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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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there in ra health career obath -- rahobath beach where she's expected to take out and get to them and coming as tensions in the middle east remain high with a possible major strike from iran against israel, possibly coming in at any time. i'm griff jenkins. alicia, a lot of news. >> this is the 175th ahack on american forces since october lucas tomlinson is live outside the white house with develop wants. hi, lucas. >> hi, alicia. >> iran launched major drone and missile attack on israel and notable they did not use their proxy forces in the region hezbollah to the north and houthis and hamas to the south and west as well. that's one of the concerns about that this time around and those
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proxy forces will engage and that's a concern we heard from former u.s. central command commander general >> hundreds of thousands of missiles and rockets they can launch today and much closer to israel and they can create much greater havoc and chaos in less time to respond for israeli and other forces. reporter: officials say nobody was hurt and at least 175 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria since october and mentioned, alicia, over 3,000 u.s. troops are based on monday. five american soldiers wounded and one seriously hurt in an rocket attack in air base and rushing forces to the region and squadron of f22s arrived and missile submarine and uss georgia and going over 150 tomahawks and over a week ago,
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biden defense secretary ordered uss abraham lincoln strike group to the middle east here on your screen. what's notable is lincoln does not seem to be in any rush, alicia. here's she's doing an exercise and photo opportunistic with italian forces yesterday. vice president kamala harris was interrupted buns again by protesters. >> president is 100 president committed to defending israel and we put military capabilities in the region of a sufficient quantity and quality to do just that. but we're also looking at the same time in diplomatic space to try and de-ischia late center creeds it -- deescalate the tension and any conflict there in the region. reporter: alicia, off the top we showed you president biden in rehobath beach and going for a stroll and going to the beach. that's a good sign. on april 13th, that was a saturday and president biden rushed back here for the attack
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and it's not happening today. alicia. >> walks to the beach. lucas tomlinson, good to see you. griff: campaign in the battleground of the state and tough on immigration in elected president despite the running number of eli border cross -- illegal border crossings under the biden harris administration. grady trim seatbelt live in las vegas with the latest. hey, grady. reporter: hey, griff. tonight's stop in vegas is the last of vice president harris and governor walz's battleground blitz now that they're a duo on the campaign trail, but it certainly won't be the last time they hit this state or arizona where they were last night teen now and november. but harris face as unique challenge out west and it's a big one and she has to convince
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voters she'll be tough on immigration, which of course is a key issue all across the country but particularly in the sun belt swing states that are hit harder by the border crisis. the harris campaign is trying to combat that out with a new ad saying she'll take care of the border and, yes, that's despite the fact that millions have come into this country illegally under the biden harris administration. last night in arizona, harris blamed former president trump for the border crisis. >> earlier this year we had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border security bill in decades. but donald trump tanked the deal. when i am president, i will sign the bill. reporter: trump had a rally last night in montana. started a little bit late after airport officials say his plane had mechanical issues and forced to land in billings, more than
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100 miles away from that rally in bozeman. when he did ultimately take the stage, trump hammered harris for her role in the border crisis and brought up next month's debate, which both candidates have now agreed to. >> joe biden was exposed during the debate, like wise kamala will be exposed during the debate. she will be exposed during the debate or debates. you know when biden came out with a brilliant idea to have a debate, how did that work out for him? not so good. reporter: trump suggested last night as well as in that press conference earlier in the week, he's open to more debates in september, including one here on fox. so we'll see if anymore get added to the schedule next month. the former president doesn't have any rallies today, but he does have two big fundraisers today, griff. they're in wyoming and colorado. griff. griff: grady trimble live in las vegas. grady, thanks. alicia.
