he concentrates on the issues, that's where he's got him. but some of these grievances that a appear petty and late and tiresome aren't going to help the ticket or the cause. what do you make of that? >> well, i look at it this way, we're in the dog days of summer, neil. just four or five weeks ago we were being told that joe biden is fit as a fiddle and kamala easter not a good alternative anyway, so we've got to keep him. then trump absolutely destroyed him at the the debate, and he was unceremoniously removed, kamala was installed, and now what are the stories? she's apparently a genius -- neil: i know all of that, congressman. i know all of that. i guess what i'm can asking you
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and your very good read of the political tea leaves, do you wince when you see donald trump doing this? because otherwise he's got a lot going for him. he's got a lot of these issues that are front and center, but he's not taking advantage of them, and this stuff is side tracking him. do you buy that? >> look, no, i don't. i think that, i actually think, neil, the democrats have given up on this presidential election by having kamala a and tim walz. the president, people don't have to -- neil: they have a funny way of showing it, right? i mean, or she's surging in the polls. that could be brief, you're right -- >> well, yeah. this was what i was talking about. she got great stories like she's some kind of great candidate. tim walz has not been exposed. this stolen valor thing on tim walz is real. it's been out there since 2008 in this state, and nobody would report it and, guess what? last night a spokesperson for the harris-walz campaign said tim walz misspoke when he talked about a -- neil: so you think there's plenty of time to turn this
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around. whatever surge they're experienceing is showmpt-lived, right? >> yeah. donald trump and j.d. vance will win in no. and we have a great chance in minnesota thanks to the appointment -- or pick of tim walz. neil: all right, or we'll see. really as you indicated after labor day things get really serious. congressman,, thanks for coming in saturday. >> thanks for having me. neil: in the meantime, updating what was a crazy market. if you looked at the edge of the week, you'd never know how we started the week. we ended with a whimper, but this got pretty scary before that. what this past week means, after this. music♪ ♪ ♪
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♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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>> the the fed's job is given to it by law which is maximize employment and stabilize prices. that's the dual mandate for the fed. that's exactly what we look at, and that is only what we look at. there's nothing in the mandate that says go make sure that the market feels comfortable. and some days the market's weighed -- the market's way down and system days it's way up, and we watch it, but that's not what should drive central bank behavior. neil: austan goolsbee is among those voting members of the federal reserve who will
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influence interest rates, and there was a move on monday when we were in a panic freefall when the dow fell more than 1,000 points that the fed had to move fast and big and the sooner the better. that dissipated somewhat by the end of the week. i wonder how kevin o'leary feels about where we are right now, o'leary ventures chairman, shark tank investor. really is a brilliant guy and has a great perspective on the world. kevin, great to see you again. >> thank you very much. neil: you know, this was a scary week for the markets. you'd never know the way they ended up. you'd almost think nothing happened, essentially unchanged. but on monday in response to a jobs report that had some people thinking we were going into a meltdown. were you, are you in that camp? >> no. i -- you're right, it was monday around 111:15 when the rumor flashed through institutional trading desks that the fed was going to have an emergency meeting. that's bad. that that's never a good signal. and the idea was to take it down
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by 50 basie points. it was all rumor, turned out tonight not to be true. people have calmed down. i'd argue that we have something else in the market right now. it's called policy volatility. the lack of policy coming out of the harris camp -- and i understand why, and i think she has her own strategy and she's not going to talk to reporters, i go it it -- i get it. many teams including mine, and i'd never done this before, went to go look at minnesota because that vp candidate has more of a track record on economic policy. and we tried to glean from it what the policy might be. usually vice presidents are inconsequential, but there's more track record there than harris has. so i have the number now, and i gotta tell you, i don't like what i see. i'm trying to be bipartisan here, but it's one of the eight a states where capitalists flee and jobs are fleeing. i was shocked. i don't have a data center project in minnesota, so i don't have -- i never had the data
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until friday. the state tax there is 9.8%. then walz put on a super tack for people that are investing more than a million dollars. so all of his retirees have moved out of the state. billions of dollars. and i'll give you an example. south dakota should give an award to him. they're growing jobs in south dakota four times faster than walz is growing them in minnesota. so is north dakota. so he is a great governor for texas, he's a great governor for floridaing, he's a great governor for south dakota and north carolina, but he's -- north dakota, but he's not a good governor for minnesota because he has taken the job creation there and wiped it out. professional services, engineering, accounting, all of these subcategories, the only area is social work and health care which is state funded. so he's building a, you know, for the lack of a better word, a social state that is losing it capital -- neil: well, you might be right
