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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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arthel: the campaign math may be changing. democrats now making a big play
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for swing state nevada after a surprise energy boost from president biden exit. vp kamala harris running mate minnesota governor tim at walls of full steam ahead in a battleground bliss this week. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i'm a felt level. quick solo everyone thank you for joining us on the saturday i am eric shawn. meanwhile former president trump was not a rally and reliably read montana yesterday for senate candidate intent to, democrat jon tester. the former president was delayed a bit by a mechanical issue with his airplane. grady trimble of live from las vegas but we can expect from the appearance today. we expect vice president harris to stick to a very similar speech to what she's been giving on each stop of this battleground blitz of king swing he states the trump campaign for
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an interview or answering questions at a formal press conference. her campaign said she is repeating this a message at the message discipline is what they are calling it. she is getting criticism but she is continuing to that's what we expect again today. the advice and presses facing a bit of a challenge out west. that is because they are areas that have been the epicenter of the border crisis. the border crisis is going to be a key issue a major issue nationally for voters. the campaign is out the new ad framing her someone who will be able to take care of the border despite record number of illegal crossings of the biden/harris administration. last night in arizona here is harris saying she can solve the
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problem. >> we know our immigration system is broken. and we know what it takes to fix it. donald trump does not want to fix this problem. he talks a big game about border security. but he does not walk the walk. >> eric, you know the former president trump held his own rally last night in montana. i started late after airport official said his plate had mechanical issues, how to make a forced landing in billings as opposed to boozman where the rally was taking place. former president trump eventually did take the stage. when he did he hammer harris for her role in the border crisis. >> she said i was never the borders are. everything they did she is taking away now. she was the borders are. she was the worst borders are in the history of the world.
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collective "new york times" and siena college of new polling this morning showing harris with a lead and keep blue wall states of wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. the trump campaign is throwing cold water on that point polling they say it understates support for the former president among registered voters and likely voters. >> the safe the only poll that accounts is the one on election day. got a while. grady good to see you. >> light told them. [inaudible] the secret service i told them tuesday. starting a body cam video from the day of the attempted assassination of former president trump last month the footage released thursday by butler pennsylvania police shed some light on the security failures and confusion that date let's go to cb cotton live in new york city with more.
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>> the federal investigators have made it really clear thomas matthew crooks planned the attempted assassination. the latest evidence, crooks visited a local gun range more than 40 times before he opened fire on former president donald trump. the sign in sheet is from cork's final visit to the range just a day before the rally. republican senator chuck grassley obtained and release these records. grassley's office says about 80% of crooks visits were spent on rifle practice. according to this investigation crooks of bartley's eight round from the roof of the agr building before he was killed by secret service counter sniper. in droves of body cam video released this week one clip shows what appears to be a person on the roof of the agr building is not clear if the officer notices the fbi has previously said parks was indeed spotted at this exact time in the same spot.
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other video showed the frantic search by local law enforcement or the would be a fashion and the frustration with the secret service in the immediate aftermath. >> i would say. [inaudible] marwood not on the roof? [inaudible] whiteware week question because i told her they do post the guys over here. i told them that the secret service i told him that tuesday. ii told supposed guys over here. [inaudible] we are inside. >> brava one. [inaudible] looked like till tell linda bue guys over here. >> so many apparent communication and failures with this rally senator chuck grassley has written to secret
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service acting director ronald rowe ask asked him to explain whether that officers claim is accurate. secret service tells fox the shooting is the agency's failure at a review of the footage is ongoing. arthel: cb cut in new york city, thank you. eric: officials and gods that you have to remember this is the hamas potential propaganda saying israeli airstrike had a school killing at least 80 people, injuring 50 more. the idf said it was targeting a hamas command center critical of the sender markwayne mullin of the armed services committee will join us on all this and the threat of iran to israel at a moments. first we have live team coverage. lucas tomlinson at the white house what sort jackpot whose live in israel. >> we are just five days away from what is supposed to be the next round of negotiations between israel and hamas. the latest deadly strike in gaza only adds to the building tension as a whole region sort
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of braces itself to see if i iran and its proxies will in fact affect israel. the idf does admit they did hit a school in gaza city place near a mosque early saturday morning israel insists it was a precise strike that killed more than a dozen militants operative within command-and-control center embedded in that school. idf called today hide out for terrorists and said they took numerous steps to protect civilians from getting hurt the hamas run palestinian health ministry said dozens were killed making on the deadly strike since the war started. they say this was a shelter housing displaced families trying to get away from all the fighting the strike has drawn a worldwide condemnation. the white house put out a statement saying they are deeply concerned about the reports. egypt said the strike shows israel has no intention of reaching a deal to end the war. with the possible cease-fire deal in the final stage of the state department mark miller told fox news just yesterday
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they've delivered a message to israel and others have delivered to iran that escalation is in no one's interest. >> a week to this agreement as urgent check. urgent to get the hostages home for it urgent to stop the suffering of the palestinian people urgent to calm tensions in the region and to prevent the other escorting tensions all across the region. >> this is video from a short time ago we were alerted to a large swarm of drones detected in northern israel. this happens from time to time in particular close to the israel/lebanon border. what made the malaise incident more alarming the high number of drones detected and the large area they covered so far no reports of any injuries. in terms of that latest round of talks is supposed to start on thursday august 15. israel has agreed to send a delegation and hamas is reportedly studying the latest proposal. eric: write jeff a paul in tel aviv thank you.