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alicia: thanks, griff. we have matt gorman and carly cooperman. great to see both of you. i have about 85 things i want to talk about and we're going to look at different ways the campaign are attempting to frame the stakes and we'll listen to former president trump talking about democrats being the threat to democracy with the way kamala harris became the presumptive nominee. take a listen. >> they said we'll do it the nice way or do @ hard way, joe. we used the 25th amendment and we'll call you mentally incompetent and everybody will believe us and you know what they did was a terrible thing actually. they forced him out. it was a coup. we had a coup. it was the first in the history of our country, and it was very successful. alicia: kamala harris from her rally talking about the future. >> in this campaign, i will
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proudly put my record against his every day. that being said, our campaign is not just about us versus donald trump. our campaign is about two different visions for our nation. one is ours focused on the future and the other. the other is focused on the past. >> is this a weakness for him? >> he needs to press the case she's also the president and that's the problem. over the last three and a half years and record inflation, obviously border crossings at all time high and people can't buy homes or cars and we can't let her and trump campaign can't let her get away we racing last four years as vice president and she'll try to and she's already flip-flopped a host of positions and we have a president in 2020. it's our job to hold her accountable for those thrip flops and for last four years. .
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alicia: carly, i want your take but with this in mind as well. headline from the new yorker. it's a piece of the new yorker. not a right wing publication and reads how generic can kamala harris be pointing out she hasn't answered many direct questions and could be good for her campaign and not good for voters. i want to get your thoughts on this because the message, the overall message here there's a lot of wattage and not substance. >> right now kamala harris is riding on a wave of enthusiasm and there's a lot of people excited about her currency and giving up this message of hope and freedom and forward looking positivity that is a big contrast. contrast to donald trump's message of doom and gloom and everything wrong with the country. leaders are responding as we can see in the poles and she's going to have to put out more details and more substance. i believe she will and she also is going to have to talk to the press, which she is slowly
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starting to do and she'll be doing that as well. right now she is riding on this wave of enthusiasm positivity as chechias because it's working. >> at this moment in time, harris tightened in the race significantly, trump is closer to an electoral win and the vice president but you can see if we put them upright now, she's gaining the average if you look right now fox news forecasting a trump edge in the electoral. however, she's gaining on the president right now. she's wiped out the biden deficit that we saw post debate and, matt, with the razor thin margin right now that we're seeing, she does appear to have momentum. >> she clearly does. look, this is very much the race we expected to be at on june 26th . the day before.
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republicans keep the foot on the gas and hold her to account for her positions and stay on offense. we can't take anything for granted and trump has the edge right now, but kamala absolutely has momentum. we need to stop that. alicia: carly, she has the momentum, absolutely correct, but she's trying to get an interview scheduled by the end of the month and reporters are saying come on, it's aug august 10th. >> yeah, absolutely. look, there's been one good news cycle after another for her, and she is riding that out. that poll from the new york sometimes and sienna poll showing her ahead in michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania and those states and the election has been reset with her candidacy whereas trump had a solid lead when biden was
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president after that debate and still the presidential candidate. she has to and knows that. alicia: there's a story that's gaining traction and president trump mentioned a emergency landing in the helicopters that happened in the 90s and said at the news conference and willie brown in a helicopter with him and said he said terrible things about kamala harris during the relationship they had. however, politico is reporting that they actually talked to a former california lawmaker also black who said he was the one that was inside that helicopter. the headline reading the other black politician who says he was with trump in the near fatal chopper crash. really quickly, matt, i want to get your take on this because trump is doubling down on us and there was also a trump former
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executive that wrote a book detailing this incident, and she says it wasn't really brown either. >> yeah, two things, number one, gavin newsom is a surrogate for the new york times and this person were kamala supporters stating as fact in the media reporting it and larger point where we can't be fighting about emergency landings and helicopter crashes and we have to be focused on kamala harris' record holding her on offense and going down the rabbit holes and taking the focus off her and more momentum she has and we have to stay focused. alicia: quick 15 seconds on you, carly. >> donald trump is showing a lot of discipline in his tesla and meta pain while bide -- campaign while bi biden was the issue ann the last few weeks kamala really changed the race dynamic and dynamically we have seen all these things from trump going down the rabbit holes and not helpful to the candidacy and the
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word is mistakes and ere things like that and beneficial, more beneficial for kamala. kamala. alicia: carly cooperman and matt gorman, thank you for the conversation today. >> attorney general and before that elected district attorney and before that a courtroom prosecutor. i took on in those roles perpetrators of all kinds. >> kamala is working to re-race her border of transgender, high energy, taxes and interest rates that are at sky levels and rising crime rates and all over the world. griff: that was trump and harris at respective rallies last night talking about kamala's record on crime and more on this, bring in criminal defense attorney brian claypool and former da steve cooley.
