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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  August 11, 2024 1:00am-3:00am PDT

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beating me up and i looked at george and they were looking like going to get joe now. >> the boys he did, those were the women. [laughter] thank you. fox news saturday night with jimmy bailey, that your dvr to 10:00 p.m. every saturday on fox news. forget to some follow us on social media as an saturday night and will get the election out of the way, cutting to a city near you and tickets are on sale right now as we speak fox you can listen to my radio show noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern. quickly from the exit. i was you next saturday and remember, if we republican, democrat, just don't be leap. ♪ a two hour edition of "the big weekend show," next. ♪ ♪ >> hi everyone i'm joe concha
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and welcome to the big weekend show, the big story, tonight. kamala harris on a battleground blitz while her boss president biden is relaxing on the beach his legs now stretched on the lounge chair that looks nice. later he had this message to iran. which is expected to attack israel at any moment. >> what's your message to ran mr. president what's your message to iran? >> thoughts former -- >> kamala harris in las vegas tonight for a campaign event. donald trump out west too. today he had a fund raiser in jackson hole, wyoming greg is live in las vegas. grady. >> hey joe vice president harris and governor walz just touched down in las vegas about ten minutes ago. and she also had a sort of an impromptu press conference or at
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least she answered a few questions from reporters while she was leaving from arizona to here. and here is what vice president harris said when a reporter asked her when she'll release her campaigns policy platform. >> next week -- and it will be focused on the economy and what we need to do to bring down costs and also strengthen the economy. ♪ ♪ >> all right so we'll wait for that next week. paris faces a unique challenge in western swing states. convincing voters that she'll be tough on immigration diswiet record numbers of illegal border crossings under the biden-harris administration. last night, at that rally in arizona, harris blamed former president trump for the border crisis. we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it but donald trump does not want to fix this problem he talks a big game
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about border security. but he does not walk the walk. >> and the former president had his own rally in montana last night. he went after harris and walz hitting harris on the border, the economy, and for not holding a press conference into replacing president biden at the top of the democratic ticket. >> they go and run, and they want to go and a record that's a fake record they have a fake record both of them how about the new guy, how do you like him? [booing] if you can't do a press conference, you cannot be president. ♪ ♪ reporter: harris and trump have both agreed on one debate so far. but former president trump says he wants to do two more including one here on fox, a campaign official told "the new york post" that if harris doesn't agree to those two additional debates, then he would be willing to do town halls on those networks. joe.
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>> grady thank you this afternoon kamala harris answered reporter questions for a whopping 2 minutes and now the mainstream media is going after each other about her lack of real engagement with the press. >> she's going to take questions. we're going to make sure of that. >> let me also say this, don't nobody care about us about someone taking a question. questions they want answers. >> this is so in the belt way. >> you're not the first to make this argument that she doesn't need to do this. this is for us you lose credibility when you do that because if it were someone else you would be demanding she sit down for questions. she should answer these questions. >> and she will. >> alicia as a journalist as an anchor at this network do you find it uncutting that people are actually defending kamala harris now three weeks since being the democratic nominee
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essentially not taking questions anita i'm sorry. >> that's okay. it is insulting. that's what we do, and the press should be insulted that she's not taking time to answer their questions. that's -- doesn't matter whether she's a man, a woman, she's a candidate for the president of the united states. and she needs to take questions from the press. it is absolutely insulting and i was just thinking that earlier today. >> indeed. miranda. >> look you're 100% right and donald trump put it in one. he said if you can't hold a press conference then you shouldn't be president. if she can't take questions from the media, it means that there's something wrong she's trying to hide from scrutiny it is because her record is so appalling and her ability to articulate a point is -- really lacking. >> gianna we're seeings video all over the place on tape sound bites at rallies from kamala harris saying the same thing
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over and over again. this is the -- artificial intelligence chat gpt candidate is it not? >> 100%. you know, works at cnn no fan of donald trump not one bit and she's adamant about what we should be about is you must take questions now here's the consideration, though, once she does questions it is going to create news they don't want to cover. >> exactly let's everybody else here take a look at the montage of kamala harris sounding like she's on a loop. let's play it. >> it really is good to be back in wisconsin. it is so good to be back on michigan. >> listen i am clear, the path to the white house runs right through this state. and listen i am clear the path to the white house runs right through this state. >> i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. and had a summer job at mcdonald's -- [applause]
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i had a summer job at mcdonald's. so hear me when i say so hear me detroit when i say -- >> i know donald trump's type. >> i know donald trump's type. and are we ready to fight for it? [applause] and are we ready to fight for it? [applause] and when we fight -- we win! >> oh, gianna that's outstanding producing right there. >> that absolutely is this is hillary clinton 3.0 she's inauthentic and going to continue to be that way. this is true. all right let's move on with other things to talk about. tonight the harris campaign tells axios there's a reason she's flip-flopping on radical policies from the article org did the 2020 election cycle, harris publicly supported banning on fracking. mandatory buy back programs and illegal border crossings now her campaign say she's magically
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changed her positions a harris campaign advisor told axios the vice president's positions had been, quote, shaped by three years of effective governess. wow how do we transition out of that quote? okay. [laughter] oh, boy anita. has the -- administration of biden and harris actually been effective based on polling that you've seen? >> well, you know it's surprising to me that she's up in the polls that she's coming close to donald trump. i mean this is the same woman who was so unpopular three or four weeks ago she's had no major policy presentation. there's been no real change with her. she hasn't done anything different and all of a sudden now she's popular. so i'm just imagining that she's popular because she's someone other than joe biden now at the top of the ticket. but yeah. i don't understand it myself. she's the same person right, joe? >> exactly.
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miranda what do you think about kamala harris talking about governance and changes her mind and seems like they're doing an etch sketch as far as this is our actual record and performance and our rhetoric now trying to pretend like none of it actually happened. >> it is virtual a.i. candidate and everyone is just so relieved that they have not got a walking cadaver at the helm and they have someone who is relatively at 59 young, and sprightly and she's disciplined when she sticks to the teleprompter. i don't really think it's important that she says the same thing at various speeches. the fact is to a low information voter she looks good and on top of thaings polls are reflecting this basking in honeymoon coverage that she's getting from the rest of the media. >> can i just say that's a great point about the stump speech when you cover these campaigns
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all of the candidates have their stump speeches. and they say the same thing generally over and over in every city but hay do take questions in between. that's the real difference here. is that all we're hearing her stump speech. we're not having that real interaction with the press at least not yet. >> exactly ten seconds -- >> ten seconds i agree with all of you. [laughter] >> all right we'll leave it there straight ahead. record show trump shooter visited a gun club dozens of times in the year leading up to the assassination attempt. plus, new body cam footage suggests local police told the secret service to secure the building where crooks fired his weapons just days before. all of that and more coming up next. ♪ ♪
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show new shocking details about the assassination attempt on former president trump. records show the would be assassin went to local gun club dozens of times before the shooting even practicing the day before the tragic rally in butler, pennsylvania. fox news correspondent cb cotton is live tonight with the update.
