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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  August 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call miracle-ear at 1-800-234-7090 and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. >> donald trump spoke so
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reporters at length, at great length while kamala harris, well, if you ran to the fridge, you miss it had. vice president stunned the media and clinical world picking the largely obscure minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate. there was a striking and unmistakable pattern to the coverage. gouramieses and congressmen satyrs like walz talked about persona, life story and he's the epitome of rural america. >> tim walz the proud and resilient and hard working patriotic country. >> he's impressed everybody with his appearances over the last several weeks or so. >> he built them as the time and. >> it's very impressive, his bog fio. >> he screams mac and cheese with a trip to the hardware store. >> the media people that don't like walz are focused on policy
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with the liberal record of the blue state of minnesota. >> remember, if they're happy and they're ecstatic that walz is the choice, you should grab your children and watch your wall and the if they end up in power, you've need to do a lot more to protect both because for governor walz, being a socialist just means being a good neighbor. >> minnesota is not known for moderation in the democrat party and tim walz is not known for being anything other than a pretty hard line progressive leftist and it's a trick pick. >> this guy is not minnesota nice, he's minnesota nuts. midwestern white value. come on, this guy is a lunatic. sanctuary cities, driver's license for illegals, sanctuary cities for sex changes for children. >> normal to let your biggest city in your state burn while you're the governor for four days and destroying thousands of businesses and hundreds of millions in property damage what
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he did nothing. >> he took questions for an hour and he didn't like a reporter asking why he wasn't doing more events. >> some of your allies have expressed concern that you're not taking this race seriously, particularly at a time when there's enthusiasm on the other side. why haven't you been campaigning this week? >> because i'm leading by a lot. excuse me, what are we doing right now? she's not doing any news conference. you know why she's not, because she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do a news conference and she's not smart enough to do one. howie: defending tim walz against attacks on his record. >> there's a lot of questions with the interview and going to get them and going for 70 seconds.
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i the public is here and this is media buzz. howie: the rollout for the minnesota governor with the liberal governor know shows she knows how to throw a punch. >> mr. walz and the football players he was coach. >> make no mistake, violent crime was up under donald trump. that's not even counting the crimes he committed. i just have to say t you know it, you feel it. these guys are creepy, and yes, weird as hell. that's what you see. that's what you see. howie: jd vance got far rougher treatment in the press than his opponent tim walz and chastising
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the democratic nominee. >> i think that you guys have got to do a better job of actually forcing kamala harris to answer questions. this is a person that's been a presumptive democrat nominee for 16 dais, she hasn't taken a single real question from a reporter. howie: we have mary catherine ham, fox news contributor and cohost of the podcast getting hammered and tim hogan and klobuchar and hillary clinton mary catherine, what do you make of the way the media are swooning, no other word, tim walz on his persona and hunter and ice fisher and teacher and football team won the state championship. let's call him coach. >> he was a speaker and presents that way and that's a powerful thing and however, a guy in a hat that wants to take your guns away is still a socialist. but, it is incumbent on republicans to send that message and i think what they're doing by reviewing some of his
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policies and there's a tactical argument and truth and tactically it's fine for kamala and kamala harris and walz to take this auditory systemslation and run with it with zero questions. that's a great gig for him. the american people are better served to push people and asking questions and doing the job interview that you'd like. howie: i've talked about it a lot and when joe biden was the nominee and media detractors with the clips and he's lay censor focused on the -- laser focused on the minnesota ticket and he's left being pushed by the trump campaign and he's the most radical ticket in history.
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>> six times and look at his agenda with the top six business state in the top ten every year he's been governor and did things like pass paid family sick leave and expanded school lunches for kids when they're not hungry going to school and he expanded a tax credit for farmers. hard to say he's far left if you know him and watch him -- howie: since you know him, is this persona real or something he puts on for the media? give us a sense of that. >> no, this is who he s. you talk about reducing gun violence. he's someone that was endorsed by nra and had an a rating after park explained donated money to -- parkland and donated money and now he's an f rating and he's a hunter. he wants common sense. >> we probably would.