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he ran against kamala for california's ag in 2010. gentlemen, thanks for being here and there's the dualing claims and we want to get to the facts on this show. let me show you as san francisco prosecutor and then attorney general, what we have learned. a felony conviction rate rose 19% from 52% to 71% during half resident's ten year as san francisco prosecutor. crime convictions rose to 92% in the first five years of the tenure as prosecutor and one more as the ag violent crime rates dropped 10%. but yet once she got to washington and has now been in the higher office seeking mode, she's made comments like these. listen here. >> we're not treating people that are undocumented and cross the boarders as criminal.
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>> steve, i want to start with you. you ran against harris and what does her record say and what should we know? >> what i've heard from people who actually work with her, she was nothing special when she was with the alameda county and deputy da and she didn't do anything significant and telling us the cases. also went to san francisco her main goal was to she did great. great going to elude the federal authorities and make sure that illegal aliens committing crimes were moved out of san francisco and concealed in other counties. they were in river side county recipient of many of those transferred minors who ryan
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higgins also dope dealers and you mention crime rate went down as attorney general. not because of her. district attorneys all over the state of california doing their job under the law and following the law. she's not been known to be all that much of a follower of the law. she does not follow the death penalty, did not in the execution murder of a police officer and don't give her credit when she's ag or any drop in the crime rate. that was prosecutors like myself and others throughout california doing their job along with law enforcement. griff: so, brian, it's fascinating and clearly there's stats that harris is now running on and trying to cling to and we heard from steve that he said it's not what the numbers says on paper but it's the reality of what happened in the state of california. yet now she's even putting out campaign ads touting her record.
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here's a sample of how she's running on. watch this. >> as attorney general she beat the banks that kicked families out of their homes. griff: brian, think that's going to work? >> griff, great to be with you. welcome to kamala country in los angeles and went to a target store the other day and couldn't get a thing of shaving cream because everything is locked up because people come in there and steel regularly at target. welcome to empty restaurants and empty stores throughout the state of california. welcome to hospitals in california and went to the emergency room two weeks ago on saturday and like a third world country, griff. i work hard to pay for healthcare and sat for seven hours because homeless people were replete within the emergency room .h to be armed guards outside of a prom nathanial hackette hospital in pasadena -- prominent hospital in pasadena.
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in 2014, kamala harris helped write proposition 487 in the state of california. in my opinion, what she wrote that the voters voted in was misleading and deceitful and reclassified nonviolent felonies and allowed these felons to become misdemeanor convicts and what's that mean? that means they went out back on the street and that's why we have all this violent homelessness throughout california. another report i want to make on that, griff, if you look at fine language in proposition 47 and 2014, it says that it would take years for the california justice system to make any money off prop 47 yet when people voted on it, she said that it would save the state of california hundreds of millions of dollars. so do you want deceit as a president or do you want somebody that's going to make change in the state and change this from the golden state back to the golden state instead of what we're living now, which is like the twilight state.