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cb. reporter: hi anita as multiple investigations continue into the attempted assassination of former president donald trump lawmakers are doing their own digging. records obtained by iowa republican senator chuck grassley show crooks visited a local gun range more than 40 times before he opened fire on the former president. according to grassley this is a sign-in shoot from crooks final visit to the range just a day before the rally. the senator says crooks spent several holidays at the range and about 80% of crooks visits were spent on rifle practice. according to investigators crooks fired at least eight rounds from the roof of the agr building before he was killed by a secret service countersniper. a retired volunteer firefighter was killed. former president trump's ear was struck by a bullet. and two men were seriously wounded. 12 body camera videos released by local law enforcement this week now reveal the frustration with the secret service and the immediate aftermath.
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>> i would say this is a [bleep] >> which company -- >> somebody [bleep] ed up. why are we not on the roof? >> go somewhere -- why weren't we? i told them they need to post the guys over here. i told them that -- [bleep] the secret service. i told them that on tuesday. i told them the guys over here. >> what? >> i thought on the roof -- >> no we're inside. >> bravo 1, -- i told them guys over here. some alarming and explosive claim right there so a secret service spokesperson called shooting a, quote, secret service failure. and said the agency is reviewing the body camera footage anita. >> cb thank you so much for that report. okay so that was really interesting. that body cam footage was
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released we got to see a little bit of what was happening behind the scenes. you know, joe, donald trump met with the secret service on august 1st, and they went over everything with him. reviewed all of the we know everything that happened they took his questions at the end of it donald trump praised the secret service he said they did a good job but you know, like we heard in cb's report shooter got off eight rounds -- you know? >> look. i think the people surrounding donald trump the way they're on that stage, obviously, they should be heralded but the people at the top, right i'm not talking about the head of the secret service by the way had to be shamed into resigning. right? why didn't joe biden why didn't kamala harris ever call for this person to be fired? right? not once -- that's amazing to me who was the commander that was in charge that day because that person absolutely should be fired. because think about it. i mean, for what i'm told and spoken to many like sharp shooters people who handle guns i don't handle guns so i talk to people that do. to make that shot from 150 yards
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it is the equivalent of a two inch putt right in other words if you have a scope and you have a clear line of sight, it ain't hard. and quite frankly he would have hit trump right in the face or at least the head if he didn't turn look at a chart which he never looks at the second before it happened. and the thing is, that was the only building, the only building that had line of sight at that point. and here we have a media this happened i was here three weeks ago about to do "the big weekend show" it was katy, jason, me, miranda, when this happened. and now the fact that three weeks ago it is almost as if it never happened. the pressure be absolutely on top of this saying, this is more than just incompetence there's something more at work here because you can't get this many things wrong when it comes to assassination attempt yet oh, women i guess it missed hype got his ear let's move on it's a joke. joke -- >> do you expect anything to change with protocol in terms of, you know, how the secret service provides protection for
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our top government leaders? >> i would hope so if that's the case and, of course, donald trump is going to praise the people who are still responsible for his protection currently. so he's going to say that. but the problem is, how do you even bring weapons into a venue like that? you know, we live we work in a very secure building nobody will be able to do that here. and we're none of us are the former president who are running for office at this particular time. i'm more so concerned with -- them being very public about yeah we messed up as we've seen some congressional hearings barely take accountability but the buck stops with us but why can't we answer questions and members of congress asking questions and you say you're going to get back to them. when is that going to happen? if this was joe biden or kamala harris the press would be all over this still. and we would have more answers. but because this is donald trump this is where we are. >> how do you get the gun in that's such a good question. and miranda you know we have learned more about the shooter we've learned that he was very smart young man he had a 1500 on
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the s.a.t. that's a almost a near perfect score. we know that he was a loaner. he mostly affiliated with family didn't have a lot of friends. this seems to be the profile of a lot of these shooters of mass shootings, school shooters what were your thoughtings and questions as you learned that? >> he's just 20 years old. right? this is an enormous task. and we still haven't been told what radicalized him. what triggered him? what were people he's, obviously, a suggestible person. was there somebody who -- who weaponized him to do this? were they websites that he was looking at? this is not a normal situation. i don't believe that a 20-year-old just off his own bat without some sort of external influence does this. and the other thing is that, we have a 20-year-old somehow getting into the secret service
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as gianna were saying into their, you know, realm that they're supposed to keep so -- so carefully guarded. and why is that? it's because there was negligence there was deliberate negligence from the top and i would go straight to mayorkas, and joe biden. they didn't care if donald trump wasn't properly secured. and at the time we found out since there were high threat, it was a high threat environment. the iranians were plotting to assassinate donald trump he should have had extra security. >> and they've requested and been denied. still sent them out when they knew the threat was there for 90 minutes that is extraordinary. >> got to leave it there but a lot of good questions still to be answered coming up, jd vance's epic moment in front of kamala harris's plane that now has the media calling him sexist what's that about? that's next. ♪ ♪
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>> i'm brian kilmeade don't forget to watch one nation you're going to love this show kelsea how her life changed and suing about it and a formula for donald trump winning in november. tyrus i wrested him just me and him in singlets only kidding he breaks down what's wrong with the media and kayleigh mcenany on the recipe for success trump style do not miss this edition hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today.