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arthel: next door to israel u.s. forces in syria have been targeted for the second time this week as tension in the middle east keeps growing let's go to lucas tomlinson. he is live at the white house of the very latest from there. >> arthel, the goal from white house national security council spokesman john kirby is clear to prevent an all out war between israel and iran. >> the president's one 100% committed to helping defend israel. we put military capabilities in the region of a sufficient quantity and quality to do just that. but we are also working at the same time in the diplomatic space to try to de-escalate the tension and to prevent any major escalation of the conflict there in the region. >> is more in the recent attacks that you mentioned off the top. overnight a drone slammed into a basin syria housing u.s. troops. officials say no one was hurt. monday a different story five
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american shoulders were wounded when very seriously we are told and rocketed a base of iraq. there have been at least 135 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria since october. were over 3000 u.s. troops are based. recent days the pentagon has been rushing reinforcements to the region as as squad or f22 arrived that missile submarine armed with over 150 tomahawk spurred over a week ago biden's defense secretary or to the u.s. abraham strike group pictured here to the that middle eastere pacific but what is notable is she does not seem to be in any hurry to get the. after the leader was killed in the capitol city they call the proxy forces outside israel to join in on the attack. >> hezbollah has hundreds of rockets and missiles they can launch.
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they are much closer to israel. they could create much greater havoc and chaos in and less tio respond for israel the other u.s. forces that may be participating in the defense. correct official said his through into through tomlinson at the white house. thank you. eric: been waiting a week now to see if i want to make good on the threat to attack israel but what happens if it does? what can the biden administration do as troops are being attacked in iraq and syria oklahoma senator markwayne mullin is here the senator from oklahoma on what comes next. ♪
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arthel: for a week now iran thought it would retaliate and attack israel but what happens if tehran makes good on that threat? how should the u.s. react? what this out republican senator markwayne mullin of oklahoma. senator, good to see you. thank you for joining us. do you expect them to launch an attack and what could we potentially see? or would it be hezbollah at launclaunching this into the jeh
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state? >> the head of the snake to leave this attack you see them recently attack our base were five americans i believe seven u.s. contractors were injured. and we did nothing. with the hair/by administration that is about appeasement not through strength. that region as you know only respect strength. this would not be taking place if trump was in office. they will be afraid of trump because they understand what president trump would do. his words actually meant something for you just regionally heard the report that came out with a strong warning by the hair/biden administration that said they strongly advise iran or to stand down and do not escalate or there'll be a fear of higher escalation in the region. and then they came out and
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clarified the remarks by saying not by us but by israel because israel will have to retaliate yet we are repositioning all of our equipment and our manpower towards the middle east to show strength that were not going to use it? it's absolutely ridiculous with this administration does import foreign policy it is a joke. eric: what would you rather see and april when iran attacked thankful of the destroyers and cruisers were able to shoot down some of the ballistic missiles and drones but what do you think the administration should do to stop this to potentially prevent iran from even thinking about an attack? >> unfortunately i've had to spend more than my share of the time in the middle east. i will tell you that they only respect strength. that is it. we do not have to provoke and we should never provoke but we have to be prepared to respond and respond meaning if you give me a black guy i'm going to break your nose and black both of your