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griff: steve, let me ask you. picking up on brian's point there with regards to prop 47 but a little bit larger. you know, harris finds herself in an odd position because the left attacks her because she's kamala the cop and the right attacks her accusing her of being soft on crime. and then you've got the trail she's left behind like prop 47. what do you see? where does the pendulum swing for her? >> well, prop 47, if you had to pick one person behind prop 47, it would be kamala harris' misleading title for the ballot proposition. she call it had the safe neighborhoods and schools act. it was not either one. it reduced significant penalty codes involving theft to misdemeanors wiped out spirally. it reduced all the hard drugs
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from felonies to misdemeanors and you want to think about a cause for homelessness in california? prop 47 is a big cause. you want to ask who's responsible in george soros, kamala harris and george gascon. they have responsible for prop 47. griff: we'll pull it back and examine the records of all the candidates and their backgrounds and particularly today on the issue of crime and as harris runs as the former prosecutor, whether or not that'll work. brian claypool and steve cooley, thank you for your time and great insight today. alicia. alicia: griff, an investigation is underway into yesterday's deadly crash of a passenger plane in a residential neighborhood in brazil. that's next. ♪ protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for
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griff: idf said they precisely struck hamas terrific rihannas in the building. national correspondent jeff paul is live in tel aviv, israel, with the latest. hey, jeff. reporter: hey, griff, only
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getting high and last couple of days and and israel insists it was a spike that struck militants that were operating with the command control center embedded in the school and at the moment, idf estimates it killed more than a dozen hamas militants and says it took numerous steps to protect civilians from getting hurt and hamas run palestinian health min city says dozens were killed making it one of the deadliest strikes since the war started and it was a shelter housing displaced families that tried to get away from all the fighting, but the strike has drawn worldwide condemnation and uk foreign minister said she was appalled, egypt said the strike shows that israel has no intention of reach ago deal to end the war and the white house just a few minutes ago put out a statement saying they're deeply concerned about the reports of civilian casualties in gaza.
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matthew miller said no marty in the region should do anything in the coming days that should jeopardize the progress they made towards a new ceasefire agreement. >> it should be very clear to iran that escalation is not in their interest. we have delivered that message to israel and know that other countries have deliver it had to iran. reporter: there was a large swarm of drones in northern israel and this happens from time to time and what make it is unique is the frequency and amount of drones and territory of area in northern israel. so far no reports of any injuries or casualties. griff. griff: very reminiscent of what's happening in northern israel. jeff, stay safe and thank you. alicia. alicia: griff, the search for answers continues after a passenger plane crashed into a
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brazilian neighborhood killing 62 people. investigators now say they've recovered the aircraft's black box. christina coleman is live with the latest. high, christina. reporter: hi, alicia. the black box stores the plane's data and was recovered at the crash site and will be included into the investigation as to what caused this aircraft to rapidly plunge to the ground in southeastern brazil yesterday killing everyone on board and the regional carrier confirmed unaccounted for passenger was on the flight increasing the death toll in the horrific incident from 61 fatalities to 62. disturbing video shows the plane moments before its fiery crash and it quickly descended from 17,000 feet in about a minute. there were active warnings of severe icy conditions around that elevation. brazilian authorities say it's too early to confirm if ice caused this accident. the plane slammed into a yard of a home in a residential community. fortunately on the ground got
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hurt. a number of terrified witnesses saw or heard the plane crash. >> when i heard the sound of the plane falling, i looked out my window at home and saw the moment it crashed, the way it fell. i ran out of the house and went to see where it had fallen. i saw it had fallen into the house of a couple of elderly people. we also knew them from church and so terrified and not knowing what to do. i jumped over the wall. reporter: this european plane with a twin engine turbo prop built in 2010 and headed to sao paulo's international airport when it crashed 50 miles northwest of the head of state of asaopaulo and called for thrs of mourning as the investigation into this deadly crash continues. alicia. alicia: christina coleman, thank you. griff.
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griff: alicia, tram and harris are hammering each other on the issue that could very well likely decide the 2024 election, that's next. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals. using golo was truly transformative. it was easy, and inexpensive. griff: newly released body cam video by butler township shows some of the moments before thomas matthew crooks started shooting at former president donald trump. in the video local police claim they told secret service and cb cotton is live with more. high, cb. >> latest round of body camera vivideos and records where he vl more erie details on what led up to the assassination attempt on former president trump's life and would be assassin thomas matthew crooks visited a local gun range dozens of times less than a year before the shooting and according to records obtained and released by iowa
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republican senator chuck grassley who says this sign in sheet shows crooks did rifle practice the day before the jul. we've also got droves of body camera video released this week. one video from an officer captured what appears to be a person on the roof of the agr building just three minutes before the gunfire and not clear if the officer noticed but crooks was indeed spotted on the roof during the same time frame. another officer on scene was hoisted up to the roof so he could see and dropped back down when he saw crooks was armed and acting director ronald row and this officer communicated over the radio that crooks was armed and rowe said the message never made it to the secret service and immediate aftermath of the shooting and officer saw crooks on the roof describe what had he saw.
