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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 10, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> vice president kamala harris and her running mate governor tim walz will campaign in the battle grounds state of nevada
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today as harris claims tough on immigration as commander in chief this as former president trump rallied late last night in montana throwing his support behind republican challenger to senator john and what is expected to be a close race. welcome to fox news live i'm griff jengenings hi alyssa. >> hi griff good to see you mounting questions over lack of formal interviews or press campuses since she declared her candidacy after president bide stepped aside. fox business correspondent graddy trimble live in los las s with the latest. >> they've opted for rallies opposed to press conferences or sit down interview. she's been repeating similar stump speeches in this battle ground blitz with her now running mate tim walz, her campaign argues that's called message discipline and gop critics say she needs to face tough questions from the press last night, harris and walz were
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in arizona no doubt they're going to be hitting hitting thal as this one, nevada, multiple times before the november election. but harris faces a unique challenge here, and it could be a big one. she has to convince voters that she will be tough on immigration which, of course, is a key issue across the country but particularly in the sun belt swing states that are on the border or close to it in the case of nevada. the harris campaign is out with a new ad saying she'll take care of the border despite record numbers of illegal border crossings under the biden-harris administration. last night in arizona, she says she has the solution. to the problem -- >> we know our immigration system is broken. and we know what it takes to fix it. but donald trump does not want to fix this problem. he talks a big game about border security. but he does not walk the walk. reporter: former president
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trump's rally last night in montana started a little bit late. he had to land at billings airport instead of bozeman because airport official say he had medical issues he did take the stage a little bit later than he was suppose to the hammered harris for her role in the border crisis. >> she was the border czar now she doesn't say she's the border czar she says i never was the border czar. everything they did -- she's taking away now. but she was the border czar, she was the worst border czar in the history of the world. >> another thing trump brought up in that rally last night were debates he say he's open to more than one. but right now the two sides have only agreed to that one. on september 10th, we'll see if anymore get added between now and then. and also, trump is hitting harris for as you mentioned off the top alicia not holding a
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more formal press conference to face the tough questions but we've learned that harris has said she wants to sit down for an interview before the end of the month we'll await details on that. alicia, griff back to you guys. alicia: a lot of month graddy trimble thank you so much. griff. griff: alicia with tensions rising in middle east as israel braces for a possible major strike from iran, and u.s. forces, are being charted in syria, president biden is spending weekend in delaware lucas tomlinson live at the white house with the very latest. hey, lucas. reporter: good evening griff last night a drone slammed into a basin in syria housing u.s. troops officials says there were no injuries in the last few days pentagon is reenforcing forces in the region here's john kirby yesterday. >> the president is a hundred percent committed to helping defend israel and we have put military capabilities in the region of a sufficient quantity
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and quality to do just that. but we're also working at the same time in the diplomatic space to try to deescalation and prevent any major escalation of the conflict there in the region. reporter: been at least 175 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria since october and over 3,000 u.s. troops are based across the two countries. monday, five american soldiers wounded one seriously we're told in iraq attack in iraq at al-assad air bass. now over a week ago biden defense ordered aircraft carrier strike group to the middle east. from the pacific to relieve tr which notable about that, is despite being ordered to the middle east it appears that strike groups in to rush seen doing an exercise with italian playmates at a pacific campaign stop in arizona and kamala harris interrupted from protesters demanding end to u.s. military support to israel. >> now is the time to get a
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cease-fire deal. and get the hostage deal done. [applause] >> i respect your voices, but we are here to now talk about this race. reporter: u.s. officials say an attack from iran and its proxy forces and houthis in the region could come against israel as soon as sunday night monday morning and the region. and that's after the olympics ends which is as you remember griff that's where russia did launch attack on ukraine after the beijing olympics ended over two years ago. griff. griff: that could be interesting timing, and a good thing he pointed out there i remember that well. lucas tomlinson live from the north lawn of the white house lucas thank you. alicia. alicia: thank you griff. squad member elon omar will face off against her primary charge on tuesday several progressive democrats have lost their prime primaries going into the election cycle. republican congressional candidate for minnesota fifth direct dalia joins us now the
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congressional seat she's running for is currently held by elon omar really good to see you and i want to get to your congressional race here in just a moment but first, you have long expressed concerns about kamala harris' pick for vp tim walz your governor, in fact, in 2022 you wrote an opinion piece walz gave political capital to an organization with ties to the muslim brotherhood that supports hamas seeks to have laws throughout the world from this reading, do you think he's an actual danger? >> absolutely. there is no question about it. and thank you for having me here alicia. that's exactly -- actually i forgot about this piece until three days ago when somebody mentioned it. and i went back and that was 20 -- 22, two years nobody in american knew who walz was.