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eyes. if you break my arm i'm going to break both of your legs and if interview should be the chest, i'm going to enter life that is how we show strength. in this particular strength every time we got hit we should have responded immediately backed up or not a day later, not two days later we know where the drones come from. we are the missiles come from part we have that technology we even had warning this attack on our base was going to happen. i personally spoke with an individual told me 24 hours beforehand the strike was going to be intimate. we knew was going to be coming and yet we did nothing. we responded with nothing, with silence. that shows weakness. we have to be prepared to defend ourselves and to defend our friends and allies and immediately when they decide to be aggressive it would stop immediately. like houthis shooting ships and try to control the shipping lane. we could easily take them out every time they shot a missile we could respond within minutes i guarantee they would quit doing that and so would iran. iran is in a cocoon and
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president trump was in office they were afraid what he would do because he arty said what he would do and they knew his word meant something. eric: some of the houthis launch pads have been taken up they still continued that is the point you just said you spoke to someone you know people who are on the front lines. what is going to their heads? they are out there are they sitting ducks or are they prepared to defend themselves? it seems that continually some of our own troops are being injured by this. >> they are one 100% prepared to defend themselves they are one 100% capable of defending themselves for it unfortunately you have a commander-in-chief at a vice president that will not give them the green light because no one is in charge. our military is willing to fight that is what they have signed up to do and that's what they want to do. they have the tools for they have the equipment and manpower to do it. but they cannot get the response the green light from secretary austin or president biden or
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kamala harris to do it. they do feel like they're sitting ducks. eric: what is this for the future if there is a harris administration? >> unfortunately, more of the same. our foreign policy is going to be disastrous. our friends and allies are going to have to look for other friends and other allies relying on other people than the united states and i hate to say that but it is true. you cannot depend on our word right now just go back a look at the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan i was very intimately involved in. go back and look at not say behind our word wi when the budapest men memorandum. you had putin invade ukraine and take over crimea when obama was in office for he did not move an inch when trump was in office he became extremely aggressive invading all of ukraine under the biden administration but now it's it was happening in china. you're having china run at rogue. we are being a little bit wishy-washy of what were going
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to taiwan enemy of israel, the strongest ally and our closest friend we are not standing one 100% behind. in fact there's a tremendous amount of daylight between us and israel there should never beat daylight. for not sending with israel what does that say to jordan? what is it safe to uae or saudi arabia? what is a saint or other allies of were not going to stand with israel? so unfortunately our friends in foreign policy will go elsewhere elsewhere. >> finally the administration says it stands with israel here's what phil gordon the national security adviser to vice president harris tweeted out in terms of the controversy whether or not she wants an arms embargo. vice president has been clear she will always ensure israel's able to defend itself against iran and ar around the back tere group she does not support an arms embargo and israel but she will continue to work to protect civilians in gaza. and to uphold international humanitarian law. do you think that indeed -- that
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she will do that? >> it sounds like she's trying to have her cake and eat it to either stand with israel over send with our enemies. hamas is in charge of gaza and that right now is the enemy that's no different than al qaeda or any other terrorist group that came in and tried to attack the united states for their fighting. we thought 911 were of the terrace were at we went and hunted them down and killed them. it's the same circumstance israel finds themselves after october 7 they have to take out hamas and eliminate them there using civilians as shields. every time they went to go with their propaganda message and said they killed all of these civilians yet there's no actual true footage as if they killed and whether they're going to use shields by hamas which we know they store munitions and their fighting positions surrounded by civilian support we know they are doing this where are we calling them out? i get that bad things happen.