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he said that outloud. why should i ignore that? >> i'm saying you ignore it. i'm saying he's someone that understands that look, should there be weapons of war on the street? >> an ar, if you have t he'd like to take it. >> those are common sense things that are not far to the left and they're very popular and with gun owners. >> talk about this part two. another thing for school students is allows schools to be close for months and learning loss from the school closures is an issue. all democrats laid down for the teachers unions and didn't engage with the science or engage with the idea that children were losing major parts of their childhood and lying and the campaign is not real. howie: that's not the only state that was certainly not a great decision but, look, walz embarked on a campaign going to raise the national profile in
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case a slot opens up and jd vance on three sunday shows and i thing about being a confident and affluent speaker that can serve you well and sometimes make you a little too confident and taking it away and looking at donald trump press conference and not great for donald trump and the truth is it's good for people to see these folks to stand and you happen answer questions from the press and get tough questions from the press and not like, hey, that's not a good question. howie: kamala harris does about talking to reporters and off the record. she likes to have conversations off the record.
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tim with tram and vance hammering refusal to do interviews and the press needs to make sure of this as well. the press pounded joe biden over his avoidance of his views and press conferences. so why is she getting a pass? >> she talked to reporters yesterday. howie: for seconds. >> talked to them yesterday as well and said she'd be rolling out economic policy and said -- >> i'm so excited for that . >> they will sit and do interviews but if you're complaining, you're losing and we can see in the numbers they are losing. there's a trajectory that harris is getting the democratic base and young, black, latinos are coming her way. those double haters are breaking her way and they're hold ago lot of rallies, going out and speaking to people. five states over the last week. donald trump held agent rallies since the debate. >> the press seam to be on the same team and the press shouldn't be evaluating who's
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winning. >> we're talking about it right now. >> they're attempt is to make sure she wins by not asking questions, which is not a healthy thing for the democracy. howie: real quick, let me jumped nap. kellyanne conway said the media shouldn't cover her rallies unless she takes questions. pull the plug. is that extreme? talking about trump ral ralliesn 2015 and 16. >> well, the balance should be that the trump campaign has gone after her for giving stump speeches. i don't care if she gives the same speech everywhere she goes. that's a wise thing to co. that's supposed to be paired with asking her questions and the truth is that her campaign, all though tactically pleasing to do this, doesn't have confidence in her to take questions and speak extemporaneously and she's not had a record of doing so well. she has to answer for her past positions, which he's not explained her evolution on and they're coming from random staffers and answer for the record of this administration.
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talk about her -- we're rolling out a economic policy. girl, you've got one, it's been happening for the last three and a half years and people don't like it. howie: she's not been totally in charge and also i think it help as candidate to take tough questions because you show you can stand up to the big bad media and all that and let me see what happens and it was referenced in the top and governor tim walz waited too long to call out the national guard for the callup and those were with the governor himself and anarchy and they're jumping on. >> it's fair to jump on the idea there seems to be a pattern here and take the most generous explanation, there's a pattern here of leaving the impression happily in places and he was not and deployed and he was not. other times he speaks accurately i was in support of operation enduring freedom and that is true and he served this years
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and that is true. if you're exaggerating at times and there's a rank on your website -- link on your website that the minnesota national guard says is not correct, i'm quite sure that governor walz is smart enough to know his rank and that that's important to his fellow servicemen. i don't have to get into the deployment ins and outs. howie: we'll get into that in more detail in a few minutes. there's an audio tape obtained by president trump talking to the nations including governor walz. >> governor walz is on the phone and we spoke and i spoke to the governor and the governor being called an excellent guy. >> excellent guy. look, governor walz deployed the national guard seven hours before trump tweeted about it and you are the lace in his bunker saying when the looting starts the shooting starts and
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glorifying violence and telling other governors to follow tim walz's lead in this situation and the riots and republicans are going to try and paint minnesota as some crime ridden hell hole. 60 year low for crime in 1963 for minnesota. it's not going to happen. howie: while you think about 1963, i'll get a 2024 break here. when we come back, the trump campaign has been hacked and the media facing a lineup.