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on all that -- >> i am right. i'm not might be right. neil: no, no, no, he is the very p candidate, i'm saying. it doesn't necessarily translate into the presidential candidate doing the same. but i do want to get your sense of in this whole craziness with the markets. if they had a picked up, would it have been your sense that it would have been damaging to the party in power, or are we past that and now we're back really looking at the issues like the one you just raised on minnesota, that that is somehow gone? what do you maybe of that? >> well, neil, the other issue is the volatility around the market capitalization of just a few tech stocks. the s&p is overweighted with 50 pe mega-cap stocks. now, their growth rates were supportive around 12, but that's still very expensive. it took down in sympathy others. we are going to have more volatility both on pe and policy volatility. t important that harris coming -- comes out with economic policy and starts doing
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some interviews. i'm -- i'm sure she will after the convention. i get the euphoria. it's okay, but she's got if to talk about policy. neil: got it. kevin, great catching up with you. kevin o'leary on all of that. in the meantime, another thing for the marks and, actually, far more important, the fact of people in the middle east region amid fears of an escalating war and a sign that iran or various proxies in the region could do something and soon, maybe this weekend. after in. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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neil: all right, never mind the white house has been warning iran almost every day now, probably it seems on the hour now that any retaliatory strikes that widen this war are going to cause a big old problem and iran would regret it, but it's no that simple, not that clear how is iran going to respond because it's seen as a given that it will either directly or through
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any one of its approximatetieses. -- proxies. lucas tomlinson keeping track of all of this. >> reporter: good morning, neil. the delayed response has given time for u.s. forces to be sent to the middle east and reinforce those already there. here's john kirby yesterday. >> the president is 100% committed to helping defend israel, and we inflict military capabilities in the region of a sufficient quantity and quality to do just that. but we're also work at the same time in the diplomatic space to try to deescalate the tensions and to prevent any major escalation of the conflict there mt. region. >> reporter: neil, over a week ago biden's defense secretary, lloyd austin, ordered the uss abraham lincoln strike group daughter carrier to the middle east along with other ballistic missile defense cruisers and destroyers. and a fighter squadron, f-3222s arrived two days ago.
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the u.s. george is in the med. what's notable, neil, is despite the lincoln being ordered to the middle east, it appears the strike group's in no rush, it's doing an exercise with the italians in the pacific. vice president kamala harris was interrupted one again from protesters demanding an end to u.s. military support to to israel. >> now is the time to get a ceasefire deal -- [cheers and applause] and get the hostage deal done. [cheers and applause] now is the time. and the president and i are working around the clock, every day to get that ceasefire deal done and bring the hostages home. [cheers and applause] so i respect your voices, but we are here to now talk about this race. >> reporter: u.s. officials expect iran and his proxies to
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launch that retaliatory strike sometime sunday night or monday. they're waiting for the olympics to end, they say, just like russia waited for the beijing olympics to end to launch their attack on ukraine, neil. neil: interesting. to general joseph -- kind enough to join us. general, that is a bit of an unusual strategy there, to wait until after to will limb picks to do something. i -- after to olympics. >> well, certainly, the olympics could be a consideration, but i actually think there's probably other considerations in play as well. i think iran has to think about the risk of failure. they failed the last time in terms of doing this, and another major failure of being able to accomplish any kind of military mission would be a setback for them. second of all, i think they have to be concerned about the
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israeli response. i think there's no doubt that iranian-coordinated ax axis resistance attack will meet with an equally, you know, fierce response from israel. so they've got to think their way through that. and then third, i think we have to entertain the idea that perhaps iran and maybe some of its major partners like hezbollah may have some divergent goals and objectives here. there are different considerations for each of those, and it's probably taken some time to work through all that. i think, certainly, the olympics is part of that, but i think there's probably something more substantive to the reasons why they have not launched their strike yet. neil: you mentioned some of these proxies, hezbollah to the north and hamas, of course, a constant threat. houthi rebels, i could extend that to these constant attacks on shipping interests. what is the responses that will be coming from those proxies and not directly iran and if that's