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>> he's got glasses, long hall on the wall. he's got both bags and mags, ars. >> it was a secret service failure and the agency is reviewing the footage. griff. griff: cb cotton live with the latest. alicia. >> handed crooked joe the economy with no inflation. we had no inflation. we had nothing. we had the greatest economy in the resistance of of the world. their radical socialist lunacy turned it into a failing economy with the worst inflation in probably 70 years. >> we believe in a future where we know what the cost of living
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for america's families. low r the cost of living for america's families. so they have the chance not just to get by, but to get ahead. because look, while our economy is doing well by many measures, prices for every day things like groceries are still too high. alicia: for more, bring in job creators network foundation president elaine parker. good to see you, elaine. let's play what average americans say they exare experiencing. >> inflation is hurting everyone and it's not what we need this this country. we need someone that's going to
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bring us back to what we had before. inflation is affecting everyone and right now with mortgages every single day, just average american right now has like $500 left in their bank account and >> it's about what was bad. alicia: elaine, candidates talk about it being worried for day-to-day survival here. >> absolutely. thank you for having me, alicia. inflation is a top issue for every day ordinary americans and it's also a big issue for our small businesses. we have new polling in. we survey our small businesses across the country and 60% of them say that going into november, inflation and the economy will be the top issue here. right now prices are inflated 20%, even though the rate of inflation has come down, people are still paying more and
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getting less. that hurts every day americans and no matter how many times kamala harris tries to dell the person people the economy is doing well, every time they go to the gas station and go to the grocery store, they know that the prices are high and it's hurting them and so they just don't believe it and you can tell what people are thinking just by going to the grocery store and listening to what they say. alicia: elaine, we've been watching the poll and thing haves tightened in the race and a lot of momentum and has the wind behind her back in terms of kamala harris on her side and i want to put up this poll that fox has. top three issues in some of the battleground states here this. is michigan, minnesota, pennsylvania, wisconsin. the economy across the board is the stop. the second most important is immigration and third is abortion. they don't even come close. however, you have to wonder. americans are polling also in saying that they actually might vote for her.
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again, it's tightening and this is a top issue and according to the polling and former president trump is more trust worthy and in better shape and however she's improving. so how do you square that? >> in the end, americans will vote with their wallets and inflation is up, prices are up and wallets are flat and that's the deciding factor. in the swing states, you have to look at certain sectors of the voters, and it's going to be not won by either candidate by hundreds of thousands of votes, but it's going to be just thousands of votes and so by making the argument that inflation can be brought down by government spending and getting inflation under control and increasing our domestic energy production, we can bring down the cost of gas and cost of energy overall and it'll help
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every day ordinary americans and those are the types of positive forward looking messages that i hear from president trump and unfortunately i hear difference in kamala harris simply because of the democratic scrubber and policy and biden administration and they failed the american people and as much as it's going for them to bring down the cost of everything. it's the policies coming out of her administration and we have a biden loss administration and her policies are going with them and coming down on the cost of everything. alicia: rate rose to 4.3% and where you're heading and end of summer and end of the school year and getting into the holidays. in your estimate, do you believe that we are heading into a recession?
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>> i think it's good news bad news story and if the fed cuts rates for us, we'll have lower interest rates and bad news is we're going be in a recession. i mean, the reality is the biden administration continues to want to paint a rosie picture of our jobs, of our jobs market and looking at overall job this is year, more than half have come in the form of government and quasi formed government jobs and the problem is they're not born from innovation and invention and entrepreneurship. they are basically taxpayer funded government jobs. if we want to get back to prosperity, we have to do the three things that i said. cut reckless government spending and get inflation under control, and increase our energy production because that is the root of everything.