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that civilians are caught up with this but the only way you're going to keep israel safe is to a limit hamas is or has the right to do that. were going to be sent wherever israel goes, we go with them. eric: at hamas happy to sacrifice his many palestinians and citizens of gaza as it can to kill them in order for its propaganda. senator markwayne mullin a member of the armed services committee. senator thank you for joining us. >> an update on that shooting death of sonja massie last month inside her eleanor home after she called 911 to report a prowler. the sheriff who hired the deputy accused of shooting her now says he will retire at the end of the month. county sheriffs and he will not risk the community he swore to protect. campbell hired sean the now former deputy charged with first-degree murder and her
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death. he has pleaded not guilty. coming up a passenger plane falls from the sky. more than 60 people are dead and now investigators in brazil say they have found the planes and back black box. the very latest on this a tragedy coming up next. now, all new $3 footlong dippers. is there a hall of fame for snacks? find your perfect footlong snack at subway today. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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cop killer prepared cop killer. cop killer. [inaudible] arthel: that is how karen reed was greeted when she arrived at a massachusetts courthouse yesterday. her attorneys or try to get murder charges against her dismissed and the death of her police officer boyfriend. the prosecutors want to retry her next year after proceedings ended in a mistrial last month with the jury deadlocked.
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>> officials say they have found the black box on the passenger plane that crashed in brazil yesterday. sadly everyone on board the plane more than 60 people died. remember it it is a wintertimen the southern hemisphere that may have played a part in this tragedy, icing his because of previous crashes of this very same type of airplane even here at home. christina coleman live in los angeles with the very latest. >> hi eric, black box of flight recorders toward the plane said it was recovered at the crash site hopefully can help explain what because this aircraft to suddenly drop out of the sky in southern brazil yesterday killing everybody on board. today the planes regional carrier confirmed there was an additional passenger on the flight increase the death toll in this tragic incident from 61 fatalities, to 62. disturbing video shows the plane moments before expiry crash. they quickly descended from 17000 feet at about a minute.
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there were reportedly active warnings of severe icy conditions are around that elevation yesterday. brazilian authorities say it is too early to confirm whether i said because the accident. the plane slammed into a residential community. fortunately nobody on the ground got hurt. >> i heard the sound of the plane of folly i looked out my window at home and saw the moment it crashed, the way it feltfell i went out of the housd went to see where it had fallen and saw he did fall into the house of a couple of elderly people. we also knew that from church and a terrified and not knowing what to do a jumped over the wall. >> fortunately the people in that home did not get hurt. the european made atr 72520 while turbo prop plane was built in 2010 and headed to interninternational airport whet crashed yesterday just about 15 miles northwest of the state of san apollo.
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i called for a minute of silence and enable event after learning about this deadly incident but he called for three days of morning. >> i have to be the bearer of some very bad news. i would like everyone to stand for a minute of silence because a pl plaintiff just crashed in t city. they were at 58 passengers and four crew members. and it seems all of them died. i like to ask for a minute of silence for the victims. >> brazil national aviation authority, the planes regional carrier and its manufacturer are all investigating what caused this plane to crash. eric: says chilling sad footage thank you. arthel: so sad. getting back to politics now the race to the white house is heating up along with the summer heat. one new poll shows vice president harris leading in several key swing states but spiritless.
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dr. lauren wright princetondoctn university political scientist for it all right doctor lauren wright let's jump in with this poll released three days ago. it has, at harris and the former president and a dead heat in seven critical battleground states let's name check them. michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia, north carolina, arizona and nevada. harris receives a 42% of the boat share trump with 40% of the vote share rfk junior with 5%. now give and of course this is well within the margin of error i ask you how can she maintain her mojo and how can trump get his groove back? >> she can hope trump screws up somehow at which he is prone to taking advantage in an election that is basically on a platter for him with people angry at the biden administration and sayingg controversial things and swing
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voters that might be inclined to vote republican this time around. but, in addition to that i really believe she needs to be very clear about what her policies are. she should do that right now but she should get out there, talk to the press as much as possible do as many interviews as possible a intake await this talking point of trump and vance they are simply more available to the press and more transparent. she does need to do this thing sooner rather than later. arthel: there deafly out on the campaign trail with multiple rallies kamala harris and writing may tim wilds were in arizona yesterday. and in arizona democratic congressman gregory stands at republican mayor of mesa called on john mccain republicans to support the harris walls ticket saying the gop quote has been taken over by extremists. how will this kind of endorsement impact her chances