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♪ welcome back to the big woongd show the media is calling jd vance sexist and massage initial for this moment when he approached reporters outside of kamala harris' plane. >> i wanted to check out my future plane and say hello to the vice president and ask her why kamala harris refuses why does she refuse to answer
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questions from the media. >> now that was epic to me but not according to cnn who claim vance's move set a disturbing message to women. watch. >> how dare you -- right this is the vice president of the united states. literally this stalking like donald trump walking behind hillary clinton during the debate. again for women this is a huge election for women, women's rights our sense of selves. our sense of -- not having people control our bodies age not having people control us. and so that -- that's like stepping into her territory. it is this very -- the physicality of it is supposed to send a message. >> well, well, well, miranda to me that was such a ridiculous take that i just heard and i'm just intrigued, i mean, you've been a reporter forever and covered many elections. do you think this election is going to be purely on gender and race and not the substantive issues? >> look that is exactly what
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kamala harris and her team would love to make it, and i think that that's all they had. that was a great stunt that jd vance pulled. [laughter] you know, he just highlighted how ridiculous it is that kamala harris is hiding from the media and also embarrassed media not complaining about that and only thing they can do accuse him of being overbearing male bully. >> yeah which was insane to me. now, anita, i have to ask you, with the media loving on kamala harris and her new team so much it is kind of hard to break through into that mainstream, of course, trump gets coverage from conservative media. what do you think they should do next to counter this narrative? >> they can, you know, try to shout some questions at her. i mean, it is kind of like i said before she doesn't get a free pass because she's a woman you just don't you're a man, a citizen of the united states running for president. you've got to answer questions. so i think the media they have to demand that she answers
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questions, and for her to say to them, yes, i'm going to schedule a sit-down interview bit end of the month what's the date today? we have three more weeks two or three more weeks until the end of the months month. >> what do you think about the sexism allegations against jd vance? >> i don't think that is fair he did it light heartedly it was a little bit of a stunt. >> she wasn't there. i don't understand it. the play -- >> i've got to ask a guy who loves america first joe concha what's your take on all of this? >> my take on all of this the press has not asked this candidate who is now i guess kind of the front runner to be the next president of the united states over 21 days not one question of substance and any way shape or form and then she announced just a couple of days ago, that she's probably not going to do an interview until september. and in other words, three weeks
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from now, you've got to prepare three weeks to sit down with the view with rachel on msnbc you need prep for that so the media should be -- apocalyptic as far as why she's not taking questions. and instead you see like on cnn they cheer on the fact she's not taking questions because it is a great strategy no it is all about accountability let me give you ten of her policy positions really, really quick. she wants to abolish i.c.e. that's a border problem. she wants to abolish poses fill fuels, fracking she's a for sanctuary cities she's against the border wall construction. against remain in mexico she supports biological men computing against women we see how that went she's for the ten-year-old daughter getting sex change without my permission and for raising taxes and she's soft on crime. she should be able to answer all questions around that and that's going to happen on september 10th at the debate and should be
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happening on september 4th on fox for a deangt but, of course, avoiding that too. because i'll use the word she's a wow ward that doesn't make me a sexist she cannot shape in any way shape or form like she did right now. >> that was more substantive than we've seen of kamala harris in years. >> she wants to get rid of beef don't forget about that. >> real quick one last question to you. now we know what her running mates record is do you think that's going to break through people? because he has a really scary record. >> it's interesting that joe uses the word coward i thinks that the kind of that you can put across that entire ticket. because he's -- tim walz is described as a coward by former comrades in the battalion that he deserves it before there were deployed to iraq. that is cowardly, i think both them are running in hiding from scrutiny. and from the truth about their
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records, they are cowards. >> all right. thank you miranda great panel here on "the big weekend show" how did former congresswoman kelsey end up on the watch list and her reaction is next.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show former congresswoman and democratic presidential candidate labeled a domestic terrorist an put on a watch list. tulsi gabbard tells ingram angle betrayal from the biden administration. listen. >> this is a clear act of political retaliation. there's no other way to put it. you laid out the sequence of events, the very next day after my conversation with you on the
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air warning the american people about how dangerous a kamala harris presidency would be. i was placed on this domestic terror watch list had is called the quiet skies list under department of homeland security and listed because of the terrorist attacks 9/11 to go after islamic terrorists that attacked us on that day to have my own government now turn around and put me on a domestic terror watch list. it, it is -- it hits to the core and is the ultimate sense of betrayal. >> wow. so i took a moment preparing for this show to look up tulsi gabbard military record so she was in the hawaii army national guard. she deployed to iraq from 2004 to 2005 and she was stationed in kuwait from 2008 to 2009 she remains u.s. reserve officer. geno i find this stunning. >> i mean it is stunning, and
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unfortunately in the politicized environment we're in, it is not surprising and i'll tell you you know our colleagues. she's brilliant. she beat kamala up on the presidential stage we remember that back in 2020 been and as you said she's actively serving her country now. but what's even more problematic is, you know, you work for a legitimate news organization and they have done this to other colleagues some of our former colleagues and then the question becomes, where does it end? when does this stop? people are following her on to planes they have specialized people that go on to planes to just monitor her. it is disturbing. it's -- it is quite unfortunate that this is what we are. >> yeah. it really is and she also said that it has created such a -- sense of stress for her and her family now, miranda when you think about this, this is everything that the united states is not. does it create some sort of a chilling effect for people? >> absolutely does. and it is completely outrageous,
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and it's really so enormous that this could be done to as you say an iraq war veteran a democratic presidential candidate, seems that her crime was to speak to laura ingram and be critical of joe biden and kamala harris and after that she has six air service marshals whatever they're called air marshal following her own flights she almost missed her flight and her husband several about six of them at least. where she's been followed and she's on her boarding pass she has this black marks so she has to get intrusive searching. >> that's insane. >> this is a whom served her country nobly and she's being designated a terrorist threat and it is outrageous enough and those resources are going into someone who is not a threat what about the real threats that do exist in this country that have come across the southern border? and they're not being monitored. >> yeah she said that this did happen after she made some
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critical comments about the biden administration on the ingram angle let's hear about what tulsi gabbard had to say. >> a warning to me and anybody else who thinks about daring to criticize our own government which is a guaranteed protecting right under first amendment that we will be suggest to violation of our fourth amendment right to privacy. through this kind of surveillance and that's -- that's the biggest stress that's been caused by this entire situation, laura, is now forever i will always be looking over my shoulder wondering if and how our government in any of these different agencies is surveilling me, watching me. >> yeah timing is very suspicious she made these comments, and then she realized that this is what was happening to her after. this quiet skies list she's on is -- it is an elevated it is for someone who is an elevated risk to aviation security. joe, you write about the press better than anybody else. >> thank you.
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>> it is anybody's first amendment right in this country to be critical of a presidential administration. is it not? >> sure. i guess that means we're all being tracked right now so we're clear on that. look, anita, james rosen was one of our colleagues yeemples here on fox news and he was designated as a coconspirator under espionage act and accessed his phone call and e-mail spied on his parents right, eric holder later kind of apologized for that like oops we got it wrong. they called him a flight risk so to your point it's -- disturbing but it is not surprising. because we seen this before. from the biden and obama administration, and now, we see it here as well. the bottom line is that, tulsi gabbard was i wanted her secretly to be the vice presidential pick just because i would have loved to have seen if the ticket held on the democratic side a rematch. between kamala harris and tulsi gabbard because what happened in july of 2019 during a debate, i
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mean that was tyson spanx i hate to date myself 1988 fight ended in 31 minutes 30 to see it at a college big screen and i was not happy about that because i spent so much money. the point is that -- she is profoundly effective and if you're the trump campaign right now, you get tulsi gabbard out in front of television screens as much as possible out on the stump because she's effective in hitting kamala harris on her policy. >> i have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of her. >> absolutely. >> all right guys good discussion. coming up a horrific update to that plane that spiraled out of control and fell from the sky just awful. plus nancy pelosi reveals her true feelings about biden, biden's now defunk reelection campaign. wait until you hear this. ♪ ♪
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this summer in paris, we're seeing hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of... [“joy (unspeakable)” by voices of fire ft. pharrell williams begins to play] anastasia pagonis still feeling the joy. grant holloway how about that! keep the flair, keep the emotion, keep the showman, the sport needs it. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> and welcome back to the big weekend show, brazilian authorities are now investigating what led to that disastrous plane crash that killed all 62 people onboard.