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howie: the trump campaign said the internal campaign is hacked possibly by iran and receiving politico reports that is received privileged and
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confidential documents from "robber". should politico or the washington post sent this to the material later from robert. apparently includes the vetting file of jd vance. publish any of this? >> once as a reporter, when you have that information, if it's fair game to act on it in responsible ways and con tect lyse it and say this is -- con tex yulize it and say this -- contextualize it and say this is disciplined and smart and can't get them to ask one of the candidates for president questions. howie: spokesman said any media or news outlet reporting on it.
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>> donald trump tweeted back then this happened with the dnc because of gross negligence and would never happen with the rnc because their security is so well ask now it's happening. it is part of a foreign intelligence operation and one thing that reporters need to make about that is if they get tidbits of information, you don't just drip drip drip by every little school and feels like a huge inflammatory thing and that's a key problem. howie: he was taking questions and stuck to the talking points and digression and diversion and challenges and many in the media said it was rambling and me anderring and call it had whack
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a doodle and unhinged. >> that's the tendency to take side roads and might have mild adhd. undiagnosed. i'm not treating him. he's got those charactersistics and can be bad for him -- characteristics and it's bad to do that and not keep on the talking points. when he talks about polling truth and saying things not true about the polls or ad spending, that makes me concerned and should make people concern that had would like him to win about what they're doing inside the campaign. so there can be downsides to taking these wees and -- howie: reminds me of the interview with former president at mar-a-lago and took questions of all kinds of things and if kamala harris had taken questions for an hour, the press
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would be acting like she walked on water. >> look, again, this point they said they're going to do interview withs the press. that is coming. she has talked to the press. howie: said the end of the month. >> the point s look, i think every american voter should sit down and watch a full trump press conference from beginning to end. the last one wasn't just rambling and compared his on january 6 to martin luther king attack and republican of georgia and saw more election denialism and we saw him lying left and right it is something that's a reminder of chaos that happens under the trump presidency and you want to do that every day. is that the person you want back leading the country? >> the conversation is that he should talk about inflation. talk about the inflation and where the economy is and that makes the argument for him. he ends up going down. howie: the 2020 campaign with brian kemp and particularly at
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msnbc, they feel like trump shouldn't be allowed on coverage at all. lawrence o'donnell, one of the hosts, ripped cable news including msnbc for not putting up fact checks in realtime while donald trump is talking. cnn dumped out of a vance presser and we must issue corrections. i don't see the other side get that attitude. >> for the idea that we have insufficient fact checking or alarmism or insufficient concern about trump's state of mind and with the media at large seems like an insane thing to me. some of its fair; right. some of it hurts him. i'm glad he puts himself out there for those opportunities and she should dot same. howie: all right, you guys want to talk about this so up next, jd vance making headlines with an attack on tim walz with a military record. ♪
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howie: jd vance who served in iraq is calling out his new opponent. >> tim walz asked by his country to go to iraq, he dropped out of the unit and let them go without him. howie: he's accusing governor walz of inflating his national guard record and stolen valor. >> right, there's some sort of red herring stuff going on in the press and accusation is like they're ranking roles and that's not the case. vance served four and was in iraq at one point. it's not an issue of one exaggerating or fudging rank and in print and speaking in public.