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of winning? if she is truly appearing to moderates and does want john mccain republicans and she makes real appeals to those people, that is a good campaign strategy. but there's a few things in her record and choice of a running mate that i am not so sure she's going in that direction per she aptly does not have too. progressivism is an inherently bad word for it neither is socialism which is something that hurt running mate appears to raise in the past. if you are going to run on a record that's that the little f the sitting president that he must articulate those policies and give a full throated defense of them. i happen to think that alienates more people than it brings into the fold. the people she really needs are those people who voted for trump, took a big risk in 2016 on something new and then they got angry over his handling of covid and a bunch of other
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chaotic goings on and they went back to biden in 2020. she does need moderate voters more than she needs progressive voters. arthel: as we continue with sheehy's critiques the handling of the border is there, the economy i'll see if over president trump out there criticizing the dell vice president for not holding a press conference in the three weeks that she has been running. feels like it's been three years but it's only been three weeks. i feel like a long time, right? which of the above do you think would prove to be her greatest vulnerability? i have mentioned the economy, the board and of course interviews. >> yes. the immigration and inflation/economic issues are the top of every single subgroup of voters list of priorities. those are issues that heavily favor republicans. it would be smart of her to have a message on those at the very least until people clearly are
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you in line with what the administration did? or would you do something different in the future? all of those questions about harris are very fair. this is an extremely competent and vambitious a person that haa very mediocre rise to politics. she has extensive experience in california. messing up an interview with lester holt on immigration or giving some speeches that did not land very wellin appearing not to know what to say about the issue backtracking on previous positions. all that is very fair game. she is very qualified but she should know the issue front and back. >> do you think she should do a sitdown interview next week which will be before the dnc or after the convention? >> yes, today even. i really believe she needs you the sooner rather than later print lookout risky it is.
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trump is out there saying she is a socialist and guess what, she has not given any rebuttal. when there is a policy back in your opponents totally free to fill in the blank. that is happening. all the tech they have time to clean it up and do better next time. >> meantime going to close with the spirit "new york times" college poll was conducted this week monday through friday. harris leads trump in three crucial battleground states of michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, here's the breakdown for it harris 50%, trump 46%. although it notes a dramatic reversal in standing for the democrats after present biden's departure from the race. this is a close race it. if the rac races this close untl the end, do you anticipate the results to be mired in appeals
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iand challenges in and god for d conspiracy chaos? >> they might. that is unfortunate. that loudest example of this in recent memory is trump challenging election results. but democrats have done it two to inthe past in smaller ways. it could be either party that challenges the results. and i hope there is competence and the election that people are inspired to get out and vote. >> probably one side is a little louder than the other. lord writes political scientist at princeton university. glad to see you again, thank you for joining us. >> likewise thanks. eric: team usa olympian making headlines this week and not just turning those metals but he ran the 200-meter race after he tested positive for covid. was at a really good idea? dr. marc siegel is here on that, wow.
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school is.
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arthel: one of two boxers and engender controversy has one goal al julian boxer failed a gender eligibility test in last year's championship's yesterday she won a welterweight gold in a unanimous decision after words she told reporters the online attacks against her quote give my success a special taste for the other boxer facing the same controversy china's fights for gold today in a different weight class. eric: florida native olympic gold medal winner know it stirring up controversy and he won the 100-meter race getting a gold medal. he got a bronze medal with his third place finish in the men's 200-meter -- at the olympics. after that race he admitted he tested positive for covid-19. two days before he ran. critics not wondering why he was
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allowed to compete while sick worrying he may have put other athletes at risk. the international olympic committee explained its covid protocol saying quote covid is being treated like any other respiratory disease. it's being treated like the flu now so there is no obligation for any special measures or notifications. fox senior medical analyst dr. marc siegel is here at the latest on this. so is it wise to run like noaa liles did with the symptoms of covid? >> is no. and for a number of reasons for and the olympian there is an egyptian fencer who has been fencing seven months of pregnancy. i talked to a top expert harvard who said that is actually fine. it is not a risk y but there are two issues here with liles. one is he putting himself at risk? and two, is he putting others at risk and three is the committee of the people to decide that. i think the doctor in charge, gloria who i interviewed last