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fox news correspondent christina coleman reports. >> joe, the black box flight recorder which stores the plane's data was recovered at the crash site it will be included in the investigation into what caused the aircraft to rapidly plunge to the ground in southeastern brazil. the plane's regional carrier beau pass increasing death crash from 61 fatalities to 62 and disturbing video shows the plane moments before its fiery crash. the plane slammed into a residential community about 15 miles northwest of saw sao paulo friday. >> i looked out my window and saw the way it fell. i ran out of the house and went to see where it had fallen saw it fallen into the house of the couple of elderly people. we also knew them from church so terrified not knowing what to do
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i jumped over the wall. >> made 72 turbo plane built in 2010 heading to so sao paulo airport and called for a minute of silence at a naval event after learning the deadly incident. >> i have to be the bearer of very bad news. i would like everyone to stand for a minute of silence because a plane is just crashed in the city in sao paulo four crew members seemed all of them died if. i would like to ask for a minute of silence for the victims. brazil president called for three days of mourning as investigation into this crash continues. joe. >> christina thank you. now to this nancy pelosi revealing she was never really excited about the biden campaign. even though for a long time she said he's our guy. >> it's up to the president to subside if he's going to run. he's beloved.
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he's respected. and people want him to make that decision. >> joe's our guy we love him and trust him he has vision, knowledge, judgment, integrity. my people are very much biden kamala harris. >> yeah. that was before, of course, she reportedly led the cue to get biden out of the presidential race. and a new interview in the new yorker, pelosi confessed her real feelings and defunk his campaign. >> i've never been impressed with his political operation. i'm not. >> i haven't been. they won the white house bravo. right, but so, my concern was this ain't happening. and we have to make a decision for us -- for this to happen and the president has to make the
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decision for that to happen. >> wow. wow -- alexa what does duplicitous mean and ex-advisory blames pelosi and media for forcing biden out. >> if you go back and look at the polls, what you will see is you didn't see much movement whatsoever coming out of the debate because it was a fairly structure of this campaign had been fairly static for a long time and debate didn't change that. what did change it was 24 days of unremitting negative horrible attacks on joe biden. >> all right. guys, so good to see at least somebody come out to defend former president, obviously, anita. we haven't seen much of that -- i mean just i said it i'll say it again. just how duplicitous does nancy pelosi look? >> she said biden deserved a spot on mount rushmore now that
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excited about his -- which is it here? i can't wait to read the books that come out about this episode in our history, and the people who are going to talk on the record. >> yeah you know what's interesting to me. she's like oh i've not been that impressed with his campaign apparatus well kamala harris just got that same apparatus brought in the same people. so you're not going to be that impressed with hers? the question is, what does chef on joe biden? i really wonder you know you've done a lot of great reporting on hunter biden laptop all of that but i wonder what does she have something to make him step down. >> so much we would have. they could have used any bit of the hunter biden, biden family influence peddlings scheme against him and going to see more of that come out in the hunter biden tax trial in september and california. but you know, you're right. nancy pelosi how ill disciplined to say that about the biden
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campaign to lash out after she's kneecapped him now she's criticizing his campaign, of course, there is going to be a backlash to that. and now, i think we're going see a cold war going on throughout this campaign. and at some point i think there is going to be a clash between kamala harris and joe biden's people. >> as soon as she starts dogging him out which is what she has to do if she's trying to be seen as someone who is independent can be the leader she has so divorce herself from his record which is something she hasn't been able to do just yet and hasn't done it i should say. i'm imagining they'll wait for the convention they want all of the rainbows, and singing and all of the women talking about how ewe you need to put a come in the white house and start seeing those comments come out -- >> borrow seinfeld in washington, jefferson, lincoln, teddy roosevelt, biden -- on mount rushmore interesting anyway coming up, the media is cooking up some joy over harris
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and walz shared passion of food favorite culinary pix and questionable diet choices no really, that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big
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weekend show. the media is cooking up some joy over the democratic tickets love of food. >> can i just tell you something. i've never made -- but you're really good at critiquing them. this is going to be great for me. [laughter] >> right on. leave it up. that's a nice one. >> yeah. >> the atlantic magazine is even calling it the hot dish ticket. and claims that kamala harris and tim walz embrace of food is sending very important signal this article raids, quote, tim walz loves food. he loves corn dogs, and the all you can drink milk booth at the minnesota state fair. and he loves dunking cinnamon rolls in chili he gets excited about soda. he posts picture of his
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sandwiches. we are witnessing what might be the most food centric presidential campaign in american history cam la harris is by all accounts an exceptional and enthusiastic home cook. she laughs a lot in the kitchen. what joy geno? >> i love your read when are you coming out with your novel? >> it is purple pros in the atlantic. >> here we go. you know, it is interesting how they mentioned that tim walz likes corn dogs to me he's a very corny guy. he's a corn ball seriously. you know they're trying to do what elizabeth warren was doing when she ran for president and said hey you want me -- i'll get a beer, husband would you like i said husband but like a beer it is that same thing to try to be relatable to people. but it doesn't work when you're not actually relatable. that's the tough part for them. you've got to be authentic one of the things that people love
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an enjoy about donald trump is he's authentic 100% what you're going to get you know what it is. he's not going to play the game to make people feel a particular way and that's something willing to do. >> do you think it is going to work for her? >> i don't. it is a silly distraction all it does is remind people that the economy is the big issue. and can't afford all of those things on the list. because the food prices keep going up. >> so true joe do you think this will make her and tim relatessable? >> after watching that sound bite never have i felt so nauseous if i cringe any harder i might become a fossil at this point. i mean, it is this whole effort to make kamala harris who is the most unpopular president in history of polling vice presidents even more popular than dick cheney who literally shot a guy in the face that is hard to do but that's what happened to make her relatable and tim walz as well. the guy who wants to put tampons in my son's elementary school
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bathroom eight years old -- it's a whole bowl of wrong. >> they're talking about food because they don't want people talking about that. >> exactly. just a total distraction from the reality that we have to live with. now the second hour of the big weekend show starts right now. ... ♪ ♪ welcome back to the second hour of the big weekend show. first for us here i am a needle below. joe concha. the big story tonight by dune bird around leight's attack on israel is imminent, president pt biden repeated his favorite warning of don't t to iran britt bp kamala harris spoke to reporters today for a whopping two minutes as she avoids a formal press conferences and
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interviews. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson as at the white house tonight with an update. quickset is right it was the familiar one word response and president biden earlier a former head of u.s. forces in the middle east does expect iran to not be alone potentially launches a massive attack on israel. brexit literally has hundreds of thousands of missiles and rockets that can launch. they're much closer to israel they could create much greater havoc and chaos and less time to respond for is really another u.s. and other forces that may be participating in that defense be quick some u.s. troops were hurt during a drone strike last night in syria on monday five others were hurt one seriously during a rocket attack in neighboring iraq. this marks one herd summary for the tack on more than 300,000 u.s. troops in the two countries since october tonight vice president kamala harris is demanding a cease-fire and