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howie: on some of the shows today that walz has been lying and just the sequence to him is that walz filed to run for congress and won that seat. at that time there was information that his unit might be called into iraq and months later, there was a possible deployment and said he might do both. both serve and continue his campaign but then it was a two year deployment he ped to run for congress and he d. he served 24 years in the national guard. >> going for the national guard and reporting from fox news and submitting retirement and papers and probably five to seven months and going to push back and going to lead attacks and all thin and 2018, 2022 the attacks happened when he ran for governor in minnesota and this region called them false. the top of the ticket and somebody that served 24 years in the army national guard is
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patently ridiculous. >> seems like these guys are telling the truth, his fellow servicemen and the question is, who's lying? >> at that time that's not what they believe. howie: now, they put out anonymous campaign statement, not even in governor walz's name saying he misspoke talking about regulating weapons of war like i carried. are the media taking it serious enough that it forced the harris campaign to concede? >> there was enough noise they had to issue a statement and them the pressowas like now we have our answer and let's run with that . they're not actually doing the journalism of looking into the multiple occasion where is he is misspeaking on the record and he's allowing reporters to print things and that could come from the reporters and >> the guard said you can serve at that level and didn't do a course work and
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retired as a level lower for master service connecting. >> he should say retired command sergeant major. >> we're also talking about a guy that dodges the draft over vietnam dodging things and sell that to the american people? howie: the campaign said walz trained people in using guns and by the way, for both of them, thank you for your service. controversies aside, they both served their country. next on media buzz, a closer look at trump-appointed press conference and anti-semitic campaign against josh shapiro.u ♪ chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat.
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constitutional standpoint, from any standpoint you look at, they took the presidency away. people were saying he lost after the debate and couldn't win. howie: in new york, caroline downy and senior correspondent. why does trump keep bringing up biden who was pressured out of the race by the media and leading democrats like nancy pelosi and some pundits say he's having trouble awith his attack plan and kamala harris is the nominee and her politics. >> howie, frankly i think a lot of us like trump are baffled by how the democratic machine pulled this machiavellian maneuver at the last minute and they kicked biden out as soon as thigh knew he'd lose to trump and kamala harris skipped the primary process all together and
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her campaign success. i think tram and republicans need to move on from the pity party but you can see why he's been looking elmore battered and fatigued and this was unprecedented. howie: trump is now the old man in the race and the same media establishment that defended biden's mental acuity trying to make donald trump seem too old? >> listen, i think a lot of people in music will say age ain't nothing but a number. come on, the fact he can be 78, 75, 95 and be really, really sharp. but a lot of people felt like president biden is continue to feel like he's not quite i do think people would be well to pay close attention to how the
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president is answering questions. the former president. let me play for you something that trump said at that marathon presser and former san francisco mayer willy brown. >> i know him very well and kent down in a hell cometter and thought this was the end and we're in a helicopter doing to a certain location and there was a emergency landing. howie: caroline, the new york times knocked that down and kamala's ex-boyfriend, future mayor willy brown said he was never in a helicopter with trump and never had a emergency landing and some question if he's confusing jerry brown and trump made angry call to the new
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york times threatening to sue and new details emerge. synergy home they hold him like on the screen and he's the former los angeles city council member saying it was me that was in that helicopter so it's possible trump got these two guys confused but trump is using this anecdote to try and attack kamala harris with the same play book of character and here's how celebrities interacted with her and why she's annoying and her personality is grading. this is not an effective line of attack to use. we have this entire wealth of record. her record was radical and extreme and trying to flip-flop it very tactfully. trump could easily nail her on how she wanted to eliminate the filibuster to pass the green new feel and confiscate ar15s and wanted to ban fracking. there's so many things we could talk about that have nothing to do with who she dated and when.