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the thing is the muslim american society of minneapolis has strong, strong ties with the muslim brotherhood which is a terrorist organization designated by so many countries in the middle east including egypt where the muslim brotherhood flourished back so many years ago. the thing is, he has ties way before that. i have tweets back on twitter from 2017. they're saying we're exciting, excited to have discussion with the future governor of minneapolis of minnesota tim walz and not moderated by omar. in 2022 we are then again, the muslim american society of america saying we are pleased to announce that governor walz and
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lieutenant governor will be speaking at virtual rally and the problem is let me say one thing and be very clear about it. i am a muslim. i was born as a muslim 56 years ago and i'm still a muslim. but i've been fighting radical and political islamism for all of my adult life. so coming to saying that she's islamphobe that doesn't make sense to me i'll always be a muslim. i left the region because of these radical islamists and i hate to see and i will never accept the fact that we are or some organizations pushed by the muslim brotherhood trying to import their ideology to the west. >> dalia, you have to wonder if
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the larger electorate are paying tenges this when you look at the policies and histories of walz while he was in office much of the conventional thinking is he's upper midwesterner overall nice guy, add to the ticket when you have he established a diversity council with first executive orders signed an executive order protecting access to gender affirming care. and signed a bill into law protecting abortion get a quick answer for you on this so we can focus on your congressional ration as well. >> we need to protect our children. you know, if you're 18 you can do whatever you want. but it's not fair not for the kids. this is child abuse. it is not fair for the kids it is not fair for the parents that because of the policies of tim walz that now kids could -- could go to certain organizations and have sex change without their parents'
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knowledge and we have to protect kids. we have schools, are failing. our children cannot read even in 9th grade. are these the policies that we want to implement nationwide anymore? he's the one who came up with the republicans -- alicia: i hate to cut you off but we have to get to your congressional race because you are hoping in november to be the one to unseat squad member ilham omar why do you think minnesota is ready to change in this particular district? >> the majority of minnesota let me talk about the fifth district are sick and tired of these policies. we have the same problems like rest of america but our taxes are higher. we have illegal immigrants all over this state and even in my
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district in the fifth district. you can see them begging outside in the streets. they're providing driver's license, they're providing health care to illegal immigrants stretching all the resources that real people of our district deserve and need. our veterans, these policies are let alone the anti-semitism or the jewish hatred that is spreading like fire in our district, in our college campuses, and tim walz to silent where we have people waving the flag of hezbollah and praising a brigade praising hamas in our own streets. this is unacceptable, and people -- the moderate liberals, and independents are sick and tired of it. we all deserve better than this.
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alicia: dalia we appreciate your time today. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. i have to say, please go -- griff: we know investigators have found black box from a plane that went down in a brazilian neighborhood yesterday killing all 61 people onboard christina coleman is tracking the very latest. hey, christina. reporter: hi griff, planes black box flight recorder that stores plane data recovered at the crash site hopefully provide insight into what caused this large passenger plane to crash in southeastern brazil. the plane was heading to south palos air international airport and dropped southwest. dramatic video shows the aircraft appearing to stop midair then rapidly plunge to the ground in a highly populated area fortunately no one on the ground was hurt. the plane slammed into a neighborhood causing a fire to erupt.