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entered the war in gaza. protesters have demanded u.s. and weapons shipments to israel. the vice president has been reluctant to take questions at any length about this. harris told reporters earlier she plans to do a big interview sometime by the end of the month. >> thank you lucas. arik kamala harris attempt to appease anti- israel voters on the left by choosing a running mate tim at walls over jewish pennsylvania governor josh schapiro. that is not stopped anti- israel wing of the party. >> it's respecting the voices that i think that we are hearing from him. and let me just say this on topic of what i think i am hearing over there. let me just speak to that for a moment and then i'm going to get back to the business at hand. now is the time to get a cease-fire deal and get the hostage deal done. [inaudible]
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i am here because we believe in democracy. everyone's a voice that matters. but i am speaking now. i am speaking progress you know what? if you want donald trump to win then say that otherwise i'm speaking. >> okay. the "new york times" trying to spend harris with the pro- hamas protesters as strength the article titled i am speaking now at a rally in detroit harris stares down her detractors. goes on to say quote as the crowd roared ms. harris stayed silent draw upset eyes for the detroit start out with the latest reminder of how ms. harris has been able with almost theatrical flare to turn efforts to undermine and rattle her into her own political weapons. but it seems to matter what she does is not enough for the left. progressive criminal reform groups are slamming harris use of the term felon to identify
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trump caution" criminal and felon paint with a broad brush that stains more than 70 million americans with criminal records. but remember these wise words from harris herself. >> we have to state woke. everyone needs to beat woke. [laughter] you can talk about if you are the wok locust or woke but justy more woke than less woke. [laughter] >> okay. this is quite ironic. people getting upset with kamala harris who is calling donald trump a felon this is got to be the height of irony. >> completely. we all have one friend we kind of feel sorry for when they're telling a story laughs when no one else is laughing. kamala harris basically. she said we all believe in democracy and everybody should have a say should have a voice. the same person by the way when she ran for president in 2020 did not receive one votes.
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she is now the democratic nominee has not received one vote and has not actually been asked any questions of substance as she wants for president. kamala harris has yet to say the name of one hostage when she talks about want to bring the hostages home. i don't think she actually believes that she's think about michigan, michigan michigan, dearborn particular whether to thousand people voted to michigan for somebody else other than joe biden based on his approach israel stands up at the bottom line is in nine days of the democratic national committee and in chica in chicae is going to look like for the five days gaza receipt pulse again, hamas and flex are going to see violence unfortunate that something democrats cannot run away from. acts that was one of the things i was wondering where i was in chicago and i was wondering how different will it look? especially concerning the new pics you chose. he has even said we've got to listen to the anti- israel produces forgot to bring them back home you bring keep in mind the uncommitted was over 650,000
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democrats across the country. big, big number they want total appeasement they want kamala harris to say israel you are a war criminal were not going to help you were not going to give you any aid. that is what they want that is what's going to get them to stand down. this case are going to continue to have this problem we have so many other issues in their coalitions and groups there so many issues the border, inflation, all of those different things is going to be a hard pod to go back together for the >> miranda how do you please both sides here? she's got to do pretty good balancing act to keep those progressive voters, right? what's i don't really think she needs to do much at all. she's got that media massaging the problem for her. i am sure they will keep the protesters a long way from any cameras and certainly from an of the a candidates. the problem i think for kamala harris as her past we just saw
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that ridiculous woke video. the longer she lives in a vacuum with nothing fresh ascending and nothing insightful that's useful to people from their regular lives, the more her past is going to come to haunt her. i feel like at some point after the convention this is all going to come to a grinding halt on her poll numbers are going to sink just like they did in 2019. >> we will watch that. i want to go to this now. kamala harris does not seem to want to come out of hiding anytime soon. harris says she will consider additional debates with trump, listen. >> i am glad his family agreed to a debate on september 10 i'm looking forward to it. hope he shows up too. >> you open to more debates? >> i'm happy have that conversation about an additional debate after september 10. >> to more debates because it looks like a set of happy have a conversation. >> a right balance for early
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voting are sent out in just a matter of weeks. will she agreed to do another debate before the ballots go out in the mail? it seems harris has the same basement campaign strategy as biden did in 2020. former president trump is trying to get her out of hiding. >> we have agreed with a fox on the date of september 4. we have agreed with nbc fairly full agreement subject to them on september 10. we have agreed with abc on september 25. the other side has to agree to the terms. they may or may not agree but i look forward to the debates because i think we have to set the record straight. >> of joe did she have to do more than one debate? >> given the precedent every presidential election since we have been alive basically has had three debates. it usually happens in the form of one standard debate then you
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do a town hall than you do one where the both sitting at a table. covid 2020 only had two debates for other reasons. but given the precedent she should at least 23 if i'm donald trump and i am that campaign i say let's debates every week and you go to a news organization doesn't need to be fox it can be nbc, it could be a local newspaper in pennsylvania for example. you say we are going to debate every week up until the election on november 5 pretty she disagrees after a while we use the word coward last hour were going to use it again you look like a coward you look like you're running away from your record because again if you take kamala harris out of a teleprompter and pre-scripted remarks its cleanup on aisle 517, 24 and 28's. >> we laugh about it but this strategy the basement strategy didn't work for joe biden issue following his playbook? works clearly she is. that was a much different era you mention covid. and certainly in her case out they plate up so much her young age and her ability to get out
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in front of these crowds are going to have to get out here and answer some questions. we all want to know we are journalists we want to know what does she stand on the immigration issue? what does she stand on the over 100 terrorists that came across a border? does she agree with her running mate in terms of abolishing what was it ice? these are real legitimate questions that impact the american people and people are hurting out here. we need her to tell what the plan is. right now she does not have one. >> went to put this quote up on the screen from the new yorker. the title of this is how generic can kamala harris be? the quote here it is the job of the press and a healthy democracy to make sure voters know whom they are supporting. an unexamined candidate can become anything and can work under the influence of anyone when they assumed powers so gianno to the your point these questions the presses got to ask her and she has got to answer them. people who are going to beat
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voting need to know where she stands, miranda? it's absolutely the knee it's interesting the new yorkers coming down on her this is what the media needs to do. they need to hold her feet to the fire because they are not doing their job by holding her accountable for the american people deserve to know who the candidate is it. >> it is for sure. we'll see what happens. coming up, accusations of stolen valor surrounding running mate tim wallace and now the media's cutting up an interview that does not fit their narrative. ♪ there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way.