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howie: he said we all look alike as a joke. the reporter calls up gavin newsom and willie brown and gets on the record denials and that's part of the media job. >> what democrats say and say what president trump might have said and let's be honest. we know he tends to embellish. they were really what he said or didn't say and maybe take out of context and that's not strong reporting. howie: a lot of people before the tapping of tim walz and here's what trump said
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the other day. >> anybody that votes for them and if you're jewish and love israel, you have to have your head examined. howie: kamala harris is married to a jewish guy. caroline, media reports said that harris and shapiro didn't hit it off cpi he wanted a bigger role. the pro hamas wing of the democratic party made it clear that if the jewish governor was picked, they would completely revolt? >> yeah, howie, that faction has outside influence on the democratic apparatus and fox news reported it might have been bad rapport or josh shapiro's ambition and getting selection and influential election and knowing that cnn and john king said that and the logical conclusion is that's why he was passed over and in every other way, josh shapiro was a major
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asset and incredibly popular in pennsylvania and kamala harris needs to win and trump voters in pennsylvania and the job performance and could have criticized the anti-israel protest and the boycott sanctions movement and now it's too much to bear. howie: no question they can't deliver on the state and maybe can provide the difference of 10,000 votes and 20,000 votes and if kamala harris loses them with the election and the pick of tim walz doubling down alleging the liberal base deteriorating and describing this decision and if you're pennsylvania or someone that's been watching what's been going on, josh shapiro is a superior politician and not only deliver very likely a much more important state, obviously minnesota but from mondale and
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catastrophic decision going back and they did it for the wrong reason. howie: somewhat more mod separate happening to be the governor of pennsylvania and looking to stick around after the break and donald trump predicting a huge depression if he loses. charlie gasparino is on deck. at. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? beth wants to get back to eating the food she loves.
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howie: when a global stock meltdown caused the american market to plummet, the former president warned of dire consequences if kamala harris wins. >> we could end up in a depression of the 1929 variety, which would be a devastating thing. howie: we have charlie gasparino, and author of the new book go woke, go broke. charlie, after the stock market went down he's cal calling it a kamala crash and does that go too far? >> yeah, all though there's always a little strain of truth to donald trump's exaggerations to be honest with you. there's no doubt that when donald trump looked like he was running away with it for joe biden, it was known as trump trade put on and stocks were sure and people figured deregulation and trump tax cuts and no doubt about that and republican house in the republican senate. that was being baked into the
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stock market and the minute biden drops out, she gets kamala harris in there and the polls, you know, miraculously tighten up immediately and that's when you saw the markets get wobbly and there's clearly sort of undercurrent here of fear of another democratic administration and more progressive for biden is biden's economy has been economic agenda very progressive and a lot of businesses don't think it's that good, we've had argute stock market was low interest rates and other things aside from fiscal policies. howie: right, i wonder where the president is getting too much credit and blame for the dow and s&p. >> they set policy and fiscal policy and impacts corporate earning ands they deserve some blame. howie: okay. if there's a economic downturn or recession, before november, will there be endless headlines
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blaming the biden harris administration and going for the party. there's a lot of reasons we might have a recession and point out in my book and one of the problems with corporate wokeness is environmental social governance and going with the inflation and going to essentially address inflation and one way to address it and low cut regulation and going to be a reckoning for the biden administration with the fiscal policies and will there be and going for agenda and asking them a question and kamala harris gave a press conference. howie: happened as the nominee and in las vegas yesterday, she said she wanted to eliminate taxes on tips for service with
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hospitality workers for a buying deal in nevada. trump wrote that kamala harris is ending and copied my idea and no tax or tips on trump idea and she had to know. she was the same and almost precisely what the foreign president said. >> trying to explain inflation and it was just so -- almost infantile from explanation and i don't mean to be rude but expect more out of a presidential candidate or the vice president. he's on solid grounds and she did steal it from him and whether she's losing in the polls and i don't see that . i see a lot of people, at least my sources that are republicans and democrats, seeing this thing shift in her favor pretty dramatically and if he doesn't
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do something soon, this race could be over. howie: the democratic convention is coming up next week and see if her numbers come down. talk about go woke or go broke. chik-fil-a and bud light are examples of companies that got pummeled because of wokeness mentality and how do we get to the point that corporations feel the need to take a liberal stand on political issues? >> read my book. i mean -- howie: that's why you're here. >> yeah, that's why i'm here. there's a lot of factors and generational change in the board room where more progressive ceo types and they get away from jack welsh types and hard and fast with capitalism guys to do more stake holder capitalism and it's a reflection of policy out of washington and obama years sort of pushed a wokeness in the board room in many regulatory ways and biden did that. i think, you know, there's a whole infrastructure created for wokeness and began with
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environmental government investing and rise of dei, diversity, equity and inclusion, and really pushed the stuff. the real issue and i tell you i go through this. with anecdotes and wokeness if you look at budweiser, disney, all the places that went there, it's been rejected by the american consumer and kamala harris keeps touting that she's the wokest presidential candidate. will the american voter reject it is the question i have. howie: i think you've enticed people to look at the book. good luck with it. rfk jr., roseanne and the paris scandal.