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>> the plane passed over us. it was going to fall over our home it started to come down and down we said it is falling, it is falling when we saw the plane again it had crashed. the flames are very high they burned everything. it was a horror scene horrible it was very real. we prayed to god so it wouldn't fall on our home. >> the european made atr500 spiral to the ground at 17,000 feet, there was reportedly active warnings of icy conditions around that elevation yesterday. the aircraft was operated by small brazilian airline vopas a spokesperson for the company said even though there were forecast for ice, they were within acceptable levels for the aircraft. brazil's president stopped a speech at a naval event yesterday to call for a minute of silence after learning about this deadly crash. take a listen. >> i have to be the bearer of very bad news i would like
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everyone to stand for a minute of silence because a plane just crashed in the city in south paulo 58 passengers and four crew members and it seems that all of them died. i will like to ask for a minute of silence for the victims. >> brazil president also announced three days of mourning to help process the lives lost in this horrific crash. griff. griff: horrific indeed christina coleman, thank you. alicia. >> jet blue flight landed safely at reagan international airport after transmitting emergency code for a technical issue that just happened this morning. it touched down at 10:45 a.m. eastern time and was cleared by emergency crews before taxiing to a gate. no other flights were disrupted. griff. griff: a woman is in custody after police say she intentionally rammed her car through a los angeles taco shop. investigators say the rampage destroyed everything inside and that the suspect previously
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vandalized one of the restaurants catering vans officers had to fire nonlethal rounds before making an arrest but say no bystanders were hurt. alicia. alicia: how the new body cam video released by the butler police department is raising new questions over the secret service's handling of trump's pennsylvania rally. that's next. uscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. this is what joint pain looks like. when you keep moving with aleve. (♪) just 1 aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted joint pain relief. aleve. strength to last 12 hours.
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alicia: newly released body cam video shows person on a roof just minutes before former president donald trump was shot last month. the video also shows local police reaction moments after shots rang out. cb cotton is here with the latest. hi cb. >> hi to that body cam video in a second first what led up to this federal investigators made is clear thomas matthew crooks planned attempted assassination. latest evidence he visited a local gun range more than 40 times before he opened fire on the forming former president. this sign-in sheet to the range a day before the rally senator chuck grassley released obtained these records and says 80% of crooks visits were spent on
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rifle practice. according to investigators crooks fired at least eight rounds from the roof of the agr building before he was killed and droves body camera video released this week one clip shows what appears to be a person on the roof of the agr building at 6:08 p.m. and unclear whether the officer notices but fbi previously said crooks was spotted at this exact time and the same spot. other videos show the frantic search by local law enforcement for the would be assassin and the frustration with the secret service and the immediate aftermath. >> i would say this is a -- [inaudible conversations] >> somebody -- >> why are we not on the roof? >> need to go somewhere -- >> why weren't we? >> i told them they need to post the guys over here. i told them -- the secret service. i told them that on tuesday.
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i told them code over here. >> what? >> i thought on the roof? >> no. we're inside. >> bravo one. [bleep] i told them put them over here. alicia: you could hear that frustration in those videos. a secret service spokesperson called the shooting a, quote, secret service failure and said that agency is reviewing the footage. alicia. alicia: just incredible cb cotton thank you so much. griff. griff: alicia for more on this bring in dhs secret service special agent charles moreno. charles you know very well this situation, and i want to just go a little deeper and cb's great reporting there playing that tape of the frustrations of local law enforcement. we have a map. we can just show you the aerial of the open area where this
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event was going to happen. and the frustration is on the left side of your screen there. that rooftop left open, then what followed were reports of a man on that rooftop, and then the decision to put the protect protectee former president trump on that stage despite all of the shortcomings. what do you make of it? >> well by not posting somebody on the roof of that building which was evidently a threat that needed to be mitigated we saw an epic failure of the overall security plan. and the responsibility for that epic failure starts and ends with the secret service. they are responsible for mitigating those threats assigning state and local law enforcement as needed this all could have been prevented in a five minute conversation to articulate the need to take that building out of play from being a threat. and because the shooter was able to access that roof, we saw
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chaos result from it. we saw lack of coordination. we saw poor communication. and we saw a lot of frustration on the part of state and local authorities because essentially, based on poor plan that was put together they were set up to fail. griff: was this gross negligence or incompetency when you put these pieces together and more we learn charles it seems that it's an unfathomable failure -- >> well, it is, and there's definitely an element of incompetence, inexperience at play here. when i hear that law enforcement officers say that he told the secret service that building needed to be protected and eliminated from being a threat, there really should not be a need for anyone to have to tell the secret service the risk that that location and that building posed. they should have seen that right away. with the direct line of sight that it presented to the stage
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where former president would be speaking so extremely frustrating it is embarrassing for the agency and no one has been held accountable the longer it takes to hold accountable the worse it is for the credibility of the agency. griff: absolutely. the question there, let me go a little deeper in one other thing in cb's reporting and that is, this report from senator grassley's office talking about the number of times crooks went to the gun range. we can show you here a little bit more of that he visited 43 times did target practice three time and last visited gun range one day charles, before the assassination attempt. what are your thoughts on that? >> well certainly preplanning for this attack. there's no doubt about that. that was evident right after this situation happened and based on the movements and ultimate location where the shooter set himself up to take those shots.