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♪ ♪ >> tha quickset is a great song. welcome back to the big weekend show. kamala harris and tim walz heather battleground in las vegas. harris' consider flip-flop on the border. now she is saying she'll be tough on immigration. for more with got to go to grady trimble who is white from the harris campaign event in las vegas. >> we are expecting to hear from governor walz and vice president harris the next 20 minutes or so preprogram underweight right
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now. we did hear from harris on her way from arizona to hear. she is in the building. she stopped and answered a few reporters questions. there's been a lot of talk this evening so far about the economy. here's what harris said about her campaign policy platform and the economy. >> next week and it will be focused on the economy and what we need to do to bring down costs and also strengthen the economy. >> we will keep waiting for that next week. harris does face a challenge particularly in the swing states out west. she has to convince voters shall be tough on immigration despite record numbers of illegal border crossings under the biden/harris administration for it last night in arizona harris blamed former president trump for the border crisis. >> we know our immigration system is broken. and we know what it takes to fix it. but donald trump does not want to fix this problem. he talks a big game about border
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security. but he does not walk the walk. [cheering] at his own or rally in montana last night trump went after harris and walz hitting her on the border, the economy and for not holding a press conference it's replacing president biden at the top of the democratic ticket. >> they go and run and go on a record that is a fake record they have a fake record both of them have up the new guy? how do you like him? if you can't do a press conference you cannot be president. click search you guys talking about debates before the break. we know both harris and trump have agreed to debate at least once in september. trump says he wants to do two more including one on fox and a campaign official told the "new york post" if the harris campaign does not agree to those two additional debates the former president is willing to do townhall's instead pretty's going to show up and answer
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questions whether harris is in the room or not. ask thank you grady trimble we appreciate you, thank you very much. concerns around the harris walls ticket mount as whistleblowers have accuse walls of stolen valor after he claimed to have retired from the army as a command sgt major. >> it is stolen valor. he has use the ranking never achieved in order to advance his political career. he has done it for decades now. still says he's that retired command sgt major to this day and he is not. >> the left rushed to defend they embarrass themselves by pretending not to know his opponent jd vance is also a veteran. >> here is tim walz who enlisted when he was 17 years old pre-served in the national guard for 24 years that i am not aware of any military service jd vance
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has ever served. so let's just make the comparison there. >> journalism at its best it does not stop there. cnn appeared to cut off one of his former supervisors in the military when he started to contradict their narrative. check this out. >> he was taken out of the academy at that time. here is another thing quick sergeant major, i do want to hear that. i do want to hear what you have to say sgt major i know i want to be sensitive of your time and yoinyour audio is beginning to k up just a little but i don't think you think you have clarified a lot for people given more information. >> well, well joe concha come to you first here's why. you're the guy who knows the facts in the history so let's go through this. they said and they continue to try to gaslight america talking about the kamala harris campaign by saying the border was safe. they said there were no issues immigration is not a problem is that the economy is strong there is no issues.
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now she saying oh yes we need to get the border fixed when it was her responsibility print oh yes, we need to get the economy so when it said it was how many do we have to live to be a figure from the campaign? the campaign or the media the same people who said the seal dossier was stil steel was reald trump was an agent of the equipment covid did not come from a lab it will convert literally the study coronavirus as i could go on and on. this is amazing what i just saw there and cnn. your audio is a breaking up i'm going to have to stop this the audit was perfectly fine if you're watching at home right? again we talked with the ai candidate kamala harris is ai anchored cnn just allow this person to say were not aware jd vance ever served in the military when he left high school and joined the marines out of poverty before getting into gayle. that is amazing to me the gas lighting we are seeing is insulting to anyone's intelligence. >> and anita, when i think about
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tim walz the little i've seen of him as he entered the national spotlight he comes off to me as a chris a big goof. i could imagine him reall earlyg about his military record to try to get favorite with the american people. let's do it here what nancy pelosi had to say. >> jd vance has criticized him as never having been in combat. >> has he? has he? has jd vance been in combat? >> is over in iraq i think. >> what you think? he was over in iraq as a public affairs specialist. i don't think either one of them saw combat that i know of pickwick sitting claimed to pick up let me finish i'm not done. what i would say is i think it is so commendable for anyone to be in the military. but these questions are going to dog tim walz throughout the campaign unless he comes out and clears us up. remember what happened to john kerry he was dogged by questions about his military service.