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howie: rkk jr. thought he was
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getting out ahead of a negative story involve ago dead bear and a coverup a decade ago by sitting down with roseanne. >> i picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van and i was going to skin the bear and it was in very good condition and put the meat in my fridge ray torr and i deny want him sitting in the car -- refrigerator and i didn't want the bear sitting in my car and they were going to do a big article on me and it's going to be a bad story. howie: caroline, is this his defense and supposed to make him look better by essentially pleading to this bear coverup back in 2014? >> yeah, you can't really hedge against a hit piece when the details are so ridiculous like they just fly off the page. i think rfk jr. might be the
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most eccentric person in our political life, practical joker to presidential candidate. that being said, i'm glad we cracked one of america's greatest unsolve mysteries, but i have many questions. for example, who eats bear meat and why does rfk jr. have astounding fluency of new york owes road kill laws? he never fails to spice up the 2024 cycle, and i'm grateful to him for that but wild. howie: he wins the weirdness olympics. no question about it. part of this is he had an appointment for dinner at the steak house and hads a bear in my car and goes back to put a bike over it to make it look like the bike, which is his bike, killed this bear. i mean what? >> i just love you telling the story. this is as good as it gets. it's like a green play you're dying to write. listen, he wins the weird olympics but what's most captivating is his notion i can get ahead of it and take the temperature down in the room but the details make it even
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weirder. this is the must fun i've had all week. howie: i'm glad we're keeping you amused. it was a big story a decade ago because it was in central park and got covered in the new york times and all that. let me turn to a more serious matter and bloomburg got a scoop on the putin regime and even gershkovich and turned out the news outlet broke the embargo and rest of the media did too. before gershkovich was safely out of russian custody. bloomburg apologized and fired senior house correspondent jennifer jacobs. caroline, what do you make of that? >> absolutely, howie. could have jeopardized the negotiations and the swap. at the time it was published, the bloomburg story was totally inaccurate and the prisoners were in russian captivity and russian air space. she beat even t "the wall street journal" and one of their employees was freed in the hostage transfer and most
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outlets did the right thing and waited till the plane physically landed to report on it. everyone wants to break a story, i can understand that and you've got exclusive violated journalistic efforts and national security implications and so many countries involved and absolutely they were really complicated with the emotions. >> jeb fertilizer jacobs -- general terrific jacobs is one of the best reporters i've worked with and this is a bad deal and she'll bounce back. this could happen to anybody. howie: she was kind of scapegoated by it. >> i feel like she was. howie: not defending going too early with the story because everybody could have done that and did endanger lives. >> this can happen accidently. it was her editor's responsibility to know what the embargo was and it was.
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nbc announcer botched a photo finish race between american noah liles and thompson of jamaica saying this is close and thompson son is a gold medalist on debut and it was the wrong call. liles won and he started calling liles the winner without telling viewers he made a world class blunder. that's it for this edition of media buzz and you know the drill by mow and any place you get your podcast and look at five hottest stories and a lot of other things as well and we're back here next sunday and hope to see you at 11:00 eastern and the only media analysis show on national television.
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