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so he had been to those locations before. he was particular with how to operate the weapon. the question is, who has the ultimate responsibility for notifying law enforcement in these types of situations? in the event that somebody is suffering from mental health illness, and has access to firearms. and here, that rested with the family. because of the limited social media presence of this shooter. so you know, it really was left to the family. they did not see anything uncommon that raised any flags, and here we go swef somebody that was prepared to carry the this attack. and practiced -- griff: here we go indeed you gave me the perfect segue to an attack that was thankfully it happened and that is -- the third man now arrested in the intented terror attack on the taylor swift concert in sienna three individuals pledging to isis bomb making
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materials found in one of the men's homes we have the national security security advisory in help and foiling that plot. listen here. >> we work closely with partners all over the world to monitor and interrupt threats so as part of that work, the united states did share information with australian partners to a threat to taylor swift's concerts there. >> thank god coordination stopped it now taylor swift has some concerts coming up in london, at the end of next week. >> well there will definitely be elevated security preparation in london as part of this larger threat and look this is a reminder of the threat environment across the globe. especially the heightened threat against u.s. interests and persons. isis is in operation. they are still able to coordinate and radicalize around the country. we see this with the emergence
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and attack at the moscow concert hall and this type of attack at ariana grande concert in 2017 large gatherings at supporting events and concerts remain a top target around the world including here in the u.s. and there are hardened targets, of course, but there are also soft areas prior to people coming into these arenas and stadiums that need to be paid attention to. as part of the overall security plans for these large facilities. >> that is the dangerous apartment of it that soft target area charles moreno thank you so much for coming on today and your great insight. >> thanks. griff: alicia. alicia: griff coming up can the protest movement commit arms embargo on israel. that's next.
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♪ ♪ alicia: idf striking target in gaza saying they, quote, precisely struck hamas terrorists. well the gaza civil defense claims attack killed at least 90 civilians alex hogan is live from tel-aviv in israel with more. >> hi so the death toll and number of wowngsded continues to rise after this israeli air strike in gaza early this morning, the idf saying this was a precise strike on a hamas command and control center this was footage of what the aftermath looks like there a lot of devastation and destruction in that hamas says that as many as 100 palestinians killed after a school that was used as a shelter. according to the united nations more than 85% of schools in gaza hit or damaged in the fighting. but as we head into the eleven month of this war israel says that hamas continues to use these sites and civilians as human shields arguing that today's numbers are inflated
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saying that 20 militants have been working at this specific compound. now nearby countries in the region are quickly condemning this attack as the u.s. egypt and qatar pushing israel and hamas to both return to the negotiation table this upcoming week. >> we see this agreement as urgent. urgent to get the hostages home urgent to stop suffering of the palestinian people and urgent to calm tensions in the region, of course, to prevent other escalating tensions all across the region. >> now in continue violence and cross fire between the idf and hezbollah israel says it carried out this strike killing a senior hamas official last night. also last night a u.s. defense official told fox, about a drone strike that took place on the landing zone of a base that houses u.s. forces in syria. no reports of injuries at this point but this is the 175th attack on u.s. forces in the middle east since october.