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alicia: elaine parker, thank you so much for the conversation. have a good one. >> thanks. alicia: griff. griff: alicia, after post-tropical storm debby cut a deadly path in the eastern u.s., a new storm threat is brewing off the shore. that's next. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪
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alicia: widespread and catastrophic flooding slamming the northeast with reports of numerous homes and vehicles getting swept awe by post-tropical storm debby. katie burn in west field, pennsylvania. high, katie. reporter: hi, alicia. crews are still looking for one man who's been missing in the aftermath of this. the search and rescue efforts underway as we speak and this is just 24 hours after this town was underwater and happened that
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water was strong enough to rip homes and shed and the foundations and moving d ducts o areas they don't belong in and this was one of four debby triggered flash flood emergencies in the northwest yesterday and people clung to trees and climbed to their roofs waiting to be rescued and took hours for the water to recede to some people are just getting back to their homes this morning looking at the damage and many of them we've seen pumping out feet of water from their basements, their first floors and shoveling out mud and silt. kendra is still on edge after what she saw. >> things i've never seen in my life. it was heart breaking watching this little town go to nothing. so the parents were holding the kids. they had the parents in buoys and they had lines stretched so they could hold onto them and they walked them to a very short
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dry spot. reporter: she saw the kids being rescued because of the devastation that would receive. griff. griff: going to the weather center and the latest forecast. >> hey, griff. tracking the next named storm and ernesto the name of this one take you to monday and 80% chance in the next seven days and looking likely this disturbance and tropical wave drifting further off to the west here and it's going to get us back together and become our next named system.
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it's keeping it to the south for now and that shifts further off towards the east and west of that high pressure system and it'll force allot maltly what would be ernesto bumping up across portions of the bahamas and getting up along the east coast and there's still a lot of possibly with really close to the east coast and little further out. little too early to tell and talking about a system developing and likely moving off the east coast at the very least and getting into the time of year, griff, where this starts picking up and second half of progress in september and historically is when we see the most tropical storms and the most hurricanes and we do continue to anticipate this to be a really busy season. otherwise, griff, i want to leave you with this and this is temperatures across the country, really warm across the southeast, unfortunately for folks that are still cleaning up from debby over the last week.
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griff: things getting active in the atlantic. adam klotz live in the weather center. thanks. coming up, you'll hear exclusively from the head of dea on the deadly threat of fentanyl. that's next.shba ♪ on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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griff: i had the hon moray to host a new fox nation special out next week on fentanyl, america's quiet killer exploring the chilly realities of the deadliest drug threat the nation has ever faced. this special uncovers hidden network of fentanyl production, trafficking and distribution and reveals profound and lasting effects of opioids on american families. we'll also examine potential solutions to the crisis. here is a sneak peek from the exclusive interview from dea administrator anne milgrim. >> at dea, we're focused on saving american lives by defeating two cartels in mexico. sinaloa and jalisco cartel largely responsible for what we're experiencing in the united states, the deadliest drug crisis we've ever faced and they're buying chemicals from china and producing the fentanyl in mexico, pressing them into pills largely in mexico and
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selling them in the united states and getting the money brought back to them. they're essentially profiting off of what we know to be in 2022, 107,941 american lives lost. griff: alicia, i'm so grateful to fox nation for letting me do it and as someone that covers the border frequently, being able to dive into specifically fentanyl and that crisis, transcends every partisan element we have because fentanyl is touching every corner of this nation in all 50 states in its remarkable what the dea and cep has been able to do to try and stop it when it comes across. alicia: i'm looking forward to seeing the special, griff. congratulations to you on that exclusive with the administrator. that's not easy get. when you were working on this, i was in arizona and the tucson sector at the same time with jd vance was visiting the border but also the same time cbp was also announcing they had made
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their largest fentanyl seizure in cbp history at the lukeville port of entry. remember this? 4 million blue fentanyl pills on that truck. griff: it's remarkable. special dromos wednesday, augus. that's all for us. fox news live continues with eric and arthel. i'm griff. thanks, alicia.
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10:59 am
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arthel: the campaign math may be changing. democrats now making


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