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week before this happened is terrific. i think she probably should've been the one to make the decision. physician to patient. but i will tell you there are two things wrong with this. first of all he has a history of asthma and he was having symptoms. he had a fatigue, he had cough with that asthma per there's also as you know from covid a risk of myocarditis. especially with this extreme exertion on 200 made it was she would've won handily without the covid. the second thing you've already brought up which is the risk of contagion. even if it was the flu by the way i say to the committee, even if it was the flu i don't want people catching the flu either. if you have a contagious disease and are in the throw of symptoms at the risk to you. covid is a risk to you, especially of asthma and it is a risk to others. i want to make one other point. i think he isn't heroic because of his depression and his adhd. i am glad he's all out to
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overcome anything holding him back. we are not at the point where i would agree with that. sweetheart you he is an inspiration absolutely put at the same time he admitted two days before he had a bodyaches and chills his girlfriend said he was coughing for the night. did i sleep for two days. but, you've got 200 the effect on his health besides spreading covicovid potentially to other people. >> who took paxlovid which i am to. that may have decreased his contagiousness. that notnot putting other peoplt risk. if we watch the video you would see them coming in close other people. covid is still real pit may not be a pandemic but it is spreading right now it doesn't knock people out. it is unpredictable how to react to covid. it is especially unpredictable you don't want it spreading
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around you want to contain them. but sending the wrong message here. i don't think they should have been the ones to make this. >> finally what about all of us folks watching at home? where we have become complacent. it has been increasing. it was going up and anecdotally from friends they are getting wiped out. it's worse than what the pad before. >> for many that is true. the new vaccines coming out in a month with people cannot decide to take if they are in high-risk group it especially. the key here is testing. if you got a rapid test and have symptoms and you've got covid, stay at home. speak to your doctor. like you said, it's knocking people out. again an inspiration he is out there running. it's amazing he got a bronze it. but he put himself in other people at risk.
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that is not what we want to see. eric: you mentioned the new vaccines, a new vaccine at what is your advice on that? and will it come out fairly soon? >> it is targeted to the sub variance for the exact one he probably had that are circulating paid my advice this talk to your physician i certainly want those at high risk to have it. vaccines that just been studied recently and shown to decrease your risk of long covid dramatically produce a conversation between dr. and patient. it's a tool in my arsenal and i recommend it for a lot of people. especially those at risk. eric: we have to take all precautions that we can pray dr. marc siegel, always good to see you. and we always appreciate your advice. thanks so much. >> great to see you. eric: "fox news live" continues right after this.
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arthel: people up and down the east coast or recovering from a tropical debbie super soaker. some may have more nasty weather on the way. millions in the carolinas are under renewed threat of severe thunderstorms and widest read a flash flooding. meteorologist adam klotz's life and the "fox weather" center with the forecast this weekend. how is it looking? click save it. the ground is saturated as we do debbie ran up the coast over the last several days 250 different flash flood warnings have been issued with that ground being so soggy any additional rain obviously going to cause problems for the places they got hit the hardest where the carolinas they are looking at more rain is to move for the weekend. you are looking at least some sort of flash flood the threat for saturday, for sunday, a little lower on monday. it is still lingering in the forecast for this is the future
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forecast storms and ultimately cloud cover. you have seen the pop up showers it's hot it's humid, it's sticky people cleaning up or dealing with the heat. a portion of that can be bubbling up storms the next couple of days. that's why you look at the flood threat put th pathetic all awayl monday when he of storms a popping up. debbie was the last storm we now have another storm or a potential storm we are keeping our eyes on per 40% chance of the named storm that takes you into monday. 80% chance over the next seven days as time goes on looks like a pretty decent chance to become the next named system. likely running toward the bahamas this is the set up this going to steer ultimately where the storm goes. a couple high pressure system's this going to force it off the east coast. this is the next when we are watching. we have all the way probably until next weekend until we get an idea of what has happened.
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it's an active season were going to watch it for. >> people leap up break for sure. good to see thank you. >> it it's been nearly three weeks since vice president harris was the top of the democratic ticket. after president biden and his reelection bid since then she's been traveling around the nation holding a campaign rally and appearances. mostly avoided taking questions from reporters or holding any formal interview she's come under some criticism for that promises to set up with an interview. voters think she's dodging some tough questions. we cover the next campaign in the next hour or 4:00 p.m. eastern time here on the fox news channel. arthel: will have all that for you and more. eric and i will be back in one hour at 4:00 p.m. eastern.
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