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alicia. alicia: alex hogan reporting in tel-aviv thanks alex. >> this movie has always been about policy shift about policy change and saving palestinian lives in the immediate. >> our government here in the united states unfortunately is not a neutral actor when we're talking about negotiations around a cease-fire our government is sending more and more bombs as our leaders are tellings they're trying to stop the bombs there's an inherent conviction there. >> those were cofounders of the movement who met with vice president harris this week at a rally to discuss their demands for an arms embargo to israel heritage foundations vice president for foreign and security policy james joins us now. james thanks for being here in studio so just so our viewers understand, the uncommitted movement is 100,000 strong group of democrat voters who voted uncommitted in the primary
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because they disagree with the biden-harris administration and then candidate biden's position with regards to israel in the war in gaza now they're trying to get to the new candidate, harris, to influence her and "the new york times" reported after -- on end when they had met with them that she was willing to consider was open to considering an arms embargo on israel. that then sent the harris team into crisis mode, walking back all day thursday. so much so that the national security campaign advisor phil gordon for harris had to put out a statement saying she does not we've been clear here it is she does not support embargo on israel so what do you make of this? is this a problem for her? >> just to be clear. this when biden was the candidates they would have burned the party to the ground. and given the election that trump to make a point to the
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democrats, where they wanted party to go so supercomplicated three things going on in harris foreign policy. one is the playbook. we get this. it is the obama biden it will be the harris playbook all of the same people how they engage with the world how they try to balance we get that. but the second thing is reality. there's so many things that are changing in the world that just make that playbook just not going to work. right in so it doesn't matter how much of a progressive globalist wonderful person you are. there are things that just don't work because reality. but then there's this. which is on this issue, it's not the playbook. it is not the fact well, this stuff is not actually working. harris is there. she is on that one of the party which will throat israel overboard. which believes that israel is part of the problem. that america is part of the problem. under this issue she is with the squad. but the campaign is all about i'm a moderate.
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i'm not responsible for anything the last four years so how do you square this? >> you mention the squad for our viewers to understand the woman speaking there with the uncommitted movement is layla, the sister of congresswoman rashida tlaib been some of the harshes criticism with her regards to israel on biden administration. you know, is it time, james, for harris to put out a broad, foreign policy agenda? because you go to her website, you can't find it. she hasn't been clear. now, matt miller this spokesperson at state department did say and defended her position on israel. because now you've got critics wondering whether daylight between biden and harris on israel is complicating the negotiations for a cease-fire. here's matt miller. i want to get your reaction. >> the vice president has been a
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key backer of israel security and has made clear she's committed to israel security. we are concerned about this suffering of the palestinian people and gaza and that's why we're trying to reach a cease-fire. and ultimately bring the -- this war to a close. griff: your thoughts? >> so there is a difference between biden and harris and a growing divide on this issue. biden is still in the traditional camp that says, you know we have to protect the country's vital interest. we can't throat israel overboard what he's trying to keep the party by not falling apart by being a neutral party and you know, keep the radical wing of the thing from jumping off the rails. harris, the only reason why harris doesn't publicly throw israel overboard is not -- is not because she believes in america's interest. because she -- because she's like elections are still accountable to the american people and the american people aren't willing to do that sop so if you see the struggle there is difference it is between what people want and what the vital interest are for
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her it is like i can't get elected if i do what i really believe. griff: having your cake and eating it too. >> that's what the campaign is about. and again, i'm not partisan not a republican not a democrat but if you look at the campaign, the campaign is i'm a moderate i'm responsible. and if anything bad happened in the last four year i promise america i'll fix that. that's the campaign -- stop. right? mic drop the reality is, on this issue in particular, she is with the radical wing of her party which again if we're honest here that radical wing didn't happen organically it was driven by foreign money domestic money, radical politics that want to throw israel under the bus. griff: we have to leave it there james to your point it was interesting telling perhaps that she chose to skid the address to congress when time when closest alley is facing existential threat from iran. james thank you for being here today. >> thanks for having me.