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i think it's got to come out and addresses and set the record straight. >> it's impossible for them to address it is that the record straight because the record is so appalling. he has spent his time as a politician, as a governor and now is a candidate lying about his record. he has allowed people to call him and afghanistan war veteran and he is not. there's multiple clips he's and nodded along. the harris campaign also admitted as much by doctoring their original campaign statement too. he has a huge problem being is silent on it is not enough. >> i agree pickwick straight ahead that media and liberal comics grasping at straws and their love for kamala harris laugh. that is next. ♪
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>> will come back to the big media show the media claims there is so much joy about kamala harris. >> she is focus on being a joyful warrior. different message, different tone. this it feels like a very different democratic campaign. >> general vibe and a feeling of freedom and happiness and joyfulness. >> or something incredibly joyful about barns over the country this week. there are moments i went back and listen to the tape you could hear him audibly giggling. >> write the "new york times" writing a glowing headline that quote harris used to worry about laughing. now joy is fueling her and gushing further that quote adopting joy as a political shield has allowed ms. harris and mr. walls to throw some bare
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knuckle punches at mr. trump. but, at ms. harris revamped overflowing rallies being optimistic is practically a prerequisite for attendance. supporters are soldiering to the august heat, shrugging off long lines and traffic. i don't even have a question here. the topic they are trying so hard to make her the new coming of barack obama truth is pain and agony with the economy, inflation, people not being able to afford their groceries, their medicine for the trying to change the page. i think people are going to remember it more so than anything else hug of t under thp years were for them and how kamala harris as part of the problem. >> it somehow gets worse because the sound on paper at home
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comics playing up kamala harris laugh is a good thing, go. >> she's going to be such a great madam president. my whole life i want a female president because she has humor and she's beautiful when she laughs. she is a real person. >> bought 100 kamala t-shirts i'll not take them off until she is in that whit white has been. >> all right your reaction? >> they turn eight flaw which was her cackle into some sort of asset. they're trying to the think if they talk about enough and pertain hurt laughing at her own jokes which is extremely weird and offputting is somehow expressing joy. i don't really think it's going to work. but at the moment they certainly have all of their minions in the media telling that story pickwick this is true. i need it very reminiscent of dark branded went let's go
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brandon that's a bad thing but were going to make it a good thing. how did that work out exactly? it's not so well. i wonder how former staff think about this a joyful part of her. she had a 90% turnover rate during the biting years of people who said she was yelling at them, berating her staff, dropping f bombs. don't think they saw a lot of joy i will love to hear from them about this. >> i wonder about that we have not seen more staffers come forward to talk about how horrible it was to work for kamala harris is not an opinion is based on numbers 93% of her staff has left. yet no one has come forward yet. i guess democrats really do stick together in times like this. >> there been like simone sanders at msnbc has made mention of this my good friend there. i will tell their other folks i'm sure who will be willing to come forward but like anita dunn once you do your careers are done on democratic politics who is going to be really to really tell the truth on these issues
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when their checks are dependent on it? i don't think many people will be willing to do that until they lose. until wso we get a book deal bue right you're actually correct because it seems like belt laugh or some would call a cackle has actually died down. >> i think she was told very early on. the cackle it must've been showing up in focus groups as incredibly weird they also use the weird line to try to boomerang it back on their opponents. >> it is amazing the focus groups on cackles. [laughter] democrats deploy influencers and hope to reach younger voters. but will it work? mainstream media hope so. that is straightahead. ♪ it's pods biggest sale of the summer is extended. save up to 25% on moving and storage until august 12 and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save. visit today.
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♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. democrats are deploying the influence and the mainstream media is a fan girling over the young tiktok hearse. check it out. >> reflects a different kind of campaigning to win that know it's a battleground. to influencers to attract the young voters for. >> both parties are trying to gain an edge with jen c. thi >> is my birth control blog. >> should post at the fall of roe v wade progress of the united states of my uterus progress initially copy attention of democratic super pack now democratic organizations are flooding to the community with cash providing behind-the-scenes access. come with me too meet the president of the united states. >> so. [laughter] we do not know what to say about
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that. i mean really a fan girling, tiktok, how's it going? with the courage of the wall street journal there are 15% voters up for grabs for 50% of voters have not made their minds up yet. both sites are going to try to do anything. as silly as that is maybe that appeals to some voters. they're going to do anything they can do you like tiktok you think it will work? >> i am on tiktok and social media follow me there. very shameless it. i will tell you though, i can understand how people would push back on this. but keep in mind barack obama in 2008 was the start of social media for presidential campaign. there are a lot of young people get the majority of their news from social media sites like tiktok and others. and as you mention, 15% of people or perhaps up for grabs because in this campaign every vote will legitimately count with that consideration in mind i think trump should be involved in this pretty deceptive pay people he has what jack paul is
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that his name, jacob paul i'm sorry i do not know the cool hip stuff you know. [laughter] but i will tell you this could have some wings on it. >> the voters the tiktok of viewers are voting? >> i've a story around that prayer were getting a puppet next week. at many lab or doodle apparently. my daughter tried to show her a video of a dog like that a puppy like that on tiktok. before the video came up there is an ad for kamala harris. i guess 10 -year-olds can vote that the thing. a lot of young people can vote, it can and will see those ads see the videos that harris wall's campaign is flooding the zone on places like youtube and tiktok prettify in the former president trump and i know he doesn't want to do this. but in "truth social" he has about 9 million followers. on x or twitter he had nearly 90,000,010 times as much. i think you need to get back on
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there or at least his campaign is a flood the zone there because that made a big difference in 2016 pickwick sometimes with him at less is more in social media i think. [laughter] >> he has got to get in there if kamala harris is flooding tiktok he needs to do the same thing for. >> absolutely, absolutely. there we go. [laughter] up next more revelation on the apparent negligent of law enforcement at the butler, pennsylvania rally were donald trump a shot. and how the elite universities keep out walking themselves just after the break. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it's been nearly a month since president trump was shot on stage at a rally in butler, pennsylvania. we are still learning new details tonight. records show trumps a would-be assassin visited a local gun club at dozens of times in the year leading up the shooting at the trump rall rally ptb cottons
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more. >> high. the latest round of body camera video and records revealed more eerie details about what led up to the assassination attempt on former president donald trump's life it. that would be assassin thomas matthew crooks visited a local gun range and dozens of times less than a year before the shooting part according to records obtained and released by iowa republican senator chuck grassley who says this sign in sheet shows crooks did rifle practice the day before the jul. we have also got some new body camera video from local law enforcement which was released this week. one of the clips you can see what appears to be a person on the roof of the agr building just three minutes before the gunfire. it is not clear at the officer noticed. but other local officers who were searching for the government first identified as a suspicious person also have their body cameras on. a butler township officer was
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hoisted up to the roof so he could see. but he dropped back down when he thought crooks was armed too. according to congressional testimony secret service acting director ronald wrote that officer communicated over the radio that crooks was armed but said the message never made it to the secret service. the immediate aftermath of the shooting you can hear the frustration. >> the night lost sight of him. are you good bro? >> i know i hear you. >> we are watching him we couldn't find him. >> secret service spokesperson called the shooting a quote secret service failure. and said the agency is reviewing the footage. >> art cb cotton, thank you so much for that report. you note joe, from washing the body cam video it is clear there is so much confusion and scrambling behind the scenes. what stood out to you? click so many questions about this. most importantly when you look at that building one her
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50 yards away which if you are a halfway decent shooter it is quite easy to hit your target if trump does not move his head just a little bit he would have been hit. how did this shooter place a rifle next to that building and no one, local law enforcement, secret service find that? why weren't secret service agents up on the roof we are told it was too hot or too much of a slope? i mean there are some of the questions i will repeat will be 70% why hasn't anybody been fired? one person resigned that's it and no one can answer that question for. >> as a real question but i've got to tell you i'm a gun owner i have a gun i have a concealed permit because there were threats on my life but what i am concerned about there's no communication with local officials and the secret service but this has happened in other places we just don't know about it. that is clear to me by what we have been seeing. >> just quickly information that the shooter had visited this and gun club i think 43 times in the year leading up to the shooting. what does that tell you? he was ready.