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where iran leaves it? >> sure. well, you know, first among them, of course, is hezbollah. hezbollah has literally hundreds of thousands of missiles and rockets that they can launch. they are much closer to israel, so they could create much greater havoc and chaos andless time to respond for israeli and other u.s. and other forces that may be participating in the defense. certainly, the other she what groups, she that militia groups like those in iraq and syria could launch attacks existence u.s. bases or -- against u.s. bases or interests in the region to disrupt it, to cause us do divert our attention over there and then, obvious, the houthis are really a wildcard. they not only is are trying to create effects in the red sea, but they do have capabilities beyond the red sea as we saw a couple weeks ago in tel aviv. so all of the combined aspect of this, i think, could create some real challenges. and it's likely that we're not just going to see one with phase
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to this iranian axis of resistance strike, but likely that we'll see maybe a couple different waves of it. neil: all right. we'll see. presumably after to olympics, to your point. general, very good seeing you. >> thank you. good to see you. neil: as well. in the meantime, the fallout from those threats against taylor swift and concert goers in us a a try ya, now the same fears are building ahead of concerts she has planned this week in london. we're on it after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ are you a veteran, own a home and need money for your family? newday usa can help. veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service,
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neil: all right, police have arrested a third man in connection to a suspected terror plot tied to taylor swift's concert tour in vienna. all three concerts canceled. she hats moved on, in the meantime, the a plan series of appearances in london later next week, but the fores are still out there that she and her fans could be a target. nicole parker, the former fbi special agent, fox news contributor on all of that. nicole, you know, they dodged a serious, serious potential tragedy here because these guys were apparently loaded and ready to the go, down to loading trucks and ramming them into the concert venue, potentially killing thousands. what did you make of it? >> well, it's very unfortunate.
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taylor swift is probably the biggest pop star in the world, you know, individuals have the right to go and enjoy entertainment, enjoy her concerts but, unfortunately, they're a soft target for potential terrorist attacks. there are large audiences that gather for her concerts, and they're vulnerable. they're young, they have no way to defend themselves. but you know what terrorists love? they love to incite fear, violence and chaos. and that is exactly what they did. by having to cancel the concerts, ideally, they would have liked to have carried out their terrorist acts and caused deaths. unfortunately, they -- fortunately, they did not, but unfortunately for them they still see it, actually, as a victim victory because they were able to incite fear into all these young individuals who wanted to attend the concert. what isis and terrorist organizations care about is grabbing headlines, and to attach themselves to taylor swift that has millions of followers, that, to them, is a success. it is important. you have to be aware, prudent, wise, but, neil, i do believe we
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should not live in fear. terrorists should not win. be smart but don't live your life in fear. go about living and do the things that you want to do but prudent. neil: what is the pattern of terrorists that choose these type of venues? if i'm thinking of the arianna grande one in england a couple of years ago, in moscow, the attacks we had earlier this year by chechnyan rebels that claimed 140 leaves -- lives, both large theater, entertainment venues. >> because people have their guard down. again, typically those that are attending taylor swift concerts are typically young individual, teenagers. terrorists know that. they're not thinking, hey, i might face potentially x. they're there having a good time, so they know this is prime. and they're large audiences. web, don't live in fear. go about your lives, but i think what's very concerning is those arrested were teens. they are being radicalized. many individuals are being
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radicalized online through social moo yesterday -- media platforms. you've got to be on high alert. they're looking for individuals who are disennens chanted with life -- disenchanted with their lives, something that they can make a big impact in the world and, unfortunately, there is a lot of evil out there. i do believe in the end good does win. we cannot let evil win, and people need to continue to live their life. neil: well said, nicole. former fbi special agent on this. if we get any more news on london and security plans ahead of this next series of con seventies, we'll let you know. in the meantime, they have the black box in that brazilian plane crash that claimed 61 lives. so many questions on this especially because that crash was pictured on video. with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon earn big with chase freedom
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neil: all right, we start our second hour at 11 a.m. on the east coast of the united


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