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griff: alicia. ♪ ♪ alicia: thank you, griff, russia fighting intense battles against ukraine troops and the region since in 2022 receiveny bennett has the latest. >> russia is tightening security after essentially being caught offguard by ukrainian troops last week. now, of course, russia declared a federal level emergency and evacuated thousands in the region. today russia also announced what it called a counterterrorism of operation in three regions near the border with ukraine. the ukrainian observancive into the region is now in its fifth day. kyiv has not openly admitted to the incursion but reports suggest ukraine's troops are fighting more than 6 miles inside of russia. making it the deepest advance since moscow launched full scale invasion in february of 2022 new
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security measures were taken to ensure the safety of their citizens, but this also now means that russian authorities have the power to enter private homes. restrict the movement of traffic and pedestrians order temporary relocation of people use phone tapping monitor information sent electronically and russia has regime in the past, but this latest move with ukraine indicates moscow's military is struggling. meanwhile russia is continuing its air strikes on ukrainian forces including reports of using thermal bomb that has a vacuum that suffocates targets and slammed into a ash shopping mall on friday killing 14 and wounding dozens of others. now, according to u.n. data, revealed a surge of civilian deaths in ukraine the most since october 2022. they say 219 civilians died about a thousand were injured. alicia. alicia: stephanie bennett with the update from london good to
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see you, thank you. griff: olympic boxer now a gold medal winner how a second boxer with a similar story could take home a medal later today that's coming up, stick with us. and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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correspondent chad pilgrim has the story. >> history from beijing -- reporter: the most decorated olympian warning congress. >> i never have felt like i was competing in a clean field. >> america best athletes demanding congressional intervention. >> there's no trust and what we ask for is that trust for accountability and transparency -- >> bipartisan lawmakers crafting legislation to cut three million dollars congress sends annually to the world anti-doping agency or wata unless it improves its polices of athletes. >> what we want to do is make certain that our athletes indeed athletes from all countries are on a level playing field. reporter: lawmakers fumed after chinese swimmers tested positive for a heart medication before the tokyo games and allowed to
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compete this year at the world doping organization cleared the athletes saying they eight tainted hamburgers but a russian testing positive for the same substance. >> old conspiracies that something was hidden or there was a coverup are completely false. >> but international olympic committee to host the winter games unless it eased away from inquiries into the china doping scandal. >> the united states should not succumb to blackmail. >> could kiss our -- [bleep] i think if that's the -- they can block dollars from going to anti-doping agency and this big spending mechanize. on capitol hill, chad pilgrim fox news. alicia: as northeast faces widespread flooding from post tropical storm debby a new storm could soon form in the atlantic. that's next.
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griff: widespread and catastrophic flooding hit northern pennsylvania in parts of new york friday with many homes and vehicles swept away as post tropical storm debby unleashed final fury on the northeast. fox weather katy byrne is in
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westfield, pennsylvania, katy what's it look like today? reporter: hi, griff, well a lot of activity here. this town was one of four hit by flash-flood emergencies across the northeast yesterday. all triggered by debby which is officially done now. but we're still in active search and rescue efforts here in this county. they have one missing man across the county they are looking for so you can see crews and workers here are just trying to get a handle on the situation help people get necessities because we have hundreds of homes completely destroyed after the nearby river rose ten feet in less than six hours. it turned roads including this one into rapids. swept homes and sheds off their foundations, sending them miles away. i'm told people here in westfield actually climbed up on to their roofs and clung to trees waiting to be rescued some were rescued by boat others by helicopter national guard sent new a black hawk to reach some
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people and neighbors i spoke with describe escaping by waiting in chest deep rushing water they can feel trees and debris scraping against their legs and dick herds says it was chaotic. >> a mess. hell of a mess. it was not calm. it was terrible. you can see the holes. see where it washed it out. you can't get in the driveway going down -- and it covered my garage. [laughter] reporter: dozens of people are staying in shelters across the county as crews assess the damage try to figure out how many homes are destroyed. we know disaster emergency declarations have been declared by both governors in new york and pennsylvania. griff. griff: and our thoughts and prayers with that missing man katy byrne in westfield. thank you. alicia. alicia: turn now to fox weather center for what to expect for the rest of the weekend we're going to go now to adam klotz who has the latest on that.
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hi, adam: unfortunately this is the time but we're looking at another system that's several days away and could be next name system would be ernesto if it come together. a 30% of coming together and over the next week 80% so this is very likely to come together really think early to middle of next week. by the time we would have a named storm. now what are we expecting couple of big steering features that give us a sense of where this ultimately could go if it becomes a storm. big high pressure is going to kind of push it ultimately into the caribbean. another high pressure system off towards the west. is probably going to keep this more along the east coast. so these are some potential areas where we could see this storm form. and then that means, of course, it has a better chance of impacting the east coast once again. is this out of the normal? no it's not we're really getting into the tile of the year where we see these jump the busiest time of hurricane season we're really getting into it right now. and we're expecting to be a busy one. alicia: like you said it is that time of year adam klotz thank
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you so much. griff. griff: alicia thank you so much. a deep dive into kamala harris record on crime as her time as california attorney general as fox news live continues. stick with us. ♪ ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care
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