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>> a 20-year-old maybe he was help been interested in guns. i'm more concerned about the breakdown in communication between the local police and the secret service and the fact the secret service seems to be throwing the local cops under the bus. they should not have been a position or having to climb onto a roof, get hoisted up to almost get their head blown off by this kid >> a lot of questions for. >> and put them pulled trump off immediately. see someone up with a gun. >> he never should've been on the stage to begin with. >> a lot of questions there. right now to this it's hard to fathom but some awoke at columbia university students are becoming even more delusional. columbia university anti- israel groups are now calling for the end of civilization as a columbia student group posted this on instagram for it said in part quote we are a westerners of fighting for the total eradication of western civilization for this is true, folks. this comes just days after his three deans a step down from the
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university after texting exchange between them was leaked. university president found the text messages saying quote disturbingly touched on ancient anti- somatic. so guys, this is a top ivy league school as we all know. it cost about $85000 year to go there for there are classes like monster urology, yoga, zombies and popular media. miranda, would you send your kids there? >> and no. it is a lot of money and what are you getting out of it, really? [laughter] exactly. and unfortunately like every other institution that used to be respected these ivy league schools have the clown to themselves in recent years. like the pulitzers and the noble peace prize their currency is now dust. i think people and parents are wanting to send their kids to
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small liberal arts colleges that have some backbone and are teaching their kids the basics of western civilization. these brats, kids are always' is silly but they need to wake up. >> you eradicate western civilization where you go? >> you just read off a list of programs. i wonder if you missed the smoking weed class they clearly have to be high to be okay with this super there's no other way to even think about it. then the fact these college presidents aren't listening to these kids and taking their lead from them. we see protests all over the country anti- somatic protests where they are literally shouting in favor of hamas. not the palestinian people but hamas this is the next level insanity. this is what kids are learning in schools and these are the future leaders of america with this ideology it's a scary time >> i believe they raise the palestinian flag at columbia university. correct me if i'm wrong there.
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but joe, at what point does the shine come off of these ivy league schools? >> my kids but i sent my kids there? they're going south. clemson, tennessee, florida state, anywhere than that northeast to an ivy league school. to your .80000 year means one of $50000 before taxes. you've got to earn $600,000 to send your kid to a place like columbia where they're going to be surrounded by people like this? i'll end with a quick story. i want to send my kids to clemson and the colors orange and purple. [laughter] i like the football team and that's good enough or made a great education system for the president of columbia's watch of this network apparently sent me all this white we cannot wait to have your kids here at my kids are eight and 10. they won't be going right away. definitely got to avoid these places by the way this is why josh if he was not selected as a kamala harris fisa present have a 65% approval rating in pennsylvania. because they are afraid of the hamas wing of the party which is pretty substantial pickwick 650,000 uncommitted votes on the
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very issue alone. >> is going to be very interesting to see if the student uprising continue into the fall. work will continue with the dnc that is for sure. >> big 30 flaps are up next right after this. ♪ we are people living with afib. ♪ and over 400,000 of us have left blood thinners behind... ...for life. we've cut our stroke risk. and said goodbye to our bleeding worry with the watchman implant. ♪ we may be getting older. but we've never squeezed more out of life. and we are just getting started. join us at watchman. it's one time, for a lifetime.
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>> welcome back to the big weekend show. it is time now for a big weekend flops it. our picks for the biggest fails of the week. i will go first. well, break a dancing made its debut at the olympics and things got pretty weird. looks all right. this is an australian woman her name is rachel gun. but her breakdance name is a big girl ray gun. is actually a 36-year-old professor from she is a phd in breakdancing not that you'd not by the way she danced totally uncoordinated. it was hilarious. i got so many people sent me
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videos of her. she broke the internet and australia. she is a viral sensation. i think the other more viral sensation was the port friendship pull vaulter. >> they have not seen me dance yet. >> what happened to the port french pull vaulter? >> you know. just want to say it. we will move on. [laughter] let's move on guys. [laughter] alright did you miss wearing a mask? masks might be returning. multiple counties in california are recommending wearing masks again indoors. this is amid a spike in co- vivid there. it's just a recommendation but how long is it going to take before becomes a mandate? >> you know biltmore had the best take on this may be a year or two ago when he talks about governor desantis actually following the science. that is not what we're seeing with gavin newsom. that's one of the reasons why i
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moved out of los angeles california. you can clearly tell their policymaking was political. exit california it was pretty strict during covid. and so we will see it's just a recommendation now >> pretty strict. >> gavin newsom went to the french laundry restaurant. [laughter] he got a vaccine eight dinner with like 12 different people also not vaccinated than this guy even during the super bowl the following year it was in los angeles right? we had a situation he would kids outside in a band that they all had to work masks while trying to play in a band. we have it gavin newsom inside taking pictures with like magic johnson yo viewed eric garcettis the d.a. in that particular city. when he was called out saying you were not wearing a mask. held my breath during the photo that i put it back on and that prevents covid. these people are such phonies on this. by the way they don't work and lecturing and 95 like my wife does as a doctor in an er people
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work below their nose half the time i've seen people driving alone and tassels with a mask on alone still to this day in new jersey it drives me crazy >> now we know how to get you fired up. [laughter] mentioned in the mask. [laughter] >> anyway take it away. >> temp wealth has been walls in criticizing us to ban guns he carried in a war. here's the interesting thing i've got to tell you as i mentioned previously i own a gun. have a concealed carry i guess we tossed the video. >> i spent 25 years in the army and i hunt i gave the money back and i'll play what i have been that have been voting for commonsense legislation that protects the second amendment we can do background checks we can do cc research we can make sure we do not reciprocal carry among states and we can make sure the weapons of war that i carried in war is the only place with those weapons are at. >> they arty are background checks there already are doing studies. people say things out there because they don't know people
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the audience doesn't know so they assume it's a good idea when we are already doing those things. >> he is the big loser of the week. his a bubble burst so quickly with this valor stuff came out that's a perfect video showing he talks about how he carried weapons of war into a war zone for he never did he was never in a war zone. >> what war was the entity play risk to get someone sometime that's basically it part of operation enduring italy pay that is where he served basically. >> a test of wars. >> i did not claim to either people are skipping out of the theme parks the summer may be because they are so expensive. i know. look i've been to disney world a couple of times of my affirmation kids. i have a hit and coming after by the time we were done because everything every meal, every ride, the hotels, it is insane. i don't think your kids go to disney point at this point.
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>> have a 10-year-old who went to universal studios. no wonder ticket sales are down for greg's geo . >> joe to loop the loop roller coaster? i close my eyes and scream the entire time. >> martin spot buying things and spending more money. >> exactly. all right, it has been great being with you guys this weekend. >> will do it again tomorrow >> do it tomorrow that's right. same time same place. >> the show is for three hours tomorrow. [laughter] three hours. cooks all right guys will be back here at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big wicked show tomorrow. "one nation" starts right now. ♪ ♪ i


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